Pārlūkot izejas kodu

dubhe: binutils: Update Binutils to support B extension

Full B v1.0 extension suppport is needed after updating GCC with B
extension. This patch updates binutils to use the branch and repo that
supports the full B v1.0 extension for RISC-V.

Signed-off-by: Jun Yuan Tan <junyuan.tan@starfivetech.com>
Jun Yuan Tan 2 gadi atpakaļ

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend := "${THISDIR}/binutils:"
+SRCREV = "116a737f438d03a1bd6aa706b6ea0b4022f3b7e2"
+BINUTILS_GIT_URI = "git://sourceware.org/git/binutils-gdb.git;branch=${SRCBRANCH};protocol=git"
+SRC_URI += "\
+     file://0001-merge-from-dubhe-pr-06-30-to-support-b0.94.patch \
+     file://0002-merge-from-dubhe-pr-06-30-to-support-vector1.0.patch \
+     file://0003-fix-unrecoginized-b-ext-issue.patch \
+     file://0004-set-v-ext-version-to-1.0-draft.patch \
+     file://0005-fix-incorrect-RCLASS_MAX.patch \
+     file://0006-Merge-B-instruction-from-0p94-to-1.0.patch \
+     file://0007-merge-Add-four-new-instruction-of-custom-CSRs.patch \
+     file://0008-add-cache-prefetch-instruction.patch \
+     file://0009-Delete-redundant-b0.94-instructions.patch \
+     file://0010-change-vle1.v-vse1.v-to-vlm.v-vsm.v-according-rvv-1..patch \
+     file://0011-enable-l2-cache-prefetch.patch \

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend := "${THISDIR}/binutils:"
+SRCREV = "116a737f438d03a1bd6aa706b6ea0b4022f3b7e2"
+BINUTILS_GIT_URI = "git://sourceware.org/git/binutils-gdb.git;branch=${SRCBRANCH};protocol=git"
+SRC_URI += "\
+     file://0001-merge-from-dubhe-pr-06-30-to-support-b0.94.patch \
+     file://0002-merge-from-dubhe-pr-06-30-to-support-vector1.0.patch \
+     file://0003-fix-unrecoginized-b-ext-issue.patch \
+     file://0004-set-v-ext-version-to-1.0-draft.patch \
+     file://0005-fix-incorrect-RCLASS_MAX.patch \
+     file://0006-Merge-B-instruction-from-0p94-to-1.0.patch \
+     file://0007-merge-Add-four-new-instruction-of-custom-CSRs.patch \
+     file://0008-add-cache-prefetch-instruction.patch \
+     file://0009-Delete-redundant-b0.94-instructions.patch \
+     file://0010-change-vle1.v-vse1.v-to-vlm.v-vsm.v-according-rvv-1..patch \
+     file://0011-enable-l2-cache-prefetch.patch \

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend := "${THISDIR}/binutils:"
+SRCREV = "116a737f438d03a1bd6aa706b6ea0b4022f3b7e2"
+BINUTILS_GIT_URI = "git://sourceware.org/git/binutils-gdb.git;branch=${SRCBRANCH};protocol=git"
+SRC_URI += "\
+     file://0001-merge-from-dubhe-pr-06-30-to-support-b0.94.patch \
+     file://0002-merge-from-dubhe-pr-06-30-to-support-vector1.0.patch \
+     file://0003-fix-unrecoginized-b-ext-issue.patch \
+     file://0004-set-v-ext-version-to-1.0-draft.patch \
+     file://0005-fix-incorrect-RCLASS_MAX.patch \
+     file://0006-Merge-B-instruction-from-0p94-to-1.0.patch \
+     file://0007-merge-Add-four-new-instruction-of-custom-CSRs.patch \
+     file://0008-add-cache-prefetch-instruction.patch \
+     file://0009-Delete-redundant-b0.94-instructions.patch \
+     file://0010-change-vle1.v-vse1.v-to-vlm.v-vsm.v-according-rvv-1..patch \
+     file://0011-enable-l2-cache-prefetch.patch \

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend := "${THISDIR}/binutils:"
+SRCREV = "116a737f438d03a1bd6aa706b6ea0b4022f3b7e2"
+BINUTILS_GIT_URI = "git://sourceware.org/git/binutils-gdb.git;branch=${SRCBRANCH};protocol=git"
+SRC_URI += "\
+     file://0001-merge-from-dubhe-pr-06-30-to-support-b0.94.patch \
+     file://0002-merge-from-dubhe-pr-06-30-to-support-vector1.0.patch \
+     file://0003-fix-unrecoginized-b-ext-issue.patch \
+     file://0004-set-v-ext-version-to-1.0-draft.patch \
+     file://0005-fix-incorrect-RCLASS_MAX.patch \
+     file://0006-Merge-B-instruction-from-0p94-to-1.0.patch \
+     file://0007-merge-Add-four-new-instruction-of-custom-CSRs.patch \
+     file://0008-add-cache-prefetch-instruction.patch \
+     file://0009-Delete-redundant-b0.94-instructions.patch \
+     file://0010-change-vle1.v-vse1.v-to-vlm.v-vsm.v-according-rvv-1..patch \
+     file://0011-enable-l2-cache-prefetch.patch \

+ 927 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,927 @@
+From cc2d8c8bed31f441206b53009d5d681132c6e332 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: "max.ma" <max.ma@starfivetech.com>
+Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2021 02:42:26 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH 01/11] merge from dubhe-pr-06-30 to support b0.94
+ gas/config/tc-riscv.c              |  24 +++
+ gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/b-ext-64.d |  69 +++++++
+ gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/b-ext-64.s |  69 +++++++
+ gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/b-ext.d    |  39 ++++
+ gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/b-ext.s    |  39 ++++
+ include/opcode/riscv-opc.h         | 206 +++++++++++++++++++
+ include/opcode/riscv.h             |  12 ++
+ opcodes/riscv-opc.c                | 316 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ 8 files changed, 774 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/gas/config/tc-riscv.c b/gas/config/tc-riscv.c
+index 70cbc8190f..e5d8070b75 100644
+--- a/gas/config/tc-riscv.c
++++ b/gas/config/tc-riscv.c
+@@ -343,6 +343,30 @@ riscv_multi_subset_supports (enum riscv_insn_class insn_class)
+     case INSN_CLASS_ZBC:
+       return riscv_subset_supports ("zbc");
++    case INSN_CLASS_ZBE:
++      return riscv_subset_supports ("zbe");
++    case INSN_CLASS_ZBF:
++      return riscv_subset_supports ("zbf");
++    case INSN_CLASS_ZBM:
++      return riscv_subset_supports ("zbm");
++    case INSN_CLASS_ZBP:
++      return riscv_subset_supports ("zbp");
++    case INSN_CLASS_ZBR:
++      return riscv_subset_supports ("zbr");
++    case INSN_CLASS_ZBS:
++      return riscv_subset_supports ("zbs");
++    case INSN_CLASS_ZBT:
++      return riscv_subset_supports ("zbt");
++      return (riscv_subset_supports ("zbb") || riscv_subset_supports ("zbp"));
++      return (riscv_subset_supports ("zbs") || riscv_subset_supports ("zbe"));
++      return (riscv_subset_supports ("zbp") || riscv_subset_supports ("zbm"));
++      return (riscv_subset_supports ("zbp") || riscv_subset_supports ("zbe") || riscv_subset_supports ("zbf"));
++      return (riscv_subset_supports ("zbp") || riscv_subset_supports ("zbe") || riscv_subset_supports ("zbf") || riscv_subset_supports ("zbm"));
+     default:
+       as_fatal ("internal: unreachable");
+       return false;
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/b-ext-64.d b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/b-ext-64.d
+index f4a7abf02d..d1b512b9e9 100644
+--- a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/b-ext-64.d
++++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/b-ext-64.d
+@@ -46,3 +46,72 @@ Disassembly of section .text:
+ [ 	]+8c:[ 	]+08c5853b[ 	]+add.uw[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
+ [ 	]+90:[ 	]+0805853b[ 	]+zext.w[ 	]+a0,a1
+ [ 	]+94:[ 	]+0825951b[ 	]+slli.uw[ 	]+a0,a1,0x2
++[ 	]+98:[ 	]+08c5c533[ 	]+pack[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+9c:[ 	]+48c5c533[ 	]+packu[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+a0:[ 	]+08c5f533[ 	]+packh[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+a4:[ 	]+0825c53b[ 	]+packw[ 	]+a0,a1,0x2
++[ 	]+a8:[ 	]+4825c53b[ 	]+packuw[ 	]+a0,a1,0x2
++[ 	]+ac:[ 	]+68c5d533[ 	]+grev[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+b0:[ 	]+6825d513[ 	]+rev2.n[ 	]+a0,a1
++[ 	]+b4:[ 	]+6825d53b[ 	]+grevw[ 	]+a0,a1,0x2
++[ 	]+b8:[ 	]+6825d51b[ 	]+greviw[ 	]+a0,a1,0x2
++[ 	]+bc:[ 	]+28c5d533[ 	]+gorc[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+c0:[ 	]+2825d513[ 	]+orc2.n[ 	]+a0,a1
++[ 	]+c4:[ 	]+2825d53b[ 	]+gorcw[ 	]+a0,a1,0x2
++[ 	]+c8:[ 	]+2825d51b[ 	]+gorciw[ 	]+a0,a1,0x2
++[ 	]+cc:[ 	]+08c59533[ 	]+shfl[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+d0:[ 	]+08259513[ 	]+zip2.b[ 	]+a0,a1
++[ 	]+d4:[ 	]+0825953b[ 	]+shflw[ 	]+a0,a1,0x2
++[ 	]+d8:[ 	]+08c5d533[ 	]+unshfl[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+dc:[ 	]+0825d513[ 	]+unzip2.b[ 	]+a0,a1
++[ 	]+e0:[ 	]+0825d53b[ 	]+unshflw[ 	]+a0,a1,0x2
++[ 	]+e4:[ 	]+28c5a533[ 	]+xperm.n[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+e8:[ 	]+28c5c533[ 	]+xperm.b[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+ec:[ 	]+28c5e533[ 	]+xperm.h[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+f0:[ 	]+28258533[ 	]+xperm.w[ 	]+a0,a1,0x2
++[ 	]+f4:[ 	]+28c59533[ 	]+bset[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+f8:[ 	]+48c59533[ 	]+bclr[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+fc:[ 	]+68c59533[ 	]+binv[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+100:[ 	]+48c5d533[ 	]+bext[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+104:[ 	]+48c5e533[ 	]+bdecompress[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+108:[ 	]+28259513[ 	]+bseti[ 	]+a0,a1,0x2
++[ 	]+10c:[ 	]+48259513[ 	]+bclri[ 	]+a0,a1,0x2
++[ 	]+110:[ 	]+68259513[ 	]+binvi[ 	]+a0,a1,0x2
++[ 	]+114:[ 	]+4825d513[ 	]+bexti[ 	]+a0,a1,0x2
++[ 	]+118:[ 	]+28c5953b[ 	]+bsetw[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+11c:[ 	]+48c5953b[ 	]+bclrw[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+120:[ 	]+68c5953b[ 	]+binvw[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+124:[ 	]+48c5d53b[ 	]+bextw[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+128:[ 	]+4825e53b[ 	]+bdecompressw[ 	]+a0,a1,0x2
++[ 	]+12c:[ 	]+2825951b[ 	]+bsetiw[ 	]+a0,a1,0x2
++[ 	]+130:[ 	]+4825951b[ 	]+bclriw[ 	]+a0,a1,0x2
++[ 	]+134:[ 	]+6825951b[ 	]+binviw[ 	]+a0,a1,0x2
++[ 	]+138:[ 	]+20c59533[ 	]+slo[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+13c:[ 	]+20c5d533[ 	]+sro[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+140:[ 	]+20259513[ 	]+sloi[ 	]+a0,a1,0x2
++[ 	]+144:[ 	]+2025d513[ 	]+sroi[ 	]+a0,a1,0x2
++[ 	]+148:[ 	]+2025953b[ 	]+slow[ 	]+a0,a1,0x2
++[ 	]+14c:[ 	]+2025d53b[ 	]+srow[ 	]+a0,a1,0x2
++[ 	]+150:[ 	]+2025951b[ 	]+sloiw[ 	]+a0,a1,0x2
++[ 	]+154:[ 	]+2025d51b[ 	]+sroiw[ 	]+a0,a1,0x2
++[ 	]+158:[ 	]+48c5f533[ 	]+bfp[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+15c:[ 	]+4825f53b[ 	]+bfpw[ 	]+a0,a1,0x2
++[ 	]+160:[ 	]+08c5b533[ 	]+bmator[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+164:[ 	]+48c5b533[ 	]+bmatxor[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+168:[ 	]+60351513[ 	]+bmatflip[ 	]+a0,a0
++[ 	]+16c:[ 	]+61051513[ 	]+crc32.b[ 	]+a0,a0
++[ 	]+170:[ 	]+61151513[ 	]+crc32.h[ 	]+a0,a0
++[ 	]+174:[ 	]+61251513[ 	]+crc32.w[ 	]+a0,a0
++[ 	]+178:[ 	]+61851513[ 	]+crc32c.b[ 	]+a0,a0
++[ 	]+17c:[ 	]+61951513[ 	]+crc32c.h[ 	]+a0,a0
++[ 	]+180:[ 	]+61a51513[ 	]+crc32c.w[ 	]+a0,a0
++[ 	]+184:[ 	]+61351513[ 	]+crc32.d[ 	]+a0,a0
++[ 	]+188:[ 	]+61b51513[ 	]+crc32c.d[ 	]+a0,a0
++[ 	]+18c:[ 	]+6ec59533[ 	]+cmix[ 	]+a0,a1,a2,a3
++[ 	]+190:[ 	]+6ec5d533[ 	]+cmov[ 	]+a0,a1,a2,a3
++[ 	]+194:[ 	]+6cc59533[ 	]+fsl[ 	]+a0,a1,a2,a3
++[ 	]+198:[ 	]+6cc5d533[ 	]+fsr[ 	]+a0,a1,a2,a3
++[ 	]+19c:[ 	]+6c25d513[ 	]+fsri[ 	]+a0,a1,0x2,a3
++[ 	]+1a0:[ 	]+6c25953b[ 	]+fslw[ 	]+a0,a1,0x2,a3
++[ 	]+1a4:[ 	]+6c25d53b[ 	]+fsrw[ 	]+a0,a1,0x2,a3
++[ 	]+1a8:[ 	]+6c25d51b[ 	]+fsriw[ 	]+a0,a1,0x2,a3
+\ No newline at end of file
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/b-ext-64.s b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/b-ext-64.s
+index c3ac377f4b..23b1cbe473 100644
+--- a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/b-ext-64.s
++++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/b-ext-64.s
+@@ -37,3 +37,72 @@ target:
+ 	add.uw	a0, a1, a2
+ 	zext.w	a0, a1
+ 	slli.uw	a0, a1, 2
++	pack	a0, a1, a2
++	packu	a0, a1, a2
++	packh	a0, a1, a2
++	packw	a0, a1, 2
++	packuw	a0, a1, 2
++	grev	a0, a1, a2
++	grevi	a0, a1, 2
++	grevw	a0, a1, 2
++	greviw	a0, a1, 2
++	gorc	a0, a1, a2
++	gorci	a0, a1, 2
++	gorcw	a0, a1, 2
++	gorciw	a0, a1, 2
++	shfl	a0, a1, a2
++	shfli	a0, a1, 2
++	shflw	a0, a1, 2
++	unshfl	a0, a1, a2
++	unshfli	a0, a1, 2
++	unshflw	a0, a1, 2
++	xperm.n	a0, a1, a2
++	xperm.b	a0, a1, a2
++	xperm.h	a0, a1, a2
++	xperm.w	a0, a1, 2
++	bset	a0, a1, a2
++	bclr	a0, a1, a2
++	binv	a0, a1, a2
++	bext	a0, a1, a2
++	bdecompress	a0, a1, a2
++	bseti	a0, a1, 2
++	bclri	a0, a1, 2
++	binvi	a0, a1, 2
++	bexti	a0, a1, 2
++	bsetw	a0, a1, a2
++	bclrw	a0, a1, a2
++	binvw	a0, a1, a2
++	bextw	a0, a1, a2
++	bdecompressw	a0, a1, 2
++	bsetiw	a0, a1, 2
++	bclriw	a0, a1, 2
++	binviw	a0, a1, 2
++	slo	a0, a1, a2
++	sro	a0, a1, a2
++	sloi	a0, a1, 2
++	sroi	a0, a1, 2
++	slow	a0, a1, 2
++	srow	a0, a1, 2
++	sloiw	a0, a1, 2
++	sroiw	a0, a1, 2
++	bfp	a0, a1, a2
++	bfpw	a0, a1, 2
++	bmator	a0, a1, a2
++	bmatxor	a0, a1, a2
++	bmatflip	a0, a0
++	crc32.b	a0, a0
++	crc32.h	a0, a0
++	crc32.w	a0, a0
++	crc32c.b	a0, a0
++	crc32c.h	a0, a0
++	crc32c.w	a0, a0
++	crc32.d	a0, a0
++	crc32c.d	a0, a0
++	cmix	a0, a1, a2, a3
++	cmov	a0, a1, a2, a3
++	fsl	a0, a1, a2, a3
++	fsr	a0, a1, a2, a3
++	fsri	a0, a1,  2, a3
++	fslw	a0, a1,  2, a3
++	fsrw	a0, a1,  2, a3
++	fsriw	a0, a1,  2, a3
+\ No newline at end of file
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/b-ext.d b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/b-ext.d
+index 7410796a3b..059a8fa146 100644
+--- a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/b-ext.d
++++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/b-ext.d
+@@ -33,3 +33,42 @@ Disassembly of section .text:
+ [ 	]+58:[ 	]+0ac59533[ 	]+clmul[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
+ [ 	]+5c:[ 	]+0ac5b533[ 	]+clmulh[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
+ [ 	]+60:[ 	]+0ac5a533[ 	]+clmulr[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+64:[ 	]+08c5c533[ 	]+pack[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+68:[ 	]+48c5c533[ 	]+packu[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+6c:[ 	]+08c5f533[ 	]+packh[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+70:[ 	]+68c5d533[ 	]+grev[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+74:[ 	]+6825d513[ 	]+rev2.n[ 	]+a0,a1
++[ 	]+78:[ 	]+28c5d533[ 	]+gorc[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+7c:[ 	]+2825d513[ 	]+orc2.n[ 	]+a0,a1
++[ 	]+80:[ 	]+08c59533[ 	]+shfl[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+84:[ 	]+08259513[ 	]+zip2.b[ 	]+a0,a1
++[ 	]+88:[ 	]+08c5d533[ 	]+unshfl[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+8c:[ 	]+0825d513[ 	]+unzip2.b[ 	]+a0,a1
++[ 	]+90:[ 	]+28c5a533[ 	]+xperm.n[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+94:[ 	]+28c5c533[ 	]+xperm.b[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+98:[ 	]+28c5e533[ 	]+xperm.h[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+9c:[ 	]+28c59533[ 	]+bset[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+a0:[ 	]+48c59533[ 	]+bclr[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+a4:[ 	]+68c59533[ 	]+binv[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+a8:[ 	]+48c5d533[ 	]+bext[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+ac:[ 	]+48c5e533[ 	]+bdecompress[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+b0:[ 	]+28259513[ 	]+bseti[ 	]+a0,a1,0x2
++[ 	]+b4:[ 	]+48259513[ 	]+bclri[ 	]+a0,a1,0x2
++[ 	]+b8:[ 	]+68259513[ 	]+binvi[ 	]+a0,a1,0x2
++[ 	]+bc:[ 	]+4825d513[ 	]+bexti[ 	]+a0,a1,0x2
++[ 	]+c0:[ 	]+20c59533[ 	]+slo[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+c4:[ 	]+20c5d533[ 	]+sro[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+c8:[ 	]+20259513[ 	]+sloi[ 	]+a0,a1,0x2
++[ 	]+cc:[ 	]+2025d513[ 	]+sroi[ 	]+a0,a1,0x2
++[ 	]+d0:[ 	]+48c5f533[ 	]+bfp[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+d4:[ 	]+61051513[ 	]+crc32.b[ 	]+a0,a0
++[ 	]+d8:[ 	]+61151513[ 	]+crc32.h[ 	]+a0,a0
++[ 	]+dc:[ 	]+61251513[ 	]+crc32.w[ 	]+a0,a0
++[ 	]+e0:[ 	]+61851513[ 	]+crc32c.b[ 	]+a0,a0
++[ 	]+e4:[ 	]+61951513[ 	]+crc32c.h[ 	]+a0,a0
++[ 	]+e8:[ 	]+61a51513[ 	]+crc32c.w[ 	]+a0,a0
++[ 	]+ec:[ 	]+6ec59533[ 	]+cmix[ 	]+a0,a1,a2,a3
++[ 	]+f0:[ 	]+6ec5d533[ 	]+cmov[ 	]+a0,a1,a2,a3
++[ 	]+f4:[ 	]+6cc59533[ 	]+fsl[ 	]+a0,a1,a2,a3
++[ 	]+f8:[ 	]+6cc5d533[ 	]+fsr[ 	]+a0,a1,a2,a3
++[ 	]+fc:[ 	]+6c25d513[ 	]+fsri[ 	]+a0,a1,0x2,a3
+\ No newline at end of file
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/b-ext.s b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/b-ext.s
+index 051dafd171..041af79bbd 100644
+--- a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/b-ext.s
++++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/b-ext.s
+@@ -24,3 +24,42 @@ target:
+ 	clmul	a0, a1, a2
+ 	clmulh	a0, a1, a2
+ 	clmulr	a0, a1, a2
++	pack	 a0, a1, a2
++	packu	 a0, a1, a2
++	packh	 a0, a1, a2
++	grev	 a0, a1, a2
++	grevi	 a0, a1, 2
++	gorc	 a0, a1, a2
++	gorci	 a0, a1, 2
++	shfl	 a0, a1, a2
++	shfli	 a0, a1, 2
++	unshfl	 a0, a1, a2
++	unshfli	 a0, a1, 2
++	xperm.n	 a0, a1, a2
++	xperm.b	 a0, a1, a2
++	xperm.h	 a0, a1, a2
++	bset	 a0, a1, a2
++	bclr	 a0, a1, a2
++	binv	 a0, a1, a2
++	bext	 a0, a1, a2
++	bdecompress	 a0, a1, a2
++	bseti	 a0, a1, 2
++	bclri	 a0, a1, 2
++	binvi	 a0, a1, 2
++	bexti	 a0, a1, 2
++	slo	 a0, a1, a2
++	sro	 a0, a1, a2
++	sloi	 a0, a1, 2
++	sroi	 a0, a1, 2
++	bfp	 a0, a1, a2
++	crc32.b	 a0, a0
++	crc32.h	 a0, a0
++	crc32.w	 a0, a0
++	crc32c.b	 a0, a0
++	crc32c.h	 a0, a0
++	crc32c.w	 a0, a0
++	cmix	 a0, a1, a2, a3
++	cmov	 a0, a1, a2, a3
++	fsl	 a0, a1, a2, a3
++	fsr	 a0, a1, a2, a3
++	fsri	 a0, a1, 2, a3
+\ No newline at end of file
+diff --git a/include/opcode/riscv-opc.h b/include/opcode/riscv-opc.h
+index 9999da6241..1a80dbf87d 100644
+--- a/include/opcode/riscv-opc.h
++++ b/include/opcode/riscv-opc.h
+@@ -113,6 +113,18 @@
+ #define MASK_SRL  0xfe00707f
+ #define MATCH_SRA 0x40005033
+ #define MASK_SRA  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_SLO 0x20001033
++#define MASK_SLO  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_SLOI 0x20001013
++#define MASK_SLOI  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_SLOW 0x2000103b
++#define MASK_SLOW  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_SRO 0x20005033
++#define MASK_SRO  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_SROI 0x20005013
++#define MASK_SROI  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_SROW 0x2000503b
++#define MASK_SROW  0xfe00707f
+ #define MATCH_OR 0x6033
+ #define MASK_OR  0xfe00707f
+ #define MATCH_AND 0x7033
+@@ -429,6 +441,24 @@
+ #define MASK_CTZ  0xfff0707f
+ #define MATCH_CPOP 0x60201013
+ #define MASK_CPOP  0xfff0707f
++#define MATCH_BMATFLIP 0x60301013
++#define MASK_BMATFLIP  0xfff0707f
++#define MATCH_CRC32_B 0x61001013
++#define MASK_CRC32_B  0xfff0707f
++#define MATCH_CRC32_H 0x61101013
++#define MASK_CRC32_H  0xfff0707f
++#define MATCH_CRC32_W 0x61201013
++#define MASK_CRC32_W  0xfff0707f
++#define MATCH_CRC32_D 0x61301013
++#define MASK_CRC32_D  0xfff0707f
++#define MATCH_CRC32C_B 0x61801013
++#define MASK_CRC32C_B  0xfff0707f
++#define MATCH_CRC32C_H 0x61901013
++#define MASK_CRC32C_H  0xfff0707f
++#define MATCH_CRC32C_W 0x61A01013
++#define MASK_CRC32C_W  0xfff0707f
++#define MATCH_CRC32C_D 0x61B01013
++#define MASK_CRC32C_D  0xfff0707f
+ #define MATCH_MIN 0xa004033
+ #define MASK_MIN  0xfe00707f
+ #define MATCH_MINU 0xa005033
+@@ -437,14 +467,38 @@
+ #define MASK_MAX  0xfe00707f
+ #define MATCH_MAXU 0xa007033
+ #define MASK_MAXU  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_SHFL 0x8001033
++#define MASK_SHFL  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_SHFLI 0x8001013
++#define MASK_SHFLI  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_UNSHFL 0x8005033
++#define MASK_UNSHFL  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_UNSHFLI 0x8005013
++#define MASK_UNSHFLI  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_BCOMPRESS 0x8006033
++#define MASK_BCOMPRESS  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_BDECOMPRESS 0x48006033
++#define MASK_BDECOMPRESS  0xfe00707f
+ #define MATCH_SEXT_B 0x60401013
+ #define MASK_SEXT_B  0xfff0707f
+ #define MATCH_SEXT_H 0x60501013
+ #define MASK_SEXT_H  0xfff0707f
+ #define MATCH_PACK 0x8004033
+ #define MASK_PACK  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_PACKU 0x48004033
++#define MASK_PACKU  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_BMATOR 0x8003033
++#define MASK_BMATOR  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_BMATXOR 0x48003033
++#define MASK_BMATXOR  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_PACKH 0x8007033
++#define MASK_PACKH  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_BFP 0x48007033
++#define MASK_BFP  0xfe00707f
+ #define MATCH_PACKW 0x800403b
+ #define MASK_PACKW  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_PACKUW 0x4800403b
++#define MASK_PACKUW  0xfe00707f
+ #define MATCH_ANDN 0x40007033
+ #define MASK_ANDN  0xfe00707f
+ #define MATCH_ORN 0x40006033
+@@ -457,10 +511,40 @@
+ #define MASK_ROR  0xfe00707f
+ #define MATCH_RORI 0x60005013
+ #define MASK_RORI  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_BCLR 0x48001033
++#define MASK_BCLR  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_BCLRI 0x48001013
++#define MASK_BCLRI  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_BSET 0x28001033
++#define MASK_BSET  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_BSETI 0x28001013
++#define MASK_BSETI  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_BINV 0x68001033
++#define MASK_BINV  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_BINVI 0x68001013
++#define MASK_BINVI  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_BEXT 0x48005033
++#define MASK_BEXT  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_BEXTI 0x48005013
++#define MASK_BEXTI  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_GREV 0x68005033
++#define MASK_GREV  0xfe00707f
+ #define MATCH_GREVI 0x68005013
+ #define MASK_GREVI  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_GORC 0x28005033
++#define MASK_GORC  0xfe00707f
+ #define MATCH_GORCI 0x28005013
+ #define MASK_GORCI  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_CMIX 0x6001033
++#define MASK_CMIX  0x600707f
++#define MATCH_CMOV 0x6005033
++#define MASK_CMOV  0x600707f
++#define MATCH_FSL 0x4001033
++#define MASK_FSL  0x600707f
++#define MATCH_FSR 0x4005033
++#define MASK_FSR  0x600707f
++#define MATCH_FSRI 0x4005013
++#define MASK_FSRI  0x400707f
+ #define MATCH_CLZW 0x6000101b
+ #define MASK_CLZW  0xfff0707f
+ #define MATCH_CTZW 0x6010101b
+@@ -485,6 +569,56 @@
+ #define MASK_SH2ADD_UW  0xfe00707f
+ #define MATCH_SH3ADD_UW 0x2000603b
+ #define MASK_SH3ADD_UW  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_BCLRW 0x4800103b
++#define MASK_BCLRW  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_BSETW 0x2800103b
++#define MASK_BSETW  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_BINVW 0x6800103b
++#define MASK_BINVW  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_BEXTW 0x4800503b
++#define MASK_BEXTW  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_GORCW 0x2800503b
++#define MASK_GORCW  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_GREVW 0x6800503b
++#define MASK_GREVW  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_SLOIW 0x2000101b
++#define MASK_SLOIW  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_SROIW 0x2000501b
++#define MASK_SROIW  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_BCLRIW 0x4800101b
++#define MASK_BCLRIW  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_BSETIW 0x2800101b
++#define MASK_BSETIW  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_BINVIW 0x6800101b
++#define MASK_BINVIW  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_GORCIW 0x2800501b
++#define MASK_GORCIW  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_GREVIW 0x6800501b
++#define MASK_GREVIW  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_FSLW 0x400103b
++#define MASK_FSLW  0x600707f
++#define MATCH_FSRW 0x400503B
++#define MASK_FSRW  0x600707f
++#define MATCH_FSRIW 0x400501B
++#define MASK_FSRIW  0x600707f
++#define MATCH_SHFLW 0x800103b
++#define MASK_SHFLW  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_UNSHFLW 0x800503b
++#define MASK_UNSHFLW  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_BCOMPRESSW 0x800603B
++#define MASK_BCOMPRESSW  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_BDECOMPRESSW 0x4800603b
++#define MASK_BDECOMPRESSW  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_BFPW 0x4800703b
++#define MASK_BFPW  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_XPERM_N 0x28002033
++#define MASK_XPERM_N  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_XPERM_B 0x28004033
++#define MASK_XPERM_B  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_XPERM_H 0x28006033
++#define MASK_XPERM_H  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_XPERM_W 0x28000033
++#define MASK_XPERM_W  0xfe00707f
+ #define MATCH_ADD_UW 0x800003b
+ #define MASK_ADD_UW  0xfe00707f
+ #define MATCH_SLLI_UW 0x800101b
+@@ -1102,6 +1236,78 @@ DECLARE_INSN(slli_uw, MATCH_SLLI_UW, MASK_SLLI_UW)
+diff --git a/include/opcode/riscv.h b/include/opcode/riscv.h
+index fdf3df4f5c..ae8c6bd33f 100644
+--- a/include/opcode/riscv.h
++++ b/include/opcode/riscv.h
+@@ -319,6 +319,18 @@ enum riscv_insn_class
+ };
+ /* This structure holds information for a particular instruction.  */
+diff --git a/opcodes/riscv-opc.c b/opcodes/riscv-opc.c
+index f55a01b071..3d9240262c 100644
+--- a/opcodes/riscv-opc.c
++++ b/opcodes/riscv-opc.c
+@@ -24,6 +24,130 @@
+ #include "opcode/riscv.h"
+ #include <stdio.h>
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_REV_32     (0b11111 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_REV_64     (0b111111 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_REV_P_32   (0b00001 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_REV_P_64   (0b000001 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_REV_N_32   (0b00011 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_REV_N_64   (0b000011 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_REV_B_32   (0b00111 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_REV_B_64   (0b000111 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_REV_H_32   (0b01111 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_REV_H_64   (0b001111 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_REV_W_64   (0b011111 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_REV2_32    (0b11110 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_REV2_64    (0b111110 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_REV2_N_32  (0b00010 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_REV2_N_64  (0b000010 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_REV2_B_32  (0b00110 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_REV2_B_64  (0b000110 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_REV2_H_32  (0b01110 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_REV2_H_64  (0b001110 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_REV2_W_64  (0b011110 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_REV4_32    (0b11100 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_REV4_64    (0b111100 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_REV4_B_32  (0b00100 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_REV4_B_64  (0b000100 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_REV4_H_32  (0b01100 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_REV4_H_64  (0b001100 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_REV4_W_64  (0b011100 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_REV8_32    (0b11000 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_REV8_64    (0b111000 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_REV8_H_32  (0b01000 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_REV8_H_64  (0b001000 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_REV8_W_64  (0b011000 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_REV16_32   (0b10000 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_REV16_64   (0b110000 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_REV16_W_64 (0b010000 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_REV32_64   (0b100000 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP_32     (0b1111 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP_64     (0b11111 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP_N_32   (0b0001 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP_N_64   (0b00001 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP_B_32   (0b0011 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP_B_64   (0b00011 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP_H_32   (0b0111 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP_H_64   (0b00111 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP_W_64   (0b01111 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP2_32    (0b1110 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP2_64    (0b11110 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP2_B_32  (0b0010 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP2_B_64  (0b00010 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP2_H_32  (0b0110 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP2_H_64  (0b00110 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP2_W_64  (0b01110 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP4_32    (0b1100 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP4_64    (0b11100 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP4_H_32  (0b0100 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP4_H_64  (0b00100 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP4_W_64  (0b01100 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP8_32    (0b1000 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP8_64    (0b11000 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP8_W_64  (0b01000 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP16_64   (0b10000 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP_32     (0b1111 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP_64     (0b11111 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP_N_32   (0b0001 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP_N_64   (0b00001 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP_B_32   (0b0011 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP_B_64   (0b00011 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP_H_32   (0b0111 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP_H_64   (0b00111 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP_W_64   (0b01111 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP2_32    (0b1110 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP2_64    (0b11110 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP2_B_32  (0b0010 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP2_B_64  (0b00010 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP2_H_32  (0b0110 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP2_H_64  (0b00110 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP2_W_64  (0b01110 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP4_32    (0b1100 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP4_64    (0b11100 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP4_H_32  (0b0100 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP4_H_64  (0b00100 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP4_W_64  (0b01100 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP8_32    (0b1000 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP8_64    (0b11000 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP8_W_64  (0b01000 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP16_64   (0b10000 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ORC_32     (0b11111 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ORC_64     (0b111111 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ORC_P_32   (0b00001 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ORC_P_64   (0b000001 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ORC_N_32   (0b00011 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ORC_N_64   (0b000011 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ORC_B_32   (0b00111 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ORC_B_64   (0b000111 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ORC_H_32   (0b01111 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ORC_H_64   (0b001111 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ORC_W_64   (0b011111 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ORC2_32    (0b11110 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ORC2_64    (0b111110 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ORC2_N_32  (0b00010 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ORC2_N_64  (0b000010 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ORC2_B_32  (0b00110 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ORC2_B_64  (0b000110 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ORC2_H_32  (0b01110 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ORC2_H_64  (0b001110 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ORC2_W_64  (0b011110 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ORC4_32    (0b11100 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ORC4_64    (0b111100 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ORC4_B_32  (0b00100 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ORC4_B_64  (0b000100 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ORC4_H_32  (0b01100 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ORC4_H_64  (0b001100 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ORC4_W_64  (0b011100 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ORC8_32    (0b11000 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ORC8_64    (0b111000 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ORC8_H_32  (0b01000 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ORC8_H_64  (0b001000 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ORC8_W_64  (0b011000 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ORC16_32   (0b10000 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ORC16_64   (0b110000 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ORC16_W_64 (0b010000 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MATCH_SHAMT_ORC32_64   (0b100000 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
+ /* Register names used by gas and objdump.  */
+ const char * const riscv_gpr_names_numeric[NGPR] =
+@@ -827,6 +951,198 @@ const struct riscv_opcode riscv_opcodes[] =
+ {"clmulh",     0, INSN_CLASS_ZBC,  "d,s,t", MATCH_CLMULH, MASK_CLMULH, match_opcode, 0 },
+ {"clmulr",     0, INSN_CLASS_ZBC,  "d,s,t", MATCH_CLMULR, MASK_CLMULR, match_opcode, 0 },
++/* ZBS instructions */
++{"bclr",       0, INSN_CLASS_ZBS,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_BCLR, MASK_BCLR, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"bclri",      0, INSN_CLASS_ZBS,  "d,s,>",    MATCH_BCLRI, MASK_BCLRI, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"bext",       0, INSN_CLASS_ZBS_OR_ZBE,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_BEXT, MASK_BEXT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"bexti",      0, INSN_CLASS_ZBS,  "d,s,>",    MATCH_BEXTI, MASK_BEXTI, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"binv",       0, INSN_CLASS_ZBS,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_BINV, MASK_BINV, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"binvi",      0, INSN_CLASS_ZBS,  "d,s,>",    MATCH_BINVI, MASK_BINVI, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"bset",       0, INSN_CLASS_ZBS,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_BSET, MASK_BSET, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"bseti",      0, INSN_CLASS_ZBS,  "d,s,>",    MATCH_BSETI, MASK_BSETI, match_opcode, 0 },
++/* B instructions excluded from spec1.0 */
++{"rev",       32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV_32, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"rev",       64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV_64, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"rev.p",     32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV_P_32, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"rev.p",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV_P_64, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"rev.n",     32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV_N_32, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"rev.n",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV_N_64, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"rev.b",     32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV_B_32, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"rev.b",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV_B_64, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"rev.h",     32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV_H_32, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"rev.h",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV_H_64, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"rev.w",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV_W_64, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"rev2",      32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV2_32, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"rev2",      64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV2_64, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"rev2.n",    32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV2_N_32, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"rev2.n",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV2_N_64, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"rev2.b",    32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV2_B_32, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"rev2.b",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV2_B_64, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"rev2.h",    32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV2_H_32, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"rev2.h",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV2_H_64, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"rev2.w",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV2_W_64, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"rev4",      32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV4_32, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"rev4",      64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV4_64, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"rev4.b",    32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV4_B_32, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"rev4.b",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV4_B_64, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"rev4.h",    32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV4_H_32, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"rev4.h",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV4_H_64, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"rev4.w",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV4_W_64, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"rev8.h",    32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV8_H_32, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"rev8.h",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV8_H_64, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"rev8.w",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV8_W_64, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"rev16",     32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV16_32, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"rev16",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV16_64, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"rev16.w",   64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV16_W_64, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"rev32",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV32_64, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"zip",       32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP_32, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"zip",       64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP_64, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"zip.n",     32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP_N_32, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"zip.n",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP_N_64, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"zip.b",     32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP_B_32, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"zip.b",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP_B_64, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"zip.h",     32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP_H_32, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"zip.h",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP_H_64, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"zip.w",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP_W_64, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"zip2",      32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP2_32, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"zip2",      64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP2_64, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"zip2.b",    32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP2_B_32, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"zip2.b",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP2_B_64, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"zip2.h",    32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP2_H_32, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"zip2.h",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP2_H_64, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"zip2.w",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP2_W_64, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"zip4",      32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP4_32, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"zip4",      64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP4_64, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"zip4.h",    32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP4_H_32, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"zip4.h",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP4_H_64, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"zip4.w",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP4_W_64, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"zip8",      32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP8_32, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"zip8",      64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP8_64, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"zip8.w",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP8_W_64, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"zip16",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP16_64, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"unzip",     32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP_32, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"unzip",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP_64, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"unzip.n",   32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP_N_32, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"unzip.n",   64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP_N_64, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"unzip.b",   32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP_B_32, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"unzip.b",   64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP_B_64, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"unzip.h",   32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP_H_32, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"unzip.h",   64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP_H_64, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"unzip.w",   64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP_W_64, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"unzip2",    32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP2_32, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"unzip2",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP2_64, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"unzip2.b",  32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP2_B_32, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"unzip2.b",  64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP2_B_64, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"unzip2.h",  32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP2_H_32, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"unzip2.h",  64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP2_H_64, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"unzip2.w",  64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP2_W_64, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"unzip4",    32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP4_32, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"unzip4",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP4_64, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"unzip4.h",  32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP4_H_32, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"unzip4.h",  64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP4_H_64, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"unzip4.w",  64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP4_W_64, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"unzip8",    32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP8_32, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"unzip8",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP8_64, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"unzip8.w",  64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP8_W_64, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"unzip16",   64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP16_64, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"orc",       32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC_32, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"orc",       64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC_64, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"orc.p",     32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC_P_32, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"orc.p",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC_P_64, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"orc.n",     32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC_N_32, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"orc.n",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC_N_64, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"orc.h",     32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC_H_32, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"orc.h",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC_H_64, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"orc.w",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC_W_64, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"orc2",      32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC2_32, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"orc2",      64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC2_64, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"orc2.n",    32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC2_N_32, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"orc2.n",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC2_N_64, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"orc2.b",    32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC2_B_32, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"orc2.b",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC2_B_64, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"orc2.h",    32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC2_H_32, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"orc2.h",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC2_H_64, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"orc2.w",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC2_W_64, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"orc4",      32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC4_32, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"orc4",      64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC4_64, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"orc4.b",    32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC4_B_32, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"orc4.b",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC4_B_64, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"orc4.h",    32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC4_H_32, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"orc4.h",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC4_H_64, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"orc4.w",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC4_W_64, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"orc8",      32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC8_32, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"orc8",      64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC8_64, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"orc8.h",    32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC8_H_32, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"orc8.h",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC8_H_64, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"orc8.w",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC8_W_64, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"orc16",     32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC16_32, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"orc16",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC16_64, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"orc16.w",   64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC16_W_64, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"orc32",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC32_64, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"pack",       0, INSN_CLASS_ZBP_OR_ZBE_OR_ZBF_OR_ZBM,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_PACK, MASK_PACK, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"packu",      0, INSN_CLASS_ZBP_OR_ZBM,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_PACKU, MASK_PACKU, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"packh",      0, INSN_CLASS_ZBP_OR_ZBE_OR_ZBF,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_PACKH, MASK_PACKH, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"packw",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP_OR_ZBE_OR_ZBF,  "d,s,<",    MATCH_PACKW, MASK_PACKW, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"packuw",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s,<",    MATCH_PACKUW, MASK_PACKUW, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"grev",       0, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_GREV, MASK_GREV, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"grevi",      0, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s,>",    MATCH_GREVI, MASK_GREVI, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"grevw",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s,<",    MATCH_GREVW, MASK_GREVW, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"greviw",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s,<",    MATCH_GREVIW, MASK_GREVIW, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"gorc",       0, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_GORC, MASK_GORC, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"gorci",      0, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s,>",    MATCH_GORCI, MASK_GORCI, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"gorcw",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s,<",    MATCH_GORCW, MASK_GORCW, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"gorciw",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s,<",    MATCH_GORCIW, MASK_GORCIW, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"shfl",       0, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_SHFL, MASK_SHFL, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"shfli",      0, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s,>",    MATCH_SHFLI, MASK_SHFLI, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"shflw",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s,<",    MATCH_SHFLW, MASK_SHFLW, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"unshfl",     0, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_UNSHFL, MASK_UNSHFL, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"unshfli",    0, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s,>",    MATCH_UNSHFLI, MASK_UNSHFLI, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"unshflw",   64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s,<",    MATCH_UNSHFLW, MASK_UNSHFLW, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"xperm.n",    0, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_XPERM_N, MASK_XPERM_N, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"xperm.b",    0, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_XPERM_B, MASK_XPERM_B, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"xperm.h",    0, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_XPERM_H, MASK_XPERM_H, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"xperm.w",   64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s,<",    MATCH_XPERM_W, MASK_XPERM_W, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"bcompress",0, INSN_CLASS_ZBE,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_BCOMPRESS, MASK_BCOMPRESS, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"bdecompress",0, INSN_CLASS_ZBE,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_BDECOMPRESS, MASK_BDECOMPRESS, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"bsetw",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBS,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_BSETW, MASK_BSETW, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"bclrw",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBS,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_BCLRW, MASK_BCLRW, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"binvw",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBS,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_BINVW, MASK_BINVW, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"bextw",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBS_OR_ZBE,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_BEXTW, MASK_BEXTW, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"bcompressw",64, INSN_CLASS_ZBE,  "d,s,<",    MATCH_BCOMPRESSW, MASK_BCOMPRESSW, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"bdecompressw",64, INSN_CLASS_ZBE,  "d,s,<",    MATCH_BDECOMPRESSW, MASK_BDECOMPRESSW, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"bsetiw",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBS,  "d,s,<",    MATCH_BSETIW, MASK_BSETIW, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"bclriw",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBS,  "d,s,<",    MATCH_BCLRIW, MASK_BCLRIW, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"binviw",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBS,  "d,s,<",    MATCH_BINVIW, MASK_BINVIW, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"slo",        0, INSN_CLASS_ZBS,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_SLO, MASK_SLO, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"sro",        0, INSN_CLASS_ZBS,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_SRO, MASK_SRO, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"sloi",       0, INSN_CLASS_ZBS,  "d,s,>",    MATCH_SLOI, MASK_SLOI, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"sroi",       0, INSN_CLASS_ZBS,  "d,s,>",    MATCH_SROI, MASK_SROI, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"slow",      64, INSN_CLASS_ZBS,  "d,s,<",    MATCH_SLOW, MASK_SLOW, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"srow",      64, INSN_CLASS_ZBS,  "d,s,<",    MATCH_SROW, MASK_SROW, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"sloiw",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBS,  "d,s,<",    MATCH_SLOIW, MASK_SLOIW, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"sroiw",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBS,  "d,s,<",    MATCH_SROIW, MASK_SROIW, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"bfp",        0, INSN_CLASS_ZBF,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_BFP, MASK_BFP, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"bfpw",      64, INSN_CLASS_ZBF,  "d,s,<",    MATCH_BFPW, MASK_BFPW, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"bmator",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBM,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_BMATOR, MASK_BMATOR, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"bmatxor",   64, INSN_CLASS_ZBM,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_BMATXOR, MASK_BMATXOR, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"bmatflip",  64, INSN_CLASS_ZBM,  "d,s",      MATCH_BMATFLIP, MASK_BMATFLIP, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"crc32.b",    0, INSN_CLASS_ZBR,  "d,s",      MATCH_CRC32_B, MASK_CRC32_B, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"crc32.h",    0, INSN_CLASS_ZBR,  "d,s",      MATCH_CRC32_H, MASK_CRC32_H, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"crc32.w",    0, INSN_CLASS_ZBR,  "d,s",      MATCH_CRC32_W, MASK_CRC32_W, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"crc32c.b",   0, INSN_CLASS_ZBR,  "d,s",      MATCH_CRC32C_B, MASK_CRC32C_B, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"crc32c.h",   0, INSN_CLASS_ZBR,  "d,s",      MATCH_CRC32C_H, MASK_CRC32C_H, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"crc32c.w",   0, INSN_CLASS_ZBR,  "d,s",      MATCH_CRC32C_W, MASK_CRC32C_W, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"crc32.d",   64, INSN_CLASS_ZBR,  "d,s",      MATCH_CRC32_D, MASK_CRC32_D, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"crc32c.d",  64, INSN_CLASS_ZBR,  "d,s",      MATCH_CRC32C_D, MASK_CRC32C_D, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"cmix",       0, INSN_CLASS_ZBT,  "d,s,t,r",  MATCH_CMIX, MASK_CMIX, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"cmov",       0, INSN_CLASS_ZBT,  "d,s,t,r",  MATCH_CMOV, MASK_CMOV, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"fsl",        0, INSN_CLASS_ZBT,  "d,s,t,r",  MATCH_FSL, MASK_FSL, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"fsr",        0, INSN_CLASS_ZBT,  "d,s,t,r",  MATCH_FSR, MASK_FSR, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"fsri",       0, INSN_CLASS_ZBT,  "d,s,>,r",  MATCH_FSRI, MASK_FSRI, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"fslw",      64, INSN_CLASS_ZBT,  "d,s,<,r",  MATCH_FSLW, MASK_FSLW, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"fsrw",      64, INSN_CLASS_ZBT,  "d,s,<,r",  MATCH_FSRW, MASK_FSRW, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"fsriw",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBT,  "d,s,<,r",  MATCH_FSRIW, MASK_FSRIW, match_opcode, 0 },
+ /* Terminate the list.  */
+ {0, 0, INSN_CLASS_NONE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}

+ 14220 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,14220 @@
+From 9c5cb77c2ba2d45a8f22fe9ac5e2819703f82f66 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: "max.ma" <max.ma@starfivetech.com>
+Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2021 00:18:49 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH 02/11] merge from dubhe-pr-06-30 to support vector1.0
+ gas/config/tc-riscv.c                         |  405 ++-
+ gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/v-zero-imm.d          |   17 +
+ gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/v-zero-imm.s          |    8 +
+ .../gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-fixp.d  |    3 +
+ .../gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-fixp.l  |   27 +
+ .../gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-fixp.s  |   81 +
+ .../riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-floatp.d    |    3 +
+ .../riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-floatp.l    |   49 +
+ .../riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-floatp.s    |  157 ++
+ .../gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-int.d   |    3 +
+ .../gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-int.l   |   71 +
+ .../gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-int.s   |  213 ++
+ .../riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-narrow.d    |    3 +
+ .../riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-narrow.l    |   85 +
+ .../riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-narrow.s    |  100 +
+ .../gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-widen.d |    3 +
+ .../gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-widen.l |  253 ++
+ .../gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-widen.s |  297 +++
+ .../gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-load-store.d  |    3 +
+ .../gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-load-store.l  |  419 ++++
+ .../gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-load-store.s  |  481 ++++
+ .../gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-mask.d        |    3 +
+ .../gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-mask.l        |   10 +
+ .../gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-mask.s        |   23 +
+ .../gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-permutation.d |    3 +
+ .../gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-permutation.l |   31 +
+ .../gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-permutation.s |   56 +
+ .../gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-unsupport.d   |    3 +
+ .../gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-unsupport.l   | 1454 +++++++++++
+ .../gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-unsupport.s   | 1663 +++++++++++++
+ .../gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-zvamo.d       |    3 +
+ .../gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-zvamo.l       |  109 +
+ .../gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-zvamo.s       |  217 ++
+ .../gas/riscv/vector-insns-vmsgtvx.d          |   29 +
+ .../gas/riscv/vector-insns-vmsgtvx.s          |    9 +
+ gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns.d        | 1944 +++++++++++++++
+ gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns.s        | 2185 +++++++++++++++++
+ include/opcode/riscv-opc.h                    | 1916 ++++++++++++++-
+ include/opcode/riscv.h                        |   82 +-
+ opcodes/riscv-dis.c                           |   90 +-
+ opcodes/riscv-opc.c                           | 1125 ++++++++-
+ 41 files changed, 13626 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/v-zero-imm.d
+ create mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/v-zero-imm.s
+ create mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-fixp.d
+ create mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-fixp.l
+ create mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-fixp.s
+ create mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-floatp.d
+ create mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-floatp.l
+ create mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-floatp.s
+ create mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-int.d
+ create mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-int.l
+ create mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-int.s
+ create mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-narrow.d
+ create mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-narrow.l
+ create mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-narrow.s
+ create mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-widen.d
+ create mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-widen.l
+ create mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-widen.s
+ create mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-load-store.d
+ create mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-load-store.l
+ create mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-load-store.s
+ create mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-mask.d
+ create mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-mask.l
+ create mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-mask.s
+ create mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-permutation.d
+ create mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-permutation.l
+ create mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-permutation.s
+ create mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-unsupport.d
+ create mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-unsupport.l
+ create mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-unsupport.s
+ create mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-zvamo.d
+ create mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-zvamo.l
+ create mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-zvamo.s
+ create mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-vmsgtvx.d
+ create mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-vmsgtvx.s
+ create mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns.d
+ create mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns.s
+diff --git a/gas/config/tc-riscv.c b/gas/config/tc-riscv.c
+index e5d8070b75..898ee89f96 100644
+--- a/gas/config/tc-riscv.c
++++ b/gas/config/tc-riscv.c
+@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ enum riscv_csr_class
+   CSR_CLASS_I_32, /* rv32 only */
+   CSR_CLASS_F, /* f-ext only */
+   CSR_CLASS_DEBUG /* debug CSR */
+ };
+@@ -367,6 +368,16 @@ riscv_multi_subset_supports (enum riscv_insn_class insn_class)
+       return (riscv_subset_supports ("zbp") || riscv_subset_supports ("zbe") || riscv_subset_supports ("zbf"));
+       return (riscv_subset_supports ("zbp") || riscv_subset_supports ("zbe") || riscv_subset_supports ("zbf") || riscv_subset_supports ("zbm"));
++    case INSN_CLASS_V: 
++      return riscv_subset_supports ("v");
++    case INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F:
++      return riscv_subset_supports ("v") && riscv_subset_supports ("f");
++      return (riscv_subset_supports ("a")
++	      && (riscv_subset_supports ("v")
++		  || riscv_subset_supports ("zvamo")));
++      return riscv_subset_supports ("v") || riscv_subset_supports ("zvlsseg");
+     default:
+       as_fatal ("internal: unreachable");
+       return false;
+@@ -807,7 +818,8 @@ enum reg_class
+ };
+@@ -909,6 +921,12 @@ riscv_csr_address (const char *csr_name,
+       result = riscv_subset_supports ("f");
+       need_check_version = false;
+       break;
++    case CSR_CLASS_V:
++      result = (riscv_subset_supports ("v")
++		|| riscv_subset_supports ("zvamo")
++		|| riscv_subset_supports ("zvlsseg"));
++      need_check_version = false;    
++      break;  
+     case CSR_CLASS_DEBUG:
+       need_check_version = false;
+       break;
+@@ -1171,6 +1189,33 @@ validate_riscv_insn (const struct riscv_opcode *opc, int length)
+ 	     return false;
+ 	  }
+ 	break;
++ case 'V': /* RVV */
++	switch (c = *p++)
++	  {
++	  case 'd':
++	  case 'f': USE_BITS (OP_MASK_VD, OP_SH_VD); break;
++	  case 'e': USE_BITS (OP_MASK_VWD, OP_SH_VWD); break;
++	  case 's': USE_BITS (OP_MASK_VS1, OP_SH_VS1); break;
++	  case 't': USE_BITS (OP_MASK_VS2, OP_SH_VS2); break;
++	  case 'u': USE_BITS (OP_MASK_VS1, OP_SH_VS1);
++		    USE_BITS (OP_MASK_VS2, OP_SH_VS2); break;
++	  case 'v': USE_BITS (OP_MASK_VD, OP_SH_VD);
++		    USE_BITS (OP_MASK_VS1, OP_SH_VS1);
++		    USE_BITS (OP_MASK_VS2, OP_SH_VS2); break;
++	  case '0': break;
++	  case 'b': used_bits |= ENCODE_RVV_VB_IMM (-1U); break;
++	  case 'c': used_bits |= ENCODE_RVV_VC_IMM (-1U); break;
++	  case 'i':
++	  case 'j':
++	  case 'k': USE_BITS (OP_MASK_VIMM, OP_SH_VIMM); break;
++	  case 'm': USE_BITS (OP_MASK_VMASK, OP_SH_VMASK); break;
++	  default:
++	    as_bad (_("internal: bad RISC-V opcode (unknown operand type `V%c'): %s %s"),
++		    c, opc->name, opc->args);
++	  }
++	break;
+       default:
+ 	as_bad (_("internal: bad RISC-V opcode "
+ 		  "(unknown operand type `%c'): %s %s"),
+@@ -1252,6 +1297,8 @@ md_begin (void)
+   hash_reg_names (RCLASS_GPR, riscv_gpr_names_abi, NGPR);
+   hash_reg_names (RCLASS_FPR, riscv_fpr_names_numeric, NFPR);
+   hash_reg_names (RCLASS_FPR, riscv_fpr_names_abi, NFPR);
++  hash_reg_names (RCLASS_VECR, riscv_vecr_names_numeric, NVECR);
++  hash_reg_names (RCLASS_VECM, riscv_vecm_names_numeric, NVECM);  
+   /* Add "fp" as an alias for "s0".  */
+   hash_reg_name (RCLASS_GPR, "fp", 8);
+@@ -1412,6 +1459,41 @@ macro_build (expressionS *ep, const char *name, const char *fmt, ...)
+ 	  break;
+ 	case ',':
+ 	  continue;
++	case 'V': /* RVV */
++	  {
++	    switch (*fmt++)
++	      {
++	      case 'd':
++		INSERT_OPERAND (VD, insn, va_arg (args, int));
++		continue;
++	      case 's':
++		INSERT_OPERAND (VS1, insn, va_arg (args, int));
++		continue;
++	      case 't':
++		INSERT_OPERAND (VS2, insn, va_arg (args, int));
++		continue;
++	      case 'm':
++		{
++		  int reg = va_arg (args, int);
++		  if (reg == -1)
++		    {
++		      INSERT_OPERAND (VMASK, insn, 1);
++		      continue;
++		    }
++		  else if (reg == 0)
++		    {
++		      INSERT_OPERAND (VMASK, insn, 0);
++		      continue;
++		    }
++		}
++		/* fallthru */
++	      }
++	  }
+ 	default:
+ 	  as_fatal (_("internal: invalid macro"));
+ 	}
+@@ -1584,6 +1666,96 @@ load_const (int reg, expressionS *ep)
+     }
+ }
++/* Expand RISC-V Vector macros into one of more instructions.  */
++static void
++vector_macro (struct riscv_cl_insn *ip)
++  int vd = (ip->insn_opcode >> OP_SH_VD) & OP_MASK_VD;
++  int vs1 = (ip->insn_opcode >> OP_SH_VS1) & OP_MASK_VS1;
++  int vs2 = (ip->insn_opcode >> OP_SH_VS2) & OP_MASK_VS2;
++  int vm = (ip->insn_opcode >> OP_SH_VMASK) & OP_MASK_VMASK;
++  int vtemp = (ip->insn_opcode >> OP_SH_VFUNCT6) & OP_MASK_VFUNCT6;
++  int mask = ip->insn_mo->mask;
++  switch (mask)
++    {
++    case M_VMSGE:
++      if (vm)
++	{
++	  /* Unmasked.  */
++	  macro_build (NULL, "vmslt.vx", "Vd,Vt,sVm", vd, vs2, vs1, -1);
++	  macro_build (NULL, "vmnand.mm", "Vd,Vt,Vs", vd, vd, vd);
++	  break;
++	}
++      if (vtemp != 0)
++	{
++	  /* Masked.  Have vtemp to avoid overlap constraints.  */
++	  if (vd == vm)
++	    {
++	      macro_build (NULL, "vmslt.vx", "Vd,Vt,s", vtemp, vs2, vs1);
++	      macro_build (NULL, "vmandnot.mm", "Vd,Vt,Vs", vd, vm, vtemp);
++	    }
++	  else
++	    {
++	      /* Preserve the value of vd if not updating by vm.  */
++	      macro_build (NULL, "vmslt.vx", "Vd,Vt,s", vtemp, vs2, vs1);
++	      macro_build (NULL, "vmandnot.mm", "Vd,Vt,Vs", vtemp, vm, vtemp);
++	      macro_build (NULL, "vmandnot.mm", "Vd,Vt,Vs", vd, vd, vm);
++	      macro_build (NULL, "vmor.mm", "Vd,Vt,Vs", vd, vtemp, vd);
++	    }
++	}
++      else if (vd != vm)
++	{
++	  /* Masked.  This may cause the vd overlaps vs2, when LMUL > 1.  */
++	  macro_build (NULL, "vmslt.vx", "Vd,Vt,sVm", vd, vs2, vs1, vm);
++	  macro_build (NULL, "vmxor.mm", "Vd,Vt,Vs", vd, vd, vm);
++	}
++      else
++	as_bad (_("must provide temp if destination overlaps mask"));
++      break;
++    case M_VMSGEU:
++      if (vm)
++	{
++	  /* Unmasked.  */
++	  macro_build (NULL, "vmsltu.vx", "Vd,Vt,sVm", vd, vs2, vs1, -1);
++	  macro_build (NULL, "vmnand.mm", "Vd,Vt,Vs", vd, vd, vd);
++	  break;
++	}
++      if (vtemp != 0)
++	{
++	  /* Masked.  Have vtemp to avoid overlap constraints.  */
++	  if (vd == vm)
++	    {
++	      macro_build (NULL, "vmsltu.vx", "Vd,Vt,s", vtemp, vs2, vs1);
++	      macro_build (NULL, "vmandnot.mm", "Vd,Vt,Vs", vd, vm, vtemp);
++	    }
++	  else
++	    {
++	      /* Preserve the value of vd if not updating by vm.  */
++	      macro_build (NULL, "vmsltu.vx", "Vd,Vt,s", vtemp, vs2, vs1);
++	      macro_build (NULL, "vmandnot.mm", "Vd,Vt,Vs", vtemp, vm, vtemp);
++	      macro_build (NULL, "vmandnot.mm", "Vd,Vt,Vs", vd, vd, vm);
++	      macro_build (NULL, "vmor.mm", "Vd,Vt,Vs", vd, vtemp, vd);
++	    }
++	}
++      else if (vd != vm)
++	{
++	  /* Masked.  This may cause the vd overlaps vs2, when LMUL > 1.  */
++	  macro_build (NULL, "vmsltu.vx", "Vd,Vt,sVm", vd, vs2, vs1, vm);
++	  macro_build (NULL, "vmxor.mm", "Vd,Vt,Vs", vd, vd, vm);
++	}
++      else
++	as_bad (_("must provide temp if destination overlaps mask"));
++      break;
++    default:
++      as_bad (_("Macro %s not implemented"), ip->insn_mo->name);
++      break;
++    }
+ /* Zero extend and sign extend byte/half-word/word.  */
+ static void
+@@ -1739,6 +1911,11 @@ macro (struct riscv_cl_insn *ip, expressionS *imm_expr,
+       riscv_ext (rd, rs1, xlen - 16, true);
+       break;
++    case M_VMSGE:
++    case M_VMSGEU:
++      vector_macro (ip);
++      break;
+     default:
+       as_bad (_("internal: macro %s not implemented"), ip->insn_mo->name);
+       break;
+@@ -1892,6 +2069,66 @@ my_getSmallExpression (expressionS *ep, bfd_reloc_code_real_type *reloc,
+   return reloc_index;
+ }
++/* Parse string STR as a vsetvli operand.  Store the expression in *EP.
