Browse Source


thead_admin 1 year ago
71 changed files with 1934 additions and 356 deletions
  1. 1 1
  2. 488 0
  3. 13 1
  4. 4 0
  5. 56 10
  6. 1 1
  7. 274 0
  8. 2 2
  9. 1 1
  10. 106 0
  11. 106 0
  12. 83 23
  13. 41 38
  14. 8 8
  15. 0 0
  16. 0 0
  17. 0 0
  18. 0 0
  19. 0 0
  20. 0 0
  21. 0 0
  22. 0 0
  23. 0 0
  24. 0 0
  25. 0 0
  26. 0 0
  27. 0 0
  28. 0 0
  29. 0 0
  30. 0 0
  31. 0 0
  32. 0 0
  33. 0 0
  34. 0 0
  35. 0 0
  36. 0 0
  37. 0 0
  38. 0 0
  39. 0 0
  40. 0 0
  41. 0 0
  42. 0 0
  43. 0 0
  44. 221 0
  45. 0 0
  46. 0 0
  47. 90 69
  48. 11 9
  49. 0 0
  50. 0 0
  51. 0 0
  52. 0 0
  53. 0 0
  54. 12 12
  55. 15 1
  56. 0 0
  57. 205 0
  58. 0 0
  59. 0 0
  60. 0 0
  61. 34 38
  62. 9 10
  63. 49 50
  64. 0 0
  65. 22 8
  66. 56 45
  67. 19 22
  68. 7 7
  69. 0 0
  70. 0 0
  71. BIN

+ 1 - 1

@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ dtb-$(CONFIG_TARGET_SIFIVE_FU540) += hifive-unleashed-a00.dtb
 dtb-$(CONFIG_TARGET_ICE_C910) += ice-c910.dtb
 dtb-$(CONFIG_TARGET_ICE_C910) += ice-c910.dtb
 dtb-$(CONFIG_TARGET_LIGHT_EVB_MPW_C910) += light-evb-mpw-c910.dtb
 dtb-$(CONFIG_TARGET_LIGHT_EVB_MPW_C910) += light-evb-mpw-c910.dtb
 dtb-$(CONFIG_TARGET_LIGHT_FPGA_FM_C910) += light-fpga-fm-c910.dtb
 dtb-$(CONFIG_TARGET_LIGHT_FPGA_FM_C910) += light-fpga-fm-c910.dtb
-dtb-$(CONFIG_TARGET_LIGHT_C910) += light-a-ref.dtb light-b-ref.dtb light-a-val.dtb light-b-product.dtb light-a-product.dtb light-ant-ref.dtb light-beagle.dtb light-b-power.dtb
+dtb-$(CONFIG_TARGET_LIGHT_C910) += light-a-ref.dtb light-b-ref.dtb light-a-val.dtb light-b-product.dtb light-a-product.dtb light-ant-ref.dtb light-beagle.dtb light-b-power.dtb light-lpi4a.dtb
 targets += $(dtb-y)
 targets += $(dtb-y)

+ 488 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
+/ {
+	model = "T-HEAD c910 light";
+	compatible = "thead,c910_light";
+	#address-cells = <2>;
+	#size-cells = <2>;
+	memory@0 {
+		device_type = "memory";
+		reg = <0x0 0xc0000000 0x0 0x40000000>;
+	};
+	aliases {
+		spi0 = &spi0;
+		spi1 = &qspi0;
+		spi2 = &qspi1;
+	};
+	cpus {
+		#address-cells = <1>;
+		#size-cells = <0>;
+		timebase-frequency = <3000000>;
+		u-boot,dm-pre-reloc;
+		cpu@0 {
+			device_type = "cpu";
+			reg = <0>;
+			status = "okay";
+			compatible = "riscv";
+			riscv,isa = "rv64imafdcvsu";
+			mmu-type = "riscv,sv39";
+			u-boot,dm-pre-reloc;
+		};
+	};
+	soc {
+		#address-cells = <2>;
+		#size-cells = <2>;
+		compatible = "simple-bus";
+		ranges;
+		u-boot,dm-pre-reloc;
+		intc: interrupt-controller@ffd8000000 {
+			compatible = "riscv,plic0";
+			reg = <0xff 0xd8000000 0x0 0x04000000>;
+			status = "disabled";
+		};
+		dummy_apb: apb-clock {
+			compatible = "fixed-clock";
+			clock-frequency = <62500000>;
+			clock-output-names = "dummy_apb";
+			#clock-cells = <0>;
+			u-boot,dm-pre-reloc;
+		};
+		dummy_ahb: ahb-clock {
+			compatible = "fixed-clock";
+			clock-frequency = <250000000>;
+			clock-output-names = "core";
+			#clock-cells = <0>;
+			u-boot,dm-pre-reloc;
+		};
+		dummy_spi: spi-clock {
+			compatible = "fixed-clock";
+			clock-frequency = <396000000>;
+			clock-output-names = "dummy_spi";
+			#clock-cells = <0>;
+			u-boot,dm-pre-reloc;
+		};
+		dummy_qspi0: qspi0-clock {
+			compatible = "fixed-clock";
+			clock-frequency = <792000000>;
+			clock-output-names = "dummy_qspi0";
+			#clock-cells = <0>;
+			u-boot,dm-pre-reloc;
+		};
+		dummy_uart_sclk: uart-sclk-clock {
+			compatible = "fixed-clock";
+			clock-frequency = <100000000>;
+			clock-output-names = "dummy_uart_sclk";
+			#clock-cells = <0>;
+			u-boot,dm-pre-reloc;
+		};
+		dummy_i2c_icclk: i2c-icclk-clock {
+			compatible = "fixed-clock";
+			clock-frequency = <50000000>;
+			clock-output-names = "dummy_i2c_icclk";
+			#clock-cells = <0>;
+			u-boot,dm-pre-reloc;
+		};
+		dummy_dpu_pixclk: dpu-pix-clock {
+			compatible = "fixed-clock";
+			clock-frequency = <74250000>;
+			clock-output-names = "dummy_dpu_pixclk";
+			#clock-cells = <0>;
+			u-boot,dm-pre-reloc;
+		};
+		dummy_dphy_refclk: dphy-ref-clock {
+			compatible = "fixed-clock";
+			clock-frequency = <24000000>;
+			clock-output-names = "dummy_dpu_refclk";
+			#clock-cells = <0>;
+			u-boot,dm-pre-reloc;
+		};
+		i2c0: i2c@ffe7f20000 {
+			compatible = "snps,designware-i2c";
+			reg = <0xff 0xe7f20000 0x0 0x4000>;
+			clocks = <&dummy_i2c_icclk>;
+			clock-frequency = <100000>;
+			#address-cells = <1>;
+			#size-cells = <0>;
+		};
+		i2c1: i2c@ffe7f24000{
+			compatible = "snps,designware-i2c";
+			reg = <0xff 0xe7f24000 0x0 0x4000>;
+			clocks = <&dummy_i2c_icclk>;
+			clock-frequency = <100000>;
+			#address-cells = <1>;
+			#size-cells = <0>;
+		};
+		i2c2: i2c@ffec00c000{
+			compatible = "snps,designware-i2c";
+			reg = <0xff 0xec00c000 0x0 0x4000>;
+			clocks = <&dummy_i2c_icclk>;
+			clock-frequency = <100000>;
+			#address-cells = <1>;
+			#size-cells = <0>;
+		};
+		i2c3: i2c@ffec014000{
+			compatible = "snps,designware-i2c";
+			reg = <0xff 0xec014000 0x0 0x4000>;
+			clocks = <&dummy_i2c_icclk>;
+			clock-frequency = <100000>;
+			#address-cells = <1>;
+			#size-cells = <0>;
+		};
+		i2c4: i2c@ffe7f28000{
+			compatible = "snps,designware-i2c";
+			reg = <0xff 0xe7f28000 0x0 0x4000>;
+			clocks = <&dummy_i2c_icclk>;
+			clock-frequency = <100000>;
+			#address-cells = <1>;
+			#size-cells = <0>;
+			pcal6408ahk_a: gpio@20 {
+				compatible = "nxp,pca9554";
+				reg = <0x20>;
+				gpio-controller;
+				#gpio-cells = <2>;
+			};
+		};
+		i2c5: i2c@fff7f2c000{
+			compatible = "snps,designware-i2c";
+			reg = <0xff 0xf7f2c000 0x0 0x4000>;
+			clocks = <&dummy_i2c_icclk>;
+			clock-frequency = <100000>;
+			#address-cells = <1>;
+			#size-cells = <0>;
+		};
+		serial@ffe7014000 {
+			compatible = "snps,dw-apb-uart";
+			reg = <0xff 0xe7014000 0x0 0x400>;
+			clocks = <&dummy_uart_sclk>;
+			clock-frequency = <100000000>;
+			clock-names = "baudclk";
+			reg-shift = <2>;
+			reg-io-width = <4>;
+			u-boot,dm-pre-reloc;
+		};
+		gmac0: ethernet@ffe7070000 {
+			compatible = "snps,dwmac";
+			reg = <0xff 0xe7070000 0x0 0x2000>;
+			clocks = <&dummy_apb>;
+			clock-names = "stmmaceth";
+			snps,pbl = <32>;
+			snps,fixed-burst;
+			phy-mode = "rgmii-id";
+			phy-handle = <&phy_88E1111_a>;
+			status = "okay";
+			mdio0 {
+				#address-cells = <1>;
+				#size-cells = <0>;
+				compatible = "snps,dwmac-mdio";
+				phy_88E1111_a: ethernet-phy@1 {
+					reg = <0x1>;
+				};
+				phy_88E1111_b: ethernet-phy@2 {
+					reg = <0x2>;
+				};
+			};
+		};
+		gmac1: ethernet@ffe7060000 {
+			compatible = "snps,dwmac";
+			reg = <0xff 0xe7060000 0x0 0x2000>;
+			clocks = <&dummy_apb>;
+			clock-names = "stmmaceth";
+			snps,pbl = <32>;
+			snps,fixed-burst;
+			phy-mode = "rgmii-id";
+			phy-handle = <&phy_88E1111_b>;
+			status = "okay";
+		};
+		emmc: sdhci@ffe7080000 {
+			compatible = "snps,dwcmshc-sdhci";
+			reg = <0xff 0xe7080000 0x0 0x10000>;
+			index = <0x0>;
+			clocks = <&dummy_ahb>;
+			clock-frequency = <198000000>;
+			clock-names = "core";
+			max-frequency = <198000000>;
+			sdhci-caps-mask = <0x0 0x1000000>;
+			mmc-hs400-1_8v;
+			non-removable;
+			no-sdio;
+			no-sd;
+			bus-width = <8>;
+			voltage= "1.8v";
+			pull_up;
+			io_fixed_1v8;
+			fifo-mode;
+			u-boot,dm-pre-reloc;
+		};
+		sdhci0: sd@ffe7090000 {
+			compatible = "snps,dwcmshc-sdhci";
+			reg = <0xff 0xe7090000 0x0 0x10000>;
+			index = <0x1>;
+			clocks = <&dummy_ahb>;
+			clock-frequency = <198000000>;
+			max-frequency = <198000000>;
+			sd-uhs-sdr104;
+			pull_up;
+			clock-names = "core";
+			bus-width = <4>;
+			voltage= "3.3v";
+		};
+		qspi0: spi@ffea000000 {
+			compatible = "snps,dw-apb-ssi-quad";
+			reg = <0xff 0xea000000 0x0 0x1000>;
+			clocks = <&dummy_qspi0>;
+			num-cs = <1>;
+			cs-gpio = <&gpio2_porta 3 0>; // GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH: 0
+			spi-max-frequency = <100000000>;
+			#address-cells = <1>;
+			#size-cells =<0>;
+			spi-flash@0 {
+				#address-cells = <1>;
+				#size-cells = <1>;
+				compatible = "spi-nand";
+				spi-tx-bus-width = <4>;
+				spi-rx-bus-width = <4>;
+				reg = <0>;
+			};
+		};
+		qspi1: spi@fff8000000 {
+			compatible = "snps,dw-apb-ssi-quad";
+			reg = <0xff 0xf8000000 0x0 0x1000>;
+			clocks = <&dummy_spi>;
+			num-cs = <1>;
+			cs-gpio = <&gpio0_porta 1 0>; // GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH: 0
+			spi-max-frequency = <66000000>;
+			#address-cells = <1>;
+			#size-cells =<0>;
+			spi-flash@0 {
+				#address-cells = <1>;
+				#size-cells = <1>;
+				compatible = "spi-nand";
+				spi-tx-bus-width = <4>;
+				spi-rx-bus-width = <4>;
+				reg = <0>;
+			};
+		};
+		spi0: spi@ffe700c000 {
+			compatible = "snps,dw-apb-ssi";
+			reg = <0xff 0xe700c000 0x0 0x1000>;
+			clocks = <&dummy_spi>;
+			cs-gpio = <&gpio2_porta 15 0>;
+			spi-max-frequency = <100000000>;
+			#address-cells = <1>;
+			#size-cells = <0>;
+			flash@0 {
+				compatible = "jedec,spi-nor";
+				reg = <0>;
+				spi-max-frequency = <40000000>;
+			};
+		};
+		gpio2: gpio@ffe7f34000 {
+			compatible = "snps,dw-apb-gpio";
+			reg = <0xff 0xe7f34000 0x0 0x1000>;
+			clocks = <&dummy_apb>;
+			#address-cells = <1>;
+			#size-cells = <0>;
+			gpio2_porta: gpio-controller@0 {
+				compatible = "snps,dw-apb-gpio-port";
+				gpio-controller;
+				#gpio-cells = <2>;
+				snps,nr-gpios = <32>;
+				reg = <0>;
+			};
+		};
+		gpio0: gpio@ffec005000 {
+			compatible = "snps,dw-apb-gpio";
+			reg = <0xff 0xec005000 0x0 0x1000>;
+			clocks = <&dummy_apb>;
+			#address-cells = <1>;
+			#size-cells = <0>;
+			gpio0_porta: gpio-controller@0 {
+				compatible = "snps,dw-apb-gpio-port";
+				gpio-controller;
+				#gpio-cells = <2>;
+				snps,nr-gpios = <32>;
+				reg = <0>;
+			};
+		};
+		gpio1: gpio@ffec006000 {
+			compatible = "snps,dw-apb-gpio";
+			reg = <0xff 0xec006000 0x0 0x1000>;
+			clocks = <&dummy_apb>;
+			#address-cells = <1>;
+			#size-cells = <0>;
+			gpio1_porta: gpio-controller@0 {
+				compatible = "snps,dw-apb-gpio-port";
+				gpio-controller;
+				#gpio-cells = <2>;
+				snps,nr-gpios = <32>;
+				reg = <0>;
+			};
+		};
+		pwm: pwm@ffec01c000 {
+			compatible = "thead,pwm-light";
+			reg = <0xff 0xec01c000 0x0 0x4000>;
+			#pwm-cells = <2>;
+		};
+		dsi_regs: dsi-controller@ffef500000 {
+			compatible = "thead,light-dsi-regs", "syscon";
+			reg = <0xff 0xef500000 0x0 0x10000>;
+			status = "okay";
+		};
+		vosys_regs: vosys@ffef528000 {
+			compatible = "thead,light-vo-subsys", "syscon";
+			reg = <0xff 0xef528000 0x0 0x1000>;
+			status = "okay";
+		};
+		dpu: dc8200@ffef600000 {
+			compatible = "verisilicon,dc8200";
+			reg = <0xff 0xef600000 0x0 0x100>;
+		};
+		axiscr {
+			compatible = "thead,axiscr";
+			reg = <0xff 0xff004000 0x0 0x1000>;
+			lock-read = "okay";
+			lock-write = "okay";
+			#address-cells = <2>;
+			#size-cells = <2>;
+			u-boot,dm-pre-reloc;
+			axiscr0: axisrc@0 {
+				device_type = "axiscr";
+				region = <0x00 0x00000000 0x00 0x80000000>; // 4KB align
+				status = "disabled";
+				#address-cells = <2>;
+				#size-cells = <2>;
+				u-boot,dm-pre-reloc;
+			};
+			axiscr1: axisrc@1 {
+				device_type = "axiscr";
+				region = <0x00 0x80000000 0x00 0x80000000>; // 4KB align
+				status = "disabled";
+				#address-cells = <2>;
+				#size-cells = <2>;
+				u-boot,dm-pre-reloc;
+			};
+			axiscr2: axisrc@2 {
+				device_type = "axiscr";
+				region = <0x01 0x00000000 0x00 0x80000000>; // 4KB align
+				status = "disabled";
+				#address-cells = <2>;
+				#size-cells = <2>;
+				u-boot,dm-pre-reloc;
+			};
+		};
+		axiparity {
+			compatible = "thead,axiparity";
+			reg = <0xff 0xff00c000 0x0 0x1000>;
+			lock = "okay";
+			#address-cells = <2>;
+			#size-cells = <2>;
+			u-boot,dm-pre-reloc;
+			axiparity0: axiparity@0 {
+				device_type = "axiparity";
+				region = <0x00 0x00000000 0x01 0x0000000>; // 4KB align
+				status = "disabled";
+				#address-cells = <2>;
+				#size-cells = <2>;
+				u-boot,dm-pre-reloc;
+			};
+			axiparity1: axiparity@1 {
+				device_type = "axiparity";
+				region = <0x01 0x00000000 0x01 0x00000000>; // 4KB align
+				status = "disabled";
+				#address-cells = <2>;
+				#size-cells = <2>;
+				u-boot,dm-pre-reloc;
+			};
+		};
+		dsi_bridge: dsi-bridge {
+			compatible = "thead,light-dsi-bridge";
+			clocks = <&dummy_dpu_pixclk>;
+			clock-names = "pix-clk";
+			phys = <&dsi_dphy>;
+			phy-names = "dphy";
+		};
+		dsi_host: dsi-host {
+			compatible = "synopsys,dw-mipi-dsi";
+			regmap = <&dsi_regs>;
+			status = "okay";
+		};
+		dsi_dphy: dsi-dphy {
+			compatible = "synopsys,dw-dphy";
+			regmap = <&dsi_regs>;
+			vosys-regmap = <&vosys_regs>;
+			clocks = <&dummy_dpu_pixclk>, <&dummy_dphy_refclk>;
+			clock-names = "pix-clk", "ref-clk";
+			#phy-cells = <0>;
+			status = "okay";
+		};
+		lcd_backlight: pwm-backlight {
+			compatible = "pwm-backlight";
+			pwms = <&pwm 0 5000000>;
+			brightness-levels = <0 4 8 16 32 64 128 255>;
+			default-brightness-level = <7>;
+		};
+		ili9881c_panel {
+			compatible      = "ilitek,ili9881c";
+			backlight       = <&lcd_backlight>;
+			reset-gpios     = <&gpio1_porta 5 1>;   /* active low  */
+			lcd-en-gpios    = <&pcal6408ahk_a 2 0>; /* active high */
+			lcd-bias-en-gpios = <&pcal6408ahk_a 4 0>;/* active high */
+		};
+	};
+	chosen {
+		bootargs = "console=ttyS0,115200";
+		stdout-path = "/soc/serial@ffe7014000:115200";
+	};

+ 13 - 1

@@ -5,9 +5,21 @@
 #include <common.h>
 #include <common.h>
 #include <command.h>
 #include <command.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#define AONSYS_RSTGEN_BASE			((void __iomem *)0xFFFFF44000UL)
+#define REG_RST_REQ_EN_0			(AONSYS_RSTGEN_BASE + 0x140)
+#define WDT0_SYS_RST_REQ			(1 << 8)
 static __attribute__((naked))void sys_wdt_reset(void)
 static __attribute__((naked))void sys_wdt_reset(void)
+    uint32_t data;
+	/* wdt0 reset enable */
+    data = readl(REG_RST_REQ_EN_0);
+	data |= WDT0_SYS_RST_REQ;
+	writel(data, REG_RST_REQ_EN_0);
     asm volatile (
     asm volatile (
     "1: \n\r"
     "1: \n\r"
         "li      a0, 0xFFEFC30000 \n\r"
         "li      a0, 0xFFEFC30000 \n\r"
@@ -21,7 +33,7 @@ static __attribute__((naked))void sys_wdt_reset(void)
 int do_reset(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char * const argv[])
 int do_reset(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char * const argv[])
-	printf("resetting ...\n");
+    printf("resetting ...\n");