++   On exit, EXPR_END points to the first character after the expression.  */
++static void
++my_getVsetvliExpression (expressionS *ep, char *str)
++  unsigned int vsew_value = 0, vlmul_value = 0;
++  unsigned int vta_value = 0, vma_value = 0;
++  bfd_boolean vsew_found = FALSE, vlmul_found = FALSE;
++  bfd_boolean vta_found = FALSE, vma_found = FALSE;
++  if (arg_lookup (&str, riscv_vsew, ARRAY_SIZE (riscv_vsew), &vsew_value))
++    {
++      if (*str == ',')
++	++str;
++      if (vsew_found)
++	as_bad (_("multiple vsew constants"));
++      vsew_found = TRUE;
++    }
++  if (arg_lookup (&str, riscv_vlmul, ARRAY_SIZE (riscv_vlmul), &vlmul_value))
++    {
++      if (*str == ',')
++	++str;
++      if (vlmul_found)
++	as_bad (_("multiple vlmul constants"));
++      vlmul_found = TRUE;
++    }
++  if (arg_lookup (&str, riscv_vta, ARRAY_SIZE (riscv_vta), &vta_value))
++    {
++      if (*str == ',')
++	++str;
++      if (vta_found)
++	as_bad (_("multiple vta constants"));
++      vta_found = TRUE;
++    }
++  if (arg_lookup (&str, riscv_vma, ARRAY_SIZE (riscv_vma), &vma_value))
++    {
++      if (*str == ',')
++	++str;
++      if (vma_found)
++	as_bad (_("multiple vma constants"));
++      vma_found = TRUE;
++    }
++  if (vsew_found || vlmul_found || vta_found || vma_found)
++    {
++      ep->X_op = O_constant;
++      ep->X_add_number = (vlmul_value << OP_SH_VLMUL)
++			 | (vsew_value << OP_SH_VSEW)
++			 | (vta_value << OP_SH_VTA)
++			 | (vma_value << OP_SH_VMA);
++      expr_end = str;
++    }
++  else
++    {
++      my_getExpression (ep, str);
++      str = expr_end;
++    }
+ /* Parse opcode name, could be an mnemonics or number.  */
+ static size_t
+@@ -2755,6 +2992,170 @@ riscv_ip (char *str, struct riscv_cl_insn *ip, expressionS *imm_expr,
+ 	      imm_expr->X_op = O_absent;
+ 	      continue;
++	    case 'V': /* RVV */
++	      switch (*++args)
++		{
++		case 'd': /* VD */
++		  if (!reg_lookup (&s, RCLASS_VECR, &regno))
++		    break;
++		  INSERT_OPERAND (VD, *ip, regno);
++		  continue;
++		case 'e': /* AMO VD */
++		  if (reg_lookup (&s, RCLASS_GPR, &regno) && regno == 0)
++		    INSERT_OPERAND (VWD, *ip, 0);
++		  else if (reg_lookup (&s, RCLASS_VECR, &regno))
++		    {
++		      INSERT_OPERAND (VWD, *ip, 1);
++		      INSERT_OPERAND (VD, *ip, regno);
++		    }
++		  else
++		    break;
++		  continue;
++		case 'f': /* AMO VS3 */
++		  if (!reg_lookup (&s, RCLASS_VECR, &regno))
++		    break;
++		  if (!EXTRACT_OPERAND (VWD, ip->insn_opcode))
++		    INSERT_OPERAND (VD, *ip, regno);
++		  else
++		    {
++		      /* VS3 must match VD.  */
++		      if (EXTRACT_OPERAND (VD, ip->insn_opcode) != regno)
++			break;
++		    }
++		  continue;
++		case 's': /* VS1 */
++		  if (!reg_lookup (&s, RCLASS_VECR, &regno))
++		    break;
++		  INSERT_OPERAND (VS1, *ip, regno);
++		  continue;
++		case 't': /* VS2 */
++		  if (!reg_lookup (&s, RCLASS_VECR, &regno))
++		    break;
++		  INSERT_OPERAND (VS2, *ip, regno);
++		  continue;
++		case 'u': /* VS1 == VS2 */
++		  if (!reg_lookup (&s, RCLASS_VECR, &regno))
++		    break;
++		  INSERT_OPERAND (VS1, *ip, regno);
++		  INSERT_OPERAND (VS2, *ip, regno);
++		  continue;
++		case 'v': /* VD == VS1 == VS2 */
++		  if (!reg_lookup (&s, RCLASS_VECR, &regno))
++		    break;
++		  INSERT_OPERAND (VD, *ip, regno);
++		  INSERT_OPERAND (VS1, *ip, regno);
++		  INSERT_OPERAND (VS2, *ip, regno);
++		  continue;
++		/* The `V0` is carry-in register for v[m]adc and v[m]sbc,
++		   and is used to choose vs1/rs1/frs1/imm or vs2 for
++		   v[f]merge.  It use the same encoding as the vector mask
++		   register.  */
++		case '0':
++		  if (reg_lookup (&s, RCLASS_VECR, &regno) && regno == 0)
++		    continue;
++		  break;
++		case 'b': /* vtypei for vsetivli */
++		  my_getVsetvliExpression (imm_expr, s);
++		  check_absolute_expr (ip, imm_expr, FALSE);
++		  if (!VALID_RVV_VB_IMM (imm_expr->X_add_number))
++		    as_bad (_("bad value for vsetivli immediate field, "
++			      "value must be 0..1023"));
++		  ip->insn_opcode
++		    |= ENCODE_RVV_VB_IMM (imm_expr->X_add_number);
++		  imm_expr->X_op = O_absent;
++		  s = expr_end;
++		  continue;
++		case 'c': /* vtypei for vsetvli */
++		  my_getVsetvliExpression (imm_expr, s);
++		  check_absolute_expr (ip, imm_expr, FALSE);
++		  if (!VALID_RVV_VC_IMM (imm_expr->X_add_number))
++		    as_bad (_("bad value for vsetvli immediate field, "
++			      "value must be 0..2047"));
++		  ip->insn_opcode
++		    |= ENCODE_RVV_VC_IMM (imm_expr->X_add_number);
++		  imm_expr->X_op = O_absent;
++		  s = expr_end;
++		  continue;
++		case 'i': /* vector arith signed immediate */
++		  my_getExpression (imm_expr, s);
++		  check_absolute_expr (ip, imm_expr, FALSE);
++		  if (imm_expr->X_add_number > 15
++		      || imm_expr->X_add_number < -16)
++		    as_bad (_("bad value for vector immediate field, "
++			      "value must be -16...15"));
++		  INSERT_OPERAND (VIMM, *ip, imm_expr->X_add_number);
++		  imm_expr->X_op = O_absent;
++		  s = expr_end;
++		  continue;
++		case 'j': /* vector arith unsigned immediate */
++		  my_getExpression (imm_expr, s);
++		  check_absolute_expr (ip, imm_expr, FALSE);
++		  if (imm_expr->X_add_number < 0
++		      || imm_expr->X_add_number >= 32)
++		    as_bad (_("bad value for vector immediate field, "
++			      "value must be 0...31"));
++		  INSERT_OPERAND (VIMM, *ip, imm_expr->X_add_number);
++		  imm_expr->X_op = O_absent;
++		  s = expr_end;
++		  continue;
++		case 'k': /* vector arith signed immediate, minus 1 */
++		  my_getExpression (imm_expr, s);
++		  check_absolute_expr (ip, imm_expr, FALSE);
++		  if (imm_expr->X_add_number > 16
++		      || imm_expr->X_add_number < -15)
++		    as_bad (_("bad value for vector immediate field, "
++			      "value must be -15...16"));
++		  INSERT_OPERAND (VIMM, *ip, imm_expr->X_add_number - 1);
++		  imm_expr->X_op = O_absent;
++		  s = expr_end;
++		  continue;
++		case 'm': /* optional vector mask */
++		  if (*s == '\0')
++		    {
++		      INSERT_OPERAND (VMASK, *ip, 1);
++		      continue;
++		    }
++		  else if (*s == ',' && s++
++			   && reg_lookup (&s, RCLASS_VECM, &regno)
++			   && regno == 0)
++		    {
++		      INSERT_OPERAND (VMASK, *ip, 0);
++		      continue;
++		    }
++		  break;
++		  /* The following ones are only used in macros.  */
++		case 'M': /* required vector mask */
++		  if (reg_lookup (&s, RCLASS_VECM, &regno) && regno == 0)
++		    {
++		      INSERT_OPERAND (VMASK, *ip, 0);
++		      continue;
++		    }
++		  break;
++		case 'T': /* vector macro temporary register */
++		  if (!reg_lookup (&s, RCLASS_VECR, &regno) || regno == 0)
++		    break;
++		  /* Store it in the FUNCT6 field as we don't have anyplace
++		     else to store it.  */
++		  INSERT_OPERAND (VFUNCT6, *ip, regno);
++		  continue;
++		}
++	      break;
+ 	    default:
+ 	      as_fatal (_("internal: unknown argument type `%c'"), *args);
+ 	    }
+@@ -3940,4 +4341,4 @@ riscv_pop_insert (void)
+   extern void pop_insert (const pseudo_typeS *);
+   pop_insert (riscv_pseudo_table);
+\ No newline at end of file
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/v-zero-imm.d b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/v-zero-imm.d
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000..b95c068a17
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/v-zero-imm.d
+@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
++#as: -march=rv32ifv0p10
++#objdump: -dr
++.*:[ 	]+file format .*
++Disassembly of section .text:
++0+000 <.text>:
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+768fb257[ 	]+vmsle.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,-1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+748fb257[ 	]+vmsle.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,-1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+66840257[ 	]+vmsne.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+64840257[ 	]+vmsne.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+7e8fb257[ 	]+vmsgt.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,-1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+7c8fb257[ 	]+vmsgt.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,-1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+62840257[ 	]+vmseq.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+60840257[ 	]+vmseq.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v8,v0.t
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/v-zero-imm.s b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/v-zero-imm.s
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000..98b7063880
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/v-zero-imm.s
+@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
++	vmslt.vi v4, v8, 0
++	vmslt.vi v4, v8, 0, v0.t
++	vmsltu.vi v4, v8, 0
++	vmsltu.vi v4, v8, 0, v0.t
++	vmsge.vi v4, v8, 0
++	vmsge.vi v4, v8, 0, v0.t
++	vmsgeu.vi v4, v8, 0
++	vmsgeu.vi v4, v8, 0, v0.t
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-fixp.d b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-fixp.d
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000..55cfd83301
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-fixp.d
+@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
++#as: -march=rv32iv0p10 
++#source: vector-insns-fail-arith-fixp.s
++#error_output: vector-insns-fail-arith-fixp.l
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-fixp.l b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-fixp.l
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000..a3c126d8ec
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-fixp.l
+@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
++.*: Assembler messages:
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsaddu.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsaddu.vx v0,v4,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsaddu.vi v0,v4,15,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsadd.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsadd.vx v0,v4,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsadd.vi v0,v4,15,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vssubu.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vssubu.vx v0,v4,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vssub.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vssub.vx v0,v4,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vaaddu.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vaaddu.vx v0,v4,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vaadd.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vaadd.vx v0,v4,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vasubu.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vasubu.vx v0,v4,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vasub.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vasub.vx v0,v4,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsmul.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsmul.vx v0,v4,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vssrl.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vssrl.vx v0,v4,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vssrl.vi v0,v4,31,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vssra.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vssra.vx v0,v4,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vssra.vi v0,v4,31,v0.t'
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-fixp.s b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-fixp.s
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000..1fbcb601ea
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-fixp.s
+@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
++# Vector Single-Width Saturating Add and Subtract
++	vsaddu.vv v4, v4, v8		# OK
++	vsaddu.vv v8, v4, v8		# OK
++	vsaddu.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vsaddu.vx v4, v4, a1		# OK
++	vsaddu.vx v0, v4, a1, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vsaddu.vi v4, v4, 15		# OK
++	vsaddu.vi v0, v4, 15, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vsadd.vv v4, v4, v8
++	vsadd.vv v8, v4, v8
++	vsadd.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t
++	vsadd.vx v4, v4, a1
++	vsadd.vx v0, v4, a1, v0.t
++	vsadd.vi v4, v4, 15
++	vsadd.vi v0, v4, 15, v0.t
++	vssubu.vv v4, v4, v8		# OK
++	vssubu.vv v8, v4, v8		# OK
++	vssubu.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vssubu.vx v4, v4, a1		# OK
++	vssubu.vx v0, v4, a1, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vssub.vv v4, v4, v8
++	vssub.vv v8, v4, v8
++	vssub.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t
++	vssub.vx v4, v4, a1
++	vssub.vx v0, v4, a1, v0.t
++# Vector Single-Width Averaging Add and Subtract
++	vaaddu.vv v4, v4, v8		# OK
++	vaaddu.vv v8, v4, v8		# OK
++	vaaddu.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vaaddu.vx v4, v4, a1		# OK
++	vaaddu.vx v0, v4, a1, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vaadd.vv v4, v4, v8
++	vaadd.vv v8, v4, v8
++	vaadd.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t
++	vaadd.vx v4, v4, a1
++	vaadd.vx v0, v4, a1, v0.t
++	vasubu.vv v4, v4, v8
++	vasubu.vv v8, v4, v8
++	vasubu.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t
++	vasubu.vx v4, v4, a1
++	vasubu.vx v0, v4, a1, v0.t
++	vasub.vv v4, v4, v8
++	vasub.vv v8, v4, v8
++	vasub.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t
++	vasub.vx v4, v4, a1
++	vasub.vx v0, v4, a1, v0.t
++# Vector Single-Width Fractional Multiply with Rounding and Saturation
++	vsmul.vv v4, v4, v8		# OK
++	vsmul.vv v8, v4, v8		# OK
++	vsmul.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vsmul.vx v4, v4, a1		# OK
++	vsmul.vx v0, v4, a1, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++# Vector Single-Width Scaling Shift Instructions
++	vssrl.vv v4, v4, v8		# OK
++	vssrl.vv v8, v4, v8		# OK
++	vssrl.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vssrl.vx v4, v4, a1		# OK
++	vssrl.vx v0, v4, a1, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vssrl.vi v4, v4, 31		# OK
++	vssrl.vi v0, v4, 31, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vssra.vv v4, v4, v8
++	vssra.vv v8, v4, v8
++	vssra.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t
++	vssra.vx v4, v4, a1
++	vssra.vx v0, v4, a1, v0.t
++	vssra.vi v4, v4, 31
++	vssra.vi v0, v4, 31, v0.t
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-floatp.d b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-floatp.d
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000..d192761c06
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-floatp.d
+@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
++#as: -march=rv32ifv0p10
++#source: vector-insns-fail-arith-floatp.s
++#error_output: vector-insns-fail-arith-floatp.l
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-floatp.l b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-floatp.l
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000..e4d365cfa5
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-floatp.l
+@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
++.*: Assembler messages:
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfadd.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfadd.vf v0,v4,fa1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfsub.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfsub.vf v0,v4,fa1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfrsub.vf v0,v4,fa1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfmul.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfmul.vf v0,v4,fa1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfdiv.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfdiv.vf v0,v4,fa1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfrdiv.vf v0,v4,fa1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfmacc.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfmacc.vf v0,fa1,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfnmacc.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfnmacc.vf v0,fa1,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfmsac.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfmsac.vf v0,fa1,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfnmsac.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfnmsac.vf v0,fa1,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfmadd.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfmadd.vf v0,fa1,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfnmadd.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfnmadd.vf v0,fa1,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfmsub.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfmsub.vf v0,fa1,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfnmsub.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfnmsub.vf v0,fa1,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfsqrt.v v0,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfrece7.v v0,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfrsqrte7.v v0,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfclass.v v0,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfmin.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfmin.vf v0,v4,fa1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfmax.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfmax.vf v0,v4,fa1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfneg.v v0,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfabs.v v0,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfsgnj.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfsgnj.vf v0,v4,fa1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfsgnjn.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfsgnjn.vf v0,v4,fa1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfsgnjx.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfsgnjx.vf v0,v4,fa1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfcvt.xu.f.v v0,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfcvt.x.f.v v0,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfcvt.rtz.xu.f.v v0,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfcvt.rtz.x.f.v v0,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfcvt.f.xu.v v0,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfcvt.f.x.v v0,v4,v0.t'
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-floatp.s b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-floatp.s
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000..19ed26a95a
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-floatp.s
+@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
++# Vector Single-Width Floating-Point Add/Subtract Instructions
++	vfadd.vv v4, v4, v8		# OK
++	vfadd.vv v8, v4, v8		# OK
++	vfadd.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vfadd.vf v4, v4, fa1		# OK
++	vfadd.vf v0, v4, fa1, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vfsub.vv v4, v4, v8
++	vfsub.vv v8, v4, v8
++	vfsub.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfsub.vf v4, v4, fa1
++	vfsub.vf v0, v4, fa1, v0.t
++	vfrsub.vf v4, v4, fa1		# OK
++	vfrsub.vf v0, v4, fa1, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++# Vector Single-Width Floating-Point Multiply/Divide Instructions
++	vfmul.vv v4, v4, v8		# OK
++	vfmul.vv v8, v4, v8		# OK
++	vfmul.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vfmul.vf v4, v4, fa1		# OK
++	vfmul.vf v0, v4, fa1, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vfdiv.vv v4, v4, v8
++	vfdiv.vv v8, v4, v8
++	vfdiv.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfdiv.vf v4, v4, fa1
++	vfdiv.vf v0, v4, fa1, v0.t
++	vfrdiv.vf v4, v4, fa1		# OK
++	vfrdiv.vf v0, v4, fa1, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++# Vector Single-Width Floating-Point Fused Multiply-Add Instructions
++	vfmacc.vv v4, v4, v8		# OK
++	vfmacc.vv v8, v4, v8		# OK
++	vfmacc.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vfmacc.vf v4, fa1, v4		# OK
++	vfmacc.vf v0, fa1, v4, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vfnmacc.vv v4, v4, v8
++	vfnmacc.vv v8, v4, v8
++	vfnmacc.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfnmacc.vf v4, fa1, v4
++	vfnmacc.vf v0, fa1, v4, v0.t
++	vfmsac.vv v4, v4, v8
++	vfmsac.vv v8, v4, v8
++	vfmsac.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfmsac.vf v4, fa1, v4
++	vfmsac.vf v0, fa1, v4, v0.t
++	vfnmsac.vv v4, v4, v8
++	vfnmsac.vv v8, v4, v8
++	vfnmsac.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfnmsac.vf v4, fa1, v4
++	vfnmsac.vf v0, fa1, v4, v0.t
++	vfmadd.vv v4, v4, v8
++	vfmadd.vv v8, v4, v8
++	vfmadd.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfmadd.vf v4, fa1, v4
++	vfmadd.vf v0, fa1, v4, v0.t
++	vfnmadd.vv v4, v4, v8
++	vfnmadd.vv v8, v4, v8
++	vfnmadd.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfnmadd.vf v4, fa1, v4
++	vfnmadd.vf v0, fa1, v4, v0.t
++	vfmsub.vv v4, v4, v8
++	vfmsub.vv v8, v4, v8
++	vfmsub.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfmsub.vf v4, fa1, v4
++	vfmsub.vf v0, fa1, v4, v0.t
++	vfnmsub.vv v4, v4, v8
++	vfnmsub.vv v8, v4, v8
++	vfnmsub.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfnmsub.vf v4, fa1, v4
++	vfnmsub.vf v0, fa1, v4, v0.t
++# Vector Floating-Point Square-Root Instruction
++	vfsqrt.v v4, v4			# OK
++	vfsqrt.v v0, v4, v0.t		# vd overlap vm
++# Vector Floating-Point Reciprocal Estimate Instruction
++	vfrece7.v v4, v4		# OK
++	vfrece7.v v0, v4, v0.t		# vd overlap vm
++# Vector Floating-Point Reciprocal Square-Root Estimate Instruction
++	vfrsqrte7.v v4, v4		# OK
++	vfrsqrte7.v v0, v4, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++# Vector Floating-Point Classify Instruction
++	vfclass.v v4, v4		# OK
++	vfclass.v v0, v4, v0.t		# vd overlap vm
++# Vector Floating-Point MIN/MAX Instructions
++	vfmin.vv v4, v4, v8		# OK
++	vfmin.vv v8, v4, v8		# OK
++	vfmin.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vfmin.vf v4, v4, fa1		# OK
++	vfmin.vf v0, v4, fa1, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vfmax.vv v4, v4, v8
++	vfmax.vv v8, v4, v8
++	vfmax.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfmax.vf v4, v4, fa1
++	vfmax.vf v0, v4, fa1, v0.t
++# Vector Floating-Point Sign-Injection Instructions
++	vfneg.v v4, v4			# OK
++	vfneg.v v0, v4, v0.t		# vd overlap vm
++	vfabs.v v4, v4			# OK
++	vfabs.v v0, v4, v0.t		# vd overlap vm
++	vfsgnj.vv v4, v4, v8		# OK
++	vfsgnj.vv v8, v4, v8		# OK
++	vfsgnj.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vfsgnj.vf v4, v4, fa1		# OK
++	vfsgnj.vf v0, v4, fa1, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vfsgnjn.vv v4, v4, v8
++	vfsgnjn.vv v8, v4, v8
++	vfsgnjn.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfsgnjn.vf v4, v4, fa1
++	vfsgnjn.vf v0, v4, fa1, v0.t
++	vfsgnjx.vv v4, v4, v8
++	vfsgnjx.vv v8, v4, v8
++	vfsgnjx.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfsgnjx.vf v4, v4, fa1
++	vfsgnjx.vf v0, v4, fa1, v0.t
++# Single-Width Floating-Point/Integer Type-Convert Instructions
++	vfcvt.xu.f.v v4, v4		# OK
++	vfcvt.xu.f.v v0, v4, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vfcvt.x.f.v v4, v4
++	vfcvt.x.f.v v0, v4, v0.t
++	vfcvt.rtz.xu.f.v v4, v4
++	vfcvt.rtz.xu.f.v v0, v4, v0.t
++	vfcvt.rtz.x.f.v v4, v4
++	vfcvt.rtz.x.f.v v0, v4, v0.t
++	vfcvt.f.xu.v v4, v4
++	vfcvt.f.xu.v v0, v4, v0.t
++	vfcvt.f.x.v v4, v4
++	vfcvt.f.x.v v0, v4, v0.t
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-int.d b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-int.d
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000..e26778a4e6
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-int.d
+@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
++#as: -march=rv32iv0p10 
++#source: vector-insns-fail-arith-int.s
++#error_output: vector-insns-fail-arith-int.l
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-int.l b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-int.l
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000..e42096c1c4
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-int.l
+@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
++.*: Assembler messages:
++.*Error: illegal operands `vneg.v v0,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vadd.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vadd.vx v0,v4,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vadd.vi v0,v4,15,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsub.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsub.vx v0,v4,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vrsub.vx v0,v4,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vrsub.vi v0,v4,15,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vzext.vf2 v0,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsext.vf2 v0,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vzext.vf4 v0,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsext.vf4 v0,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vzext.vf8 v0,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsext.vf8 v0,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vadc.vvm v0,v4,v8,v0'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vadc.vxm v0,v4,a1,v0'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vadc.vim v0,v4,15,v0'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsbc.vvm v0,v4,v8,v0'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsbc.vxm v0,v4,a1,v0'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnot.v v0,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vand.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vand.vx v0,v4,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vand.vi v0,v4,15,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vor.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vor.vx v0,v4,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vor.vi v0,v4,15,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vxor.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vxor.vx v0,v4,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vxor.vi v0,v4,15,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsll.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsll.vx v0,v4,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsll.vi v0,v4,31,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsrl.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsrl.vx v0,v4,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsrl.vi v0,v4,31,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsra.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsra.vx v0,v4,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsra.vi v0,v4,31,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vminu.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vminu.vx v0,v4,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vmin.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vmin.vx v0,v4,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vmaxu.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vmaxu.vx v0,v4,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vmax.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vmax.vx v0,v4,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vmul.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vmul.vx v0,v4,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vmulh.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vmulh.vx v0,v4,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vmulhu.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vmulhu.vx v0,v4,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vmulhsu.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vmulhsu.vx v0,v4,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vdivu.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vdivu.vx v0,v4,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vdiv.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vdiv.vx v0,v4,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vremu.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vremu.vx v0,v4,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vrem.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vrem.vx v0,v4,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vmacc.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vmacc.vx v0,a1,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnmsac.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnmsac.vx v0,a1,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vmadd.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vmadd.vx v0,a1,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnmsub.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnmsub.vx v0,a1,v4,v0.t'
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-int.s b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-int.s
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000..6ce4e420c7
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-int.s
+@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
++# Vector Single-Width Integer Add and Subtract
++	vneg.v v4, v4			# OK
++	vneg.v v0, v4, v0.t		# vd overlap vm
++	vadd.vv v4, v4, v8		# OK
++	vadd.vv v8, v4, v8		# OK
++	vadd.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vadd.vx v4, v4, a1		# OK
++	vadd.vx v0, v4, a1, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vadd.vi v4, v4, 15		# OK
++	vadd.vi v0, v4, 15, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vsub.vv v4, v4, v8		# OK
++	vsub.vv v8, v4, v8		# OK
++	vsub.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vsub.vx v4, v4, a1		# OK
++	vsub.vx v0, v4, a1, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vrsub.vx v4, v4, a1		# OK
++	vrsub.vx v0, v4, a1, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vrsub.vi v4, v4, 15		# OK
++	vrsub.vi v0, v4, 15, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++# Vector Integer Extension
++	vzext.vf2 v4, v4		# OK
++	vzext.vf2 v0, v4, v0.t		# vd overlap vm
++	vsext.vf2 v4, v4
++	vsext.vf2 v0, v4, v0.t
++	vzext.vf4 v4, v4
++	vzext.vf4 v0, v4, v0.t
++	vsext.vf4 v4, v4
++	vsext.vf4 v0, v4, v0.t
++	vzext.vf8 v4, v4
++	vzext.vf8 v0, v4, v0.t
++	vsext.vf8 v4, v4
++	vsext.vf8 v0, v4, v0.t
++# Vector Integer Add-with-Carry / Subtract-with-Borrow Instructions
++	vadc.vvm v4, v4, v8, v0		# OK
++	vadc.vvm v8, v4, v8, v0		# OK
++	vadc.vvm v0, v4, v8, v0		# vd overlap vm
++	vadc.vxm v4, v4, a1, v0		# OK
++	vadc.vxm v0, v4, a1, v0		# vd overlap vm
++	vadc.vim v4, v4, 15, v0		# OK
++	vadc.vim v0, v4, 15, v0		# vd overlap vm
++	vsbc.vvm v4, v4, v8, v0		# OK
++	vsbc.vvm v8, v4, v8, v0		# OK
++	vsbc.vvm v0, v4, v8, v0		# vd overlap vm
++	vsbc.vxm v4, v4, a1, v0		# OK
++	vsbc.vxm v0, v4, a1, v0		# vd overlap vm
++# Vector Bitwise Logical Instructions
++	vnot.v v4, v4			# OK
++	vnot.v v0, v4, v0.t		# vd overlap vm
++	vand.vv	v4, v4, v8		# OK
++	vand.vv v8, v4, v8		# OK
++	vand.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vand.vx v4, v4, a1		# OK
++	vand.vx v0, v4, a1, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vand.vi v4, v4, 15		# OK
++	vand.vi v0, v4, 15, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vor.vv	v4, v4, v8
++	vor.vv v8, v4, v8
++	vor.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t
++	vor.vx v4, v4, a1
++	vor.vx v0, v4, a1, v0.t
++	vor.vi v4, v4, 15
++	vor.vi v0, v4, 15, v0.t
++	vxor.vv	v4, v4, v8
++	vxor.vv v8, v4, v8
++	vxor.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t
++	vxor.vx v4, v4, a1
++	vxor.vx v0, v4, a1, v0.t
++	vxor.vi v4, v4, 15
++	vxor.vi v0, v4, 15, v0.t
++# Vector Single-Width Bit Shift Instructions
++	vsll.vv v4, v4, v8		# OK
++	vsll.vv v8, v4, v8		# OK
++	vsll.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vsll.vx v4, v4, a1		# OK
++	vsll.vx v0, v4, a1, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vsll.vi v4, v4, 31		# OK
++	vsll.vi v0, v4, 31, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vsrl.vv v4, v4, v8
++	vsrl.vv v8, v4, v8
++	vsrl.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t
++	vsrl.vx v4, v4, a1
++	vsrl.vx v0, v4, a1, v0.t
++	vsrl.vi v4, v4, 31
++	vsrl.vi v0, v4, 31, v0.t
++	vsra.vv v4, v4, v8
++	vsra.vv v8, v4, v8
++	vsra.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t
++	vsra.vx v4, v4, a1
++	vsra.vx v0, v4, a1, v0.t
++	vsra.vi v4, v4, 31
++	vsra.vi v0, v4, 31, v0.t
++# Vector Integer Min/Max Instructions
++	vminu.vv v4, v4, v8		# OK
++	vminu.vv v8, v4, v8		# OK
++	vminu.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vminu.vx v4, v4, a1		# OK
++	vminu.vx v0, v4, a1, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vmin.vv v4, v4, v8
++	vmin.vv v8, v4, v8
++	vmin.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t
++	vmin.vx v4, v4, a1
++	vmin.vx v0, v4, a1, v0.t
++	vmaxu.vv v4, v4, v8
++	vmaxu.vv v8, v4, v8
++	vmaxu.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t
++	vmaxu.vx v4, v4, a1
++	vmaxu.vx v0, v4, a1, v0.t
++	vmax.vv v4, v4, v8
++	vmax.vv v8, v4, v8
++	vmax.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t
++	vmax.vx v4, v4, a1
++	vmax.vx v0, v4, a1, v0.t
++# Vector Single-Width Integer Multiply Instructions
++	vmul.vv v4, v4, v8		# OK
++	vmul.vv v8, v4, v8		# OK
++	vmul.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vmul.vx v4, v4, a1		# OK
++	vmul.vx v0, v4, a1, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vmulh.vv v4, v4, v8
++	vmulh.vv v8, v4, v8
++	vmulh.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t
++	vmulh.vx v4, v4, a1
++	vmulh.vx v0, v4, a1, v0.t
++	vmulhu.vv v4, v4, v8
++	vmulhu.vv v8, v4, v8
++	vmulhu.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t
++	vmulhu.vx v4, v4, a1
++	vmulhu.vx v0, v4, a1, v0.t
++	vmulhsu.vv v4, v4, v8
++	vmulhsu.vv v8, v4, v8
++	vmulhsu.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t
++	vmulhsu.vx v4, v4, a1
++	vmulhsu.vx v0, v4, a1, v0.t
++# Vector Integer Divide Instructions
++	vdivu.vv v4, v4, v8		# OK
++	vdivu.vv v8, v4, v8		# OK
++	vdivu.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vdivu.vx v4, v4, a1		# OK
++	vdivu.vx v0, v4, a1, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vdiv.vv v4, v4, v8
++	vdiv.vv v8, v4, v8
++	vdiv.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t
++	vdiv.vx v4, v4, a1
++	vdiv.vx v0, v4, a1, v0.t
++	vremu.vv v4, v4, v8
++	vremu.vv v8, v4, v8
++	vremu.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t
++	vremu.vx v4, v4, a1
++	vremu.vx v0, v4, a1, v0.t
++	vrem.vv v4, v4, v8
++	vrem.vv v8, v4, v8
++	vrem.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t
++	vrem.vx v4, v4, a1
++	vrem.vx v0, v4, a1, v0.t
++# Vector Single-Width Integer Multiply-Add Instructions
++	vmacc.vv v4, v4, v8		# OK
++	vmacc.vv v8, v4, v8		# OK
++	vmacc.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vmacc.vx v4, a1, v4		# OK
++	vmacc.vx v0, a1, v4, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vnmsac.vv v4, v4, v8
++	vnmsac.vv v8, v4, v8
++	vnmsac.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t
++	vnmsac.vx v4, a1, v4
++	vnmsac.vx v0, a1, v4, v0.t
++	vmadd.vv v4, v4, v8
++	vmadd.vv v8, v4, v8
++	vmadd.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t
++	vmadd.vx v4, a1, v4
++	vmadd.vx v0, a1, v4, v0.t
++	vnmsub.vv v4, v4, v8
++	vnmsub.vv v8, v4, v8
++	vnmsub.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t
++	vnmsub.vx v4, a1, v4
++	vnmsub.vx v0, a1, v4, v0.t
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-narrow.d b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-narrow.d
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000..5d38168a0b
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-narrow.d
+@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
++#as: -march=rv32ifv0p10 
++#source: vector-insns-fail-arith-narrow.s
++#error_output: vector-insns-fail-arith-narrow.l
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-narrow.l b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-narrow.l
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000..4bba63a6cd
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-narrow.l
+@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
++.*: Assembler messages:
++.*Error: illegal operands `vncvt.x.x.w v2,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vncvt.x.x.w v2,v3'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vncvt.x.x.w v3,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vncvt.x.x.w v0,v2,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnsrl.wv v2,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnsrl.wv v2,v3,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnsrl.wv v3,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnsrl.wv v0,v2,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnsrl.wx v2,v2,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnsrl.wx v2,v3,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnsrl.wx v3,v2,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnsrl.wx v0,v2,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnsrl.wi v2,v2,31'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnsrl.wi v2,v3,31'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnsrl.wi v3,v2,31'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnsrl.wi v0,v2,31,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnsra.wv v2,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnsra.wv v2,v3,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnsra.wv v3,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnsra.wv v0,v2,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnsra.wx v2,v2,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnsra.wx v2,v3,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnsra.wx v3,v2,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnsra.wx v0,v2,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnsra.wi v2,v2,31'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnsra.wi v2,v3,31'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnsra.wi v3,v2,31'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnsra.wi v0,v2,31,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnclipu.wv v2,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnclipu.wv v2,v3,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnclipu.wv v3,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnclipu.wv v0,v2,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnclipu.wx v2,v2,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnclipu.wx v2,v3,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnclipu.wx v3,v2,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnclipu.wx v0,v2,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnclipu.wi v2,v2,31'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnclipu.wi v2,v3,31'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnclipu.wi v3,v2,31'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnclipu.wi v0,v2,31,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnclip.wv v2,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnclip.wv v2,v3,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnclip.wv v3,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnclip.wv v0,v2,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnclip.wx v2,v2,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnclip.wx v2,v3,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnclip.wx v3,v2,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnclip.wx v0,v2,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnclip.wi v2,v2,31'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnclip.wi v2,v3,31'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnclip.wi v3,v2,31'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vnclip.wi v0,v2,31,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfncvt.xu.f.w v2,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfncvt.xu.f.w v2,v3'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfncvt.xu.f.w v3,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfncvt.xu.f.w v0,v2,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfncvt.x.f.w v2,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfncvt.x.f.w v2,v3'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfncvt.x.f.w v3,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfncvt.x.f.w v0,v2,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfncvt.rtz.xu.f.w v2,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfncvt.rtz.xu.f.w v2,v3'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfncvt.rtz.xu.f.w v3,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfncvt.rtz.xu.f.w v0,v2,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfncvt.rtz.x.f.w v2,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfncvt.rtz.x.f.w v2,v3'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfncvt.rtz.x.f.w v3,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfncvt.rtz.x.f.w v0,v2,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfncvt.f.xu.w v2,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfncvt.f.xu.w v2,v3'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfncvt.f.xu.w v3,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfncvt.f.xu.w v0,v2,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfncvt.f.x.w v2,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfncvt.f.x.w v2,v3'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfncvt.f.x.w v3,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfncvt.f.x.w v0,v2,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfncvt.f.f.w v2,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfncvt.f.f.w v2,v3'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfncvt.f.f.w v3,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfncvt.f.f.w v0,v2,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfncvt.rod.f.f.w v2,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfncvt.rod.f.f.w v2,v3'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfncvt.rod.f.f.w v3,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfncvt.rod.f.f.w v0,v2,v0.t'
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-narrow.s b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-narrow.s
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000..73b96ef800
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-narrow.s
+@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
++# Vector Narrowing Integer Right Shift Instructions
++	# vncvt.x.x.w vd,vs,vm = vnsrl.wx vd,vs,x0,vm
++	vncvt.x.x.w v2, v2		# vd overlap vs2
++	vncvt.x.x.w v2, v3		# vs2 should be multiple of 2
++	vncvt.x.x.w v3, v2		# vd overlap vs2
++	vncvt.x.x.w v0, v2, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vnsrl.wv v2, v2, v4		# vd overlap vs2
++	vnsrl.wv v2, v3, v4		# vs2 should be multiple of 2
++	vnsrl.wv v3, v2, v4		# vd overlap vs2
++	vnsrl.wv v4, v2, v4		# OK
++	vnsrl.wv v0, v2, v4, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vnsrl.wx v2, v2, a1		# vd overlap vs2
++	vnsrl.wx v2, v3, a1		# vs2 should be multiple of 2
++	vnsrl.wx v3, v2, a1		# vd overlap vs2
++	vnsrl.wx v0, v2, a1, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vnsrl.wi v2, v2, 31		# vd overlap vs2
++	vnsrl.wi v2, v3, 31		# vs2 should be multiple of 2
++	vnsrl.wi v3, v2, 31		# vd overlap vs2
++	vnsrl.wi v0, v2, 31, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vnsra.wv v2, v2, v4
++	vnsra.wv v2, v3, v4
++	vnsra.wv v3, v2, v4
++	vnsra.wv v4, v2, v4
++	vnsra.wv v0, v2, v4, v0.t
++	vnsra.wx v2, v2, a1
++	vnsra.wx v2, v3, a1
++	vnsra.wx v3, v2, a1
++	vnsra.wx v0, v2, a1, v0.t
++	vnsra.wi v2, v2, 31
++	vnsra.wi v2, v3, 31
++	vnsra.wi v3, v2, 31
++	vnsra.wi v0, v2, 31, v0.t
++# Vector Narrowing Fixed-Point Clip Instructions
++	vnclipu.wv v2, v2, v4		# vd overlap vs2
++	vnclipu.wv v2, v3, v4		# vs2 should be multiple of 2
++	vnclipu.wv v3, v2, v4		# vd overlap vs2
++	vnclipu.wv v4, v2, v4		# OK
++	vnclipu.wv v0, v2, v4, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vnclipu.wx v2, v2, a1		# vd overlap vs2
++	vnclipu.wx v2, v3, a1		# vs2 should be multiple of 2
++	vnclipu.wx v3, v2, a1		# vd overlap vs2
++	vnclipu.wx v0, v2, a1, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vnclipu.wi v2, v2, 31		# vd overlap vs2
++	vnclipu.wi v2, v3, 31		# vs2 should be multiple of 2
++	vnclipu.wi v3, v2, 31		# vd overlap vs2
++	vnclipu.wi v0, v2, 31, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vnclip.wv v2, v2, v4
++	vnclip.wv v2, v3, v4
++	vnclip.wv v3, v2, v4
++	vnclip.wv v4, v2, v4
++	vnclip.wv v0, v2, v4, v0.t
++	vnclip.wx v2, v2, a1
++	vnclip.wx v2, v3, a1
++	vnclip.wx v3, v2, a1
++	vnclip.wx v0, v2, a1, v0.t
++	vnclip.wi v2, v2, 31
++	vnclip.wi v2, v3, 31
++	vnclip.wi v3, v2, 31
++	vnclip.wi v0, v2, 31, v0.t
++# Narrowing Floating-Point/Integer Type-Convert Instructions
++	vfncvt.xu.f.w v2, v2		# vd overlap vs2
++	vfncvt.xu.f.w v2, v3		# vs2 should be multiple of 2
++	vfncvt.xu.f.w v3, v2		# vd overlap vs2
++	vfncvt.xu.f.w v0, v2, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vfncvt.x.f.w v2, v2
++	vfncvt.x.f.w v2, v3
++	vfncvt.x.f.w v3, v2
++	vfncvt.x.f.w v0, v2, v0.t
++	vfncvt.rtz.xu.f.w v2, v2
++	vfncvt.rtz.xu.f.w v2, v3
++	vfncvt.rtz.xu.f.w v3, v2
++	vfncvt.rtz.xu.f.w v0, v2, v0.t
++	vfncvt.rtz.x.f.w v2, v2
++	vfncvt.rtz.x.f.w v2, v3
++	vfncvt.rtz.x.f.w v3, v2
++	vfncvt.rtz.x.f.w v0, v2, v0.t
++	vfncvt.f.xu.w v2, v2
++	vfncvt.f.xu.w v2, v3
++	vfncvt.f.xu.w v3, v2
++	vfncvt.f.xu.w v0, v2, v0.t
++	vfncvt.f.x.w v2, v2
++	vfncvt.f.x.w v2, v3
++	vfncvt.f.x.w v3, v2
++	vfncvt.f.x.w v0, v2, v0.t
++	vfncvt.f.f.w v2, v2
++	vfncvt.f.f.w v2, v3
++	vfncvt.f.f.w v3, v2
++	vfncvt.f.f.w v0, v2, v0.t
++	vfncvt.rod.f.f.w v2, v2
++	vfncvt.rod.f.f.w v2, v3
++	vfncvt.rod.f.f.w v3, v2
++	vfncvt.rod.f.f.w v0, v2, v0.t
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-widen.d b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-widen.d
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000..b3a61bbbb3
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-widen.d
+@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
++#as: -march=rv32ifv0p10
++#source: vector-insns-fail-arith-widen.s
++#error_output: vector-insns-fail-arith-widen.l
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-widen.l b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-widen.l
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000..5684601697
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-widen.l
+@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
++.*: Assembler messages:
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwcvtu.x.x.v v1,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwcvtu.x.x.v v2,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwcvtu.x.x.v v2,v3'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwcvtu.x.x.v v0,v2,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwcvt.x.x.v v1,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwcvt.x.x.v v2,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwcvt.x.x.v v2,v3'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwcvt.x.x.v v0,v2,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwaddu.vv v1,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwaddu.vv v2,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwaddu.vv v2,v3,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwaddu.vv v4,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwaddu.vv v4,v2,v5'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwaddu.vv v0,v2,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwaddu.vx v1,v2,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwaddu.vx v2,v2,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwaddu.vx v2,v3,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwaddu.vx v0,v2,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwaddu.wv v1,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwaddu.wv v2,v3,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwaddu.wv v4,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwaddu.wv v4,v2,v5'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwaddu.wv v0,v2,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwaddu.wx v1,v2,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwaddu.wx v2,v3,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwaddu.wx v0,v2,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwsubu.vv v1,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwsubu.vv v2,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwsubu.vv v2,v3,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwsubu.vv v4,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwsubu.vv v4,v2,v5'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwsubu.vv v0,v2,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwsubu.vx v1,v2,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwsubu.vx v2,v2,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwsubu.vx v2,v3,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwsubu.vx v0,v2,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwsubu.wv v1,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwsubu.wv v2,v3,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwsubu.wv v4,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwsubu.wv v4,v2,v5'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwsubu.wv v0,v2,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwsubu.wx v1,v2,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwsubu.wx v2,v3,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwsubu.wx v0,v2,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwadd.vv v1,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwadd.vv v2,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwadd.vv v2,v3,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwadd.vv v4,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwadd.vv v4,v2,v5'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwadd.vv v0,v2,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwadd.vx v1,v2,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwadd.vx v2,v2,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwadd.vx v2,v3,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwadd.vx v0,v2,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwadd.wv v1,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwadd.wv v2,v3,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwadd.wv v4,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwadd.wv v4,v2,v5'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwadd.wv v0,v2,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwadd.wx v1,v2,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwadd.wx v2,v3,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwadd.wx v0,v2,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwsub.vv v1,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwsub.vv v2,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwsub.vv v2,v3,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwsub.vv v4,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwsub.vv v4,v2,v5'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwsub.vv v0,v2,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwsub.vx v1,v2,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwsub.vx v2,v2,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwsub.vx v2,v3,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwsub.vx v0,v2,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwsub.wv v1,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwsub.wv v2,v3,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwsub.wv v4,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwsub.wv v4,v2,v5'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwsub.wv v0,v2,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwsub.wx v1,v2,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwsub.wx v2,v3,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwsub.wx v0,v2,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmul.vv v1,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmul.vv v2,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmul.vv v2,v3,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmul.vv v4,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmul.vv v4,v2,v5'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmul.vv v0,v2,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmul.vx v1,v2,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmul.vx v2,v2,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmul.vx v2,v3,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmul.vx v0,v2,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmulu.vv v1,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmulu.vv v2,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmulu.vv v2,v3,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmulu.vv v4,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmulu.vv v4,v2,v5'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmulu.vv v0,v2,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmulu.vx v1,v2,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmulu.vx v2,v2,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmulu.vx v2,v3,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmulu.vx v0,v2,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmulsu.vv v1,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmulsu.vv v2,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmulsu.vv v2,v3,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmulsu.vv v4,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmulsu.vv v4,v2,v5'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmulsu.vv v0,v2,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmulsu.vx v1,v2,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmulsu.vx v2,v2,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmulsu.vx v2,v3,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmulsu.vx v0,v2,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmaccu.vv v1,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmaccu.vv v2,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmaccu.vv v2,v3,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmaccu.vv v4,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmaccu.vv v4,v2,v5'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmaccu.vv v0,v2,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmaccu.vx v1,a1,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmaccu.vx v2,a1,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmaccu.vx v2,a1,v3'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmaccu.vx v0,a1,v2,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmacc.vv v1,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmacc.vv v2,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmacc.vv v2,v3,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmacc.vv v4,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmacc.vv v4,v2,v5'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmacc.vv v0,v2,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmacc.vx v1,a1,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmacc.vx v2,a1,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmacc.vx v2,a1,v3'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmacc.vx v0,a1,v2,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmaccsu.vv v1,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmaccsu.vv v2,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmaccsu.vv v2,v3,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmaccsu.vv v4,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmaccsu.vv v4,v2,v5'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmaccsu.vv v0,v2,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmaccsu.vx v1,a1,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmaccsu.vx v2,a1,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmaccsu.vx v2,a1,v3'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmaccsu.vx v0,a1,v2,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmaccus.vx v1,a1,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmaccus.vx v2,a1,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmaccus.vx v2,a1,v3'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vwmaccus.vx v0,a1,v2,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwadd.vv v1,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwadd.vv v2,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwadd.vv v2,v3,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwadd.vv v4,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwadd.vv v4,v2,v5'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwadd.vv v0,v2,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwadd.vf v1,v2,fa1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwadd.vf v2,v2,fa1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwadd.vf v2,v3,fa1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwadd.vf v0,v2,fa1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwadd.wv v1,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwadd.wv v2,v3,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwadd.wv v4,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwadd.wv v4,v2,v5'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwadd.wv v0,v2,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwsub.vv v1,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwsub.vv v2,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwsub.vv v2,v3,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwsub.vv v4,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwsub.vv v4,v2,v5'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwsub.vv v0,v2,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwsub.vf v1,v2,fa1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwsub.vf v2,v2,fa1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwsub.vf v2,v3,fa1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwsub.vf v0,v2,fa1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwsub.wv v1,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwsub.wv v2,v3,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwsub.wv v4,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwsub.wv v4,v2,v5'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwsub.wv v0,v2,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwmul.vv v1,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwmul.vv v2,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwmul.vv v2,v3,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwmul.vv v4,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwmul.vv v4,v2,v5'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwmul.vv v0,v2,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwsub.vf v1,v2,fa1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwsub.vf v2,v2,fa1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwsub.vf v2,v3,fa1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwsub.vf v0,v2,fa1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwmacc.vv v1,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwmacc.vv v2,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwmacc.vv v2,v3,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwmacc.vv v4,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwmacc.vv v4,v2,v5'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwmacc.vv v0,v2,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwmacc.vf v1,fa1,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwmacc.vf v2,fa1,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwmacc.vf v2,fa1,v3'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwmacc.vf v0,fa1,v2,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwnmacc.vv v1,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwnmacc.vv v2,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwnmacc.vv v2,v3,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwnmacc.vv v4,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwnmacc.vv v4,v2,v5'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwnmacc.vv v0,v2,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwnmacc.vf v1,fa1,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwnmacc.vf v2,fa1,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwnmacc.vf v2,fa1,v3'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwnmacc.vf v0,fa1,v2,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwmsac.vv v1,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwmsac.vv v2,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwmsac.vv v2,v3,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwmsac.vv v4,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwmsac.vv v4,v2,v5'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwmsac.vv v0,v2,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwmsac.vf v1,fa1,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwmsac.vf v2,fa1,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwmsac.vf v2,fa1,v3'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwmsac.vf v0,fa1,v2,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwnmsac.vv v1,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwnmsac.vv v2,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwnmsac.vv v2,v3,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwnmsac.vv v4,v2,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwnmsac.vv v4,v2,v5'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwnmsac.vv v0,v2,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwnmsac.vf v1,fa1,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwnmsac.vf v2,fa1,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwnmsac.vf v2,fa1,v3'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwnmsac.vf v0,fa1,v2,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwcvt.xu.f.v v1,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwcvt.xu.f.v v2,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwcvt.xu.f.v v2,v3'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwcvt.xu.f.v v0,v2,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwcvt.x.f.v v1,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwcvt.x.f.v v2,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwcvt.x.f.v v2,v3'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwcvt.x.f.v v0,v2,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwcvt.rtz.xu.f.v v1,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwcvt.rtz.xu.f.v v2,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwcvt.rtz.xu.f.v v2,v3'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwcvt.rtz.xu.f.v v0,v2,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwcvt.rtz.x.f.v v1,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwcvt.rtz.x.f.v v2,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwcvt.rtz.x.f.v v2,v3'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwcvt.rtz.x.f.v v0,v2,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwcvt.f.xu.v v1,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwcvt.f.xu.v v2,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwcvt.f.xu.v v2,v3'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwcvt.f.xu.v v0,v2,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwcvt.f.x.v v1,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwcvt.f.x.v v2,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwcvt.f.x.v v2,v3'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwcvt.f.x.v v0,v2,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwcvt.f.f.v v1,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwcvt.f.f.v v2,v2'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwcvt.f.f.v v2,v3'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfwcvt.f.f.v v0,v2,v0.t'
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-widen.s b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-widen.s
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000..addedd4dc2
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-arith-widen.s
+@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
++# Vector Widening Integer Add/Subtract
++	# vwcvtu.x.x.v vd,vs,vm = vwaddu.vx vd,vs,x0,vm
++	vwcvtu.x.x.v v1, v2		# vd should be multiple of 2
++	vwcvtu.x.x.v v2, v2		# vd overlap vs2
++	vwcvtu.x.x.v v2, v3		# vd overlap vs2
++	vwcvtu.x.x.v v0, v2, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	# vwcvt.x.x.v vd,vs,vm = vwadd.vx vd,vs,x0,vm
++	vwcvt.x.x.v v1, v2
++	vwcvt.x.x.v v2, v2
++	vwcvt.x.x.v v2, v3
++	vwcvt.x.x.v v0, v2, v0.t
++	vwaddu.vv v1, v2, v4		# vd should be multiple of 2
++	vwaddu.vv v2, v2, v4		# vd overlap vs2
++	vwaddu.vv v2, v3, v4		# vd overlap vs2
++	vwaddu.vv v4, v2, v4		# vd overlap vs1
++	vwaddu.vv v4, v2, v5		# vd overlap vs1
++	vwaddu.vv v0, v2, v4, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vwaddu.vx v1, v2, a1		# vd should be multiple of 2
++	vwaddu.vx v2, v2, a1		# vd overlap vs2
++	vwaddu.vx v2, v3, a1		# vd overlap vs2
++	vwaddu.vx v0, v2, a1, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vwaddu.wv v1, v2, v4		# vd should be multiple of 2
++	vwaddu.wv v2, v2, v4		# OK
++	vwaddu.wv v2, v3, v4		# vs2 should be multiple of 2
++	vwaddu.wv v4, v2, v4		# vd overlap vs1
++	vwaddu.wv v4, v2, v5		# vd overlap vs1
++	vwaddu.wv v0, v2, v4, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vwaddu.wx v1, v2, a1		# vd should be multiple of 2
++	vwaddu.wx v2, v2, a1		# OK
++	vwaddu.wx v2, v3, a1		# vs2 should be multiple of 2
++	vwaddu.wx v0, v2, a1, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vwsubu.vv v1, v2, v4
++	vwsubu.vv v2, v2, v4
++	vwsubu.vv v2, v3, v4
++	vwsubu.vv v4, v2, v4
++	vwsubu.vv v4, v2, v5
++	vwsubu.vv v0, v2, v4, v0.t
++	vwsubu.vx v1, v2, a1
++	vwsubu.vx v2, v2, a1
++	vwsubu.vx v2, v3, a1
++	vwsubu.vx v0, v2, a1, v0.t
++	vwsubu.wv v1, v2, v4
++	vwsubu.wv v2, v2, v4
++	vwsubu.wv v2, v3, v4
++	vwsubu.wv v4, v2, v4
++	vwsubu.wv v4, v2, v5
++	vwsubu.wv v0, v2, v4, v0.t
++	vwsubu.wx v1, v2, a1
++	vwsubu.wx v2, v2, a1
++	vwsubu.wx v2, v3, a1
++	vwsubu.wx v0, v2, a1, v0.t
++	vwadd.vv v1, v2, v4
++	vwadd.vv v2, v2, v4
++	vwadd.vv v2, v3, v4
++	vwadd.vv v4, v2, v4
++	vwadd.vv v4, v2, v5
++	vwadd.vv v0, v2, v4, v0.t
++	vwadd.vx v1, v2, a1
++	vwadd.vx v2, v2, a1
++	vwadd.vx v2, v3, a1
++	vwadd.vx v0, v2, a1, v0.t
++	vwadd.wv v1, v2, v4
++	vwadd.wv v2, v2, v4
++	vwadd.wv v2, v3, v4
++	vwadd.wv v4, v2, v4
++	vwadd.wv v4, v2, v5
++	vwadd.wv v0, v2, v4, v0.t
++	vwadd.wx v1, v2, a1
++	vwadd.wx v2, v2, a1
++	vwadd.wx v2, v3, a1
++	vwadd.wx v0, v2, a1, v0.t
++	vwsub.vv v1, v2, v4
++	vwsub.vv v2, v2, v4
++	vwsub.vv v2, v3, v4
++	vwsub.vv v4, v2, v4
++	vwsub.vv v4, v2, v5
++	vwsub.vv v0, v2, v4, v0.t
++	vwsub.vx v1, v2, a1
++	vwsub.vx v2, v2, a1
++	vwsub.vx v2, v3, a1
++	vwsub.vx v0, v2, a1, v0.t
++	vwsub.wv v1, v2, v4
++	vwsub.wv v2, v2, v4
++	vwsub.wv v2, v3, v4
++	vwsub.wv v4, v2, v4
++	vwsub.wv v4, v2, v5
++	vwsub.wv v0, v2, v4, v0.t
++	vwsub.wx v1, v2, a1
++	vwsub.wx v2, v2, a1
++	vwsub.wx v2, v3, a1
++	vwsub.wx v0, v2, a1, v0.t
++# Vector Widening Integer Multiply Instructions
++	vwmul.vv v1, v2, v4		# vd should be multiple of 2
++	vwmul.vv v2, v2, v4		# vd overlap vs2
++	vwmul.vv v2, v3, v4		# vd overlap vs2
++	vwmul.vv v4, v2, v4		# vd overlap vs1
++	vwmul.vv v4, v2, v5		# vd overlap vs1
++	vwmul.vv v0, v2, v4, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vwmul.vx v1, v2, a1		# vd should be multiple of 2
++	vwmul.vx v2, v2, a1		# vd overlap vs2
++	vwmul.vx v2, v3, a1		# vd overlap vs2
++	vwmul.vx v0, v2, a1, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vwmulu.vv v1, v2, v4
++	vwmulu.vv v2, v2, v4
++	vwmulu.vv v2, v3, v4
++	vwmulu.vv v4, v2, v4
++	vwmulu.vv v4, v2, v5
++	vwmulu.vv v0, v2, v4, v0.t
++	vwmulu.vx v1, v2, a1
++	vwmulu.vx v2, v2, a1
++	vwmulu.vx v2, v3, a1
++	vwmulu.vx v0, v2, a1, v0.t
++	vwmulsu.vv v1, v2, v4
++	vwmulsu.vv v2, v2, v4
++	vwmulsu.vv v2, v3, v4
++	vwmulsu.vv v4, v2, v4
++	vwmulsu.vv v4, v2, v5
++	vwmulsu.vv v0, v2, v4, v0.t
++	vwmulsu.vx v1, v2, a1
++	vwmulsu.vx v2, v2, a1
++	vwmulsu.vx v2, v3, a1
++	vwmulsu.vx v0, v2, a1, v0.t
++# Vector Widening Integer Multiply-Add Instructions
++	vwmaccu.vv v1, v2, v4		# vd should be multiple of 2
++	vwmaccu.vv v2, v2, v4		# vd overlap vs1
++	vwmaccu.vv v2, v3, v4		# vd overlap vs1
++	vwmaccu.vv v4, v2, v4		# vd overlap vs2
++	vwmaccu.vv v4, v2, v5		# vd overlap vs2
++	vwmaccu.vv v0, v2, v4, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vwmaccu.vx v1, a1, v2		# vd should be multiple of 2
++	vwmaccu.vx v2, a1, v2		# vd overlap vs2
++	vwmaccu.vx v2, a1, v3		# vd overlap vs2
++	vwmaccu.vx v0, a1, v2, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vwmacc.vv v1, v2, v4
++	vwmacc.vv v2, v2, v4
++	vwmacc.vv v2, v3, v4
++	vwmacc.vv v4, v2, v4
++	vwmacc.vv v4, v2, v5
++	vwmacc.vv v0, v2, v4, v0.t
++	vwmacc.vx v1, a1, v2
++	vwmacc.vx v2, a1, v2
++	vwmacc.vx v2, a1, v3
++	vwmacc.vx v0, a1, v2, v0.t
++	vwmaccsu.vv v1, v2, v4
++	vwmaccsu.vv v2, v2, v4
++	vwmaccsu.vv v2, v3, v4
++	vwmaccsu.vv v4, v2, v4
++	vwmaccsu.vv v4, v2, v5
++	vwmaccsu.vv v0, v2, v4, v0.t
++	vwmaccsu.vx v1, a1, v2
++	vwmaccsu.vx v2, a1, v2
++	vwmaccsu.vx v2, a1, v3
++	vwmaccsu.vx v0, a1, v2, v0.t
++	vwmaccus.vx v1, a1, v2		# vd should be multiple of 2
++	vwmaccus.vx v2, a1, v2		# vd overlap vs2
++	vwmaccus.vx v2, a1, v3		# vd overlap vs2
++	vwmaccus.vx v0, a1, v2, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++# Vector Widening Floating-Point Add/Subtract Instructions
++	vfwadd.vv v1, v2, v4		# vd should be multiple of 2
++	vfwadd.vv v2, v2, v4		# vd overlap vs2
++	vfwadd.vv v2, v3, v4		# vd overlap vs2
++	vfwadd.vv v4, v2, v4		# vd overlap vs1
++	vfwadd.vv v4, v2, v5		# vd overlap vs1
++	vfwadd.vv v0, v2, v4, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vfwadd.vf v1, v2, fa1		# vd should be multiple of 2
++	vfwadd.vf v2, v2, fa1		# vd overlap vs2
++	vfwadd.vf v2, v3, fa1		# vd overlap vs2
++	vfwadd.vf v0, v2, fa1, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vfwadd.wv v1, v2, v4		# vd should be multiple of 2
++	vfwadd.wv v2, v2, v4		# OK
++	vfwadd.wv v2, v3, v4		# vs2 should be multiple of 2
++	vfwadd.wv v4, v2, v4		# vd overlap vs1
++	vfwadd.wv v4, v2, v5		# vd overlap vs1
++	vfwadd.wv v0, v2, v4, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vfwsub.vv v1, v2, v4
++	vfwsub.vv v2, v2, v4
++	vfwsub.vv v2, v3, v4
++	vfwsub.vv v4, v2, v4
++	vfwsub.vv v4, v2, v5
++	vfwsub.vv v0, v2, v4, v0.t
++	vfwsub.vf v1, v2, fa1
++	vfwsub.vf v2, v2, fa1
++	vfwsub.vf v2, v3, fa1
++	vfwsub.vf v0, v2, fa1, v0.t
++	vfwsub.wv v1, v2, v4
++	vfwsub.wv v2, v2, v4
++	vfwsub.wv v2, v3, v4
++	vfwsub.wv v4, v2, v4
++	vfwsub.wv v4, v2, v5
++	vfwsub.wv v0, v2, v4, v0.t
++# Vector Widening Floating-Point Multiply
++	vfwmul.vv v1, v2, v4		# vd should be multiple of 2
++	vfwmul.vv v2, v2, v4		# vd overlap vs2
++	vfwmul.vv v2, v3, v4		# vd overlap vs2
++	vfwmul.vv v4, v2, v4		# vd overlap vs1
++	vfwmul.vv v4, v2, v5		# vd overlap vs1
++	vfwmul.vv v0, v2, v4, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vfwsub.vf v1, v2, fa1		# vd should be multiple of 2
++	vfwsub.vf v2, v2, fa1		# vd overlap vs2
++	vfwsub.vf v2, v3, fa1		# vd overlap vs2
++	vfwsub.vf v0, v2, fa1, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++# Vector Widening Floating-Point Fused Multiply-Add Instructions
++	vfwmacc.vv v1, v2, v4		# vd should be multiple of 2
++	vfwmacc.vv v2, v2, v4		# vd overlap vs1
++	vfwmacc.vv v2, v3, v4		# vd overlap vs1
++	vfwmacc.vv v4, v2, v4		# vd overlap vs2
++	vfwmacc.vv v4, v2, v5		# vd overlap vs2
++	vfwmacc.vv v0, v2, v4, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vfwmacc.vf v1, fa1, v2		# vd should be multiple of 2
++	vfwmacc.vf v2, fa1, v2		# vd overlap vs2
++	vfwmacc.vf v2, fa1, v3		# vd overlap vs2
++	vfwmacc.vf v0, fa1, v2, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vfwnmacc.vv v1, v2, v4
++	vfwnmacc.vv v2, v2, v4
++	vfwnmacc.vv v2, v3, v4
++	vfwnmacc.vv v4, v2, v4
++	vfwnmacc.vv v4, v2, v5
++	vfwnmacc.vv v0, v2, v4, v0.t
++	vfwnmacc.vf v1, fa1, v2
++	vfwnmacc.vf v2, fa1, v2
++	vfwnmacc.vf v2, fa1, v3
++	vfwnmacc.vf v0, fa1, v2, v0.t
++	vfwmsac.vv v1, v2, v4
++	vfwmsac.vv v2, v2, v4
++	vfwmsac.vv v2, v3, v4
++	vfwmsac.vv v4, v2, v4
++	vfwmsac.vv v4, v2, v5
++	vfwmsac.vv v0, v2, v4, v0.t
++	vfwmsac.vf v1, fa1, v2
++	vfwmsac.vf v2, fa1, v2
++	vfwmsac.vf v2, fa1, v3
++	vfwmsac.vf v0, fa1, v2, v0.t
++	vfwnmsac.vv v1, v2, v4
++	vfwnmsac.vv v2, v2, v4
++	vfwnmsac.vv v2, v3, v4
++	vfwnmsac.vv v4, v2, v4
++	vfwnmsac.vv v4, v2, v5
++	vfwnmsac.vv v0, v2, v4, v0.t
++	vfwnmsac.vf v1, fa1, v2
++	vfwnmsac.vf v2, fa1, v2
++	vfwnmsac.vf v2, fa1, v3
++	vfwnmsac.vf v0, fa1, v2, v0.t
++# Widening Floating-Point/Integer Type-Convert Instructions
++	vfwcvt.xu.f.v v1, v2		# vd should be multiple of 2
++	vfwcvt.xu.f.v v2, v2		# vd overlap vs2
++	vfwcvt.xu.f.v v2, v3		# vd overlap vs2
++	vfwcvt.xu.f.v v0, v2, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vfwcvt.x.f.v v1, v2
++	vfwcvt.x.f.v v2, v2
++	vfwcvt.x.f.v v2, v3
++	vfwcvt.x.f.v v0, v2, v0.t
++	vfwcvt.rtz.xu.f.v v1, v2
++	vfwcvt.rtz.xu.f.v v2, v2
++	vfwcvt.rtz.xu.f.v v2, v3
++	vfwcvt.rtz.xu.f.v v0, v2, v0.t
++	vfwcvt.rtz.x.f.v v1, v2
++	vfwcvt.rtz.x.f.v v2, v2
++	vfwcvt.rtz.x.f.v v2, v3
++	vfwcvt.rtz.x.f.v v0, v2, v0.t
++	vfwcvt.f.xu.v v1, v2
++	vfwcvt.f.xu.v v2, v2
++	vfwcvt.f.xu.v v2, v3
++	vfwcvt.f.xu.v v0, v2, v0.t
++	vfwcvt.f.x.v v1, v2
++	vfwcvt.f.x.v v2, v2
++	vfwcvt.f.x.v v2, v3
++	vfwcvt.f.x.v v0, v2, v0.t
++	vfwcvt.f.f.v v1, v2
++	vfwcvt.f.f.v v2, v2
++	vfwcvt.f.f.v v2, v3
++	vfwcvt.f.f.v v0, v2, v0.t
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-load-store.d b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-load-store.d
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000..1e4ac10260
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-load-store.d
+@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
++#as: -march=rv32iv0p10 
++#source: vector-insns-fail-load-store.s
++#error_output: vector-insns-fail-load-store.l
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-load-store.l b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-load-store.l
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000..f2e682214c
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-load-store.l
+@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
++.*: Assembler messages:
++.*Error: illegal operands `vle8.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vle8ff.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vle16.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vle16ff.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vle32.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vle32ff.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vle64.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vle64ff.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vse8.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vse16.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vse32.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vse64.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlse8.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlse16.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlse32.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlse64.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsse8.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsse16.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsse32.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsse64.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxei8.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxei16.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxei32.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxei64.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxei8.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxei16.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxei32.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxei64.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxei8.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxei16.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxei32.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxei64.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxei8.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxei16.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxei32.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxei64.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg2e8.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsseg2e8.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg2e8ff.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg3e8.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsseg3e8.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg3e8ff.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg4e8.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsseg4e8.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg4e8ff.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg5e8.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsseg5e8.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg5e8ff.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg6e8.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsseg6e8.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg6e8ff.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg7e8.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsseg7e8.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg7e8ff.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg8e8.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsseg8e8.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg8e8ff.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg2e16.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsseg2e16.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg2e16ff.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg3e16.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsseg3e16.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg3e16ff.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg4e16.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsseg4e16.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg4e16ff.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg5e16.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsseg5e16.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg5e16ff.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg6e16.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsseg6e16.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg6e16ff.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg7e16.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsseg7e16.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg7e16ff.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg8e16.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsseg8e16.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg8e16ff.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg2e32.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsseg2e32.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg2e32ff.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg3e32.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsseg3e32.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg3e32ff.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg4e32.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsseg4e32.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg4e32ff.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg5e32.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsseg5e32.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg5e32ff.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg6e32.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsseg6e32.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg6e32ff.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg7e32.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsseg7e32.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg7e32ff.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg8e32.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsseg8e32.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg8e32ff.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg2e64.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsseg2e64.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg2e64ff.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg3e64.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsseg3e64.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg3e64ff.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg4e64.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsseg4e64.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg4e64ff.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg5e64.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsseg5e64.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg5e64ff.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg6e64.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsseg6e64.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg6e64ff.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg7e64.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsseg7e64.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg7e64ff.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg8e64.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsseg8e64.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlseg8e64ff.v v0,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlsseg2e8.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vssseg2e8.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlsseg3e8.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vssseg3e8.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlsseg4e8.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vssseg4e8.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlsseg5e8.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vssseg5e8.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlsseg6e8.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vssseg6e8.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlsseg7e8.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vssseg7e8.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlsseg8e8.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vssseg8e8.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlsseg2e16.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vssseg2e16.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlsseg3e16.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vssseg3e16.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlsseg4e16.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vssseg4e16.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlsseg5e16.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vssseg5e16.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlsseg6e16.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vssseg6e16.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlsseg7e16.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vssseg7e16.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlsseg8e16.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vssseg8e16.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlsseg2e32.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vssseg2e32.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlsseg3e32.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vssseg3e32.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlsseg4e32.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vssseg4e32.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlsseg5e32.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vssseg5e32.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlsseg6e32.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vssseg6e32.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlsseg7e32.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vssseg7e32.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlsseg8e32.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vssseg8e32.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlsseg2e64.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vssseg2e64.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlsseg3e64.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vssseg3e64.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlsseg4e64.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vssseg4e64.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlsseg5e64.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vssseg5e64.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlsseg6e64.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vssseg6e64.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlsseg7e64.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vssseg7e64.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vlsseg8e64.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vssseg8e64.v v0,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg2ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg2ei8.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg2ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg2ei8.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg3ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg3ei8.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg3ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg3ei8.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg4ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg4ei8.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg4ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg4ei8.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg5ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg5ei8.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg5ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg5ei8.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg6ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg6ei8.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg6ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg6ei8.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg7ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg7ei8.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg7ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg7ei8.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg8ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg8ei8.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg8ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg8ei8.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg2ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg2ei16.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg2ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg2ei16.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg3ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg3ei16.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg3ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg3ei16.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg4ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg4ei16.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg4ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg4ei16.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg5ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg5ei16.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg5ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg5ei16.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg6ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg6ei16.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg6ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg6ei16.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg7ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg7ei16.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg7ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg7ei16.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg8ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg8ei16.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg8ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg8ei16.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg2ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg2ei32.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg2ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg2ei32.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg3ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg3ei32.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg3ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg3ei32.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg4ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg4ei32.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg4ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg4ei32.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg5ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg5ei32.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg5ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg5ei32.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg6ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg6ei32.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg6ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg6ei32.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg7ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg7ei32.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg7ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg7ei32.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg8ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg8ei32.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg8ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg8ei32.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg2ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg2ei64.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg2ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg2ei64.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg3ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg3ei64.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg3ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg3ei64.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg4ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg4ei64.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg4ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg4ei64.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg5ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg5ei64.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg5ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg5ei64.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg6ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg6ei64.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg6ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg6ei64.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg7ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg7ei64.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg7ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg7ei64.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg8ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vloxseg8ei64.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg8ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsoxseg8ei64.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg2ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg2ei8.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg2ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg2ei8.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg3ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg3ei8.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg3ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg3ei8.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg4ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg4ei8.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg4ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg4ei8.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg5ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg5ei8.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg5ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg5ei8.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg6ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg6ei8.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg6ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg6ei8.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg7ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg7ei8.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg7ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg7ei8.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg8ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg8ei8.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg8ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg8ei8.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg2ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg2ei16.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg2ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg2ei16.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg3ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg3ei16.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg3ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg3ei16.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg4ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg4ei16.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg4ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg4ei16.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg5ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg5ei16.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg5ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg5ei16.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg6ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg6ei16.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg6ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg6ei16.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg7ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg7ei16.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg7ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg7ei16.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg8ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg8ei16.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg8ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg8ei16.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg2ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg2ei32.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg2ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg2ei32.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg3ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg3ei32.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg3ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg3ei32.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg4ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg4ei32.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg4ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg4ei32.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg5ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg5ei32.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg5ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg5ei32.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg6ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg6ei32.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg6ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg6ei32.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg7ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg7ei32.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg7ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg7ei32.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg8ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg8ei32.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg8ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg8ei32.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg2ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg2ei64.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg2ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg2ei64.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg3ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg3ei64.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg3ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg3ei64.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg4ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg4ei64.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg4ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg4ei64.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg5ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg5ei64.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg5ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg5ei64.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg6ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg6ei64.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg6ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg6ei64.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg7ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg7ei64.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg7ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg7ei64.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg8ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vluxseg8ei64.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg8ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vsuxseg8ei64.v v0,\(a0\),v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vl2r.v v31,\(a0\)'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vl2re8.v v31,\(a0\)'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vl2re16.v v31,\(a0\)'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vl2re32.v v31,\(a0\)'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vl2re64.v v31,\(a0\)'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vl4r.v v30,\(a0\)'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vl4re8.v v30,\(a0\)'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vl4re16.v v30,\(a0\)'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vl4re32.v v30,\(a0\)'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vl4re64.v v30,\(a0\)'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vl8r.v v26,\(a0\)'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vl8re8.v v26,\(a0\)'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vl8re16.v v26,\(a0\)'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vl8re32.v v26,\(a0\)'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vl8re64.v v26,\(a0\)'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vs2r.v v31,\(a0\)'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vs4r.v v30,\(a0\)'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vs8r.v v26,\(a0\)'
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-load-store.s b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-load-store.s
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000..274d0b4226
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-load-store.s
+@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
++# Vector Unit-Stride Loads and Stores
++	vle8.v v0, (a0), v0.t		# vd overlap vm
++	vle8ff.v v0, (a0), v0.t		# vd overlap vm
++	vle16.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vle16ff.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vle32.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vle32ff.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vle64.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vle64ff.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vse8.v v0, (a0), v0.t		# vd overlap vm
++	vse16.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vse32.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vse64.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++# Vector Strided Loads and Stores
++	vlse8.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vlse16.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlse32.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlse64.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vsse8.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vsse16.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vsse32.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vsse64.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++# Vector Ordered Indexed Loads and Stores
++	vloxei8.v v4, (a0), v4		# OK
++	vloxei8.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vloxei16.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vloxei16.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vloxei32.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vloxei32.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vloxei64.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vloxei64.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsoxei8.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsoxei8.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsoxei16.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsoxei16.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsoxei32.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsoxei32.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsoxei64.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsoxei64.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++# Vector Unordered Indexed Loads and Stores
++	vluxei8.v v4, (a0), v4		# OK
++	vluxei8.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vluxei16.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vluxei16.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vluxei32.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vluxei32.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vluxei64.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vluxei64.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsuxei8.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsuxei8.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsuxei16.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsuxei16.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsuxei32.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsuxei32.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsuxei64.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsuxei64.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++# Vector Unit-Stride Segment Loads and Stores
++	vlseg2e8.v v0, (a0), v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vsseg2e8.v v0, (a0), v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vlseg2e8ff.v v0, (a0), v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vlseg3e8.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg3e8.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg3e8ff.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg4e8.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg4e8.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg4e8ff.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg5e8.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg5e8.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg5e8ff.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg6e8.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg6e8.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg6e8ff.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg7e8.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg7e8.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg7e8ff.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg8e8.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg8e8.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg8e8ff.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg2e16.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg2e16.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg2e16ff.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg3e16.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg3e16.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg3e16ff.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg4e16.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg4e16.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg4e16ff.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg5e16.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg5e16.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg5e16ff.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg6e16.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg6e16.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg6e16ff.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg7e16.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg7e16.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg7e16ff.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg8e16.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg8e16.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg8e16ff.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg2e32.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg2e32.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg2e32ff.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg3e32.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg3e32.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg3e32ff.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg4e32.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg4e32.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg4e32ff.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg5e32.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg5e32.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg5e32ff.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg6e32.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg6e32.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg6e32ff.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg7e32.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg7e32.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg7e32ff.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg8e32.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg8e32.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg8e32ff.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg2e64.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg2e64.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg2e64ff.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg3e64.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg3e64.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg3e64ff.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg4e64.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg4e64.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg4e64ff.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg5e64.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg5e64.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg5e64ff.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg6e64.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg6e64.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg6e64ff.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg7e64.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg7e64.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg7e64ff.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg8e64.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg8e64.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg8e64ff.v v0, (a0), v0.t
++# Vector Strided Segment Loads and Stores
++	vlsseg2e8.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t		# vd overlap vm
++	vssseg2e8.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t		# vd overlap vm
++	vlsseg3e8.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg3e8.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg4e8.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg4e8.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg5e8.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg5e8.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg6e8.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg6e8.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg7e8.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg7e8.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg8e8.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg8e8.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg2e16.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg2e16.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg3e16.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg3e16.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg4e16.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg4e16.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg5e16.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg5e16.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg6e16.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg6e16.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg7e16.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg7e16.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg8e16.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg8e16.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg2e32.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg2e32.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg3e32.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg3e32.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg4e32.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg4e32.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg5e32.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg5e32.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg6e32.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg6e32.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg7e32.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg7e32.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg8e32.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg8e32.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg2e64.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg2e64.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg3e64.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg3e64.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg4e64.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg4e64.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg5e64.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg5e64.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg6e64.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg6e64.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg7e64.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg7e64.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg8e64.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg8e64.v v0, (a0), a1, v0.t