+ 4 - 0

@@ -84,6 +84,10 @@ config TARGET_LIGHT_FM_C910_BEAGLE
     bool "light fullmask for beagle board "
     bool "light fullmask for beagle board "
     default n
     default n
+    bool "light fullmask for Lichee Pi 4A board "
+    default n
     bool "light fullmask for light-b-power board "
     bool "light fullmask for light-b-power board "
     default n
     default n

+ 56 - 10

@@ -153,13 +153,16 @@ int csi_tf_get_image_version(unsigned int *ver)
 	char runcmd[64] = {0};
 	char runcmd[64] = {0};
 	unsigned char blkdata[256];
 	unsigned char blkdata[256];
+	int ret = 0;
 	/* tf version reside in RPMB block#0, offset#16*/
 	/* tf version reside in RPMB block#0, offset#16*/
 	sprintf(runcmd, "mmc rpmb read 0x%lx 0 1", (unsigned long)blkdata);
 	sprintf(runcmd, "mmc rpmb read 0x%lx 0 1", (unsigned long)blkdata);
-	run_command(runcmd, 0);
-	*ver = (blkdata[16] << 8) + blkdata[17];
-	return 0;
+	ret = run_command(runcmd, 0);
+	if (ret == 0) {
+		*ver = (blkdata[16] << 8) + blkdata[17];
+	}
+	return ret;
 int csi_tf_set_image_version(unsigned int ver)
 int csi_tf_set_image_version(unsigned int ver)
@@ -203,13 +206,16 @@ int csi_tee_get_image_version(unsigned int *ver)
 	char runcmd[64] = {0};
 	char runcmd[64] = {0};
 	unsigned char blkdata[256];
 	unsigned char blkdata[256];
+	int ret = 0;
 	/* tf version reside in RPMB block#0, offset#0*/
 	/* tf version reside in RPMB block#0, offset#0*/
 	sprintf(runcmd, "mmc rpmb read 0x%lx 0 1", (unsigned long)blkdata);
 	sprintf(runcmd, "mmc rpmb read 0x%lx 0 1", (unsigned long)blkdata);
-	run_command(runcmd, 0);
-	*ver = (blkdata[0] << 8) + blkdata[1];
+	ret = run_command(runcmd, 0);
+	if (ret == 0) {
+		*ver = (blkdata[0] << 8) + blkdata[1];
+	}
-	return 0;
+	return ret;
 int csi_kernel_get_image_version(unsigned int *ver)
 int csi_kernel_get_image_version(unsigned int *ver)
@@ -691,10 +697,22 @@ void sec_firmware_version_dump(void)
 	unsigned int tf_ver = 0;
 	unsigned int tf_ver = 0;
 	unsigned int tee_ver = 0;
 	unsigned int tee_ver = 0;
 	unsigned int uboot_ver = 0;
 	unsigned int uboot_ver = 0;
+	unsigned int tf_ver_env = 0;
+	unsigned int tee_ver_env = 0;
+	/* Keep sync with version in RPMB, the Following version could be leveraged by OTA client */
+	tee_ver_env = env_get_hex("tee_version", 0);
+	tf_ver_env = env_get_hex("tf_version", 0);
+	if ((tee_ver_env != tee_ver) && (tee_ver != 0)) {
+		env_set_hex("tee_version", tee_ver);
+	}
+	if ((tf_ver_env != tf_ver) && (tf_ver != 0)) {
+		env_set_hex("tf_version", tf_ver);
+	}
 	printf("Secure Firmware image version info: \n");
 	printf("Secure Firmware image version info: \n");
@@ -708,6 +726,8 @@ void sec_upgrade_thread(void)
 	const unsigned long temp_addr=0x200000;
 	const unsigned long temp_addr=0x200000;
 	char runcmd[80];
 	char runcmd[80];
+    uint8_t * image_buffer = NULL;
+    uint8_t * image_malloc_buffer = NULL;
 	int ret = 0;
 	int ret = 0;
 	unsigned int sec_upgrade_flag = 0;
 	unsigned int sec_upgrade_flag = 0;
 	unsigned int upgrade_file_size = 0;
 	unsigned int upgrade_file_size = 0;
@@ -732,6 +752,15 @@ void sec_upgrade_thread(void)
 		upgrade_file_size = env_get_hex("filesize", 0);
 		upgrade_file_size = env_get_hex("filesize", 0);
 		printf("upgrade file size: %d\n", upgrade_file_size);
 		printf("upgrade file size: %d\n", upgrade_file_size);
+        /*store image to temp buffer as temp_addr may be decrypted*/
+        image_malloc_buffer = malloc(upgrade_file_size);
+        if ( image_malloc_buffer == NULL ) {
+			image_buffer = (uint8_t*)temp_addr + upgrade_file_size;
+		} else {
+            image_buffer = image_malloc_buffer;
+        }
+        memcpy(image_buffer, temp_addr, upgrade_file_size);
 		/* STEP 2: verify its authentiticy here */
 		/* STEP 2: verify its authentiticy here */
 		sprintf(runcmd, "vimage 0x%p tf", (void *)temp_addr);
 		sprintf(runcmd, "vimage 0x%p tf", (void *)temp_addr);
 		printf("runcmd:%s\n", runcmd);
 		printf("runcmd:%s\n", runcmd);
@@ -743,7 +772,7 @@ void sec_upgrade_thread(void)
 		/* STEP 3: update tf partition */
 		/* STEP 3: update tf partition */
 		printf("read upgrade image (trust_firmware.bin) into tf partition \n");
 		printf("read upgrade image (trust_firmware.bin) into tf partition \n");
-		sprintf(runcmd, "ext4write mmc 0:3 0x%p /trust_firmware.bin 0x%x", (void *)temp_addr, upgrade_file_size);
+		sprintf(runcmd, "ext4write mmc 0:3 0x%p /trust_firmware.bin 0x%x", (void *)image_buffer, upgrade_file_size);
 		printf("runcmd:%s\n", runcmd);
 		printf("runcmd:%s\n", runcmd);
 		ret = run_command(runcmd, 0);
 		ret = run_command(runcmd, 0);
 		if (ret != 0) {
 		if (ret != 0) {
@@ -765,6 +794,10 @@ _upgrade_tf_exit:
 		run_command("saveenv", 0);
 		run_command("saveenv", 0);
 		run_command("reset", 0);
 		run_command("reset", 0);
+        if ( image_malloc_buffer != NULL ) {
+            free(image_malloc_buffer);
+            image_malloc_buffer = NULL;
+        }
 	} else if (sec_upgrade_flag == TEE_SEC_UPGRADE_FLAG) {
 	} else if (sec_upgrade_flag == TEE_SEC_UPGRADE_FLAG) {
  		/* STEP 1: read upgrade image (tee.bin) from stash partition */
  		/* STEP 1: read upgrade image (tee.bin) from stash partition */
@@ -779,6 +812,15 @@ _upgrade_tf_exit:
 		/* Fetch the total file size after read out operation end */
 		/* Fetch the total file size after read out operation end */
 		upgrade_file_size = env_get_hex("filesize", 0);
 		upgrade_file_size = env_get_hex("filesize", 0);
 		printf("TEE upgrade file size: %d\n", upgrade_file_size);
 		printf("TEE upgrade file size: %d\n", upgrade_file_size);
+        /*store image to temp buffer as temp_addr may be decrypted*/
+        image_malloc_buffer = malloc(upgrade_file_size);
+        if ( image_malloc_buffer == NULL ) {
+			image_buffer = (uint8_t*)temp_addr + upgrade_file_size;
+		} else {
+            image_buffer = image_malloc_buffer;
+        }
+        memcpy(image_buffer, temp_addr, upgrade_file_size);
 		/* STEP 2: verify its authentiticy here */
 		/* STEP 2: verify its authentiticy here */
 		sprintf(runcmd, "vimage 0x%p tee", (void *)temp_addr);
 		sprintf(runcmd, "vimage 0x%p tee", (void *)temp_addr);
@@ -791,7 +833,7 @@ _upgrade_tf_exit:
 		/* STEP 3: update tee partition */
 		/* STEP 3: update tee partition */
 		printf("read upgrade image (tee.bin) into tf partition \n");
 		printf("read upgrade image (tee.bin) into tf partition \n");
-		sprintf(runcmd, "ext4write mmc 0:4 0x%p /tee.bin 0x%x", (void *)temp_addr, upgrade_file_size);
+		sprintf(runcmd, "ext4write mmc 0:4 0x%p /tee.bin 0x%x", (void *)image_buffer, upgrade_file_size);
 		printf("runcmd:%s\n", runcmd);
 		printf("runcmd:%s\n", runcmd);
 		ret = run_command(runcmd, 0);
 		ret = run_command(runcmd, 0);
 		if (ret != 0) {
 		if (ret != 0) {
@@ -812,7 +854,11 @@ _upgrade_tee_exit:
 		run_command("env set sec_upgrade_mode 0", 0);
 		run_command("env set sec_upgrade_mode 0", 0);
 		run_command("saveenv", 0);
 		run_command("saveenv", 0);
 		run_command("reset", 0);
 		run_command("reset", 0);
+        if ( image_malloc_buffer != NULL ) {
+            free(image_malloc_buffer);
+            image_malloc_buffer = NULL;
+        }
 	} else if (sec_upgrade_flag == UBOOT_SEC_UPGRADE_FLAG) { 
 	} else if (sec_upgrade_flag == UBOOT_SEC_UPGRADE_FLAG) { 
 		unsigned int block_cnt;
 		unsigned int block_cnt;
 		struct blk_desc *dev_desc;
 		struct blk_desc *dev_desc;

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1302,7 +1302,7 @@ int clk_config(void)
 	/* The boards other than the LightA board perform the bus down-speed operation */
 	/* The boards other than the LightA board perform the bus down-speed operation */
 	ap_multimedia_div_num_set(VI_MIPI_CSI0_DIV, 12); /* Input frquency: 2376MHZ */
 	ap_multimedia_div_num_set(VI_MIPI_CSI0_DIV, 12); /* Input frquency: 2376MHZ */
 	ap_multimedia_div_num_set(VI_ISP0_CORE_DIV, 15); /* Input frquency: 2376MHZ */
 	ap_multimedia_div_num_set(VI_ISP0_CORE_DIV, 15); /* Input frquency: 2376MHZ */
 	ap_multimedia_div_num_set(VI_ISP1_CORE_DIV, 12); /* Input frquency: 2376MHZ */
 	ap_multimedia_div_num_set(VI_ISP1_CORE_DIV, 12); /* Input frquency: 2376MHZ */

+ 274 - 0

@@ -1406,6 +1406,280 @@ static void light_iopin_init(void)
 	light_pin_cfg(GMAC0_RXD2, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 0xF);
 	light_pin_cfg(GMAC0_RXD2, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 0xF);
 	light_pin_cfg(GMAC0_RXD3, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 0xF);
 	light_pin_cfg(GMAC0_RXD3, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 0xF);
+#elif defined (CONFIG_TARGET_LIGHT_FM_C910_LPI4A)
+static void light_iopin_init(void)
+	/* aon-padmux config */
+	light_pin_cfg(I2C_AON_SCL, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 8);
+	light_pin_cfg(I2C_AON_SDA, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 8);
+	light_pin_mux(CPU_JTG_TCLK, 3);
+	light_pin_cfg(CPU_JTG_TCLK, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	light_pin_mux(CPU_JTG_TMS, 3);
+	light_pin_cfg(CPU_JTG_TMS, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	light_pin_mux(CPU_JTG_TDI, 3);
+	light_pin_cfg(CPU_JTG_TDI, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	light_pin_mux(AOGPIO_7, 1);
+	light_pin_mux(AOGPIO_8, 1);
+	// light_pin_mux(AOGPIO_9, 0);
+	light_pin_mux(AOGPIO_10, 1);
+	light_pin_mux(AOGPIO_11, 1);
+	light_pin_mux(AOGPIO_12, 1);
+	light_pin_mux(AOGPIO_13, 1);
+	light_pin_mux(AOGPIO_14, 0);
+	// light_pin_mux(AOGPIO_15,0);
+	light_pin_cfg(AOGPIO_7, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);     ///NC
+	light_pin_cfg(AOGPIO_8, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);     ///NC
+	// light_pin_cfg(AOGPIO_9,PIN_SPEED_NORMAL,PIN_PN,2);
+	light_pin_cfg(AOGPIO_10, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	light_pin_cfg(AOGPIO_11, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	light_pin_cfg(AOGPIO_12, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	light_pin_cfg(AOGPIO_13, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	light_pin_cfg(AOGPIO_14, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	// light_pin_cfg(AOGPIO_15,PIN_SPEED_NORMAL,PIN_PN,2);
+	light_pin_mux(AUDIO_PA0, 0);
+	light_pin_cfg(AUDIO_PA0, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	light_pin_mux(AUDIO_PA1, 0);
+	light_pin_cfg(AUDIO_PA1, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	light_pin_mux(AUDIO_PA3, 0);
+	light_pin_cfg(AUDIO_PA3, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	light_pin_mux(AUDIO_PA4, 0);
+	light_pin_cfg(AUDIO_PA4, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	light_pin_mux(AUDIO_PA5, 0);
+	light_pin_cfg(AUDIO_PA5, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	light_pin_mux(AUDIO_PA6, 0);
+	light_pin_cfg(AUDIO_PA6, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	light_pin_mux(AUDIO_PA7, 0);
+	light_pin_cfg(AUDIO_PA7, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	light_pin_mux(AUDIO_PA14, 0);
+	light_pin_cfg(AUDIO_PA14, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	light_pin_mux(AUDIO_PA15, 0);
+	light_pin_cfg(AUDIO_PA15, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	light_pin_mux(AUDIO_PA16, 0);
+	light_pin_cfg(AUDIO_PA16, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	light_pin_mux(AUDIO_PA17, 0);
+	light_pin_cfg(AUDIO_PA17, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	light_pin_mux(AUDIO_PA29, 0);
+	light_pin_cfg(AUDIO_PA29, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	light_pin_mux(AUDIO_PA30, 0);
+	light_pin_cfg(AUDIO_PA30, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	// light_pin_mux(AUDIO_PA9,3);                         ///AUDIO-PA-RESET
+	// light_pin_cfg(AUDIO_PA9,PIN_SPEED_NORMAL,PIN_PN,2);
+	// light_pin_mux(AUDIO_PA10,3);                        /// AUD-3V3-EN
+	// light_pin_cfg(AUDIO_PA10,PIN_SPEED_NORMAL,PIN_PU,2);
+	// light_pin_mux(AUDIO_PA12,3);                        /// AUD-1V8-EN
+	// light_pin_cfg(AUDIO_PA12,PIN_SPEED_NORMAL,PIN_PU,2);
+	// light_pin_mux(AUDIO_PA13,0);
+	/*ap-padmux on left/top */
+	light_pin_mux(QSPI1_SCLK, 4);
+	light_pin_cfg(QSPI1_SCLK, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL,PIN_PN, 8);  ///se-spi
+	light_pin_mux(QSPI1_CSN0, 4);
+	light_pin_cfg(QSPI1_CSN0, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 8);  ///se-spi
+	light_pin_mux(QSPI1_D0_MOSI, 4);
+	light_pin_cfg(QSPI1_D0_MOSI, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PU, 8);  ///se-spi
+	light_pin_mux(QSPI1_D1_MISO, 4);
+	light_pin_cfg(QSPI1_D1_MISO, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PU, 8);  ///se-spi
+	light_pin_mux(QSPI1_D2_WP, 4);
+	light_pin_cfg(QSPI1_D2_WP, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 8);    ///NC
+	// light_pin_mux(QSPI1_D3_HOLD, 4);
+	// light_pin_cfg(QSPI1_D3_HOLD, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 8);  ///NC
+	light_pin_cfg(I2C0_SCL, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 4);
+	light_pin_cfg(I2C0_SDA, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 4);
+	light_pin_cfg(I2C1_SCL, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 4);
+	light_pin_cfg(I2C1_SDA, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 4);
+	light_pin_cfg(UART1_TXD, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	light_pin_cfg(UART1_RXD, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	light_pin_cfg(UART4_TXD, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	light_pin_cfg(UART4_RXD, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	light_pin_cfg(UART4_CTSN, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	light_pin_cfg(UART4_RTSN, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	light_pin_mux(UART3_TXD, 1);
+	light_pin_cfg(UART3_TXD, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	light_pin_mux(UART3_RXD, 1);
+	light_pin_cfg(UART3_RXD, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	// light_pin_mux(GPIO0_18,1);
+	// light_pin_mux(GPIO0_19,1);
+	// light_pin_cfg(GPIO0_18,PIN_SPEED_NORMAL,PIN_PN,4);
+	// light_pin_cfg(GPIO0_19,PIN_SPEED_NORMAL,PIN_PN,4);
+	// light_pin_mux(GPIO0_20,0);
+	// light_pin_mux(GPIO0_21,0);
+	// light_pin_mux(GPIO0_22,1);
+	// light_pin_mux(GPIO0_23,1);
+	// light_pin_mux(GPIO0_24,1);
+	// light_pin_mux(GPIO0_25,1);
+	// light_pin_mux(GPIO0_26,1);
+	// light_pin_mux(GPIO0_27,0);
+	// light_pin_mux(GPIO0_28,0);
+	// light_pin_mux(GPIO0_29,0);
+	// light_pin_mux(GPIO0_30,0);
+	// light_pin_cfg(GPIO0_20,PIN_SPEED_NORMAL,PIN_PN,2);
+	// light_pin_cfg(GPIO0_21,PIN_SPEED_NORMAL,PIN_PN,2);
+	light_pin_cfg(GPIO0_24, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	light_pin_cfg(GPIO0_25, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	light_pin_cfg(GPIO0_27, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);                          ///< NC(not used)
+	light_pin_cfg(GPIO0_28, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);                          ///< AVDD25_IR_EN
+	// light_pin_cfg(GPIO0_29,PIN_SPEED_NORMAL,PIN_PN,2);                          ///< DVDD12_IR_EN
+	light_pin_cfg(GPIO0_30, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PU, 2);                          ///< gmac,uart,led
+	light_pin_cfg(GPIO0_31, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	light_pin_mux(GPIO1_0, 0);
+	// light_pin_mux(GPIO1_1,1);
+	// light_pin_mux(GPIO1_2,1);
+	light_pin_mux(GPIO1_3, 0);
+	light_pin_mux(GPIO1_4, 0);
+	light_pin_mux(GPIO1_5, 0);
+	light_pin_mux(GPIO1_6, 0);
+	light_pin_mux(GPIO1_9, 0);
+	light_pin_mux(GPIO1_10, 0);
+	// light_pin_mux(GPIO1_11,0);
+	// light_pin_mux(GPIO1_12,0);
+	light_pin_mux(GPIO1_13, 0);
+	light_pin_mux(GPIO1_14, 0);
+	// light_pin_mux(GPIO1_15,0);
+	// light_pin_mux(GPIO1_16,0);
+	light_pin_cfg(GPIO1_0, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	// light_pin_cfg(GPIO1_1,PIN_SPEED_NORMAL,PIN_PN,2);
+	// light_pin_cfg(GPIO1_2,PIN_SPEED_NORMAL,PIN_PN,2);
+	light_pin_cfg(GPIO1_3, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	light_pin_cfg(GPIO1_4, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	light_pin_cfg(GPIO1_5, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	light_pin_cfg(GPIO1_6, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	light_pin_cfg(GPIO1_9, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);                          ///<VDD18_LCD0_EN
+	light_pin_cfg(GPIO1_10, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);                         ///<LCD0_BIAS_EN
+	// light_pin_cfg(GPIO1_11,PIN_SPEED_NORMAL,PIN_PN,2);
+	// light_pin_cfg(GPIO1_12,PIN_SPEED_NORMAL,PIN_PN,2);                         ///<TOUCH-PANNEL VDD28_TP0_EN
+	light_pin_cfg(GPIO1_13, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);                         ///<DOVDD18_RGB_EN
+	light_pin_cfg(GPIO1_14, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);                         ///<DVDD12_RGB_EN
+	// light_pin_cfg(GPIO1_15,PIN_SPEED_NORMAL,PIN_PN,2);                         ///<AVDD28_RGB_EN
+	// light_pin_cfg(GPIO1_16,PIN_SPEED_NORMAL,PIN_PN,2);
+	light_pin_mux(CLK_OUT_0, 1);
+	light_pin_cfg(CLK_OUT_0, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PU, 2);
+	light_pin_mux(CLK_OUT_1, 1);
+	light_pin_cfg(CLK_OUT_1, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PU, 2);
+	light_pin_mux(CLK_OUT_2, 0);
+	light_pin_cfg(CLK_OUT_2, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PU, 2);
+	light_pin_mux(CLK_OUT_3, 0);
+	light_pin_cfg(CLK_OUT_3, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PU, 2);    
+	// light_pin_mux(GPIO1_21,3);
+	light_pin_mux(GPIO1_22, 3);
+	// light_pin_mux(GPIO1_23,3);
+	light_pin_mux(GPIO1_24, 3);
+	// light_pin_mux(GPIO1_25,3);
+	// light_pin_mux(GPIO1_26,3);
+	// light_pin_mux(GPIO1_27,3);
+	light_pin_mux(GPIO1_28, 0);
+	// light_pin_mux(GPIO1_29,3);
+	light_pin_mux(GPIO1_30, 0);
+	// light_pin_cfg(GPIO1_21,PIN_SPEED_NORMAL,PIN_PN,2);
+	light_pin_cfg(GPIO1_22, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN,2);
+	// light_pin_cfg(GPIO1_23,PIN_SPEED_NORMAL,PIN_PN,2);                         ///<LED_PDN
+	light_pin_cfg(GPIO1_24, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	light_pin_cfg(GPIO1_28, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	light_pin_cfg(GPIO1_30, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);                         ///<DBB2LEDDRIVER_EN
+	light_pin_cfg(UART0_TXD, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	light_pin_cfg(UART0_RXD, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);            
+	/*ap-pdmux on righ/top*/
+	// light_pin_mux(QSPI0_SCLK,3);            ///NC
+	// light_pin_mux(QSPI0_CSN0,3);            ///NC
+	// light_pin_mux(QSPI0_CSN1,3);            ///NC
+	// light_pin_mux(QSPI0_D0_MOSI,3);         ///NC
+	// light_pin_mux(QSPI0_D1_MISO,3);         ///NC
+	// light_pin_mux(QSPI0_D2_WP,3);           ///NC
+	// light_pin_mux(QSPI0_D3_HOLD,3);         ///NC
+	light_pin_cfg(I2C2_SCL, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 4);
+	light_pin_cfg(I2C2_SDA, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 4);
+	light_pin_cfg(I2C3_SCL, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 4);
+	light_pin_cfg(I2C3_SDA, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 4);
+	// light_pin_mux(SPI_CSN,3);                                                /// W_DISABLE_CATE1
+	// light_pin_mux(SPI_MOSI,3);                                               /// NC
+	// light_pin_mux(SPI_MISO,3);                                               /// RERST1_N_CAT1
+	// light_pin_mux(SPI_SCLK,3);
+	light_pin_cfg(SPI_CSN, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	light_pin_cfg(SPI_MOSI, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	light_pin_cfg(SPI_MISO, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	light_pin_cfg(SPI_SCLK, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	light_pin_mux(GPIO2_13, 0);
+	light_pin_mux(GPIO2_18, 1);
+	light_pin_mux(GPIO2_19, 1);
+	light_pin_mux(GPIO2_20, 1);
+	light_pin_mux(GPIO2_21, 1);
+	light_pin_mux(GPIO2_22, 1);
+	light_pin_mux(GPIO2_23, 1);
+	light_pin_mux(GPIO2_24, 1);
+	light_pin_mux(GPIO2_25, 1);
+	light_pin_cfg(GPIO2_13, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	light_pin_cfg(GPIO2_18, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 0xF);
+	light_pin_cfg(GPIO2_19, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 0xF);
+	light_pin_cfg(GPIO2_20, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 0xF);
+	light_pin_cfg(GPIO2_21, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 0xF);                        ///<NC
+	light_pin_cfg(GPIO2_22, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 0xF);                        ///<WIFI_BT_GPIO2
+	light_pin_cfg(GPIO2_23, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 0xF);                        ///<WIFI_BT_GPIO3
+	light_pin_cfg(GPIO2_24, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 0xF);                        ///<WIFI_BT_RST_N
+	light_pin_cfg(GPIO2_25, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PU, 0xF);                        ///KEY1
+	light_pin_mux(SDIO0_DETN, 0);
+	light_pin_cfg(SDIO0_DETN, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 2);
+	// light_pin_mux(SDIO0_WPRTN,3);
+	// light_pin_cfg(SDIO0_WPRTN,PIN_SPEED_NORMAL,PIN_PN,2);                    ///< NC
+	// light_pin_mux(SDIO1_WPRTN,3);
+	// light_pin_cfg(SDIO1_WPRTN,PIN_SPEED_NORMAL,PIN_PU,2);                   ///VBUS_EN
+	// light_pin_mux(SDIO1_DETN,3);
+	// light_pin_cfg(SDIO1_DETN,PIN_SPEED_NORMAL,PIN_PN,2);                    ///WCN_33_EN
+	light_pin_mux(GPIO2_30, 1);
+	light_pin_mux(GPIO2_31, 1);
+	light_pin_mux(GPIO3_0, 1);
+	light_pin_mux(GPIO3_1, 1);
+	light_pin_mux(GPIO3_2, 1);
+	light_pin_mux(GPIO3_3, 1);
+	light_pin_cfg(GPIO2_30, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 0xF);                 ///NC
+	light_pin_cfg(GPIO2_31, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 0xF);                 ///NC
+	light_pin_cfg(GPIO3_0, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 0xF);                  ///NC
+	light_pin_cfg(GPIO3_1, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 0xF);
+	light_pin_cfg(GPIO3_2, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 0xF);
+	light_pin_cfg(GPIO3_3, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 0xF);
+	light_pin_cfg(HDMI_SCL, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 0x2);
+	light_pin_cfg(HDMI_SDA, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 0x2);
+	light_pin_cfg(HDMI_CEC, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 0x2);
+	/* GMAC0 pad drive strength configurate to 0xF */
+	light_pin_cfg(GMAC0_TX_CLK, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 0xF);
+	light_pin_cfg(GMAC0_RX_CLK, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 0xF);
+	light_pin_cfg(GMAC0_TXEN, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 0xF);
+	light_pin_cfg(GMAC0_TXD0, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 0xF);
+	light_pin_cfg(GMAC0_TXD1, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 0xF);
+	light_pin_cfg(GMAC0_TXD2, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 0xF);
+	light_pin_cfg(GMAC0_TXD3, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 0xF);
+	light_pin_cfg(GMAC0_RXDV, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 0xF);
+	light_pin_cfg(GMAC0_RXD0, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 0xF);
+	light_pin_cfg(GMAC0_RXD1, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 0xF);
+	light_pin_cfg(GMAC0_RXD2, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 0xF);
+	light_pin_cfg(GMAC0_RXD3, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 0xF);
+	// light_pin_cfg(GMAC0_MDC, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 0xF);
+	// light_pin_cfg(GMAC0_MDIO, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PN, 0xF);
+	light_pin_mux(GMAC0_COL, 3);
+	light_pin_mux(GMAC0_CRS, 3);
+	light_pin_cfg(GMAC0_COL, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PU, 2);
+	light_pin_cfg(GMAC0_CRS, PIN_SPEED_NORMAL, PIN_PU, 2);
 static void light_iopin_init(void)
 static void light_iopin_init(void)