++# Vector Ordered Indexed Segment Loads and Stores
++	vloxseg2ei8.v v4, (a0), v4		# vd overlap vs2
++	vloxseg2ei8.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vsoxseg2ei8.v v4, (a0), v4		# vd overlap vs2
++	vsoxseg2ei8.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vloxseg3ei8.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vloxseg3ei8.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsoxseg3ei8.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsoxseg3ei8.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vloxseg4ei8.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vloxseg4ei8.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsoxseg4ei8.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsoxseg4ei8.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vloxseg5ei8.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vloxseg5ei8.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsoxseg5ei8.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsoxseg5ei8.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vloxseg6ei8.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vloxseg6ei8.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsoxseg6ei8.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsoxseg6ei8.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vloxseg7ei8.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vloxseg7ei8.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsoxseg7ei8.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsoxseg7ei8.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vloxseg8ei8.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vloxseg8ei8.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsoxseg8ei8.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsoxseg8ei8.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vloxseg2ei16.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vloxseg2ei16.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsoxseg2ei16.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsoxseg2ei16.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vloxseg3ei16.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vloxseg3ei16.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsoxseg3ei16.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsoxseg3ei16.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vloxseg4ei16.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vloxseg4ei16.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsoxseg4ei16.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsoxseg4ei16.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vloxseg5ei16.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vloxseg5ei16.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsoxseg5ei16.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsoxseg5ei16.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vloxseg6ei16.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vloxseg6ei16.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsoxseg6ei16.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsoxseg6ei16.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vloxseg7ei16.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vloxseg7ei16.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsoxseg7ei16.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsoxseg7ei16.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vloxseg8ei16.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vloxseg8ei16.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsoxseg8ei16.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsoxseg8ei16.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vloxseg2ei32.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vloxseg2ei32.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsoxseg2ei32.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsoxseg2ei32.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vloxseg3ei32.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vloxseg3ei32.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsoxseg3ei32.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsoxseg3ei32.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vloxseg4ei32.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vloxseg4ei32.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsoxseg4ei32.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsoxseg4ei32.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vloxseg5ei32.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vloxseg5ei32.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsoxseg5ei32.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsoxseg5ei32.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vloxseg6ei32.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vloxseg6ei32.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsoxseg6ei32.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsoxseg6ei32.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vloxseg7ei32.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vloxseg7ei32.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsoxseg7ei32.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsoxseg7ei32.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vloxseg8ei32.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vloxseg8ei32.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsoxseg8ei32.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsoxseg8ei32.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vloxseg2ei64.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vloxseg2ei64.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsoxseg2ei64.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsoxseg2ei64.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vloxseg3ei64.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vloxseg3ei64.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsoxseg3ei64.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsoxseg3ei64.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vloxseg4ei64.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vloxseg4ei64.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsoxseg4ei64.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsoxseg4ei64.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vloxseg5ei64.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vloxseg5ei64.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsoxseg5ei64.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsoxseg5ei64.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vloxseg6ei64.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vloxseg6ei64.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsoxseg6ei64.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsoxseg6ei64.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vloxseg7ei64.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vloxseg7ei64.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsoxseg7ei64.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsoxseg7ei64.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vloxseg8ei64.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vloxseg8ei64.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsoxseg8ei64.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsoxseg8ei64.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++# Vector Unordered Indexed Segment Loads and Stores
++	vluxseg2ei8.v v4, (a0), v4		# vd overlap vs2
++	vluxseg2ei8.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vsuxseg2ei8.v v4, (a0), v4		# vd overlap vs2
++	vsuxseg2ei8.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vluxseg3ei8.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vluxseg3ei8.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsuxseg3ei8.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsuxseg3ei8.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vluxseg4ei8.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vluxseg4ei8.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsuxseg4ei8.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsuxseg4ei8.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vluxseg5ei8.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vluxseg5ei8.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsuxseg5ei8.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsuxseg5ei8.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vluxseg6ei8.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vluxseg6ei8.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsuxseg6ei8.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsuxseg6ei8.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vluxseg7ei8.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vluxseg7ei8.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsuxseg7ei8.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsuxseg7ei8.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vluxseg8ei8.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vluxseg8ei8.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsuxseg8ei8.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsuxseg8ei8.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vluxseg2ei16.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vluxseg2ei16.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsuxseg2ei16.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsuxseg2ei16.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vluxseg3ei16.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vluxseg3ei16.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsuxseg3ei16.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsuxseg3ei16.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vluxseg4ei16.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vluxseg4ei16.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsuxseg4ei16.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsuxseg4ei16.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vluxseg5ei16.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vluxseg5ei16.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsuxseg5ei16.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsuxseg5ei16.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vluxseg6ei16.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vluxseg6ei16.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsuxseg6ei16.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsuxseg6ei16.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vluxseg7ei16.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vluxseg7ei16.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsuxseg7ei16.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsuxseg7ei16.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vluxseg8ei16.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vluxseg8ei16.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsuxseg8ei16.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsuxseg8ei16.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vluxseg2ei32.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vluxseg2ei32.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsuxseg2ei32.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsuxseg2ei32.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vluxseg3ei32.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vluxseg3ei32.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsuxseg3ei32.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsuxseg3ei32.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vluxseg4ei32.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vluxseg4ei32.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsuxseg4ei32.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsuxseg4ei32.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vluxseg5ei32.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vluxseg5ei32.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsuxseg5ei32.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsuxseg5ei32.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vluxseg6ei32.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vluxseg6ei32.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsuxseg6ei32.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsuxseg6ei32.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vluxseg7ei32.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vluxseg7ei32.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsuxseg7ei32.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsuxseg7ei32.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vluxseg8ei32.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vluxseg8ei32.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsuxseg8ei32.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsuxseg8ei32.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vluxseg2ei64.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vluxseg2ei64.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsuxseg2ei64.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsuxseg2ei64.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vluxseg3ei64.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vluxseg3ei64.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsuxseg3ei64.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsuxseg3ei64.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vluxseg4ei64.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vluxseg4ei64.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsuxseg4ei64.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsuxseg4ei64.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vluxseg5ei64.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vluxseg5ei64.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsuxseg5ei64.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsuxseg5ei64.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vluxseg6ei64.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vluxseg6ei64.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsuxseg6ei64.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsuxseg6ei64.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vluxseg7ei64.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vluxseg7ei64.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsuxseg7ei64.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsuxseg7ei64.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vluxseg8ei64.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vluxseg8ei64.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++	vsuxseg8ei64.v v4, (a0), v4
++	vsuxseg8ei64.v v0, (a0), v4, v0.t
++# Vector Load/Store Whole Register Instructions
++	vl1r.v v31, (a0)		# OK
++	vl2r.v v31, (a0)		# vd must be aligned to 2
++	vl2re8.v v31, (a0)
++	vl2re16.v v31, (a0)
++	vl2re32.v v31, (a0)
++	vl2re64.v v31, (a0)
++	vl4r.v v30, (a0)		# vd must be aligned to 4
++	vl4re8.v v30, (a0)
++	vl4re16.v v30, (a0)
++	vl4re32.v v30, (a0)
++	vl4re64.v v30, (a0)
++	vl8r.v v26, (a0)		# vd must be aligned to 8
++	vl8re8.v v26, (a0)
++	vl8re16.v v26, (a0)
++	vl8re32.v v26, (a0)
++	vl8re64.v v26, (a0)
++	vs2r.v v31, (a0)		# vs3 must be aligned to 2
++	vs4r.v v30, (a0)		# vs3 must be aligned to 4
++	vs8r.v v26, (a0)		# vs3 must be aligned to 8
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-mask.d b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-mask.d
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000..1d3aa8d7d3
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-mask.d
+@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
++#as: -march=rv32iv0p10
++#source: vector-insns-fail-mask.s
++#error_output: vector-insns-fail-mask.l
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-mask.l b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-mask.l
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000..3b23becc16
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-mask.l
+@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
++.*: Assembler messages:
++.*Error: illegal operands `vmsbf.m v4,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vmsbf.m v0,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vmsif.m v4,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vmsif.m v0,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vmsof.m v4,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vmsof.m v0,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `viota.m v4,v4'
++.*Error: illegal operands `viota.m v0,v4,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vid.v v0,v0.t'
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-mask.s b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-mask.s
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000..99b19f6bdd
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-mask.s
+@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
++# Vector Set-before-first Mask Bit
++	vmsbf.m v4, v4		# vd overlap vs2
++	vmsbf.m v0, v4, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++# Vector Set-including-first Mask Bit
++	vmsif.m v4, v4		# vd overlap vs2
++	vmsif.m v0, v4, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++# Vector Set-only-first Mask Bit
++	vmsof.m v4, v4		# vd overlap vs2
++	vmsof.m v0, v4, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++# Vector Iota Instruction
++	viota.m v4, v4		# vd overlap vs2
++	viota.m v0, v4, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++# Vector Element Index Instruction
++	vid.v v0, v0.t		# vd overlap vm
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-permutation.d b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-permutation.d
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000..ebdd2b1051
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-permutation.d
+@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
++#as: -march=rv32ifv0p10
++#source: vector-insns-fail-permutation.s
++#error_output: vector-insns-fail-permutation.l
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-permutation.l b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-permutation.l
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000..c208f5710f
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-permutation.l
+@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
++.*: Assembler messages:
++.*Error: illegal operands `vslideup.vx v4,v4,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vslideup.vx v0,v4,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vslideup.vi v4,v4,31'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vslideup.vi v0,v4,31,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vslidedown.vx v0,v4,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vslidedown.vi v0,v4,31,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vslide1up.vx v4,v4,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vslide1up.vx v0,v4,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfslide1up.vf v4,v4,fa1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfslide1up.vf v0,v4,fa1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vslide1down.vx v0,v4,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vfslide1down.vf v0,v4,fa1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vrgather.vv v4,v4,v8'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vrgather.vv v8,v4,v8'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vrgather.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vrgather.vx v4,v4,a1'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vrgather.vx v0,v4,a1,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vrgather.vi v4,v4,31'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vrgather.vi v0,v4,31,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vrgatherei16.vv v4,v4,v8'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vrgatherei16.vv v8,v4,v8'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vrgatherei16.vv v0,v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vcompress.vm v4,v4,v8'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vcompress.vm v8,v4,v8'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vmv2r.v v30,v31'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vmv2r.v v31,v30'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vmv4r.v v28,v30'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vmv4r.v v30,v28'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vmv8r.v v24,v26'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vmv8r.v v26,v24'
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-permutation.s b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-permutation.s
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000..85116457ff
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-permutation.s
+@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
++# Vector Slideup Instructions
++	vslideup.vx v4, v4, a1			# vd overlap vs2
++	vslideup.vx v0, v4, a1, v0.t		# vd overlap vm
++	vslideup.vi v4, v4, 31			# vd overlap vs2
++	vslideup.vi v0, v4, 31, v0.t		# vd overlap vm
++	vslidedown.vx v4, v4, a1		# OK
++	vslidedown.vx v0, v4, a1, v0.t		# vd overlap vm
++	vslidedown.vi v4, v4, 31		# OK
++	vslidedown.vi v0, v4, 31, v0.t		# vd overlap vm
++	vslide1up.vx v4, v4, a1			# vd overlap vs2
++	vslide1up.vx v0, v4, a1, v0.t		# vd overlap vm
++	vfslide1up.vf v4, v4, fa1		# vd overlap vs2
++	vfslide1up.vf v0, v4, fa1, v0.t		# vd overlap vm
++	vslide1down.vx v4, v4, a1		# OK
++	vslide1down.vx v0, v4, a1, v0.t		# vd overlap vm
++	vfslide1down.vf v4, v4, fa1		# OK
++	vfslide1down.vf v0, v4, fa1, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++# Vector Register Gather Instructions
++	vrgather.vv v4, v4, v8			# vd overlap vs2
++	vrgather.vv v8, v4, v8			# vd overlap vs1
++	vrgather.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t		# vd overlap vm
++	vrgather.vx v4, v4, a1			# vd overlap vs2
++	vrgather.vx v0, v4, a1, v0.t		# vd overlap vm
++	vrgather.vi v4, v4, 31			# vd overlap vs2
++	vrgather.vi v0, v4, 31, v0.t		# vd overlap vm
++	vrgatherei16.vv v4, v4, v8		# vd overlap vs2
++	vrgatherei16.vv v8, v4, v8		# vd overlap vs1
++	vrgatherei16.vv v0, v4, v8, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++# Vector Compress Instruction
++	vcompress.vm v4, v4, v8			# vd overlap vs2
++	vcompress.vm v8, v4, v8			# vd overlap vs1
++# Whole Vector Register Move
++	vmv1r.v v31, v31			# OK, HINT
++	vmv2r.v v30, v30			# OK, HINT
++	vmv2r.v v30, v31			# vs2 must be aligned to 2
++	vmv2r.v v31, v30			# vd must be aligned to 2
++	vmv4r.v v28, v28			# OK, HINT
++	vmv4r.v v28, v30			# vs2 must be aligned to 4
++	vmv4r.v v30, v28			# vd must be aligned to 4
++	vmv8r.v v24, v24			# OK, HINT
++	vmv8r.v v24, v26			# vs2 must be aligned to 8
++	vmv8r.v v26, v24			# vd must be aligned to 8
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-unsupport.d b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-unsupport.d
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000..cca6928e7d
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-unsupport.d
+@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
++#as: -march=rv32iv0p10 
++#source: vector-insns-fail-unsupport.s
++#error_output: vector-insns-fail-unsupport.l
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-unsupport.l b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-unsupport.l
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000..2b726b0268
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-unsupport.l
+@@ -0,0 +1,1454 @@
++.*: Assembler messages:
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsetivli a0,0xb,0'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsetivli a0,0xb,0x3ff'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsetivli a0,0xb,e16,m2'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsetivli a0,0xb,e256,m8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsetivli a0,0xb,e512,m8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsetivli a0,0xb,e1024,m8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsetivli a0,0xb,e1024,m1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsetivli a0,0xb,e1024,mf2'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsetivli a0,0xb,e512,mf4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsetivli a0,0xb,e256,mf8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsetivli a0,0xb,e256,m2,ta'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsetivli a0,0xb,e256,m2,ma'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsetivli a0,0xb,e256,m2,tu'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsetivli a0,0xb,e256,m2,mu'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsetivli a0,0xb,e256,m2,ta,ma'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsetivli a0,0xb,e256,m2,tu,ma'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsetivli a0,0xb,e256,m2,ta,mu'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsetivli a0,0xb,e256,m2,tu,mu'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vle1.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vle1.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vse1.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vse1.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vle8ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vle8ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vle8ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vle16ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vle16ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vle16ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vle32ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vle32ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vle32ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vle64ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vle64ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vle64ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e8.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e8.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e8.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg2e8.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg2e8.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg2e8.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e8.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e8.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e8.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg3e8.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg3e8.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg3e8.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e8.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e8.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e8.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg4e8.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg4e8.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg4e8.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e8.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e8.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e8.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg5e8.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg5e8.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg5e8.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e8.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e8.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e8.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg6e8.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg6e8.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg6e8.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e8.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e8.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e8.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg7e8.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg7e8.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg7e8.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e8.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e8.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e8.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg8e8.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg8e8.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg8e8.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e16.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e16.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e16.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg2e16.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg2e16.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg2e16.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e16.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e16.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e16.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg3e16.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg3e16.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg3e16.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e16.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e16.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e16.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg4e16.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg4e16.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg4e16.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e16.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e16.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e16.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg5e16.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg5e16.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg5e16.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e16.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e16.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e16.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg6e16.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg6e16.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg6e16.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e16.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e16.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e16.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg7e16.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg7e16.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg7e16.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e16.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e16.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e16.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg8e16.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg8e16.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg8e16.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e32.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e32.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e32.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg2e32.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg2e32.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg2e32.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e32.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e32.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e32.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg3e32.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg3e32.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg3e32.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e32.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e32.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e32.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg4e32.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg4e32.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg4e32.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e32.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e32.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e32.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg5e32.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg5e32.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg5e32.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e32.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e32.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e32.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg6e32.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg6e32.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg6e32.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e32.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e32.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e32.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg7e32.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg7e32.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg7e32.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e32.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e32.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e32.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg8e32.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg8e32.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg8e32.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e64.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e64.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e64.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg2e64.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg2e64.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg2e64.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e64.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e64.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e64.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg3e64.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg3e64.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg3e64.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e64.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e64.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e64.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg4e64.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg4e64.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg4e64.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e64.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e64.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e64.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg5e64.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg5e64.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg5e64.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e64.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e64.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e64.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg6e64.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg6e64.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg6e64.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e64.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e64.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e64.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg7e64.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg7e64.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg7e64.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e64.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e64.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e64.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg8e64.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg8e64.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg8e64.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg2e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg2e8.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg2e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg2e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg2e8.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg2e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg3e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg3e8.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg3e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg3e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg3e8.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg3e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg4e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg4e8.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg4e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg4e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg4e8.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg4e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg5e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg5e8.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg5e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg5e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg5e8.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg5e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg6e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg6e8.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg6e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg6e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg6e8.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg6e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg7e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg7e8.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg7e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg7e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg7e8.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg7e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg8e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg8e8.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg8e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg8e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg8e8.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg8e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg2e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg2e16.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg2e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg2e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg2e16.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg2e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg3e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg3e16.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg3e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg3e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg3e16.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg3e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg4e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg4e16.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg4e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg4e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg4e16.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg4e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg5e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg5e16.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg5e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg5e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg5e16.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg5e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg6e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg6e16.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg6e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg6e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg6e16.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg6e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg7e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg7e16.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg7e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg7e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg7e16.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg7e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg8e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg8e16.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg8e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg8e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg8e16.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg8e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg2e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg2e32.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg2e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg2e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg2e32.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg2e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg3e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg3e32.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg3e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg3e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg3e32.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg3e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg4e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg4e32.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg4e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg4e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg4e32.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg4e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg5e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg5e32.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg5e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg5e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg5e32.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg5e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg6e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg6e32.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg6e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg6e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg6e32.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg6e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg7e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg7e32.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg7e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg7e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg7e32.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg7e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg8e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg8e32.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg8e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg8e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg8e32.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg8e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg2e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg2e64.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg2e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg2e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg2e64.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg2e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg3e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg3e64.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg3e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg3e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg3e64.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg3e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg4e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg4e64.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg4e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg4e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg4e64.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg4e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg5e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg5e64.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg5e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg5e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg5e64.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg5e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg6e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg6e64.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg6e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg6e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg6e64.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg6e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg7e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg7e64.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg7e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg7e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg7e64.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg7e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg8e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg8e64.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg8e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg8e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg8e64.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg8e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg2ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg2ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg2ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg2ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg2ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg2ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg3ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg3ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg3ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg3ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg3ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg3ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg4ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg4ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg4ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg4ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg4ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg4ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg5ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg5ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg5ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg5ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg5ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg5ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg6ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg6ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg6ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg6ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg6ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg6ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg7ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg7ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg7ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg7ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg7ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg7ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg8ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg8ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg8ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg8ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg8ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg8ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg2ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg2ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg2ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg2ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg2ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg2ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg3ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg3ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg3ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg3ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg3ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg3ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg4ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg4ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg4ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg4ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg4ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg4ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg5ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg5ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg5ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg5ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg5ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg5ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg6ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg6ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg6ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg6ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg6ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg6ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg7ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg7ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg7ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg7ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg7ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg7ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg8ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg8ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg8ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg8ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg8ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg8ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg2ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg2ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg2ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg2ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg2ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg2ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg3ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg3ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg3ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg3ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg3ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg3ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg4ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg4ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg4ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg4ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg4ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg4ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg5ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg5ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg5ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg5ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg5ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg5ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg6ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg6ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg6ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg6ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg6ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg6ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg7ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg7ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg7ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg7ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg7ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg7ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg8ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg8ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg8ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg8ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg8ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg8ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg2ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg2ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg2ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg2ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg2ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg2ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg3ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg3ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg3ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg3ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg3ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg3ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg4ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg4ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg4ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg4ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg4ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg4ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg5ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg5ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg5ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg5ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg5ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg5ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg6ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg6ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg6ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg6ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg6ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg6ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg7ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg7ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg7ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg7ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg7ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg7ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg8ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg8ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg8ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg8ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg8ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg8ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg2ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg2ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg2ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg2ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg2ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg2ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg3ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg3ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg3ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg3ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg3ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg3ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg4ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg4ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg4ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg4ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg4ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg4ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg5ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg5ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg5ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg5ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg5ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg5ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg6ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg6ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg6ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg6ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg6ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg6ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg7ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg7ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg7ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg7ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg7ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg7ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg8ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg8ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg8ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg8ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg8ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg8ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg2ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg2ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg2ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg2ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg2ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg2ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg3ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg3ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg3ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg3ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg3ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg3ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg4ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg4ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg4ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg4ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg4ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg4ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg5ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg5ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg5ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg5ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg5ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg5ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg6ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg6ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg6ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg6ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg6ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg6ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg7ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg7ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg7ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg7ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg7ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg7ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg8ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg8ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg8ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg8ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg8ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg8ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg2ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg2ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg2ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg2ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg2ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg2ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg3ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg3ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg3ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg3ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg3ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg3ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg4ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg4ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg4ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg4ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg4ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg4ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg5ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg5ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg5ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg5ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg5ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg5ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg6ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg6ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg6ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg6ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg6ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg6ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg7ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg7ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg7ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg7ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg7ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg7ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg8ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg8ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg8ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg8ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg8ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg8ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg2ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg2ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg2ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg2ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg2ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg2ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg3ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg3ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg3ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg3ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg3ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg3ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg4ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg4ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg4ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg4ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg4ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg4ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg5ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg5ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg5ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg5ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg5ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg5ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg6ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg6ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg6ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg6ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg6ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg6ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg7ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg7ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg7ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg7ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg7ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg7ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg8ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg8ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg8ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg8ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg8ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg8ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e8ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e8ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e8ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e8ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e8ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e8ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e8ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e8ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e8ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e8ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e8ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e8ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e8ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e8ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e8ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e8ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e8ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e8ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e8ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e8ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e8ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e16ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e16ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e16ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e16ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e16ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e16ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e16ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e16ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e16ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e16ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e16ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e16ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e16ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e16ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e16ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e16ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e16ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e16ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e16ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e16ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e16ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e32ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e32ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e32ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e32ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e32ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e32ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e32ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e32ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e32ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e32ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e32ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e32ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e32ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e32ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e32ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e32ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e32ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e32ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e32ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e32ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e32ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e64ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e64ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e64ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e64ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e64ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e64ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e64ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e64ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e64ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e64ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e64ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e64ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e64ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e64ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e64ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e64ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e64ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e64ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e64ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e64ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e64ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl2r.v v2,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl2r.v v2,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl2re8.v v2,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl2re8.v v2,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl2re16.v v2,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl2re16.v v2,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl2re32.v v2,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl2re32.v v2,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl2re64.v v2,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl2re64.v v2,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl4r.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl4r.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl4re8.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl4re8.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl4re16.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl4re16.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl4re32.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl4re32.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl4re64.v v4,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl4re64.v v4,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl8r.v v8,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl8r.v v8,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl8re8.v v8,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl8re8.v v8,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl8re16.v v8,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl8re16.v v8,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl8re32.v v8,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl8re32.v v8,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl8re64.v v8,\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl8re64.v v8,0\(a0\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vs2r.v v2,\(a1\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vs2r.v v2,0\(a1\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vs4r.v v4,\(a1\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vs4r.v v4,0\(a1\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vs8r.v v8,\(a1\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vs8r.v v8,0\(a1\)'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei8.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei8.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei8.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei8.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei8.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei8.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei8.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei8.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei8.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei8.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei8.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei8.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei8.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei8.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei8.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei8.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei8.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei8.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei8.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei8.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei8.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei8.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei8.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei8.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei8.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei8.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei8.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei8.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei8.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei8.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei8.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei8.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei8.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei8.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei8.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei8.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei8.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei8.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei8.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei8.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei8.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei8.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei8.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei8.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei8.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei8.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei8.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei8.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei8.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei8.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei8.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei8.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei8.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei8.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei8.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei8.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei8.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei8.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei8.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei8.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei8.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei8.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei8.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei8.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei8.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei8.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei8.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei8.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei8.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei8.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei8.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei8.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei16.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei16.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei16.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei16.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei16.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei16.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei16.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei16.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei16.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei16.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei16.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei16.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei16.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei16.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei16.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei16.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei16.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei16.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei16.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei16.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei16.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei16.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei16.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei16.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei16.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei16.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei16.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei16.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei16.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei16.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei16.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei16.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei16.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei16.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei16.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei16.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei16.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei16.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei16.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei16.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei16.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei16.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei16.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei16.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei16.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei16.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei16.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei16.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei16.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei16.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei16.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei16.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei16.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei16.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei16.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei16.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei16.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei16.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei16.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei16.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei16.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei16.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei16.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei16.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei16.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei16.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei16.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei16.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei16.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei16.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei16.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei16.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei32.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei32.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei32.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei32.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei32.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei32.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei32.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei32.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei32.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei32.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei32.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei32.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei32.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei32.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei32.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei32.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei32.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei32.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei32.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei32.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei32.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei32.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei32.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei32.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei32.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei32.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei32.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei32.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei32.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei32.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei32.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei32.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei32.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei32.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei32.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei32.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei32.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei32.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei32.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei32.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei32.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei32.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei32.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei32.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei32.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei32.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei32.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei32.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei32.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei32.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei32.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei32.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei32.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei32.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei32.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei32.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei32.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei32.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei32.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei32.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei32.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei32.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei32.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei32.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei32.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei32.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei32.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei32.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei32.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei32.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei32.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei32.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei64.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei64.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei64.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei64.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei64.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei64.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei64.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei64.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei64.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei64.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei64.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei64.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei64.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei64.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei64.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei64.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei64.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei64.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei64.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei64.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei64.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei64.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei64.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei64.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei64.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei64.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei64.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei64.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei64.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei64.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei64.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei64.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei64.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei64.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei64.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei64.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei64.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei64.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei64.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei64.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei64.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei64.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei64.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei64.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei64.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei64.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei64.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei64.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei64.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei64.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei64.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei64.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei64.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei64.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei64.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei64.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei64.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei64.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei64.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei64.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei64.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei64.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei64.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei64.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei64.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei64.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei64.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei64.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei64.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei64.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei64.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei64.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwcvt.x.x.v v4,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwcvtu.x.x.v v4,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwcvt.x.x.v v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwcvtu.x.x.v v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwaddu.vv v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwaddu.vx v4,v8,a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwaddu.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwaddu.vx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwsubu.vv v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwsubu.vx v4,v8,a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwsubu.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwsubu.vx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwadd.vv v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwadd.vx v4,v8,a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwadd.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwadd.vx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwsub.vv v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwsub.vx v4,v8,a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwsub.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwsub.vx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwaddu.wv v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwaddu.wx v4,v8,a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwaddu.wv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwaddu.wx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwsubu.wv v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwsubu.wx v4,v8,a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwsubu.wv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwsubu.wx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwadd.wv v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwadd.wx v4,v8,a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwadd.wv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwadd.wx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwsub.wv v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwsub.wx v4,v8,a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwsub.wv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwsub.wx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsll.vv v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsll.vx v4,v8,a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsll.vi v4,v8,1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsll.vi v4,v8,31'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsll.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsll.vx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsll.vi v4,v8,1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsll.vi v4,v8,31,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsrl.vv v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsrl.vx v4,v8,a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsrl.vi v4,v8,1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsrl.vi v4,v8,31'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsrl.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsrl.vx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsrl.vi v4,v8,1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsrl.vi v4,v8,31,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsra.vv v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsra.vx v4,v8,a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsra.vi v4,v8,1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsra.vi v4,v8,31'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsra.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsra.vx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsra.vi v4,v8,1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsra.vi v4,v8,31,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vncvt.x.x.w v4,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vncvt.x.x.w v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnsrl.wv v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnsrl.wx v4,v8,a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnsrl.wi v4,v8,1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnsrl.wi v4,v8,31'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnsrl.wv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnsrl.wx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnsrl.wi v4,v8,1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnsrl.wi v4,v8,31,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnsra.wv v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnsra.wx v4,v8,a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnsra.wi v4,v8,1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnsra.wi v4,v8,31'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnsra.wv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnsra.wx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnsra.wi v4,v8,1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnsra.wi v4,v8,31,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmul.vv v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmul.vx v4,v8,a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmul.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmul.vx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmulu.vv v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmulu.vx v4,v8,a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmulu.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmulu.vx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmulsu.vv v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmulsu.vx v4,v8,a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmulsu.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmulsu.vx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmaccu.vv v4,v12,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmaccu.vx v4,a1,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmaccu.vv v4,v12,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmaccu.vx v4,a1,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmacc.vv v4,v12,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmacc.vx v4,a1,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmacc.vv v4,v12,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmacc.vx v4,a1,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmaccsu.vv v4,v12,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmaccsu.vx v4,a1,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmaccsu.vv v4,v12,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmaccsu.vx v4,a1,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmaccus.vx v4,a1,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmaccus.vx v4,a1,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsaddu.vv v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsaddu.vx v4,v8,a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsaddu.vi v4,v8,15'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsaddu.vi v4,v8,-16'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsaddu.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsaddu.vx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsaddu.vi v4,v8,15,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsaddu.vi v4,v8,-16,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsadd.vv v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsadd.vx v4,v8,a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsadd.vi v4,v8,15'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsadd.vi v4,v8,-16'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsadd.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsadd.vx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsadd.vi v4,v8,15,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsadd.vi v4,v8,-16,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssubu.vv v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssubu.vx v4,v8,a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssubu.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssubu.vx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssub.vv v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssub.vx v4,v8,a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssub.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssub.vx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vaaddu.vv v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vaaddu.vx v4,v8,a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vaaddu.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vaaddu.vx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vaadd.vv v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vaadd.vx v4,v8,a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vaadd.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vaadd.vx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vasubu.vv v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vasubu.vx v4,v8,a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vasubu.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vasubu.vx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vasub.vv v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vasub.vx v4,v8,a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vasub.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vasub.vx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsmul.vv v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsmul.vx v4,v8,a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsmul.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsmul.vx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssrl.vv v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssrl.vx v4,v8,a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssrl.vi v4,v8,1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssrl.vi v4,v8,31'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssrl.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssrl.vx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssrl.vi v4,v8,1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssrl.vi v4,v8,31,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssra.vv v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssra.vx v4,v8,a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssra.vi v4,v8,1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssra.vi v4,v8,31'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssra.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssra.vx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssra.vi v4,v8,1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssra.vi v4,v8,31,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnclipu.wv v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnclipu.wx v4,v8,a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnclipu.wi v4,v8,1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnclipu.wi v4,v8,31'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnclipu.wv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnclipu.wx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnclipu.wi v4,v8,1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnclipu.wi v4,v8,31,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnclip.wv v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnclip.wx v4,v8,a1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnclip.wi v4,v8,1'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnclip.wi v4,v8,31'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnclip.wv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnclip.wx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnclip.wi v4,v8,1,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnclip.wi v4,v8,31,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwadd.vv v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwadd.vf v4,v8,fa2'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwadd.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwadd.vf v4,v8,fa2,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwsub.vv v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwsub.vf v4,v8,fa2'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwsub.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwsub.vf v4,v8,fa2,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwadd.wv v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwadd.wf v4,v8,fa2'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwadd.wv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwadd.wf v4,v8,fa2,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwsub.wv v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwsub.wf v4,v8,fa2'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwsub.wv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwsub.wf v4,v8,fa2,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwmul.vv v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwmul.vf v4,v8,fa2'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwmul.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwmul.vf v4,v8,fa2,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwmacc.vv v4,v12,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwmacc.vf v4,fa2,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwnmacc.vv v4,v12,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwnmacc.vf v4,fa2,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwmsac.vv v4,v12,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwmsac.vf v4,fa2,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwnmsac.vv v4,v12,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwnmsac.vf v4,fa2,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwmacc.vv v4,v12,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwmacc.vf v4,fa2,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwnmacc.vv v4,v12,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwnmacc.vf v4,fa2,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwmsac.vv v4,v12,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwmsac.vf v4,fa2,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwnmsac.vv v4,v12,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwnmsac.vf v4,fa2,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfsqrt.v v4,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfsqrt.v v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfrsqrte7.v v4,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfrsqrte7.v v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfrsqrt7.v v4,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfrsqrt7.v v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfrece7.v v4,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfrece7.v v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfrec7.v v4,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfrec7.v v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfclass.v v4,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfclass.v v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfcvt.xu.f.v v4,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfcvt.x.f.v v4,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfcvt.rtz.xu.f.v v4,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfcvt.rtz.x.f.v v4,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfcvt.f.xu.v v4,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfcvt.f.x.v v4,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfcvt.xu.f.v v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfcvt.x.f.v v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfcvt.rtz.xu.f.v v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfcvt.rtz.x.f.v v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfcvt.f.xu.v v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfcvt.f.x.v v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwcvt.xu.f.v v4,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwcvt.x.f.v v4,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwcvt.rtz.xu.f.v v4,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwcvt.rtz.x.f.v v4,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwcvt.f.xu.v v4,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwcvt.f.x.v v4,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwcvt.f.f.v v4,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwcvt.xu.f.v v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwcvt.x.f.v v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwcvt.rtz.xu.f.v v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwcvt.rtz.x.f.v v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwcvt.f.xu.v v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwcvt.f.x.v v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwcvt.f.f.v v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfncvt.xu.f.w v4,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfncvt.x.f.w v4,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfncvt.rtz.xu.f.w v4,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfncvt.rtz.x.f.w v4,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfncvt.f.xu.w v4,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfncvt.f.x.w v4,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfncvt.f.f.w v4,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfncvt.rod.f.f.w v4,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfncvt.xu.f.w v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfncvt.x.f.w v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfncvt.rtz.xu.f.w v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfncvt.rtz.x.f.w v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfncvt.f.xu.w v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfncvt.f.x.w v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfncvt.f.f.w v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfncvt.rod.f.f.w v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vredsum.vs v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vredmaxu.vs v4,v8,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vredmax.vs v4,v8,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vredminu.vs v4,v8,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vredmin.vs v4,v8,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vredand.vs v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vredor.vs v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vredxor.vs v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vredsum.vs v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vredmaxu.vs v4,v8,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vredmax.vs v4,v8,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vredminu.vs v4,v8,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vredmin.vs v4,v8,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vredand.vs v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vredor.vs v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vredxor.vs v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwredsumu.vs v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwredsum.vs v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwredsumu.vs v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwredsum.vs v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfredosum.vs v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfredsum.vs v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfredmax.vs v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfredmin.vs v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfredosum.vs v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfredsum.vs v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfredmax.vs v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfredmin.vs v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwredosum.vs v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwredsum.vs v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwredosum.vs v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwredsum.vs v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vmsbf.m v4,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vmsif.m v4,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vmsof.m v4,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `viota.m v4,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vmsbf.m v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vmsif.m v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vmsof.m v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `viota.m v4,v8,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vrgatherei16.vv v4,v8,v12'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vrgatherei16.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vmv2r.v v2,v4'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vmv4r.v v4,v8'
++.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vmv8r.v v0,v8'
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-unsupport.s b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-unsupport.s
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000..0112d0bce7
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-unsupport.s
+@@ -0,0 +1,1663 @@
++	vsetivli a0, 0xb, 0
++	vsetivli a0, 0xb, 0x3ff
++	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e16, m2
++	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e256, m8
++	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e512, m8
++	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e1024, m8
++	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e1024, m1
++	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e1024, mf2
++	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e512, mf4
++	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e256, mf8
++	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e256, m2, ta
++	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e256, m2, ma
++	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e256, m2, tu
++	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e256, m2, mu
++	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e256, m2, ta, ma
++	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e256, m2, tu, ma
++	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e256, m2, ta, mu
++	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e256, m2, tu, mu
++	vle1.v v4, (a0)
++	vle1.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vse1.v v4, (a0)
++	vse1.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vluxei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vle8ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vle8ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vle8ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vle16ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vle16ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vle16ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vle32ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vle32ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vle32ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vle64ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vle64ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vle64ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg2e8.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg2e8.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg2e8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg2e8.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg2e8.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg2e8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg3e8.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg3e8.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg3e8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg3e8.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg3e8.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg3e8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg4e8.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg4e8.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg4e8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg4e8.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg4e8.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg4e8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg5e8.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg5e8.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg5e8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg5e8.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg5e8.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg5e8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg6e8.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg6e8.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg6e8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg6e8.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg6e8.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg6e8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg7e8.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg7e8.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg7e8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg7e8.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg7e8.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg7e8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg8e8.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg8e8.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg8e8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg8e8.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg8e8.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg8e8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg2e16.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg2e16.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg2e16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg2e16.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg2e16.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg2e16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg3e16.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg3e16.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg3e16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg3e16.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg3e16.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg3e16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg4e16.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg4e16.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg4e16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg4e16.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg4e16.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg4e16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg5e16.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg5e16.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg5e16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg5e16.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg5e16.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg5e16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg6e16.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg6e16.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg6e16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg6e16.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg6e16.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg6e16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg7e16.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg7e16.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg7e16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg7e16.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg7e16.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg7e16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg8e16.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg8e16.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg8e16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg8e16.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg8e16.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg8e16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg2e32.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg2e32.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg2e32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg2e32.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg2e32.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg2e32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg3e32.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg3e32.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg3e32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg3e32.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg3e32.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg3e32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg4e32.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg4e32.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg4e32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg4e32.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg4e32.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg4e32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg5e32.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg5e32.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg5e32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg5e32.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg5e32.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg5e32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg6e32.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg6e32.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg6e32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg6e32.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg6e32.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg6e32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg7e32.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg7e32.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg7e32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg7e32.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg7e32.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg7e32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg8e32.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg8e32.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg8e32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg8e32.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg8e32.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg8e32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg2e64.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg2e64.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg2e64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg2e64.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg2e64.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg2e64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg3e64.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg3e64.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg3e64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg3e64.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg3e64.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg3e64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg4e64.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg4e64.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg4e64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg4e64.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg4e64.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg4e64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg5e64.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg5e64.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg5e64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg5e64.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg5e64.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg5e64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg6e64.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg6e64.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg6e64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg6e64.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg6e64.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg6e64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg7e64.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg7e64.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg7e64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg7e64.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg7e64.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg7e64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg8e64.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg8e64.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg8e64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg8e64.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg8e64.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg8e64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlsseg2e8.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg2e8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg2e8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg2e8.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg2e8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg2e8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg3e8.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg3e8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg3e8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg3e8.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg3e8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg3e8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg4e8.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg4e8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg4e8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg4e8.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg4e8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg4e8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg5e8.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg5e8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg5e8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg5e8.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg5e8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg5e8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg6e8.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg6e8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg6e8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg6e8.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg6e8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg6e8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg7e8.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg7e8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg7e8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg7e8.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg7e8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg7e8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg8e8.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg8e8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg8e8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg8e8.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg8e8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg8e8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg2e16.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg2e16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg2e16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg2e16.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg2e16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg2e16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg3e16.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg3e16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg3e16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg3e16.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg3e16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg3e16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg4e16.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg4e16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg4e16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg4e16.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg4e16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg4e16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg5e16.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg5e16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg5e16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg5e16.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg5e16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg5e16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg6e16.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg6e16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg6e16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg6e16.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg6e16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg6e16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg7e16.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg7e16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg7e16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg7e16.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg7e16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg7e16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg8e16.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg8e16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg8e16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg8e16.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg8e16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg8e16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg2e32.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg2e32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg2e32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg2e32.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg2e32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg2e32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg3e32.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg3e32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg3e32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg3e32.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg3e32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg3e32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg4e32.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg4e32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg4e32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg4e32.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg4e32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg4e32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg5e32.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg5e32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg5e32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg5e32.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg5e32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg5e32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg6e32.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg6e32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg6e32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg6e32.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg6e32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg6e32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg7e32.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg7e32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg7e32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg7e32.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg7e32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg7e32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg8e32.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg8e32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg8e32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg8e32.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg8e32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg8e32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg2e64.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg2e64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg2e64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg2e64.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg2e64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg2e64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg3e64.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg3e64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg3e64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg3e64.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg3e64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg3e64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg4e64.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg4e64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg4e64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg4e64.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg4e64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg4e64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg5e64.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg5e64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg5e64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg5e64.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg5e64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg5e64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg6e64.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg6e64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg6e64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg6e64.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg6e64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg6e64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg7e64.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg7e64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg7e64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg7e64.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg7e64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg7e64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg8e64.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg8e64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg8e64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg8e64.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg8e64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg8e64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vloxseg2ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg2ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg2ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg2ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg2ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg2ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg3ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg3ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg3ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg3ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg3ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg3ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg4ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg4ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg4ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg4ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg4ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg4ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg5ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg5ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg5ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg5ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg5ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg5ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg6ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg6ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg6ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg6ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg6ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg6ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg7ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg7ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg7ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg7ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg7ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg7ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg8ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg8ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg8ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg8ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg8ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg8ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg2ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg2ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg2ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg2ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg2ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg2ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg3ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg3ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg3ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg3ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg3ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg3ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg4ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg4ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg4ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg4ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg4ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg4ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg5ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg5ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg5ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg5ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg5ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg5ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg6ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg6ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg6ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg6ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg6ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg6ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg7ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg7ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg7ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg7ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg7ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg7ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg8ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg8ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg8ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg8ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg8ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg8ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg2ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg2ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg2ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg2ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg2ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg2ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg3ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg3ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg3ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg3ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg3ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg3ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg4ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg4ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg4ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg4ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg4ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg4ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg5ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg5ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg5ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg5ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg5ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg5ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg6ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg6ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg6ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg6ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg6ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg6ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg7ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg7ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg7ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg7ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg7ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg7ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg8ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg8ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg8ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg8ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg8ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg8ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg2ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg2ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg2ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg2ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg2ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg2ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg3ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg3ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg3ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg3ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg3ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg3ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg4ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg4ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg4ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg4ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg4ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg4ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg5ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg5ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg5ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg5ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg5ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg5ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg6ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg6ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg6ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg6ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg6ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg6ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg7ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg7ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg7ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg7ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg7ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg7ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg8ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg8ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg8ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg8ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg8ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg8ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg2ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg2ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg2ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg2ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg2ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg2ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg3ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg3ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg3ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg3ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg3ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg3ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg4ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg4ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg4ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg4ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg4ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg4ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg5ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg5ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg5ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg5ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg5ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg5ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg6ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg6ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg6ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg6ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg6ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg6ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg7ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg7ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg7ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg7ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg7ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg7ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg8ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg8ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg8ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg8ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg8ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg8ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg2ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg2ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg2ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg2ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg2ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg2ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg3ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg3ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg3ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg3ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg3ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg3ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg4ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg4ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg4ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg4ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg4ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg4ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg5ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg5ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg5ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg5ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg5ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg5ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg6ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg6ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg6ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg6ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg6ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg6ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg7ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg7ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg7ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg7ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg7ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg7ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg8ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg8ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg8ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg8ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg8ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg8ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg2ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg2ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg2ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg2ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg2ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg2ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg3ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg3ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg3ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg3ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg3ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg3ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg4ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg4ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg4ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg4ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg4ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg4ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg5ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg5ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg5ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg5ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg5ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg5ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg6ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg6ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg6ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg6ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg6ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg6ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg7ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg7ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg7ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg7ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg7ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg7ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg8ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg8ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg8ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg8ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg8ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg8ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg2ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg2ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg2ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg2ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg2ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg2ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg3ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg3ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg3ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg3ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg3ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg3ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg4ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg4ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg4ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg4ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg4ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg4ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg5ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg5ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg5ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg5ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg5ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg5ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg6ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg6ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg6ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg6ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg6ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg6ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg7ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg7ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg7ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg7ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg7ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg7ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg8ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg8ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg8ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg8ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg8ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg8ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vlseg2e8ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg2e8ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg2e8ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg3e8ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg3e8ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg3e8ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg4e8ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg4e8ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg4e8ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg5e8ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg5e8ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg5e8ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg6e8ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg6e8ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg6e8ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg7e8ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg7e8ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg7e8ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg8e8ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg8e8ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg8e8ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg2e16ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg2e16ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg2e16ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg3e16ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg3e16ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg3e16ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg4e16ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg4e16ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg4e16ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg5e16ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg5e16ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg5e16ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg6e16ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg6e16ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg6e16ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg7e16ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg7e16ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg7e16ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg8e16ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg8e16ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg8e16ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg2e32ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg2e32ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg2e32ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg3e32ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg3e32ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg3e32ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg4e32ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg4e32ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg4e32ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg5e32ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg5e32ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg5e32ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg6e32ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg6e32ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg6e32ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg7e32ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg7e32ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg7e32ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg8e32ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg8e32ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg8e32ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg2e64ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg2e64ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg2e64ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg3e64ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg3e64ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg3e64ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg4e64ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg4e64ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg4e64ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg5e64ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg5e64ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg5e64ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg6e64ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg6e64ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg6e64ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg7e64ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg7e64ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg7e64ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg8e64ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg8e64ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg8e64ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vl2r.v v2, (a0)
++	vl2r.v v2, 0(a0)
++	vl2re8.v v2, (a0)
++	vl2re8.v v2, 0(a0)
++	vl2re16.v v2, (a0)
++	vl2re16.v v2, 0(a0)
++	vl2re32.v v2, (a0)
++	vl2re32.v v2, 0(a0)
++	vl2re64.v v2, (a0)
++	vl2re64.v v2, 0(a0)
++	vl4r.v v4, (a0)
++	vl4r.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vl4re8.v v4, (a0)
++	vl4re8.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vl4re16.v v4, (a0)
++	vl4re16.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vl4re32.v v4, (a0)
++	vl4re32.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vl4re64.v v4, (a0)
++	vl4re64.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vl8r.v v8, (a0)
++	vl8r.v v8, 0(a0)
++	vl8re8.v v8, (a0)
++	vl8re8.v v8, 0(a0)
++	vl8re16.v v8, (a0)
++	vl8re16.v v8, 0(a0)
++	vl8re32.v v8, (a0)
++	vl8re32.v v8, 0(a0)
++	vl8re64.v v8, (a0)
++	vl8re64.v v8, 0(a0)
++	vs2r.v v2, (a1)
++	vs2r.v v2, 0(a1)
++	vs4r.v v4, (a1)
++	vs4r.v v4, 0(a1)
++	vs8r.v v8, (a1)
++	vs8r.v v8, 0(a1)
++	vamoaddei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoaddei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoaddei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoaddei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoswapei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoswapei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoswapei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoswapei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoxorei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoxorei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoxorei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoxorei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoandei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoandei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoandei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoandei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoorei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoorei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoorei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoorei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamominei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamominei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominuei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamominuei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamominuei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominuei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxuei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxuei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxuei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxuei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoaddei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoaddei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoaddei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoaddei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoswapei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoswapei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoswapei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoswapei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoxorei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoxorei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoxorei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoxorei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoandei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoandei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoandei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoandei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoorei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoorei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoorei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoorei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamominei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamominei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominuei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamominuei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamominuei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominuei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxuei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxuei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxuei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxuei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoaddei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoaddei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoaddei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoaddei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoswapei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoswapei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoswapei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoswapei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoxorei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoxorei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoxorei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoxorei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoandei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoandei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoandei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoandei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoorei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoorei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoorei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoorei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamominei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamominei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominuei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamominuei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamominuei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominuei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxuei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxuei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxuei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxuei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoaddei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoaddei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoaddei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoaddei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoswapei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoswapei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoswapei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoswapei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoxorei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoxorei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoxorei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoxorei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoandei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoandei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoandei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoandei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoorei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoorei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoorei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoorei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamominei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamominei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominuei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamominuei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamominuei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominuei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxuei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxuei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxuei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxuei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoaddei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoaddei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoaddei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoaddei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoswapei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoswapei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoswapei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoswapei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoxorei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoxorei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoxorei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoxorei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoandei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoandei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoandei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoandei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoorei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoorei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoorei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoorei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamominei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamominei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominuei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamominuei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamominuei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominuei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxuei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxuei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxuei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxuei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoaddei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoaddei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoaddei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoaddei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoswapei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoswapei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoswapei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoswapei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoxorei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoxorei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoxorei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoxorei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoandei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoandei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoandei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoandei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoorei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoorei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoorei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoorei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamominei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamominei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominuei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamominuei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamominuei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominuei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxuei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxuei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxuei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxuei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoaddei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoaddei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoaddei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoaddei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoswapei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoswapei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoswapei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoswapei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoxorei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoxorei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoxorei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoxorei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoandei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoandei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoandei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoandei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoorei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoorei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoorei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoorei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamominei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamominei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominuei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamominuei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamominuei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominuei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxuei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxuei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxuei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxuei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoaddei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoaddei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoaddei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoaddei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoswapei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoswapei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoswapei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoswapei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoxorei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoxorei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoxorei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoxorei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoandei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoandei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoandei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoandei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoorei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoorei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoorei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoorei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamominei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamominei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominuei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamominuei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamominuei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominuei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxuei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxuei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxuei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxuei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	# Aliases
++	vwcvt.x.x.v v4, v8
++	vwcvtu.x.x.v v4, v8
++	vwcvt.x.x.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vwcvtu.x.x.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vwaddu.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vwaddu.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vwaddu.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vwaddu.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vwsubu.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vwsubu.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vwsubu.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vwsubu.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vwadd.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vwadd.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vwadd.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vwadd.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vwsub.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vwsub.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vwsub.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vwsub.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vwaddu.wv v4, v8, v12
++	vwaddu.wx v4, v8, a1
++	vwaddu.wv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vwaddu.wx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vwsubu.wv v4, v8, v12
++	vwsubu.wx v4, v8, a1
++	vwsubu.wv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vwsubu.wx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vwadd.wv v4, v8, v12
++	vwadd.wx v4, v8, a1
++	vwadd.wv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vwadd.wx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vwsub.wv v4, v8, v12
++	vwsub.wx v4, v8, a1
++	vwsub.wv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vwsub.wx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vsll.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vsll.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vsll.vi v4, v8, 1
++	vsll.vi v4, v8, 31
++	vsll.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vsll.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vsll.vi v4, v8, 1, v0.t
++	vsll.vi v4, v8, 31, v0.t
++	vsrl.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vsrl.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vsrl.vi v4, v8, 1
++	vsrl.vi v4, v8, 31
++	vsrl.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vsrl.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vsrl.vi v4, v8, 1, v0.t
++	vsrl.vi v4, v8, 31, v0.t
++	vsra.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vsra.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vsra.vi v4, v8, 1
++	vsra.vi v4, v8, 31
++	vsra.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vsra.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vsra.vi v4, v8, 1, v0.t
++	vsra.vi v4, v8, 31, v0.t
++	# Aliases
++	vncvt.x.x.w v4, v8
++	vncvt.x.x.w v4, v8, v0.t
++	vnsrl.wv v4, v8, v12
++	vnsrl.wx v4, v8, a1
++	vnsrl.wi v4, v8, 1
++	vnsrl.wi v4, v8, 31
++	vnsrl.wv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vnsrl.wx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vnsrl.wi v4, v8, 1, v0.t
++	vnsrl.wi v4, v8, 31, v0.t
++	vnsra.wv v4, v8, v12
++	vnsra.wx v4, v8, a1
++	vnsra.wi v4, v8, 1
++	vnsra.wi v4, v8, 31
++	vnsra.wv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vnsra.wx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vnsra.wi v4, v8, 1, v0.t
++	vnsra.wi v4, v8, 31, v0.t
++	vwmul.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vwmul.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vwmul.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vwmul.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vwmulu.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vwmulu.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vwmulu.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vwmulu.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vwmulsu.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vwmulsu.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vwmulsu.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vwmulsu.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vwmaccu.vv v4, v12, v8
++	vwmaccu.vx v4, a1, v8
++	vwmaccu.vv v4, v12, v8, v0.t
++	vwmaccu.vx v4, a1, v8, v0.t
++	vwmacc.vv v4, v12, v8
++	vwmacc.vx v4, a1, v8
++	vwmacc.vv v4, v12, v8, v0.t
++	vwmacc.vx v4, a1, v8, v0.t
++	vwmaccsu.vv v4, v12, v8
++	vwmaccsu.vx v4, a1, v8
++	vwmaccsu.vv v4, v12, v8, v0.t
++	vwmaccsu.vx v4, a1, v8, v0.t
++	vwmaccus.vx v4, a1, v8
++	vwmaccus.vx v4, a1, v8, v0.t
++	vsaddu.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vsaddu.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vsaddu.vi v4, v8, 15
++	vsaddu.vi v4, v8, -16
++	vsaddu.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vsaddu.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vsaddu.vi v4, v8, 15, v0.t
++	vsaddu.vi v4, v8, -16, v0.t
++	vsadd.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vsadd.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vsadd.vi v4, v8, 15
++	vsadd.vi v4, v8, -16
++	vsadd.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vsadd.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vsadd.vi v4, v8, 15, v0.t
++	vsadd.vi v4, v8, -16, v0.t
++	vssubu.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vssubu.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vssubu.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vssubu.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vssub.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vssub.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vssub.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vssub.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vaaddu.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vaaddu.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vaaddu.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vaaddu.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vaadd.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vaadd.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vaadd.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vaadd.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vasubu.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vasubu.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vasubu.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vasubu.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vasub.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vasub.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vasub.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vasub.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vsmul.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vsmul.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vsmul.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vsmul.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vssrl.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vssrl.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vssrl.vi v4, v8, 1
++	vssrl.vi v4, v8, 31
++	vssrl.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vssrl.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vssrl.vi v4, v8, 1, v0.t
++	vssrl.vi v4, v8, 31, v0.t
++	vssra.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vssra.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vssra.vi v4, v8, 1
++	vssra.vi v4, v8, 31
++	vssra.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vssra.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vssra.vi v4, v8, 1, v0.t
++	vssra.vi v4, v8, 31, v0.t
++	vnclipu.wv v4, v8, v12
++	vnclipu.wx v4, v8, a1
++	vnclipu.wi v4, v8, 1
++	vnclipu.wi v4, v8, 31
++	vnclipu.wv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vnclipu.wx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vnclipu.wi v4, v8, 1, v0.t
++	vnclipu.wi v4, v8, 31, v0.t
++	vnclip.wv v4, v8, v12
++	vnclip.wx v4, v8, a1
++	vnclip.wi v4, v8, 1
++	vnclip.wi v4, v8, 31
++	vnclip.wv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vnclip.wx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vnclip.wi v4, v8, 1, v0.t
++	vnclip.wi v4, v8, 31, v0.t
++	vfwadd.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vfwadd.vf v4, v8, fa2
++	vfwadd.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vfwadd.vf v4, v8, fa2, v0.t
++	vfwsub.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vfwsub.vf v4, v8, fa2
++	vfwsub.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vfwsub.vf v4, v8, fa2, v0.t
++	vfwadd.wv v4, v8, v12
++	vfwadd.wf v4, v8, fa2
++	vfwadd.wv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vfwadd.wf v4, v8, fa2, v0.t
++	vfwsub.wv v4, v8, v12
++	vfwsub.wf v4, v8, fa2
++	vfwsub.wv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vfwsub.wf v4, v8, fa2, v0.t
++	vfwmul.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vfwmul.vf v4, v8, fa2
++	vfwmul.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vfwmul.vf v4, v8, fa2, v0.t
++	vfwmacc.vv v4, v12, v8
++	vfwmacc.vf v4, fa2, v8
++	vfwnmacc.vv v4, v12, v8
++	vfwnmacc.vf v4, fa2, v8
++	vfwmsac.vv v4, v12, v8
++	vfwmsac.vf v4, fa2, v8
++	vfwnmsac.vv v4, v12, v8
++	vfwnmsac.vf v4, fa2, v8
++	vfwmacc.vv v4, v12, v8, v0.t
++	vfwmacc.vf v4, fa2, v8, v0.t
++	vfwnmacc.vv v4, v12, v8, v0.t
++	vfwnmacc.vf v4, fa2, v8, v0.t
++	vfwmsac.vv v4, v12, v8, v0.t
++	vfwmsac.vf v4, fa2, v8, v0.t
++	vfwnmsac.vv v4, v12, v8, v0.t
++	vfwnmsac.vf v4, fa2, v8, v0.t
++	vfsqrt.v v4, v8
++	vfsqrt.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfrsqrte7.v v4, v8
++	vfrsqrte7.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfrsqrt7.v v4, v8
++	vfrsqrt7.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfrece7.v v4, v8
++	vfrece7.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfrec7.v v4, v8
++	vfrec7.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfclass.v v4, v8
++	vfclass.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfcvt.xu.f.v v4, v8
++	vfcvt.x.f.v v4, v8
++	vfcvt.rtz.xu.f.v v4, v8
++	vfcvt.rtz.x.f.v v4, v8
++	vfcvt.f.xu.v v4, v8
++	vfcvt.f.x.v v4, v8
++	vfcvt.xu.f.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfcvt.x.f.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfcvt.rtz.xu.f.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfcvt.rtz.x.f.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfcvt.f.xu.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfcvt.f.x.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfwcvt.xu.f.v v4, v8
++	vfwcvt.x.f.v v4, v8
++	vfwcvt.rtz.xu.f.v v4, v8
++	vfwcvt.rtz.x.f.v v4, v8
++	vfwcvt.f.xu.v v4, v8
++	vfwcvt.f.x.v v4, v8
++	vfwcvt.f.f.v v4, v8
++	vfwcvt.xu.f.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfwcvt.x.f.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfwcvt.rtz.xu.f.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfwcvt.rtz.x.f.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfwcvt.f.xu.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfwcvt.f.x.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfwcvt.f.f.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfncvt.xu.f.w v4, v8
++	vfncvt.x.f.w v4, v8
++	vfncvt.rtz.xu.f.w v4, v8
++	vfncvt.rtz.x.f.w v4, v8
++	vfncvt.f.xu.w v4, v8
++	vfncvt.f.x.w v4, v8
++	vfncvt.f.f.w v4, v8
++	vfncvt.rod.f.f.w v4, v8
++	vfncvt.xu.f.w v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfncvt.x.f.w v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfncvt.rtz.xu.f.w v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfncvt.rtz.x.f.w v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfncvt.f.xu.w v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfncvt.f.x.w v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfncvt.f.f.w v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfncvt.rod.f.f.w v4, v8, v0.t
++	vredsum.vs v4, v8, v12
++	vredmaxu.vs v4, v8, v8
++	vredmax.vs v4, v8, v8
++	vredminu.vs v4, v8, v8
++	vredmin.vs v4, v8, v8
++	vredand.vs v4, v8, v12
++	vredor.vs v4, v8, v12
++	vredxor.vs v4, v8, v12
++	vredsum.vs v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vredmaxu.vs v4, v8, v8, v0.t
++	vredmax.vs v4, v8, v8, v0.t
++	vredminu.vs v4, v8, v8, v0.t
++	vredmin.vs v4, v8, v8, v0.t
++	vredand.vs v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vredor.vs v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vredxor.vs v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vwredsumu.vs v4, v8, v12
++	vwredsum.vs v4, v8, v12
++	vwredsumu.vs v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vwredsum.vs v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vfredosum.vs v4, v8, v12
++	vfredsum.vs v4, v8, v12
++	vfredmax.vs v4, v8, v12
++	vfredmin.vs v4, v8, v12
++	vfredosum.vs v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vfredsum.vs v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vfredmax.vs v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vfredmin.vs v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vfwredosum.vs v4, v8, v12
++	vfwredsum.vs v4, v8, v12
++	vfwredosum.vs v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vfwredsum.vs v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vmsbf.m v4, v8
++	vmsif.m v4, v8
++	vmsof.m v4, v8
++	viota.m v4, v8
++	vmsbf.m v4, v8, v0.t
++	vmsif.m v4, v8, v0.t
++	vmsof.m v4, v8, v0.t
++	viota.m v4, v8, v0.t
++	vrgatherei16.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vrgatherei16.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vmv2r.v v2, v4
++	vmv4r.v v4, v8
++	vmv8r.v v0, v8
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-zvamo.d b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-zvamo.d
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000..4f2b611f53
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-zvamo.d
+@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
++#as: -march=rv32iav0p10
++#source: vector-insns-fail-zvamo.s
++#error_output: vector-insns-fail-zvamo.l
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-zvamo.l b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-zvamo.l
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000..6207fb2fee
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-zvamo.l
+@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
++.*: Assembler messages:
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoaddei8.v v4,\(a1\),v4,v0'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoaddei8.v v0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoaddei8.v x0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoswapei8.v v4,\(a1\),v4,v0'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoswapei8.v v0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoswapei8.v x0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoxorei8.v v4,\(a1\),v4,v0'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoxorei8.v v0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoxorei8.v x0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoandei8.v v4,\(a1\),v4,v0'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoandei8.v v0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoandei8.v x0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoorei8.v v4,\(a1\),v4,v0'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoorei8.v v0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoorei8.v x0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamominei8.v v4,\(a1\),v4,v0'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamominei8.v v0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamominei8.v x0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamomaxei8.v v4,\(a1\),v4,v0'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamomaxei8.v v0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamomaxei8.v x0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamominuei8.v v4,\(a1\),v4,v0'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamominuei8.v v0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamominuei8.v x0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamomaxuei8.v v4,\(a1\),v4,v0'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamomaxuei8.v v0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamomaxuei8.v x0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoaddei16.v v4,\(a1\),v4,v0'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoaddei16.v v0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoaddei16.v x0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoswapei16.v v0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoswapei16.v v4,\(a1\),v4,v0'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoswapei16.v x0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoxorei16.v v0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoxorei16.v v4,\(a1\),v4,v0'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoxorei16.v x0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoandei16.v v0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoandei16.v v4,\(a1\),v4,v0'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoandei16.v x0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoorei16.v v0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoorei16.v v4,\(a1\),v4,v0'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoorei16.v x0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamominei16.v v0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamominei16.v v4,\(a1\),v4,v0'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamominei16.v x0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamomaxei16.v v0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamomaxei16.v v4,\(a1\),v4,v0'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamomaxei16.v x0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamominuei16.v v0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamominuei16.v v4,\(a1\),v4,v0'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamominuei16.v x0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamomaxuei16.v v0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamomaxuei16.v v4,\(a1\),v4,v0'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamomaxuei16.v x0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoaddei32.v v0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoaddei32.v v4,\(a1\),v4,v0'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoaddei32.v x0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoswapei32.v v4,\(a1\),v4,v0'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoswapei32.v v0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoswapei32.v x0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoxorei32.v v4,\(a1\),v4,v0'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoxorei32.v v0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoxorei32.v x0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoandei32.v v4,\(a1\),v4,v0'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoandei32.v v0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoandei32.v x0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoorei32.v v4,\(a1\),v4,v0'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoorei32.v v0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoorei32.v x0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamominei32.v v4,\(a1\),v4,v0'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamominei32.v v0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamominei32.v x0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamomaxei32.v v4,\(a1\),v4,v0'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamomaxei32.v v0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamomaxei32.v x0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamominuei32.v v4,\(a1\),v4,v0'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamominuei32.v v0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamominuei32.v x0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamomaxuei32.v v4,\(a1\),v4,v0'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamomaxuei32.v v0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamomaxuei32.v x0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoaddei64.v v4,\(a1\),v4,v0'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoaddei64.v v0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoaddei64.v x0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoswapei64.v v4,\(a1\),v4,v0'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoswapei64.v v0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoswapei64.v x0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoxorei64.v v4,\(a1\),v4,v0'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoxorei64.v v0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoxorei64.v x0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoandei64.v v4,\(a1\),v4,v0'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoandei64.v v0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoandei64.v x0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoorei64.v v4,\(a1\),v4,v0'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoorei64.v v0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamoorei64.v x0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamominei64.v v4,\(a1\),v4,v0'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamominei64.v v0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamominei64.v x0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamomaxei64.v v4,\(a1\),v4,v0'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamomaxei64.v v0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamomaxei64.v x0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamominuei64.v v4,\(a1\),v4,v0'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamominuei64.v v0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamominuei64.v x0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamomaxuei64.v v4,\(a1\),v4,v0'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamomaxuei64.v v0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
++.*Error: illegal operands `vamomaxuei64.v x0,\(a1\),v4,v0,v0.t'
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-zvamo.s b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-zvamo.s
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000..0fd3c26a58
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-zvamo.s
+@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
++# Vector AMO Operations
++	vamoaddei8.v v0, (a1), v4, v0		# OK
++	vamoaddei8.v v4, (a1), v4, v0		# vd must match vs3
++	vamoaddei8.v v0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t	# vd overlap vm
++	vamoaddei8.v x0, (a1), v4, v0		# OK
++	vamoaddei8.v x0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t	# vs3 overlap vm
++	vamoswapei8.v v0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoswapei8.v v4, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoswapei8.v v0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamoswapei8.v x0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoswapei8.v x0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamoxorei8.v v0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoxorei8.v v4, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoxorei8.v v0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamoxorei8.v x0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoxorei8.v x0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamoandei8.v v0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoandei8.v v4, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoandei8.v v0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamoandei8.v x0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoandei8.v x0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamoorei8.v v0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoorei8.v v4, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoorei8.v v0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamoorei8.v x0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoorei8.v x0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamominei8.v v0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamominei8.v v4, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamominei8.v v0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamominei8.v x0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamominei8.v x0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamomaxei8.v v0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamomaxei8.v v4, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamomaxei8.v v0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamomaxei8.v x0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamomaxei8.v x0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamominuei8.v v0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamominuei8.v v4, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamominuei8.v v0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamominuei8.v x0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamominuei8.v x0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamomaxuei8.v v0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamomaxuei8.v v4, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamomaxuei8.v v0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamomaxuei8.v x0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamomaxuei8.v x0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamoaddei16.v v0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoaddei16.v v4, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoaddei16.v v0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamoaddei16.v x0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoaddei16.v x0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamoswapei16.v v0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoswapei16.v v0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamoswapei16.v v4, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoswapei16.v x0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoswapei16.v x0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamoxorei16.v v0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoxorei16.v v0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamoxorei16.v v4, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoxorei16.v x0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoxorei16.v x0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamoandei16.v v0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoandei16.v v0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamoandei16.v v4, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoandei16.v x0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoandei16.v x0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamoorei16.v v0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoorei16.v v0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamoorei16.v v4, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoorei16.v x0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoorei16.v x0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamominei16.v v0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamominei16.v v0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamominei16.v v4, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamominei16.v x0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamominei16.v x0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamomaxei16.v v0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamomaxei16.v v0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamomaxei16.v v4, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamomaxei16.v x0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamomaxei16.v x0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamominuei16.v v0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamominuei16.v v0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamominuei16.v v4, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamominuei16.v x0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamominuei16.v x0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamomaxuei16.v v0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamomaxuei16.v v0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamomaxuei16.v v4, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamomaxuei16.v x0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamomaxuei16.v x0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamoaddei32.v v0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoaddei32.v v0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamoaddei32.v v4, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoaddei32.v x0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoaddei32.v x0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamoswapei32.v v0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoswapei32.v v4, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoswapei32.v v0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamoswapei32.v x0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoswapei32.v x0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamoxorei32.v v0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoxorei32.v v4, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoxorei32.v v0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamoxorei32.v x0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoxorei32.v x0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamoandei32.v v0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoandei32.v v4, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoandei32.v v0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamoandei32.v x0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoandei32.v x0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamoorei32.v v0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoorei32.v v4, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoorei32.v v0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamoorei32.v x0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoorei32.v x0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamominei32.v v0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamominei32.v v4, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamominei32.v v0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamominei32.v x0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamominei32.v x0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamomaxei32.v v0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamomaxei32.v v4, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamomaxei32.v v0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamomaxei32.v x0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamomaxei32.v x0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamominuei32.v v0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamominuei32.v v4, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamominuei32.v v0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamominuei32.v x0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamominuei32.v x0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamomaxuei32.v v0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamomaxuei32.v v4, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamomaxuei32.v v0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamomaxuei32.v x0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamomaxuei32.v x0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamoaddei64.v v0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoaddei64.v v4, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoaddei64.v v0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamoaddei64.v x0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoaddei64.v x0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamoswapei64.v v0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoswapei64.v v4, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoswapei64.v v0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamoswapei64.v x0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoswapei64.v x0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamoxorei64.v v0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoxorei64.v v4, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoxorei64.v v0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamoxorei64.v x0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoxorei64.v x0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamoandei64.v v0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoandei64.v v4, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoandei64.v v0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamoandei64.v x0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoandei64.v x0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamoorei64.v v0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoorei64.v v4, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoorei64.v v0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamoorei64.v x0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamoorei64.v x0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamominei64.v v0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamominei64.v v4, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamominei64.v v0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamominei64.v x0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamominei64.v x0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamomaxei64.v v0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamomaxei64.v v4, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamomaxei64.v v0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamomaxei64.v x0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamomaxei64.v x0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamominuei64.v v0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamominuei64.v v4, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamominuei64.v v0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamominuei64.v x0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamominuei64.v x0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamomaxuei64.v v0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamomaxuei64.v v4, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamomaxuei64.v v0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
++	vamomaxuei64.v x0, (a1), v4, v0
++	vamomaxuei64.v x0, (a1), v4, v0, v0.t
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-vmsgtvx.d b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-vmsgtvx.d
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000..207a410c28
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-vmsgtvx.d
+@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
++#as: -march=rv32iv0p10
++#objdump: -dr
++.*:[ 	]+file format .*
++Disassembly of section .text:
++0+000 <.text>:
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6e85c257[ 	]+vmslt.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+76422257[ 	]+vmnot.m[ 	]+v4,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6cc64457[ 	]+vmslt.vx[ 	]+v8,v12,a2,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6e802457[ 	]+vmxor.mm[ 	]+v8,v8,v0
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6c85c657[ 	]+vmslt.vx[ 	]+v12,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+62062057[ 	]+vmandnot.mm[ 	]+v0,v0,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6c85c657[ 	]+vmslt.vx[ 	]+v12,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+62062657[ 	]+vmandnot.mm[ 	]+v12,v0,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+62402257[ 	]+vmandnot.mm[ 	]+v4,v4,v0
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6ac22257[ 	]+vmor.mm[ 	]+v4,v12,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6a85c257[ 	]+vmsltu.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+76422257[ 	]+vmnot.m[ 	]+v4,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+68c64457[ 	]+vmsltu.vx[ 	]+v8,v12,a2,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6e802457[ 	]+vmxor.mm[ 	]+v8,v8,v0
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6885c657[ 	]+vmsltu.vx[ 	]+v12,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+62062057[ 	]+vmandnot.mm[ 	]+v0,v0,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6885c657[ 	]+vmsltu.vx[ 	]+v12,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+62062657[ 	]+vmandnot.mm[ 	]+v12,v0,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+62402257[ 	]+vmandnot.mm[ 	]+v4,v4,v0
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6ac22257[ 	]+vmor.mm[ 	]+v4,v12,v4
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-vmsgtvx.s b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-vmsgtvx.s
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000..afbb7ccb36
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-vmsgtvx.s
+@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
++	vmsge.vx v4, v8, a1		# unmasked va >= x
++	vmsge.vx v8, v12, a2, v0.t	# masked va >= x, vd != v0
++	vmsge.vx v0, v8, a1, v0.t, v12	# masked va >= x, vd == v0
++	vmsge.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t, v12	# masked va >= x, any vd
++	vmsgeu.vx v4, v8, a1		# unmasked va >= x
++	vmsgeu.vx v8, v12, a2, v0.t	# masked va >= x, vd != v0
++	vmsgeu.vx v0, v8, a1, v0.t, v12	# masked va >= x, vd == v0
++	vmsgeu.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t, v12	# masked va >= x, any vd
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns.d b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns.d
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000..0556a22a7b
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns.d
+@@ -0,0 +1,1944 @@
++#as: -march=rv32iafv0p10
++#objdump: -dr
++.*:[ 	]+file format .*
++Disassembly of section .text:
++0+000 <.text>:
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+80c5f557[ 	]+vsetvl[ 	]+a0,a1,a2
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0005f557[ 	]+vsetvli[ 	]+a0,a1,e8,m1,tu,mu
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+7ff5f557[ 	]+vsetvli[ 	]+a0,a1,2047
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0095f557[ 	]+vsetvli[ 	]+a0,a1,e16,m2,tu,mu
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02b5f557[ 	]+vsetvli[ 	]+a0,a1,e256,m8,tu,mu
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0335f557[ 	]+vsetvli[ 	]+a0,a1,e512,m8,tu,mu
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+03b5f557[ 	]+vsetvli[ 	]+a0,a1,e1024,m8,tu,mu
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0385f557[ 	]+vsetvli[ 	]+a0,a1,e1024,m1,tu,mu
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+03f5f557[ 	]+vsetvli[ 	]+a0,a1,e1024,mf2,tu,mu
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0365f557[ 	]+vsetvli[ 	]+a0,a1,e512,mf4,tu,mu
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02d5f557[ 	]+vsetvli[ 	]+a0,a1,e256,mf8,tu,mu
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0695f557[ 	]+vsetvli[ 	]+a0,a1,e256,m2,ta,mu
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0a95f557[ 	]+vsetvli[ 	]+a0,a1,e256,m2,tu,ma
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0295f557[ 	]+vsetvli[ 	]+a0,a1,e256,m2,tu,mu
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0295f557[ 	]+vsetvli[ 	]+a0,a1,e256,m2,tu,mu
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0e95f557[ 	]+vsetvli[ 	]+a0,a1,e256,m2,ta,ma
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0a95f557[ 	]+vsetvli[ 	]+a0,a1,e256,m2,tu,ma
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0695f557[ 	]+vsetvli[ 	]+a0,a1,e256,m2,ta,mu
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0295f557[ 	]+vsetvli[ 	]+a0,a1,e256,m2,tu,mu
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c005f557[ 	]+vsetivli[ 	]+a0,11,e8,m1,tu,mu
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+fff5f557[ 	]+vsetivli[ 	]+a0,11,e1024,mf2,ta,ma
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c095f557[ 	]+vsetivli[ 	]+a0,11,e16,m2,tu,mu
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c2b5f557[ 	]+vsetivli[ 	]+a0,11,e256,m8,tu,mu
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c335f557[ 	]+vsetivli[ 	]+a0,11,e512,m8,tu,mu
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c3b5f557[ 	]+vsetivli[ 	]+a0,11,e1024,m8,tu,mu
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c385f557[ 	]+vsetivli[ 	]+a0,11,e1024,m1,tu,mu
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c3f5f557[ 	]+vsetivli[ 	]+a0,11,e1024,mf2,tu,mu
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c365f557[ 	]+vsetivli[ 	]+a0,11,e512,mf4,tu,mu
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c2d5f557[ 	]+vsetivli[ 	]+a0,11,e256,mf8,tu,mu
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c695f557[ 	]+vsetivli[ 	]+a0,11,e256,m2,ta,mu
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ca95f557[ 	]+vsetivli[ 	]+a0,11,e256,m2,tu,ma
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c295f557[ 	]+vsetivli[ 	]+a0,11,e256,m2,tu,mu
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c295f557[ 	]+vsetivli[ 	]+a0,11,e256,m2,tu,mu
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ce95f557[ 	]+vsetivli[ 	]+a0,11,e256,m2,ta,ma
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ca95f557[ 	]+vsetivli[ 	]+a0,11,e256,m2,tu,ma
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c695f557[ 	]+vsetivli[ 	]+a0,11,e256,m2,ta,mu
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c295f557[ 	]+vsetivli[ 	]+a0,11,e256,m2,tu,mu