+ 2 - 2

@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ static const struct regulator_t g_apcpu_regu_id_list[] = {
  * board for ant-ref
  * board for ant-ref
@@ -944,7 +944,7 @@ int pmic_reset_apcpu_voltage(void)
 		return ret;
 		return ret;
 	return 0;
 	return 0;
 int pmic_reset_apcpu_voltage(void)
 int pmic_reset_apcpu_voltage(void)
 	int                ret = -1;
 	int                ret = -1;

+ 1 - 1

@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ void sys_clk_config(void)
 	/* The boards other than the LightA board perform the bus down-speed operation */
 	/* The boards other than the LightA board perform the bus down-speed operation */
 	/* axi_sram_clk: 812.8512MHz -> 688.128MHz */
 	/* axi_sram_clk: 812.8512MHz -> 688.128MHz */
 	tmp = readl((void *)LIGHT_AONCLK_ADDRBASE + 0x104);
 	tmp = readl((void *)LIGHT_AONCLK_ADDRBASE + 0x104);
 	tmp |= 0x2000;
 	tmp |= 0x2000;

+ 106 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# CONFIG_THEAD_PLIC is not set
+# CONFIG_DDR_LP4_3733_DUALRANK is not set
+# CONFIG_MMC_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_EFI_LOADER is not set

+ 106 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# CONFIG_THEAD_PLIC is not set
+# CONFIG_DDR_LP4_3733_DUALRANK is not set
+# CONFIG_MMC_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_EFI_LOADER is not set