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02b50207[ 	]+vle1.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02b50207[ 	]+vle1.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02b50227[ 	]+vse1.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02b50227[ 	]+vse1.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02050207[ 	]+vle8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02050207[ 	]+vle8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+00050207[ 	]+vle8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02050227[ 	]+vse8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02050227[ 	]+vse8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+00050227[ 	]+vse8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02055207[ 	]+vle16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02055207[ 	]+vle16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+00055207[ 	]+vle16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02055227[ 	]+vse16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02055227[ 	]+vse16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+00055227[ 	]+vse16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02056207[ 	]+vle32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02056207[ 	]+vle32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+00056207[ 	]+vle32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02056227[ 	]+vse32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02056227[ 	]+vse32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+00056227[ 	]+vse32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02057207[ 	]+vle64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02057207[ 	]+vle64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+00057207[ 	]+vle64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02057227[ 	]+vse64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02057227[ 	]+vse64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+00057227[ 	]+vse64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0ab50207[ 	]+vlse8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0ab50207[ 	]+vlse8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+08b50207[ 	]+vlse8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0ab50227[ 	]+vsse8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0ab50227[ 	]+vsse8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+08b50227[ 	]+vsse8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0ab55207[ 	]+vlse16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0ab55207[ 	]+vlse16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+08b55207[ 	]+vlse16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0ab55227[ 	]+vsse16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0ab55227[ 	]+vsse16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+08b55227[ 	]+vsse16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0ab56207[ 	]+vlse32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0ab56207[ 	]+vlse32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+08b56207[ 	]+vlse32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0ab56227[ 	]+vsse32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0ab56227[ 	]+vsse32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+08b56227[ 	]+vsse32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0ab57207[ 	]+vlse64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0ab57207[ 	]+vlse64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+08b57207[ 	]+vlse64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0ab57227[ 	]+vsse64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0ab57227[ 	]+vsse64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+08b57227[ 	]+vsse64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0ec50207[ 	]+vloxei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0ec50207[ 	]+vloxei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0cc50207[ 	]+vloxei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0ec50227[ 	]+vsoxei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0ec50227[ 	]+vsoxei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0cc50227[ 	]+vsoxei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+06c50207[ 	]+vluxei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+06c50207[ 	]+vluxei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+04c50207[ 	]+vluxei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+06c50227[ 	]+vsuxei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+06c50227[ 	]+vsuxei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+04c50227[ 	]+vsuxei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0ec55207[ 	]+vloxei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0ec55207[ 	]+vloxei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0cc55207[ 	]+vloxei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0ec55227[ 	]+vsoxei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0ec55227[ 	]+vsoxei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0cc55227[ 	]+vsoxei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+06c55207[ 	]+vluxei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+06c55207[ 	]+vluxei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+04c55207[ 	]+vluxei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+06c55227[ 	]+vsuxei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+06c55227[ 	]+vsuxei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+04c55227[ 	]+vsuxei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0ec56207[ 	]+vloxei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0ec56207[ 	]+vloxei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0cc56207[ 	]+vloxei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0ec56227[ 	]+vsoxei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0ec56227[ 	]+vsoxei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0cc56227[ 	]+vsoxei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+06c56207[ 	]+vluxei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+06c56207[ 	]+vluxei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+04c56207[ 	]+vluxei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+06c56227[ 	]+vsuxei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+06c56227[ 	]+vsuxei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+04c56227[ 	]+vsuxei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0ec57207[ 	]+vloxei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0ec57207[ 	]+vloxei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0cc57207[ 	]+vloxei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0ec57227[ 	]+vsoxei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0ec57227[ 	]+vsoxei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0cc57227[ 	]+vsoxei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+06c57207[ 	]+vluxei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+06c57207[ 	]+vluxei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+04c57207[ 	]+vluxei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+06c57227[ 	]+vsuxei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+06c57227[ 	]+vsuxei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+04c57227[ 	]+vsuxei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+03050207[ 	]+vle8ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+03050207[ 	]+vle8ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+01050207[ 	]+vle8ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+03055207[ 	]+vle16ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+03055207[ 	]+vle16ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+01055207[ 	]+vle16ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+03056207[ 	]+vle32ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+03056207[ 	]+vle32ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+01056207[ 	]+vle32ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+03057207[ 	]+vle64ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+03057207[ 	]+vle64ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+01057207[ 	]+vle64ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+22050207[ 	]+vlseg2e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+22050207[ 	]+vlseg2e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+20050207[ 	]+vlseg2e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+22050227[ 	]+vsseg2e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+22050227[ 	]+vsseg2e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+20050227[ 	]+vsseg2e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+42050207[ 	]+vlseg3e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+42050207[ 	]+vlseg3e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+40050207[ 	]+vlseg3e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+42050227[ 	]+vsseg3e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+42050227[ 	]+vsseg3e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+40050227[ 	]+vsseg3e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+62050207[ 	]+vlseg4e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+62050207[ 	]+vlseg4e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+60050207[ 	]+vlseg4e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+62050227[ 	]+vsseg4e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+62050227[ 	]+vsseg4e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+60050227[ 	]+vsseg4e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+82050207[ 	]+vlseg5e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+82050207[ 	]+vlseg5e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+80050207[ 	]+vlseg5e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+82050227[ 	]+vsseg5e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+82050227[ 	]+vsseg5e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+80050227[ 	]+vsseg5e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a2050207[ 	]+vlseg6e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a2050207[ 	]+vlseg6e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a0050207[ 	]+vlseg6e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a2050227[ 	]+vsseg6e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a2050227[ 	]+vsseg6e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a0050227[ 	]+vsseg6e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c2050207[ 	]+vlseg7e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c2050207[ 	]+vlseg7e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c0050207[ 	]+vlseg7e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c2050227[ 	]+vsseg7e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c2050227[ 	]+vsseg7e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c0050227[ 	]+vsseg7e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e2050207[ 	]+vlseg8e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e2050207[ 	]+vlseg8e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e0050207[ 	]+vlseg8e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e2050227[ 	]+vsseg8e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e2050227[ 	]+vsseg8e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e0050227[ 	]+vsseg8e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+22055207[ 	]+vlseg2e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+22055207[ 	]+vlseg2e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+20055207[ 	]+vlseg2e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+22055227[ 	]+vsseg2e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+22055227[ 	]+vsseg2e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+20055227[ 	]+vsseg2e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+42055207[ 	]+vlseg3e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+42055207[ 	]+vlseg3e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+40055207[ 	]+vlseg3e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+42055227[ 	]+vsseg3e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+42055227[ 	]+vsseg3e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+40055227[ 	]+vsseg3e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+62055207[ 	]+vlseg4e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+62055207[ 	]+vlseg4e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+60055207[ 	]+vlseg4e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+62055227[ 	]+vsseg4e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+62055227[ 	]+vsseg4e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+60055227[ 	]+vsseg4e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+82055207[ 	]+vlseg5e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+82055207[ 	]+vlseg5e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+80055207[ 	]+vlseg5e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+82055227[ 	]+vsseg5e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+82055227[ 	]+vsseg5e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+80055227[ 	]+vsseg5e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a2055207[ 	]+vlseg6e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a2055207[ 	]+vlseg6e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a0055207[ 	]+vlseg6e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a2055227[ 	]+vsseg6e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a2055227[ 	]+vsseg6e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a0055227[ 	]+vsseg6e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c2055207[ 	]+vlseg7e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c2055207[ 	]+vlseg7e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c0055207[ 	]+vlseg7e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c2055227[ 	]+vsseg7e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c2055227[ 	]+vsseg7e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c0055227[ 	]+vsseg7e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e2055207[ 	]+vlseg8e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e2055207[ 	]+vlseg8e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e0055207[ 	]+vlseg8e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e2055227[ 	]+vsseg8e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e2055227[ 	]+vsseg8e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e0055227[ 	]+vsseg8e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+22056207[ 	]+vlseg2e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+22056207[ 	]+vlseg2e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+20056207[ 	]+vlseg2e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+22056227[ 	]+vsseg2e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+22056227[ 	]+vsseg2e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+20056227[ 	]+vsseg2e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+42056207[ 	]+vlseg3e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+42056207[ 	]+vlseg3e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+40056207[ 	]+vlseg3e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+42056227[ 	]+vsseg3e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+42056227[ 	]+vsseg3e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+40056227[ 	]+vsseg3e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+62056207[ 	]+vlseg4e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+62056207[ 	]+vlseg4e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+60056207[ 	]+vlseg4e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+62056227[ 	]+vsseg4e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+62056227[ 	]+vsseg4e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+60056227[ 	]+vsseg4e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+82056207[ 	]+vlseg5e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+82056207[ 	]+vlseg5e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+80056207[ 	]+vlseg5e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+82056227[ 	]+vsseg5e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+82056227[ 	]+vsseg5e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+80056227[ 	]+vsseg5e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a2056207[ 	]+vlseg6e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a2056207[ 	]+vlseg6e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a0056207[ 	]+vlseg6e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a2056227[ 	]+vsseg6e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a2056227[ 	]+vsseg6e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a0056227[ 	]+vsseg6e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c2056207[ 	]+vlseg7e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c2056207[ 	]+vlseg7e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c0056207[ 	]+vlseg7e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c2056227[ 	]+vsseg7e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c2056227[ 	]+vsseg7e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c0056227[ 	]+vsseg7e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e2056207[ 	]+vlseg8e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e2056207[ 	]+vlseg8e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e0056207[ 	]+vlseg8e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e2056227[ 	]+vsseg8e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e2056227[ 	]+vsseg8e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e0056227[ 	]+vsseg8e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+22057207[ 	]+vlseg2e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+22057207[ 	]+vlseg2e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+20057207[ 	]+vlseg2e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+22057227[ 	]+vsseg2e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+22057227[ 	]+vsseg2e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+20057227[ 	]+vsseg2e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+42057207[ 	]+vlseg3e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+42057207[ 	]+vlseg3e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+40057207[ 	]+vlseg3e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+42057227[ 	]+vsseg3e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+42057227[ 	]+vsseg3e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+40057227[ 	]+vsseg3e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+62057207[ 	]+vlseg4e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+62057207[ 	]+vlseg4e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+60057207[ 	]+vlseg4e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+62057227[ 	]+vsseg4e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+62057227[ 	]+vsseg4e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+60057227[ 	]+vsseg4e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+82057207[ 	]+vlseg5e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+82057207[ 	]+vlseg5e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+80057207[ 	]+vlseg5e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+82057227[ 	]+vsseg5e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+82057227[ 	]+vsseg5e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+80057227[ 	]+vsseg5e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a2057207[ 	]+vlseg6e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a2057207[ 	]+vlseg6e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a0057207[ 	]+vlseg6e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a2057227[ 	]+vsseg6e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a2057227[ 	]+vsseg6e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a0057227[ 	]+vsseg6e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c2057207[ 	]+vlseg7e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c2057207[ 	]+vlseg7e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c0057207[ 	]+vlseg7e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c2057227[ 	]+vsseg7e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c2057227[ 	]+vsseg7e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c0057227[ 	]+vsseg7e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e2057207[ 	]+vlseg8e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e2057207[ 	]+vlseg8e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e0057207[ 	]+vlseg8e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e2057227[ 	]+vsseg8e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e2057227[ 	]+vsseg8e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e0057227[ 	]+vsseg8e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2ab50207[ 	]+vlsseg2e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2ab50207[ 	]+vlsseg2e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+28b50207[ 	]+vlsseg2e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2ab50227[ 	]+vssseg2e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2ab50227[ 	]+vssseg2e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+28b50227[ 	]+vssseg2e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4ab50207[ 	]+vlsseg3e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4ab50207[ 	]+vlsseg3e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+48b50207[ 	]+vlsseg3e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4ab50227[ 	]+vssseg3e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4ab50227[ 	]+vssseg3e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+48b50227[ 	]+vssseg3e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6ab50207[ 	]+vlsseg4e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6ab50207[ 	]+vlsseg4e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+68b50207[ 	]+vlsseg4e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6ab50227[ 	]+vssseg4e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6ab50227[ 	]+vssseg4e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+68b50227[ 	]+vssseg4e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8ab50207[ 	]+vlsseg5e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8ab50207[ 	]+vlsseg5e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+88b50207[ 	]+vlsseg5e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8ab50227[ 	]+vssseg5e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8ab50227[ 	]+vssseg5e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+88b50227[ 	]+vssseg5e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+aab50207[ 	]+vlsseg6e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+aab50207[ 	]+vlsseg6e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a8b50207[ 	]+vlsseg6e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+aab50227[ 	]+vssseg6e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+aab50227[ 	]+vssseg6e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a8b50227[ 	]+vssseg6e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+cab50207[ 	]+vlsseg7e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+cab50207[ 	]+vlsseg7e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c8b50207[ 	]+vlsseg7e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+cab50227[ 	]+vssseg7e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+cab50227[ 	]+vssseg7e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c8b50227[ 	]+vssseg7e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+eab50207[ 	]+vlsseg8e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+eab50207[ 	]+vlsseg8e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e8b50207[ 	]+vlsseg8e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+eab50227[ 	]+vssseg8e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+eab50227[ 	]+vssseg8e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e8b50227[ 	]+vssseg8e8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2ab55207[ 	]+vlsseg2e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2ab55207[ 	]+vlsseg2e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+28b55207[ 	]+vlsseg2e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2ab55227[ 	]+vssseg2e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2ab55227[ 	]+vssseg2e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+28b55227[ 	]+vssseg2e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4ab55207[ 	]+vlsseg3e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4ab55207[ 	]+vlsseg3e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+48b55207[ 	]+vlsseg3e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4ab55227[ 	]+vssseg3e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4ab55227[ 	]+vssseg3e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+48b55227[ 	]+vssseg3e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6ab55207[ 	]+vlsseg4e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6ab55207[ 	]+vlsseg4e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+68b55207[ 	]+vlsseg4e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6ab55227[ 	]+vssseg4e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6ab55227[ 	]+vssseg4e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+68b55227[ 	]+vssseg4e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8ab55207[ 	]+vlsseg5e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8ab55207[ 	]+vlsseg5e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+88b55207[ 	]+vlsseg5e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8ab55227[ 	]+vssseg5e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8ab55227[ 	]+vssseg5e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+88b55227[ 	]+vssseg5e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+aab55207[ 	]+vlsseg6e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+aab55207[ 	]+vlsseg6e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a8b55207[ 	]+vlsseg6e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+aab55227[ 	]+vssseg6e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+aab55227[ 	]+vssseg6e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a8b55227[ 	]+vssseg6e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+cab55207[ 	]+vlsseg7e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+cab55207[ 	]+vlsseg7e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c8b55207[ 	]+vlsseg7e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+cab55227[ 	]+vssseg7e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+cab55227[ 	]+vssseg7e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c8b55227[ 	]+vssseg7e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+eab55207[ 	]+vlsseg8e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+eab55207[ 	]+vlsseg8e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e8b55207[ 	]+vlsseg8e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+eab55227[ 	]+vssseg8e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+eab55227[ 	]+vssseg8e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e8b55227[ 	]+vssseg8e16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2ab56207[ 	]+vlsseg2e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2ab56207[ 	]+vlsseg2e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+28b56207[ 	]+vlsseg2e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2ab56227[ 	]+vssseg2e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2ab56227[ 	]+vssseg2e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+28b56227[ 	]+vssseg2e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4ab56207[ 	]+vlsseg3e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4ab56207[ 	]+vlsseg3e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+48b56207[ 	]+vlsseg3e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4ab56227[ 	]+vssseg3e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4ab56227[ 	]+vssseg3e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+48b56227[ 	]+vssseg3e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6ab56207[ 	]+vlsseg4e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6ab56207[ 	]+vlsseg4e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+68b56207[ 	]+vlsseg4e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6ab56227[ 	]+vssseg4e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6ab56227[ 	]+vssseg4e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+68b56227[ 	]+vssseg4e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8ab56207[ 	]+vlsseg5e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8ab56207[ 	]+vlsseg5e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+88b56207[ 	]+vlsseg5e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8ab56227[ 	]+vssseg5e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8ab56227[ 	]+vssseg5e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+88b56227[ 	]+vssseg5e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+aab56207[ 	]+vlsseg6e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+aab56207[ 	]+vlsseg6e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a8b56207[ 	]+vlsseg6e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+aab56227[ 	]+vssseg6e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+aab56227[ 	]+vssseg6e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a8b56227[ 	]+vssseg6e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+cab56207[ 	]+vlsseg7e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+cab56207[ 	]+vlsseg7e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c8b56207[ 	]+vlsseg7e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+cab56227[ 	]+vssseg7e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+cab56227[ 	]+vssseg7e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c8b56227[ 	]+vssseg7e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+eab56207[ 	]+vlsseg8e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+eab56207[ 	]+vlsseg8e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e8b56207[ 	]+vlsseg8e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+eab56227[ 	]+vssseg8e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+eab56227[ 	]+vssseg8e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e8b56227[ 	]+vssseg8e32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2ab57207[ 	]+vlsseg2e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2ab57207[ 	]+vlsseg2e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+28b57207[ 	]+vlsseg2e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2ab57227[ 	]+vssseg2e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2ab57227[ 	]+vssseg2e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+28b57227[ 	]+vssseg2e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4ab57207[ 	]+vlsseg3e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4ab57207[ 	]+vlsseg3e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+48b57207[ 	]+vlsseg3e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4ab57227[ 	]+vssseg3e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4ab57227[ 	]+vssseg3e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+48b57227[ 	]+vssseg3e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6ab57207[ 	]+vlsseg4e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6ab57207[ 	]+vlsseg4e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+68b57207[ 	]+vlsseg4e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6ab57227[ 	]+vssseg4e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6ab57227[ 	]+vssseg4e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+68b57227[ 	]+vssseg4e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8ab57207[ 	]+vlsseg5e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8ab57207[ 	]+vlsseg5e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+88b57207[ 	]+vlsseg5e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8ab57227[ 	]+vssseg5e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8ab57227[ 	]+vssseg5e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+88b57227[ 	]+vssseg5e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+aab57207[ 	]+vlsseg6e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+aab57207[ 	]+vlsseg6e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a8b57207[ 	]+vlsseg6e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+aab57227[ 	]+vssseg6e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+aab57227[ 	]+vssseg6e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a8b57227[ 	]+vssseg6e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+cab57207[ 	]+vlsseg7e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+cab57207[ 	]+vlsseg7e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c8b57207[ 	]+vlsseg7e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+cab57227[ 	]+vssseg7e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+cab57227[ 	]+vssseg7e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c8b57227[ 	]+vssseg7e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+eab57207[ 	]+vlsseg8e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+eab57207[ 	]+vlsseg8e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e8b57207[ 	]+vlsseg8e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+eab57227[ 	]+vssseg8e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+eab57227[ 	]+vssseg8e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e8b57227[ 	]+vssseg8e64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2ec50207[ 	]+vloxseg2ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2ec50207[ 	]+vloxseg2ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2cc50207[ 	]+vloxseg2ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2ec50227[ 	]+vsoxseg2ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2ec50227[ 	]+vsoxseg2ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2cc50227[ 	]+vsoxseg2ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4ec50207[ 	]+vloxseg3ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4ec50207[ 	]+vloxseg3ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4cc50207[ 	]+vloxseg3ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4ec50227[ 	]+vsoxseg3ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4ec50227[ 	]+vsoxseg3ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4cc50227[ 	]+vsoxseg3ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6ec50207[ 	]+vloxseg4ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6ec50207[ 	]+vloxseg4ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6cc50207[ 	]+vloxseg4ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6ec50227[ 	]+vsoxseg4ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6ec50227[ 	]+vsoxseg4ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6cc50227[ 	]+vsoxseg4ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8ec50207[ 	]+vloxseg5ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8ec50207[ 	]+vloxseg5ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8cc50207[ 	]+vloxseg5ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8ec50227[ 	]+vsoxseg5ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8ec50227[ 	]+vsoxseg5ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8cc50227[ 	]+vsoxseg5ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+aec50207[ 	]+vloxseg6ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+aec50207[ 	]+vloxseg6ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+acc50207[ 	]+vloxseg6ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+aec50227[ 	]+vsoxseg6ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+aec50227[ 	]+vsoxseg6ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+acc50227[ 	]+vsoxseg6ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+cec50207[ 	]+vloxseg7ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+cec50207[ 	]+vloxseg7ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ccc50207[ 	]+vloxseg7ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+cec50227[ 	]+vsoxseg7ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+cec50227[ 	]+vsoxseg7ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ccc50227[ 	]+vsoxseg7ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+eec50207[ 	]+vloxseg8ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+eec50207[ 	]+vloxseg8ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ecc50207[ 	]+vloxseg8ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+eec50227[ 	]+vsoxseg8ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+eec50227[ 	]+vsoxseg8ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ecc50227[ 	]+vsoxseg8ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2ec55207[ 	]+vloxseg2ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2ec55207[ 	]+vloxseg2ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2cc55207[ 	]+vloxseg2ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2ec55227[ 	]+vsoxseg2ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2ec55227[ 	]+vsoxseg2ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2cc55227[ 	]+vsoxseg2ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4ec55207[ 	]+vloxseg3ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4ec55207[ 	]+vloxseg3ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4cc55207[ 	]+vloxseg3ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4ec55227[ 	]+vsoxseg3ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4ec55227[ 	]+vsoxseg3ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4cc55227[ 	]+vsoxseg3ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6ec55207[ 	]+vloxseg4ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6ec55207[ 	]+vloxseg4ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6cc55207[ 	]+vloxseg4ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6ec55227[ 	]+vsoxseg4ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6ec55227[ 	]+vsoxseg4ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6cc55227[ 	]+vsoxseg4ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8ec55207[ 	]+vloxseg5ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8ec55207[ 	]+vloxseg5ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8cc55207[ 	]+vloxseg5ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8ec55227[ 	]+vsoxseg5ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8ec55227[ 	]+vsoxseg5ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8cc55227[ 	]+vsoxseg5ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+aec55207[ 	]+vloxseg6ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+aec55207[ 	]+vloxseg6ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+acc55207[ 	]+vloxseg6ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+aec55227[ 	]+vsoxseg6ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+aec55227[ 	]+vsoxseg6ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+acc55227[ 	]+vsoxseg6ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+cec55207[ 	]+vloxseg7ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+cec55207[ 	]+vloxseg7ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ccc55207[ 	]+vloxseg7ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+cec55227[ 	]+vsoxseg7ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+cec55227[ 	]+vsoxseg7ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ccc55227[ 	]+vsoxseg7ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+eec55207[ 	]+vloxseg8ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+eec55207[ 	]+vloxseg8ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ecc55207[ 	]+vloxseg8ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+eec55227[ 	]+vsoxseg8ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+eec55227[ 	]+vsoxseg8ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ecc55227[ 	]+vsoxseg8ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2ec56207[ 	]+vloxseg2ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2ec56207[ 	]+vloxseg2ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2cc56207[ 	]+vloxseg2ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2ec56227[ 	]+vsoxseg2ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2ec56227[ 	]+vsoxseg2ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2cc56227[ 	]+vsoxseg2ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4ec56207[ 	]+vloxseg3ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4ec56207[ 	]+vloxseg3ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4cc56207[ 	]+vloxseg3ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4ec56227[ 	]+vsoxseg3ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4ec56227[ 	]+vsoxseg3ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4cc56227[ 	]+vsoxseg3ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6ec56207[ 	]+vloxseg4ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6ec56207[ 	]+vloxseg4ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6cc56207[ 	]+vloxseg4ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6ec56227[ 	]+vsoxseg4ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6ec56227[ 	]+vsoxseg4ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6cc56227[ 	]+vsoxseg4ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8ec56207[ 	]+vloxseg5ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8ec56207[ 	]+vloxseg5ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8cc56207[ 	]+vloxseg5ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8ec56227[ 	]+vsoxseg5ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8ec56227[ 	]+vsoxseg5ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8cc56227[ 	]+vsoxseg5ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+aec56207[ 	]+vloxseg6ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+aec56207[ 	]+vloxseg6ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+acc56207[ 	]+vloxseg6ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+aec56227[ 	]+vsoxseg6ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+aec56227[ 	]+vsoxseg6ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+acc56227[ 	]+vsoxseg6ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+cec56207[ 	]+vloxseg7ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+cec56207[ 	]+vloxseg7ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ccc56207[ 	]+vloxseg7ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+cec56227[ 	]+vsoxseg7ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+cec56227[ 	]+vsoxseg7ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ccc56227[ 	]+vsoxseg7ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+eec56207[ 	]+vloxseg8ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+eec56207[ 	]+vloxseg8ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ecc56207[ 	]+vloxseg8ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+eec56227[ 	]+vsoxseg8ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+eec56227[ 	]+vsoxseg8ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ecc56227[ 	]+vsoxseg8ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2ec57207[ 	]+vloxseg2ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2ec57207[ 	]+vloxseg2ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2cc57207[ 	]+vloxseg2ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2ec57227[ 	]+vsoxseg2ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2ec57227[ 	]+vsoxseg2ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2cc57227[ 	]+vsoxseg2ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4ec57207[ 	]+vloxseg3ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4ec57207[ 	]+vloxseg3ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4cc57207[ 	]+vloxseg3ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4ec57227[ 	]+vsoxseg3ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4ec57227[ 	]+vsoxseg3ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4cc57227[ 	]+vsoxseg3ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6ec57207[ 	]+vloxseg4ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6ec57207[ 	]+vloxseg4ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6cc57207[ 	]+vloxseg4ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6ec57227[ 	]+vsoxseg4ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6ec57227[ 	]+vsoxseg4ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6cc57227[ 	]+vsoxseg4ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8ec57207[ 	]+vloxseg5ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8ec57207[ 	]+vloxseg5ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8cc57207[ 	]+vloxseg5ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8ec57227[ 	]+vsoxseg5ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8ec57227[ 	]+vsoxseg5ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8cc57227[ 	]+vsoxseg5ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+aec57207[ 	]+vloxseg6ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+aec57207[ 	]+vloxseg6ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+acc57207[ 	]+vloxseg6ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+aec57227[ 	]+vsoxseg6ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+aec57227[ 	]+vsoxseg6ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+acc57227[ 	]+vsoxseg6ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+cec57207[ 	]+vloxseg7ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+cec57207[ 	]+vloxseg7ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ccc57207[ 	]+vloxseg7ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+cec57227[ 	]+vsoxseg7ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+cec57227[ 	]+vsoxseg7ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ccc57227[ 	]+vsoxseg7ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+eec57207[ 	]+vloxseg8ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+eec57207[ 	]+vloxseg8ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ecc57207[ 	]+vloxseg8ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+eec57227[ 	]+vsoxseg8ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+eec57227[ 	]+vsoxseg8ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ecc57227[ 	]+vsoxseg8ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+26c50207[ 	]+vluxseg2ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+26c50207[ 	]+vluxseg2ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+24c50207[ 	]+vluxseg2ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+26c50227[ 	]+vsuxseg2ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+26c50227[ 	]+vsuxseg2ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+24c50227[ 	]+vsuxseg2ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+46c50207[ 	]+vluxseg3ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+46c50207[ 	]+vluxseg3ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+44c50207[ 	]+vluxseg3ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+46c50227[ 	]+vsuxseg3ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+46c50227[ 	]+vsuxseg3ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+44c50227[ 	]+vsuxseg3ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+66c50207[ 	]+vluxseg4ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+66c50207[ 	]+vluxseg4ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+64c50207[ 	]+vluxseg4ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+66c50227[ 	]+vsuxseg4ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+66c50227[ 	]+vsuxseg4ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+64c50227[ 	]+vsuxseg4ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+86c50207[ 	]+vluxseg5ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+86c50207[ 	]+vluxseg5ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+84c50207[ 	]+vluxseg5ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+86c50227[ 	]+vsuxseg5ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+86c50227[ 	]+vsuxseg5ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+84c50227[ 	]+vsuxseg5ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a6c50207[ 	]+vluxseg6ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a6c50207[ 	]+vluxseg6ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a4c50207[ 	]+vluxseg6ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a6c50227[ 	]+vsuxseg6ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a6c50227[ 	]+vsuxseg6ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a4c50227[ 	]+vsuxseg6ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c6c50207[ 	]+vluxseg7ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c6c50207[ 	]+vluxseg7ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c4c50207[ 	]+vluxseg7ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c6c50227[ 	]+vsuxseg7ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c6c50227[ 	]+vsuxseg7ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c4c50227[ 	]+vsuxseg7ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e6c50207[ 	]+vluxseg8ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e6c50207[ 	]+vluxseg8ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e4c50207[ 	]+vluxseg8ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e6c50227[ 	]+vsuxseg8ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e6c50227[ 	]+vsuxseg8ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e4c50227[ 	]+vsuxseg8ei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+26c55207[ 	]+vluxseg2ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+26c55207[ 	]+vluxseg2ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+24c55207[ 	]+vluxseg2ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+26c55227[ 	]+vsuxseg2ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+26c55227[ 	]+vsuxseg2ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+24c55227[ 	]+vsuxseg2ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+46c55207[ 	]+vluxseg3ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+46c55207[ 	]+vluxseg3ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+44c55207[ 	]+vluxseg3ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+46c55227[ 	]+vsuxseg3ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+46c55227[ 	]+vsuxseg3ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+44c55227[ 	]+vsuxseg3ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+66c55207[ 	]+vluxseg4ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+66c55207[ 	]+vluxseg4ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+64c55207[ 	]+vluxseg4ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+66c55227[ 	]+vsuxseg4ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+66c55227[ 	]+vsuxseg4ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+64c55227[ 	]+vsuxseg4ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+86c55207[ 	]+vluxseg5ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+86c55207[ 	]+vluxseg5ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+84c55207[ 	]+vluxseg5ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+86c55227[ 	]+vsuxseg5ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+86c55227[ 	]+vsuxseg5ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+84c55227[ 	]+vsuxseg5ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a6c55207[ 	]+vluxseg6ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a6c55207[ 	]+vluxseg6ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a4c55207[ 	]+vluxseg6ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a6c55227[ 	]+vsuxseg6ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a6c55227[ 	]+vsuxseg6ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a4c55227[ 	]+vsuxseg6ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c6c55207[ 	]+vluxseg7ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c6c55207[ 	]+vluxseg7ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c4c55207[ 	]+vluxseg7ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c6c55227[ 	]+vsuxseg7ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c6c55227[ 	]+vsuxseg7ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c4c55227[ 	]+vsuxseg7ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e6c55207[ 	]+vluxseg8ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e6c55207[ 	]+vluxseg8ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e4c55207[ 	]+vluxseg8ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e6c55227[ 	]+vsuxseg8ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e6c55227[ 	]+vsuxseg8ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e4c55227[ 	]+vsuxseg8ei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+26c56207[ 	]+vluxseg2ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+26c56207[ 	]+vluxseg2ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+24c56207[ 	]+vluxseg2ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+26c56227[ 	]+vsuxseg2ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+26c56227[ 	]+vsuxseg2ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+24c56227[ 	]+vsuxseg2ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+46c56207[ 	]+vluxseg3ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+46c56207[ 	]+vluxseg3ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+44c56207[ 	]+vluxseg3ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+46c56227[ 	]+vsuxseg3ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+46c56227[ 	]+vsuxseg3ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+44c56227[ 	]+vsuxseg3ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+66c56207[ 	]+vluxseg4ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+66c56207[ 	]+vluxseg4ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+64c56207[ 	]+vluxseg4ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+66c56227[ 	]+vsuxseg4ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+66c56227[ 	]+vsuxseg4ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+64c56227[ 	]+vsuxseg4ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+86c56207[ 	]+vluxseg5ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+86c56207[ 	]+vluxseg5ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+84c56207[ 	]+vluxseg5ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+86c56227[ 	]+vsuxseg5ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+86c56227[ 	]+vsuxseg5ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+84c56227[ 	]+vsuxseg5ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a6c56207[ 	]+vluxseg6ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a6c56207[ 	]+vluxseg6ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a4c56207[ 	]+vluxseg6ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a6c56227[ 	]+vsuxseg6ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a6c56227[ 	]+vsuxseg6ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a4c56227[ 	]+vsuxseg6ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c6c56207[ 	]+vluxseg7ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c6c56207[ 	]+vluxseg7ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c4c56207[ 	]+vluxseg7ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c6c56227[ 	]+vsuxseg7ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c6c56227[ 	]+vsuxseg7ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c4c56227[ 	]+vsuxseg7ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e6c56207[ 	]+vluxseg8ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e6c56207[ 	]+vluxseg8ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e4c56207[ 	]+vluxseg8ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e6c56227[ 	]+vsuxseg8ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e6c56227[ 	]+vsuxseg8ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e4c56227[ 	]+vsuxseg8ei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+26c57207[ 	]+vluxseg2ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+26c57207[ 	]+vluxseg2ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+24c57207[ 	]+vluxseg2ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+26c57227[ 	]+vsuxseg2ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+26c57227[ 	]+vsuxseg2ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+24c57227[ 	]+vsuxseg2ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+46c57207[ 	]+vluxseg3ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+46c57207[ 	]+vluxseg3ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+44c57207[ 	]+vluxseg3ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+46c57227[ 	]+vsuxseg3ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+46c57227[ 	]+vsuxseg3ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+44c57227[ 	]+vsuxseg3ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+66c57207[ 	]+vluxseg4ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+66c57207[ 	]+vluxseg4ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+64c57207[ 	]+vluxseg4ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+66c57227[ 	]+vsuxseg4ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+66c57227[ 	]+vsuxseg4ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+64c57227[ 	]+vsuxseg4ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+86c57207[ 	]+vluxseg5ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+86c57207[ 	]+vluxseg5ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+84c57207[ 	]+vluxseg5ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+86c57227[ 	]+vsuxseg5ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+86c57227[ 	]+vsuxseg5ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+84c57227[ 	]+vsuxseg5ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a6c57207[ 	]+vluxseg6ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a6c57207[ 	]+vluxseg6ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a4c57207[ 	]+vluxseg6ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a6c57227[ 	]+vsuxseg6ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a6c57227[ 	]+vsuxseg6ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a4c57227[ 	]+vsuxseg6ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c6c57207[ 	]+vluxseg7ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c6c57207[ 	]+vluxseg7ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c4c57207[ 	]+vluxseg7ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c6c57227[ 	]+vsuxseg7ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c6c57227[ 	]+vsuxseg7ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c4c57227[ 	]+vsuxseg7ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e6c57207[ 	]+vluxseg8ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e6c57207[ 	]+vluxseg8ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e4c57207[ 	]+vluxseg8ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e6c57227[ 	]+vsuxseg8ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e6c57227[ 	]+vsuxseg8ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e4c57227[ 	]+vsuxseg8ei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+23050207[ 	]+vlseg2e8ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+23050207[ 	]+vlseg2e8ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+21050207[ 	]+vlseg2e8ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+43050207[ 	]+vlseg3e8ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+43050207[ 	]+vlseg3e8ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+41050207[ 	]+vlseg3e8ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+63050207[ 	]+vlseg4e8ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+63050207[ 	]+vlseg4e8ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+61050207[ 	]+vlseg4e8ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+83050207[ 	]+vlseg5e8ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+83050207[ 	]+vlseg5e8ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+81050207[ 	]+vlseg5e8ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a3050207[ 	]+vlseg6e8ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a3050207[ 	]+vlseg6e8ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a1050207[ 	]+vlseg6e8ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c3050207[ 	]+vlseg7e8ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c3050207[ 	]+vlseg7e8ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c1050207[ 	]+vlseg7e8ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e3050207[ 	]+vlseg8e8ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e3050207[ 	]+vlseg8e8ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e1050207[ 	]+vlseg8e8ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+23055207[ 	]+vlseg2e16ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+23055207[ 	]+vlseg2e16ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+21055207[ 	]+vlseg2e16ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+43055207[ 	]+vlseg3e16ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+43055207[ 	]+vlseg3e16ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+41055207[ 	]+vlseg3e16ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+63055207[ 	]+vlseg4e16ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+63055207[ 	]+vlseg4e16ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+61055207[ 	]+vlseg4e16ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+83055207[ 	]+vlseg5e16ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+83055207[ 	]+vlseg5e16ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+81055207[ 	]+vlseg5e16ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a3055207[ 	]+vlseg6e16ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a3055207[ 	]+vlseg6e16ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a1055207[ 	]+vlseg6e16ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c3055207[ 	]+vlseg7e16ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c3055207[ 	]+vlseg7e16ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c1055207[ 	]+vlseg7e16ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e3055207[ 	]+vlseg8e16ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e3055207[ 	]+vlseg8e16ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e1055207[ 	]+vlseg8e16ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+23056207[ 	]+vlseg2e32ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+23056207[ 	]+vlseg2e32ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+21056207[ 	]+vlseg2e32ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+43056207[ 	]+vlseg3e32ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+43056207[ 	]+vlseg3e32ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+41056207[ 	]+vlseg3e32ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+63056207[ 	]+vlseg4e32ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+63056207[ 	]+vlseg4e32ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+61056207[ 	]+vlseg4e32ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+83056207[ 	]+vlseg5e32ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+83056207[ 	]+vlseg5e32ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+81056207[ 	]+vlseg5e32ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a3056207[ 	]+vlseg6e32ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a3056207[ 	]+vlseg6e32ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a1056207[ 	]+vlseg6e32ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c3056207[ 	]+vlseg7e32ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c3056207[ 	]+vlseg7e32ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c1056207[ 	]+vlseg7e32ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e3056207[ 	]+vlseg8e32ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e3056207[ 	]+vlseg8e32ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e1056207[ 	]+vlseg8e32ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+23057207[ 	]+vlseg2e64ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+23057207[ 	]+vlseg2e64ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+21057207[ 	]+vlseg2e64ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+43057207[ 	]+vlseg3e64ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+43057207[ 	]+vlseg3e64ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+41057207[ 	]+vlseg3e64ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+63057207[ 	]+vlseg4e64ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+63057207[ 	]+vlseg4e64ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+61057207[ 	]+vlseg4e64ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+83057207[ 	]+vlseg5e64ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+83057207[ 	]+vlseg5e64ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+81057207[ 	]+vlseg5e64ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a3057207[ 	]+vlseg6e64ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a3057207[ 	]+vlseg6e64ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a1057207[ 	]+vlseg6e64ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c3057207[ 	]+vlseg7e64ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c3057207[ 	]+vlseg7e64ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c1057207[ 	]+vlseg7e64ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e3057207[ 	]+vlseg8e64ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e3057207[ 	]+vlseg8e64ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e1057207[ 	]+vlseg8e64ff.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02850187[ 	]+vl1r.v[ 	]+v3,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02850187[ 	]+vl1r.v[ 	]+v3,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02850187[ 	]+vl1r.v[ 	]+v3,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02850187[ 	]+vl1r.v[ 	]+v3,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02855187[ 	]+vl1re16.v[ 	]+v3,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02855187[ 	]+vl1re16.v[ 	]+v3,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02856187[ 	]+vl1re32.v[ 	]+v3,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02856187[ 	]+vl1re32.v[ 	]+v3,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02857187[ 	]+vl1re64.v[ 	]+v3,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02857187[ 	]+vl1re64.v[ 	]+v3,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+22850107[ 	]+vl2r.v[ 	]+v2,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+22850107[ 	]+vl2r.v[ 	]+v2,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+22850107[ 	]+vl2r.v[ 	]+v2,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+22850107[ 	]+vl2r.v[ 	]+v2,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+22855107[ 	]+vl2re16.v[ 	]+v2,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+22855107[ 	]+vl2re16.v[ 	]+v2,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+22856107[ 	]+vl2re32.v[ 	]+v2,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+22856107[ 	]+vl2re32.v[ 	]+v2,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+22857107[ 	]+vl2re64.v[ 	]+v2,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+22857107[ 	]+vl2re64.v[ 	]+v2,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+62850207[ 	]+vl4r.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+62850207[ 	]+vl4r.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+62850207[ 	]+vl4r.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+62850207[ 	]+vl4r.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+62855207[ 	]+vl4re16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+62855207[ 	]+vl4re16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+62856207[ 	]+vl4re32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+62856207[ 	]+vl4re32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+62857207[ 	]+vl4re64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+62857207[ 	]+vl4re64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e2850407[ 	]+vl8r.v[ 	]+v8,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e2850407[ 	]+vl8r.v[ 	]+v8,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e2850407[ 	]+vl8r.v[ 	]+v8,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e2850407[ 	]+vl8r.v[ 	]+v8,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e2855407[ 	]+vl8re16.v[ 	]+v8,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e2855407[ 	]+vl8re16.v[ 	]+v8,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e2856407[ 	]+vl8re32.v[ 	]+v8,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e2856407[ 	]+vl8re32.v[ 	]+v8,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e2857407[ 	]+vl8re64.v[ 	]+v8,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e2857407[ 	]+vl8re64.v[ 	]+v8,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+028581a7[ 	]+vs1r.v[ 	]+v3,\(a1\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+028581a7[ 	]+vs1r.v[ 	]+v3,\(a1\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+22858127[ 	]+vs2r.v[ 	]+v2,\(a1\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+22858127[ 	]+vs2r.v[ 	]+v2,\(a1\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+62858227[ 	]+vs4r.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+62858227[ 	]+vs4r.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e2858427[ 	]+vs8r.v[ 	]+v8,\(a1\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e2858427[ 	]+vs8r.v[ 	]+v8,\(a1\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0685822f[ 	]+vamoaddei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0285822f[ 	]+vamoaddei8.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0485822f[ 	]+vamoaddei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0085822f[ 	]+vamoaddei8.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0e85822f[ 	]+vamoswapei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0a85822f[ 	]+vamoswapei8.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0c85822f[ 	]+vamoswapei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0885822f[ 	]+vamoswapei8.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2685822f[ 	]+vamoxorei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2285822f[ 	]+vamoxorei8.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2485822f[ 	]+vamoxorei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2085822f[ 	]+vamoxorei8.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6685822f[ 	]+vamoandei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6285822f[ 	]+vamoandei8.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6485822f[ 	]+vamoandei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6085822f[ 	]+vamoandei8.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4685822f[ 	]+vamoorei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4285822f[ 	]+vamoorei8.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4485822f[ 	]+vamoorei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4085822f[ 	]+vamoorei8.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8685822f[ 	]+vamominei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8285822f[ 	]+vamominei8.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8485822f[ 	]+vamominei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8085822f[ 	]+vamominei8.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a685822f[ 	]+vamomaxei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a285822f[ 	]+vamomaxei8.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a485822f[ 	]+vamomaxei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a085822f[ 	]+vamomaxei8.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c685822f[ 	]+vamominuei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c285822f[ 	]+vamominuei8.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c485822f[ 	]+vamominuei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c085822f[ 	]+vamominuei8.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e685822f[ 	]+vamomaxuei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e285822f[ 	]+vamomaxuei8.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e485822f[ 	]+vamomaxuei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e085822f[ 	]+vamomaxuei8.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0685822f[ 	]+vamoaddei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0285822f[ 	]+vamoaddei8.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0485822f[ 	]+vamoaddei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0085822f[ 	]+vamoaddei8.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0e85822f[ 	]+vamoswapei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0a85822f[ 	]+vamoswapei8.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0c85822f[ 	]+vamoswapei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0885822f[ 	]+vamoswapei8.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2685822f[ 	]+vamoxorei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2285822f[ 	]+vamoxorei8.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2485822f[ 	]+vamoxorei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2085822f[ 	]+vamoxorei8.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6685822f[ 	]+vamoandei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6285822f[ 	]+vamoandei8.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6485822f[ 	]+vamoandei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6085822f[ 	]+vamoandei8.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4685822f[ 	]+vamoorei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4285822f[ 	]+vamoorei8.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4485822f[ 	]+vamoorei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4085822f[ 	]+vamoorei8.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8685822f[ 	]+vamominei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8285822f[ 	]+vamominei8.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8485822f[ 	]+vamominei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8085822f[ 	]+vamominei8.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a685822f[ 	]+vamomaxei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a285822f[ 	]+vamomaxei8.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a485822f[ 	]+vamomaxei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a085822f[ 	]+vamomaxei8.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c685822f[ 	]+vamominuei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c285822f[ 	]+vamominuei8.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c485822f[ 	]+vamominuei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c085822f[ 	]+vamominuei8.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e685822f[ 	]+vamomaxuei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e285822f[ 	]+vamomaxuei8.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e485822f[ 	]+vamomaxuei8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e085822f[ 	]+vamomaxuei8.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0685d22f[ 	]+vamoaddei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0285d22f[ 	]+vamoaddei16.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0485d22f[ 	]+vamoaddei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0085d22f[ 	]+vamoaddei16.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0e85d22f[ 	]+vamoswapei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0a85d22f[ 	]+vamoswapei16.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0c85d22f[ 	]+vamoswapei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0885d22f[ 	]+vamoswapei16.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2685d22f[ 	]+vamoxorei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2285d22f[ 	]+vamoxorei16.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2485d22f[ 	]+vamoxorei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2085d22f[ 	]+vamoxorei16.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6685d22f[ 	]+vamoandei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6285d22f[ 	]+vamoandei16.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6485d22f[ 	]+vamoandei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6085d22f[ 	]+vamoandei16.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4685d22f[ 	]+vamoorei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4285d22f[ 	]+vamoorei16.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4485d22f[ 	]+vamoorei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4085d22f[ 	]+vamoorei16.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8685d22f[ 	]+vamominei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8285d22f[ 	]+vamominei16.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8485d22f[ 	]+vamominei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8085d22f[ 	]+vamominei16.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a685d22f[ 	]+vamomaxei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a285d22f[ 	]+vamomaxei16.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a485d22f[ 	]+vamomaxei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a085d22f[ 	]+vamomaxei16.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c685d22f[ 	]+vamominuei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c285d22f[ 	]+vamominuei16.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c485d22f[ 	]+vamominuei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c085d22f[ 	]+vamominuei16.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e685d22f[ 	]+vamomaxuei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e285d22f[ 	]+vamomaxuei16.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e485d22f[ 	]+vamomaxuei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e085d22f[ 	]+vamomaxuei16.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0685d22f[ 	]+vamoaddei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0285d22f[ 	]+vamoaddei16.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0485d22f[ 	]+vamoaddei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0085d22f[ 	]+vamoaddei16.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0e85d22f[ 	]+vamoswapei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0a85d22f[ 	]+vamoswapei16.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0c85d22f[ 	]+vamoswapei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0885d22f[ 	]+vamoswapei16.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2685d22f[ 	]+vamoxorei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2285d22f[ 	]+vamoxorei16.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2485d22f[ 	]+vamoxorei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2085d22f[ 	]+vamoxorei16.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6685d22f[ 	]+vamoandei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6285d22f[ 	]+vamoandei16.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6485d22f[ 	]+vamoandei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6085d22f[ 	]+vamoandei16.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4685d22f[ 	]+vamoorei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4285d22f[ 	]+vamoorei16.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4485d22f[ 	]+vamoorei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4085d22f[ 	]+vamoorei16.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8685d22f[ 	]+vamominei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8285d22f[ 	]+vamominei16.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8485d22f[ 	]+vamominei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8085d22f[ 	]+vamominei16.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a685d22f[ 	]+vamomaxei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a285d22f[ 	]+vamomaxei16.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a485d22f[ 	]+vamomaxei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a085d22f[ 	]+vamomaxei16.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c685d22f[ 	]+vamominuei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c285d22f[ 	]+vamominuei16.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c485d22f[ 	]+vamominuei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c085d22f[ 	]+vamominuei16.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e685d22f[ 	]+vamomaxuei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e285d22f[ 	]+vamomaxuei16.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e485d22f[ 	]+vamomaxuei16.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e085d22f[ 	]+vamomaxuei16.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0685e22f[ 	]+vamoaddei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0285e22f[ 	]+vamoaddei32.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0485e22f[ 	]+vamoaddei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0085e22f[ 	]+vamoaddei32.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0e85e22f[ 	]+vamoswapei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0a85e22f[ 	]+vamoswapei32.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0c85e22f[ 	]+vamoswapei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0885e22f[ 	]+vamoswapei32.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2685e22f[ 	]+vamoxorei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2285e22f[ 	]+vamoxorei32.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2485e22f[ 	]+vamoxorei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2085e22f[ 	]+vamoxorei32.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6685e22f[ 	]+vamoandei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6285e22f[ 	]+vamoandei32.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6485e22f[ 	]+vamoandei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6085e22f[ 	]+vamoandei32.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4685e22f[ 	]+vamoorei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4285e22f[ 	]+vamoorei32.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4485e22f[ 	]+vamoorei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4085e22f[ 	]+vamoorei32.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8685e22f[ 	]+vamominei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8285e22f[ 	]+vamominei32.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8485e22f[ 	]+vamominei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8085e22f[ 	]+vamominei32.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a685e22f[ 	]+vamomaxei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a285e22f[ 	]+vamomaxei32.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a485e22f[ 	]+vamomaxei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a085e22f[ 	]+vamomaxei32.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c685e22f[ 	]+vamominuei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c285e22f[ 	]+vamominuei32.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c485e22f[ 	]+vamominuei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c085e22f[ 	]+vamominuei32.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e685e22f[ 	]+vamomaxuei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e285e22f[ 	]+vamomaxuei32.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e485e22f[ 	]+vamomaxuei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e085e22f[ 	]+vamomaxuei32.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0685e22f[ 	]+vamoaddei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0285e22f[ 	]+vamoaddei32.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0485e22f[ 	]+vamoaddei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0085e22f[ 	]+vamoaddei32.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0e85e22f[ 	]+vamoswapei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0a85e22f[ 	]+vamoswapei32.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0c85e22f[ 	]+vamoswapei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0885e22f[ 	]+vamoswapei32.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2685e22f[ 	]+vamoxorei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2285e22f[ 	]+vamoxorei32.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2485e22f[ 	]+vamoxorei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2085e22f[ 	]+vamoxorei32.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6685e22f[ 	]+vamoandei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6285e22f[ 	]+vamoandei32.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6485e22f[ 	]+vamoandei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6085e22f[ 	]+vamoandei32.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4685e22f[ 	]+vamoorei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4285e22f[ 	]+vamoorei32.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4485e22f[ 	]+vamoorei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4085e22f[ 	]+vamoorei32.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8685e22f[ 	]+vamominei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8285e22f[ 	]+vamominei32.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8485e22f[ 	]+vamominei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8085e22f[ 	]+vamominei32.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a685e22f[ 	]+vamomaxei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a285e22f[ 	]+vamomaxei32.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a485e22f[ 	]+vamomaxei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a085e22f[ 	]+vamomaxei32.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c685e22f[ 	]+vamominuei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c285e22f[ 	]+vamominuei32.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c485e22f[ 	]+vamominuei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c085e22f[ 	]+vamominuei32.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e685e22f[ 	]+vamomaxuei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e285e22f[ 	]+vamomaxuei32.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e485e22f[ 	]+vamomaxuei32.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e085e22f[ 	]+vamomaxuei32.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0685f22f[ 	]+vamoaddei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0285f22f[ 	]+vamoaddei64.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0485f22f[ 	]+vamoaddei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0085f22f[ 	]+vamoaddei64.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0e85f22f[ 	]+vamoswapei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0a85f22f[ 	]+vamoswapei64.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0c85f22f[ 	]+vamoswapei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0885f22f[ 	]+vamoswapei64.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2685f22f[ 	]+vamoxorei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2285f22f[ 	]+vamoxorei64.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2485f22f[ 	]+vamoxorei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2085f22f[ 	]+vamoxorei64.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6685f22f[ 	]+vamoandei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6285f22f[ 	]+vamoandei64.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6485f22f[ 	]+vamoandei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6085f22f[ 	]+vamoandei64.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4685f22f[ 	]+vamoorei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4285f22f[ 	]+vamoorei64.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4485f22f[ 	]+vamoorei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4085f22f[ 	]+vamoorei64.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8685f22f[ 	]+vamominei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8285f22f[ 	]+vamominei64.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8485f22f[ 	]+vamominei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8085f22f[ 	]+vamominei64.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a685f22f[ 	]+vamomaxei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a285f22f[ 	]+vamomaxei64.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a485f22f[ 	]+vamomaxei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a085f22f[ 	]+vamomaxei64.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c685f22f[ 	]+vamominuei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c285f22f[ 	]+vamominuei64.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c485f22f[ 	]+vamominuei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c085f22f[ 	]+vamominuei64.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e685f22f[ 	]+vamomaxuei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e285f22f[ 	]+vamomaxuei64.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e485f22f[ 	]+vamomaxuei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e085f22f[ 	]+vamomaxuei64.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0685f22f[ 	]+vamoaddei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0285f22f[ 	]+vamoaddei64.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0485f22f[ 	]+vamoaddei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0085f22f[ 	]+vamoaddei64.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0e85f22f[ 	]+vamoswapei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0a85f22f[ 	]+vamoswapei64.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0c85f22f[ 	]+vamoswapei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0885f22f[ 	]+vamoswapei64.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2685f22f[ 	]+vamoxorei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2285f22f[ 	]+vamoxorei64.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2485f22f[ 	]+vamoxorei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2085f22f[ 	]+vamoxorei64.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6685f22f[ 	]+vamoandei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6285f22f[ 	]+vamoandei64.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6485f22f[ 	]+vamoandei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6085f22f[ 	]+vamoandei64.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4685f22f[ 	]+vamoorei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4285f22f[ 	]+vamoorei64.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4485f22f[ 	]+vamoorei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4085f22f[ 	]+vamoorei64.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8685f22f[ 	]+vamominei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8285f22f[ 	]+vamominei64.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8485f22f[ 	]+vamominei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8085f22f[ 	]+vamominei64.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a685f22f[ 	]+vamomaxei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a285f22f[ 	]+vamomaxei64.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a485f22f[ 	]+vamomaxei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a085f22f[ 	]+vamomaxei64.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c685f22f[ 	]+vamominuei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c285f22f[ 	]+vamominuei64.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c485f22f[ 	]+vamominuei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c085f22f[ 	]+vamominuei64.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e685f22f[ 	]+vamomaxuei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e285f22f[ 	]+vamomaxuei64.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e485f22f[ 	]+vamomaxuei64.v[ 	]+v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e085f22f[ 	]+vamomaxuei64.v[ 	]+zero,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0e804257[ 	]+vneg.v[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0c804257[ 	]+vneg.v[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02860257[ 	]+vadd.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0285c257[ 	]+vadd.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0287b257[ 	]+vadd.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,15
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02883257[ 	]+vadd.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,-16
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+00860257[ 	]+vadd.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0085c257[ 	]+vadd.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0087b257[ 	]+vadd.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,15,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+00883257[ 	]+vadd.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,-16,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0a860257[ 	]+vsub.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0a85c257[ 	]+vsub.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0e85c257[ 	]+vrsub.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0e87b257[ 	]+vrsub.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,15
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0e883257[ 	]+vrsub.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,-16
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+08860257[ 	]+vsub.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0885c257[ 	]+vsub.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0c85c257[ 	]+vrsub.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0c87b257[ 	]+vrsub.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,15,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0c883257[ 	]+vrsub.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,-16,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c6806257[ 	]+vwcvt.x.x.v[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c2806257[ 	]+vwcvtu.x.x.v[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c4806257[ 	]+vwcvt.x.x.v[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c0806257[ 	]+vwcvtu.x.x.v[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c2862257[ 	]+vwaddu.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c285e257[ 	]+vwaddu.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c0862257[ 	]+vwaddu.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c085e257[ 	]+vwaddu.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ca862257[ 	]+vwsubu.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ca85e257[ 	]+vwsubu.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c8862257[ 	]+vwsubu.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c885e257[ 	]+vwsubu.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c6862257[ 	]+vwadd.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c685e257[ 	]+vwadd.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c4862257[ 	]+vwadd.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c485e257[ 	]+vwadd.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ce862257[ 	]+vwsub.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ce85e257[ 	]+vwsub.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+cc862257[ 	]+vwsub.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+cc85e257[ 	]+vwsub.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+d2862257[ 	]+vwaddu.wv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+d285e257[ 	]+vwaddu.wx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+d0862257[ 	]+vwaddu.wv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+d085e257[ 	]+vwaddu.wx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+da862257[ 	]+vwsubu.wv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+da85e257[ 	]+vwsubu.wx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+d8862257[ 	]+vwsubu.wv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+d885e257[ 	]+vwsubu.wx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+d6862257[ 	]+vwadd.wv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+d685e257[ 	]+vwadd.wx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+d4862257[ 	]+vwadd.wv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+d485e257[ 	]+vwadd.wx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+de862257[ 	]+vwsub.wv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+de85e257[ 	]+vwsub.wx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+dc862257[ 	]+vwsub.wv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+dc85e257[ 	]+vwsub.wx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4a832257[ 	]+vzext.vf2[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+48832257[ 	]+vzext.vf2[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4a83a257[ 	]+vsext.vf2[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4883a257[ 	]+vsext.vf2[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4a822257[ 	]+vzext.vf4[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+48822257[ 	]+vzext.vf4[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4a82a257[ 	]+vsext.vf4[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4882a257[ 	]+vsext.vf4[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4a812257[ 	]+vzext.vf8[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+48812257[ 	]+vzext.vf8[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4a81a257[ 	]+vsext.vf8[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4881a257[ 	]+vsext.vf8[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+40860257[ 	]+vadc.vvm[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4085c257[ 	]+vadc.vxm[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4087b257[ 	]+vadc.vim[ 	]+v4,v8,15,v0
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+40883257[ 	]+vadc.vim[ 	]+v4,v8,-16,v0
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+44860257[ 	]+vmadc.vvm[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4485c257[ 	]+vmadc.vxm[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4487b257[ 	]+vmadc.vim[ 	]+v4,v8,15,v0
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+44883257[ 	]+vmadc.vim[ 	]+v4,v8,-16,v0
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+46860257[ 	]+vmadc.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4685c257[ 	]+vmadc.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4687b257[ 	]+vmadc.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,15
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+46883257[ 	]+vmadc.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,-16
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+48860257[ 	]+vsbc.vvm[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4885c257[ 	]+vsbc.vxm[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4c860257[ 	]+vmsbc.vvm[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4c85c257[ 	]+vmsbc.vxm[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4e860257[ 	]+vmsbc.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4e85c257[ 	]+vmsbc.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2e8fb257[ 	]+vnot.v[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2c8fb257[ 	]+vnot.v[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+26860257[ 	]+vand.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2685c257[ 	]+vand.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2687b257[ 	]+vand.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,15
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+26883257[ 	]+vand.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,-16
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+24860257[ 	]+vand.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2485c257[ 	]+vand.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2487b257[ 	]+vand.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,15,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+24883257[ 	]+vand.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,-16,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2a860257[ 	]+vor.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2a85c257[ 	]+vor.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2a87b257[ 	]+vor.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,15
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2a883257[ 	]+vor.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,-16
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+28860257[ 	]+vor.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2885c257[ 	]+vor.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2887b257[ 	]+vor.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,15,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+28883257[ 	]+vor.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,-16,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2e860257[ 	]+vxor.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2e85c257[ 	]+vxor.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2e87b257[ 	]+vxor.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,15
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2e883257[ 	]+vxor.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,-16
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2c860257[ 	]+vxor.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2c85c257[ 	]+vxor.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2c87b257[ 	]+vxor.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,15,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2c883257[ 	]+vxor.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,-16,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+96860257[ 	]+vsll.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+9685c257[ 	]+vsll.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+9680b257[ 	]+vsll.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+968fb257[ 	]+vsll.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,31
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+94860257[ 	]+vsll.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+9485c257[ 	]+vsll.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+9480b257[ 	]+vsll.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+948fb257[ 	]+vsll.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,31,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a2860257[ 	]+vsrl.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a285c257[ 	]+vsrl.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a280b257[ 	]+vsrl.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a28fb257[ 	]+vsrl.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,31
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a0860257[ 	]+vsrl.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a085c257[ 	]+vsrl.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a080b257[ 	]+vsrl.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a08fb257[ 	]+vsrl.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,31,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a6860257[ 	]+vsra.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a685c257[ 	]+vsra.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a680b257[ 	]+vsra.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a68fb257[ 	]+vsra.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,31
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a4860257[ 	]+vsra.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a485c257[ 	]+vsra.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a480b257[ 	]+vsra.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a48fb257[ 	]+vsra.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,31,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+b2804257[ 	]+vncvt.x.x.w[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+b0804257[ 	]+vncvt.x.x.w[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+b2860257[ 	]+vnsrl.wv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+b285c257[ 	]+vnsrl.wx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+b280b257[ 	]+vnsrl.wi[ 	]+v4,v8,1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+b28fb257[ 	]+vnsrl.wi[ 	]+v4,v8,31
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+b0860257[ 	]+vnsrl.wv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+b085c257[ 	]+vnsrl.wx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+b080b257[ 	]+vnsrl.wi[ 	]+v4,v8,1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+b08fb257[ 	]+vnsrl.wi[ 	]+v4,v8,31,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+b6860257[ 	]+vnsra.wv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+b685c257[ 	]+vnsra.wx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+b680b257[ 	]+vnsra.wi[ 	]+v4,v8,1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+b68fb257[ 	]+vnsra.wi[ 	]+v4,v8,31
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+b4860257[ 	]+vnsra.wv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+b485c257[ 	]+vnsra.wx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+b480b257[ 	]+vnsra.wi[ 	]+v4,v8,1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+b48fb257[ 	]+vnsra.wi[ 	]+v4,v8,31,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6ec40257[ 	]+vmslt.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6ac40257[ 	]+vmsltu.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+76c40257[ 	]+vmsle.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+72c40257[ 	]+vmsleu.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6cc40257[ 	]+vmslt.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+68c40257[ 	]+vmsltu.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+74c40257[ 	]+vmsle.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+70c40257[ 	]+vmsleu.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+7687b257[ 	]+vmsle.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,15
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+76883257[ 	]+vmsle.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,-16
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+7287b257[ 	]+vmsleu.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,15
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+72883257[ 	]+vmsleu.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,-16
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+7e87b257[ 	]+vmsgt.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,15
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+7e883257[ 	]+vmsgt.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,-16
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+7a87b257[ 	]+vmsgtu.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,15
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+7a883257[ 	]+vmsgtu.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,-16
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+7487b257[ 	]+vmsle.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,15,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+74883257[ 	]+vmsle.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,-16,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+7087b257[ 	]+vmsleu.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,15,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+70883257[ 	]+vmsleu.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,-16,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+7c87b257[ 	]+vmsgt.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,15,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+7c883257[ 	]+vmsgt.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,-16,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+7887b257[ 	]+vmsgtu.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,15,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+78883257[ 	]+vmsgtu.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,-16,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+62860257[ 	]+vmseq.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6285c257[ 	]+vmseq.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6287b257[ 	]+vmseq.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,15
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+62883257[ 	]+vmseq.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,-16
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+60860257[ 	]+vmseq.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6085c257[ 	]+vmseq.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6087b257[ 	]+vmseq.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,15,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+60883257[ 	]+vmseq.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,-16,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+66860257[ 	]+vmsne.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6685c257[ 	]+vmsne.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6687b257[ 	]+vmsne.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,15
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+66883257[ 	]+vmsne.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,-16
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+64860257[ 	]+vmsne.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6485c257[ 	]+vmsne.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6487b257[ 	]+vmsne.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,15,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+64883257[ 	]+vmsne.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,-16,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6a860257[ 	]+vmsltu.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6a85c257[ 	]+vmsltu.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+68860257[ 	]+vmsltu.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6885c257[ 	]+vmsltu.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6e860257[ 	]+vmslt.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6e85c257[ 	]+vmslt.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6c860257[ 	]+vmslt.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6c85c257[ 	]+vmslt.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+72860257[ 	]+vmsleu.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+7285c257[ 	]+vmsleu.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+7287b257[ 	]+vmsleu.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,15
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+72883257[ 	]+vmsleu.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,-16
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+70860257[ 	]+vmsleu.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+7085c257[ 	]+vmsleu.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+7087b257[ 	]+vmsleu.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,15,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+70883257[ 	]+vmsleu.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,-16,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+76860257[ 	]+vmsle.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+7685c257[ 	]+vmsle.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+7687b257[ 	]+vmsle.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,15
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+76883257[ 	]+vmsle.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,-16
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+74860257[ 	]+vmsle.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+7485c257[ 	]+vmsle.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+7487b257[ 	]+vmsle.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,15,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+74883257[ 	]+vmsle.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,-16,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+7a85c257[ 	]+vmsgtu.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+7a87b257[ 	]+vmsgtu.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,15
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+7a883257[ 	]+vmsgtu.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,-16
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+7885c257[ 	]+vmsgtu.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+7887b257[ 	]+vmsgtu.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,15,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+78883257[ 	]+vmsgtu.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,-16,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+7e85c257[ 	]+vmsgt.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+7e87b257[ 	]+vmsgt.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,15
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+7e883257[ 	]+vmsgt.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,-16
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+7c85c257[ 	]+vmsgt.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+7c87b257[ 	]+vmsgt.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,15,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+7c883257[ 	]+vmsgt.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,-16,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+12860257[ 	]+vminu.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+1285c257[ 	]+vminu.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+10860257[ 	]+vminu.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+1085c257[ 	]+vminu.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+16860257[ 	]+vmin.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+1685c257[ 	]+vmin.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+14860257[ 	]+vmin.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+1485c257[ 	]+vmin.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+1a860257[ 	]+vmaxu.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+1a85c257[ 	]+vmaxu.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+18860257[ 	]+vmaxu.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+1885c257[ 	]+vmaxu.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+1e860257[ 	]+vmax.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+1e85c257[ 	]+vmax.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+1c860257[ 	]+vmax.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+1c85c257[ 	]+vmax.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+96862257[ 	]+vmul.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+9685e257[ 	]+vmul.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+94862257[ 	]+vmul.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+9485e257[ 	]+vmul.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+9e862257[ 	]+vmulh.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+9e85e257[ 	]+vmulh.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+9c862257[ 	]+vmulh.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+9c85e257[ 	]+vmulh.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+92862257[ 	]+vmulhu.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+9285e257[ 	]+vmulhu.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+90862257[ 	]+vmulhu.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+9085e257[ 	]+vmulhu.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+9a862257[ 	]+vmulhsu.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+9a85e257[ 	]+vmulhsu.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+98862257[ 	]+vmulhsu.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+9885e257[ 	]+vmulhsu.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ee862257[ 	]+vwmul.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ee85e257[ 	]+vwmul.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ec862257[ 	]+vwmul.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ec85e257[ 	]+vwmul.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e2862257[ 	]+vwmulu.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e285e257[ 	]+vwmulu.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e0862257[ 	]+vwmulu.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e085e257[ 	]+vwmulu.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ea862257[ 	]+vwmulsu.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ea85e257[ 	]+vwmulsu.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e8862257[ 	]+vwmulsu.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e885e257[ 	]+vwmulsu.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+b6862257[ 	]+vmacc.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+b685e257[ 	]+vmacc.vx[ 	]+v4,a1,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+b4862257[ 	]+vmacc.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+b485e257[ 	]+vmacc.vx[ 	]+v4,a1,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+be862257[ 	]+vnmsac.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+be85e257[ 	]+vnmsac.vx[ 	]+v4,a1,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+bc862257[ 	]+vnmsac.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+bc85e257[ 	]+vnmsac.vx[ 	]+v4,a1,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a6862257[ 	]+vmadd.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a685e257[ 	]+vmadd.vx[ 	]+v4,a1,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a4862257[ 	]+vmadd.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a485e257[ 	]+vmadd.vx[ 	]+v4,a1,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ae862257[ 	]+vnmsub.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ae85e257[ 	]+vnmsub.vx[ 	]+v4,a1,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ac862257[ 	]+vnmsub.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ac85e257[ 	]+vnmsub.vx[ 	]+v4,a1,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+f2862257[ 	]+vwmaccu.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+f285e257[ 	]+vwmaccu.vx[ 	]+v4,a1,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+f0862257[ 	]+vwmaccu.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+f085e257[ 	]+vwmaccu.vx[ 	]+v4,a1,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+f6862257[ 	]+vwmacc.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+f685e257[ 	]+vwmacc.vx[ 	]+v4,a1,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+f4862257[ 	]+vwmacc.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+f485e257[ 	]+vwmacc.vx[ 	]+v4,a1,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+fe862257[ 	]+vwmaccsu.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+fe85e257[ 	]+vwmaccsu.vx[ 	]+v4,a1,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+fc862257[ 	]+vwmaccsu.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+fc85e257[ 	]+vwmaccsu.vx[ 	]+v4,a1,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+fa85e257[ 	]+vwmaccus.vx[ 	]+v4,a1,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+f885e257[ 	]+vwmaccus.vx[ 	]+v4,a1,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+82862257[ 	]+vdivu.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8285e257[ 	]+vdivu.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+80862257[ 	]+vdivu.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8085e257[ 	]+vdivu.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+86862257[ 	]+vdiv.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8685e257[ 	]+vdiv.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+84862257[ 	]+vdiv.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8485e257[ 	]+vdiv.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8a862257[ 	]+vremu.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8a85e257[ 	]+vremu.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+88862257[ 	]+vremu.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8885e257[ 	]+vremu.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8e862257[ 	]+vrem.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8e85e257[ 	]+vrem.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8c862257[ 	]+vrem.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8c85e257[ 	]+vrem.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+5c860257[ 	]+vmerge.vvm[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+5c85c257[ 	]+vmerge.vxm[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+5c87b257[ 	]+vmerge.vim[ 	]+v4,v8,15,v0
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+5c883257[ 	]+vmerge.vim[ 	]+v4,v8,-16,v0
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+5e060457[ 	]+vmv.v.v[ 	]+v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+5e05c457[ 	]+vmv.v.x[ 	]+v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+5e07b457[ 	]+vmv.v.i[ 	]+v8,15
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+5e083457[ 	]+vmv.v.i[ 	]+v8,-16
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+82860257[ 	]+vsaddu.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8285c257[ 	]+vsaddu.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8287b257[ 	]+vsaddu.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,15
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+82883257[ 	]+vsaddu.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,-16
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+80860257[ 	]+vsaddu.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8085c257[ 	]+vsaddu.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8087b257[ 	]+vsaddu.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,15,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+80883257[ 	]+vsaddu.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,-16,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+86860257[ 	]+vsadd.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8685c257[ 	]+vsadd.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8687b257[ 	]+vsadd.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,15
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+86883257[ 	]+vsadd.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,-16
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+84860257[ 	]+vsadd.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8485c257[ 	]+vsadd.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8487b257[ 	]+vsadd.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,15,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+84883257[ 	]+vsadd.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,-16,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8a860257[ 	]+vssubu.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8a85c257[ 	]+vssubu.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+88860257[ 	]+vssubu.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8885c257[ 	]+vssubu.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8e860257[ 	]+vssub.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8e85c257[ 	]+vssub.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8c860257[ 	]+vssub.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+8c85c257[ 	]+vssub.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+22862257[ 	]+vaaddu.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2285e257[ 	]+vaaddu.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+20862257[ 	]+vaaddu.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2085e257[ 	]+vaaddu.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+26862257[ 	]+vaadd.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2685e257[ 	]+vaadd.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+24862257[ 	]+vaadd.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2485e257[ 	]+vaadd.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2a862257[ 	]+vasubu.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2a85e257[ 	]+vasubu.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+28862257[ 	]+vasubu.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2885e257[ 	]+vasubu.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2e862257[ 	]+vasub.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2e85e257[ 	]+vasub.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2c862257[ 	]+vasub.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2c85e257[ 	]+vasub.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+9e860257[ 	]+vsmul.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+9e85c257[ 	]+vsmul.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+9c860257[ 	]+vsmul.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+9c85c257[ 	]+vsmul.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+aa860257[ 	]+vssrl.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+aa85c257[ 	]+vssrl.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+aa80b257[ 	]+vssrl.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+aa8fb257[ 	]+vssrl.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,31
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a8860257[ 	]+vssrl.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a885c257[ 	]+vssrl.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a880b257[ 	]+vssrl.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a88fb257[ 	]+vssrl.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,31,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ae860257[ 	]+vssra.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ae85c257[ 	]+vssra.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ae80b257[ 	]+vssra.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ae8fb257[ 	]+vssra.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,31
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ac860257[ 	]+vssra.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ac85c257[ 	]+vssra.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ac80b257[ 	]+vssra.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ac8fb257[ 	]+vssra.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,31,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ba860257[ 	]+vnclipu.wv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ba85c257[ 	]+vnclipu.wx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ba80b257[ 	]+vnclipu.wi[ 	]+v4,v8,1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ba8fb257[ 	]+vnclipu.wi[ 	]+v4,v8,31
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+b8860257[ 	]+vnclipu.wv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+b885c257[ 	]+vnclipu.wx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+b880b257[ 	]+vnclipu.wi[ 	]+v4,v8,1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+b88fb257[ 	]+vnclipu.wi[ 	]+v4,v8,31,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+be860257[ 	]+vnclip.wv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+be85c257[ 	]+vnclip.wx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+be80b257[ 	]+vnclip.wi[ 	]+v4,v8,1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+be8fb257[ 	]+vnclip.wi[ 	]+v4,v8,31
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+bc860257[ 	]+vnclip.wv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+bc85c257[ 	]+vnclip.wx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+bc80b257[ 	]+vnclip.wi[ 	]+v4,v8,1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+bc8fb257[ 	]+vnclip.wi[ 	]+v4,v8,31,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02861257[ 	]+vfadd.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02865257[ 	]+vfadd.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+00861257[ 	]+vfadd.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+00865257[ 	]+vfadd.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0a861257[ 	]+vfsub.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0a865257[ 	]+vfsub.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+08861257[ 	]+vfsub.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+08865257[ 	]+vfsub.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+9e865257[ 	]+vfrsub.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+9c865257[ 	]+vfrsub.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c2861257[ 	]+vfwadd.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c2865257[ 	]+vfwadd.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c0861257[ 	]+vfwadd.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c0865257[ 	]+vfwadd.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ca861257[ 	]+vfwsub.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ca865257[ 	]+vfwsub.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c8861257[ 	]+vfwsub.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c8865257[ 	]+vfwsub.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+d2861257[ 	]+vfwadd.wv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+d2865257[ 	]+vfwadd.wf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+d0861257[ 	]+vfwadd.wv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+d0865257[ 	]+vfwadd.wf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+da861257[ 	]+vfwsub.wv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+da865257[ 	]+vfwsub.wf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+d8861257[ 	]+vfwsub.wv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+d8865257[ 	]+vfwsub.wf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+92861257[ 	]+vfmul.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+92865257[ 	]+vfmul.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+90861257[ 	]+vfmul.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+90865257[ 	]+vfmul.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+82861257[ 	]+vfdiv.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+82865257[ 	]+vfdiv.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+80861257[ 	]+vfdiv.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+80865257[ 	]+vfdiv.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+86865257[ 	]+vfrdiv.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+84865257[ 	]+vfrdiv.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e2861257[ 	]+vfwmul.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e2865257[ 	]+vfwmul.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e0861257[ 	]+vfwmul.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+e0865257[ 	]+vfwmul.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a2861257[ 	]+vfmadd.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a2865257[ 	]+vfmadd.vf[ 	]+v4,fa2,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a6861257[ 	]+vfnmadd.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a6865257[ 	]+vfnmadd.vf[ 	]+v4,fa2,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+aa861257[ 	]+vfmsub.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+aa865257[ 	]+vfmsub.vf[ 	]+v4,fa2,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ae861257[ 	]+vfnmsub.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ae865257[ 	]+vfnmsub.vf[ 	]+v4,fa2,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a0861257[ 	]+vfmadd.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a0865257[ 	]+vfmadd.vf[ 	]+v4,fa2,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a4861257[ 	]+vfnmadd.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a4865257[ 	]+vfnmadd.vf[ 	]+v4,fa2,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a8861257[ 	]+vfmsub.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+a8865257[ 	]+vfmsub.vf[ 	]+v4,fa2,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ac861257[ 	]+vfnmsub.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ac865257[ 	]+vfnmsub.vf[ 	]+v4,fa2,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+b2861257[ 	]+vfmacc.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+b2865257[ 	]+vfmacc.vf[ 	]+v4,fa2,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+b6861257[ 	]+vfnmacc.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+b6865257[ 	]+vfnmacc.vf[ 	]+v4,fa2,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ba861257[ 	]+vfmsac.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ba865257[ 	]+vfmsac.vf[ 	]+v4,fa2,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+be861257[ 	]+vfnmsac.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+be865257[ 	]+vfnmsac.vf[ 	]+v4,fa2,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+b0861257[ 	]+vfmacc.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+b0865257[ 	]+vfmacc.vf[ 	]+v4,fa2,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+b4861257[ 	]+vfnmacc.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+b4865257[ 	]+vfnmacc.vf[ 	]+v4,fa2,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+b8861257[ 	]+vfmsac.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+b8865257[ 	]+vfmsac.vf[ 	]+v4,fa2,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+bc861257[ 	]+vfnmsac.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+bc865257[ 	]+vfnmsac.vf[ 	]+v4,fa2,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+f2861257[ 	]+vfwmacc.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+f2865257[ 	]+vfwmacc.vf[ 	]+v4,fa2,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+f6861257[ 	]+vfwnmacc.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+f6865257[ 	]+vfwnmacc.vf[ 	]+v4,fa2,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+fa861257[ 	]+vfwmsac.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+fa865257[ 	]+vfwmsac.vf[ 	]+v4,fa2,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+fe861257[ 	]+vfwnmsac.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+fe865257[ 	]+vfwnmsac.vf[ 	]+v4,fa2,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+f0861257[ 	]+vfwmacc.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+f0865257[ 	]+vfwmacc.vf[ 	]+v4,fa2,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+f4861257[ 	]+vfwnmacc.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+f4865257[ 	]+vfwnmacc.vf[ 	]+v4,fa2,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+f8861257[ 	]+vfwmsac.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+f8865257[ 	]+vfwmsac.vf[ 	]+v4,fa2,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+fc861257[ 	]+vfwnmsac.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+fc865257[ 	]+vfwnmsac.vf[ 	]+v4,fa2,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4e801257[ 	]+vfsqrt.v[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4c801257[ 	]+vfsqrt.v[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4e821257[ 	]+vfrsqrt7.v[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4c821257[ 	]+vfrsqrt7.v[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4e821257[ 	]+vfrsqrt7.v[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4c821257[ 	]+vfrsqrt7.v[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4e829257[ 	]+vfrec7.v[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4c829257[ 	]+vfrec7.v[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4e829257[ 	]+vfrec7.v[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4c829257[ 	]+vfrec7.v[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4e881257[ 	]+vfclass.v[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4c881257[ 	]+vfclass.v[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+12861257[ 	]+vfmin.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+12865257[ 	]+vfmin.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+1a861257[ 	]+vfmax.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+1a865257[ 	]+vfmax.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+10861257[ 	]+vfmin.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+10865257[ 	]+vfmin.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+18861257[ 	]+vfmax.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+18865257[ 	]+vfmax.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+26841257[ 	]+vfneg.v[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+24841257[ 	]+vfneg.v[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2a841257[ 	]+vfabs.v[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+28841257[ 	]+vfabs.v[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+22861257[ 	]+vfsgnj.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+22865257[ 	]+vfsgnj.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+26861257[ 	]+vfsgnjn.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+26865257[ 	]+vfsgnjn.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2a861257[ 	]+vfsgnjx.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+2a865257[ 	]+vfsgnjx.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+20861257[ 	]+vfsgnj.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+20865257[ 	]+vfsgnj.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+24861257[ 	]+vfsgnjn.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+24865257[ 	]+vfsgnjn.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+28861257[ 	]+vfsgnjx.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+28865257[ 	]+vfsgnjx.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6ec41257[ 	]+vmflt.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+66c41257[ 	]+vmfle.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6cc41257[ 	]+vmflt.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+64c41257[ 	]+vmfle.vv[ 	]+v4,v12,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+62861257[ 	]+vmfeq.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+62865257[ 	]+vmfeq.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+72861257[ 	]+vmfne.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+72865257[ 	]+vmfne.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6e861257[ 	]+vmflt.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6e865257[ 	]+vmflt.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+66861257[ 	]+vmfle.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+66865257[ 	]+vmfle.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+76865257[ 	]+vmfgt.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+7e865257[ 	]+vmfge.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+60861257[ 	]+vmfeq.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+60865257[ 	]+vmfeq.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+70861257[ 	]+vmfne.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+70865257[ 	]+vmfne.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6c861257[ 	]+vmflt.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6c865257[ 	]+vmflt.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+64861257[ 	]+vmfle.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+64865257[ 	]+vmfle.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+74865257[ 	]+vmfgt.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+7c865257[ 	]+vmfge.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+5c865257[ 	]+vfmerge.vfm[ 	]+v4,v8,fa2,v0
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+5e05d257[ 	]+vfmv.v.f[ 	]+v4,fa1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4a801257[ 	]+vfcvt.xu.f.v[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4a809257[ 	]+vfcvt.x.f.v[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4a831257[ 	]+vfcvt.rtz.xu.f.v[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4a839257[ 	]+vfcvt.rtz.x.f.v[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4a811257[ 	]+vfcvt.f.xu.v[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4a819257[ 	]+vfcvt.f.x.v[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+48801257[ 	]+vfcvt.xu.f.v[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+48809257[ 	]+vfcvt.x.f.v[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+48831257[ 	]+vfcvt.rtz.xu.f.v[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+48839257[ 	]+vfcvt.rtz.x.f.v[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+48811257[ 	]+vfcvt.f.xu.v[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+48819257[ 	]+vfcvt.f.x.v[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4a841257[ 	]+vfwcvt.xu.f.v[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4a849257[ 	]+vfwcvt.x.f.v[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4a871257[ 	]+vfwcvt.rtz.xu.f.v[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4a879257[ 	]+vfwcvt.rtz.x.f.v[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4a851257[ 	]+vfwcvt.f.xu.v[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4a859257[ 	]+vfwcvt.f.x.v[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4a861257[ 	]+vfwcvt.f.f.v[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+48841257[ 	]+vfwcvt.xu.f.v[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+48849257[ 	]+vfwcvt.x.f.v[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+48871257[ 	]+vfwcvt.rtz.xu.f.v[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+48879257[ 	]+vfwcvt.rtz.x.f.v[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+48851257[ 	]+vfwcvt.f.xu.v[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+48859257[ 	]+vfwcvt.f.x.v[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+48861257[ 	]+vfwcvt.f.f.v[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4a881257[ 	]+vfncvt.xu.f.w[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4a889257[ 	]+vfncvt.x.f.w[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4a8b1257[ 	]+vfncvt.rtz.xu.f.w[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4a8b9257[ 	]+vfncvt.rtz.x.f.w[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4a891257[ 	]+vfncvt.f.xu.w[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4a899257[ 	]+vfncvt.f.x.w[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4a8a1257[ 	]+vfncvt.f.f.w[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4a8a9257[ 	]+vfncvt.rod.f.f.w[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+48881257[ 	]+vfncvt.xu.f.w[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+48889257[ 	]+vfncvt.x.f.w[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+488b1257[ 	]+vfncvt.rtz.xu.f.w[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+488b9257[ 	]+vfncvt.rtz.x.f.w[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+48891257[ 	]+vfncvt.f.xu.w[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+48899257[ 	]+vfncvt.f.x.w[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+488a1257[ 	]+vfncvt.f.f.w[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+488a9257[ 	]+vfncvt.rod.f.f.w[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02862257[ 	]+vredsum.vs[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+1a842257[ 	]+vredmaxu.vs[ 	]+v4,v8,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+1e842257[ 	]+vredmax.vs[ 	]+v4,v8,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+12842257[ 	]+vredminu.vs[ 	]+v4,v8,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+16842257[ 	]+vredmin.vs[ 	]+v4,v8,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+06862257[ 	]+vredand.vs[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0a862257[ 	]+vredor.vs[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0e862257[ 	]+vredxor.vs[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+00862257[ 	]+vredsum.vs[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+18842257[ 	]+vredmaxu.vs[ 	]+v4,v8,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+1c842257[ 	]+vredmax.vs[ 	]+v4,v8,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+10842257[ 	]+vredminu.vs[ 	]+v4,v8,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+14842257[ 	]+vredmin.vs[ 	]+v4,v8,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+04862257[ 	]+vredand.vs[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+08862257[ 	]+vredor.vs[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0c862257[ 	]+vredxor.vs[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c2860257[ 	]+vwredsumu.vs[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c6860257[ 	]+vwredsum.vs[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c0860257[ 	]+vwredsumu.vs[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c4860257[ 	]+vwredsum.vs[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0e861257[ 	]+vfredosum.vs[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+06861257[ 	]+vfredusum.vs[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+1e861257[ 	]+vfredmax.vs[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+16861257[ 	]+vfredmin.vs[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+0c861257[ 	]+vfredosum.vs[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+04861257[ 	]+vfredusum.vs[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+1c861257[ 	]+vfredmax.vs[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+14861257[ 	]+vfredmin.vs[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ce861257[ 	]+vfwredosum.vs[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c6861257[ 	]+vfwredusum.vs[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+cc861257[ 	]+vfwredosum.vs[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c4861257[ 	]+vfwredusum.vs[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+66842257[ 	]+vmmv.m[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+66842257[ 	]+vmmv.m[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6e422257[ 	]+vmclr.m[ 	]+v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+7e422257[ 	]+vmset.m[ 	]+v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+76842257[ 	]+vmnot.m[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+66862257[ 	]+vmand.mm[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+76862257[ 	]+vmnand.mm[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+62862257[ 	]+vmandnot.mm[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6e862257[ 	]+vmxor.mm[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+6a862257[ 	]+vmor.mm[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+7a862257[ 	]+vmnor.mm[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+72862257[ 	]+vmornot.mm[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+7e862257[ 	]+vmxnor.mm[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+42c82557[ 	]+vpopc.m[ 	]+a0,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+42c8a557[ 	]+vfirst.m[ 	]+a0,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+5280a257[ 	]+vmsbf.m[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+5281a257[ 	]+vmsif.m[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+52812257[ 	]+vmsof.m[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+52882257[ 	]+viota.m[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+5208a257[ 	]+vid.v[ 	]+v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+40c82557[ 	]+vpopc.m[ 	]+a0,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+40c8a557[ 	]+vfirst.m[ 	]+a0,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+5080a257[ 	]+vmsbf.m[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+5081a257[ 	]+vmsif.m[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+50812257[ 	]+vmsof.m[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+50882257[ 	]+viota.m[ 	]+v4,v8,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+5008a257[ 	]+vid.v[ 	]+v4,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+42c02557[ 	]+vmv.x.s[ 	]+a0,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+42056257[ 	]+vmv.s.x[ 	]+v4,a0
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+42801557[ 	]+vfmv.f.s[ 	]+fa0,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+4205d257[ 	]+vfmv.s.f[ 	]+v4,fa1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+3a85c257[ 	]+vslideup.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+3a803257[ 	]+vslideup.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,0
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+3a8fb257[ 	]+vslideup.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,31
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+3e85c257[ 	]+vslidedown.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+3e803257[ 	]+vslidedown.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,0
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+3e8fb257[ 	]+vslidedown.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,31
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+3885c257[ 	]+vslideup.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+38803257[ 	]+vslideup.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,0,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+388fb257[ 	]+vslideup.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,31,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+3c85c257[ 	]+vslidedown.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+3c803257[ 	]+vslidedown.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,0,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+3c8fb257[ 	]+vslidedown.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,31,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+3a85e257[ 	]+vslide1up.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+3e85e257[ 	]+vslide1down.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+3885e257[ 	]+vslide1up.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+3c85e257[ 	]+vslide1down.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+3a85d257[ 	]+vfslide1up.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+3e85d257[ 	]+vfslide1down.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+3885d257[ 	]+vfslide1up.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+3c85d257[ 	]+vfslide1down.vf[ 	]+v4,v8,fa1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+32860257[ 	]+vrgather.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+3285c257[ 	]+vrgather.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+32803257[ 	]+vrgather.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,0
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+328fb257[ 	]+vrgather.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,31
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+30860257[ 	]+vrgather.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+3085c257[ 	]+vrgather.vx[ 	]+v4,v8,a1,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+30803257[ 	]+vrgather.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,0,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+308fb257[ 	]+vrgather.vi[ 	]+v4,v8,31,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+3a860257[ 	]+vrgatherei16.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+38860257[ 	]+vrgatherei16.vv[ 	]+v4,v8,v12,v0.t
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+5e862257[ 	]+vcompress.vm[ 	]+v4,v8,v12
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+9e2030d7[ 	]+vmv1r.v[ 	]+v1,v2
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+9e40b157[ 	]+vmv2r.v[ 	]+v2,v4
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+9e81b257[ 	]+vmv4r.v[ 	]+v4,v8
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+9e83b057[ 	]+vmv8r.v[ 	]+v0,v8
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns.s b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns.s
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000..380e0441c9
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns.s
+@@ -0,0 +1,2185 @@
++	vsetvl a0, a1, a2
++	vsetvli a0, a1, 0
++	vsetvli a0, a1, 0x7ff
++	vsetvli a0, a1, e16, m2
++	vsetvli a0, a1, e256, m8
++	vsetvli a0, a1, e512, m8
++	vsetvli a0, a1, e1024, m8
++	vsetvli a0, a1, e1024, m1
++	vsetvli a0, a1, e1024, mf2
++	vsetvli a0, a1, e512, mf4
++	vsetvli a0, a1, e256, mf8
++	vsetvli a0, a1, e256, m2, ta
++	vsetvli a0, a1, e256, m2, ma
++	vsetvli a0, a1, e256, m2, tu
++	vsetvli a0, a1, e256, m2, mu
++	vsetvli a0, a1, e256, m2, ta, ma
++	vsetvli a0, a1, e256, m2, tu, ma
++	vsetvli a0, a1, e256, m2, ta, mu
++	vsetvli a0, a1, e256, m2, tu, mu
++	vsetivli a0, 0xb, 0
++	vsetivli a0, 0xb, 0x3ff
++	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e16, m2
++	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e256, m8
++	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e512, m8
++	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e1024, m8
++	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e1024, m1
++	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e1024, mf2
++	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e512, mf4
++	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e256, mf8
++	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e256, m2, ta
++	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e256, m2, ma
++	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e256, m2, tu
++	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e256, m2, mu
++	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e256, m2, ta, ma
++	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e256, m2, tu, ma
++	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e256, m2, ta, mu
++	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e256, m2, tu, mu
++	vle1.v v4, (a0)
++	vle1.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vse1.v v4, (a0)
++	vse1.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vle8.v v4, (a0)
++	vle8.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vle8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vse8.v v4, (a0)
++	vse8.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vse8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vle16.v v4, (a0)
++	vle16.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vle16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vse16.v v4, (a0)
++	vse16.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vse16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vle32.v v4, (a0)
++	vle32.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vle32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vse32.v v4, (a0)
++	vse32.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vse32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vle64.v v4, (a0)
++	vle64.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vle64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vse64.v v4, (a0)
++	vse64.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vse64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlse8.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlse8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlse8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vsse8.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vsse8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vsse8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlse16.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlse16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlse16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vsse16.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vsse16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vsse16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlse32.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlse32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlse32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vsse32.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vsse32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vsse32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlse64.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlse64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlse64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vsse64.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vsse64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vsse64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vloxei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vle8ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vle8ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vle8ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vle16ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vle16ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vle16ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vle32ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vle32ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vle32ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vle64ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vle64ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vle64ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg2e8.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg2e8.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg2e8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg2e8.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg2e8.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg2e8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg3e8.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg3e8.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg3e8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg3e8.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg3e8.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg3e8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg4e8.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg4e8.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg4e8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg4e8.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg4e8.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg4e8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg5e8.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg5e8.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg5e8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg5e8.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg5e8.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg5e8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg6e8.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg6e8.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg6e8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg6e8.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg6e8.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg6e8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg7e8.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg7e8.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg7e8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg7e8.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg7e8.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg7e8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg8e8.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg8e8.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg8e8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg8e8.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg8e8.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg8e8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg2e16.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg2e16.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg2e16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg2e16.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg2e16.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg2e16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg3e16.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg3e16.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg3e16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg3e16.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg3e16.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg3e16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg4e16.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg4e16.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg4e16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg4e16.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg4e16.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg4e16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg5e16.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg5e16.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg5e16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg5e16.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg5e16.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg5e16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg6e16.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg6e16.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg6e16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg6e16.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg6e16.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg6e16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg7e16.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg7e16.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg7e16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg7e16.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg7e16.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg7e16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg8e16.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg8e16.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg8e16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg8e16.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg8e16.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg8e16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg2e32.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg2e32.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg2e32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg2e32.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg2e32.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg2e32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg3e32.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg3e32.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg3e32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg3e32.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg3e32.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg3e32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg4e32.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg4e32.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg4e32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg4e32.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg4e32.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg4e32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg5e32.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg5e32.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg5e32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg5e32.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg5e32.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg5e32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg6e32.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg6e32.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg6e32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg6e32.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg6e32.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg6e32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg7e32.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg7e32.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg7e32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg7e32.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg7e32.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg7e32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg8e32.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg8e32.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg8e32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg8e32.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg8e32.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg8e32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg2e64.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg2e64.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg2e64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg2e64.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg2e64.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg2e64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg3e64.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg3e64.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg3e64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg3e64.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg3e64.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg3e64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg4e64.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg4e64.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg4e64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg4e64.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg4e64.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg4e64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg5e64.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg5e64.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg5e64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg5e64.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg5e64.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg5e64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg6e64.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg6e64.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg6e64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg6e64.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg6e64.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg6e64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg7e64.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg7e64.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg7e64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg7e64.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg7e64.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg7e64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg8e64.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg8e64.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg8e64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vsseg8e64.v v4, (a0)
++	vsseg8e64.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsseg8e64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlsseg2e8.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg2e8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg2e8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg2e8.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg2e8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg2e8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg3e8.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg3e8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg3e8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg3e8.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg3e8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg3e8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg4e8.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg4e8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg4e8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg4e8.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg4e8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg4e8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg5e8.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg5e8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg5e8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg5e8.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg5e8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg5e8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg6e8.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg6e8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg6e8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg6e8.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg6e8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg6e8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg7e8.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg7e8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg7e8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg7e8.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg7e8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg7e8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg8e8.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg8e8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg8e8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg8e8.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg8e8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg8e8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg2e16.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg2e16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg2e16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg2e16.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg2e16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg2e16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg3e16.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg3e16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg3e16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg3e16.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg3e16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg3e16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg4e16.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg4e16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg4e16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg4e16.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg4e16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg4e16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg5e16.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg5e16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg5e16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg5e16.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg5e16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg5e16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg6e16.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg6e16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg6e16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg6e16.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg6e16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg6e16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg7e16.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg7e16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg7e16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg7e16.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg7e16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg7e16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg8e16.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg8e16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg8e16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg8e16.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg8e16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg8e16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg2e32.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg2e32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg2e32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg2e32.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg2e32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg2e32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg3e32.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg3e32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg3e32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg3e32.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg3e32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg3e32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg4e32.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg4e32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg4e32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg4e32.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg4e32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg4e32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg5e32.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg5e32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg5e32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg5e32.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg5e32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg5e32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg6e32.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg6e32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg6e32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg6e32.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg6e32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg6e32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg7e32.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg7e32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg7e32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg7e32.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg7e32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg7e32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg8e32.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg8e32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg8e32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg8e32.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg8e32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg8e32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg2e64.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg2e64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg2e64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg2e64.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg2e64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg2e64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg3e64.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg3e64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg3e64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg3e64.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg3e64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg3e64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg4e64.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg4e64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg4e64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg4e64.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg4e64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg4e64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg5e64.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg5e64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg5e64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg5e64.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg5e64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg5e64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg6e64.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg6e64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg6e64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg6e64.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg6e64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg6e64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg7e64.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg7e64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg7e64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg7e64.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg7e64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg7e64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vlsseg8e64.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vlsseg8e64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vlsseg8e64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vssseg8e64.v v4, (a0), a1
++	vssseg8e64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
++	vssseg8e64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
++	vloxseg2ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg2ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg2ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg2ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg2ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg2ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg3ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg3ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg3ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg3ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg3ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg3ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg4ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg4ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg4ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg4ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg4ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg4ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg5ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg5ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg5ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg5ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg5ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg5ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg6ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg6ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg6ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg6ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg6ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg6ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg7ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg7ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg7ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg7ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg7ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg7ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg8ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg8ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg8ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg8ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg8ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg8ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg2ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg2ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg2ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg2ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg2ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg2ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg3ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg3ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg3ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg3ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg3ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg3ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg4ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg4ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg4ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg4ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg4ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg4ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg5ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg5ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg5ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg5ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg5ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg5ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg6ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg6ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg6ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg6ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg6ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg6ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg7ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg7ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg7ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg7ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg7ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg7ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg8ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg8ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg8ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg8ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg8ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg8ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg2ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg2ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg2ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg2ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg2ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg2ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg3ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg3ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg3ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg3ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg3ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg3ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg4ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg4ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg4ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg4ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg4ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg4ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg5ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg5ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg5ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg5ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg5ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg5ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg6ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg6ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg6ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg6ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg6ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg6ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg7ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg7ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg7ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg7ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg7ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg7ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg8ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg8ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg8ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg8ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg8ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg8ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg2ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg2ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg2ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg2ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg2ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg2ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg3ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg3ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg3ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg3ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg3ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg3ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg4ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg4ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg4ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg4ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg4ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg4ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg5ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg5ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg5ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg5ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg5ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg5ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg6ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg6ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg6ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg6ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg6ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg6ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg7ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg7ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg7ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg7ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg7ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg7ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vloxseg8ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vloxseg8ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vloxseg8ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsoxseg8ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsoxseg8ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsoxseg8ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg2ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg2ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg2ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg2ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg2ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg2ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg3ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg3ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg3ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg3ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg3ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg3ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg4ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg4ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg4ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg4ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg4ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg4ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg5ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg5ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg5ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg5ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg5ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg5ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg6ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg6ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg6ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg6ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg6ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg6ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg7ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg7ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg7ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg7ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg7ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg7ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg8ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg8ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg8ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg8ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg8ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg8ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg2ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg2ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg2ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg2ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg2ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg2ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg3ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg3ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg3ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg3ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg3ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg3ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg4ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg4ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg4ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg4ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg4ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg4ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg5ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg5ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg5ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg5ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg5ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg5ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg6ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg6ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg6ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg6ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg6ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg6ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg7ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg7ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg7ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg7ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg7ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg7ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg8ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg8ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg8ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg8ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg8ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg8ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg2ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg2ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg2ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg2ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg2ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg2ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg3ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg3ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg3ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg3ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg3ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg3ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg4ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg4ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg4ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg4ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg4ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg4ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg5ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg5ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg5ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg5ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg5ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg5ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg6ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg6ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg6ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg6ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg6ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg6ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg7ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg7ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg7ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg7ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg7ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg7ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg8ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg8ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg8ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg8ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg8ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg8ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg2ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg2ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg2ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg2ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg2ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg2ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg3ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg3ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg3ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg3ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg3ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg3ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg4ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg4ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg4ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg4ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg4ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg4ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg5ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg5ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg5ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg5ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg5ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg5ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg6ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg6ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg6ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg6ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg6ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg6ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg7ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg7ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg7ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg7ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg7ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg7ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vluxseg8ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vluxseg8ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vluxseg8ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vsuxseg8ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
++	vsuxseg8ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
++	vsuxseg8ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
++	vlseg2e8ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg2e8ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg2e8ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg3e8ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg3e8ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg3e8ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg4e8ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg4e8ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg4e8ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg5e8ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg5e8ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg5e8ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg6e8ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg6e8ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg6e8ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg7e8ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg7e8ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg7e8ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg8e8ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg8e8ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg8e8ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg2e16ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg2e16ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg2e16ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg3e16ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg3e16ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg3e16ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg4e16ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg4e16ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg4e16ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg5e16ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg5e16ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg5e16ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg6e16ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg6e16ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg6e16ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg7e16ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg7e16ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg7e16ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg8e16ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg8e16ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg8e16ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg2e32ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg2e32ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg2e32ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg3e32ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg3e32ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg3e32ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg4e32ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg4e32ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg4e32ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg5e32ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg5e32ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg5e32ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg6e32ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg6e32ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg6e32ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg7e32ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg7e32ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg7e32ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg8e32ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg8e32ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg8e32ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg2e64ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg2e64ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg2e64ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg3e64ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg3e64ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg3e64ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg4e64ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg4e64ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg4e64ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg5e64ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg5e64ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg5e64ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg6e64ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg6e64ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg6e64ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg7e64ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg7e64ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg7e64ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vlseg8e64ff.v v4, (a0)
++	vlseg8e64ff.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlseg8e64ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
++	vl1r.v v3, (a0)
++	vl1r.v v3, 0(a0)
++	vl1re8.v v3, (a0)
++	vl1re8.v v3, 0(a0)
++	vl1re16.v v3, (a0)
++	vl1re16.v v3, 0(a0)
++	vl1re32.v v3, (a0)
++	vl1re32.v v3, 0(a0)
++	vl1re64.v v3, (a0)
++	vl1re64.v v3, 0(a0)
++	vl2r.v v2, (a0)
++	vl2r.v v2, 0(a0)
++	vl2re8.v v2, (a0)
++	vl2re8.v v2, 0(a0)
++	vl2re16.v v2, (a0)
++	vl2re16.v v2, 0(a0)
++	vl2re32.v v2, (a0)
++	vl2re32.v v2, 0(a0)
++	vl2re64.v v2, (a0)
++	vl2re64.v v2, 0(a0)
++	vl4r.v v4, (a0)
++	vl4r.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vl4re8.v v4, (a0)
++	vl4re8.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vl4re16.v v4, (a0)
++	vl4re16.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vl4re32.v v4, (a0)
++	vl4re32.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vl4re64.v v4, (a0)
++	vl4re64.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vl8r.v v8, (a0)
++	vl8r.v v8, 0(a0)
++	vl8re8.v v8, (a0)
++	vl8re8.v v8, 0(a0)
++	vl8re16.v v8, (a0)
++	vl8re16.v v8, 0(a0)
++	vl8re32.v v8, (a0)
++	vl8re32.v v8, 0(a0)
++	vl8re64.v v8, (a0)
++	vl8re64.v v8, 0(a0)
++	vs1r.v v3, (a1)
++	vs1r.v v3, 0(a1)
++	vs2r.v v2, (a1)
++	vs2r.v v2, 0(a1)
++	vs4r.v v4, (a1)
++	vs4r.v v4, 0(a1)
++	vs8r.v v8, (a1)
++	vs8r.v v8, 0(a1)
++	vamoaddei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoaddei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoaddei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoaddei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoswapei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoswapei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoswapei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoswapei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoxorei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoxorei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoxorei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoxorei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoandei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoandei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoandei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoandei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoorei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoorei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoorei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoorei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamominei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamominei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominuei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamominuei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamominuei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominuei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxuei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxuei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxuei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxuei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoaddei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoaddei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoaddei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoaddei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoswapei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoswapei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoswapei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoswapei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoxorei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoxorei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoxorei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoxorei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoandei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoandei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoandei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoandei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoorei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoorei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoorei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoorei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamominei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamominei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominuei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamominuei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamominuei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominuei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxuei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxuei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxuei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxuei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoaddei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoaddei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoaddei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoaddei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoswapei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoswapei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoswapei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoswapei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoxorei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoxorei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoxorei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoxorei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoandei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoandei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoandei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoandei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoorei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoorei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoorei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoorei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamominei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamominei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominuei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamominuei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamominuei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominuei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxuei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxuei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxuei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxuei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoaddei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoaddei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoaddei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoaddei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoswapei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoswapei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoswapei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoswapei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoxorei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoxorei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoxorei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoxorei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoandei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoandei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoandei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoandei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoorei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoorei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoorei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoorei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamominei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamominei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominuei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamominuei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamominuei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominuei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxuei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxuei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxuei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxuei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoaddei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoaddei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoaddei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoaddei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoswapei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoswapei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoswapei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoswapei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoxorei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoxorei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoxorei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoxorei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoandei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoandei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoandei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoandei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoorei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoorei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoorei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoorei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamominei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamominei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominuei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamominuei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamominuei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominuei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxuei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxuei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxuei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxuei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoaddei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoaddei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoaddei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoaddei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoswapei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoswapei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoswapei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoswapei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoxorei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoxorei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoxorei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoxorei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoandei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoandei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoandei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoandei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoorei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoorei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoorei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoorei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamominei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamominei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominuei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamominuei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamominuei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominuei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxuei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxuei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxuei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxuei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoaddei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoaddei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoaddei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoaddei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoswapei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoswapei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoswapei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoswapei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoxorei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoxorei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoxorei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoxorei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoandei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoandei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoandei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoandei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoorei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoorei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamoorei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoorei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamominei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamominei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominuei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamominuei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamominuei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominuei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxuei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxuei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxuei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxuei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoaddei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoaddei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoaddei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoaddei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoswapei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoswapei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoswapei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoswapei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoxorei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoxorei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoxorei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoxorei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoandei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoandei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoandei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoandei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoorei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoorei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamoorei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamoorei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamominei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamominei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominuei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamominuei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamominuei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamominuei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxuei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxuei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
++	vamomaxuei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vamomaxuei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
++	vneg.v v4, v8
++	vneg.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vadd.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vadd.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vadd.vi v4, v8, 15
++	vadd.vi v4, v8, -16
++	vadd.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vadd.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vadd.vi v4, v8, 15, v0.t
++	vadd.vi v4, v8, -16, v0.t
++	vsub.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vsub.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vrsub.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vrsub.vi v4, v8, 15
++	vrsub.vi v4, v8, -16
++	vsub.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vsub.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vrsub.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vrsub.vi v4, v8, 15, v0.t
++	vrsub.vi v4, v8, -16, v0.t
++	# Aliases
++	vwcvt.x.x.v v4, v8
++	vwcvtu.x.x.v v4, v8
++	vwcvt.x.x.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vwcvtu.x.x.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vwaddu.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vwaddu.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vwaddu.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vwaddu.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vwsubu.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vwsubu.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vwsubu.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vwsubu.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vwadd.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vwadd.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vwadd.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vwadd.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vwsub.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vwsub.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vwsub.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vwsub.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vwaddu.wv v4, v8, v12
++	vwaddu.wx v4, v8, a1
++	vwaddu.wv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vwaddu.wx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vwsubu.wv v4, v8, v12
++	vwsubu.wx v4, v8, a1
++	vwsubu.wv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vwsubu.wx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vwadd.wv v4, v8, v12
++	vwadd.wx v4, v8, a1
++	vwadd.wv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vwadd.wx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vwsub.wv v4, v8, v12
++	vwsub.wx v4, v8, a1
++	vwsub.wv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vwsub.wx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vzext.vf2 v4, v8
++	vzext.vf2 v4, v8, v0.t
++	vsext.vf2 v4, v8
++	vsext.vf2 v4, v8, v0.t
++	vzext.vf4 v4, v8
++	vzext.vf4 v4, v8, v0.t
++	vsext.vf4 v4, v8
++	vsext.vf4 v4, v8, v0.t
++	vzext.vf8 v4, v8
++	vzext.vf8 v4, v8, v0.t
++	vsext.vf8 v4, v8
++	vsext.vf8 v4, v8, v0.t
++	vadc.vvm v4, v8, v12, v0
++	vadc.vxm v4, v8, a1, v0
++	vadc.vim v4, v8, 15, v0
++	vadc.vim v4, v8, -16, v0
++	vmadc.vvm v4, v8, v12, v0
++	vmadc.vxm v4, v8, a1, v0
++	vmadc.vim v4, v8, 15, v0
++	vmadc.vim v4, v8, -16, v0
++	vmadc.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vmadc.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vmadc.vi v4, v8, 15
++	vmadc.vi v4, v8, -16
++	vsbc.vvm v4, v8, v12, v0
++	vsbc.vxm v4, v8, a1, v0
++	vmsbc.vvm v4, v8, v12, v0
++	vmsbc.vxm v4, v8, a1, v0
++	vmsbc.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vmsbc.vx v4, v8, a1
++	# Aliases
++	vnot.v v4, v8
++	vnot.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vand.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vand.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vand.vi v4, v8, 15
++	vand.vi v4, v8, -16
++	vand.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vand.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vand.vi v4, v8, 15, v0.t
++	vand.vi v4, v8, -16, v0.t
++	vor.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vor.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vor.vi v4, v8, 15
++	vor.vi v4, v8, -16
++	vor.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vor.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vor.vi v4, v8, 15, v0.t
++	vor.vi v4, v8, -16, v0.t
++	vxor.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vxor.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vxor.vi v4, v8, 15
++	vxor.vi v4, v8, -16
++	vxor.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vxor.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vxor.vi v4, v8, 15, v0.t
++	vxor.vi v4, v8, -16, v0.t
++	vsll.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vsll.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vsll.vi v4, v8, 1
++	vsll.vi v4, v8, 31
++	vsll.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vsll.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vsll.vi v4, v8, 1, v0.t
++	vsll.vi v4, v8, 31, v0.t
++	vsrl.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vsrl.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vsrl.vi v4, v8, 1
++	vsrl.vi v4, v8, 31
++	vsrl.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vsrl.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vsrl.vi v4, v8, 1, v0.t
++	vsrl.vi v4, v8, 31, v0.t
++	vsra.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vsra.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vsra.vi v4, v8, 1
++	vsra.vi v4, v8, 31
++	vsra.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vsra.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vsra.vi v4, v8, 1, v0.t
++	vsra.vi v4, v8, 31, v0.t
++	# Aliases
++	vncvt.x.x.w v4, v8
++	vncvt.x.x.w v4, v8, v0.t
++	vnsrl.wv v4, v8, v12
++	vnsrl.wx v4, v8, a1
++	vnsrl.wi v4, v8, 1
++	vnsrl.wi v4, v8, 31
++	vnsrl.wv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vnsrl.wx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vnsrl.wi v4, v8, 1, v0.t
++	vnsrl.wi v4, v8, 31, v0.t
++	vnsra.wv v4, v8, v12
++	vnsra.wx v4, v8, a1
++	vnsra.wi v4, v8, 1
++	vnsra.wi v4, v8, 31
++	vnsra.wv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vnsra.wx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vnsra.wi v4, v8, 1, v0.t
++	vnsra.wi v4, v8, 31, v0.t
++	# Aliases
++	vmsgt.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vmsgtu.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vmsge.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vmsgeu.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vmsgt.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vmsgtu.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vmsge.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vmsgeu.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vmslt.vi v4, v8, 16
++	vmslt.vi v4, v8, -15
++	vmsltu.vi v4, v8, 16
++	vmsltu.vi v4, v8, -15
++	vmsge.vi v4, v8, 16
++	vmsge.vi v4, v8, -15
++	vmsgeu.vi v4, v8, 16
++	vmsgeu.vi v4, v8, -15
++	vmslt.vi v4, v8, 16, v0.t
++	vmslt.vi v4, v8, -15, v0.t
++	vmsltu.vi v4, v8, 16, v0.t
++	vmsltu.vi v4, v8, -15, v0.t
++	vmsge.vi v4, v8, 16, v0.t
++	vmsge.vi v4, v8, -15, v0.t
++	vmsgeu.vi v4, v8, 16, v0.t
++	vmsgeu.vi v4, v8, -15, v0.t
++	vmseq.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vmseq.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vmseq.vi v4, v8, 15
++	vmseq.vi v4, v8, -16
++	vmseq.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vmseq.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vmseq.vi v4, v8, 15, v0.t
++	vmseq.vi v4, v8, -16, v0.t
++	vmsne.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vmsne.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vmsne.vi v4, v8, 15
++	vmsne.vi v4, v8, -16
++	vmsne.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vmsne.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vmsne.vi v4, v8, 15, v0.t
++	vmsne.vi v4, v8, -16, v0.t
++	vmsltu.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vmsltu.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vmsltu.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vmsltu.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vmslt.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vmslt.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vmslt.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vmslt.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vmsleu.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vmsleu.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vmsleu.vi v4, v8, 15
++	vmsleu.vi v4, v8, -16
++	vmsleu.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vmsleu.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vmsleu.vi v4, v8, 15, v0.t
++	vmsleu.vi v4, v8, -16, v0.t
++	vmsle.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vmsle.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vmsle.vi v4, v8, 15
++	vmsle.vi v4, v8, -16
++	vmsle.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vmsle.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vmsle.vi v4, v8, 15, v0.t
++	vmsle.vi v4, v8, -16, v0.t
++	vmsgtu.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vmsgtu.vi v4, v8, 15
++	vmsgtu.vi v4, v8, -16
++	vmsgtu.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vmsgtu.vi v4, v8, 15, v0.t
++	vmsgtu.vi v4, v8, -16, v0.t
++	vmsgt.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vmsgt.vi v4, v8, 15
++	vmsgt.vi v4, v8, -16
++	vmsgt.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vmsgt.vi v4, v8, 15, v0.t
++	vmsgt.vi v4, v8, -16, v0.t
++	vminu.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vminu.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vminu.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vminu.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vmin.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vmin.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vmin.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vmin.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vmaxu.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vmaxu.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vmaxu.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vmaxu.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vmax.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vmax.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vmax.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vmax.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vmul.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vmul.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vmul.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vmul.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vmulh.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vmulh.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vmulh.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vmulh.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vmulhu.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vmulhu.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vmulhu.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vmulhu.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vmulhsu.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vmulhsu.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vmulhsu.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vmulhsu.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vwmul.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vwmul.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vwmul.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vwmul.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vwmulu.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vwmulu.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vwmulu.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vwmulu.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vwmulsu.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vwmulsu.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vwmulsu.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vwmulsu.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vmacc.vv v4, v12, v8
++	vmacc.vx v4, a1, v8
++	vmacc.vv v4, v12, v8, v0.t
++	vmacc.vx v4, a1, v8, v0.t
++	vnmsac.vv v4, v12, v8
++	vnmsac.vx v4, a1, v8
++	vnmsac.vv v4, v12, v8, v0.t
++	vnmsac.vx v4, a1, v8, v0.t
++	vmadd.vv v4, v12, v8
++	vmadd.vx v4, a1, v8
++	vmadd.vv v4, v12, v8, v0.t
++	vmadd.vx v4, a1, v8, v0.t
++	vnmsub.vv v4, v12, v8
++	vnmsub.vx v4, a1, v8
++	vnmsub.vv v4, v12, v8, v0.t
++	vnmsub.vx v4, a1, v8, v0.t
++	vwmaccu.vv v4, v12, v8
++	vwmaccu.vx v4, a1, v8
++	vwmaccu.vv v4, v12, v8, v0.t
++	vwmaccu.vx v4, a1, v8, v0.t
++	vwmacc.vv v4, v12, v8
++	vwmacc.vx v4, a1, v8
++	vwmacc.vv v4, v12, v8, v0.t
++	vwmacc.vx v4, a1, v8, v0.t
++	vwmaccsu.vv v4, v12, v8
++	vwmaccsu.vx v4, a1, v8
++	vwmaccsu.vv v4, v12, v8, v0.t
++	vwmaccsu.vx v4, a1, v8, v0.t
++	vwmaccus.vx v4, a1, v8
++	vwmaccus.vx v4, a1, v8, v0.t
++	vdivu.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vdivu.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vdivu.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vdivu.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vdiv.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vdiv.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vdiv.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vdiv.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vremu.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vremu.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vremu.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vremu.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vrem.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vrem.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vrem.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vrem.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vmerge.vvm v4, v8, v12, v0
++	vmerge.vxm v4, v8, a1, v0
++	vmerge.vim v4, v8, 15, v0
++	vmerge.vim v4, v8, -16, v0
++	vmv.v.v v8, v12
++	vmv.v.x v8, a1
++	vmv.v.i v8, 15
++	vmv.v.i v8, -16
++	vsaddu.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vsaddu.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vsaddu.vi v4, v8, 15
++	vsaddu.vi v4, v8, -16