+ 83 - 23

@@ -91,6 +91,14 @@
 #define TEE_SEC_UPGRADE_FLAG 0x5a5aa5a5
 #define TEE_SEC_UPGRADE_FLAG 0x5a5aa5a5
 #define UBOOT_SEC_UPGRADE_FLAG	0xa5a5aa55
 #define UBOOT_SEC_UPGRADE_FLAG	0xa5a5aa55
+/* Define secure debug log level */
+#define LOG_LEVEL	1
+#if defined (LOG_LEVEL)
+#define SECLOG_PRINT	printf
 #define UBOOT_MAX_VER		64
 #define UBOOT_MAX_VER		64
 #define CONFIG_SYS_CBSIZE 	512
 #define CONFIG_SYS_CBSIZE 	512
@@ -108,6 +116,8 @@
+	"splashimage=0x30000000\0" \
+	"splashpos=m,m\0" \
 	"fdt_high=0xffffffffffffffff\0" \
 	"fdt_high=0xffffffffffffffff\0" \
 	"tf_addr=0x100000\0" \
 	"tf_addr=0x100000\0" \
 	"dtb_addr=0x01f00000\0" \
 	"dtb_addr=0x01f00000\0" \
@@ -118,24 +128,31 @@
 	"tee_addr=0x1c000000\0" \
 	"tee_addr=0x1c000000\0" \
 	"mmcdev=0\0" \
 	"mmcdev=0\0" \
-	"mmcpart=6\0" \
+	"boot_partition=bootA\0" \
+	"root_partition=rootfsA\0" \
 	"kdump_buf=1M\0" \
 	"kdump_buf=1M\0" \
+	"tee_version=0x00000000\0"\
+	"tf_version=0x00000000\0"\
+	"findpart=rollback; if test ${boot_partition} = bootB; then mmcbootpart=7; else mmcbootpart=2; fi; if test ${root_partition} = rootfsB; then mmcpart=8; else mmcpart=6; fi;\0" \
 	"fdt_file=light-a-val-sec.dtb\0" \
 	"fdt_file=light-a-val-sec.dtb\0" \
-	"uuid_rootfs=80a5a8e9-c744-491a-93c1-4f4194fd690b\0" \
-	"partitions=name=table,size=2031KB;name=boot,size=200MiB,type=boot;name=tf,size=50MiB,type=boot;name=tee,size=50MiB,type=boot;name=stash,size=50MiB,type=boot;name=root,size=4000MiB,type=linux,uuid=${uuid_rootfs};name=data,size=-,type=linux\0" \
+	"uuid_rootfsA=80a5a8e9-c744-491a-93c1-4f4194fd690a\0" \
+	"uuid_rootfsB=80a5a8e9-c744-491a-93c1-4f4194fd690b\0" \
+	"partitions=name=table,size=2031KB;name=boot,size=200MiB,type=boot;name=tf,size=50MiB,type=boot;name=tee,size=50MiB,type=boot;name=stash,size=50MiB,type=boot;name=root,size=4000MiB,type=linux,uuid=${uuid_rootfsA};name=bootB,size=200MiB,type=boot;name=rootB,size=4000MiB,type=linux,uuid=${uuid_rootfsB};name=data,size=-,type=linux\0" \
 	"finduuid=part uuid mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcpart} uuid\0" \
 	"finduuid=part uuid mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcpart} uuid\0" \
 	"gpt_partition=gpt write mmc ${mmcdev} $partitions\0" \
 	"gpt_partition=gpt write mmc ${mmcdev} $partitions\0" \
-	"set_bootargs=setenv bootargs console=ttyS0,115200 root=PARTUUID=${uuid} rootfstype=ext4 rdinit=/sbin/init rootwait rw earlycon clk_ignore_unused loglevel=7 eth=$ethaddr rootrwreset=${factory_reset} crashkernel=${kdump_buf}\0" \
-	"load_aon=ext4load mmc 0:2 $fwaddr light_aon_fpga.bin;cp.b $fwaddr $aon_ram_addr $filesize\0"\
-	"load_c906_audio=ext4load mmc 0:2 $fwaddr light_c906_audio.bin;cp.b $fwaddr $audio_ram_addr $filesize\0"\
-	"bootcmd_load=run load_aon;run load_c906_audio; ext4load mmc 0:3 $tf_addr trust_firmware.bin; ext4load mmc 0:4 $tee_addr tee.bin;ext4load mmc 0:2 $dtb_addr ${fdt_file}; ext4load mmc 0:2 $kernel_addr Image\0" \
+	"set_bootargs=setenv bootargs console=ttyS0,115200 root=PARTUUID=${uuid} rootfstype=ext4 rdinit=/sbin/init rootwait rw earlycon clk_ignore_unused loglevel=7 eth=$ethaddr rootrw=PARTLABEL=data init=/init rootinit=/sbin/init rootrwoptions=rw,noatime rootrwreset=${factory_reset} crashkernel=${kdump_buf}\0" \
+	"load_aon=ext4load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcbootpart} $fwaddr light_aon_fpga.bin;cp.b $fwaddr $aon_ram_addr $filesize\0"\
+	"load_c906_audio=ext4load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcbootpart} $fwaddr light_c906_audio.bin;cp.b $fwaddr $audio_ram_addr $filesize\0"\
+	"bootcmd_load=run findpart;run load_aon;run load_c906_audio; ext4load mmc 0:3 $tf_addr trust_firmware.bin; ext4load mmc 0:4 $tee_addr tee.bin;ext4load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcbootpart} $dtb_addr ${fdt_file}; ext4load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcbootpart} $kernel_addr Image\0" \
 	"bootcmd=run bootcmd_load; bootslave; run finduuid; run set_bootargs; secboot; booti $kernel_addr - $dtb_addr;\0" \
 	"bootcmd=run bootcmd_load; bootslave; run finduuid; run set_bootargs; secboot; booti $kernel_addr - $dtb_addr;\0" \
+	"splashimage=0x30000000\0" \
+	"splashpos=m,m\0" \
 	"fdt_high=0xffffffffffffffff\0" \
 	"fdt_high=0xffffffffffffffff\0" \
 	"tf_addr=0x100000\0" \
 	"tf_addr=0x100000\0" \
 	"dtb_addr=0x01f00000\0" \
 	"dtb_addr=0x01f00000\0" \
@@ -146,24 +163,31 @@
 	"tee_addr=0x1c000000\0" \
 	"tee_addr=0x1c000000\0" \
 	"mmcdev=0\0" \
 	"mmcdev=0\0" \
-	"mmcpart=6\0" \
+	"boot_partition=bootA\0" \
+	"root_partition=rootfsA\0" \
 	"kdump_buf=1M\0" \
 	"kdump_buf=1M\0" \
+	"tee_version=0x00000000\0"\
+	"tf_version=0x00000000\0"\
+	"findpart=rollback; if test ${boot_partition} = bootB; then mmcbootpart=7; else mmcbootpart=2; fi; if test ${root_partition} = rootfsB; then mmcpart=8; else mmcpart=6; fi;\0" \
 	"fdt_file=light-b-product-sec.dtb\0" \
 	"fdt_file=light-b-product-sec.dtb\0" \
-	"uuid_rootfs=80a5a8e9-c744-491a-93c1-4f4194fd690b\0" \
-	"partitions=name=table,size=2031KB;name=boot,size=200MiB,type=boot;name=tf,size=50MiB,type=boot;name=tee,size=50MiB,type=boot;name=stash,size=50MiB,type=boot;name=root,size=4000MiB,type=linux,uuid=${uuid_rootfs};name=data,size=-,type=linux\0" \
+	"uuid_rootfsA=80a5a8e9-c744-491a-93c1-4f4194fd690a\0" \
+	"uuid_rootfsB=80a5a8e9-c744-491a-93c1-4f4194fd690b\0" \
+	"partitions=name=table,size=2031KB;name=boot,size=200MiB,type=boot;name=tf,size=50MiB,type=boot;name=tee,size=50MiB,type=boot;name=stash,size=50MiB,type=boot;name=root,size=4000MiB,type=linux,uuid=${uuid_rootfsA};name=bootB,size=200MiB,type=boot;name=rootB,size=4000MiB,type=linux,uuid=${uuid_rootfsB};name=data,size=-,type=linux\0" \
 	"finduuid=part uuid mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcpart} uuid\0" \
 	"finduuid=part uuid mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcpart} uuid\0" \
 	"gpt_partition=gpt write mmc ${mmcdev} $partitions\0" \
 	"gpt_partition=gpt write mmc ${mmcdev} $partitions\0" \
-	"set_bootargs=setenv bootargs console=ttyS0,115200 root=PARTUUID=${uuid} rootfstype=ext4 rdinit=/sbin/init rootwait rw earlycon clk_ignore_unused loglevel=7 eth=$ethaddr rootrwreset=${factory_reset} crashkernel=${kdump_buf}\0" \
-	"load_aon=ext4load mmc 0:2 $fwaddr light_aon_fpga.bin;cp.b $fwaddr $aon_ram_addr $filesize\0"\
-	"load_c906_audio=ext4load mmc 0:2 $fwaddr light_c906_audio.bin;cp.b $fwaddr $audio_ram_addr $filesize\0"\
-	"bootcmd_load=run load_aon;run load_c906_audio; ext4load mmc 0:3 $tf_addr trust_firmware.bin; ext4load mmc 0:4 $tee_addr tee.bin;ext4load mmc 0:2 $dtb_addr ${fdt_file}; ext4load mmc 0:2 $kernel_addr Image\0" \
+	"set_bootargs=setenv bootargs console=ttyS0,115200 root=PARTUUID=${uuid} rootfstype=ext4 rdinit=/sbin/init rootwait rw earlycon clk_ignore_unused loglevel=7 eth=$ethaddr rootrw=PARTLABEL=data init=/init rootinit=/sbin/init rootrwoptions=rw,noatime rootrwreset=${factory_reset} crashkernel=${kdump_buf}\0" \
+	"load_aon=ext4load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcbootpart} $fwaddr light_aon_fpga.bin;cp.b $fwaddr $aon_ram_addr $filesize\0"\
+	"load_c906_audio=ext4load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcbootpart} $fwaddr light_c906_audio.bin;cp.b $fwaddr $audio_ram_addr $filesize\0"\
+	"bootcmd_load=run findpart;run load_aon;run load_c906_audio; ext4load mmc 0:3 $tf_addr trust_firmware.bin; ext4load mmc 0:4 $tee_addr tee.bin;ext4load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcbootpart} $dtb_addr ${fdt_file}; ext4load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcbootpart} $kernel_addr Image\0" \
 	"bootcmd=run bootcmd_load; bootslave; run finduuid; run set_bootargs; secboot; booti $kernel_addr - $dtb_addr;\0" \
 	"bootcmd=run bootcmd_load; bootslave; run finduuid; run set_bootargs; secboot; booti $kernel_addr - $dtb_addr;\0" \
+	"splashimage=0x30000000\0" \
+	"splashpos=m,m\0" \
 	"fdt_high=0xffffffffffffffff\0" \
 	"fdt_high=0xffffffffffffffff\0" \
 	"tf_addr=0x100000\0" \
 	"tf_addr=0x100000\0" \
 	"dtb_addr=0x01f00000\0" \
 	"dtb_addr=0x01f00000\0" \
@@ -174,18 +198,23 @@
 	"tee_addr=0x1c000000\0" \
 	"tee_addr=0x1c000000\0" \
 	"mmcdev=0\0" \
 	"mmcdev=0\0" \
-	"mmcpart=6\0" \
+	"boot_partition=bootA\0" \
+	"root_partition=rootfsA\0" \
 	"kdump_buf=1M\0" \
 	"kdump_buf=1M\0" \
+	"tee_version=0x00000000\0"\
+	"tf_version=0x00000000\0"\
+	"findpart=rollback; if test ${boot_partition} = bootB; then mmcbootpart=7; else mmcbootpart=2; fi; if test ${root_partition} = rootfsB; then mmcpart=8; else mmcpart=6; fi;\0" \
 	"fdt_file=light-ant-ref-sec.dtb\0" \
 	"fdt_file=light-ant-ref-sec.dtb\0" \
-	"uuid_rootfs=80a5a8e9-c744-491a-93c1-4f4194fd690b\0" \
-	"partitions=name=table,size=2031KB;name=boot,size=200MiB,type=boot;name=tf,size=50MiB,type=boot;name=tee,size=50MiB,type=boot;name=stash,size=50MiB,type=boot;name=root,size=4000MiB,type=linux,uuid=${uuid_rootfs};name=data,size=-,type=linux\0" \
+	"uuid_rootfsA=80a5a8e9-c744-491a-93c1-4f4194fd690a\0" \
+	"uuid_rootfsB=80a5a8e9-c744-491a-93c1-4f4194fd690b\0" \
+	"partitions=name=table,size=2031KB;name=boot,size=200MiB,type=boot;name=tf,size=50MiB,type=boot;name=tee,size=50MiB,type=boot;name=stash,size=50MiB,type=boot;name=root,size=4000MiB,type=linux,uuid=${uuid_rootfsA};name=bootB,size=200MiB,type=boot;name=rootB,size=4000MiB,type=linux,uuid=${uuid_rootfsB};name=data,size=-,type=linux\0" \
 	"finduuid=part uuid mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcpart} uuid\0" \
 	"finduuid=part uuid mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcpart} uuid\0" \
 	"gpt_partition=gpt write mmc ${mmcdev} $partitions\0" \
 	"gpt_partition=gpt write mmc ${mmcdev} $partitions\0" \
-	"set_bootargs=setenv bootargs console=ttyS0,115200 root=PARTUUID=${uuid} rootfstype=ext4 rdinit=/sbin/init rootwait rw earlycon clk_ignore_unused loglevel=7 eth=$ethaddr rootrwreset=${factory_reset} crashkernel=${kdump_buf}\0" \
-	"load_aon=ext4load mmc 0:2 $fwaddr light_aon_fpga.bin;cp.b $fwaddr $aon_ram_addr $filesize\0"\
-	"load_c906_audio=ext4load mmc 0:2 $fwaddr light_c906_audio.bin;cp.b $fwaddr $audio_ram_addr $filesize\0"\
-	"bootcmd_load=run load_aon;run load_c906_audio; ext4load mmc 0:3 $tf_addr trust_firmware.bin; ext4load mmc 0:4 $tee_addr tee.bin;ext4load mmc 0:2 $dtb_addr ${fdt_file}; ext4load mmc 0:2 $kernel_addr Image\0" \
+	"set_bootargs=setenv bootargs console=ttyS0,115200 root=PARTUUID=${uuid} rootfstype=ext4 rdinit=/sbin/init rootwait rw earlycon clk_ignore_unused loglevel=7 eth=$ethaddr rootrw=PARTLABEL=data init=/init rootinit=/sbin/init rootrwoptions=rw,noatime rootrwreset=${factory_reset} crashkernel=${kdump_buf}\0" \
+	"load_aon=ext4load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcbootpart} $fwaddr light_aon_fpga.bin;cp.b $fwaddr $aon_ram_addr $filesize\0"\
+	"load_c906_audio=ext4load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcbootpart} $fwaddr light_c906_audio.bin;cp.b $fwaddr $audio_ram_addr $filesize\0"\
+	"bootcmd_load=run findpart;run load_aon;run load_c906_audio; ext4load mmc 0:3 $tf_addr trust_firmware.bin; ext4load mmc 0:4 $tee_addr tee.bin;ext4load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcbootpart} $dtb_addr ${fdt_file}; ext4load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcbootpart} $kernel_addr Image\0" \
 	"bootcmd=run bootcmd_load; bootslave; run finduuid; run set_bootargs; secboot; booti $kernel_addr - $dtb_addr;\0" \
 	"bootcmd=run bootcmd_load; bootslave; run finduuid; run set_bootargs; secboot; booti $kernel_addr - $dtb_addr;\0" \
@@ -318,7 +347,9 @@
 	"mmcdev=0\0" \
 	"mmcdev=0\0" \
 	"boot_partition=bootA\0" \
 	"boot_partition=bootA\0" \
 	"root_partition=rootfsA\0" \
 	"root_partition=rootfsA\0" \
 	"kdump_buf=1M\0" \
 	"kdump_buf=1M\0" \
 	"findpart=rollback; if test ${boot_partition} = bootB; then mmcbootpart=4; else mmcbootpart=2; fi; if test ${root_partition} = rootfsB; then mmcpart=5; else mmcpart=3; fi;\0" \
 	"findpart=rollback; if test ${boot_partition} = bootB; then mmcbootpart=4; else mmcbootpart=2; fi; if test ${root_partition} = rootfsB; then mmcpart=5; else mmcpart=3; fi;\0" \
 	"fdt_file=light-ant-ref.dtb\0" \
 	"fdt_file=light-ant-ref.dtb\0" \
 	"uuid_rootfsA=80a5a8e9-c744-491a-93c1-4f4194fd690a\0" \
 	"uuid_rootfsA=80a5a8e9-c744-491a-93c1-4f4194fd690a\0" \
@@ -326,7 +357,7 @@
 	"partitions=name=table,size=2031KB;name=boot,size=200MiB,type=boot;name=root,size=4000MiB,type=linux,uuid=${uuid_rootfsA};name=bootB,size=200MiB,type=boot;name=rootB,size=4000MiB,type=linux,uuid=${uuid_rootfsB};name=data,size=-,type=linux\0" \
 	"partitions=name=table,size=2031KB;name=boot,size=200MiB,type=boot;name=root,size=4000MiB,type=linux,uuid=${uuid_rootfsA};name=bootB,size=200MiB,type=boot;name=rootB,size=4000MiB,type=linux,uuid=${uuid_rootfsB};name=data,size=-,type=linux\0" \
 	"finduuid=part uuid mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcpart} uuid\0" \
 	"finduuid=part uuid mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcpart} uuid\0" \
 	"gpt_partition=gpt write mmc ${mmcdev} $partitions\0" \
 	"gpt_partition=gpt write mmc ${mmcdev} $partitions\0" \
-	"set_bootargs=setenv bootargs console=ttyS0,115200 root=PARTUUID=${uuid} rootfstype=ext4 rdinit=/sbin/init rootwait rw earlycon clk_ignore_unused loglevel=7 eth=$ethaddr rootrw=PARTLABEL=data init=/init rootinit=/sbin/init rootrwoptions=rw,noatime rootrwreset=${factory_reset} crashkernel=${kdump_buf}\0" \
+	"set_bootargs=setenv bootargs console=ttyS0,115200 root=PARTUUID=${uuid} rootfstype=ext4 rdinit=/sbin/init rootwait rw earlycon clk_ignore_unused loglevel=${kernel_loglevel} eth=$ethaddr rootrw=PARTLABEL=data init=/init rootinit=/sbin/init rootrwoptions=rw,noatime rootrwreset=${factory_reset} crashkernel=${kdump_buf}\0" \
 	"load_aon=ext4load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcbootpart} $fwaddr light_aon_fpga.bin;cp.b $fwaddr $aon_ram_addr $filesize\0"\
 	"load_aon=ext4load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcbootpart} $fwaddr light_aon_fpga.bin;cp.b $fwaddr $aon_ram_addr $filesize\0"\
 	"load_c906_audio=ext4load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcbootpart} $fwaddr light_c906_audio.bin;cp.b $fwaddr $audio_ram_addr $filesize\0"\
 	"load_c906_audio=ext4load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcbootpart} $fwaddr light_c906_audio.bin;cp.b $fwaddr $audio_ram_addr $filesize\0"\
 	"bootcmd_load=run findpart;run load_aon;run load_c906_audio; ext4load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcbootpart} $opensbi_addr fw_dynamic.bin; ext4load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcbootpart} $dtb_addr ${fdt_file}; ext4load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcbootpart} $kernel_addr Image\0" \
 	"bootcmd_load=run findpart;run load_aon;run load_c906_audio; ext4load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcbootpart} $opensbi_addr fw_dynamic.bin; ext4load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcbootpart} $dtb_addr ${fdt_file}; ext4load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcbootpart} $kernel_addr Image\0" \
@@ -391,6 +422,35 @@
 	"bootcmd=run bootcmd_load; bootslave; run finduuid; run set_bootargs; booti $kernel_addr - $dtb_addr;\0" \
 	"bootcmd=run bootcmd_load; bootslave; run finduuid; run set_bootargs; booti $kernel_addr - $dtb_addr;\0" \
+#elif defined (CONFIG_TARGET_LIGHT_FM_C910_LPI4A)
+	"splashimage=0x30000000\0" \
+	"splashpos=m,m\0" \
+	"fdt_high=0xffffffffffffffff\0" \
+	"opensbi_addr=0x0\0" \
+	"dtb_addr=0x01f00000\0" \
+	"kernel_addr=0x00200000\0" \
+	"aon_ram_addr=0xffffef8000\0" \
+	"audio_ram_addr=0xffc0000000\0" \
+	"fwaddr=0x10000000\0"\
+	"mmcdev=0\0" \
+	"boot_partition=bootA\0" \
+	"root_partition=rootfsA\0" \
+	"kdump_buf=500M\0" \
+	"findpart=rollback; if test ${boot_partition} = bootB; then mmcbootpart=4; else mmcbootpart=2; fi; if test ${root_partition} = rootfsB; then mmcpart=5; else mmcpart=3; fi;\0" \
+	"fdt_file=light-lpi4a.dtb\0" \
+	"uuid_rootfsA=80a5a8e9-c744-491a-93c1-4f4194fd690a\0" \
+	"uuid_rootfsB=80a5a8e9-c744-491a-93c1-4f4194fd690b\0" \
+	"partitions=name=table,size=2031KB;name=boot,size=200MiB,type=boot;name=root,size=4000MiB,type=linux,uuid=${uuid_rootfsA};name=bootB,size=200MiB,type=boot;name=rootB,size=4000MiB,type=linux,uuid=${uuid_rootfsB};name=data,size=-,type=linux\0" \
+	"finduuid=part uuid mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcpart} uuid\0" \
+	"gpt_partition=gpt write mmc ${mmcdev} $partitions\0" \
+	"set_bootargs=setenv bootargs console=ttyS0,115200 root=PARTUUID=${uuid} rootfstype=ext4 rdinit=/sbin/init rootwait rw earlycon clk_ignore_unused loglevel=7 eth=$ethaddr rootrw=PARTLABEL=data init=/init rootinit=/sbin/init rootrwoptions=rw,noatime rootrwreset=${factory_reset} crashkernel=${kdump_buf}\0" \
+	"load_aon=ext4load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcbootpart} $fwaddr light_aon_fpga.bin;cp.b $fwaddr $aon_ram_addr $filesize\0"\
+	"load_c906_audio=ext4load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcbootpart} $fwaddr light_c906_audio.bin;cp.b $fwaddr $audio_ram_addr $filesize\0"\
+	"bootcmd_load=run findpart;run load_aon;run load_c906_audio; ext4load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcbootpart} $opensbi_addr fw_dynamic.bin; ext4load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcbootpart} $dtb_addr ${fdt_file}; ext4load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcbootpart} $kernel_addr Image\0" \
+	"bootcmd=run bootcmd_load; bootslave; run finduuid; run set_bootargs; booti $kernel_addr - $dtb_addr;\0" \
+	"factory_reset=yes\0"\
+        "\0"
 #elif defined (CONFIG_TARGET_LIGHT_FM_C910_A_REF)
 #elif defined (CONFIG_TARGET_LIGHT_FM_C910_A_REF)
 	"splashimage=0x30000000\0" \
 	"splashimage=0x30000000\0" \
@@ -434,7 +494,7 @@
 	"root_partition=rootfsA\0" \
 	"root_partition=rootfsA\0" \
 	"kdump_buf=500M\0" \
 	"kdump_buf=500M\0" \
 	"findpart=rollback; if test ${boot_partition} = bootB; then mmcbootpart=4; else mmcbootpart=2; fi; if test ${root_partition} = rootfsB; then mmcpart=5; else mmcpart=3; fi;\0" \
 	"findpart=rollback; if test ${boot_partition} = bootB; then mmcbootpart=4; else mmcbootpart=2; fi; if test ${root_partition} = rootfsB; then mmcpart=5; else mmcpart=3; fi;\0" \
-	"fdt_file=light-a-val.dtb\0" \
+	"fdt_file=light-a-val-dsi0-hdmi.dtb\0" \
 	"uuid_rootfsA=80a5a8e9-c744-491a-93c1-4f4194fd690a\0" \
 	"uuid_rootfsA=80a5a8e9-c744-491a-93c1-4f4194fd690a\0" \
 	"uuid_rootfsB=80a5a8e9-c744-491a-93c1-4f4194fd690b\0" \
 	"uuid_rootfsB=80a5a8e9-c744-491a-93c1-4f4194fd690b\0" \
 	"partitions=name=table,size=2031KB;name=boot,size=200MiB,type=boot;name=root,size=4000MiB,type=linux,uuid=${uuid_rootfsA};name=bootB,size=200MiB,type=boot;name=rootB,size=4000MiB,type=linux,uuid=${uuid_rootfsB};name=data,size=-,type=linux\0" \
 	"partitions=name=table,size=2031KB;name=boot,size=200MiB,type=boot;name=root,size=4000MiB,type=linux,uuid=${uuid_rootfsA};name=bootB,size=200MiB,type=boot;name=rootB,size=4000MiB,type=linux,uuid=${uuid_rootfsB};name=data,size=-,type=linux\0" \

+ 41 - 38

@@ -21,12 +21,44 @@ extern "C" {
 /*----- Encrypt & Decrypt: Config key length -----*/
 /*----- Encrypt & Decrypt: Config key length -----*/
+#define AES_KEY_LEN_BYTES_32  (32)
+#define AES_KEY_LEN_BYTES_24  (24)
+#define AES_KEY_LEN_BYTES_16  (16)
+#define AES_BLOCK_IV_SIZE     (16)
+#define AES_BLOCK_TAG_SIZE    (16)
+#define AES_DIR_ENCRYPT       (1)
+#define AES_DIR_DECRYPT       (0)
+#define KEY_128_BITS          (0x08)
+#define KEY_192_BITS          (0x10)
+#define KEY_256_BITS          (0x18)
+#define AES_DMA_ENABLE        (1)
+#define AES_DMA_DISABLE       (0)
+\brief DES data transfer mode config
+typedef enum {
+    AES_SLAVE_MODE = 0U,         ///< slave mode
+    AES_DMA_MODE,                ///< dma mode
+} csi_aes_trans_mode_t;
+\brief AES Keylen type
 typedef enum {
 typedef enum {
     AES_KEY_LEN_BITS_128        = 0,       ///< 128 Data bits
     AES_KEY_LEN_BITS_128        = 0,       ///< 128 Data bits
     AES_KEY_LEN_BITS_192,                  ///< 192 Data bits
     AES_KEY_LEN_BITS_192,                  ///< 192 Data bits
     AES_KEY_LEN_BITS_256                   ///< 256 Data bits
     AES_KEY_LEN_BITS_256                   ///< 256 Data bits
 } csi_aes_key_bits_t;
 } csi_aes_key_bits_t;
+\brief AES mode config
 typedef enum{
 typedef enum{
     AES_MODE_ECB = 0,
     AES_MODE_ECB = 0,
     AES_MODE_CBC = 0x20000020,
     AES_MODE_CBC = 0x20000020,
@@ -35,48 +67,19 @@ typedef enum{
     AES_MODE_GCM = 0x20030040,
     AES_MODE_GCM = 0x20030040,
     AES_MODE_CCM = 0x21D40040,
     AES_MODE_CCM = 0x21D40040,
     AES_MODE_OFB = 0x24000000,
     AES_MODE_OFB = 0x24000000,
-} aes_mode_t;
-#define AES_KEY_LEN_BYTES_32 32
-#define AES_KEY_LEN_BYTES_24 24
-#define AES_KEY_LEN_BYTES_16 16
-#define AES_CRYPTO_CTRL_CBC_256 0x20000038
-#define AES_CRYPTO_CTRL_CBC_192 0x20000030
-#define AES_CRYPTO_CTRL_CBC_128 0x20000028
-#define AES_CRYPTO_CTRL_ECB_256 0x00000018
-#define AES_CRYPTO_CTRL_ECB_192 0x00000010
-#define AES_CRYPTO_CTRL_ECB_128 0x00000008
-#define AES_BLOCK_IV_SIZE  16
-#define AES_BLOCK_TAG_SIZE  16
-#define AES_DIR_ENCRYPT    1
-#define AES_DIR_DECRYPT    0
-#define KEY_128_BITS 0x8
-#define KEY_192_BITS 0x10
-#define KEY_256_BITS 0x18
-#define AES_DMA_ENABLE  1
-#define AES_DMA_DISABLE 0
-typedef enum{
-    AES_CRYPTO_ECB_256_MODE = 0,
 } csi_aes_mode_t;
 } csi_aes_mode_t;
+\brief AES state
 typedef struct {
 typedef struct {
     uint32_t busy             : 1;        ///< Calculate busy flag
     uint32_t busy             : 1;        ///< Calculate busy flag
     uint32_t error            : 1;        ///< Calculate error flag
     uint32_t error            : 1;        ///< Calculate error flag
 } csi_aes_state_t;
 } csi_aes_state_t;
+\brief AES Context
 typedef struct {
 typedef struct {
     uint32_t            key_len_byte;
     uint32_t            key_len_byte;
     uint8_t             key[32];          ///< Data block being processed
     uint8_t             key[32];          ///< Data block being processed
@@ -343,11 +346,11 @@ csi_error_t csi_aes_enable_pm(csi_aes_t *aes);
 void csi_aes_disable_pm(csi_aes_t *aes);
 void csi_aes_disable_pm(csi_aes_t *aes);
-  \brief       Config AES mode dma or slave
-  \param[in]   dam_en    zero disable dma, not zero enable dma 
+  \brief       Config AES data transfer mode
+  \param[in]   mode    \ref csi_des_trans_mode_t 
   \return      None
   \return      None
-void csi_aes_dma_enable(csi_aes_t *aes, uint8_t dma_en);
+void csi_aes_trans_config(csi_aes_t *aes, csi_aes_trans_mode_t mode);
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 #ifdef __cplusplus