++	vsaddu.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vsaddu.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vsaddu.vi v4, v8, 15, v0.t
++	vsaddu.vi v4, v8, -16, v0.t
++	vsadd.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vsadd.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vsadd.vi v4, v8, 15
++	vsadd.vi v4, v8, -16
++	vsadd.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vsadd.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vsadd.vi v4, v8, 15, v0.t
++	vsadd.vi v4, v8, -16, v0.t
++	vssubu.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vssubu.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vssubu.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vssubu.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vssub.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vssub.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vssub.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vssub.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vaaddu.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vaaddu.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vaaddu.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vaaddu.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vaadd.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vaadd.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vaadd.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vaadd.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vasubu.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vasubu.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vasubu.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vasubu.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vasub.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vasub.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vasub.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vasub.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vsmul.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vsmul.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vsmul.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vsmul.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vssrl.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vssrl.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vssrl.vi v4, v8, 1
++	vssrl.vi v4, v8, 31
++	vssrl.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vssrl.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vssrl.vi v4, v8, 1, v0.t
++	vssrl.vi v4, v8, 31, v0.t
++	vssra.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vssra.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vssra.vi v4, v8, 1
++	vssra.vi v4, v8, 31
++	vssra.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vssra.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vssra.vi v4, v8, 1, v0.t
++	vssra.vi v4, v8, 31, v0.t
++	vnclipu.wv v4, v8, v12
++	vnclipu.wx v4, v8, a1
++	vnclipu.wi v4, v8, 1
++	vnclipu.wi v4, v8, 31
++	vnclipu.wv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vnclipu.wx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vnclipu.wi v4, v8, 1, v0.t
++	vnclipu.wi v4, v8, 31, v0.t
++	vnclip.wv v4, v8, v12
++	vnclip.wx v4, v8, a1
++	vnclip.wi v4, v8, 1
++	vnclip.wi v4, v8, 31
++	vnclip.wv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vnclip.wx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vnclip.wi v4, v8, 1, v0.t
++	vnclip.wi v4, v8, 31, v0.t
++	vfadd.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vfadd.vf v4, v8, fa2
++	vfadd.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vfadd.vf v4, v8, fa2, v0.t
++	vfsub.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vfsub.vf v4, v8, fa2
++	vfsub.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vfsub.vf v4, v8, fa2, v0.t
++	vfrsub.vf v4, v8, fa2
++	vfrsub.vf v4, v8, fa2, v0.t
++	vfwadd.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vfwadd.vf v4, v8, fa2
++	vfwadd.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vfwadd.vf v4, v8, fa2, v0.t
++	vfwsub.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vfwsub.vf v4, v8, fa2
++	vfwsub.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vfwsub.vf v4, v8, fa2, v0.t
++	vfwadd.wv v4, v8, v12
++	vfwadd.wf v4, v8, fa2
++	vfwadd.wv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vfwadd.wf v4, v8, fa2, v0.t
++	vfwsub.wv v4, v8, v12
++	vfwsub.wf v4, v8, fa2
++	vfwsub.wv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vfwsub.wf v4, v8, fa2, v0.t
++	vfmul.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vfmul.vf v4, v8, fa2
++	vfmul.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vfmul.vf v4, v8, fa2, v0.t
++	vfdiv.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vfdiv.vf v4, v8, fa2
++	vfdiv.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vfdiv.vf v4, v8, fa2, v0.t
++	vfrdiv.vf v4, v8, fa2
++	vfrdiv.vf v4, v8, fa2, v0.t
++	vfwmul.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vfwmul.vf v4, v8, fa2
++	vfwmul.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vfwmul.vf v4, v8, fa2, v0.t
++	vfmadd.vv v4, v12, v8
++	vfmadd.vf v4, fa2, v8
++	vfnmadd.vv v4, v12, v8
++	vfnmadd.vf v4, fa2, v8
++	vfmsub.vv v4, v12, v8
++	vfmsub.vf v4, fa2, v8
++	vfnmsub.vv v4, v12, v8
++	vfnmsub.vf v4, fa2, v8
++	vfmadd.vv v4, v12, v8, v0.t
++	vfmadd.vf v4, fa2, v8, v0.t
++	vfnmadd.vv v4, v12, v8, v0.t
++	vfnmadd.vf v4, fa2, v8, v0.t
++	vfmsub.vv v4, v12, v8, v0.t
++	vfmsub.vf v4, fa2, v8, v0.t
++	vfnmsub.vv v4, v12, v8, v0.t
++	vfnmsub.vf v4, fa2, v8, v0.t
++	vfmacc.vv v4, v12, v8
++	vfmacc.vf v4, fa2, v8
++	vfnmacc.vv v4, v12, v8
++	vfnmacc.vf v4, fa2, v8
++	vfmsac.vv v4, v12, v8
++	vfmsac.vf v4, fa2, v8
++	vfnmsac.vv v4, v12, v8
++	vfnmsac.vf v4, fa2, v8
++	vfmacc.vv v4, v12, v8, v0.t
++	vfmacc.vf v4, fa2, v8, v0.t
++	vfnmacc.vv v4, v12, v8, v0.t
++	vfnmacc.vf v4, fa2, v8, v0.t
++	vfmsac.vv v4, v12, v8, v0.t
++	vfmsac.vf v4, fa2, v8, v0.t
++	vfnmsac.vv v4, v12, v8, v0.t
++	vfnmsac.vf v4, fa2, v8, v0.t
++	vfwmacc.vv v4, v12, v8
++	vfwmacc.vf v4, fa2, v8
++	vfwnmacc.vv v4, v12, v8
++	vfwnmacc.vf v4, fa2, v8
++	vfwmsac.vv v4, v12, v8
++	vfwmsac.vf v4, fa2, v8
++	vfwnmsac.vv v4, v12, v8
++	vfwnmsac.vf v4, fa2, v8
++	vfwmacc.vv v4, v12, v8, v0.t
++	vfwmacc.vf v4, fa2, v8, v0.t
++	vfwnmacc.vv v4, v12, v8, v0.t
++	vfwnmacc.vf v4, fa2, v8, v0.t
++	vfwmsac.vv v4, v12, v8, v0.t
++	vfwmsac.vf v4, fa2, v8, v0.t
++	vfwnmsac.vv v4, v12, v8, v0.t
++	vfwnmsac.vf v4, fa2, v8, v0.t
++	vfsqrt.v v4, v8
++	vfsqrt.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfrsqrte7.v v4, v8
++	vfrsqrte7.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfrsqrt7.v v4, v8
++	vfrsqrt7.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfrece7.v v4, v8
++	vfrece7.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfrec7.v v4, v8
++	vfrec7.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfclass.v v4, v8
++	vfclass.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfmin.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vfmin.vf v4, v8, fa2
++	vfmax.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vfmax.vf v4, v8, fa2
++	vfmin.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vfmin.vf v4, v8, fa2, v0.t
++	vfmax.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vfmax.vf v4, v8, fa2, v0.t
++	vfneg.v v4, v8
++	vfneg.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfabs.v v4, v8
++	vfabs.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfsgnj.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vfsgnj.vf v4, v8, fa2
++	vfsgnjn.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vfsgnjn.vf v4, v8, fa2
++	vfsgnjx.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vfsgnjx.vf v4, v8, fa2
++	vfsgnj.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vfsgnj.vf v4, v8, fa2, v0.t
++	vfsgnjn.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vfsgnjn.vf v4, v8, fa2, v0.t
++	vfsgnjx.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vfsgnjx.vf v4, v8, fa2, v0.t
++	# Aliases
++	vmfgt.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vmfge.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vmfgt.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vmfge.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vmfeq.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vmfeq.vf v4, v8, fa2
++	vmfne.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vmfne.vf v4, v8, fa2
++	vmflt.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vmflt.vf v4, v8, fa2
++	vmfle.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vmfle.vf v4, v8, fa2
++	vmfgt.vf v4, v8, fa2
++	vmfge.vf v4, v8, fa2
++	vmfeq.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vmfeq.vf v4, v8, fa2, v0.t
++	vmfne.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vmfne.vf v4, v8, fa2, v0.t
++	vmflt.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vmflt.vf v4, v8, fa2, v0.t
++	vmfle.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vmfle.vf v4, v8, fa2, v0.t
++	vmfgt.vf v4, v8, fa2, v0.t
++	vmfge.vf v4, v8, fa2, v0.t
++	vfmerge.vfm v4, v8, fa2, v0
++	vfmv.v.f v4, fa1
++	vfcvt.xu.f.v v4, v8
++	vfcvt.x.f.v v4, v8
++	vfcvt.rtz.xu.f.v v4, v8
++	vfcvt.rtz.x.f.v v4, v8
++	vfcvt.f.xu.v v4, v8
++	vfcvt.f.x.v v4, v8
++	vfcvt.xu.f.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfcvt.x.f.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfcvt.rtz.xu.f.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfcvt.rtz.x.f.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfcvt.f.xu.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfcvt.f.x.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfwcvt.xu.f.v v4, v8
++	vfwcvt.x.f.v v4, v8
++	vfwcvt.rtz.xu.f.v v4, v8
++	vfwcvt.rtz.x.f.v v4, v8
++	vfwcvt.f.xu.v v4, v8
++	vfwcvt.f.x.v v4, v8
++	vfwcvt.f.f.v v4, v8
++	vfwcvt.xu.f.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfwcvt.x.f.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfwcvt.rtz.xu.f.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfwcvt.rtz.x.f.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfwcvt.f.xu.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfwcvt.f.x.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfwcvt.f.f.v v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfncvt.xu.f.w v4, v8
++	vfncvt.x.f.w v4, v8
++	vfncvt.rtz.xu.f.w v4, v8
++	vfncvt.rtz.x.f.w v4, v8
++	vfncvt.f.xu.w v4, v8
++	vfncvt.f.x.w v4, v8
++	vfncvt.f.f.w v4, v8
++	vfncvt.rod.f.f.w v4, v8
++	vfncvt.xu.f.w v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfncvt.x.f.w v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfncvt.rtz.xu.f.w v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfncvt.rtz.x.f.w v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfncvt.f.xu.w v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfncvt.f.x.w v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfncvt.f.f.w v4, v8, v0.t
++	vfncvt.rod.f.f.w v4, v8, v0.t
++	vredsum.vs v4, v8, v12
++	vredmaxu.vs v4, v8, v8
++	vredmax.vs v4, v8, v8
++	vredminu.vs v4, v8, v8
++	vredmin.vs v4, v8, v8
++	vredand.vs v4, v8, v12
++	vredor.vs v4, v8, v12
++	vredxor.vs v4, v8, v12
++	vredsum.vs v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vredmaxu.vs v4, v8, v8, v0.t
++	vredmax.vs v4, v8, v8, v0.t
++	vredminu.vs v4, v8, v8, v0.t
++	vredmin.vs v4, v8, v8, v0.t
++	vredand.vs v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vredor.vs v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vredxor.vs v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vwredsumu.vs v4, v8, v12
++	vwredsum.vs v4, v8, v12
++	vwredsumu.vs v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vwredsum.vs v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vfredosum.vs v4, v8, v12
++	vfredsum.vs v4, v8, v12
++	vfredmax.vs v4, v8, v12
++	vfredmin.vs v4, v8, v12
++	vfredosum.vs v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vfredsum.vs v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vfredmax.vs v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vfredmin.vs v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vfwredosum.vs v4, v8, v12
++	vfwredsum.vs v4, v8, v12
++	vfwredosum.vs v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vfwredsum.vs v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	# Aliases
++	vmcpy.m v4, v8
++	vmmv.m v4, v8
++	vmclr.m v4
++	vmset.m v4
++	vmnot.m v4, v8
++	vmand.mm v4, v8, v12
++	vmnand.mm v4, v8, v12
++	vmandnot.mm v4, v8, v12
++	vmxor.mm v4, v8, v12
++	vmor.mm v4, v8, v12
++	vmnor.mm v4, v8, v12
++	vmornot.mm v4, v8, v12
++	vmxnor.mm v4, v8, v12
++	vpopc.m a0, v12
++	vfirst.m a0, v12
++	vmsbf.m v4, v8
++	vmsif.m v4, v8
++	vmsof.m v4, v8
++	viota.m v4, v8
++	vid.v v4
++	vpopc.m a0, v12, v0.t
++	vfirst.m a0, v12, v0.t
++	vmsbf.m v4, v8, v0.t
++	vmsif.m v4, v8, v0.t
++	vmsof.m v4, v8, v0.t
++	viota.m v4, v8, v0.t
++	vid.v v4, v0.t
++	vmv.x.s a0, v12
++	vmv.s.x v4, a0
++	vfmv.f.s fa0, v8
++	vfmv.s.f v4, fa1
++	vslideup.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vslideup.vi v4, v8, 0
++	vslideup.vi v4, v8, 31
++	vslidedown.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vslidedown.vi v4, v8, 0
++	vslidedown.vi v4, v8, 31
++	vslideup.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vslideup.vi v4, v8, 0, v0.t
++	vslideup.vi v4, v8, 31, v0.t
++	vslidedown.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vslidedown.vi v4, v8, 0, v0.t
++	vslidedown.vi v4, v8, 31, v0.t
++	vslide1up.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vslide1down.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vslide1up.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vslide1down.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vfslide1up.vf v4, v8, fa1
++	vfslide1down.vf v4, v8, fa1
++	vfslide1up.vf v4, v8, fa1, v0.t
++	vfslide1down.vf v4, v8, fa1, v0.t
++	vrgather.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vrgather.vx v4, v8, a1
++	vrgather.vi v4, v8, 0
++	vrgather.vi v4, v8, 31
++	vrgather.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vrgather.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
++	vrgather.vi v4, v8, 0, v0.t
++	vrgather.vi v4, v8, 31, v0.t
++	vrgatherei16.vv v4, v8, v12
++	vrgatherei16.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
++	vcompress.vm v4, v8, v12
++	vmv1r.v v1, v2
++	vmv2r.v v2, v4
++	vmv4r.v v4, v8
++	vmv8r.v v0, v8
+diff --git a/include/opcode/riscv-opc.h b/include/opcode/riscv-opc.h
+index 1a80dbf87d..a62eada16a 100644
+--- a/include/opcode/riscv-opc.h
++++ b/include/opcode/riscv-opc.h
+@@ -755,7 +755,1903 @@
+ #define MASK_C_LDSP  0xe003
+ #define MATCH_C_SDSP 0xe002
+ #define MASK_C_SDSP  0xe003
+-/* Privileged CSR addresses.  */
++/* RVV */
++/* Version 1.0-draft-20210130.  */
++/* Temporary configuration-setting encoding info
++`-` means zimm
++31 30 zimm  RS2   RS1/uimm funct3 RD    opcode
++1  0  00000 xxxxx xxxxx    111    xxxxx 1010111 vsetvl
++1  1  ----- ----- xxxxx    111    xxxxx 1010111 vsetivli
++0  -  ----- ----- xxxxx    111    xxxxx 1010111 vsetvli
++#define MATCH_VSETVL   0x80007057
++#define MASK_VSETVL    0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_VSETIVLI 0xc0007057
++#define MASK_VSETIVLI  0xc000707f
++#define MATCH_VSETVLI  0x00007057
++#define MASK_VSETVLI   0x8000707f
++/* Temporary Load/store encoding info
++MOP load
++00 unit-stride		LE<EEW>, VLE<EEW>FF, VL<nf>RE<EEW> (nf = 1, 2, 4, 8)
++01 indexed-unordered	VLUXEI<EEW>
++10 strided		VLSE<EEW>
++11 indexed-ordered	VLOXEI<EEW>
++MOP store
++00 unit-stride		VSE<EEW>, VS<nf>R (nf = 1, 2, 4, 8)
++01 indexed-unordered	VSUXEI<EEW>
++10 strided		VSSE<EEW>
++11 indexed-ordered	VSOXEI<EEW>
++VM 0 masked
++VM 1 unmasked
++00000 unit-stride load
++01000 unit-stride, whole registers load
++01011 unit-stride, mask load, EEW = 1
++10000 unit-stride first-fault
++xxxxx other encodings reserved, x != 0
++00000 unit-stride store
++01000 unit-stride, whole registers store
++01011 unit-stride, mask store, EEW = 1
++0xxxx other encodings reserved, x != 0
++`-` means EEW =
++x   001   FLH/FSH
++x   010   FLW/FSW
++x   011   FLD/FSW
++x   100   FLQ/FSQ
++0   000   VLxE8/VSxE8, VLxEI8/VSxEI8, VL<nf>RE8, VS<nf>R
++0   101   VLxE16/VSxE16, VLxEI16/VSxEI16, VL<nf>RE16
++0   110   VLxE32/VSxE32, VLxEI32/VSxEI32, VL<nf>RE32
++0   111   VLxE64/VSxE64, VLxEI64/VSxEI64, VL<nf>RE64
++1   000   Reserved (VLxE128/VSxE128, VL<nf>RE128)
++1   101   Reserved (VLxE256/VSxE256, VL<nf>RE256)
++1   110   Reserved (VLxE512/VSxE512, VL<nf>RE512)
++1   111   Reserved (VLxE1024/VSxE1024, VL<nf>RE1024)
++000 -   00  x  00000     xxxxx ---   xxxxx 0000111 VLE<EEW>
++000 -   00  x  00000     xxxxx ---   xxxxx 0100111 VSE<EEW>
++000 -   00  1  01011     xxxxx ---   xxxxx 0000111 VLE, EEW = 1
++000 -   00  1  01011     xxxxx ---   xxxxx 0100111 VSE, EEW = 1
++000 -   10  x  xxxxx     xxxxx ---   xxxxx 0000111 VLSE<EEW>
++000 -   10  x  xxxxx     xxxxx ---   xxxxx 0100111 VSSE<EEW>
++000 0   11  x  xxxxx     xxxxx ---   xxxxx 0000111 VLOXE<EEW>I
++000 0   11  x  xxxxx     xxxxx ---   xxxxx 0100111 VSOXE<EEW>I
++000 0   01  x  xxxxx     xxxxx ---   xxxxx 0000111 VLUXE<EEW>I
++000 0   01  x  xxxxx     xxxxx ---   xxxxx 0100111 VSUXE<EEW>I
++000 -   00  x  10000     xxxxx ---   xxxxx 0000111 VLE<EEW>FF
++xxx -   00  1  01000     xxxxx ---   xxxxx 0000111 VL<nf>RE<EEW>, nf = 1,2,4,8
++xxx 0   00  1  01000     xxxxx 000   xxxxx 0100111 VS<nf>R, nf = 1,2,4,8
++xxx -   00  x  00000     xxxxx ---   xxxxx 0000111 VLSEG<nf>E<EEW>
++xxx -   00  x  00000     xxxxx ---   xxxxx 0100111 VSSEG<nf>E<EEW>
++xxx -   10  x  00000     xxxxx ---   xxxxx 0000111 VLSSEG<nf>E<EEW>
++xxx -   10  x  00000     xxxxx ---   xxxxx 0100111 VSSSEG<nf>E<EEW>
++xxx -   11  x  00000     xxxxx ---   xxxxx 0000111 VLOXSEG<nf>E<EEW>I
++xxx -   11  x  00000     xxxxx ---   xxxxx 0100111 VSOXSEG<nf>E<EEW>I
++xxx -   01  x  00000     xxxxx ---   xxxxx 0000111 VLUXSEG<nf>E<EEW>I
++xxx -   01  x  00000     xxxxx ---   xxxxx 0100111 VSUXSEG<nf>E<EEW>I
++xxx -   00  x  10000     xxxxx ---   xxxxx 0000111 VLSEG<nf>E<EEW>FF
++#define MATCH_VLE1V    0x02b00007
++#define MASK_VLE1V     0xfff0707f
++#define MATCH_VSE1V    0x02b00027
++#define MASK_VSE1V     0xfff0707f
++#define MATCH_VLE8V    0x00000007
++#define MASK_VLE8V     0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLE16V   0x00005007
++#define MASK_VLE16V    0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLE32V   0x00006007
++#define MASK_VLE32V    0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLE64V   0x00007007
++#define MASK_VLE64V    0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VSE8V    0x00000027
++#define MASK_VSE8V     0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VSE16V   0x00005027
++#define MASK_VSE16V    0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VSE32V   0x00006027
++#define MASK_VSE32V    0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VSE64V   0x00007027
++#define MASK_VSE64V    0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSE8V    0x08000007
++#define MASK_VLSE8V     0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLSE16V   0x08005007
++#define MASK_VLSE16V    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLSE32V   0x08006007
++#define MASK_VLSE32V    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLSE64V   0x08007007
++#define MASK_VLSE64V    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSSE8V    0x08000027
++#define MASK_VSSE8V     0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSSE16V   0x08005027
++#define MASK_VSSE16V    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSSE32V   0x08006027
++#define MASK_VSSE32V    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSSE64V   0x08007027
++#define MASK_VSSE64V    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLOXEI8V    0x0c000007
++#define MASK_VLOXEI8V     0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLOXEI16V   0x0c005007
++#define MASK_VLOXEI16V    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLOXEI32V   0x0c006007
++#define MASK_VLOXEI32V    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLOXEI64V   0x0c007007
++#define MASK_VLOXEI64V    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSOXEI8V    0x0c000027
++#define MASK_VSOXEI8V     0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSOXEI16V   0x0c005027
++#define MASK_VSOXEI16V    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSOXEI32V   0x0c006027
++#define MASK_VSOXEI32V    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSOXEI64V   0x0c007027
++#define MASK_VSOXEI64V    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLUXEI8V    0x04000007
++#define MASK_VLUXEI8V     0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLUXEI16V   0x04005007
++#define MASK_VLUXEI16V    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLUXEI32V   0x04006007
++#define MASK_VLUXEI32V    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLUXEI64V   0x04007007
++#define MASK_VLUXEI64V    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSUXEI8V    0x04000027
++#define MASK_VSUXEI8V     0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSUXEI16V   0x04005027
++#define MASK_VSUXEI16V    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSUXEI32V   0x04006027
++#define MASK_VSUXEI32V    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSUXEI64V   0x04007027
++#define MASK_VSUXEI64V    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLE8FFV    0x01000007
++#define MASK_VLE8FFV     0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLE16FFV   0x01005007
++#define MASK_VLE16FFV    0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLE32FFV   0x01006007
++#define MASK_VLE32FFV    0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLE64FFV   0x01007007
++#define MASK_VLE64FFV    0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG2E8V  0x20000007
++#define MASK_VLSEG2E8V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VSSEG2E8V  0x20000027
++#define MASK_VSSEG2E8V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG3E8V  0x40000007
++#define MASK_VLSEG3E8V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VSSEG3E8V  0x40000027
++#define MASK_VSSEG3E8V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG4E8V  0x60000007
++#define MASK_VLSEG4E8V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VSSEG4E8V  0x60000027
++#define MASK_VSSEG4E8V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG5E8V  0x80000007
++#define MASK_VLSEG5E8V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VSSEG5E8V  0x80000027
++#define MASK_VSSEG5E8V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG6E8V  0xa0000007
++#define MASK_VLSEG6E8V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VSSEG6E8V  0xa0000027
++#define MASK_VSSEG6E8V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG7E8V  0xc0000007
++#define MASK_VLSEG7E8V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VSSEG7E8V  0xc0000027
++#define MASK_VSSEG7E8V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG8E8V  0xe0000007
++#define MASK_VLSEG8E8V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VSSEG8E8V  0xe0000027
++#define MASK_VSSEG8E8V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG2E16V  0x20005007
++#define MASK_VLSEG2E16V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VSSEG2E16V  0x20005027
++#define MASK_VSSEG2E16V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG3E16V  0x40005007
++#define MASK_VLSEG3E16V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VSSEG3E16V  0x40005027
++#define MASK_VSSEG3E16V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG4E16V  0x60005007
++#define MASK_VLSEG4E16V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VSSEG4E16V  0x60005027
++#define MASK_VSSEG4E16V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG5E16V  0x80005007
++#define MASK_VLSEG5E16V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VSSEG5E16V  0x80005027
++#define MASK_VSSEG5E16V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG6E16V  0xa0005007
++#define MASK_VLSEG6E16V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VSSEG6E16V  0xa0005027
++#define MASK_VSSEG6E16V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG7E16V  0xc0005007
++#define MASK_VLSEG7E16V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VSSEG7E16V  0xc0005027
++#define MASK_VSSEG7E16V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG8E16V  0xe0005007
++#define MASK_VLSEG8E16V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VSSEG8E16V  0xe0005027
++#define MASK_VSSEG8E16V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG2E32V  0x20006007
++#define MASK_VLSEG2E32V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VSSEG2E32V  0x20006027
++#define MASK_VSSEG2E32V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG3E32V  0x40006007
++#define MASK_VLSEG3E32V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VSSEG3E32V  0x40006027
++#define MASK_VSSEG3E32V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG4E32V  0x60006007
++#define MASK_VLSEG4E32V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VSSEG4E32V  0x60006027
++#define MASK_VSSEG4E32V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG5E32V  0x80006007
++#define MASK_VLSEG5E32V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VSSEG5E32V  0x80006027
++#define MASK_VSSEG5E32V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG6E32V  0xa0006007
++#define MASK_VLSEG6E32V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VSSEG6E32V  0xa0006027
++#define MASK_VSSEG6E32V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG7E32V  0xc0006007
++#define MASK_VLSEG7E32V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VSSEG7E32V  0xc0006027
++#define MASK_VSSEG7E32V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG8E32V  0xe0006007
++#define MASK_VLSEG8E32V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VSSEG8E32V  0xe0006027
++#define MASK_VSSEG8E32V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG2E64V  0x20007007
++#define MASK_VLSEG2E64V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VSSEG2E64V  0x20007027
++#define MASK_VSSEG2E64V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG3E64V  0x40007007
++#define MASK_VLSEG3E64V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VSSEG3E64V  0x40007027
++#define MASK_VSSEG3E64V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG4E64V  0x60007007
++#define MASK_VLSEG4E64V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VSSEG4E64V  0x60007027
++#define MASK_VSSEG4E64V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG5E64V  0x80007007
++#define MASK_VLSEG5E64V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VSSEG5E64V  0x80007027
++#define MASK_VSSEG5E64V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG6E64V  0xa0007007
++#define MASK_VLSEG6E64V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VSSEG6E64V  0xa0007027
++#define MASK_VSSEG6E64V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG7E64V  0xc0007007
++#define MASK_VLSEG7E64V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VSSEG7E64V  0xc0007027
++#define MASK_VSSEG7E64V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG8E64V  0xe0007007
++#define MASK_VLSEG8E64V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VSSEG8E64V  0xe0007027
++#define MASK_VSSEG8E64V   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSSEG2E8V  0x28000007
++#define MASK_VLSSEG2E8V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSSSEG2E8V  0x28000027
++#define MASK_VSSSEG2E8V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLSSEG3E8V  0x48000007
++#define MASK_VLSSEG3E8V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSSSEG3E8V  0x48000027
++#define MASK_VSSSEG3E8V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLSSEG4E8V  0x68000007
++#define MASK_VLSSEG4E8V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSSSEG4E8V  0x68000027
++#define MASK_VSSSEG4E8V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLSSEG5E8V  0x88000007
++#define MASK_VLSSEG5E8V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSSSEG5E8V  0x88000027
++#define MASK_VSSSEG5E8V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLSSEG6E8V  0xa8000007
++#define MASK_VLSSEG6E8V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSSSEG6E8V  0xa8000027
++#define MASK_VSSSEG6E8V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLSSEG7E8V  0xc8000007
++#define MASK_VLSSEG7E8V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSSSEG7E8V  0xc8000027
++#define MASK_VSSSEG7E8V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLSSEG8E8V  0xe8000007
++#define MASK_VLSSEG8E8V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSSSEG8E8V  0xe8000027
++#define MASK_VSSSEG8E8V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLSSEG2E16V  0x28005007
++#define MASK_VLSSEG2E16V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSSSEG2E16V  0x28005027
++#define MASK_VSSSEG2E16V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLSSEG3E16V  0x48005007
++#define MASK_VLSSEG3E16V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSSSEG3E16V  0x48005027
++#define MASK_VSSSEG3E16V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLSSEG4E16V  0x68005007
++#define MASK_VLSSEG4E16V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSSSEG4E16V  0x68005027
++#define MASK_VSSSEG4E16V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLSSEG5E16V  0x88005007
++#define MASK_VLSSEG5E16V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSSSEG5E16V  0x88005027
++#define MASK_VSSSEG5E16V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLSSEG6E16V  0xa8005007
++#define MASK_VLSSEG6E16V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSSSEG6E16V  0xa8005027
++#define MASK_VSSSEG6E16V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLSSEG7E16V  0xc8005007
++#define MASK_VLSSEG7E16V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSSSEG7E16V  0xc8005027
++#define MASK_VSSSEG7E16V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLSSEG8E16V  0xe8005007
++#define MASK_VLSSEG8E16V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSSSEG8E16V  0xe8005027
++#define MASK_VSSSEG8E16V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLSSEG2E32V  0x28006007
++#define MASK_VLSSEG2E32V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSSSEG2E32V  0x28006027
++#define MASK_VSSSEG2E32V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLSSEG3E32V  0x48006007
++#define MASK_VLSSEG3E32V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSSSEG3E32V  0x48006027
++#define MASK_VSSSEG3E32V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLSSEG4E32V  0x68006007
++#define MASK_VLSSEG4E32V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSSSEG4E32V  0x68006027
++#define MASK_VSSSEG4E32V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLSSEG5E32V  0x88006007
++#define MASK_VLSSEG5E32V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSSSEG5E32V  0x88006027
++#define MASK_VSSSEG5E32V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLSSEG6E32V  0xa8006007
++#define MASK_VLSSEG6E32V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSSSEG6E32V  0xa8006027
++#define MASK_VSSSEG6E32V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLSSEG7E32V  0xc8006007
++#define MASK_VLSSEG7E32V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSSSEG7E32V  0xc8006027
++#define MASK_VSSSEG7E32V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLSSEG8E32V  0xe8006007
++#define MASK_VLSSEG8E32V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSSSEG8E32V  0xe8006027
++#define MASK_VSSSEG8E32V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLSSEG2E64V  0x28007007
++#define MASK_VLSSEG2E64V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSSSEG2E64V  0x28007027
++#define MASK_VSSSEG2E64V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLSSEG3E64V  0x48007007
++#define MASK_VLSSEG3E64V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSSSEG3E64V  0x48007027
++#define MASK_VSSSEG3E64V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLSSEG4E64V  0x68007007
++#define MASK_VLSSEG4E64V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSSSEG4E64V  0x68007027
++#define MASK_VSSSEG4E64V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLSSEG5E64V  0x88007007
++#define MASK_VLSSEG5E64V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSSSEG5E64V  0x88007027
++#define MASK_VSSSEG5E64V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLSSEG6E64V  0xa8007007
++#define MASK_VLSSEG6E64V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSSSEG6E64V  0xa8007027
++#define MASK_VSSSEG6E64V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLSSEG7E64V  0xc8007007
++#define MASK_VLSSEG7E64V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSSSEG7E64V  0xc8007027
++#define MASK_VSSSEG7E64V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLSSEG8E64V  0xe8007007
++#define MASK_VLSSEG8E64V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSSSEG8E64V  0xe8007027
++#define MASK_VSSSEG8E64V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLOXSEG2EI8V  0x2c000007
++#define MASK_VLOXSEG2EI8V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSOXSEG2EI8V  0x2c000027
++#define MASK_VSOXSEG2EI8V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLOXSEG3EI8V  0x4c000007
++#define MASK_VLOXSEG3EI8V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSOXSEG3EI8V  0x4c000027
++#define MASK_VSOXSEG3EI8V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLOXSEG4EI8V  0x6c000007
++#define MASK_VLOXSEG4EI8V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSOXSEG4EI8V  0x6c000027
++#define MASK_VSOXSEG4EI8V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLOXSEG5EI8V  0x8c000007
++#define MASK_VLOXSEG5EI8V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSOXSEG5EI8V  0x8c000027
++#define MASK_VSOXSEG5EI8V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLOXSEG6EI8V  0xac000007
++#define MASK_VLOXSEG6EI8V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSOXSEG6EI8V  0xac000027
++#define MASK_VSOXSEG6EI8V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLOXSEG7EI8V  0xcc000007
++#define MASK_VLOXSEG7EI8V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSOXSEG7EI8V  0xcc000027
++#define MASK_VSOXSEG7EI8V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLOXSEG8EI8V  0xec000007
++#define MASK_VLOXSEG8EI8V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSOXSEG8EI8V  0xec000027
++#define MASK_VSOXSEG8EI8V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLUXSEG2EI8V  0x24000007
++#define MASK_VLUXSEG2EI8V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSUXSEG2EI8V  0x24000027
++#define MASK_VSUXSEG2EI8V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLUXSEG3EI8V  0x44000007
++#define MASK_VLUXSEG3EI8V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSUXSEG3EI8V  0x44000027
++#define MASK_VSUXSEG3EI8V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLUXSEG4EI8V  0x64000007
++#define MASK_VLUXSEG4EI8V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSUXSEG4EI8V  0x64000027
++#define MASK_VSUXSEG4EI8V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLUXSEG5EI8V  0x84000007
++#define MASK_VLUXSEG5EI8V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSUXSEG5EI8V  0x84000027
++#define MASK_VSUXSEG5EI8V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLUXSEG6EI8V  0xa4000007
++#define MASK_VLUXSEG6EI8V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSUXSEG6EI8V  0xa4000027
++#define MASK_VSUXSEG6EI8V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLUXSEG7EI8V  0xc4000007
++#define MASK_VLUXSEG7EI8V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSUXSEG7EI8V  0xc4000027
++#define MASK_VSUXSEG7EI8V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLUXSEG8EI8V  0xe4000007
++#define MASK_VLUXSEG8EI8V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSUXSEG8EI8V  0xe4000027
++#define MASK_VSUXSEG8EI8V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLOXSEG2EI16V  0x2c005007
++#define MASK_VLOXSEG2EI16V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSOXSEG2EI16V  0x2c005027
++#define MASK_VSOXSEG2EI16V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLOXSEG3EI16V  0x4c005007
++#define MASK_VLOXSEG3EI16V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSOXSEG3EI16V  0x4c005027
++#define MASK_VSOXSEG3EI16V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLOXSEG4EI16V  0x6c005007
++#define MASK_VLOXSEG4EI16V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSOXSEG4EI16V  0x6c005027
++#define MASK_VSOXSEG4EI16V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLOXSEG5EI16V  0x8c005007
++#define MASK_VLOXSEG5EI16V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSOXSEG5EI16V  0x8c005027
++#define MASK_VSOXSEG5EI16V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLOXSEG6EI16V  0xac005007
++#define MASK_VLOXSEG6EI16V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSOXSEG6EI16V  0xac005027
++#define MASK_VSOXSEG6EI16V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLOXSEG7EI16V  0xcc005007
++#define MASK_VLOXSEG7EI16V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSOXSEG7EI16V  0xcc005027
++#define MASK_VSOXSEG7EI16V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLOXSEG8EI16V  0xec005007
++#define MASK_VLOXSEG8EI16V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSOXSEG8EI16V  0xec005027
++#define MASK_VSOXSEG8EI16V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLUXSEG2EI16V  0x24005007
++#define MASK_VLUXSEG2EI16V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSUXSEG2EI16V  0x24005027
++#define MASK_VSUXSEG2EI16V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLUXSEG3EI16V  0x44005007
++#define MASK_VLUXSEG3EI16V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSUXSEG3EI16V  0x44005027
++#define MASK_VSUXSEG3EI16V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLUXSEG4EI16V  0x64005007
++#define MASK_VLUXSEG4EI16V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSUXSEG4EI16V  0x64005027
++#define MASK_VSUXSEG4EI16V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLUXSEG5EI16V  0x84005007
++#define MASK_VLUXSEG5EI16V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSUXSEG5EI16V  0x84005027
++#define MASK_VSUXSEG5EI16V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLUXSEG6EI16V  0xa4005007
++#define MASK_VLUXSEG6EI16V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSUXSEG6EI16V  0xa4005027
++#define MASK_VSUXSEG6EI16V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLUXSEG7EI16V  0xc4005007
++#define MASK_VLUXSEG7EI16V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSUXSEG7EI16V  0xc4005027
++#define MASK_VSUXSEG7EI16V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLUXSEG8EI16V  0xe4005007
++#define MASK_VLUXSEG8EI16V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSUXSEG8EI16V  0xe4005027
++#define MASK_VSUXSEG8EI16V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLOXSEG2EI32V  0x2c006007
++#define MASK_VLOXSEG2EI32V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSOXSEG2EI32V  0x2c006027
++#define MASK_VSOXSEG2EI32V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLOXSEG3EI32V  0x4c006007
++#define MASK_VLOXSEG3EI32V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSOXSEG3EI32V  0x4c006027
++#define MASK_VSOXSEG3EI32V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLOXSEG4EI32V  0x6c006007
++#define MASK_VLOXSEG4EI32V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSOXSEG4EI32V  0x6c006027
++#define MASK_VSOXSEG4EI32V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLOXSEG5EI32V  0x8c006007
++#define MASK_VLOXSEG5EI32V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSOXSEG5EI32V  0x8c006027
++#define MASK_VSOXSEG5EI32V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLOXSEG6EI32V  0xac006007
++#define MASK_VLOXSEG6EI32V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSOXSEG6EI32V  0xac006027
++#define MASK_VSOXSEG6EI32V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLOXSEG7EI32V  0xcc006007
++#define MASK_VLOXSEG7EI32V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSOXSEG7EI32V  0xcc006027
++#define MASK_VSOXSEG7EI32V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLOXSEG8EI32V  0xec006007
++#define MASK_VLOXSEG8EI32V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSOXSEG8EI32V  0xec006027
++#define MASK_VSOXSEG8EI32V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLUXSEG2EI32V  0x24006007
++#define MASK_VLUXSEG2EI32V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSUXSEG2EI32V  0x24006027
++#define MASK_VSUXSEG2EI32V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLUXSEG3EI32V  0x44006007
++#define MASK_VLUXSEG3EI32V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSUXSEG3EI32V  0x44006027
++#define MASK_VSUXSEG3EI32V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLUXSEG4EI32V  0x64006007
++#define MASK_VLUXSEG4EI32V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSUXSEG4EI32V  0x64006027
++#define MASK_VSUXSEG4EI32V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLUXSEG5EI32V  0x84006007
++#define MASK_VLUXSEG5EI32V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSUXSEG5EI32V  0x84006027
++#define MASK_VSUXSEG5EI32V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLUXSEG6EI32V  0xa4006007
++#define MASK_VLUXSEG6EI32V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSUXSEG6EI32V  0xa4006027
++#define MASK_VSUXSEG6EI32V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLUXSEG7EI32V  0xc4006007
++#define MASK_VLUXSEG7EI32V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSUXSEG7EI32V  0xc4006027
++#define MASK_VSUXSEG7EI32V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLUXSEG8EI32V  0xe4006007
++#define MASK_VLUXSEG8EI32V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSUXSEG8EI32V  0xe4006027
++#define MASK_VSUXSEG8EI32V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLOXSEG2EI64V  0x2c007007
++#define MASK_VLOXSEG2EI64V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSOXSEG2EI64V  0x2c007027
++#define MASK_VSOXSEG2EI64V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLOXSEG3EI64V  0x4c007007
++#define MASK_VLOXSEG3EI64V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSOXSEG3EI64V  0x4c007027
++#define MASK_VSOXSEG3EI64V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLOXSEG4EI64V  0x6c007007
++#define MASK_VLOXSEG4EI64V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSOXSEG4EI64V  0x6c007027
++#define MASK_VSOXSEG4EI64V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLOXSEG5EI64V  0x8c007007
++#define MASK_VLOXSEG5EI64V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSOXSEG5EI64V  0x8c007027
++#define MASK_VSOXSEG5EI64V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLOXSEG6EI64V  0xac007007
++#define MASK_VLOXSEG6EI64V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSOXSEG6EI64V  0xac007027
++#define MASK_VSOXSEG6EI64V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLOXSEG7EI64V  0xcc007007
++#define MASK_VLOXSEG7EI64V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSOXSEG7EI64V  0xcc007027
++#define MASK_VSOXSEG7EI64V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLOXSEG8EI64V  0xec007007
++#define MASK_VLOXSEG8EI64V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSOXSEG8EI64V  0xec007027
++#define MASK_VSOXSEG8EI64V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLUXSEG2EI64V  0x24007007
++#define MASK_VLUXSEG2EI64V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSUXSEG2EI64V  0x24007027
++#define MASK_VSUXSEG2EI64V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLUXSEG3EI64V  0x44007007
++#define MASK_VLUXSEG3EI64V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSUXSEG3EI64V  0x44007027
++#define MASK_VSUXSEG3EI64V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLUXSEG4EI64V  0x64007007
++#define MASK_VLUXSEG4EI64V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSUXSEG4EI64V  0x64007027
++#define MASK_VSUXSEG4EI64V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLUXSEG5EI64V  0x84007007
++#define MASK_VLUXSEG5EI64V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSUXSEG5EI64V  0x84007027
++#define MASK_VSUXSEG5EI64V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLUXSEG6EI64V  0xa4007007
++#define MASK_VLUXSEG6EI64V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSUXSEG6EI64V  0xa4007027
++#define MASK_VSUXSEG6EI64V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLUXSEG7EI64V  0xc4007007
++#define MASK_VLUXSEG7EI64V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSUXSEG7EI64V  0xc4007027
++#define MASK_VSUXSEG7EI64V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLUXSEG8EI64V  0xe4007007
++#define MASK_VLUXSEG8EI64V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSUXSEG8EI64V  0xe4007027
++#define MASK_VSUXSEG8EI64V   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG2E8FFV  0x21000007
++#define MASK_VLSEG2E8FFV   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG3E8FFV  0x41000007
++#define MASK_VLSEG3E8FFV   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG4E8FFV  0x61000007
++#define MASK_VLSEG4E8FFV   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG5E8FFV  0x81000007
++#define MASK_VLSEG5E8FFV   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG6E8FFV  0xa1000007
++#define MASK_VLSEG6E8FFV   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG7E8FFV  0xc1000007
++#define MASK_VLSEG7E8FFV   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG8E8FFV  0xe1000007
++#define MASK_VLSEG8E8FFV   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG2E16FFV  0x21005007
++#define MASK_VLSEG2E16FFV   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG3E16FFV  0x41005007
++#define MASK_VLSEG3E16FFV   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG4E16FFV  0x61005007
++#define MASK_VLSEG4E16FFV   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG5E16FFV  0x81005007
++#define MASK_VLSEG5E16FFV   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG6E16FFV  0xa1005007
++#define MASK_VLSEG6E16FFV   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG7E16FFV  0xc1005007
++#define MASK_VLSEG7E16FFV   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG8E16FFV  0xe1005007
++#define MASK_VLSEG8E16FFV   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG2E32FFV  0x21006007
++#define MASK_VLSEG2E32FFV   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG3E32FFV  0x41006007
++#define MASK_VLSEG3E32FFV   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG4E32FFV  0x61006007
++#define MASK_VLSEG4E32FFV   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG5E32FFV  0x81006007
++#define MASK_VLSEG5E32FFV   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG6E32FFV  0xa1006007
++#define MASK_VLSEG6E32FFV   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG7E32FFV  0xc1006007
++#define MASK_VLSEG7E32FFV   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG8E32FFV  0xe1006007
++#define MASK_VLSEG8E32FFV   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG2E64FFV  0x21007007
++#define MASK_VLSEG2E64FFV   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG3E64FFV  0x41007007
++#define MASK_VLSEG3E64FFV   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG4E64FFV  0x61007007
++#define MASK_VLSEG4E64FFV   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG5E64FFV  0x81007007
++#define MASK_VLSEG5E64FFV   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG6E64FFV  0xa1007007
++#define MASK_VLSEG6E64FFV   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG7E64FFV  0xc1007007
++#define MASK_VLSEG7E64FFV   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VLSEG8E64FFV  0xe1007007
++#define MASK_VLSEG8E64FFV   0xfdf0707f
++#define MATCH_VL1RE8V    0x02800007
++#define MASK_VL1RE8V     0xfff0707f
++#define MATCH_VL1RE16V   0x02805007
++#define MASK_VL1RE16V    0xfff0707f
++#define MATCH_VL1RE32V   0x02806007
++#define MASK_VL1RE32V    0xfff0707f
++#define MATCH_VL1RE64V   0x02807007
++#define MASK_VL1RE64V    0xfff0707f
++#define MATCH_VL2RE8V    0x22800007
++#define MASK_VL2RE8V     0xfff0707f
++#define MATCH_VL2RE16V   0x22805007
++#define MASK_VL2RE16V    0xfff0707f
++#define MATCH_VL2RE32V   0x22806007
++#define MASK_VL2RE32V    0xfff0707f
++#define MATCH_VL2RE64V   0x22807007
++#define MASK_VL2RE64V    0xfff0707f
++#define MATCH_VL4RE8V    0x62800007
++#define MASK_VL4RE8V     0xfff0707f
++#define MATCH_VL4RE16V   0x62805007
++#define MASK_VL4RE16V    0xfff0707f
++#define MATCH_VL4RE32V   0x62806007
++#define MASK_VL4RE32V    0xfff0707f
++#define MATCH_VL4RE64V   0x62807007
++#define MASK_VL4RE64V    0xfff0707f
++#define MATCH_VL8RE8V    0xe2800007
++#define MASK_VL8RE8V     0xfff0707f
++#define MATCH_VL8RE16V   0xe2805007
++#define MASK_VL8RE16V    0xfff0707f
++#define MATCH_VL8RE32V   0xe2806007
++#define MASK_VL8RE32V    0xfff0707f
++#define MATCH_VL8RE64V   0xe2807007
++#define MASK_VL8RE64V    0xfff0707f
++#define MATCH_VS1RV  0x02800027
++#define MASK_VS1RV   0xfff0707f
++#define MATCH_VS2RV  0x22800027
++#define MASK_VS2RV   0xfff0707f
++#define MATCH_VS4RV  0x62800027
++#define MASK_VS4RV   0xfff0707f
++#define MATCH_VS8RV  0xe2800027
++#define MASK_VS8RV   0xfff0707f
++/* Temporary AMO encoding info
++010 AMO*.W
++011 AMO*.D
++100 AMO*.Q
++000 VAMO*EI8.V
++101 VAMO*EI16.V
++110 VAMO*EI32.V
++111 VAMO*EI64.V
++00001 vamoswap
++00000 vamoadd
++00100 vamoxor
++01100 vamoand
++01000 vamoor
++10000 vamomin
++10100 vamomax
++11000 vamominu
++11100 vamomaxu
++   31-27 26 25 24-20 19-15 14-12 11-7    6-0
++   amoop wd vm  vs2   rs1  width vs3/vd  opcode
++   00001 x 1 xxxxx xxxxx 110 xxxxx 0101111
++   0000 1x1x xxxx xxxx x110 xxxx x010 1111
++   1111 1010 0000 0000 0111 0000 0111 1111 */
++#define MATCH_VAMOADDEI8V   0x0000002f
++#define MASK_VAMOADDEI8V    0xf800707f
++#define MATCH_VAMOSWAPEI8V  0x0800002f
++#define MASK_VAMOSWAPEI8V   0xf800707f
++#define MATCH_VAMOXOREI8V   0x2000002f
++#define MASK_VAMOXOREI8V    0xf800707f
++#define MATCH_VAMOANDEI8V   0x6000002f
++#define MASK_VAMOANDEI8V    0xf800707f
++#define MATCH_VAMOOREI8V    0x4000002f
++#define MASK_VAMOOREI8V     0xf800707f
++#define MATCH_VAMOMINEI8V   0x8000002f
++#define MASK_VAMOMINEI8V    0xf800707f
++#define MATCH_VAMOMAXEI8V   0xa000002f
++#define MASK_VAMOMAXEI8V    0xf800707f
++#define MATCH_VAMOMINUEI8V  0xc000002f
++#define MASK_VAMOMINUEI8V   0xf800707f
++#define MATCH_VAMOMAXUEI8V  0xe000002f
++#define MASK_VAMOMAXUEI8V   0xf800707f
++#define MATCH_VAMOADDEI16V   0x0000502f
++#define MASK_VAMOADDEI16V    0xf800707f
++#define MATCH_VAMOSWAPEI16V  0x0800502f
++#define MASK_VAMOSWAPEI16V   0xf800707f
++#define MATCH_VAMOXOREI16V   0x2000502f
++#define MASK_VAMOXOREI16V    0xf800707f
++#define MATCH_VAMOANDEI16V   0x6000502f
++#define MASK_VAMOANDEI16V    0xf800707f
++#define MATCH_VAMOOREI16V    0x4000502f
++#define MASK_VAMOOREI16V     0xf800707f
++#define MATCH_VAMOMINEI16V   0x8000502f
++#define MASK_VAMOMINEI16V    0xf800707f
++#define MATCH_VAMOMAXEI16V   0xa000502f
++#define MASK_VAMOMAXEI16V    0xf800707f
++#define MATCH_VAMOMINUEI16V  0xc000502f
++#define MASK_VAMOMINUEI16V   0xf800707f
++#define MATCH_VAMOMAXUEI16V  0xe000502f
++#define MASK_VAMOMAXUEI16V   0xf800707f
++#define MATCH_VAMOADDEI32V   0x0000602f
++#define MASK_VAMOADDEI32V    0xf800707f
++#define MATCH_VAMOSWAPEI32V  0x0800602f
++#define MASK_VAMOSWAPEI32V   0xf800707f
++#define MATCH_VAMOXOREI32V   0x2000602f
++#define MASK_VAMOXOREI32V    0xf800707f
++#define MATCH_VAMOANDEI32V   0x6000602f
++#define MASK_VAMOANDEI32V    0xf800707f
++#define MATCH_VAMOOREI32V    0x4000602f
++#define MASK_VAMOOREI32V     0xf800707f
++#define MATCH_VAMOMINEI32V   0x8000602f
++#define MASK_VAMOMINEI32V    0xf800707f
++#define MATCH_VAMOMAXEI32V   0xa000602f
++#define MASK_VAMOMAXEI32V    0xf800707f
++#define MATCH_VAMOMINUEI32V  0xc000602f
++#define MASK_VAMOMINUEI32V   0xf800707f
++#define MATCH_VAMOMAXUEI32V  0xe000602f
++#define MASK_VAMOMAXUEI32V   0xf800707f
++#define MATCH_VAMOADDEI64V   0x0000702f
++#define MASK_VAMOADDEI64V    0xf800707f
++#define MATCH_VAMOSWAPEI64V  0x0800702f
++#define MASK_VAMOSWAPEI64V   0xf800707f
++#define MATCH_VAMOXOREI64V   0x2000702f
++#define MASK_VAMOXOREI64V    0xf800707f
++#define MATCH_VAMOANDEI64V   0x6000702f
++#define MASK_VAMOANDEI64V    0xf800707f
++#define MATCH_VAMOOREI64V    0x4000702f
++#define MASK_VAMOOREI64V     0xf800707f
++#define MATCH_VAMOMINEI64V   0x8000702f
++#define MASK_VAMOMINEI64V    0xf800707f
++#define MATCH_VAMOMAXEI64V   0xa000702f
++#define MASK_VAMOMAXEI64V    0xf800707f
++#define MATCH_VAMOMINUEI64V  0xc000702f
++#define MASK_VAMOMINUEI64V   0xf800707f
++#define MATCH_VAMOMAXUEI64V  0xe000702f
++#define MASK_VAMOMAXUEI64V   0xf800707f
++/* Temporary ALU encoding info
++000 OPIVV vv
++001 OPFVV vv
++010 OPMVV vv
++011 OPIVI vi  simm[4:0]
++100 OPIVX vx  GPR x-reg rs1
++101 OPFVF vf  FP f-reg rs1
++110 OPMVX vx  GPR x-reg rs1
++111 OPCFG si  GPR x-reg rs1 & rs2/imm
++000000 vadd
++000010 vsub
++000011 vrsub
++000100 vminu
++000101 vmin
++000110 vmaxu
++000111 vmax
++001001 vand
++001010 vor
++001011 vxor
++001100 vrgather
++001110 vslideup, vrgatherei16
++001111 vslidedown
++010000 vadc
++010001 vmadc
++010010 vsbc
++010011 vmsbc
++010111 vmerge/vmv
++011000 vmseq
++011001 vmsne
++011010 vmsltu
++011011 vmslt
++011100 vmsleu
++011101 vmsle
++011110 vmsgtu
++011111 vmsgt
++100000 vsaddu
++100001 vsadd
++100010 vssubu
++100011 vssub
++100101 vsll
++100111 vmv<nf>r (nf = 1, 2, 4, 8)
++101000 vsrl
++101001 vsra
++101010 vssrl
++101011 vssra
++101100 vnsrl
++101101 vnsra
++101110 vnclipu
++101111 vnclip
++110000 vwredsumu
++110001 vwredsum
++111000 vdotu **
++111001 vdot **
++111100 vqmaccu
++111101 vqmacc
++111110 vqmaccus
++111111 vqmaccsu
++000000 vredsum
++000001 vredand
++000010 vredor
++000011 vredxor
++000100 vredminu
++000101 vredmin
++000110 vredmaxu
++000111 vredmax
++001000 vaaddu
++001001 vaadd
++001010 vasubu
++001011 vasub
++001110 vslide1up
++001111 vslide1down
++010010 VXUNARY0
++010100 VMUNARY0
++010111 vcompress
++011000 vmandnot
++011001 vmand
++011010 vmor
++011011 vmxor
++011100 vmornot
++011101 vmnand
++011110 vmnor
++011111 vmxnor
++100000 vdivu
++100001 vdiv
++100010 vremu
++100011 vrem
++100100 vmulhu
++100101 vmul
++100110 vmulhsu
++100111 vmulh
++101001 vmadd
++101011 vnmsub
++101101 vmacc
++101111 vnmsac
++110000 vwaddu
++110001 vwadd
++110010 vwsubu
++110011 vwsub
++110100 vwaddu.w
++110101 vwadd.w
++110110 vwsubu.w
++110111 vwsub.w
++111000 vwmulu
++111010 vwmulsu
++111011 vwmul
++111100 vwmaccu
++111101 vwmacc
++111110 vwmaccus
++111111 vwmaccsu
++vs2, funct3=X
++00000 vmv.s.x
++vs1, funct3=V
++00000 vmv.x.s
++10000 vpopc
++10001 vfirst
++vs1, funct3=V
++00010 vzext.vf8
++00011 vsext.vf8
++00100 vzext.vf4
++00101 vsext.vf4
++00110 vzext.vf2
++00111 vsext.vf2
++00001 vmsbf
++00010 vmsof
++00011 vmsif
++10000 viota
++10001 vid
++000000 vfadd
++000001 vfredsum
++000010 vfsub
++000011 vfredosum
++000100 vfmin
++000101 vfredmin
++000110 vfmax
++000111 vfredmax
++001000 vfsgnj
++001001 vfsgnn
++001010 vfsgnx
++001110 vfslide1up
++001111 vfslide1down
++010010 VFUNARY0
++010011 VFUNARY1
++010111 vfmerge/vfmv
++011000 vmfeq
++011001 vmfle
++011011 vmflt
++011100 vmfne
++011101 vmfgt
++011111 vmfge
++100000 vfdiv
++100001 vfrdiv
++100100 vfmul
++100111 vfrsub
++101000 vfmadd
++101001 vfnmadd
++101010 vfmsub
++101011 vfnmsub
++101100 vfmacc
++101101 vfnmacc
++101110 vfmsac
++101111 vfnmsac
++110000 vfwadd
++110001 vfwredsum
++110010 vfwsub
++110011 vfwredosum
++110100 vfwadd.w
++110110 vfwsub.w
++111000 vfwmul
++111001 vfdot
++111100 vfwmacc
++111101 vfwnmacc
++111110 vfwmsac
++111111 vfwnmsac
++vs2, funct3=F
++00000 vfmv.s.f
++vs1, funct3=V
++00000 vfmv.f.s
++00000 vfcvt.xu.f.v
++00001 vfcvt.x.f.v
++00010 vfcvt.f.xu.v
++00011 vfcvt.f.x.v
++00110 vfcvt.rtz.xu.f.v
++00111 vfcvt.rtz.x.f.v
++01000 vfwcvt.xu.f.v
++01001 vfwcvt.x.f.v
++01010 vfwcvt.f.xu.v
++01011 vfwcvt.f.x.v
++01100 vfwcvt.f.f.v
++01110 vfwcvt.rtz.xu.f.v
++01111 vfwcvt.rtz.x.f.v
++10000 vfncvt.xu.f.w
++10001 vfncvt.x.f.w
++10010 vfncvt.f.xu.w
++10011 vfncvt.f.x.w
++10100 vfncvt.f.f.w
++10101 vfncvt.rod.f.f.w
++10110 vfncvt.rtz.xu.f.v
++10111 vfncvt.rtz.x.f.v
++00000 vfsqrt.v
++00100 vfrsqrte7.v
++00101 vfrece7.v
++10000 vfclass.v
++31-26 25 24-20   19-15     14-12 11-7 6-0
++funct6 VM  VS2  VS1/RS1/IMM funct3 VD   opcode
++010000 x xxxxx 00000 001 xxxxx 1010111
++0100 00xx xxxx 0000 0001 xxxx x101 0111
++#define MATCH_VADDVV  0x00000057
++#define MASK_VADDVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VADDVX  0x00004057
++#define MASK_VADDVX   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VADDVI  0x00003057
++#define MASK_VADDVI   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSUBVV  0x08000057
++#define MASK_VSUBVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSUBVX  0x08004057
++#define MASK_VSUBVX   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VRSUBVX 0x0c004057
++#define MASK_VRSUBVX  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VRSUBVI 0x0c003057
++#define MASK_VRSUBVI  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VWCVTXXV  0xc4006057
++#define MASK_VWCVTXXV   0xfc0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VWCVTUXXV 0xc0006057
++#define MASK_VWCVTUXXV  0xfc0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VWADDVV  0xc4002057
++#define MASK_VWADDVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VWADDVX  0xc4006057
++#define MASK_VWADDVX   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VWSUBVV  0xcc002057
++#define MASK_VWSUBVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VWSUBVX  0xcc006057
++#define MASK_VWSUBVX   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VWADDWV  0xd4002057
++#define MASK_VWADDWV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VWADDWX  0xd4006057
++#define MASK_VWADDWX   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VWSUBWV  0xdc002057
++#define MASK_VWSUBWV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VWSUBWX  0xdc006057
++#define MASK_VWSUBWX   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VWADDUVV  0xc0002057
++#define MASK_VWADDUVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VWADDUVX  0xc0006057
++#define MASK_VWADDUVX   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VWSUBUVV  0xc8002057
++#define MASK_VWSUBUVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VWSUBUVX  0xc8006057
++#define MASK_VWSUBUVX   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VWADDUWV  0xd0002057
++#define MASK_VWADDUWV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VWADDUWX  0xd0006057
++#define MASK_VWADDUWX   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VWSUBUWV  0xd8002057
++#define MASK_VWSUBUWV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VWSUBUWX  0xd8006057
++#define MASK_VWSUBUWX   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VZEXT_VF8 0x48012057
++#define MASK_VZEXT_VF8  0xfc0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VSEXT_VF8 0x4801a057
++#define MASK_VSEXT_VF8  0xfc0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VZEXT_VF4 0x48022057
++#define MASK_VZEXT_VF4  0xfc0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VSEXT_VF4 0x4802a057
++#define MASK_VSEXT_VF4  0xfc0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VZEXT_VF2 0x48032057
++#define MASK_VZEXT_VF2  0xfc0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VSEXT_VF2 0x4803a057
++#define MASK_VSEXT_VF2  0xfc0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VADCVVM  0x40000057
++#define MASK_VADCVVM   0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_VADCVXM  0x40004057
++#define MASK_VADCVXM   0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_VADCVIM  0x40003057
++#define MASK_VADCVIM   0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_VMADCVVM 0x44000057
++#define MASK_VMADCVVM  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_VMADCVXM 0x44004057
++#define MASK_VMADCVXM  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_VMADCVIM 0x44003057
++#define MASK_VMADCVIM  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_VMADCVV  0x46000057
++#define MASK_VMADCVV   0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_VMADCVX  0x46004057
++#define MASK_VMADCVX   0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_VMADCVI  0x46003057
++#define MASK_VMADCVI   0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_VSBCVVM  0x48000057
++#define MASK_VSBCVVM   0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_VSBCVXM  0x48004057
++#define MASK_VSBCVXM   0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_VMSBCVVM 0x4c000057
++#define MASK_VMSBCVVM  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_VMSBCVXM 0x4c004057
++#define MASK_VMSBCVXM  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_VMSBCVV  0x4e000057
++#define MASK_VMSBCVV   0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_VMSBCVX  0x4e004057
++#define MASK_VMSBCVX   0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_VNOTV   0x2c0fb057
++#define MASK_VNOTV    0xfc0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VANDVV  0x24000057
++#define MASK_VANDVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VANDVX  0x24004057
++#define MASK_VANDVX   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VANDVI  0x24003057
++#define MASK_VANDVI   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VORVV   0x28000057
++#define MASK_VORVV    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VORVX   0x28004057
++#define MASK_VORVX    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VORVI   0x28003057
++#define MASK_VORVI    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VXORVV  0x2c000057
++#define MASK_VXORVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VXORVX  0x2c004057
++#define MASK_VXORVX   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VXORVI  0x2c003057
++#define MASK_VXORVI   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSLLVV 0x94000057
++#define MASK_VSLLVV  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSLLVX 0x94004057
++#define MASK_VSLLVX  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSLLVI 0x94003057
++#define MASK_VSLLVI  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSRLVV 0xa0000057
++#define MASK_VSRLVV  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSRLVX 0xa0004057
++#define MASK_VSRLVX  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSRLVI 0xa0003057
++#define MASK_VSRLVI  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSRAVV 0xa4000057
++#define MASK_VSRAVV  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSRAVX 0xa4004057
++#define MASK_VSRAVX  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSRAVI 0xa4003057
++#define MASK_VSRAVI  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VNCVTXXW 0xb0004057
++#define MASK_VNCVTXXW  0xfc0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VNSRLWV  0xb0000057
++#define MASK_VNSRLWV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VNSRLWX  0xb0004057
++#define MASK_VNSRLWX   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VNSRLWI  0xb0003057
++#define MASK_VNSRLWI   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VNSRAWV  0xb4000057
++#define MASK_VNSRAWV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VNSRAWX  0xb4004057
++#define MASK_VNSRAWX   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VNSRAWI  0xb4003057
++#define MASK_VNSRAWI   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMSEQVV  0x60000057
++#define MASK_VMSEQVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMSEQVX  0x60004057
++#define MASK_VMSEQVX   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMSEQVI  0x60003057
++#define MASK_VMSEQVI   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMSNEVV  0x64000057
++#define MASK_VMSNEVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMSNEVX  0x64004057
++#define MASK_VMSNEVX   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMSNEVI  0x64003057
++#define MASK_VMSNEVI   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMSLTVV  0x6c000057
++#define MASK_VMSLTVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMSLTVX  0x6c004057
++#define MASK_VMSLTVX   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMSLTUVV 0x68000057
++#define MASK_VMSLTUVV  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMSLTUVX 0x68004057
++#define MASK_VMSLTUVX  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMSLEVV  0x74000057
++#define MASK_VMSLEVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMSLEVX  0x74004057
++#define MASK_VMSLEVX   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMSLEVI  0x74003057
++#define MASK_VMSLEVI   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMSLEUVV 0x70000057
++#define MASK_VMSLEUVV  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMSLEUVX 0x70004057
++#define MASK_VMSLEUVX  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMSLEUVI 0x70003057
++#define MASK_VMSLEUVI  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMSGTVX  0x7c004057
++#define MASK_VMSGTVX   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMSGTVI  0x7c003057
++#define MASK_VMSGTVI   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMSGTUVX 0x78004057
++#define MASK_VMSGTUVX  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMSGTUVI 0x78003057
++#define MASK_VMSGTUVI  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMINVV  0x14000057
++#define MASK_VMINVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMINVX  0x14004057
++#define MASK_VMINVX   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMAXVV  0x1c000057
++#define MASK_VMAXVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMAXVX  0x1c004057
++#define MASK_VMAXVX   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMINUVV 0x10000057
++#define MASK_VMINUVV  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMINUVX 0x10004057
++#define MASK_VMINUVX  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMAXUVV 0x18000057
++#define MASK_VMAXUVV  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMAXUVX 0x18004057
++#define MASK_VMAXUVX  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMULVV    0x94002057
++#define MASK_VMULVV     0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMULVX    0x94006057
++#define MASK_VMULVX     0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMULHVV   0x9c002057
++#define MASK_VMULHVV    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMULHVX   0x9c006057
++#define MASK_VMULHVX    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMULHUVV  0x90002057
++#define MASK_VMULHUVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMULHUVX  0x90006057
++#define MASK_VMULHUVX   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMULHSUVV 0x98002057
++#define MASK_VMULHSUVV  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMULHSUVX 0x98006057
++#define MASK_VMULHSUVX  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VWMULVV   0xec002057
++#define MASK_VWMULVV    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VWMULVX   0xec006057
++#define MASK_VWMULVX    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VWMULUVV  0xe0002057
++#define MASK_VWMULUVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VWMULUVX  0xe0006057
++#define MASK_VWMULUVX   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VWMULSUVV 0xe8002057
++#define MASK_VWMULSUVV  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VWMULSUVX 0xe8006057
++#define MASK_VWMULSUVX  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMACCVV  0xb4002057
++#define MASK_VMACCVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMACCVX  0xb4006057
++#define MASK_VMACCVX   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VNMSACVV 0xbc002057
++#define MASK_VNMSACVV  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VNMSACVX 0xbc006057
++#define MASK_VNMSACVX  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMADDVV  0xa4002057
++#define MASK_VMADDVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMADDVX  0xa4006057
++#define MASK_VMADDVX   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VNMSUBVV 0xac002057
++#define MASK_VNMSUBVV  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VNMSUBVX 0xac006057
++#define MASK_VNMSUBVX  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VWMACCUVV  0xf0002057
++#define MASK_VWMACCUVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VWMACCUVX  0xf0006057
++#define MASK_VWMACCUVX   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VWMACCVV   0xf4002057
++#define MASK_VWMACCVV    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VWMACCVX   0xf4006057
++#define MASK_VWMACCVX    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VWMACCSUVV 0xfc002057
++#define MASK_VWMACCSUVV  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VWMACCSUVX 0xfc006057
++#define MASK_VWMACCSUVX  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VWMACCUSVX 0xf8006057
++#define MASK_VWMACCUSVX  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VQMACCUVV  0xf0000057
++#define MASK_VQMACCUVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VQMACCUVX  0xf0004057
++#define MASK_VQMACCUVX   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VQMACCVV   0xf4000057
++#define MASK_VQMACCVV    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VQMACCVX   0xf4004057
++#define MASK_VQMACCVX    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VQMACCSUVV 0xfc000057
++#define MASK_VQMACCSUVV  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VQMACCSUVX 0xfc004057
++#define MASK_VQMACCSUVX  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VQMACCUSVX 0xf8004057
++#define MASK_VQMACCUSVX  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VDIVVV  0x84002057
++#define MASK_VDIVVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VDIVVX  0x84006057
++#define MASK_VDIVVX   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VDIVUVV 0x80002057
++#define MASK_VDIVUVV  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VDIVUVX 0x80006057
++#define MASK_VDIVUVX  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VREMVV  0x8c002057
++#define MASK_VREMVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VREMVX  0x8c006057
++#define MASK_VREMVX   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VREMUVV 0x88002057
++#define MASK_VREMUVV  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VREMUVX 0x88006057
++#define MASK_VREMUVX  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMERGEVVM 0x5c000057
++#define MASK_VMERGEVVM  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_VMERGEVXM 0x5c004057
++#define MASK_VMERGEVXM  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_VMERGEVIM 0x5c003057
++#define MASK_VMERGEVIM  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_VMVVV    0x5e000057
++#define MASK_VMVVV     0xfff0707f
++#define MATCH_VMVVX    0x5e004057
++#define MASK_VMVVX     0xfff0707f
++#define MATCH_VMVVI    0x5e003057
++#define MASK_VMVVI     0xfff0707f
++#define MATCH_VSADDUVV 0x80000057
++#define MASK_VSADDUVV  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSADDUVX 0x80004057
++#define MASK_VSADDUVX  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSADDUVI 0x80003057
++#define MASK_VSADDUVI  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSADDVV  0x84000057
++#define MASK_VSADDVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSADDVX  0x84004057
++#define MASK_VSADDVX   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSADDVI  0x84003057
++#define MASK_VSADDVI   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSSUBUVV 0x88000057
++#define MASK_VSSUBUVV  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSSUBUVX 0x88004057
++#define MASK_VSSUBUVX  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSSUBVV  0x8c000057
++#define MASK_VSSUBVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSSUBVX  0x8c004057
++#define MASK_VSSUBVX   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VAADDUVV 0x20002057
++#define MASK_VAADDUVV  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VAADDUVX 0x20006057
++#define MASK_VAADDUVX  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VAADDVV  0x24002057
++#define MASK_VAADDVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VAADDVX  0x24006057
++#define MASK_VAADDVX   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VASUBUVV 0x28002057
++#define MASK_VASUBUVV  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VASUBUVX 0x28006057
++#define MASK_VASUBUVX  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VASUBVV  0x2c002057
++#define MASK_VASUBVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VASUBVX  0x2c006057
++#define MASK_VASUBVX   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSMULVV  0x9c000057
++#define MASK_VSMULVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSMULVX  0x9c004057
++#define MASK_VSMULVX   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSSRLVV   0xa8000057
++#define MASK_VSSRLVV    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSSRLVX   0xa8004057
++#define MASK_VSSRLVX    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSSRLVI   0xa8003057
++#define MASK_VSSRLVI    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSSRAVV   0xac000057
++#define MASK_VSSRAVV    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSSRAVX   0xac004057
++#define MASK_VSSRAVX    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSSRAVI   0xac003057
++#define MASK_VSSRAVI    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VNCLIPUWV 0xb8000057
++#define MASK_VNCLIPUWV  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VNCLIPUWX 0xb8004057
++#define MASK_VNCLIPUWX  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VNCLIPUWI 0xb8003057
++#define MASK_VNCLIPUWI  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VNCLIPWV  0xbc000057
++#define MASK_VNCLIPWV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VNCLIPWX  0xbc004057
++#define MASK_VNCLIPWX   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VNCLIPWI  0xbc003057
++#define MASK_VNCLIPWI   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFADDVV  0x00001057
++#define MASK_VFADDVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFADDVF  0x00005057
++#define MASK_VFADDVF   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFSUBVV  0x08001057
++#define MASK_VFSUBVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFSUBVF  0x08005057
++#define MASK_VFSUBVF   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFRSUBVF 0x9c005057
++#define MASK_VFRSUBVF  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFWADDVV  0xc0001057
++#define MASK_VFWADDVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFWADDVF  0xc0005057
++#define MASK_VFWADDVF   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFWSUBVV  0xc8001057
++#define MASK_VFWSUBVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFWSUBVF  0xc8005057
++#define MASK_VFWSUBVF   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFWADDWV  0xd0001057
++#define MASK_VFWADDWV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFWADDWF  0xd0005057
++#define MASK_VFWADDWF   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFWSUBWV  0xd8001057
++#define MASK_VFWSUBWV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFWSUBWF  0xd8005057
++#define MASK_VFWSUBWF   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFMULVV  0x90001057
++#define MASK_VFMULVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFMULVF  0x90005057
++#define MASK_VFMULVF   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFDIVVV  0x80001057
++#define MASK_VFDIVVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFDIVVF  0x80005057
++#define MASK_VFDIVVF   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFRDIVVF 0x84005057
++#define MASK_VFRDIVVF  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFWMULVV 0xe0001057
++#define MASK_VFWMULVV  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFWMULVF 0xe0005057
++#define MASK_VFWMULVF  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFMADDVV  0xa0001057
++#define MASK_VFMADDVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFMADDVF  0xa0005057
++#define MASK_VFMADDVF   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFNMADDVV 0xa4001057
++#define MASK_VFNMADDVV  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFNMADDVF 0xa4005057
++#define MASK_VFNMADDVF  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFMSUBVV  0xa8001057
++#define MASK_VFMSUBVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFMSUBVF  0xa8005057
++#define MASK_VFMSUBVF   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFNMSUBVV 0xac001057
++#define MASK_VFNMSUBVV  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFNMSUBVF 0xac005057
++#define MASK_VFNMSUBVF  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFMACCVV  0xb0001057
++#define MASK_VFMACCVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFMACCVF  0xb0005057
++#define MASK_VFMACCVF   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFNMACCVV 0xb4001057
++#define MASK_VFNMACCVV  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFNMACCVF 0xb4005057
++#define MASK_VFNMACCVF  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFMSACVV  0xb8001057
++#define MASK_VFMSACVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFMSACVF  0xb8005057
++#define MASK_VFMSACVF   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFNMSACVV 0xbc001057
++#define MASK_VFNMSACVV  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFNMSACVF 0xbc005057
++#define MASK_VFNMSACVF  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFWMACCVV  0xf0001057
++#define MASK_VFWMACCVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFWMACCVF  0xf0005057
++#define MASK_VFWMACCVF   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFWNMACCVV 0xf4001057
++#define MASK_VFWNMACCVV  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFWNMACCVF 0xf4005057
++#define MASK_VFWNMACCVF  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFWMSACVV  0xf8001057
++#define MASK_VFWMSACVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFWMSACVF  0xf8005057
++#define MASK_VFWMSACVF   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFWNMSACVV 0xfc001057
++#define MASK_VFWNMSACVV  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFWNMSACVF 0xfc005057
++#define MASK_VFWNMSACVF  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFSQRTV    0x4c001057
++#define MASK_VFSQRTV     0xfc0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VFRSQRT7V  0x4c021057
++#define MASK_VFRSQRT7V   0xfc0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VFREC7V    0x4c029057
++#define MASK_VFREC7V     0xfc0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VFCLASSV   0x4c081057
++#define MASK_VFCLASSV    0xfc0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VFMINVV  0x10001057
++#define MASK_VFMINVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFMINVF  0x10005057
++#define MASK_VFMINVF   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFMAXVV  0x18001057
++#define MASK_VFMAXVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFMAXVF  0x18005057
++#define MASK_VFMAXVF   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFSGNJVV  0x20001057
++#define MASK_VFSGNJVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFSGNJVF  0x20005057
++#define MASK_VFSGNJVF   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFSGNJNVV 0x24001057
++#define MASK_VFSGNJNVV  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFSGNJNVF 0x24005057
++#define MASK_VFSGNJNVF  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFSGNJXVV 0x28001057
++#define MASK_VFSGNJXVV  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFSGNJXVF 0x28005057
++#define MASK_VFSGNJXVF  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMFEQVV   0x60001057
++#define MASK_VMFEQVV    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMFEQVF   0x60005057
++#define MASK_VMFEQVF    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMFNEVV   0x70001057
++#define MASK_VMFNEVV    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMFNEVF   0x70005057
++#define MASK_VMFNEVF    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMFLTVV   0x6c001057
++#define MASK_VMFLTVV    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMFLTVF   0x6c005057
++#define MASK_VMFLTVF    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMFLEVV  0x64001057
++#define MASK_VMFLEVV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMFLEVF  0x64005057
++#define MASK_VMFLEVF   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMFGTVF   0x74005057
++#define MASK_VMFGTVF    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMFGEVF  0x7c005057
++#define MASK_VMFGEVF   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFMERGEVFM 0x5c005057
++#define MASK_VFMERGEVFM  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_VFMVVF     0x5e005057
++#define MASK_VFMVVF      0xfff0707f
++#define MATCH_VFCVTXUFV 0x48001057
++#define MASK_VFCVTXUFV  0xfc0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VFCVTXFV 0x48009057
++#define MASK_VFCVTXFV  0xfc0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VFCVTFXUV 0x48011057
++#define MASK_VFCVTFXUV  0xfc0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VFCVTFXV 0x48019057
++#define MASK_VFCVTFXV  0xfc0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VFCVTRTZXUFV 0x48031057
++#define MASK_VFCVTRTZXUFV  0xfc0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VFCVTRTZXFV 0x48039057
++#define MASK_VFCVTRTZXFV  0xfc0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VFWCVTXUFV 0x48041057
++#define MASK_VFWCVTXUFV  0xfc0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VFWCVTXFV 0x48049057
++#define MASK_VFWCVTXFV  0xfc0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VFWCVTFXUV 0x48051057
++#define MASK_VFWCVTFXUV  0xfc0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VFWCVTFXV 0x48059057
++#define MASK_VFWCVTFXV  0xfc0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VFWCVTFFV 0x48061057
++#define MASK_VFWCVTFFV  0xfc0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VFWCVTRTZXUFV 0x48071057
++#define MASK_VFWCVTRTZXUFV  0xfc0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VFWCVTRTZXFV 0x48079057
++#define MASK_VFWCVTRTZXFV  0xfc0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VFNCVTXUFW 0x48081057
++#define MASK_VFNCVTXUFW  0xfc0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VFNCVTXFW 0x48089057
++#define MASK_VFNCVTXFW  0xfc0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VFNCVTFXUW 0x48091057
++#define MASK_VFNCVTFXUW  0xfc0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VFNCVTFXW 0x48099057
++#define MASK_VFNCVTFXW  0xfc0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VFNCVTFFW 0x480a1057
++#define MASK_VFNCVTFFW  0xfc0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VFNCVTRODFFW 0x480a9057
++#define MASK_VFNCVTRODFFW  0xfc0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VFNCVTRTZXUFW 0x480b1057
++#define MASK_VFNCVTRTZXUFW  0xfc0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VFNCVTRTZXFW 0x480b9057
++#define MASK_VFNCVTRTZXFW  0xfc0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VREDSUMVS  0x00002057
++#define MASK_VREDSUMVS   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VREDMAXVS  0x1c002057
++#define MASK_VREDMAXVS   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VREDMAXUVS 0x18002057
++#define MASK_VREDMAXUVS  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VREDMINVS  0x14002057
++#define MASK_VREDMINVS   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VREDMINUVS 0x10002057
++#define MASK_VREDMINUVS  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VREDANDVS  0x04002057
++#define MASK_VREDANDVS   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VREDORVS   0x08002057
++#define MASK_VREDORVS    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VREDXORVS  0x0c002057
++#define MASK_VREDXORVS   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VWREDSUMUVS 0xc0000057
++#define MASK_VWREDSUMUVS  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VWREDSUMVS  0xc4000057
++#define MASK_VWREDSUMVS   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFREDOSUMVS 0x0c001057
++#define MASK_VFREDOSUMVS  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFREDSUMVS  0x04001057
++#define MASK_VFREDSUMVS   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFREDMAXVS  0x1c001057
++#define MASK_VFREDMAXVS   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFREDMINVS  0x14001057
++#define MASK_VFREDMINVS   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFWREDOSUMVS 0xcc001057
++#define MASK_VFWREDOSUMVS  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFWREDSUMVS  0xc4001057
++#define MASK_VFWREDSUMVS   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VMANDMM    0x66002057
++#define MASK_VMANDMM     0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_VMNANDMM   0x76002057
++#define MASK_VMNANDMM    0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_VMANDNOTMM 0x62002057
++#define MASK_VMANDNOTMM  0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_VMXORMM    0x6e002057
++#define MASK_VMXORMM     0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_VMORMM     0x6a002057
++#define MASK_VMORMM      0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_VMNORMM    0x7a002057
++#define MASK_VMNORMM     0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_VMORNOTMM  0x72002057
++#define MASK_VMORNOTMM   0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_VMXNORMM   0x7e002057
++#define MASK_VMXNORMM    0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_VPOPCM   0x40082057
++#define MASK_VPOPCM    0xfc0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VFIRSTM  0x4008a057
++#define MASK_VFIRSTM   0xfc0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VMSBFM   0x5000a057
++#define MASK_VMSBFM    0xfc0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VMSIFM   0x5001a057
++#define MASK_VMSIFM    0xfc0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VMSOFM   0x50012057
++#define MASK_VMSOFM    0xfc0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VIOTAM   0x50082057
++#define MASK_VIOTAM    0xfc0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VIDV     0x5008a057
++#define MASK_VIDV      0xfdfff07f
++#define MATCH_VMVXS    0x42002057
++#define MASK_VMVXS     0xfe0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VMVSX    0x42006057
++#define MASK_VMVSX     0xfff0707f
++#define MATCH_VFMVFS   0x42001057
++#define MASK_VFMVFS    0xfe0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VFMVSF   0x42005057
++#define MASK_VFMVSF    0xfff0707f
++#define MATCH_VSLIDEUPVX   0x38004057
++#define MASK_VSLIDEUPVX    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSLIDEUPVI   0x38003057
++#define MASK_VSLIDEUPVI    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSLIDEDOWNVX 0x3c004057
++#define MASK_VSLIDEDOWNVX  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSLIDEDOWNVI 0x3c003057
++#define MASK_VSLIDEDOWNVI  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSLIDE1UPVX   0x38006057
++#define MASK_VSLIDE1UPVX    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VSLIDE1DOWNVX 0x3c006057
++#define MASK_VSLIDE1DOWNVX  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFSLIDE1UPVF   0x38005057
++#define MASK_VFSLIDE1UPVF    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFSLIDE1DOWNVF 0x3c005057
++#define MASK_VFSLIDE1DOWNVF  0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VRGATHERVV      0x30000057
++#define MASK_VRGATHERVV       0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VRGATHERVX      0x30004057
++#define MASK_VRGATHERVX       0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VRGATHERVI      0x30003057
++#define MASK_VRGATHERVI       0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VRGATHEREI16VV  0x38000057
++#define MASK_VRGATHEREI16VV   0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VCOMPRESSVM   0x5e002057
++#define MASK_VCOMPRESSVM    0xfe00707f
++#define MATCH_VMV1RV 0x9e003057
++#define MASK_VMV1RV  0xfe0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VMV2RV 0x9e00b057
++#define MASK_VMV2RV  0xfe0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VMV4RV 0x9e01b057
++#define MASK_VMV4RV  0xfe0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VMV8RV 0x9e03b057
++#define MASK_VMV8RV  0xfe0ff07f
++#define MATCH_VDOTVV    0xe4000057
++#define MASK_VDOTVV     0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VDOTUVV   0xe0000057
++#define MASK_VDOTUVV    0xfc00707f
++#define MATCH_VFDOTVV   0xe4001057
++#define MASK_VFDOTVV    0xfc00707f
++/* END RVV */
++#define MATCH_CUSTOM0 0xb
++#define MASK_CUSTOM0  0x707f
++#define MATCH_CUSTOM0_RS1 0x200b
++#define MASK_CUSTOM0_RS1  0x707f
++#define MATCH_CUSTOM0_RS1_RS2 0x300b
++#define MASK_CUSTOM0_RS1_RS2  0x707f
++#define MATCH_CUSTOM0_RD 0x400b
++#define MASK_CUSTOM0_RD  0x707f
++#define MATCH_CUSTOM0_RD_RS1 0x600b
++#define MASK_CUSTOM0_RD_RS1  0x707f
++#define MATCH_CUSTOM0_RD_RS1_RS2 0x700b
++#define MASK_CUSTOM0_RD_RS1_RS2  0x707f
++#define MATCH_CUSTOM1 0x2b
++#define MASK_CUSTOM1  0x707f
++#define MATCH_CUSTOM1_RS1 0x202b
++#define MASK_CUSTOM1_RS1  0x707f
++#define MATCH_CUSTOM1_RS1_RS2 0x302b
++#define MASK_CUSTOM1_RS1_RS2  0x707f
++#define MATCH_CUSTOM1_RD 0x402b
++#define MASK_CUSTOM1_RD  0x707f
++#define MATCH_CUSTOM1_RD_RS1 0x602b
++#define MASK_CUSTOM1_RD_RS1  0x707f
++#define MATCH_CUSTOM1_RD_RS1_RS2 0x702b
++#define MASK_CUSTOM1_RD_RS1_RS2  0x707f
++#define MATCH_CUSTOM2 0x5b
++#define MASK_CUSTOM2  0x707f
++#define MATCH_CUSTOM2_RS1 0x205b
++#define MASK_CUSTOM2_RS1  0x707f
++#define MATCH_CUSTOM2_RS1_RS2 0x305b
++#define MASK_CUSTOM2_RS1_RS2  0x707f
++#define MATCH_CUSTOM2_RD 0x405b
++#define MASK_CUSTOM2_RD  0x707f
++#define MATCH_CUSTOM2_RD_RS1 0x605b
++#define MASK_CUSTOM2_RD_RS1  0x707f
++#define MATCH_CUSTOM2_RD_RS1_RS2 0x705b
++#define MASK_CUSTOM2_RD_RS1_RS2  0x707f
++#define MATCH_CUSTOM3 0x7b
++#define MASK_CUSTOM3  0x707f
++#define MATCH_CUSTOM3_RS1 0x207b
++#define MASK_CUSTOM3_RS1  0x707f
++#define MATCH_CUSTOM3_RS1_RS2 0x307b
++#define MASK_CUSTOM3_RS1_RS2  0x707f
++#define MATCH_CUSTOM3_RD 0x407b
++#define MASK_CUSTOM3_RD  0x707f
++#define MATCH_CUSTOM3_RD_RS1 0x607b
++#define MASK_CUSTOM3_RD_RS1  0x707f
++#define MATCH_CUSTOM3_RD_RS1_RS2 0x707b
++#define MASK_CUSTOM3_RD_RS1_RS2  0x707f
++/* Privileged CSR addresses (v1.11).  */
+ #define CSR_USTATUS 0x0
+ #define CSR_UIE 0x4
+ #define CSR_UTVEC 0x5
+@@ -990,6 +2886,13 @@
+ #define CSR_FFLAGS 0x1
+ #define CSR_FRM 0x2
+ #define CSR_FCSR 0x3
++#define CSR_VSTART 0x008
++#define CSR_VXSAT 0x009
++#define CSR_VXRM 0x00a
++#define CSR_VCSR 0x00f
++#define CSR_VL 0xc20
++#define CSR_VTYPE 0xc21
++#define CSR_VLENB 0xc22
+ #define CSR_DCSR 0x7b0
+ #define CSR_DPC 0x7b1
+ #define CSR_DSCRATCH0 0x7b2
+@@ -1002,7 +2905,7 @@
+ #define CSR_TCONTROL 0x7a5
+ #define CSR_MCONTEXT 0x7a8
+ #define CSR_SCONTEXT 0x7aa
+-#endif /* RISCV_ENCODING_H */
++#endif /* RISCV_ENCODING_H.  */
+@@ -1606,6 +3509,13 @@ DECLARE_CSR(mhcounteren, CSR_MHCOUNTEREN, CSR_CLASS_I, PRIV_SPEC_CLASS_1P9P1, PR
+-#endif /* DECLARE_CSR_ALIAS */
++#endif /* DECLARE_CSR_ALIAS */
+\ No newline at end of file
+diff --git a/include/opcode/riscv.h b/include/opcode/riscv.h
+index ae8c6bd33f..a785cb1490 100644
+--- a/include/opcode/riscv.h
++++ b/include/opcode/riscv.h
+@@ -52,6 +52,28 @@ static const char * const riscv_pred_succ[16] =
+   "i", "iw", "ir", "irw", "io", "iow", "ior", "iorw"
+ };
++/* List of vsetvli vsew constants.  */
++static const char * const riscv_vsew[8] =
++  "e8", "e16", "e32", "e64", "e128", "e256", "e512", "e1024"
++/* List of vsetvli vlmul constants.  */
++static const char * const riscv_vlmul[8] =
++  "m1", "m2", "m4", "m8", 0, "mf8", "mf4", "mf2"
++static const char * const riscv_vta[2] =
++  "tu", "ta"
++static const char * const riscv_vma[2] =
++  "mu", "ma"
+ #define RVC_JUMP_BITS 11
+@@ -101,6 +123,16 @@ static const char * const riscv_pred_succ[16] =
+   ((RV_X(x, 3, 2) << 1) | (RV_X(x, 10, 2) << 3) | (RV_X(x, 2, 1) << 5) | (RV_X(x, 5, 2) << 6) | (-RV_X(x, 12, 1) << 8))
+ #define EXTRACT_CJTYPE_IMM(x) \
+   ((RV_X(x, 3, 3) << 1) | (RV_X(x, 11, 1) << 4) | (RV_X(x, 2, 1) << 5) | (RV_X(x, 7, 1) << 6) | (RV_X(x, 6, 1) << 7) | (RV_X(x, 9, 2) << 8) | (RV_X(x, 8, 1) << 10) | (-RV_X(x, 12, 1) << 11))
++#define EXTRACT_RVV_VI_IMM(x) \
++  (RV_X(x, 15, 5) | (-RV_X(x, 19, 1) << 5))
++#define EXTRACT_RVV_VI_UIMM(x) \
++  (RV_X(x, 15, 5))
++#define EXTRACT_RVV_OFFSET(x) \
++  (RV_X(x, 29, 3))
++#define EXTRACT_RVV_VB_IMM(x) \
++  (RV_X(x, 20, 10))
++#define EXTRACT_RVV_VC_IMM(x) \
++  (RV_X(x, 20, 11))
+ #define ENCODE_ITYPE_IMM(x) \
+   (RV_X(x, 0, 12) << 20)
+@@ -142,6 +174,10 @@ static const char * const riscv_pred_succ[16] =
+   ((RV_X(x, 1, 2) << 3) | (RV_X(x, 3, 2) << 10) | (RV_X(x, 5, 1) << 2) | (RV_X(x, 6, 2) << 5) | (RV_X(x, 8, 1) << 12))
+ #define ENCODE_CJTYPE_IMM(x) \
+   ((RV_X(x, 1, 3) << 3) | (RV_X(x, 4, 1) << 11) | (RV_X(x, 5, 1) << 2) | (RV_X(x, 6, 1) << 7) | (RV_X(x, 7, 1) << 6) | (RV_X(x, 8, 2) << 9) | (RV_X(x, 10, 1) << 8) | (RV_X(x, 11, 1) << 12))
++#define ENCODE_RVV_VB_IMM(x) \
++  (RV_X(x, 0, 10) << 20)
++#define ENCODE_RVV_VC_IMM(x) \
++  (RV_X(x, 0, 11) << 20)
+@@ -165,6 +201,8 @@ static const char * const riscv_pred_succ[16] =
+ #define RISCV_RTYPE(insn, rd, rs1, rs2) \
+   ((MATCH_ ## insn) | ((rd) << OP_SH_RD) | ((rs1) << OP_SH_RS1) | ((rs2) << OP_SH_RS2))
+@@ -261,6 +299,35 @@ static const char * const riscv_pred_succ[16] =
+ #define OP_MASK_CFUNCT2		0x3
+ #define OP_SH_CFUNCT2		5
++/* RVV fields.  */
++#define OP_MASK_VD		0x1f
++#define OP_SH_VD		7
++#define OP_MASK_VS1		0x1f
++#define OP_SH_VS1		15
++#define OP_MASK_VS2		0x1f
++#define OP_SH_VS2		20
++#define OP_MASK_VIMM		0x1f
++#define OP_SH_VIMM		15
++#define OP_MASK_VMASK		0x1
++#define OP_SH_VMASK		25
++#define OP_MASK_VFUNCT6		0x3f
++#define OP_SH_VFUNCT6		26
++#define OP_MASK_VLMUL		0x7
++#define OP_SH_VLMUL		0
++#define OP_MASK_VSEW		0x7
++#define OP_SH_VSEW		3
++#define OP_MASK_VTA		0x1
++#define OP_SH_VTA		6
++#define OP_MASK_VMA		0x1
++#define OP_SH_VMA		7
++#define OP_MASK_VTYPE_RES	0x1
++#define OP_SH_VTYPE_RES 	10
++#define OP_MASK_VWD		0x1
++#define OP_SH_VWD		26
+ /* ABI names for selected x-registers.  */
+ #define X_RA 1
+@@ -274,6 +341,8 @@ static const char * const riscv_pred_succ[16] =
+ #define NGPR 32
+ #define NFPR 32
++#define NVECR 32
++#define NVECM 1
+ /* These fake label defines are use by both the assembler, and
+    libopcodes.  The assembler uses this when it needs to generate a fake
+@@ -331,6 +400,10 @@ enum riscv_insn_class
+ };
+ /* This structure holds information for a particular instruction.  */
+@@ -371,6 +444,9 @@ struct riscv_opcode
+   unsigned long pinfo;
+ };
+ /* Instruction is a simple alias (e.g. "mv" for "addi").  */
+ #define	INSN_ALIAS		0x00000001
+@@ -434,6 +510,8 @@ enum
+   M_ZEXTW,
+   M_SEXTB,
+   M_SEXTH,
++  M_VMSGE,
+ };
+@@ -442,8 +520,10 @@ extern const char * const riscv_gpr_names_numeric[NGPR];
+ extern const char * const riscv_gpr_names_abi[NGPR];
+ extern const char * const riscv_fpr_names_numeric[NFPR];
+ extern const char * const riscv_fpr_names_abi[NFPR];
++extern const char * const riscv_vecr_names_numeric[NVECR];
++extern const char * const riscv_vecm_names_numeric[NVECM];
+ extern const struct riscv_opcode riscv_opcodes[];
+ extern const struct riscv_opcode riscv_insn_types[];
+-#endif /* _RISCV_H_ */
++#endif /* _RISCV_H_ */
+\ No newline at end of file
+diff --git a/opcodes/riscv-dis.c b/opcodes/riscv-dis.c
+index fe8dfb88d9..a36756cb4c 100644
+--- a/opcodes/riscv-dis.c
++++ b/opcodes/riscv-dis.c
+@@ -43,15 +43,17 @@ struct riscv_private_data
+ static const char * const *riscv_gpr_names;
+ static const char * const *riscv_fpr_names;
++static const char * const *riscv_vecr_names;
+-/* If set, disassemble as most general instruction.  */
+-static int no_aliases;
++/* Other options.  */
++static int no_aliases;	/* If set disassemble as most general inst.  */
+ static void
+ set_default_riscv_dis_options (void)
+ {
+   riscv_gpr_names = riscv_gpr_names_abi;
+   riscv_fpr_names = riscv_fpr_names_abi;
++  riscv_vecr_names = riscv_vecr_names_numeric;
+   no_aliases = 0;
+ }
+@@ -411,6 +413,88 @@ print_insn_args (const char *d, insn_t l, bfd_vma pc, disassemble_info *info)
+ 	  print (info->stream, "%d", rs1);
+ 	  break;
++	case 'V': /* RVV */
++	  switch (*++d)
++	    {
++	    case 'd':
++	    case 'f':
++	      print (info->stream, "%s",
++		      riscv_vecr_names[EXTRACT_OPERAND (VD, l)]);
++	      break;
++	    case 'e':
++	      if (!EXTRACT_OPERAND (VWD, l))
++		print (info->stream, "%s", riscv_gpr_names[0]);
++	      else
++		print (info->stream, "%s",
++		       riscv_vecr_names[EXTRACT_OPERAND (VD, l)]);
++	      break;
++	    case 's':
++	      print (info->stream, "%s",
++		      riscv_vecr_names[EXTRACT_OPERAND (VS1, l)]);
++	      break;
++	    case 't':
++	    case 'u': /* VS1 == VS2 already verified at this point.  */
++	    case 'v': /* VD == VS1 == VS2 already verified at this point.  */
++	      print (info->stream, "%s",
++		      riscv_vecr_names[EXTRACT_OPERAND (VS2, l)]);
++	      break;
++	    case '0':
++	      print (info->stream, "%s", riscv_vecr_names[0]);
++	      break;
++	    case 'b':
++	    case 'c':
++	      {
++		int imm = (*d == 'b') ? EXTRACT_RVV_VB_IMM (l)
++				      : EXTRACT_RVV_VC_IMM (l);
++		unsigned int imm_vlmul = EXTRACT_OPERAND (VLMUL, imm);
++		unsigned int imm_vsew = EXTRACT_OPERAND (VSEW, imm);
++		unsigned int imm_vta = EXTRACT_OPERAND (VTA, imm);
++		unsigned int imm_vma = EXTRACT_OPERAND (VMA, imm);
++		unsigned int imm_vtype_res = EXTRACT_OPERAND (VTYPE_RES, imm);
++		if (imm_vsew < ARRAY_SIZE (riscv_vsew)
++		    && imm_vlmul < ARRAY_SIZE (riscv_vlmul)
++		    && imm_vta < ARRAY_SIZE (riscv_vta)
++		    && imm_vma < ARRAY_SIZE (riscv_vma)
++		    && ! imm_vtype_res)
++		  print (info->stream, "%s,%s,%s,%s", riscv_vsew[imm_vsew],
++			 riscv_vlmul[imm_vlmul], riscv_vta[imm_vta],
++			 riscv_vma[imm_vma]);
++		else
++		  print (info->stream, "%d", imm);
++	      }
++	      break;
++	    case 'i':
++	      print (info->stream, "%d", (int)EXTRACT_RVV_VI_IMM (l));
++	      break;
++	    case 'j':
++	      print (info->stream, "%d", (int)EXTRACT_RVV_VI_UIMM (l));
++	      break;
++	    case 'k':
++	      print (info->stream, "%d", (int)EXTRACT_RVV_OFFSET (l));
++	      break;
++	    case 'm':
++	      if (! EXTRACT_OPERAND (VMASK, l))
++		print (info->stream, ",%s", riscv_vecm_names_numeric[0]);
++	      break;
++	    default:
++	      /* xgettext:c-format */
++	      print (info->stream, _("# internal error, undefined modifier (V%c)"),
++		     *d);
++	      return;
++	    }
++	  break;
+ 	default:
+ 	  /* xgettext:c-format */
+ 	  print (info->stream, _("# internal error, undefined modifier (%c)"),
+@@ -653,4 +737,4 @@ with the -M switch (multiple options should be separated by commas):\n"));
+                   (1.9, 1.9.1, 1.10, 1.11).\n"));
+   fprintf (stream, _("\n"));
+\ No newline at end of file
+diff --git a/opcodes/riscv-opc.c b/opcodes/riscv-opc.c
+index 3d9240262c..745c7a990b 100644
+--- a/opcodes/riscv-opc.c
++++ b/opcodes/riscv-opc.c
+@@ -182,6 +182,20 @@ const char * const riscv_fpr_names_abi[NFPR] =
+   "fs8",  "fs9",  "fs10", "fs11", "ft8",  "ft9",  "ft10", "ft11"
+ };
++const char * const riscv_vecr_names_numeric[NVECR] =
++  "v0",   "v1",   "v2",   "v3",   "v4",   "v5",   "v6",   "v7",
++  "v8",   "v9",   "v10",  "v11",  "v12",  "v13",  "v14",  "v15",
++  "v16",  "v17",  "v18",  "v19",  "v20",  "v21",  "v22",  "v23",
++  "v24",  "v25",  "v26",  "v27",  "v28",  "v29",  "v30",  "v31"
++const char * const riscv_vecm_names_numeric[NVECM] =
++  "v0.t"
+ /* The order of overloaded instructions matters.  Label arguments and
+    register arguments look the same. Instructions that can have either
+    for arguments must apear in the correct order in this table for the
+@@ -209,6 +223,11 @@ const char * const riscv_fpr_names_abi[NFPR] =
+ #define MATCH_SHAMT_REV8_32 (0b11000 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
+ #define MATCH_SHAMT_REV8_64 (0b111000 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
+ #define MATCH_SHAMT_ORC_B (0b00111 << OP_SH_SHAMT)
++#define MASK_VD  (OP_MASK_VD << OP_SH_VD)
++#define MASK_VS1 (OP_MASK_VS1 << OP_SH_VS1)
++#define MASK_VS2 (OP_MASK_VS2 << OP_SH_VS2)
+ static int
+ match_opcode (const struct riscv_opcode *op, insn_t insn)
+@@ -231,6 +250,47 @@ match_rs1_eq_rs2 (const struct riscv_opcode *op, insn_t insn)
+   return match_opcode (op, insn) && rs1 == rs2;
+ }
++static int
++match_vs1_eq_vs2 (const struct riscv_opcode *op,
++		  insn_t insn)
++  int vs1 = (insn & MASK_VS1) >> OP_SH_VS1;
++  int vs2 = (insn & MASK_VS2) >> OP_SH_VS2;
++  return match_opcode (op, insn) && vs1 == vs2;
++static int
++match_vs1_eq_vs2_neq_vm (const struct riscv_opcode *op,
++			 insn_t insn)
++  int vd = (insn & MASK_VD) >> OP_SH_VD;
++  int vs1 = (insn & MASK_VS1) >> OP_SH_VS1;
++  int vs2 = (insn & MASK_VS2) >> OP_SH_VS2;
++  int vm = (insn & MASK_VMASK) >> OP_SH_VMASK;
++  //if (!constraints || error == NULL)
++  //  return match_opcode (op, insn) && vs1 == vs2;
++  if (!vm && vm == vd) return 0;
++    //*error = "illegal operands vd cannot overlap vm";
++  else
++    return match_opcode (op, insn) && vs1 == vs2;
++  return 0;
++static int
++match_vd_eq_vs1_eq_vs2 (const struct riscv_opcode *op,
++			insn_t insn)
++  int vd =  (insn & MASK_VD) >> OP_SH_VD;
++  int vs1 = (insn & MASK_VS1) >> OP_SH_VS1;
++  int vs2 = (insn & MASK_VS2) >> OP_SH_VS2;
++  return match_opcode (op, insn) && vd == vs1 && vs1 == vs2;
+ static int
+ match_rd_nonzero (const struct riscv_opcode *op, insn_t insn)
+ {
+@@ -324,6 +384,249 @@ match_srxi_as_c_srxi (const struct riscv_opcode *op, insn_t insn)
+   return match_opcode (op, insn) && EXTRACT_CITYPE_IMM (insn) != 0;
+ }
++/* These are used to check the vector constraints.  */
++static int
++match_widen_vd_neq_vs1_neq_vs2_neq_vm (const struct riscv_opcode *op,
++				       insn_t insn)
++  int vd = (insn & MASK_VD) >> OP_SH_VD;
++  int vs1 = (insn & MASK_VS1) >> OP_SH_VS1;
++  int vs2 = (insn & MASK_VS2) >> OP_SH_VS2;
++  int vm = (insn & MASK_VMASK) >> OP_SH_VMASK;
++  //if (!constraints || error == NULL)
++  //  return match_opcode (op, insn);
++  if ((vd % 2) != 0)
++    return 0;
++    //*error = "illegal operands vd must be multiple of 2";
++  else if (vs1 >= vd && vs1 <= (vd + 1))
++    return 0;
++    //*error = "illegal operands vd cannot overlap vs1";
++  else if (vs2 >= vd && vs2 <= (vd + 1))
++    return 0;
++    //*error = "illegal operands vd cannot overlap vs2";
++  else if (!vm && vm >= vd && vm <= (vd + 1))
++    return 0;
++    //*error = "illegal operands vd cannot overlap vm";
++  else
++    return match_opcode (op, insn);
++  return 0;
++static int
++match_widen_vd_neq_vs1_neq_vm (const struct riscv_opcode *op,
++			       insn_t insn)
++  int vd = (insn & MASK_VD) >> OP_SH_VD;
++  int vs1 = (insn & MASK_VS1) >> OP_SH_VS1;
++  int vs2 = (insn & MASK_VS2) >> OP_SH_VS2;
++  int vm = (insn & MASK_VMASK) >> OP_SH_VMASK;
++  //if (!constraints || error == NULL)
++  //  return match_opcode (op, insn);
++  if ((vd % 2) != 0) return 0;
++    //*error = "illegal operands vd must be multiple of 2";
++  else if ((vs2 % 2) != 0) return 0;
++    //*error = "illegal operands vs2 must be multiple of 2";
++  else if (vs1 >= vd && vs1 <= (vd + 1)) return 0;
++    //*error = "illegal operands vd cannot overlap vs1";
++  else if (!vm && vm >= vd && vm <= (vd + 1)) return 0;
++    //*error = "illegal operands vd cannot overlap vm";
++  else
++    return match_opcode (op, insn);
++  return 0;
++static int
++match_widen_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm (const struct riscv_opcode *op,
++			       insn_t insn)
++  int vd = (insn & MASK_VD) >> OP_SH_VD;
++  int vs2 = (insn & MASK_VS2) >> OP_SH_VS2;
++  int vm = (insn & MASK_VMASK) >> OP_SH_VMASK;
++  //if (!constraints || error == NULL)
++  //  return match_opcode (op, insn);
++  if ((vd % 2) != 0) return 0;
++    //*error = "illegal operands vd must be multiple of 2";
++  else if (vs2 >= vd && vs2 <= (vd + 1)) return 0;
++    //*error = "illegal operands vd cannot overlap vs2";
++  else if (!vm && vm >= vd && vm <= (vd + 1)) return 0;
++    //*error = "illegal operands vd cannot overlap vm";
++  else
++    return match_opcode (op, insn);
++  return 0;
++static int
++match_widen_vd_neq_vm (const struct riscv_opcode *op,
++		       insn_t insn)
++  int vd = (insn & MASK_VD) >> OP_SH_VD;
++  int vs2 = (insn & MASK_VS2) >> OP_SH_VS2;
++  int vm = (insn & MASK_VMASK) >> OP_SH_VMASK;
++  //if (!constraints || error == NULL)
++  //  return match_opcode (op, insn);
++  if ((vd % 2) != 0) return 0;
++   // *error = "illegal operands vd must be multiple of 2";
++  else if ((vs2 % 2) != 0) return 0;
++   // *error = "illegal operands vs2 must be multiple of 2";
++  else if (!vm && vm >= vd && vm <= (vd + 1)) return 0;
++   // *error = "illegal operands vd cannot overlap vm";
++  else
++    return match_opcode (op, insn);
++  return 0;
++static int
++match_narrow_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm (const struct riscv_opcode *op,
++				insn_t insn)
++  int vd = (insn & MASK_VD) >> OP_SH_VD;
++  int vs2 = (insn & MASK_VS2) >> OP_SH_VS2;
++  int vm = (insn & MASK_VMASK) >> OP_SH_VMASK;
++  //if (!constraints || error == NULL)
++  //  return match_opcode (op, insn);
++  if ((vs2 % 2) != 0) return 0;
++    //*error = "illegal operands vd must be multiple of 2";
++  else if (vd >= vs2 && vd <= (vs2 + 1)) return 0;
++    //*error = "illegal operands vd cannot overlap vs2";
++  else if (!vm && vd >= vm && vd <= (vm + 1)) return 0;
++    //*error = "illegal operands vd cannot overlap vm";
++  else
++    return match_opcode (op, insn);
++  return 0;
++static int
++match_vd_neq_vs1_neq_vs2 (const struct riscv_opcode *op,
++			  insn_t insn)
++  int vd = (insn & MASK_VD) >> OP_SH_VD;
++  int vs1 = (insn & MASK_VS1) >> OP_SH_VS1;
++  int vs2 = (insn & MASK_VS2) >> OP_SH_VS2;
++  //if (!constraints || error == NULL)
++  //  return match_opcode (op, insn);
++  if (vs1 == vd) return 0;
++    //*error = "illegal operands vd cannot overlap vs1";
++  else if (vs2 == vd) return 0;
++    //*error = "illegal operands vd cannot overlap vs2";
++  else
++    return match_opcode (op, insn);
++  return 0;
++static int
++match_vd_neq_vs1_neq_vs2_neq_vm (const struct riscv_opcode *op,
++				 insn_t insn)
++  int vd = (insn & MASK_VD) >> OP_SH_VD;
++  int vs1 = (insn & MASK_VS1) >> OP_SH_VS1;
++  int vs2 = (insn & MASK_VS2) >> OP_SH_VS2;
++  int vm = (insn & MASK_VMASK) >> OP_SH_VMASK;
++  if (vs1 == vd) return 0;
++    //*error = "illegal operands vd cannot overlap vs1";
++  else if (vs2 == vd) return 0;
++    //*error = "illegal operands vd cannot overlap vs2";
++  else if (!vm && vm == vd) return 0;
++    //*error = "illegal operands vd cannot overlap vm";
++  else
++    return match_opcode (op, insn);
++  return 0;
++static int
++match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm (const struct riscv_opcode *op,
++			 insn_t insn)
++  int vd = (insn & MASK_VD) >> OP_SH_VD;
++  int vs2 = (insn & MASK_VS2) >> OP_SH_VS2;
++  int vm = (insn & MASK_VMASK) >> OP_SH_VMASK;
++  //if (!constraints || error == NULL)
++  //  return match_opcode (op, insn);
++  if (vs2 == vd) return 0;
++    //*error = "illegal operands vd cannot overlap vs2";
++  else if (!vm && vm == vd) return 0;
++    //*error = "illegal operands vd cannot overlap vm";
++  else 
++    return match_opcode (op, insn);
++  return 0;
++/* v[m]adc and v[m]sbc use the vm encoding to encode the
++   carry-in v0 register.  The carry-in v0 register can not
++   overlap with the vd, too.  Therefore, we use the same
++   match_vd_neq_vm to check the overlap constraints.  */
++static int
++match_vd_neq_vm (const struct riscv_opcode *op,
++		 insn_t insn)
++  int vd = (insn & MASK_VD) >> OP_SH_VD;
++  int vm = (insn & MASK_VMASK) >> OP_SH_VMASK;
++  //if (!constraints || error == NULL)
++  //  return match_opcode (op, insn);
++  if (!vm && vm == vd) return 0;
++    //*error = "illegal operands vd cannot overlap vm";
++  else
++    return match_opcode (op, insn);
++  return 0;
++static int
++match_vls_nf_rv (const struct riscv_opcode *op,
++		 insn_t insn)
++  int vd = (insn & MASK_VD) >> OP_SH_VD;
++  int nf = ((insn & (0x7 << 29) ) >> 29) + 1;
++  //if (!constraints || error == NULL)
++  //  return match_opcode (op, insn);
++  if ((vd % nf) != 0) return 0;
++    //*error = "illegal operands vd must be multiple of nf";
++  else
++    return match_opcode (op, insn);
++  return 0;
++static int
++match_vmv_nf_rv (const struct riscv_opcode *op,
++		 insn_t insn)
++  int vd = (insn & MASK_VD) >> OP_SH_VD;
++  int vs2 = (insn & MASK_VS2) >> OP_SH_VS2;
++  int nf = ((insn & (0x7 << 15) ) >> 15) + 1;
++  //if (!constraints || error == NULL)
++  //  return match_opcode (op, insn);
++  if ((vd % nf) != 0) return 0;
++    //*error = "illegal operands vd must be multiple of nf";
++  else if ((vs2 % nf) != 0) return 0;
++    //*error = "illegal operands vs2 must be multiple of nf";
++  else
++    return match_opcode (op, insn);
++  return 0;
+ const struct riscv_opcode riscv_opcodes[] =
+ {
+ /* name, xlen, isa, operands, match, mask, match_func, pinfo.  */