+ 8 - 8

@@ -68,11 +68,13 @@ extern "C" {
     } while (0);
     } while (0);
 typedef enum {
 typedef enum {
-    CSI_OK          =  0,
-    CSI_ERROR       = -1,
-    CSI_BUSY        = -2,
-    CSI_TIMEOUT     = -3,
+    CSI_OK            =  0,
+    CSI_ERROR         = -1,
+    CSI_BUSY          = -2,
+    CSI_TIMEOUT       = -3,
+    CSI_UNSUPPORTED   = -4,
+    CSI_CRYPT_FAIL    = -6,
 } csi_error_t;
 } csi_error_t;
 typedef struct {
 typedef struct {
@@ -132,9 +134,7 @@ typedef struct {
 csi_error_t target_get(csi_dev_tag_t dev_tag, uint32_t idx, csi_dev_t *dev);
 csi_error_t target_get(csi_dev_tag_t dev_tag, uint32_t idx, csi_dev_t *dev);
 csi_error_t target_get_optimal_dma_channel(void *dma_list, uint32_t ctrl_num, csi_dev_t *parent_dev, void *ch_info);
 csi_error_t target_get_optimal_dma_channel(void *dma_list, uint32_t ctrl_num, csi_dev_t *parent_dev, void *ch_info);
-//void mdelay(uint32_t ms);
-//void udelay(uint32_t us);
-//void msleep(uint32_t ms);
+void msleep(uint32_t ms);
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 #ifdef __cplusplus

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 221 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Alibaba Group Holding Limited
+ */
+ * @file       drv/des.h
+ * @brief      Header File for DES Driver
+ * @version    V1.0
+ * @date       24. Oct 2022
+ * @model      des
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _DRV_DES_H_
+#define _DRV_DES_H_
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "common.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/*----- Encrypt & Decrypt: Config key length -----*/
+\brief DES data transfer mode config
+typedef enum {
+    DES_SLAVE_MODE = 0U,         ///< slave mode
+    DES_DMA_MODE,                ///< dma mode
+} csi_des_trans_mode_t;
+\brief DES key-len-bits type
+typedef enum {
+    DES_KEY_LEN_BITS_64        = 0,        ///< 64 Data bits
+    DES_KEY_LEN_BITS_128,                  ///< 128 Data bits
+    DES_KEY_LEN_BITS_192,                  ///< 192 Data bits
+} csi_des_key_bits_t;
+typedef enum{
+    DES_MODE_ECB    = 0x00000000,
+    DES_MODE_CBC    = 0x20000020,
+    TDES_MODE_ECB   = 0x00000008,
+    TDES_MODE_CBC   = 0x20000028,
+} des_mode_t;
+#define DES_KEY_LEN_BYTES_32    (32)
+#define DES_KEY_LEN_BYTES_16    (16)
+#define DES_KEY_LEN_BYTES_24    (24)
+#define DES_KEY_LEN_BYTES_8     (8)
+#define DES_BLOCK_IV_SIZE       (16)
+#define DES_BLOCK_CRYPTO_SIZE   (8)
+#define DES_DIR_ENCRYPT         (1)
+#define DES_DIR_DECRYPT         (0)
+#define DES_KEY_128_BITS        (0x8)
+#define DES_KEY_192_BITS        (0x10)
+\brief DES State
+typedef struct {
+    uint32_t busy             : 1;        ///< Calculate busy flag
+    uint32_t error            : 1;        ///< Calculate error flag
+} csi_des_state_t;
+\brief DES Context
+typedef struct {
+    uint32_t            key_len_byte;
+    uint8_t             key[32];          ///< Data block being processed
+    uint32_t            sca;
+    uint32_t            is_kdf;
+    uint32_t            is_dma;
+} csi_des_context_t;
+\brief DES Ctrl Block
+typedef struct {
+    csi_des_state_t         state;
+    csi_des_context_t       context;
+    csi_dev_t               dev;
+    void                    *priv;
+} csi_des_t;
+  \brief       Initialize DES interface. Initializes the resources needed for the DES interface
+  \param[in]   des    Handle to operate
+  \param[in]   idx    Device id
+  \return      Error code \ref csi_error_t
+csi_error_t csi_des_init(csi_des_t *des, uint32_t idx);
+  \brief       De-initialize DES interface. Stops operation and releases the software resources used by the interface
+  \param[in]   des    Dandle to operate
+  \return      None
+void csi_des_uninit(csi_des_t *des);
+  \brief       Set encrypt key
+  \param[in]   des        Handle to operate
+  \param[in]   key        Pointer to the key buf
+  \param[in]   key_len    Pointer to \ref csi_des_key_bits_t
+  \return      Error code \ref Csi_error_t
+csi_error_t csi_des_set_encrypt_key(csi_des_t *des, void *key, csi_des_key_bits_t key_len);
+  \brief       Set decrypt key
+  \param[in]   des        Handle to operate
+  \param[in]   key        Pointer to the key buf
+  \param[in]   key_len    Pointer to \ref csi_des_key_bits_t
+  \return      Error code \ref Csi_error_t
+csi_error_t csi_des_set_decrypt_key(csi_des_t *des, void *key, csi_des_key_bits_t key_len);
+  \brief       DES ecb encrypt
+  \param[in]   des     Handle to operate
+  \param[in]   in      Pointer to the source data
+  \param[out]  out     Pointer to the result data
+  \param[in]   size    The source data size
+  \return      Error code \ref Csi_error_t
+csi_error_t csi_des_ecb_encrypt(csi_des_t *des, void *in, void *out, uint32_t size);
+  \brief       DES ecb decrypt
+  \param[in]   des     Handle to operate
+  \param[in]   in      Pointer to the source data
+  \param[out]  out     Pointer to the result data
+  \param[in]   size    The source data size
+  \return      Error code \ref Csi_error_t
+csi_error_t csi_des_ecb_decrypt(csi_des_t *des, void *in, void *out, uint32_t size);
+  \brief       DES cbc encrypt
+  \param[in]   des     Handle to operate
+  \param[in]   in      Pointer to the source data
+  \param[out]  out     Pointer to the result data
+  \param[in]   size    The source data size
+  \param[in]   iv      Init vector
+  \return      Error code \ref Csi_error_t
+csi_error_t csi_des_cbc_encrypt(csi_des_t *des, void *in, void *out, uint32_t size, void *iv) ;
+  \brief       DES cbc decrypt
+  \param[in]   des     Handle to operate
+  \param[in]   in      Pointer to the source data
+  \param[out]  out     Pointer to the result data
+  \param[in]   size    The source data size
+  \param[in]   iv      Init vector
+  \return      Error code \ref Csi_error_t
+csi_error_t csi_des_cbc_decrypt(csi_des_t *des, void *in, void *out, uint32_t size, void *iv);
+  \brief       TDES ecb encrypt
+  \param[in]   des     Handle to operate
+  \param[in]   in      Pointer to the source data
+  \param[out]  out     Pointer to the result data
+  \param[in]   size    The source data size
+  \return      Error code \ref Csi_error_t
+csi_error_t csi_tdes_ecb_encrypt(csi_des_t *des, void *in, void *out, uint32_t size);
+  \brief       TDES ecb decrypt
+  \param[in]   des     Handle to operate
+  \param[in]   in      Pointer to the source data
+  \param[out]  out     Pointer to the result data
+  \param[in]   size    The source data size
+  \return      Error code \ref Csi_error_t
+csi_error_t csi_tdes_ecb_decrypt(csi_des_t *des, void *in, void *out, uint32_t size);
+  \brief       TDES cbc encrypt
+  \param[in]   des     Handle to operate
+  \param[in]   in      Pointer to the source data
+  \param[out]  out     Pointer to the result data
+  \param[in]   size    The source data size
+  \param[in]   iv      Init vector
+  \return      Error code \ref Csi_error_t
+csi_error_t csi_tdes_cbc_encrypt(csi_des_t *des, void *in, void *out, uint32_t size, void *iv) ;
+  \brief       TDES cbc decrypt
+  \param[in]   des     Handle to operate
+  \param[in]   in      Pointer to the source data
+  \param[out]  out     Pointer to the result data
+  \param[in]   size    The source data size
+  \param[in]   iv      Init vector
+  \return      Error code \ref Csi_error_t
+csi_error_t csi_tdes_cbc_decrypt(csi_des_t *des, void *in, void *out, uint32_t size, void *iv);
+  \brief       Config DES mode dma or slave
+  \param[in]   mode    \ref csi_des_trans_mode_t 
+  \return      None
+void csi_des_trans_config(csi_des_t *des, csi_des_trans_mode_t mode);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* _DRV_AES_H_ */

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 90 - 69

@@ -20,8 +20,15 @@
 extern "C" {
 extern "C" {
+#define CSI_ECC_PUBKEY_LEN      (65-1)
+#define CSI_ECC_PRIVKEY_LEN     (32)
+#define CSI_ECC_PUBKEYTMP_LEN   (65)
+#define CSI_ECC_RK_LEN          (24) //random
+#define CSI_ECC_SIGNATURE_LEN   (64)
+#define CSI_ECC_DIGEST_LEN      (32)
 typedef struct {
 typedef struct {
     uint32_t ecc_curve : 1; ///< supports 256bits curve
     uint32_t ecc_curve : 1; ///< supports 256bits curve
@@ -35,11 +42,17 @@ typedef enum {
 } ecc_cipher_order_e;
 } ecc_cipher_order_e;
+\brief ECC endian mode
 typedef enum {
 typedef enum {
     ECC_ENDIAN_LITTLE = 0, ///< Little Endian
     ECC_ENDIAN_LITTLE = 0, ///< Little Endian
     ECC_ENDIAN_BIG         ///< Big Endian
     ECC_ENDIAN_BIG         ///< Big Endian
 } ecc_endian_mode_e;
 } ecc_endian_mode_e;
+\brief ECC prime curve type
 typedef enum {
 typedef enum {
     ECC_PRIME256V1 = 0,
     ECC_PRIME256V1 = 0,
 } ecc_prime_curve_type;
 } ecc_prime_curve_type;
@@ -59,11 +72,17 @@ typedef enum {
     ECC_EVENT_EXCHANGE_KEY_COMPLETE, ///< Exchange key completed
     ECC_EVENT_EXCHANGE_KEY_COMPLETE, ///< Exchange key completed
 } ecc_event_e;
 } ecc_event_e;
+\brief ECC prime curve param
 typedef struct {
 typedef struct {
     ecc_prime_curve_type type;
     ecc_prime_curve_type type;
     uint32_t *p;
     uint32_t *p;
 } csi_ecc_prime_curve_t;
 } csi_ecc_prime_curve_t;
+\brief ECC curve type g param
 typedef struct {
 typedef struct {
     ecc_prime_curve_type type;
     ecc_prime_curve_type type;
     uint8_t *G;
     uint8_t *G;
@@ -77,6 +96,9 @@ typedef struct {
     uint32_t busy : 1; ///< Calculate busy flag
     uint32_t busy : 1; ///< Calculate busy flag
 } csi_ecc_state_t;
 } csi_ecc_state_t;
+\brief ECC handle
 typedef struct {
 typedef struct {
     csi_dev_t       dev;
     csi_dev_t       dev;
     void *          cb;
     void *          cb;
@@ -90,9 +112,8 @@ typedef void (*csi_ecc_callback_t)(ecc_event_e event);
   \brief       Initialize ECC.
   \brief       Initialize ECC.
-  \param[in]   ecc  ecc handle to operate.
   \param[in]   idx  device id
   \param[in]   idx  device id
-  \return      \ref uint32_t
+  \return      Error code \ref csi_error_t
 csi_error_t csi_ecc_init(csi_ecc_t *ecc, uint32_t idx);
 csi_error_t csi_ecc_init(csi_ecc_t *ecc, uint32_t idx);
@@ -106,111 +127,111 @@ void csi_ecc_uninit(csi_ecc_t *ecc);
   \brief       ecc get capability.
   \brief       ecc get capability.
   \param[in]   ecc  Operate handle.
   \param[in]   ecc  Operate handle.
-  \return      \ref uint32_t
+  \return      Error code \ref csi_error_t
-csi_error_t csi_ecc_config(csi_ecc_t *ecc, ecc_cipher_order_e co,
-                           ecc_endian_mode_e endian);
+csi_error_t csi_ecc_config(csi_ecc_t *ecc, ecc_cipher_order_e co, ecc_endian_mode_e endian);
   \brief       Attach the callback handler to ECC
   \brief       Attach the callback handler to ECC
   \param[in]   ecc  Operate handle.
   \param[in]   ecc  Operate handle.
   \param[in]   cb    Callback function
   \param[in]   cb    Callback function
   \param[in]   arg   User can define it by himself as callback's param
   \param[in]   arg   User can define it by himself as callback's param
-  \return      Error code \ref csi_error_t
+  \return      Error code Error code \ref csi_error_t
-csi_error_t csi_ecc_attach_callback(csi_ecc_t *ecc, csi_ecc_callback_t cb,
-                                    void *arg);
+csi_error_t csi_ecc_attach_callback(csi_ecc_t *ecc, csi_ecc_callback_t cb, void *arg);
   \brief       Detach the callback handler
   \brief       Detach the callback handler
   \param[in]   ecc  Operate handle.
   \param[in]   ecc  Operate handle.
+  \return      Error code Error code \ref csi_error_t
 csi_error_t csi_ecc_detach_callback(csi_ecc_t *ecc);
 csi_error_t csi_ecc_detach_callback(csi_ecc_t *ecc);
   \brief       ecc get capability.
   \brief       ecc get capability.
   \param[in]   ecc  Operate handle.
   \param[in]   ecc  Operate handle.
-  \param[out]   cap  Pointer of ecc_capabilities_t.
-  \return      \ref uint32_t
+  \param[out]  cap  Pointer of ecc_capabilities_t.
+  \return      Error code Error code \ref csi_error_t
 csi_error_t csi_ecc_get_capabilities(csi_ecc_t *ecc, ecc_capabilities_t *cap);
 csi_error_t csi_ecc_get_capabilities(csi_ecc_t *ecc, ecc_capabilities_t *cap);
+  \brief       check whether the public key and private key are a pair.
+  \param[in]   ecc       ecc handle to operate.
+  \param[in]   private   Pointer to the ecc private key, alloc by caller.
+  \param[in]   public    Pointer to the ecc public key, alloc by caller.
+  \return      Error code \ref csi_error_t
 csi_error_t csi_ecc_check_keypair(csi_ecc_t *ecc, uint8_t pubkey[65], uint8_t prikey[32]);
 csi_error_t csi_ecc_check_keypair(csi_ecc_t *ecc, uint8_t pubkey[65], uint8_t prikey[32]);
   \brief       generate ecc key.
   \brief       generate ecc key.
   \param[in]   ecc       ecc handle to operate.
   \param[in]   ecc       ecc handle to operate.
   \param[out]  private   Pointer to the ecc private key, alloc by caller.
   \param[out]  private   Pointer to the ecc private key, alloc by caller.
-  \param[out]  public   Pointer to the ecc public key, alloc by caller.
-  \return      \ref uint32_t
+  \param[out]  public    Pointer to the ecc public key, alloc by caller.
+  \return      Error code \ref csi_error_t
-csi_error_t csi_ecc_gen_key(csi_ecc_t *ecc, uint8_t pubkey[65],
-                            uint8_t prikey[32]);
+csi_error_t csi_ecc_gen_key(csi_ecc_t *ecc, uint8_t pubkey[65], uint8_t prikey[32]);
-  \brief       generate ecc pubkey by privkey.
+  \brief       generate ecc public key by private key.
   \param[in]   ecc       ecc handle to operate.
   \param[in]   ecc       ecc handle to operate.
-  \param[in]   private   Pointer to the ecc private key, alloc by caller.
-  \param[out]  public   Pointer to the ecc public key, alloc by caller.
-  \return      \ref uint32_t
+  \param[out]  private   Pointer to the ecc private key, alloc by caller.
+  \param[out]  public    Pointer to the ecc public key, alloc by caller.
+  \return      Error code \ref csi_error_t
-csi_error_t csi_ecc_gen_pubkey(csi_ecc_t *ecc, uint8_t pubkey[65],
-                            uint8_t prikey[32]);
+csi_error_t csi_ecc_gen_pubkey(csi_ecc_t *ecc, uint8_t pubkey[65], uint8_t prikey[32]);
   \brief       ecc sign
   \brief       ecc sign
-  \param[in]   ecc       ecc handle to operate.
-  \param[in]   d       Pointer to the digest.
-  \param[out]  privkey Pointer to the private key
-  \param[out]  s Pointer to the signature
-  \return      \ref uint32_t
+  \param[in]   ecc      ecc handle to operate.
+  \param[in]   d        Pointer to the digest.
+  \param[out]  privkey  Pointer to the private key
+  \param[out]  s        Pointer to the signature
+  \return      Error code \ref csi_error_t
-csi_error_t csi_ecc_sign(csi_ecc_t *ecc, uint8_t d[32], uint8_t prikey[32],
-                         uint8_t s[64]);
+csi_error_t csi_ecc_sign(csi_ecc_t *ecc, uint8_t d[32], uint8_t prikey[32], uint8_t s[64]);
-  \brief       ecc sign
-  \param[in]   ecc       ecc handle to operate.
-  \param[in]   d       Pointer to the digest.
-  \param[out]  privkey Pointer to the private key
-  \param[out]  s Pointer to the signature
-  \return      \ref uint32_t
+  \brief       ecc sign asybnc
+  \param[in]   ecc      ecc handle to operate.
+  \param[in]   d        Pointer to the digest.
+  \param[out]  privkey  Pointer to the private key
+  \param[out]  s        Pointer to the signature
+  \return      Error code \ref csi_error_t
-csi_error_t csi_ecc_sign_async(csi_ecc_t *ecc, uint8_t d[32],
-                               uint8_t prikey[32], uint8_t s[64]);
+csi_error_t csi_ecc_sign_async(csi_ecc_t *ecc, uint8_t d[32], uint8_t prikey[32], uint8_t s[64]);
 /* TODO */
 /* TODO */
   \brief       ecc verify
   \brief       ecc verify
-  \param[in]   ecc       ecc handle to operate.
-  \param[in]   d       Pointer to the digest.
-  \param[out]  privkey Pointer to the private key
-  \param[out]  s Pointer to the signature
-  \return      verify result
+  \param[in]   ecc      ecc handle to operate.
+  \param[in]   d        Pointer to the digest.
+  \param[out]  privkey  Pointer to the private key
+  \param[out]  s        Pointer to the signature
+  \return      verify result 
-bool csi_ecc_verify(csi_ecc_t *ecc, uint8_t d[32], uint8_t pubkey[65],
-                    uint8_t s[64]);
+bool csi_ecc_verify(csi_ecc_t *ecc, uint8_t d[32], uint8_t pubkey[65], uint8_t s[64]);
   \brief       ecc verify
   \brief       ecc verify
-  \param[in]   ecc       ecc handle to operate.
-  \param[in]   d       Pointer to the digest.
-  \param[out]  privkey Pointer to the private key
-  \param[out]  s Pointer to the signature
+  \param[in]   ecc      ecc handle to operate.
+  \param[in]   d        Pointer to the digest.
+  \param[out]  privkey  Pointer to the private key
+  \param[out]  s        Pointer to the signature
   \return      verify result
   \return      verify result
-bool csi_ecc_verify_async(csi_ecc_t *ecc, uint8_t d[32], uint8_t pubkey[65],
-                          uint8_t s[64]);
+bool csi_ecc_verify_async(csi_ecc_t *ecc, uint8_t d[32], uint8_t pubkey[65], uint8_t s[64]);
   \brief       ecc encrypto
   \brief       ecc encrypto
-  \param[in]   ecc       ecc handle to operate.
-  \param[in]   Plain       Pointer to the plaintext.
-  \param[in]  PlainByteLen plaintext len
-  \param[in]  pubKey public key.
-  \param[out]  Cipher Pointer to the chipher
-  \param[out]  CipherByteLen Pointer to the chipher len.
-  \return      uint32_t
+  \param[in]   ecc              ecc handle to operate.
+  \param[in]   Plain            Pointer to the plaintext.
+  \param[in]   PlainByteLen     plaintext len
+  \param[in]   pubKey           public key.
+  \param[out]  Cipher           Pointer to the chipher
+  \param[out]  CipherByteLen    Pointer to the chipher len.
+  \return      Error code \ref csi_error_t
 csi_error_t csi_ecc_encrypt(csi_ecc_t *ecc, uint8_t *Plain,
 csi_error_t csi_ecc_encrypt(csi_ecc_t *ecc, uint8_t *Plain,
                             uint32_t PlainByteLen, uint8_t pubKey[65],
                             uint32_t PlainByteLen, uint8_t pubKey[65],
@@ -218,13 +239,13 @@ csi_error_t csi_ecc_encrypt(csi_ecc_t *ecc, uint8_t *Plain,
   \brief       ecc encrypto
   \brief       ecc encrypto
-  \param[in]   ecc       ecc handle to operate.
-  \param[in]  Cipher Pointer to the chipher
-  \param[in]  CipherByteLen chipher len.
-  \param[in]  prikey private key.
-  \param[out]   Plain       Pointer to the plaintext.
-  \param[out]  PlainByteLen plaintext len
-  \return      uint32_t
+  \param[in]   ecc              ecc handle to operate.
+  \param[in]   Cipher           Pointer to the chipher
+  \param[in]   CipherByteLen    chipher len.
+  \param[in]   prikey           private key.
+  \param[out]  Plain            Pointer to the plaintext.
+  \param[out]  PlainByteLen     plaintext len
+  \return      Error code \ref csi_error_t
 csi_error_t csi_ecc_decrypt(csi_ecc_t *ecc, uint8_t *Cipher,
 csi_error_t csi_ecc_decrypt(csi_ecc_t *ecc, uint8_t *Cipher,
                             uint32_t CipherByteLen, uint8_t prikey[32],
                             uint32_t CipherByteLen, uint8_t prikey[32],
@@ -233,7 +254,7 @@ csi_error_t csi_ecc_decrypt(csi_ecc_t *ecc, uint8_t *Cipher,
   \brief       ecc key exchange
   \brief       ecc key exchange
   \param[in]   ecc       ecc handle to operate.
   \param[in]   ecc       ecc handle to operate.
-  \return      uint32_t
+  \return      Error code \ref csi_error_t
 csi_error_t csi_ecc_exchangekey(csi_ecc_t *ecc, ecc_exchange_role_e role,
 csi_error_t csi_ecc_exchangekey(csi_ecc_t *ecc, ecc_exchange_role_e role,
                                 uint8_t *dA, uint8_t *PB, uint8_t *rA,
                                 uint8_t *dA, uint8_t *PB, uint8_t *rA,
@@ -244,7 +265,7 @@ csi_error_t csi_ecc_exchangekey(csi_ecc_t *ecc, ecc_exchange_role_e role,
   \brief       ecc key exchange get Z.
   \brief       ecc key exchange get Z.
   \param[in]   ecc       ecc handle to operate.
   \param[in]   ecc       ecc handle to operate.
-  \return      uint32_t
+  \return      Error code Error code \ref csi_error_t
 csi_error_t csi_ecc_getZ(csi_ecc_t *ecc, uint8_t *ID, uint32_t byteLenofID,
 csi_error_t csi_ecc_getZ(csi_ecc_t *ecc, uint8_t *ID, uint32_t byteLenofID,
                          uint8_t pubKey[65], uint8_t Z[32]);
                          uint8_t pubKey[65], uint8_t Z[32]);
@@ -252,7 +273,7 @@ csi_error_t csi_ecc_getZ(csi_ecc_t *ecc, uint8_t *ID, uint32_t byteLenofID,
   \brief       ecc key exchange get E
   \brief       ecc key exchange get E
   \param[in]   ecc       ecc handle to operate.
   \param[in]   ecc       ecc handle to operate.
-  \return      uint32_t
+  \return      Error code Error code \ref csi_error_t
 csi_error_t csi_ecc_getE(csi_ecc_t *ecc, uint8_t *M, uint32_t byteLen,
 csi_error_t csi_ecc_getE(csi_ecc_t *ecc, uint8_t *M, uint32_t byteLen,
                          uint8_t Z[32], uint8_t E[32]);
                          uint8_t Z[32], uint8_t E[32]);
@@ -261,14 +282,14 @@ csi_error_t csi_ecc_getE(csi_ecc_t *ecc, uint8_t *M, uint32_t byteLen,
   \brief       Get ECC state.
   \brief       Get ECC state.
   \param[in]   ecc      ECC handle to operate.
   \param[in]   ecc      ECC handle to operate.
   \param[out]  state    ECC state \ref csi_ecc_state_t.
   \param[out]  state    ECC state \ref csi_ecc_state_t.
-  \return      Error code \ref csi_error_t
+  \return      Error code Error code \ref csi_error_t
 csi_error_t csi_ecc_get_state(csi_ecc_t *ecc, csi_ecc_state_t *state);
 csi_error_t csi_ecc_get_state(csi_ecc_t *ecc, csi_ecc_state_t *state);
   \brief       Enable ecc power manage
   \brief       Enable ecc power manage
   \param[in]   ecc  ECC handle to operate.
   \param[in]   ecc  ECC handle to operate.
-  \return      Error code \ref csi_error_t
+  \return      Error code Error code \ref csi_error_t
 csi_error_t csi_ecc_enable_pm(csi_ecc_t *ecc);
 csi_error_t csi_ecc_enable_pm(csi_ecc_t *ecc);

+ 11 - 9

@@ -20,19 +20,21 @@
 extern "C" {
 extern "C" {
+#define CSI_ECDH_PUBKEY_LEN   (65-1)
+#define CSI_ECDH_PRIVKEY_LEN  (32)
+#define CSI_ECDH_SHARE_LEN    (64)
   \brief       ecdh cacl share secret
   \brief       ecdh cacl share secret
-  \param[in]  ecc ecc handle to operate.
-  \param[in]  pubkey Pointer to the A public key.
-  \param[in]  privkey Pointer to the B private key.
-  \param[out] shareKey Pointer to the share secret.
-  \param[out] len length of the share secret.
-  \return     \ref uint32_t
+  \param[in]  ecc       ecc handle to operate.
+  \param[in]  pubkey    Pointer to the A public key.
+  \param[in]  prikey    Pointer to the B private key.
+  \param[out] shareKey  Pointer to the share secret.
+  \param[out] len       length of the share secret.
+  \return     Error code \ref csi_error_t
-csi_error_t csi_ecdh_calc_secret(csi_ecc_t *ecc, uint8_t privkey[32],
-                            uint8_t pubkey[65], uint8_t shareKey[32], 
-                            uint32_t *len);
+csi_error_t csi_ecdh_calc_secret(csi_ecc_t *ecc, uint8_t privkey[32], uint8_t pubkey[65], uint8_t shareKey[32], uint32_t *len);
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {
 extern "C" {

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 12 - 12

@@ -18,17 +18,17 @@ extern "C" {
 #include <stdint.h>
 #include <stdint.h>
 #include "common.h"
 #include "common.h"
-#define RSA_PRIME_256_BIT_LEN        128
-#define RSA_PRIME_512_BIT_LEN        256
-#define RSA_PRIME_1024_BIT_LEN       512
-#define RSA_PRIME_2048_BIT_LEN       1024
-#define RSA_PRIME_4096_BIT_LEN       2048
-#define RSA_256_BYTE_LEN        32
-#define RSA_512_BYTE_LEN        64
-#define RSA_1024_BYTE_LEN       128
-#define RSA_2048_BYTE_LEN       256
-#define RSA_4096_BYTE_LEN       512
+#define RSA_PRIME_256_BIT_LEN   (128)
+#define RSA_PRIME_512_BIT_LEN   (256)
+#define RSA_PRIME_1024_BIT_LEN  (512)
+#define RSA_PRIME_2048_BIT_LEN  (1024)
+#define RSA_PRIME_4096_BIT_LEN  (2048)
+#define RSA_256_BYTE_LEN        (32)
+#define RSA_512_BYTE_LEN        (64)
+#define RSA_1024_BYTE_LEN       (128)
+#define RSA_2048_BYTE_LEN       (256)
+#define RSA_4096_BYTE_LEN       (512)
 #define RSA_EM_BYTE_LEN         RSA_4096_BYTE_LEN
 #define RSA_EM_BYTE_LEN         RSA_4096_BYTE_LEN
 #define SHA256_DIGEST_BYTE_LEN  32
 #define SHA256_DIGEST_BYTE_LEN  32
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ csi_error_t csi_rsa_get_publickey(csi_rsa_t *rsa, void *p, uint32_t p_byte_len,
   \brief       Generation rsa keyparis 
   \brief       Generation rsa keyparis 
   \param[in]   rsa          rsa handle to operate.
   \param[in]   rsa          rsa handle to operate.
-  \param[in]   context   Pointer to the rsa context
+  \param[in]   context      Pointer to the rsa context
   \param[in]   keybits_len  Pointer to the publickey bits length
   \param[in]   keybits_len  Pointer to the publickey bits length
   \return      \ref csi_error_t
   \return      \ref csi_error_t

+ 15 - 1

@@ -31,6 +31,17 @@
 extern "C" {
 extern "C" {
+\brief AES data transfer mode config
+typedef enum {
+    SC_AES_SLAVE_MODE = 0U,         ///< slave mode
+    SC_AES_DMA_MODE,                ///< dma mode
+} sc_aes_trans_mode_t;
+\brief AES key-len-bits type
 typedef enum {
 typedef enum {
     SC_AES_KEY_LEN_BITS_128 = 0U, ///< 128 Data bits
     SC_AES_KEY_LEN_BITS_128 = 0U, ///< 128 Data bits
     SC_AES_KEY_LEN_BITS_192,      ///< 192 Data bits
     SC_AES_KEY_LEN_BITS_192,      ///< 192 Data bits
@@ -297,7 +308,10 @@ uint32_t sc_aes_ccm_encrypt(sc_aes_t *aes, void *in, void *out,uint32_t size, ui
 uint32_t sc_aes_ccm_decrypt(sc_aes_t *aes, void *in, void *out,uint32_t size, uint32_t add_len, void *iv, uint8_t* tag_out);
 uint32_t sc_aes_ccm_decrypt(sc_aes_t *aes, void *in, void *out,uint32_t size, uint32_t add_len, void *iv, uint8_t* tag_out);
-void sc_aes_dma_enable(sc_aes_t *aes, uint8_t en);
+  \brief       Aes data transfer config
+void sc_aes_trans_config(sc_aes_t *aes, sc_aes_trans_mode_t mode) ;
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 #ifdef __cplusplus

+ 0 - 0

+ 205 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2017-2022 Alibaba Group Holding Limited
+ */
+ * @file     sec_crypt0_des.h
+ * @brief    Header File for DES
+ * @version  V1.0
+ * @date     24. Oct 2022
+ * @model    des
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _SC_DES_H_
+#define _SC_DES_H_
+#include "sec_include_config.h"
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "sec_crypto_errcode.h"
+#include <drv/des.h>
+#include "des.h"
+#include "crypto_des.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+\brief DES data transfer mode config
+typedef enum {
+    SC_DES_SLAVE_MODE = 0U,         ///< slave mode
+    SC_DES_DMA_MODE,                ///< dma mode
+} sc_des_trans_mode_t;
+\brief DES key-len-bits type
+typedef enum {
+    SC_DES_KEY_LEN_BITS_64 = 0U,    ///< 64 Data bits
+    SC_DES_KEY_LEN_BITS_128,        ///< 128 Data bits
+    SC_TDES_KEY_LEN_BITS_192,       ///< 192 Data bits
+} sc_des_key_bits_t;
+\brief DES Ctrl Block
+typedef struct {
+#ifdef CONFIG_CSI_V1
+    des_handle_t  handle;
+    unsigned char key[32];
+    unsigned int  key_len;
+#ifdef CONFIG_CSI_V2
+    csi_des_t     csi_des;
+    //unsigned char sc_ctx[SC_DES_CTX_SIZE];
+#if defined(CONFIG_TEE_CA)
+    unsigned char key[32];
+    unsigned int  key_len;
+    sc_mbedtls_des_context des_ctx;
+    //void *ctx;
+} sc_des_t;
+// Function documentation
+  \brief       Initialize DES Interface. Initializes the resources needed for the DES interface
+  \param[in]   des    operate handle
+  \param[in]   idx    device id
+  \return      error code \ref uint32_t
+uint32_t sc_des_init(sc_des_t *des, uint32_t idx);
+  \brief       De-initialize DES Interface. stops operation and releases the software resources used by the interface
+  \param[in]   des    handle to operate
+  \return      None
+void sc_des_uninit(sc_des_t *des);
+  \brief       Set encrypt key
+  \param[in]   des        handle to operate
+  \param[in]   key        Pointer to the key buf
+  \param[in]   key_len    Pointer to \ref sc_des_key_bits_t
+  \return      error code \ref uint32_t
+uint32_t sc_des_set_encrypt_key(sc_des_t *des, void *key, sc_des_key_bits_t key_len);
+  \brief       Set decrypt key
+  \param[in]   des        handle to operate
+  \param[in]   key        Pointer to the key buf
+  \param[in]   key_len    Pointer to \ref sc_des_key_bits_t
+  \return      error code \ref uint32_t
+uint32_t sc_des_set_decrypt_key(sc_des_t *des, void *key, sc_des_key_bits_t key_len);
+  \brief       Des ecb encrypt
+  \param[in]   des     handle to operate
+  \param[in]   in      Pointer to the Source data
+  \param[out]  out     Pointer to the Result data
+  \param[in]   size    the Source data size
+  \return      error code \ref uint32_t
+uint32_t sc_des_ecb_encrypt(sc_des_t *des, void *in, void *out, uint32_t size);
+  \brief       Des ecb decrypt
+  \param[in]   des     handle to operate
+  \param[in]   in      Pointer to the Source data
+  \param[out]  out     Pointer to the Result data
+  \param[in]   size    the Source data size
+  \return      error code \ref uint32_t
+uint32_t sc_des_ecb_decrypt(sc_des_t *des, void *in, void *out, uint32_t size);
+  \brief       Des cbc encrypt
+  \param[in]   des     handle to operate
+  \param[in]   in      Pointer to the Source data
+  \param[out]  out     Pointer to the Result data
+  \param[in]   size    the Source data size
+  \param[in]   iv      init vector
+  \return      error code \ref uint32_t
+uint32_t sc_des_cbc_encrypt(sc_des_t *des, void *in, void *out, uint32_t size, void *iv);
+  \brief       Des cbc decrypt
+  \param[in]   des     handle to operate
+  \param[in]   in      Pointer to the Source data
+  \param[out]  out     Pointer to the Result data
+  \param[in]   size    the Source data size
+  \param[in]   iv      init vector
+  \return      error code \ref uint32_t
+uint32_t sc_des_cbc_decrypt(sc_des_t *des, void *in, void *out, uint32_t size, void *iv);
+  \brief       TDes ecb encrypt
+  \param[in]   des     handle to operate
+  \param[in]   in      Pointer to the Source data
+  \param[out]  out     Pointer to the Result data
+  \param[in]   size    the Source data size
+  \return      error code \ref uint32_t
+uint32_t sc_tdes_ecb_encrypt(sc_des_t *des, void *in, void *out, uint32_t size);
+  \brief       TDes ecb decrypt
+  \param[in]   des     handle to operate
+  \param[in]   in      Pointer to the Source data
+  \param[out]  out     Pointer to the Result data
+  \param[in]   size    the Source data size
+  \return      error code \ref uint32_t
+uint32_t sc_tdes_ecb_decrypt(sc_des_t *des, void *in, void *out, uint32_t size);
+  \brief       TDes cbc encrypt
+  \param[in]   des     handle to operate
+  \param[in]   in      Pointer to the Source data
+  \param[out]  out     Pointer to the Result data
+  \param[in]   size    the Source data size
+  \param[in]   iv      init vector
+  \return      error code \ref uint32_t
+uint32_t sc_tdes_cbc_encrypt(sc_des_t *des, void *in, void *out, uint32_t size, void *iv);
+  \brief       TDes cbc decrypt
+  \param[in]   des     handle to operate
+  \param[in]   in      Pointer to the Source data
+  \param[out]  out     Pointer to the Result data
+  \param[in]   size    the Source data size
+  \param[in]   iv      init vector
+  \return      error code \ref uint32_t
+uint32_t sc_tdes_cbc_decrypt(sc_des_t *des, void *in, void *out, uint32_t size, void *iv);
+  \brief       Config DES mode dma or slave
+  \param[in]   mode    \ref sc_des_trans_mode_t 
+  \return      None
+void sc_des_trans_config(sc_des_t *des, sc_des_trans_mode_t mode) ;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* _SC_DES_H_ */

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 34 - 38

@@ -15,15 +15,15 @@
 #include "sec_crypto_errcode.h"
 #include "sec_crypto_errcode.h"
 #include "sec_crypto_sha.h"
 #include "sec_crypto_sha.h"
-#define SC_MAC_KEY_LEN_MAX 64
-#define HMAC_SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE 64
-#define HMAC_SHA224_BLOCK_SIZE 64
-#define HMAC_SM3_BLOCK_SIZE 64
-#define HMAC_SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE 64
-#define HMAC_MD5_BLOCK_SIZE 64
-#define HMAC_SHA384_BLOCK_SIZE 128
-#define HMAC_SHA512_BLOCK_SIZE 128
-#define HMAC_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE 128
+#define SC_MAC_KEY_LEN_MAX      (64)
+#define HMAC_SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE    (64)
+#define HMAC_SHA224_BLOCK_SIZE  (64)
+#define HMAC_SM3_BLOCK_SIZE     (64)
+#define HMAC_SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE  (64)
+#define HMAC_MD5_BLOCK_SIZE     (64)
+#define HMAC_SHA384_BLOCK_SIZE  (128)
+#define HMAC_SHA512_BLOCK_SIZE  (128)
+#define HMAC_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE     (128)
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {
 extern "C" {
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ typedef struct {
   \brief       Initialize MAC Interface. Initializes the resources needed for the MAC interface
   \brief       Initialize MAC Interface. Initializes the resources needed for the MAC interface
   \param[in]   mac  operate handle.
   \param[in]   mac  operate handle.
-  \param[in]   idx index of mac
+  \param[in]   idx  index of mac
   \return      error code \ref uint32_t
   \return      error code \ref uint32_t
 uint32_t sc_mac_init(sc_mac_t *mac, uint32_t idx);
 uint32_t sc_mac_init(sc_mac_t *mac, uint32_t idx);
@@ -57,23 +57,22 @@ uint32_t sc_mac_init(sc_mac_t *mac, uint32_t idx);
 void sc_mac_uninit(sc_mac_t *mac);
 void sc_mac_uninit(sc_mac_t *mac);
-  \brief       MAC set key function.
-  \param[in]   mac mac handle to operate.
-  \param[in]   key Pointer to the mac key.
-  \param[in]   key_len Length of key.
+  \brief       MAC      set key function.
+  \param[in]   mac      mac handle to operate.
+  \param[in]   key      Pointer to the mac key.
+  \param[in]   key_len  Length of key.
   \return      error code
   \return      error code
 uint32_t sc_mac_set_key(sc_mac_t *mac, uint8_t *key, uint32_t key_len);
 uint32_t sc_mac_set_key(sc_mac_t *mac, uint8_t *key, uint32_t key_len);
   \brief       MAC operation function.
   \brief       MAC operation function.
-  \param[in]   mac mac handle to operate.
-  \param[in]   mode sc_sha_mode_t.
-  \param[in]   msg Pointer to the mac input message.
-  \param[in]   msg_len Length of msg.
-  \param[out]  out mac buffer, malloc by caller.
-  \param[out]  out_len, out mac length,
-	should 32 bytes if HMAC_SHA256 mode.
+  \param[in]   mac      mac handle to operate.
+  \param[in]   mode     sc_sha_mode_t.
+  \param[in]   msg      Pointer to the mac input message.
+  \param[in]   msg_len  Length of msg.
+  \param[out]  out      mac buffer, malloc by caller.
+  \param[out]  out_len  out mac length, should 32 bytes if HMAC_SHA256 mode.
   \return      error code
   \return      error code
 uint32_t sc_mac_calc(sc_mac_t *mac, sc_sha_mode_t mode, uint8_t *msg,
 uint32_t sc_mac_calc(sc_mac_t *mac, sc_sha_mode_t mode, uint8_t *msg,
@@ -81,35 +80,32 @@ uint32_t sc_mac_calc(sc_mac_t *mac, sc_sha_mode_t mode, uint8_t *msg,
   \brief       MAC start operation function.
   \brief       MAC start operation function.
-  \param[in]   mac mac handle to operate.
-  \param[in]   context mac context pointer.
-  \param[in]   mode sc_sha_mode_t.
+  \param[in]   mac 		  mac handle to operate.
+  \param[in]   context 	mac context pointer.
+  \param[in]   mode 	  sc_sha_mode_t.
   \return      error code
   \return      error code
-uint32_t sc_mac_start(sc_mac_t *mac, sc_mac_context_t *context,
-		      sc_sha_mode_t mode);
+uint32_t sc_mac_start(sc_mac_t *mac, sc_mac_context_t *context, sc_sha_mode_t mode);
   \brief       MAC start operation function.
   \brief       MAC start operation function.
-  \param[in]   mac mac handle to operate.
-  \param[in]   context mac context pointer.
-  \param[in]   msg Pointer to the mac input message.
-  \param[in]   msg_len Length of msg.
+  \param[in]   mac      mac handle to operate.
+  \param[in]   context  mac context pointer.
+  \param[in]   msg      Pointer to the mac input message.
+  \param[in]   msg_len  Length of msg.
   \return      error code
   \return      error code
-uint32_t sc_mac_update(sc_mac_t *mac, sc_mac_context_t *context, uint8_t *msg,
-		       uint32_t msg_len);
+uint32_t sc_mac_update(sc_mac_t *mac, sc_mac_context_t *context, uint8_t *msg, uint32_t msg_len);
   \brief       MAC start operation function.
   \brief       MAC start operation function.
-  \param[in]   mac mac handle to operate.
-  \param[in]   context mac context pointer.
-  \param[out]  out mac buffer, malloc by caller.
-  \param[out]  out_len, out mac length,
+  \param[in]   mac 		mac handle to operate.
+  \param[in]   context 	mac context.
+  \param[out]  out 		mac buffer, malloc by caller.
+  \param[out]  out_len  out mac length,
   \return      error code
   \return      error code
-uint32_t sc_mac_finish(sc_mac_t *mac, sc_mac_context_t *context, uint8_t *out,
-		       uint32_t *out_len);
+uint32_t sc_mac_finish(sc_mac_t *mac, sc_mac_context_t *context, uint8_t *out, uint32_t *out_len);
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 #ifdef __cplusplus

+ 9 - 10

@@ -44,13 +44,13 @@ extern "C" {
 /*----- SHA Control Codes: Mode -----*/
 /*----- SHA Control Codes: Mode -----*/
 typedef enum {
 typedef enum {
     SC_SHA_MODE_SHA1 = 1U,  ///< SHA_1 mode
     SC_SHA_MODE_SHA1 = 1U,  ///< SHA_1 mode
-    SC_SHA_MODE_256,     ///< SHA_256 mode
-    SC_SHA_MODE_224,     ///< SHA_224 mode
-    SC_SHA_MODE_512,     ///< SHA_512 mode
-    SC_SHA_MODE_384,     ///< SHA_384 mode
-    SC_SHA_MODE_512_256, ///< SHA_512_256 mode
-    SC_SHA_MODE_512_224, ///< SHA_512_224 mode
-    SC_SHA_MODE_MD5,     ///< MD5 mode
+    SC_SHA_MODE_256,        ///< SHA_256 mode
+    SC_SHA_MODE_224,        ///< SHA_224 mode
+    SC_SHA_MODE_512,        ///< SHA_512 mode
+    SC_SHA_MODE_384,        ///< SHA_384 mode
+    SC_SHA_MODE_512_256,    ///< SHA_512_256 mode
+    SC_SHA_MODE_512_224,    ///< SHA_512_224 mode
+    SC_SHA_MODE_MD5,        ///< MD5 mode
 } sc_sha_mode_t;
 } sc_sha_mode_t;
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ void sc_sha_uninit(sc_sha_t *sha);
   \brief       attach the callback handler to SHA
   \brief       attach the callback handler to SHA
-  \param[in]   sha  operate handle.
+  \param[in]   sha      operate handle.
   \param[in]   callback callback function
   \param[in]   callback callback function
   \param[in]   arg      callback's param
   \param[in]   arg      callback's param
   \return      error code
   \return      error code
@@ -165,8 +165,7 @@ uint32_t sc_sha_update(sc_sha_t *sha, sc_sha_context_t *context, const void *inp
   \param[in]   size    the data size
   \param[in]   size    the data size
   \return      error code \ref uint32_t
   \return      error code \ref uint32_t
-uint32_t sc_sha_update_async(sc_sha_t *sha, sc_sha_context_t *context, const void *input,
-                             uint32_t size);
+uint32_t sc_sha_update_async(sc_sha_t *sha, sc_sha_context_t *context, const void *input, uint32_t size);
   \brief       finish the engine
   \brief       finish the engine

+ 49 - 50

@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ typedef void (*sc_sm2_callback_t)(sc_sm2_event_e event);
   \brief       Initialize SM2.
   \brief       Initialize SM2.
   \param[in]   sm2  sm2 handle to operate.
   \param[in]   sm2  sm2 handle to operate.
   \param[in]   idx  device id
   \param[in]   idx  device id
-  \return      \ref uint32_t
+  \return      Error code \ref uint32_t
 uint32_t sc_sm2_init(sc_sm2_t *sm2, uint32_t idx);
 uint32_t sc_sm2_init(sc_sm2_t *sm2, uint32_t idx);
@@ -91,14 +91,13 @@ void sc_sm2_uninit(sc_sm2_t *sm2);
   \brief       sm2 get capability.
   \brief       sm2 get capability.
   \param[in]   sm2  Operate handle.
   \param[in]   sm2  Operate handle.
-  \return      \ref uint32_t
+  \return      Error code \ref uint32_t
-uint32_t sc_sm2_config(sc_sm2_t *sm2, sc_sm2_cipher_order_e co,
-                       sc_sm2_endian_mode_e endian);
+uint32_t sc_sm2_config(sc_sm2_t *sm2, sc_sm2_cipher_order_e co, sc_sm2_endian_mode_e endian);
   \brief       Attach the callback handler to SM2
   \brief       Attach the callback handler to SM2
-  \param[in]   sm2  Operate handle.
+  \param[in]   sm2   Operate handle.
   \param[in]   cb    Callback function
   \param[in]   cb    Callback function
   \param[in]   arg   User can define it by himself as callback's param
   \param[in]   arg   User can define it by himself as callback's param
   \return      Error code \ref uint32_t
   \return      Error code \ref uint32_t
@@ -114,91 +113,92 @@ void sc_sm2_detach_callback(sc_sm2_t *sm2);
   \brief       sm2 get capability.
   \brief       sm2 get capability.
   \param[in]   sm2  Operate handle.
   \param[in]   sm2  Operate handle.
-  \param[out]   cap  Pointer of sc_sm2_capabilities_t.
-  \return      \ref uint32_t
+  \param[out]  cap  Pointer of sc_sm2_capabilities_t.
+  \return      Error code \ref uint32_t
 uint32_t sc_sm2_get_capabilities(sc_sm2_t *sm2, sc_sm2_capabilities_t *cap);
 uint32_t sc_sm2_get_capabilities(sc_sm2_t *sm2, sc_sm2_capabilities_t *cap);
-uint32_t sc_sm2_check_keypair(sc_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t pubkey[65],
-                              uint8_t prikey[32]);
+  \brief       check whether the public key and private key are a pair.
+  \param[in]   sm2       sm2 handle to operate.
+  \param[in]   private   Pointer to the sm2 private key, alloc by caller.
+  \param[in]   public    Pointer to the sm2 public key, alloc by caller.
+  \return      Error code \ref uint32_t
+uint32_t sc_sm2_check_keypair(sc_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t pubkey[65], uint8_t prikey[32]);
   \brief       generate sm2 key.
   \brief       generate sm2 key.
   \param[in]   sm2       sm2 handle to operate.
   \param[in]   sm2       sm2 handle to operate.
   \param[out]  private   Pointer to the sm2 private key, alloc by caller.
   \param[out]  private   Pointer to the sm2 private key, alloc by caller.
-  \param[out]  public   Pointer to the sm2 public key, alloc by caller.
-  \return      \ref uint32_t
+  \param[out]  public    Pointer to the sm2 public key, alloc by caller.
+  \return      Error code \ref uint32_t
 uint32_t sc_sm2_gen_key(sc_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t pubkey[65], uint8_t prikey[32]);
 uint32_t sc_sm2_gen_key(sc_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t pubkey[65], uint8_t prikey[32]);
   \brief       sm2 sign
   \brief       sm2 sign
-  \param[in]   sm2       sm2 handle to operate.
+  \param[in]   sm2     sm2 handle to operate.
   \param[in]   d       Pointer to the digest.
   \param[in]   d       Pointer to the digest.
   \param[out]  privkey Pointer to the private key
   \param[out]  privkey Pointer to the private key
-  \param[out]  s Pointer to the signature
-  \return      \ref uint32_t
+  \param[out]  s       Pointer to the signature
+  \return      Error code \ref uint32_t
-uint32_t sc_sm2_sign(sc_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t d[32], uint8_t prikey[32],
-                     uint8_t s[64]);
+uint32_t sc_sm2_sign(sc_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t d[32], uint8_t prikey[32], uint8_t s[64]);
   \brief       sm2 sign
   \brief       sm2 sign
-  \param[in]   sm2       sm2 handle to operate.
+  \param[in]   sm2     sm2 handle to operate.
   \param[in]   d       Pointer to the digest.
   \param[in]   d       Pointer to the digest.
   \param[out]  privkey Pointer to the private key
   \param[out]  privkey Pointer to the private key
-  \param[out]  s Pointer to the signature
-  \return      \ref uint32_t
+  \param[out]  s       Pointer to the signature
+  \return      Error code \ref uint32_t
-uint32_t sc_sm2_sign_async(sc_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t d[32], uint8_t prikey[32],
-                           uint8_t s[64]);
+uint32_t sc_sm2_sign_async(sc_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t d[32], uint8_t prikey[32], uint8_t s[64]);
 /* TODO */
 /* TODO */
   \brief       sm2 verify
   \brief       sm2 verify
-  \param[in]   sm2       sm2 handle to operate.
+  \param[in]   sm2     sm2 handle to operate.
   \param[in]   d       Pointer to the digest.
   \param[in]   d       Pointer to the digest.
   \param[out]  privkey Pointer to the private key
   \param[out]  privkey Pointer to the private key
-  \param[out]  s Pointer to the signature
+  \param[out]  s       Pointer to the signature
   \return      verify result
   \return      verify result
-bool sc_sm2_verify(sc_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t d[32], uint8_t pubkey[65],
-                   uint8_t s[64]);
+bool sc_sm2_verify(sc_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t d[32], uint8_t pubkey[65], uint8_t s[64]);
   \brief       sm2 verify
   \brief       sm2 verify
-  \param[in]   sm2       sm2 handle to operate.
+  \param[in]   sm2     sm2 handle to operate.
   \param[in]   d       Pointer to the digest.
   \param[in]   d       Pointer to the digest.
   \param[out]  privkey Pointer to the private key
   \param[out]  privkey Pointer to the private key
-  \param[out]  s Pointer to the signature
+  \param[out]  s       Pointer to the signature
   \return      verify result
   \return      verify result
-bool sc_sm2_verify_async(sc_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t d[32], uint8_t pubkey[65],
-                         uint8_t s[64]);
+bool sc_sm2_verify_async(sc_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t d[32], uint8_t pubkey[65], uint8_t s[64]);
   \brief       sm2 encrypto
   \brief       sm2 encrypto
-  \param[in]   sm2       sm2 handle to operate.
-  \param[in]   plain       Pointer to the plaintext.
-  \param[in]  PlainByteLen plaintext len
-  \param[in]  pubKey public key.
-  \param[out]  cipher Pointer to the chipher
-  \param[out]  cipher_byte_len Pointer to the chipher len.
-  \return      uint32_t
+  \param[in]   sm2              sm2 handle to operate.
+  \param[in]   plain            Pointer to the plaintext.
+  \param[in]   PlainByteLen     plaintext len
+  \param[in]   pubKey           public key.
+  \param[out]  cipher           Pointer to the chipher
+  \param[out]  cipher_byte_len  Pointer to the chipher len.
+  \return      Error code \ref uint32_t
 uint32_t sc_sm2_encrypt(sc_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t *plain, uint32_t plain_len,
 uint32_t sc_sm2_encrypt(sc_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t *plain, uint32_t plain_len,
-                        uint8_t pubKey[65], uint8_t *cipher,
-                        uint32_t *cipher_len);
+                        uint8_t pubKey[65], uint8_t *cipher, uint32_t *cipher_len);
   \brief       sm2 encrypto
   \brief       sm2 encrypto
-  \param[in]   sm2       sm2 handle to operate.
-  \param[in]  cipher Pointer to the chipher
-  \param[in]  CipherByteLen chipher len.
-  \param[in]  prikey private key.
-  \param[out]   plain       Pointer to the plaintext.
-  \param[out]  PlainByteLen plaintext len
-  \return      uint32_t
+  \param[in]   sm2              sm2 handle to operate.
+  \param[in]   cipher           Pointer to the chipher
+  \param[in]   CipherByteLen    chipher len.
+  \param[in]   prikey           private key.
+  \param[out]  plain            Pointer to the plaintext.
+  \param[out]  PlainByteLen     plaintext len
+  \return      Error code \ref uint32_t
 uint32_t sc_sm2_decrypt(sc_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t *cipher, uint32_t cipher_len,
 uint32_t sc_sm2_decrypt(sc_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t *cipher, uint32_t cipher_len,
                         uint8_t prikey[32], uint8_t *plain,
                         uint8_t prikey[32], uint8_t *plain,
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ uint32_t sc_sm2_decrypt(sc_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t *cipher, uint32_t cipher_len,
   \brief       sm2 key exchange
   \brief       sm2 key exchange
   \param[in]   sm2       sm2 handle to operate.
   \param[in]   sm2       sm2 handle to operate.
-  \return      uint32_t
+  \return      Error code \ref uint32_t
 uint32_t sc_sm2_exchangekey(sc_sm2_t *sm2, sc_sm2_exchange_role_e role,
 uint32_t sc_sm2_exchangekey(sc_sm2_t *sm2, sc_sm2_exchange_role_e role,
                             uint8_t *da, uint8_t *pb, uint8_t *ra1, uint8_t *ra,
                             uint8_t *da, uint8_t *pb, uint8_t *ra1, uint8_t *ra,
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ uint32_t sc_sm2_exchangekey(sc_sm2_t *sm2, sc_sm2_exchange_role_e role,
   \brief       sm2 key exchange get Z.
   \brief       sm2 key exchange get Z.
   \param[in]   sm2       sm2 handle to operate.
   \param[in]   sm2       sm2 handle to operate.
-  \return      uint32_t
+  \return      Error code \ref uint32_t
 uint32_t sc_sm2_getZ(sc_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t *id, uint32_t id_len,
 uint32_t sc_sm2_getZ(sc_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t *id, uint32_t id_len,
                      uint8_t pubkey[65], uint8_t z[32]);
                      uint8_t pubkey[65], uint8_t z[32]);
@@ -226,10 +226,9 @@ uint32_t sc_sm2_getZ(sc_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t *id, uint32_t id_len,
   \brief       sm2 key exchange get E
   \brief       sm2 key exchange get E
   \param[in]   sm2       sm2 handle to operate.
   \param[in]   sm2       sm2 handle to operate.
-  \return      uint32_t
+  \return      Error code \ref uint32_t
-uint32_t sc_sm2_getE(sc_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t *m, uint32_t len, uint8_t z[32],
-                     uint8_t e[32]);
+uint32_t sc_sm2_getE(sc_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t *m, uint32_t len, uint8_t z[32], uint8_t e[32]);
   \brief       Get SM2 state.
   \brief       Get SM2 state.

+ 0 - 0

+ 22 - 8

@@ -19,14 +19,28 @@
 extern "C" {
 extern "C" {
-#define SHA1_DIGEST_OUT_SIZE     20
-#define SHA224_DIGEST_OUT_SIZE   28
-#define SHA256_DIGEST_OUT_SIZE   32
-#define SHA384_DIGEST_OUT_SIZE   48
-#define SHA512_DIGEST_OUT_SIZE   64
-#define MD5_DIGEST_OUT_SIZE      16
+#define SHA1_DIGEST_OUT_SIZE    (20)
+#define SHA224_DIGEST_OUT_SIZE  (28)
+#define SHA256_DIGEST_OUT_SIZE  (32)
+#define SHA384_DIGEST_OUT_SIZE  (48)
+#define SHA512_DIGEST_OUT_SIZE  (64)
+#define MD5_DIGEST_OUT_SIZE     (16)
+#define CSI_SHA256_MODE         (0x00000008)
+#define CSI_SHA224_MODE         (0x00000010)
+#define CSI_SHA384_MODE         (0x00000040)
+#define CSI_SHA512_MODE         (0x00000020)
+#define CSI_MD5_MODE            (0x00000002)
+#define CSI_SHA1_MODE           (0x00000004)
+#define CSI_SHA256_NEW_MODE     (0x00000009)
+#define CSI_SHA224_MEW_MODE     (0x00000011)
+#define CSI_SHA384_NEW_MODE     (0x00000041)
+#define CSI_SHA512_NEW_MODE     (0x00000021)
+#define CSI_MD5_NEW_MODE        (0x00000003)
+#define CSI_SHA1_NEW_MODE       (0x00000005)
 /****** SHA mode ******/
 /****** SHA mode ******/
 typedef enum {
 typedef enum {

+ 56 - 45

@@ -20,6 +20,16 @@
 extern "C" {
 extern "C" {
+#define CSI_SM2_PUBKEY_LEN      (65-1)
+#define CSI_SM2_PRIVKEY_LEN     (32)
+#define CSI_SM2_PUBKEYTMP_LEN   (65)
+#define CSI_SM2_RK_LEN          (32) //random
+#define CSI_SM2_SIGNATURE_LEN   (64)
+#define CSI_SM2_DIGEST_LEN      (32)
+#define SM2_PRIME_CURVE_G_BYTES (64)
+#define SM2_PRIME_CURVE_N_BYTES (32)
 typedef struct {
 typedef struct {
         uint32_t sm2_curve : 1; ///< supports 256bits curve
         uint32_t sm2_curve : 1; ///< supports 256bits curve
 } sm2_capabilities_t;
 } sm2_capabilities_t;
@@ -95,95 +105,96 @@ csi_error_t csi_sm2_config(csi_sm2_t *sm2, sm2_cipher_order_e co,
   \brief       Attach the callback handler to SM2
   \brief       Attach the callback handler to SM2
-  \param[in]   sm2  Operate handle.
+  \param[in]   sm2   Operate handle.
   \param[in]   cb    Callback function
   \param[in]   cb    Callback function
   \param[in]   arg   User can define it by himself as callback's param
   \param[in]   arg   User can define it by himself as callback's param
   \return      Error code \ref csi_error_t
   \return      Error code \ref csi_error_t
-csi_error_t csi_sm2_attach_callback(csi_sm2_t *sm2, csi_sm2_callback_t cb,
-                                    void *arg);
+csi_error_t csi_sm2_attach_callback(csi_sm2_t *sm2, csi_sm2_callback_t cb, void *arg);
   \brief       Detach the callback handler
   \brief       Detach the callback handler
   \param[in]   sm2  Operate handle.
   \param[in]   sm2  Operate handle.
+  \return      none
 void csi_sm2_detach_callback(csi_sm2_t *sm2);
 void csi_sm2_detach_callback(csi_sm2_t *sm2);
   \brief       sm2 get capability.
   \brief       sm2 get capability.
   \param[in]   sm2  Operate handle.
   \param[in]   sm2  Operate handle.
-  \param[out]   cap  Pointer of sm2_capabilities_t.
-  \return      \ref uint32_t
+  \param[out]  cap  Pointer of sm2_capabilities_t.
+  \return      Error code \ref csi_error_t
 csi_error_t csi_sm2_get_capabilities(csi_sm2_t *sm2, sm2_capabilities_t *cap);
 csi_error_t csi_sm2_get_capabilities(csi_sm2_t *sm2, sm2_capabilities_t *cap);
-csi_error_t csi_sm2_check_keypair(csi_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t pubkey[65],
-                                  uint8_t prikey[32]);
+  \brief       check whether the public key and private key are a pair.
+  \param[in]   sm2       sm2 handle to operate.
+  \param[in]   private   Pointer to the sm2 private key, alloc by caller.
+  \param[in]   public    Pointer to the sm2 public key, alloc by caller.
+  \return      Error code \ref csi_error_t
+csi_error_t csi_sm2_check_keypair(csi_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t pubkey[65], uint8_t prikey[32]);
   \brief       generate sm2 key.
   \brief       generate sm2 key.
   \param[in]   sm2       sm2 handle to operate.
   \param[in]   sm2       sm2 handle to operate.
   \param[out]  private   Pointer to the sm2 private key, alloc by caller.
   \param[out]  private   Pointer to the sm2 private key, alloc by caller.
-  \param[out]  public   Pointer to the sm2 public key, alloc by caller.
-  \return      \ref uint32_t
+  \param[out]  public    Pointer to the sm2 public key, alloc by caller.
+  \return      Error code \ref csi_error_t
-csi_error_t csi_sm2_gen_key(csi_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t pubkey[65],
-                            uint8_t prikey[32]);
+csi_error_t csi_sm2_gen_key(csi_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t pubkey[65], uint8_t prikey[32]);
   \brief       sm2 sign
   \brief       sm2 sign
-  \param[in]   sm2       sm2 handle to operate.
+  \param[in]   sm2     sm2 handle to operate.
   \param[in]   d       Pointer to the digest.
   \param[in]   d       Pointer to the digest.
   \param[out]  privkey Pointer to the private key
   \param[out]  privkey Pointer to the private key
-  \param[out]  s Pointer to the signature
-  \return      \ref uint32_t
+  \param[out]  s       Pointer to the signature
+  \return      Error code \ref csi_error_t
-csi_error_t csi_sm2_sign(csi_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t d[32], uint8_t prikey[32],
-                         uint8_t s[64]);
+csi_error_t csi_sm2_sign(csi_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t d[32], uint8_t prikey[32], uint8_t s[64]);
   \brief       sm2 sign
   \brief       sm2 sign
-  \param[in]   sm2       sm2 handle to operate.
+  \param[in]   sm2     sm2 handle to operate.
   \param[in]   d       Pointer to the digest.
   \param[in]   d       Pointer to the digest.
   \param[out]  privkey Pointer to the private key
   \param[out]  privkey Pointer to the private key
-  \param[out]  s Pointer to the signature
-  \return      \ref uint32_t
+  \param[out]  s       Pointer to the signature
+  \return      Error code \ref csi_error_t
-csi_error_t csi_sm2_sign_async(csi_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t d[32],
-                               uint8_t prikey[32], uint8_t s[64]);
+csi_error_t csi_sm2_sign_async(csi_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t d[32], uint8_t prikey[32], uint8_t s[64]);
 /* TODO */
 /* TODO */
   \brief       sm2 verify
   \brief       sm2 verify
-  \param[in]   sm2       sm2 handle to operate.
+  \param[in]   sm2     sm2 handle to operate.
   \param[in]   d       Pointer to the digest.
   \param[in]   d       Pointer to the digest.
   \param[out]  privkey Pointer to the private key
   \param[out]  privkey Pointer to the private key
-  \param[out]  s Pointer to the signature
+  \param[out]  s       Pointer to the signature
   \return      verify result
   \return      verify result
-bool csi_sm2_verify(csi_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t d[32], uint8_t pubkey[65],
-                    uint8_t s[64]);
+bool csi_sm2_verify(csi_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t d[32], uint8_t pubkey[65], uint8_t s[64]);
   \brief       sm2 verify
   \brief       sm2 verify
-  \param[in]   sm2       sm2 handle to operate.
+  \param[in]   sm2     sm2 handle to operate.
   \param[in]   d       Pointer to the digest.
   \param[in]   d       Pointer to the digest.
   \param[out]  privkey Pointer to the private key
   \param[out]  privkey Pointer to the private key
-  \param[out]  s Pointer to the signature
+  \param[out]  s       Pointer to the signature
   \return      verify result
   \return      verify result
-bool csi_sm2_verify_async(csi_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t d[32], uint8_t pubkey[65],
-                          uint8_t s[64]);
+bool csi_sm2_verify_async(csi_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t d[32], uint8_t pubkey[65], uint8_t s[64]);
   \brief       sm2 encrypto
   \brief       sm2 encrypto
-  \param[in]   sm2       sm2 handle to operate.
-  \param[in]   Plain       Pointer to the plaintext.
-  \param[in]  PlainByteLen plaintext len
-  \param[in]  pubKey public key.
-  \param[out]  Cipher Pointer to the chipher
+  \param[in]   sm2           sm2 handle to operate.
+  \param[in]   Plain         Pointer to the plaintext.
+  \param[in]   PlainByteLen  plaintext len
+  \param[in]   pubKey        public key.
+  \param[out]  Cipher        Pointer to the chipher
   \param[out]  CipherByteLen Pointer to the chipher len.
   \param[out]  CipherByteLen Pointer to the chipher len.
-  \return      uint32_t
+  \return      Error code \ref csi_error_t
 csi_error_t csi_sm2_encrypt(csi_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t *Plain,
 csi_error_t csi_sm2_encrypt(csi_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t *Plain,
                             uint32_t PlainByteLen, uint8_t pubKey[65],
                             uint32_t PlainByteLen, uint8_t pubKey[65],
@@ -191,13 +202,13 @@ csi_error_t csi_sm2_encrypt(csi_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t *Plain,
   \brief       sm2 encrypto
   \brief       sm2 encrypto
-  \param[in]   sm2       sm2 handle to operate.
-  \param[in]  Cipher Pointer to the chipher
-  \param[in]  CipherByteLen chipher len.
-  \param[in]  prikey private key.
-  \param[out]   Plain       Pointer to the plaintext.
-  \param[out]  PlainByteLen plaintext len
-  \return      uint32_t
+  \param[in]   sm2           sm2 handle to operate.
+  \param[in]   Cipher        Pointer to the chipher
+  \param[in]   CipherByteLen chipher len.
+  \param[in]   prikey        private key.
+  \param[out]  Plain         Pointer to the plaintext.
+  \param[out]  PlainByteLen  plaintext len
+  \return      Error code \ref csi_error_t
 csi_error_t csi_sm2_decrypt(csi_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t *Cipher,
 csi_error_t csi_sm2_decrypt(csi_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t *Cipher,
                             uint32_t CipherByteLen, uint8_t prikey[32],
                             uint32_t CipherByteLen, uint8_t prikey[32],
@@ -206,7 +217,7 @@ csi_error_t csi_sm2_decrypt(csi_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t *Cipher,
   \brief       sm2 key exchange
   \brief       sm2 key exchange
   \param[in]   sm2       sm2 handle to operate.
   \param[in]   sm2       sm2 handle to operate.
-  \return      uint32_t
+  \return      Error code \ref csi_error_t
 csi_error_t csi_sm2_exchangekey(csi_sm2_t *sm2, sm2_exchange_role_e role,
 csi_error_t csi_sm2_exchangekey(csi_sm2_t *sm2, sm2_exchange_role_e role,
                                 uint8_t *dA, uint8_t *PB, uint8_t *rA,
                                 uint8_t *dA, uint8_t *PB, uint8_t *rA,
@@ -217,7 +228,7 @@ csi_error_t csi_sm2_exchangekey(csi_sm2_t *sm2, sm2_exchange_role_e role,
   \brief       sm2 key exchange get Z.
   \brief       sm2 key exchange get Z.
   \param[in]   sm2       sm2 handle to operate.
   \param[in]   sm2       sm2 handle to operate.
-  \return      uint32_t
+  \return      Error code \ref csi_error_t
 csi_error_t csi_sm2_getZ(csi_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t *ID, uint32_t byteLenofID,
 csi_error_t csi_sm2_getZ(csi_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t *ID, uint32_t byteLenofID,
                          uint8_t pubKey[65], uint8_t Z[32]);
                          uint8_t pubKey[65], uint8_t Z[32]);
@@ -225,7 +236,7 @@ csi_error_t csi_sm2_getZ(csi_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t *ID, uint32_t byteLenofID,
   \brief       sm2 key exchange get E
   \brief       sm2 key exchange get E
   \param[in]   sm2       sm2 handle to operate.
   \param[in]   sm2       sm2 handle to operate.
-  \return      uint32_t
+  \return      Error code \ref csi_error_t
 csi_error_t csi_sm2_getE(csi_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t *M, uint32_t byteLen,
 csi_error_t csi_sm2_getE(csi_sm2_t *sm2, uint8_t *M, uint32_t byteLen,
                          uint8_t Z[32], uint8_t E[32]);
                          uint8_t Z[32], uint8_t E[32]);

+ 19 - 22

@@ -20,39 +20,39 @@
 extern "C" {
 extern "C" {
-#define SM3_DIGEST_OUT_SIZE   32
+#define SM3_DATAIN_BLOCK_SIZE (64)
+#define SM3_DIGEST_OUT_SIZE   (32)
 typedef struct {
 typedef struct {
-    uint32_t total[2];   ///< Number of bytes processed
-    uint32_t state[16];  ///< Intermediate digest state
+    uint32_t total[2];                      ///< Number of bytes processed
+    uint32_t state[16];                     ///< Intermediate digest state
     uint8_t  buffer[SM3_DATAIN_BLOCK_SIZE]; ///< Data block  beingprocessed
     uint8_t  buffer[SM3_DATAIN_BLOCK_SIZE]; ///< Data block  beingprocessed
-    uint8_t  result[SM3_DIGEST_OUT_SIZE]; ///< Data block has processed
+    uint8_t  result[SM3_DIGEST_OUT_SIZE];   ///< Data block has processed
 } csi_sm3_context_t;
 } csi_sm3_context_t;
 /****** SM3 State ******/
 /****** SM3 State ******/
 typedef struct {
 typedef struct {
-    uint32_t busy             : 1;        ///< Calculate busy flag
-    uint32_t error            : 1;        ///< Calculate error flag
+    uint32_t busy             : 1;          ///< Calculate busy flag
+    uint32_t error            : 1;          ///< Calculate error flag
 } csi_sm3_state_t;
 } csi_sm3_state_t;
 /****** SM3 Event ******/
 /****** SM3 Event ******/
 typedef enum {
 typedef enum {
-    SM3_EVENT_COMPLETE = 0U, ///< Calculate completed
+    SM3_EVENT_COMPLETE = 0U,        ///< Calculate completed
-    SM3_EVENT_ERROR          ///< Calculate error
+    SM3_EVENT_ERROR                 ///< Calculate error
 } csi_sm3_event_t;
 } csi_sm3_event_t;
 typedef struct csi_sm3_t csi_sm3_t;
 typedef struct csi_sm3_t csi_sm3_t;
 struct csi_sm3_t {
 struct csi_sm3_t {
-    csi_dev_t dev; ///< SM3 hw-device info
+    csi_dev_t dev;                  ///< SM3 hw-device info
     void (*callback)(csi_sm3_t *sm3, csi_sm3_event_t event,
     void (*callback)(csi_sm3_t *sm3, csi_sm3_event_t event,
                         void *arg); ///< SM3 event callback for user
                         void *arg); ///< SM3 event callback for user
-    void *          arg;    ///< SM3 custom designed param passed to evt_cb
-    csi_sm3_state_t state;  ///< SM3 state
+    void *          arg;            ///< SM3 custom designed param passed to evt_cb
+    csi_sm3_state_t state;          ///< SM3 state
     void *          priv;
     void *          priv;
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ struct csi_sm3_t {
   \brief       Initialize SM3 Interface. Initializes the resources needed for the SM3 interface
   \brief       Initialize SM3 Interface. Initializes the resources needed for the SM3 interface
   \param[in]   sm3  operate handle.
   \param[in]   sm3  operate handle.
   \param[in]   idx index of sm3
   \param[in]   idx index of sm3
-  \return      error code \ref uint32_t
+  \return      error code \ref csi_error_t
 csi_error_t csi_sm3_init(csi_sm3_t *sm3, uint32_t idx);
 csi_error_t csi_sm3_init(csi_sm3_t *sm3, uint32_t idx);
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ void csi_sm3_detach_callback(csi_sm3_t *sm3);
   \brief       start the engine
   \brief       start the engine
   \param[in]   sm3     sm3 handle to .operate
   \param[in]   sm3     sm3 handle to .operate
   \param[in]   context Pointer to the sm3 context \ref csi_sm3_context_t
   \param[in]   context Pointer to the sm3 context \ref csi_sm3_context_t
-  \return      error code \ref uint32_t
+  \return      error code \ref csi_error_t
 csi_error_t csi_sm3_start(csi_sm3_t *sm3, csi_sm3_context_t *context);
 csi_error_t csi_sm3_start(csi_sm3_t *sm3, csi_sm3_context_t *context);
@@ -103,10 +103,9 @@ csi_error_t csi_sm3_start(csi_sm3_t *sm3, csi_sm3_context_t *context);
   \param[in]   context Pointer to the sm3 context \ref csi_sm3_context_t
   \param[in]   context Pointer to the sm3 context \ref csi_sm3_context_t
   \param[in]   input   Pointer to the Source data
   \param[in]   input   Pointer to the Source data
   \param[in]   size    the data size
   \param[in]   size    the data size
-  \return      error code \ref uint32_t
+  \return      error code \ref csi_error_t
-csi_error_t csi_sm3_update(csi_sm3_t *sm3, csi_sm3_context_t *context,
-                           const uint8_t *input, uint32_t size);
+csi_error_t csi_sm3_update(csi_sm3_t *sm3, csi_sm3_context_t *context, const uint8_t *input, uint32_t size);
   \brief       Accumulate the engine (async mode)
   \brief       Accumulate the engine (async mode)
@@ -116,8 +115,7 @@ csi_error_t csi_sm3_update(csi_sm3_t *sm3, csi_sm3_context_t *context,
   \param[in]   size       The data size
   \param[in]   size       The data size
   \return      Error code \ref csi_error_t
   \return      Error code \ref csi_error_t
-csi_error_t csi_sm3_update_async(csi_sm3_t *sm3, csi_sm3_context_t *context,
-                                 const uint8_t *input, uint32_t size);
+csi_error_t csi_sm3_update_async(csi_sm3_t *sm3, csi_sm3_context_t *context, const uint8_t *input, uint32_t size);
   \brief       finish the engine
   \brief       finish the engine
@@ -125,10 +123,9 @@ csi_error_t csi_sm3_update_async(csi_sm3_t *sm3, csi_sm3_context_t *context,
   \param[in]   context  Pointer to the sm3 context \ref csi_sm3_context_t
   \param[in]   context  Pointer to the sm3 context \ref csi_sm3_context_t
   \param[out]  output   Pointer to the result data
   \param[out]  output   Pointer to the result data
   \param[out]  out_size Pointer to the result data size(bytes)
   \param[out]  out_size Pointer to the result data size(bytes)
-  \return      error code \ref uint32_t
+  \return      error code \ref csi_error_t
-csi_error_t csi_sm3_finish(csi_sm3_t *sm3, csi_sm3_context_t *context,
-                           uint8_t *output, uint32_t *out_size);
+csi_error_t csi_sm3_finish(csi_sm3_t *sm3, csi_sm3_context_t *context, uint8_t *output, uint32_t *out_size);
   \brief       Get SM3 state
   \brief       Get SM3 state

+ 7 - 7

@@ -20,9 +20,11 @@
 extern "C" {
 extern "C" {
-#define SM4_KEY_LEN_BYTES_32 32
-#define SM4_KEY_LEN_BYTES_24 24
-#define SM4_KEY_LEN_BYTES_16 16
+#define SM4_KEY_LEN_BYTES_32 (32)
+#define SM4_KEY_LEN_BYTES_24 (24)
+#define SM4_KEY_LEN_BYTES_16 (16)
+#define SM4_IV_LEN_BYTES_16  (16)
 typedef enum {
 typedef enum {
     SM4_KEY_LEN_BITS_128        = 0,       /*128 Data bits*/
     SM4_KEY_LEN_BITS_128        = 0,       /*128 Data bits*/
@@ -91,8 +93,7 @@ csi_error_t csi_sm4_set_decrypt_key(csi_sm4_t *sm4, uint8_t *key, csi_sm4_key_bi
   \param[in]   size    the Source data size
   \param[in]   size    the Source data size
   \return      error code \ref uint32_t
   \return      error code \ref uint32_t
-csi_error_t csi_sm4_ecb_encrypt(csi_sm4_t *sm4, uint8_t *in, uint8_t *out,
-                                uint32_t size);
+csi_error_t csi_sm4_ecb_encrypt(csi_sm4_t *sm4, uint8_t *in, uint8_t *out, uint32_t size);
   \brief       sm4 ecb decrypt
   \brief       sm4 ecb decrypt
@@ -102,8 +103,7 @@ csi_error_t csi_sm4_ecb_encrypt(csi_sm4_t *sm4, uint8_t *in, uint8_t *out,
   \param[in]   size    the Source data size
   \param[in]   size    the Source data size
   \return      error code \ref uint32_t
   \return      error code \ref uint32_t
-csi_error_t csi_sm4_ecb_decrypt(csi_sm4_t *sm4, uint8_t *in, uint8_t *out,
-                                uint32_t size);
+csi_error_t csi_sm4_ecb_decrypt(csi_sm4_t *sm4, uint8_t *in, uint8_t *out, uint32_t size);
   \brief       sm4 cbc encrypt
   \brief       sm4 cbc encrypt

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0