+@@ -1144,6 +1447,806 @@ const struct riscv_opcode riscv_opcodes[] =
+ {"fsrw",      64, INSN_CLASS_ZBT,  "d,s,<,r",  MATCH_FSRW, MASK_FSRW, match_opcode, 0 },
+ {"fsriw",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBT,  "d,s,<,r",  MATCH_FSRIW, MASK_FSRIW, match_opcode, 0 },
++/* RVV */
++{"vsetvl",     0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "d,s,t",  MATCH_VSETVL, MASK_VSETVL, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vsetvli",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "d,s,Vc", MATCH_VSETVLI, MASK_VSETVLI, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vsetivli",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "d,Z,Vb", MATCH_VSETIVLI, MASK_VSETIVLI, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vle1.v",     0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)", MATCH_VLE1V, MASK_VLE1V, match_opcode, INSN_DREF },
++{"vse1.v",     0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)", MATCH_VSE1V, MASK_VSE1V, match_opcode, INSN_DREF },
++{"vle8.v",     0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLE8V, MASK_VLE8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vle16.v",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLE16V, MASK_VLE16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vle32.v",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLE32V, MASK_VLE32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vle64.v",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLE64V, MASK_VLE64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vse8.v",     0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VSE8V, MASK_VSE8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vse16.v",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VSE16V, MASK_VSE16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vse32.v",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VSE32V, MASK_VSE32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vse64.v",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VSE64V, MASK_VSE64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlse8.v",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VLSE8V, MASK_VLSE8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlse16.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VLSE16V, MASK_VLSE16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlse32.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VLSE32V, MASK_VLSE32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlse64.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VLSE64V, MASK_VLSE64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsse8.v",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VSSE8V, MASK_VSSE8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsse16.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VSSE16V, MASK_VSSE16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsse32.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VSSE32V, MASK_VSSE32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsse64.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VSSE64V, MASK_VSSE64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vloxei8.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLOXEI8V, MASK_VLOXEI8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vloxei16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLOXEI16V, MASK_VLOXEI16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vloxei32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLOXEI32V, MASK_VLOXEI32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vloxei64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLOXEI64V, MASK_VLOXEI64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsoxei8.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSOXEI8V, MASK_VSOXEI8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsoxei16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSOXEI16V, MASK_VSOXEI16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsoxei32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSOXEI32V, MASK_VSOXEI32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsoxei64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSOXEI64V, MASK_VSOXEI64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vluxei8.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLUXEI8V, MASK_VLUXEI8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vluxei16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLUXEI16V, MASK_VLUXEI16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vluxei32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLUXEI32V, MASK_VLUXEI32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vluxei64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLUXEI64V, MASK_VLUXEI64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsuxei8.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSUXEI8V, MASK_VSUXEI8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsuxei16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSUXEI16V, MASK_VSUXEI16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsuxei32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSUXEI32V, MASK_VSUXEI32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsuxei64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSUXEI64V, MASK_VSUXEI64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vle8ff.v",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLE8FFV, MASK_VLE8FFV, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vle16ff.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLE16FFV, MASK_VLE16FFV, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vle32ff.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLE32FFV, MASK_VLE32FFV, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vle64ff.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLE64FFV, MASK_VLE64FFV, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg2e8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG2E8V, MASK_VLSEG2E8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsseg2e8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VSSEG2E8V, MASK_VSSEG2E8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg3e8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG3E8V, MASK_VLSEG3E8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsseg3e8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VSSEG3E8V, MASK_VSSEG3E8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg4e8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG4E8V, MASK_VLSEG4E8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsseg4e8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VSSEG4E8V, MASK_VSSEG4E8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg5e8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG5E8V, MASK_VLSEG5E8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsseg5e8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VSSEG5E8V, MASK_VSSEG5E8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg6e8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG6E8V, MASK_VLSEG6E8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsseg6e8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VSSEG6E8V, MASK_VSSEG6E8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg7e8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG7E8V, MASK_VLSEG7E8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsseg7e8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VSSEG7E8V, MASK_VSSEG7E8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg8e8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG8E8V, MASK_VLSEG8E8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsseg8e8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VSSEG8E8V, MASK_VSSEG8E8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg2e16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG2E16V, MASK_VLSEG2E16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsseg2e16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VSSEG2E16V, MASK_VSSEG2E16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg3e16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG3E16V, MASK_VLSEG3E16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsseg3e16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VSSEG3E16V, MASK_VSSEG3E16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg4e16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG4E16V, MASK_VLSEG4E16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsseg4e16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VSSEG4E16V, MASK_VSSEG4E16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg5e16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG5E16V, MASK_VLSEG5E16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsseg5e16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VSSEG5E16V, MASK_VSSEG5E16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg6e16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG6E16V, MASK_VLSEG6E16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsseg6e16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VSSEG6E16V, MASK_VSSEG6E16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg7e16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG7E16V, MASK_VLSEG7E16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsseg7e16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VSSEG7E16V, MASK_VSSEG7E16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg8e16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG8E16V, MASK_VLSEG8E16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsseg8e16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VSSEG8E16V, MASK_VSSEG8E16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg2e32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG2E32V, MASK_VLSEG2E32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsseg2e32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VSSEG2E32V, MASK_VSSEG2E32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg3e32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG3E32V, MASK_VLSEG3E32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsseg3e32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VSSEG3E32V, MASK_VSSEG3E32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg4e32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG4E32V, MASK_VLSEG4E32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsseg4e32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VSSEG4E32V, MASK_VSSEG4E32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg5e32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG5E32V, MASK_VLSEG5E32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsseg5e32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VSSEG5E32V, MASK_VSSEG5E32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg6e32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG6E32V, MASK_VLSEG6E32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsseg6e32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VSSEG6E32V, MASK_VSSEG6E32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg7e32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG7E32V, MASK_VLSEG7E32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsseg7e32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VSSEG7E32V, MASK_VSSEG7E32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg8e32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG8E32V, MASK_VLSEG8E32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsseg8e32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VSSEG8E32V, MASK_VSSEG8E32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg2e64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG2E64V, MASK_VLSEG2E64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsseg2e64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VSSEG2E64V, MASK_VSSEG2E64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg3e64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG3E64V, MASK_VLSEG3E64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsseg3e64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VSSEG3E64V, MASK_VSSEG3E64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg4e64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG4E64V, MASK_VLSEG4E64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsseg4e64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VSSEG4E64V, MASK_VSSEG4E64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg5e64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG5E64V, MASK_VLSEG5E64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsseg5e64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VSSEG5E64V, MASK_VSSEG5E64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg6e64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG6E64V, MASK_VLSEG6E64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsseg6e64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VSSEG6E64V, MASK_VSSEG6E64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg7e64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG7E64V, MASK_VLSEG7E64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsseg7e64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VSSEG7E64V, MASK_VSSEG7E64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg8e64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG8E64V, MASK_VLSEG8E64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsseg8e64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VSSEG8E64V, MASK_VSSEG8E64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlsseg2e8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VLSSEG2E8V, MASK_VLSSEG2E8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vssseg2e8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VSSSEG2E8V, MASK_VSSSEG2E8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlsseg3e8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VLSSEG3E8V, MASK_VLSSEG3E8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vssseg3e8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VSSSEG3E8V, MASK_VSSSEG3E8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlsseg4e8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VLSSEG4E8V, MASK_VLSSEG4E8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vssseg4e8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VSSSEG4E8V, MASK_VSSSEG4E8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlsseg5e8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VLSSEG5E8V, MASK_VLSSEG5E8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vssseg5e8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VSSSEG5E8V, MASK_VSSSEG5E8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlsseg6e8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VLSSEG6E8V, MASK_VLSSEG6E8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vssseg6e8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VSSSEG6E8V, MASK_VSSSEG6E8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlsseg7e8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VLSSEG7E8V, MASK_VLSSEG7E8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vssseg7e8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VSSSEG7E8V, MASK_VSSSEG7E8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlsseg8e8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VLSSEG8E8V, MASK_VLSSEG8E8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vssseg8e8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VSSSEG8E8V, MASK_VSSSEG8E8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlsseg2e16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VLSSEG2E16V, MASK_VLSSEG2E16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vssseg2e16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VSSSEG2E16V, MASK_VSSSEG2E16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlsseg3e16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VLSSEG3E16V, MASK_VLSSEG3E16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vssseg3e16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VSSSEG3E16V, MASK_VSSSEG3E16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlsseg4e16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VLSSEG4E16V, MASK_VLSSEG4E16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vssseg4e16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VSSSEG4E16V, MASK_VSSSEG4E16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlsseg5e16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VLSSEG5E16V, MASK_VLSSEG5E16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vssseg5e16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VSSSEG5E16V, MASK_VSSSEG5E16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlsseg6e16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VLSSEG6E16V, MASK_VLSSEG6E16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vssseg6e16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VSSSEG6E16V, MASK_VSSSEG6E16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlsseg7e16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VLSSEG7E16V, MASK_VLSSEG7E16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vssseg7e16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VSSSEG7E16V, MASK_VSSSEG7E16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlsseg8e16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VLSSEG8E16V, MASK_VLSSEG8E16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vssseg8e16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VSSSEG8E16V, MASK_VSSSEG8E16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlsseg2e32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VLSSEG2E32V, MASK_VLSSEG2E32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vssseg2e32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VSSSEG2E32V, MASK_VSSSEG2E32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlsseg3e32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VLSSEG3E32V, MASK_VLSSEG3E32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vssseg3e32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VSSSEG3E32V, MASK_VSSSEG3E32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlsseg4e32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VLSSEG4E32V, MASK_VLSSEG4E32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vssseg4e32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VSSSEG4E32V, MASK_VSSSEG4E32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlsseg5e32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VLSSEG5E32V, MASK_VLSSEG5E32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vssseg5e32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VSSSEG5E32V, MASK_VSSSEG5E32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlsseg6e32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VLSSEG6E32V, MASK_VLSSEG6E32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vssseg6e32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VSSSEG6E32V, MASK_VSSSEG6E32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlsseg7e32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VLSSEG7E32V, MASK_VLSSEG7E32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vssseg7e32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VSSSEG7E32V, MASK_VSSSEG7E32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlsseg8e32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VLSSEG8E32V, MASK_VLSSEG8E32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vssseg8e32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VSSSEG8E32V, MASK_VSSSEG8E32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlsseg2e64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VLSSEG2E64V, MASK_VLSSEG2E64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vssseg2e64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VSSSEG2E64V, MASK_VSSSEG2E64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlsseg3e64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VLSSEG3E64V, MASK_VLSSEG3E64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vssseg3e64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VSSSEG3E64V, MASK_VSSSEG3E64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlsseg4e64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VLSSEG4E64V, MASK_VLSSEG4E64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vssseg4e64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VSSSEG4E64V, MASK_VSSSEG4E64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlsseg5e64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VLSSEG5E64V, MASK_VLSSEG5E64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vssseg5e64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VSSSEG5E64V, MASK_VSSSEG5E64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlsseg6e64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VLSSEG6E64V, MASK_VLSSEG6E64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vssseg6e64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VSSSEG6E64V, MASK_VSSSEG6E64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlsseg7e64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VLSSEG7E64V, MASK_VLSSEG7E64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vssseg7e64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VSSSEG7E64V, MASK_VSSSEG7E64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlsseg8e64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VLSSEG8E64V, MASK_VLSSEG8E64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vssseg8e64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),tVm", MATCH_VSSSEG8E64V, MASK_VSSSEG8E64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vloxseg2ei8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLOXSEG2EI8V, MASK_VLOXSEG2EI8V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsoxseg2ei8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSOXSEG2EI8V, MASK_VSOXSEG2EI8V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vloxseg3ei8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLOXSEG3EI8V, MASK_VLOXSEG3EI8V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsoxseg3ei8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSOXSEG3EI8V, MASK_VSOXSEG3EI8V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vloxseg4ei8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLOXSEG4EI8V, MASK_VLOXSEG4EI8V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsoxseg4ei8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSOXSEG4EI8V, MASK_VSOXSEG4EI8V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vloxseg5ei8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLOXSEG5EI8V, MASK_VLOXSEG5EI8V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsoxseg5ei8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSOXSEG5EI8V, MASK_VSOXSEG5EI8V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vloxseg6ei8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLOXSEG6EI8V, MASK_VLOXSEG6EI8V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsoxseg6ei8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSOXSEG6EI8V, MASK_VSOXSEG6EI8V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vloxseg7ei8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLOXSEG7EI8V, MASK_VLOXSEG7EI8V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsoxseg7ei8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSOXSEG7EI8V, MASK_VSOXSEG7EI8V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vloxseg8ei8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLOXSEG8EI8V, MASK_VLOXSEG8EI8V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsoxseg8ei8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSOXSEG8EI8V, MASK_VSOXSEG8EI8V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vloxseg2ei16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLOXSEG2EI16V, MASK_VLOXSEG2EI16V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsoxseg2ei16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSOXSEG2EI16V, MASK_VSOXSEG2EI16V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vloxseg3ei16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLOXSEG3EI16V, MASK_VLOXSEG3EI16V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsoxseg3ei16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSOXSEG3EI16V, MASK_VSOXSEG3EI16V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vloxseg4ei16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLOXSEG4EI16V, MASK_VLOXSEG4EI16V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsoxseg4ei16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSOXSEG4EI16V, MASK_VSOXSEG4EI16V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vloxseg5ei16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLOXSEG5EI16V, MASK_VLOXSEG5EI16V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsoxseg5ei16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSOXSEG5EI16V, MASK_VSOXSEG5EI16V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vloxseg6ei16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLOXSEG6EI16V, MASK_VLOXSEG6EI16V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsoxseg6ei16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSOXSEG6EI16V, MASK_VSOXSEG6EI16V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vloxseg7ei16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLOXSEG7EI16V, MASK_VLOXSEG7EI16V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsoxseg7ei16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSOXSEG7EI16V, MASK_VSOXSEG7EI16V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vloxseg8ei16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLOXSEG8EI16V, MASK_VLOXSEG8EI16V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsoxseg8ei16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSOXSEG8EI16V, MASK_VSOXSEG8EI16V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vloxseg2ei32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLOXSEG2EI32V, MASK_VLOXSEG2EI32V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsoxseg2ei32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSOXSEG2EI32V, MASK_VSOXSEG2EI32V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vloxseg3ei32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLOXSEG3EI32V, MASK_VLOXSEG3EI32V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsoxseg3ei32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSOXSEG3EI32V, MASK_VSOXSEG3EI32V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vloxseg4ei32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLOXSEG4EI32V, MASK_VLOXSEG4EI32V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsoxseg4ei32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSOXSEG4EI32V, MASK_VSOXSEG4EI32V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vloxseg5ei32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLOXSEG5EI32V, MASK_VLOXSEG5EI32V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsoxseg5ei32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSOXSEG5EI32V, MASK_VSOXSEG5EI32V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vloxseg6ei32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLOXSEG6EI32V, MASK_VLOXSEG6EI32V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsoxseg6ei32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSOXSEG6EI32V, MASK_VSOXSEG6EI32V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vloxseg7ei32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLOXSEG7EI32V, MASK_VLOXSEG7EI32V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsoxseg7ei32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSOXSEG7EI32V, MASK_VSOXSEG7EI32V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vloxseg8ei32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLOXSEG8EI32V, MASK_VLOXSEG8EI32V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsoxseg8ei32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSOXSEG8EI32V, MASK_VSOXSEG8EI32V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vloxseg2ei64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLOXSEG2EI64V, MASK_VLOXSEG2EI64V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsoxseg2ei64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSOXSEG2EI64V, MASK_VSOXSEG2EI64V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vloxseg3ei64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLOXSEG3EI64V, MASK_VLOXSEG3EI64V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsoxseg3ei64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSOXSEG3EI64V, MASK_VSOXSEG3EI64V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vloxseg4ei64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLOXSEG4EI64V, MASK_VLOXSEG4EI64V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsoxseg4ei64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSOXSEG4EI64V, MASK_VSOXSEG4EI64V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vloxseg5ei64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLOXSEG5EI64V, MASK_VLOXSEG5EI64V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsoxseg5ei64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSOXSEG5EI64V, MASK_VSOXSEG5EI64V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vloxseg6ei64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLOXSEG6EI64V, MASK_VLOXSEG6EI64V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsoxseg6ei64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSOXSEG6EI64V, MASK_VSOXSEG6EI64V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vloxseg7ei64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLOXSEG7EI64V, MASK_VLOXSEG7EI64V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsoxseg7ei64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSOXSEG7EI64V, MASK_VSOXSEG7EI64V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vloxseg8ei64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLOXSEG8EI64V, MASK_VLOXSEG8EI64V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsoxseg8ei64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSOXSEG8EI64V, MASK_VSOXSEG8EI64V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vluxseg2ei8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLUXSEG2EI8V, MASK_VLUXSEG2EI8V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsuxseg2ei8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSUXSEG2EI8V, MASK_VSUXSEG2EI8V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vluxseg3ei8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLUXSEG3EI8V, MASK_VLUXSEG3EI8V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsuxseg3ei8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSUXSEG3EI8V, MASK_VSUXSEG3EI8V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vluxseg4ei8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLUXSEG4EI8V, MASK_VLUXSEG4EI8V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsuxseg4ei8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSUXSEG4EI8V, MASK_VSUXSEG4EI8V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vluxseg5ei8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLUXSEG5EI8V, MASK_VLUXSEG5EI8V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsuxseg5ei8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSUXSEG5EI8V, MASK_VSUXSEG5EI8V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vluxseg6ei8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLUXSEG6EI8V, MASK_VLUXSEG6EI8V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsuxseg6ei8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSUXSEG6EI8V, MASK_VSUXSEG6EI8V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vluxseg7ei8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLUXSEG7EI8V, MASK_VLUXSEG7EI8V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsuxseg7ei8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSUXSEG7EI8V, MASK_VSUXSEG7EI8V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vluxseg8ei8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLUXSEG8EI8V, MASK_VLUXSEG8EI8V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsuxseg8ei8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSUXSEG8EI8V, MASK_VSUXSEG8EI8V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vluxseg2ei16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLUXSEG2EI16V, MASK_VLUXSEG2EI16V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsuxseg2ei16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSUXSEG2EI16V, MASK_VSUXSEG2EI16V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vluxseg3ei16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLUXSEG3EI16V, MASK_VLUXSEG3EI16V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsuxseg3ei16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSUXSEG3EI16V, MASK_VSUXSEG3EI16V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vluxseg4ei16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLUXSEG4EI16V, MASK_VLUXSEG4EI16V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsuxseg4ei16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSUXSEG4EI16V, MASK_VSUXSEG4EI16V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vluxseg5ei16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLUXSEG5EI16V, MASK_VLUXSEG5EI16V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsuxseg5ei16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSUXSEG5EI16V, MASK_VSUXSEG5EI16V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vluxseg6ei16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLUXSEG6EI16V, MASK_VLUXSEG6EI16V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsuxseg6ei16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSUXSEG6EI16V, MASK_VSUXSEG6EI16V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vluxseg7ei16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLUXSEG7EI16V, MASK_VLUXSEG7EI16V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsuxseg7ei16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSUXSEG7EI16V, MASK_VSUXSEG7EI16V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vluxseg8ei16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLUXSEG8EI16V, MASK_VLUXSEG8EI16V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsuxseg8ei16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSUXSEG8EI16V, MASK_VSUXSEG8EI16V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vluxseg2ei32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLUXSEG2EI32V, MASK_VLUXSEG2EI32V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsuxseg2ei32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSUXSEG2EI32V, MASK_VSUXSEG2EI32V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vluxseg3ei32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLUXSEG3EI32V, MASK_VLUXSEG3EI32V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsuxseg3ei32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSUXSEG3EI32V, MASK_VSUXSEG3EI32V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vluxseg4ei32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLUXSEG4EI32V, MASK_VLUXSEG4EI32V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsuxseg4ei32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSUXSEG4EI32V, MASK_VSUXSEG4EI32V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vluxseg5ei32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLUXSEG5EI32V, MASK_VLUXSEG5EI32V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsuxseg5ei32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSUXSEG5EI32V, MASK_VSUXSEG5EI32V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vluxseg6ei32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLUXSEG6EI32V, MASK_VLUXSEG6EI32V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsuxseg6ei32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSUXSEG6EI32V, MASK_VSUXSEG6EI32V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vluxseg7ei32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLUXSEG7EI32V, MASK_VLUXSEG7EI32V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsuxseg7ei32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSUXSEG7EI32V, MASK_VSUXSEG7EI32V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vluxseg8ei32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLUXSEG8EI32V, MASK_VLUXSEG8EI32V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsuxseg8ei32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSUXSEG8EI32V, MASK_VSUXSEG8EI32V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vluxseg2ei64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLUXSEG2EI64V, MASK_VLUXSEG2EI64V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsuxseg2ei64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSUXSEG2EI64V, MASK_VSUXSEG2EI64V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vluxseg3ei64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLUXSEG3EI64V, MASK_VLUXSEG3EI64V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsuxseg3ei64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSUXSEG3EI64V, MASK_VSUXSEG3EI64V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vluxseg4ei64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLUXSEG4EI64V, MASK_VLUXSEG4EI64V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsuxseg4ei64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSUXSEG4EI64V, MASK_VSUXSEG4EI64V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vluxseg5ei64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLUXSEG5EI64V, MASK_VLUXSEG5EI64V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsuxseg5ei64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSUXSEG5EI64V, MASK_VSUXSEG5EI64V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vluxseg6ei64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLUXSEG6EI64V, MASK_VLUXSEG6EI64V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsuxseg6ei64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSUXSEG6EI64V, MASK_VSUXSEG6EI64V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vluxseg7ei64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLUXSEG7EI64V, MASK_VLUXSEG7EI64V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsuxseg7ei64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSUXSEG7EI64V, MASK_VSUXSEG7EI64V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vluxseg8ei64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VLUXSEG8EI64V, MASK_VLUXSEG8EI64V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsuxseg8ei64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s),VtVm", MATCH_VSUXSEG8EI64V, MASK_VSUXSEG8EI64V, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg2e8ff.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG2E8FFV, MASK_VLSEG2E8FFV, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg3e8ff.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG3E8FFV, MASK_VLSEG3E8FFV, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg4e8ff.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG4E8FFV, MASK_VLSEG4E8FFV, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg5e8ff.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG5E8FFV, MASK_VLSEG5E8FFV, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg6e8ff.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG6E8FFV, MASK_VLSEG6E8FFV, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg7e8ff.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG7E8FFV, MASK_VLSEG7E8FFV, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg8e8ff.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG8E8FFV, MASK_VLSEG8E8FFV, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg2e16ff.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG2E16FFV, MASK_VLSEG2E16FFV, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg3e16ff.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG3E16FFV, MASK_VLSEG3E16FFV, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg4e16ff.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG4E16FFV, MASK_VLSEG4E16FFV, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg5e16ff.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG5E16FFV, MASK_VLSEG5E16FFV, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg6e16ff.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG6E16FFV, MASK_VLSEG6E16FFV, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg7e16ff.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG7E16FFV, MASK_VLSEG7E16FFV, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg8e16ff.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG8E16FFV, MASK_VLSEG8E16FFV, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg2e32ff.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG2E32FFV, MASK_VLSEG2E32FFV, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg3e32ff.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG3E32FFV, MASK_VLSEG3E32FFV, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg4e32ff.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG4E32FFV, MASK_VLSEG4E32FFV, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg5e32ff.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG5E32FFV, MASK_VLSEG5E32FFV, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg6e32ff.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG6E32FFV, MASK_VLSEG6E32FFV, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg7e32ff.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG7E32FFV, MASK_VLSEG7E32FFV, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg8e32ff.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG8E32FFV, MASK_VLSEG8E32FFV, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg2e64ff.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG2E64FFV, MASK_VLSEG2E64FFV, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg3e64ff.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG3E64FFV, MASK_VLSEG3E64FFV, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg4e64ff.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG4E64FFV, MASK_VLSEG4E64FFV, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg5e64ff.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG5E64FFV, MASK_VLSEG5E64FFV, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg6e64ff.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG6E64FFV, MASK_VLSEG6E64FFV, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg7e64ff.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG7E64FFV, MASK_VLSEG7E64FFV, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlseg8e64ff.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVLSSEG,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLSEG8E64FFV, MASK_VLSEG8E64FFV, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
++{"vl1r.v",      0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)", MATCH_VL1RE8V, MASK_VL1RE8V, match_vls_nf_rv, INSN_DREF|INSN_ALIAS },
++{"vl1re8.v",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)", MATCH_VL1RE8V, MASK_VL1RE8V, match_vls_nf_rv, INSN_DREF },
++{"vl1re16.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)", MATCH_VL1RE16V, MASK_VL1RE16V, match_vls_nf_rv, INSN_DREF },
++{"vl1re32.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)", MATCH_VL1RE32V, MASK_VL1RE32V, match_vls_nf_rv, INSN_DREF },
++{"vl1re64.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)", MATCH_VL1RE64V, MASK_VL1RE64V, match_vls_nf_rv, INSN_DREF },
++{"vl2r.v",      0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)", MATCH_VL2RE8V, MASK_VL2RE8V, match_vls_nf_rv, INSN_DREF|INSN_ALIAS },
++{"vl2re8.v",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)", MATCH_VL2RE8V, MASK_VL2RE8V, match_vls_nf_rv, INSN_DREF },
++{"vl2re16.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)", MATCH_VL2RE16V, MASK_VL2RE16V, match_vls_nf_rv, INSN_DREF },
++{"vl2re32.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)", MATCH_VL2RE32V, MASK_VL2RE32V, match_vls_nf_rv, INSN_DREF },
++{"vl2re64.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)", MATCH_VL2RE64V, MASK_VL2RE64V, match_vls_nf_rv, INSN_DREF },
++{"vl4r.v",      0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)", MATCH_VL4RE8V, MASK_VL4RE8V, match_vls_nf_rv, INSN_DREF|INSN_ALIAS },
++{"vl4re8.v",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)", MATCH_VL4RE8V, MASK_VL4RE8V, match_vls_nf_rv, INSN_DREF },
++{"vl4re16.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)", MATCH_VL4RE16V, MASK_VL4RE16V, match_vls_nf_rv, INSN_DREF },
++{"vl4re32.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)", MATCH_VL4RE32V, MASK_VL4RE32V, match_vls_nf_rv, INSN_DREF },
++{"vl4re64.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)", MATCH_VL4RE64V, MASK_VL4RE64V, match_vls_nf_rv, INSN_DREF },
++{"vl8r.v",      0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)", MATCH_VL8RE8V, MASK_VL8RE8V, match_vls_nf_rv, INSN_DREF|INSN_ALIAS },
++{"vl8re8.v",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)", MATCH_VL8RE8V, MASK_VL8RE8V, match_vls_nf_rv, INSN_DREF },
++{"vl8re16.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)", MATCH_VL8RE16V, MASK_VL8RE16V, match_vls_nf_rv, INSN_DREF },
++{"vl8re32.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)", MATCH_VL8RE32V, MASK_VL8RE32V, match_vls_nf_rv, INSN_DREF },
++{"vl8re64.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)", MATCH_VL8RE64V, MASK_VL8RE64V, match_vls_nf_rv, INSN_DREF },
++{"vs1r.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)", MATCH_VS1RV, MASK_VS1RV, match_vls_nf_rv, INSN_DREF },
++{"vs2r.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)", MATCH_VS2RV, MASK_VS2RV, match_vls_nf_rv, INSN_DREF },
++{"vs4r.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)", MATCH_VS4RV, MASK_VS4RV, match_vls_nf_rv, INSN_DREF },
++{"vs8r.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)", MATCH_VS8RV, MASK_VS8RV, match_vls_nf_rv, INSN_DREF },
++{"vamoaddei8.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVAMO,  "Ve,0(s),Vt,VfVm", MATCH_VAMOADDEI8V, MASK_VAMOADDEI8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF},
++{"vamoswapei8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVAMO,  "Ve,0(s),Vt,VfVm", MATCH_VAMOSWAPEI8V, MASK_VAMOSWAPEI8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF},
++{"vamoxorei8.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVAMO,  "Ve,0(s),Vt,VfVm", MATCH_VAMOXOREI8V, MASK_VAMOXOREI8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF},
++{"vamoandei8.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVAMO,  "Ve,0(s),Vt,VfVm", MATCH_VAMOANDEI8V, MASK_VAMOANDEI8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF},
++{"vamoorei8.v",    0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVAMO,  "Ve,0(s),Vt,VfVm", MATCH_VAMOOREI8V, MASK_VAMOOREI8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF},
++{"vamominei8.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVAMO,  "Ve,0(s),Vt,VfVm", MATCH_VAMOMINEI8V, MASK_VAMOMINEI8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF},
++{"vamomaxei8.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVAMO,  "Ve,0(s),Vt,VfVm", MATCH_VAMOMAXEI8V, MASK_VAMOMAXEI8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF},
++{"vamominuei8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVAMO,  "Ve,0(s),Vt,VfVm", MATCH_VAMOMINUEI8V, MASK_VAMOMINUEI8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF},
++{"vamomaxuei8.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVAMO,  "Ve,0(s),Vt,VfVm", MATCH_VAMOMAXUEI8V, MASK_VAMOMAXUEI8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF},
++{"vamoaddei16.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVAMO,  "Ve,0(s),Vt,VfVm", MATCH_VAMOADDEI16V, MASK_VAMOADDEI16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF},
++{"vamoswapei16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVAMO,  "Ve,0(s),Vt,VfVm", MATCH_VAMOSWAPEI16V, MASK_VAMOSWAPEI16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF},
++{"vamoxorei16.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVAMO,  "Ve,0(s),Vt,VfVm", MATCH_VAMOXOREI16V, MASK_VAMOXOREI16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF},
++{"vamoandei16.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVAMO,  "Ve,0(s),Vt,VfVm", MATCH_VAMOANDEI16V, MASK_VAMOANDEI16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF},
++{"vamoorei16.v",    0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVAMO,  "Ve,0(s),Vt,VfVm", MATCH_VAMOOREI16V, MASK_VAMOOREI16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF},
++{"vamominei16.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVAMO,  "Ve,0(s),Vt,VfVm", MATCH_VAMOMINEI16V, MASK_VAMOMINEI16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF},
++{"vamomaxei16.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVAMO,  "Ve,0(s),Vt,VfVm", MATCH_VAMOMAXEI16V, MASK_VAMOMAXEI16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF},
++{"vamominuei16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVAMO,  "Ve,0(s),Vt,VfVm", MATCH_VAMOMINUEI16V, MASK_VAMOMINUEI16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF},
++{"vamomaxuei16.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVAMO,  "Ve,0(s),Vt,VfVm", MATCH_VAMOMAXUEI16V, MASK_VAMOMAXUEI16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF},
++{"vamoaddei32.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVAMO,  "Ve,0(s),Vt,VfVm", MATCH_VAMOADDEI32V, MASK_VAMOADDEI32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF},
++{"vamoswapei32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVAMO,  "Ve,0(s),Vt,VfVm", MATCH_VAMOSWAPEI32V, MASK_VAMOSWAPEI32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF},
++{"vamoxorei32.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVAMO,  "Ve,0(s),Vt,VfVm", MATCH_VAMOXOREI32V, MASK_VAMOXOREI32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF},
++{"vamoandei32.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVAMO,  "Ve,0(s),Vt,VfVm", MATCH_VAMOANDEI32V, MASK_VAMOANDEI32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF},
++{"vamoorei32.v",    0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVAMO,  "Ve,0(s),Vt,VfVm", MATCH_VAMOOREI32V, MASK_VAMOOREI32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF},
++{"vamominei32.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVAMO,  "Ve,0(s),Vt,VfVm", MATCH_VAMOMINEI32V, MASK_VAMOMINEI32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF},
++{"vamomaxei32.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVAMO,  "Ve,0(s),Vt,VfVm", MATCH_VAMOMAXEI32V, MASK_VAMOMAXEI32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF},
++{"vamominuei32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVAMO,  "Ve,0(s),Vt,VfVm", MATCH_VAMOMINUEI32V, MASK_VAMOMINUEI32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF},
++{"vamomaxuei32.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVAMO,  "Ve,0(s),Vt,VfVm", MATCH_VAMOMAXUEI32V, MASK_VAMOMAXUEI32V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF},
++{"vamoaddei64.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVAMO,  "Ve,0(s),Vt,VfVm", MATCH_VAMOADDEI64V, MASK_VAMOADDEI64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF},
++{"vamoswapei64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVAMO,  "Ve,0(s),Vt,VfVm", MATCH_VAMOSWAPEI64V, MASK_VAMOSWAPEI64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF},
++{"vamoxorei64.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVAMO,  "Ve,0(s),Vt,VfVm", MATCH_VAMOXOREI64V, MASK_VAMOXOREI64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF},
++{"vamoandei64.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVAMO,  "Ve,0(s),Vt,VfVm", MATCH_VAMOANDEI64V, MASK_VAMOANDEI64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF},
++{"vamoorei64.v",    0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVAMO,  "Ve,0(s),Vt,VfVm", MATCH_VAMOOREI64V, MASK_VAMOOREI64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF},
++{"vamominei64.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVAMO,  "Ve,0(s),Vt,VfVm", MATCH_VAMOMINEI64V, MASK_VAMOMINEI64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF},
++{"vamomaxei64.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVAMO,  "Ve,0(s),Vt,VfVm", MATCH_VAMOMAXEI64V, MASK_VAMOMAXEI64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF},
++{"vamominuei64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVAMO,  "Ve,0(s),Vt,VfVm", MATCH_VAMOMINUEI64V, MASK_VAMOMINUEI64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF},
++{"vamomaxuei64.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_OR_ZVAMO,  "Ve,0(s),Vt,VfVm", MATCH_VAMOMAXUEI64V, MASK_VAMOMAXUEI64V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF},
++{"vneg.v",     0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,VtVm",  MATCH_VRSUBVX, MASK_VRSUBVX | MASK_RS1, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_ALIAS },
++{"vadd.vv",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VADDVV, MASK_VADDVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vadd.vx",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VADDVX, MASK_VADDVX, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vadd.vi",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,ViVm", MATCH_VADDVI, MASK_VADDVI, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vsub.vv",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VSUBVV, MASK_VSUBVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vsub.vx",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VSUBVX, MASK_VSUBVX, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vrsub.vx",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VRSUBVX, MASK_VRSUBVX, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vrsub.vi",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,ViVm", MATCH_VRSUBVI, MASK_VRSUBVI, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vwcvt.x.x.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,VtVm", MATCH_VWCVTXXV, MASK_VWCVTXXV, match_widen_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_ALIAS },
++{"vwcvtu.x.x.v", 0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,VtVm", MATCH_VWCVTUXXV, MASK_VWCVTUXXV, match_widen_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_ALIAS },
++{"vwaddu.vv",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VWADDUVV, MASK_VWADDUVV, match_widen_vd_neq_vs1_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vwaddu.vx",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VWADDUVX, MASK_VWADDUVX, match_widen_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vwsubu.vv",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VWSUBUVV, MASK_VWSUBUVV, match_widen_vd_neq_vs1_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vwsubu.vx",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VWSUBUVX, MASK_VWSUBUVX, match_widen_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vwadd.vv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VWADDVV, MASK_VWADDVV, match_widen_vd_neq_vs1_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vwadd.vx",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VWADDVX, MASK_VWADDVX, match_widen_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vwsub.vv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VWSUBVV, MASK_VWSUBVV, match_widen_vd_neq_vs1_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vwsub.vx",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VWSUBVX, MASK_VWSUBVX, match_widen_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vwaddu.wv",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VWADDUWV, MASK_VWADDUWV, match_widen_vd_neq_vs1_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vwaddu.wx",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VWADDUWX, MASK_VWADDUWX, match_widen_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vwsubu.wv",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VWSUBUWV, MASK_VWSUBUWV, match_widen_vd_neq_vs1_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vwsubu.wx",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VWSUBUWX, MASK_VWSUBUWX, match_widen_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vwadd.wv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VWADDWV, MASK_VWADDWV, match_widen_vd_neq_vs1_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vwadd.wx",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VWADDWX, MASK_VWADDWX, match_widen_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vwsub.wv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VWSUBWV, MASK_VWSUBWV, match_widen_vd_neq_vs1_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vwsub.wx",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VWSUBWX, MASK_VWSUBWX, match_widen_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vzext.vf2",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,VtVm", MATCH_VZEXT_VF2, MASK_VZEXT_VF2, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vsext.vf2",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,VtVm", MATCH_VSEXT_VF2, MASK_VSEXT_VF2, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vzext.vf4",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,VtVm", MATCH_VZEXT_VF4, MASK_VZEXT_VF4, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vsext.vf4",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,VtVm", MATCH_VSEXT_VF4, MASK_VSEXT_VF4, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vzext.vf8",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,VtVm", MATCH_VZEXT_VF8, MASK_VZEXT_VF8, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vsext.vf8",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,VtVm", MATCH_VSEXT_VF8, MASK_VSEXT_VF8, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vadc.vvm",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,Vs,V0", MATCH_VADCVVM, MASK_VADCVVM, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vadc.vxm",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,s,V0", MATCH_VADCVXM, MASK_VADCVXM, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vadc.vim",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,Vi,V0", MATCH_VADCVIM, MASK_VADCVIM, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vmadc.vvm",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,Vs,V0", MATCH_VMADCVVM, MASK_VMADCVVM, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"vmadc.vxm",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,s,V0", MATCH_VMADCVXM, MASK_VMADCVXM, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"vmadc.vim",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,Vi,V0", MATCH_VMADCVIM, MASK_VMADCVIM, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"vmadc.vv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,Vs", MATCH_VMADCVV, MASK_VMADCVV, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"vmadc.vx",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,s", MATCH_VMADCVX, MASK_VMADCVX, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"vmadc.vi",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,Vi", MATCH_VMADCVI, MASK_VMADCVI, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"vsbc.vvm",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,Vs,V0", MATCH_VSBCVVM, MASK_VSBCVVM, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vsbc.vxm",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,s,V0", MATCH_VSBCVXM, MASK_VSBCVXM, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vmsbc.vvm",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,Vs,V0", MATCH_VMSBCVVM, MASK_VMSBCVVM, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"vmsbc.vxm",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,s,V0", MATCH_VMSBCVXM, MASK_VMSBCVXM, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"vmsbc.vv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,Vs", MATCH_VMSBCVV, MASK_VMSBCVV, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"vmsbc.vx",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,s", MATCH_VMSBCVX, MASK_VMSBCVX, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"vnot.v",     0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,VtVm", MATCH_VNOTV, MASK_VNOTV, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_ALIAS },
++{"vand.vv",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VANDVV, MASK_VANDVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vand.vx",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VANDVX, MASK_VANDVX, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vand.vi",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,ViVm", MATCH_VANDVI, MASK_VANDVI, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vor.vv",     0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VORVV, MASK_VORVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vor.vx",     0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VORVX, MASK_VORVX, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vor.vi",     0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,ViVm", MATCH_VORVI, MASK_VORVI, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vxor.vv",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VXORVV, MASK_VXORVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vxor.vx",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VXORVX, MASK_VXORVX, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vxor.vi",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,ViVm", MATCH_VXORVI, MASK_VXORVI, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vsll.vv",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VSLLVV, MASK_VSLLVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vsll.vx",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VSLLVX, MASK_VSLLVX, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vsll.vi",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VjVm", MATCH_VSLLVI, MASK_VSLLVI, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vsrl.vv",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VSRLVV, MASK_VSRLVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vsrl.vx",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VSRLVX, MASK_VSRLVX, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vsrl.vi",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VjVm", MATCH_VSRLVI, MASK_VSRLVI, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vsra.vv",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VSRAVV, MASK_VSRAVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vsra.vx",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VSRAVX, MASK_VSRAVX, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vsra.vi",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VjVm", MATCH_VSRAVI, MASK_VSRAVI, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vncvt.x.x.w",0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,VtVm", MATCH_VNCVTXXW, MASK_VNCVTXXW, match_narrow_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_ALIAS },
++{"vnsrl.wv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VNSRLWV, MASK_VNSRLWV, match_narrow_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vnsrl.wx",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VNSRLWX, MASK_VNSRLWX, match_narrow_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vnsrl.wi",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VjVm", MATCH_VNSRLWI, MASK_VNSRLWI, match_narrow_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vnsra.wv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VNSRAWV, MASK_VNSRAWV, match_narrow_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vnsra.wx",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VNSRAWX, MASK_VNSRAWX, match_narrow_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vnsra.wi",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VjVm", MATCH_VNSRAWI, MASK_VNSRAWI, match_narrow_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vmseq.vv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VMSEQVV, MASK_VMSEQVV, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"vmseq.vx",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VMSEQVX, MASK_VMSEQVX, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"vmseq.vi",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,ViVm", MATCH_VMSEQVI, MASK_VMSEQVI, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"vmsne.vv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VMSNEVV, MASK_VMSNEVV, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"vmsne.vx",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VMSNEVX, MASK_VMSNEVX, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"vmsne.vi",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,ViVm", MATCH_VMSNEVI, MASK_VMSNEVI, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"vmsltu.vv",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VMSLTUVV, MASK_VMSLTUVV, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"vmsltu.vx",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VMSLTUVX, MASK_VMSLTUVX, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"vmslt.vv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VMSLTVV, MASK_VMSLTVV, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"vmslt.vx",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VMSLTVX, MASK_VMSLTVX, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"vmsleu.vv",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VMSLEUVV, MASK_VMSLEUVV, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"vmsleu.vx",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VMSLEUVX, MASK_VMSLEUVX, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"vmsleu.vi",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,ViVm", MATCH_VMSLEUVI, MASK_VMSLEUVI, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"vmsle.vv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VMSLEVV, MASK_VMSLEVV, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"vmsle.vx",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VMSLEVX, MASK_VMSLEVX, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"vmsle.vi",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,ViVm", MATCH_VMSLEVI, MASK_VMSLEVI, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"vmsgtu.vx",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VMSGTUVX, MASK_VMSGTUVX, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"vmsgtu.vi",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,ViVm", MATCH_VMSGTUVI, MASK_VMSGTUVI, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"vmsgt.vx",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VMSGTVX, MASK_VMSGTVX, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"vmsgt.vi",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,ViVm", MATCH_VMSGTVI, MASK_VMSGTVI, match_opcode, 0 },
++/* These aliases are for assembly but not disassembly.  */
++{"vmsgt.vv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vs,VtVm", MATCH_VMSLTVV, MASK_VMSLTVV, match_opcode, INSN_ALIAS },
++{"vmsgtu.vv",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vs,VtVm", MATCH_VMSLTUVV, MASK_VMSLTUVV, match_opcode, INSN_ALIAS },
++{"vmsge.vv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vs,VtVm", MATCH_VMSLEVV, MASK_VMSLEVV, match_opcode, INSN_ALIAS },
++{"vmsgeu.vv",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vs,VtVm", MATCH_VMSLEUVV, MASK_VMSLEUVV, match_opcode, INSN_ALIAS },
++{"vmslt.vi",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VkVm", MATCH_VMSLEVI, MASK_VMSLEVI, match_opcode, INSN_ALIAS },
++{"vmsltu.vi",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vu,0Vm", MATCH_VMSNEVV, MASK_VMSNEVV, match_opcode, INSN_ALIAS },
++{"vmsltu.vi",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VkVm", MATCH_VMSLEUVI, MASK_VMSLEUVI, match_opcode, INSN_ALIAS },
++{"vmsge.vi",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VkVm", MATCH_VMSGTVI, MASK_VMSGTVI, match_opcode, INSN_ALIAS },
++{"vmsgeu.vi",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vu,0Vm", MATCH_VMSEQVV, MASK_VMSEQVV, match_opcode, INSN_ALIAS },
++{"vmsgeu.vi",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VkVm", MATCH_VMSGTUVI, MASK_VMSGTUVI, match_opcode, INSN_ALIAS },
++{"vmsge.vx",   0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,Vt,sVm", 0, (int) M_VMSGE, match_never, INSN_MACRO },
++{"vmsge.vx",   0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,Vt,s,VM,VT", 0, (int) M_VMSGE, match_never, INSN_MACRO },
++{"vmsgeu.vx",  0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,Vt,sVm", 0, (int) M_VMSGEU, match_never, INSN_MACRO },
++{"vmsgeu.vx",  0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,Vt,s,VM,VT", 0, (int) M_VMSGEU, match_never, INSN_MACRO },
++{"vminu.vv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VMINUVV, MASK_VMINUVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vminu.vx",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VMINUVX, MASK_VMINUVX, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vmin.vv",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VMINVV, MASK_VMINVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vmin.vx",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VMINVX, MASK_VMINVX, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vmaxu.vv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VMAXUVV, MASK_VMAXUVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vmaxu.vx",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VMAXUVX, MASK_VMAXUVX, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vmax.vv",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VMAXVV, MASK_VMAXVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vmax.vx",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VMAXVX, MASK_VMAXVX, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vmul.vv",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VMULVV, MASK_VMULVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vmul.vx",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VMULVX, MASK_VMULVX, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vmulh.vv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VMULHVV, MASK_VMULHVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vmulh.vx",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VMULHVX, MASK_VMULHVX, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vmulhu.vv",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VMULHUVV, MASK_VMULHUVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vmulhu.vx",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VMULHUVX, MASK_VMULHUVX, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vmulhsu.vv", 0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VMULHSUVV, MASK_VMULHSUVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vmulhsu.vx", 0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VMULHSUVX, MASK_VMULHSUVX, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vwmul.vv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VWMULVV, MASK_VWMULVV, match_widen_vd_neq_vs1_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vwmul.vx",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VWMULVX, MASK_VWMULVX, match_widen_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vwmulu.vv",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VWMULUVV, MASK_VWMULUVV, match_widen_vd_neq_vs1_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vwmulu.vx",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VWMULUVX, MASK_VWMULUVX, match_widen_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vwmulsu.vv", 0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VWMULSUVV, MASK_VWMULSUVV, match_widen_vd_neq_vs1_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vwmulsu.vx", 0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VWMULSUVX, MASK_VWMULSUVX, match_widen_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vmacc.vv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vs,VtVm", MATCH_VMACCVV, MASK_VMACCVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vmacc.vx",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,s,VtVm", MATCH_VMACCVX, MASK_VMACCVX, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vnmsac.vv",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vs,VtVm", MATCH_VNMSACVV, MASK_VNMSACVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vnmsac.vx",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,s,VtVm", MATCH_VNMSACVX, MASK_VNMSACVX, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vmadd.vv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vs,VtVm", MATCH_VMADDVV, MASK_VMADDVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vmadd.vx",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,s,VtVm", MATCH_VMADDVX, MASK_VMADDVX, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vnmsub.vv",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vs,VtVm", MATCH_VNMSUBVV, MASK_VNMSUBVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vnmsub.vx",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,s,VtVm", MATCH_VNMSUBVX, MASK_VNMSUBVX, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vwmaccu.vv",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vs,VtVm", MATCH_VWMACCUVV, MASK_VWMACCUVV, match_widen_vd_neq_vs1_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vwmaccu.vx",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,s,VtVm", MATCH_VWMACCUVX, MASK_VWMACCUVX, match_widen_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vwmacc.vv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vs,VtVm", MATCH_VWMACCVV, MASK_VWMACCVV, match_widen_vd_neq_vs1_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vwmacc.vx",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,s,VtVm", MATCH_VWMACCVX, MASK_VWMACCVX, match_widen_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vwmaccsu.vv", 0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vs,VtVm", MATCH_VWMACCSUVV, MASK_VWMACCSUVV, match_widen_vd_neq_vs1_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vwmaccsu.vx", 0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,s,VtVm", MATCH_VWMACCSUVX, MASK_VWMACCSUVX, match_widen_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vwmaccus.vx", 0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,s,VtVm", MATCH_VWMACCUSVX, MASK_VWMACCUSVX, match_widen_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vdivu.vv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VDIVUVV, MASK_VDIVUVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vdivu.vx",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VDIVUVX, MASK_VDIVUVX, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vdiv.vv",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VDIVVV, MASK_VDIVVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vdiv.vx",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VDIVVX, MASK_VDIVVX, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vremu.vv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VREMUVV, MASK_VREMUVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vremu.vx",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VREMUVX, MASK_VREMUVX, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vrem.vv",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VREMVV, MASK_VREMVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vrem.vx",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VREMVX, MASK_VREMVX, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vmerge.vvm", 0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,Vs,V0", MATCH_VMERGEVVM, MASK_VMERGEVVM, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"vmerge.vxm", 0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,s,V0", MATCH_VMERGEVXM, MASK_VMERGEVXM, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"vmerge.vim", 0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,Vi,V0", MATCH_VMERGEVIM, MASK_VMERGEVIM, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"vmv.v.v",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vs", MATCH_VMVVV, MASK_VMVVV, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"vmv.v.x",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,s", MATCH_VMVVX, MASK_VMVVX, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"vmv.v.i",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vi", MATCH_VMVVI, MASK_VMVVI, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"vsaddu.vv",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VSADDUVV, MASK_VSADDUVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vsaddu.vx",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VSADDUVX, MASK_VSADDUVX, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vsaddu.vi",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,ViVm", MATCH_VSADDUVI, MASK_VSADDUVI, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vsadd.vv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VSADDVV, MASK_VSADDVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vsadd.vx",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VSADDVX, MASK_VSADDVX, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vsadd.vi",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,ViVm", MATCH_VSADDVI, MASK_VSADDVI, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vssubu.vv",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VSSUBUVV, MASK_VSSUBUVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vssubu.vx",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VSSUBUVX, MASK_VSSUBUVX, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vssub.vv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VSSUBVV, MASK_VSSUBVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vssub.vx",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VSSUBVX, MASK_VSSUBVX, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vaaddu.vv",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VAADDUVV, MASK_VAADDUVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vaaddu.vx",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VAADDUVX, MASK_VAADDUVX, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vaadd.vv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VAADDVV, MASK_VAADDVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vaadd.vx",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VAADDVX, MASK_VAADDVX, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vasubu.vv",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VASUBUVV, MASK_VASUBUVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vasubu.vx",  0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VASUBUVX, MASK_VASUBUVX, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vasub.vv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VASUBVV, MASK_VASUBVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vasub.vx",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VASUBVX, MASK_VASUBVX, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vsmul.vv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VSMULVV, MASK_VSMULVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vsmul.vx",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VSMULVX, MASK_VSMULVX, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vssrl.vv",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VSSRLVV, MASK_VSSRLVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vssrl.vx",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VSSRLVX, MASK_VSSRLVX, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vssrl.vi",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VjVm", MATCH_VSSRLVI, MASK_VSSRLVI, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vssra.vv",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VSSRAVV, MASK_VSSRAVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vssra.vx",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VSSRAVX, MASK_VSSRAVX, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vssra.vi",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VjVm", MATCH_VSSRAVI, MASK_VSSRAVI, match_vd_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vnclipu.wv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VNCLIPUWV, MASK_VNCLIPUWV, match_narrow_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vnclipu.wx",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VNCLIPUWX, MASK_VNCLIPUWX, match_narrow_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vnclipu.wi",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VjVm", MATCH_VNCLIPUWI, MASK_VNCLIPUWI, match_narrow_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vnclip.wv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VNCLIPWV, MASK_VNCLIPWV, match_narrow_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vnclip.wx",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VNCLIPWX, MASK_VNCLIPWX, match_narrow_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vnclip.wi",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,Vt,VjVm", MATCH_VNCLIPWI, MASK_VNCLIPWI, match_narrow_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0 },
++{"vfadd.vv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VFADDVV, MASK_VFADDVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfadd.vf",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,SVm", MATCH_VFADDVF, MASK_VFADDVF, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfsub.vv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VFSUBVV, MASK_VFSUBVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfsub.vf",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,SVm", MATCH_VFSUBVF, MASK_VFSUBVF, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfrsub.vf",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,SVm", MATCH_VFRSUBVF, MASK_VFRSUBVF, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfwadd.vv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VFWADDVV, MASK_VFWADDVV, match_widen_vd_neq_vs1_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfwadd.vf",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,SVm", MATCH_VFWADDVF, MASK_VFWADDVF, match_widen_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfwsub.vv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VFWSUBVV, MASK_VFWSUBVV, match_widen_vd_neq_vs1_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfwsub.vf",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,SVm", MATCH_VFWSUBVF, MASK_VFWSUBVF, match_widen_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfwadd.wv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VFWADDWV, MASK_VFWADDWV, match_widen_vd_neq_vs1_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfwadd.wf",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,SVm", MATCH_VFWADDWF, MASK_VFWADDWF, match_widen_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfwsub.wv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VFWSUBWV, MASK_VFWSUBWV, match_widen_vd_neq_vs1_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfwsub.wf",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,SVm", MATCH_VFWSUBWF, MASK_VFWSUBWF, match_widen_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfmul.vv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VFMULVV, MASK_VFMULVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfmul.vf",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,SVm", MATCH_VFMULVF, MASK_VFMULVF, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfdiv.vv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VFDIVVV, MASK_VFDIVVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfdiv.vf",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,SVm", MATCH_VFDIVVF, MASK_VFDIVVF, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfrdiv.vf",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,SVm", MATCH_VFRDIVVF, MASK_VFRDIVVF, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfwmul.vv",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VFWMULVV, MASK_VFWMULVV, match_widen_vd_neq_vs1_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfwmul.vf",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,SVm", MATCH_VFWMULVF, MASK_VFWMULVF, match_widen_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfmadd.vv",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vs,VtVm", MATCH_VFMADDVV, MASK_VFMADDVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfmadd.vf",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,S,VtVm", MATCH_VFMADDVF, MASK_VFMADDVF, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfnmadd.vv", 0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vs,VtVm", MATCH_VFNMADDVV, MASK_VFNMADDVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfnmadd.vf", 0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,S,VtVm", MATCH_VFNMADDVF, MASK_VFNMADDVF, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfmsub.vv",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vs,VtVm", MATCH_VFMSUBVV, MASK_VFMSUBVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfmsub.vf",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,S,VtVm", MATCH_VFMSUBVF, MASK_VFMSUBVF, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfnmsub.vv", 0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vs,VtVm", MATCH_VFNMSUBVV, MASK_VFNMSUBVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfnmsub.vf", 0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,S,VtVm", MATCH_VFNMSUBVF, MASK_VFNMSUBVF, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfmacc.vv",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vs,VtVm", MATCH_VFMACCVV, MASK_VFMACCVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfmacc.vf",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,S,VtVm", MATCH_VFMACCVF, MASK_VFMACCVF, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfnmacc.vv", 0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vs,VtVm", MATCH_VFNMACCVV, MASK_VFNMACCVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfnmacc.vf", 0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,S,VtVm", MATCH_VFNMACCVF, MASK_VFNMACCVF, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfmsac.vv",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vs,VtVm", MATCH_VFMSACVV, MASK_VFMSACVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfmsac.vf",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,S,VtVm", MATCH_VFMSACVF, MASK_VFMSACVF, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfnmsac.vv", 0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vs,VtVm", MATCH_VFNMSACVV, MASK_VFNMSACVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfnmsac.vf", 0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,S,VtVm", MATCH_VFNMSACVF, MASK_VFNMSACVF, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfwmacc.vv",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vs,VtVm", MATCH_VFWMACCVV, MASK_VFWMACCVV, match_widen_vd_neq_vs1_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfwmacc.vf",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,S,VtVm", MATCH_VFWMACCVF, MASK_VFWMACCVF, match_widen_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfwnmacc.vv", 0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vs,VtVm", MATCH_VFWNMACCVV, MASK_VFWNMACCVV, match_widen_vd_neq_vs1_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfwnmacc.vf", 0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,S,VtVm", MATCH_VFWNMACCVF, MASK_VFWNMACCVF, match_widen_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfwmsac.vv",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vs,VtVm", MATCH_VFWMSACVV, MASK_VFWMSACVV, match_widen_vd_neq_vs1_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfwmsac.vf",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,S,VtVm", MATCH_VFWMSACVF, MASK_VFWMSACVF, match_widen_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfwnmsac.vv", 0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vs,VtVm", MATCH_VFWNMSACVV, MASK_VFWNMSACVV, match_widen_vd_neq_vs1_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfwnmsac.vf", 0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,S,VtVm", MATCH_VFWNMSACVF, MASK_VFWNMSACVF, match_widen_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfsqrt.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,VtVm", MATCH_VFSQRTV, MASK_VFSQRTV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfrsqrt7.v", 0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,VtVm", MATCH_VFRSQRT7V, MASK_VFRSQRT7V, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfrsqrte7.v",0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,VtVm", MATCH_VFRSQRT7V, MASK_VFRSQRT7V, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfrec7.v",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,VtVm", MATCH_VFREC7V, MASK_VFREC7V, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfrece7.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,VtVm", MATCH_VFREC7V, MASK_VFREC7V, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfclass.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,VtVm", MATCH_VFCLASSV, MASK_VFCLASSV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfmin.vv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VFMINVV, MASK_VFMINVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfmin.vf",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,SVm", MATCH_VFMINVF, MASK_VFMINVF, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfmax.vv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VFMAXVV, MASK_VFMAXVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfmax.vf",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,SVm", MATCH_VFMAXVF, MASK_VFMAXVF, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfneg.v",    0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,VuVm", MATCH_VFSGNJNVV, MASK_VFSGNJNVV, match_vs1_eq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_ALIAS },
++{"vfabs.v",    0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,VuVm", MATCH_VFSGNJXVV, MASK_VFSGNJXVV, match_vs1_eq_vs2_neq_vm, INSN_ALIAS },
++{"vfsgnj.vv",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VFSGNJVV, MASK_VFSGNJVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfsgnj.vf",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,SVm", MATCH_VFSGNJVF, MASK_VFSGNJVF, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfsgnjn.vv", 0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VFSGNJNVV, MASK_VFSGNJNVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfsgnjn.vf", 0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,SVm", MATCH_VFSGNJNVF, MASK_VFSGNJNVF, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfsgnjx.vv", 0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VFSGNJXVV, MASK_VFSGNJXVV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfsgnjx.vf", 0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,SVm", MATCH_VFSGNJXVF, MASK_VFSGNJXVF, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vmfeq.vv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VMFEQVV, MASK_VMFEQVV, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vmfeq.vf",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,SVm", MATCH_VMFEQVF, MASK_VMFEQVF, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vmfne.vv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VMFNEVV, MASK_VMFNEVV, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vmfne.vf",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,SVm", MATCH_VMFNEVF, MASK_VMFNEVF, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vmflt.vv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VMFLTVV, MASK_VMFLTVV, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vmflt.vf",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,SVm", MATCH_VMFLTVF, MASK_VMFLTVF, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vmfle.vv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VMFLEVV, MASK_VMFLEVV, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vmfle.vf",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,SVm", MATCH_VMFLEVF, MASK_VMFLEVF, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vmfgt.vf",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,SVm", MATCH_VMFGTVF, MASK_VMFGTVF, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vmfge.vf",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,SVm", MATCH_VMFGEVF, MASK_VMFGEVF, match_opcode, 0},
++/* These aliases are for assembly but not disassembly.  */
++{"vmfgt.vv",    0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vs,VtVm", MATCH_VMFLTVV, MASK_VMFLTVV, match_opcode, INSN_ALIAS},
++{"vmfge.vv",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vs,VtVm", MATCH_VMFLEVV, MASK_VMFLEVV, match_opcode, INSN_ALIAS},
++{"vfmerge.vfm",0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,S,V0", MATCH_VFMERGEVFM, MASK_VFMERGEVFM, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vfmv.v.f",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,S", MATCH_VFMVVF, MASK_VFMVVF, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"vfcvt.xu.f.v",     0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,VtVm", MATCH_VFCVTXUFV, MASK_VFCVTXUFV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfcvt.x.f.v",      0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,VtVm", MATCH_VFCVTXFV, MASK_VFCVTXFV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfcvt.rtz.xu.f.v", 0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,VtVm", MATCH_VFCVTRTZXUFV, MASK_VFCVTRTZXUFV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfcvt.rtz.x.f.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,VtVm", MATCH_VFCVTRTZXFV, MASK_VFCVTRTZXFV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfcvt.f.xu.v",     0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,VtVm", MATCH_VFCVTFXUV, MASK_VFCVTFXUV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfcvt.f.x.v",      0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,VtVm", MATCH_VFCVTFXV, MASK_VFCVTFXV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfwcvt.xu.f.v",     0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,VtVm", MATCH_VFWCVTXUFV, MASK_VFWCVTXUFV, match_widen_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfwcvt.x.f.v",      0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,VtVm", MATCH_VFWCVTXFV, MASK_VFWCVTXFV, match_widen_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfwcvt.rtz.xu.f.v", 0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,VtVm", MATCH_VFWCVTRTZXUFV, MASK_VFWCVTRTZXUFV, match_widen_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfwcvt.rtz.x.f.v",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,VtVm", MATCH_VFWCVTRTZXFV, MASK_VFWCVTRTZXFV, match_widen_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfwcvt.f.xu.v",     0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,VtVm", MATCH_VFWCVTFXUV, MASK_VFWCVTFXUV, match_widen_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfwcvt.f.x.v",      0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,VtVm", MATCH_VFWCVTFXV, MASK_VFWCVTFXV, match_widen_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfwcvt.f.f.v",      0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,VtVm", MATCH_VFWCVTFFV, MASK_VFWCVTFFV, match_widen_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfncvt.xu.f.w",     0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,VtVm", MATCH_VFNCVTXUFW, MASK_VFNCVTXUFW, match_narrow_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfncvt.x.f.w",      0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,VtVm", MATCH_VFNCVTXFW, MASK_VFNCVTXFW, match_narrow_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfncvt.rtz.xu.f.w", 0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,VtVm", MATCH_VFNCVTRTZXUFW, MASK_VFNCVTRTZXUFW, match_narrow_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfncvt.rtz.x.f.w",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,VtVm", MATCH_VFNCVTRTZXFW, MASK_VFNCVTRTZXFW, match_narrow_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfncvt.f.xu.w",     0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,VtVm", MATCH_VFNCVTFXUW, MASK_VFNCVTFXUW, match_narrow_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfncvt.f.x.w",      0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,VtVm", MATCH_VFNCVTFXW, MASK_VFNCVTFXW, match_narrow_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfncvt.f.f.w",      0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,VtVm", MATCH_VFNCVTFFW, MASK_VFNCVTFFW, match_narrow_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfncvt.rod.f.f.w",  0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,VtVm", MATCH_VFNCVTRODFFW, MASK_VFNCVTRODFFW, match_narrow_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vredsum.vs", 0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VREDSUMVS, MASK_VREDSUMVS, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vredmaxu.vs",0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VREDMAXUVS, MASK_VREDMAXUVS, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vredmax.vs", 0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VREDMAXVS, MASK_VREDMAXVS, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vredminu.vs",0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VREDMINUVS, MASK_VREDMINUVS, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vredmin.vs", 0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VREDMINVS, MASK_VREDMINVS, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vredand.vs", 0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VREDANDVS, MASK_VREDANDVS, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vredor.vs",  0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VREDORVS, MASK_VREDORVS, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vredxor.vs", 0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VREDXORVS, MASK_VREDXORVS, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vwredsumu.vs",0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VWREDSUMUVS, MASK_VWREDSUMUVS, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vwredsum.vs",0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VWREDSUMVS, MASK_VWREDSUMVS, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vfredosum.vs",0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VFREDOSUMVS, MASK_VFREDOSUMVS, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vfredusum.vs", 0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VFREDSUMVS, MASK_VFREDSUMVS, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vfredmax.vs", 0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VFREDMAXVS, MASK_VFREDMAXVS, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vfredmin.vs", 0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VFREDMINVS, MASK_VFREDMINVS, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vfwredosum.vs",0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VFWREDOSUMVS, MASK_VFWREDOSUMVS, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vfwredusum.vs", 0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VFWREDSUMVS, MASK_VFWREDSUMVS, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vfredsum.vs", 0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VFREDSUMVS, MASK_VFREDSUMVS, match_opcode, INSN_ALIAS},
++{"vfwredsum.vs", 0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VFWREDSUMVS, MASK_VFWREDSUMVS, match_opcode, INSN_ALIAS},
++{"vmmv.m",     0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,Vu", MATCH_VMANDMM, MASK_VMANDMM, match_vs1_eq_vs2, INSN_ALIAS},
++{"vmcpy.m",    0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,Vu", MATCH_VMANDMM, MASK_VMANDMM, match_vs1_eq_vs2, INSN_ALIAS},
++{"vmclr.m",    0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vv", MATCH_VMXORMM, MASK_VMXORMM, match_vd_eq_vs1_eq_vs2, INSN_ALIAS},
++{"vmset.m",    0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vv", MATCH_VMXNORMM, MASK_VMXNORMM, match_vd_eq_vs1_eq_vs2, INSN_ALIAS},
++{"vmnot.m",    0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,Vu", MATCH_VMNANDMM, MASK_VMNANDMM, match_vs1_eq_vs2, INSN_ALIAS},
++{"vmand.mm",   0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,Vt,Vs", MATCH_VMANDMM, MASK_VMANDMM, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vmnand.mm",  0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,Vt,Vs", MATCH_VMNANDMM, MASK_VMNANDMM, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vmandnot.mm",0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,Vt,Vs", MATCH_VMANDNOTMM, MASK_VMANDNOTMM, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vmxor.mm",   0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,Vt,Vs", MATCH_VMXORMM, MASK_VMXORMM, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vmor.mm",    0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,Vt,Vs", MATCH_VMORMM, MASK_VMORMM, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vmnor.mm",   0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,Vt,Vs", MATCH_VMNORMM, MASK_VMNORMM, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vmornot.mm", 0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,Vt,Vs", MATCH_VMORNOTMM, MASK_VMORNOTMM, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vmxnor.mm",  0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,Vt,Vs", MATCH_VMXNORMM, MASK_VMXNORMM, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vpopc.m",    0, INSN_CLASS_V, "d,VtVm", MATCH_VPOPCM, MASK_VPOPCM, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vfirst.m",   0, INSN_CLASS_V, "d,VtVm", MATCH_VFIRSTM, MASK_VFIRSTM, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vmsbf.m",    0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,VtVm", MATCH_VMSBFM, MASK_VMSBFM, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vmsif.m",    0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,VtVm", MATCH_VMSIFM, MASK_VMSIFM, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vmsof.m",    0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,VtVm", MATCH_VMSOFM, MASK_VMSOFM, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"viota.m",    0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,VtVm", MATCH_VIOTAM, MASK_VIOTAM, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vid.v",      0, INSN_CLASS_V, "VdVm", MATCH_VIDV, MASK_VIDV, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vmv.x.s",    0, INSN_CLASS_V, "d,Vt", MATCH_VMVXS, MASK_VMVXS, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vmv.s.x",    0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,s", MATCH_VMVSX, MASK_VMVSX, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vfmv.f.s",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "D,Vt", MATCH_VFMVFS, MASK_VFMVFS, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vfmv.s.f",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,S", MATCH_VFMVSF, MASK_VFMVSF, match_opcode, 0},
++{"vslideup.vx",0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VSLIDEUPVX, MASK_VSLIDEUPVX, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vslideup.vi",0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,Vt,VjVm", MATCH_VSLIDEUPVI, MASK_VSLIDEUPVI, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vslidedown.vx",0,INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VSLIDEDOWNVX, MASK_VSLIDEDOWNVX, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vslidedown.vi",0,INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,Vt,VjVm", MATCH_VSLIDEDOWNVI, MASK_VSLIDEDOWNVI, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vslide1up.vx",    0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VSLIDE1UPVX, MASK_VSLIDE1UPVX, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vslide1down.vx",  0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VSLIDE1DOWNVX, MASK_VSLIDE1DOWNVX, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfslide1up.vf",   0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,SVm", MATCH_VFSLIDE1UPVF, MASK_VFSLIDE1UPVF, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vfslide1down.vf", 0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F, "Vd,Vt,SVm", MATCH_VFSLIDE1DOWNVF, MASK_VFSLIDE1DOWNVF, match_vd_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vrgather.vv",    0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VRGATHERVV, MASK_VRGATHERVV, match_vd_neq_vs1_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vrgather.vx",    0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,Vt,sVm", MATCH_VRGATHERVX, MASK_VRGATHERVX, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vrgather.vi",    0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,Vt,VjVm", MATCH_VRGATHERVI, MASK_VRGATHERVI, match_vd_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vrgatherei16.vv",0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,Vt,VsVm", MATCH_VRGATHEREI16VV, MASK_VRGATHEREI16VV, match_vd_neq_vs1_neq_vs2_neq_vm, 0},
++{"vcompress.vm",0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,Vt,Vs", MATCH_VCOMPRESSVM, MASK_VCOMPRESSVM, match_vd_neq_vs1_neq_vs2, 0},
++{"vmv1r.v",    0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,Vt", MATCH_VMV1RV, MASK_VMV1RV, match_vmv_nf_rv, 0},
++{"vmv2r.v",    0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,Vt", MATCH_VMV2RV, MASK_VMV2RV, match_vmv_nf_rv, 0},
++{"vmv4r.v",    0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,Vt", MATCH_VMV4RV, MASK_VMV4RV, match_vmv_nf_rv, 0},
++{"vmv8r.v",    0, INSN_CLASS_V, "Vd,Vt", MATCH_VMV8RV, MASK_VMV8RV, match_vmv_nf_rv, 0},
++/* END RVV */
+ /* Terminate the list.  */
+ {0, 0, INSN_CLASS_NONE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
+ };
+@@ -1160,6 +2263,26 @@ const struct riscv_opcode riscv_insn_types[] =
+ {"r",       0, INSN_CLASS_F,       "O4,F3,F7,D,s,T",    0, 0, match_opcode, 0 },
+ {"r",       0, INSN_CLASS_F,       "O4,F3,F7,d,S,T",    0, 0, match_opcode, 0 },
+ {"r",       0, INSN_CLASS_F,       "O4,F3,F7,D,S,T",    0, 0, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"r",       0, INSN_CLASS_V,        "O4,F3,F7,Vd,s,t",    0,    0,  match_opcode, 0 },
++{"r",       0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F,  "O4,F3,F7,Vd,S,t",    0,    0,  match_opcode, 0 },
++{"r",       0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F,  "O4,F3,F7,Vd,s,T",    0,    0,  match_opcode, 0 },
++{"r",       0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F,  "O4,F3,F7,Vd,S,T",    0,    0,  match_opcode, 0 },
++{"r",       0, INSN_CLASS_V,        "O4,F3,F7,d,Vs,t",    0,    0,  match_opcode, 0 },
++{"r",       0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F,  "O4,F3,F7,D,Vs,t",    0,    0,  match_opcode, 0 },
++{"r",       0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F,  "O4,F3,F7,d,Vs,T",    0,    0,  match_opcode, 0 },
++{"r",       0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F,  "O4,F3,F7,D,Vs,T",    0,    0,  match_opcode, 0 },
++{"r",       0, INSN_CLASS_V,        "O4,F3,F7,d,s,Vt",    0,    0,  match_opcode, 0 },
++{"r",       0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F,  "O4,F3,F7,D,s,Vt",    0,    0,  match_opcode, 0 },
++{"r",       0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F,  "O4,F3,F7,d,S,Vt",    0,    0,  match_opcode, 0 },
++{"r",       0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F,  "O4,F3,F7,D,S,Vt",    0,    0,  match_opcode, 0 },
++{"r",       0, INSN_CLASS_V,        "O4,F3,F7,Vd,Vs,t",   0,    0,  match_opcode, 0 },
++{"r",       0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F,  "O4,F3,F7,Vd,Vs,T",   0,    0,  match_opcode, 0 },
++{"r",       0, INSN_CLASS_V,        "O4,F3,F7,Vd,s,Vt",   0,    0,  match_opcode, 0 },
++{"r",       0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F,  "O4,F3,F7,Vd,S,Vt",   0,    0,  match_opcode, 0 },
++{"r",       0, INSN_CLASS_V,        "O4,F3,F7,d,Vs,Vt",   0,    0,  match_opcode, 0 },
++{"r",       0, INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F,  "O4,F3,F7,D,Vs,Vt",   0,    0,  match_opcode, 0 },
++{"r",       0, INSN_CLASS_V,        "O4,F3,F7,Vd,Vs,Vt",  0,    0,  match_opcode, 0 },
+ {"r",       0, INSN_CLASS_I,       "O4,F3,F2,d,s,t,r",  0, 0, match_opcode, 0 },
+ {"r",       0, INSN_CLASS_F,       "O4,F3,F2,D,s,t,r",  0, 0, match_opcode, 0 },
+ {"r",       0, INSN_CLASS_F,       "O4,F3,F2,d,S,t,r",  0, 0, match_opcode, 0 },
+@@ -1257,4 +2380,4 @@ const struct riscv_opcode riscv_insn_types[] =
+ /* Terminate the list.  */
+ {0, 0, INSN_CLASS_NONE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
+\ No newline at end of file

+ 55 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+From 995a71ff7113fc95325ee2d8b51cc5a27ee617d8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: "max.ma" <max.ma@starfivetech.com>
+Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2021 02:44:58 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH 03/11] fix unrecoginized "b" ext issue
+ bfd/elfxx-riscv.c     |  3 ++-
+ gas/config/tc-riscv.c | 17 ++++++++++++++---
+ 2 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/bfd/elfxx-riscv.c b/bfd/elfxx-riscv.c
+index 39b69e2b0a..9999ec418a 100644
+--- a/bfd/elfxx-riscv.c
++++ b/bfd/elfxx-riscv.c
+@@ -1077,7 +1077,8 @@ static struct riscv_implicit_subset riscv_implicit_subsets[] =
+ static const char * const riscv_std_z_ext_strtab[] =
+ {
+-  "zba", "zbb", "zbc", "zicsr", "zifencei", "zihintpause", NULL
++  "zba", "zbb", "zbc", "zicsr", "zifencei", "zihintpause",
++  "zbe", "zbf", "zbm", "zbp", "zbr", "zbs", "zbt", "zvamo", "zvlsseg",NULL
+ };
+ static const char * const riscv_std_s_ext_strtab[] =
+diff --git a/gas/config/tc-riscv.c b/gas/config/tc-riscv.c
+index 898ee89f96..2fb613467e 100644
+--- a/gas/config/tc-riscv.c
++++ b/gas/config/tc-riscv.c
+@@ -140,9 +140,20 @@ static const struct riscv_ext_version ext_version_table[] =
+   {"zihintpause", ISA_SPEC_CLASS_DRAFT, 1, 0},
+-  {"zbb",   ISA_SPEC_CLASS_DRAFT, 0, 93},
+-  {"zba",   ISA_SPEC_CLASS_DRAFT, 0, 93},
+-  {"zbc",   ISA_SPEC_CLASS_DRAFT, 0, 93},
++  {"b",     ISA_SPEC_CLASS_DRAFT, 0, 94},
++  {"zbb",   ISA_SPEC_CLASS_DRAFT, 0, 94},
++  {"zba",   ISA_SPEC_CLASS_DRAFT, 0, 94},
++  {"zbc",   ISA_SPEC_CLASS_DRAFT, 0, 94},
++  {"zbe",   ISA_SPEC_CLASS_DRAFT, 0, 94},
++  {"zbf",   ISA_SPEC_CLASS_DRAFT, 0, 94},
++  {"zbm",   ISA_SPEC_CLASS_DRAFT, 0, 94},
++  {"zbp",   ISA_SPEC_CLASS_DRAFT, 0, 94},
++  {"zbr",   ISA_SPEC_CLASS_DRAFT, 0, 94},
++  {"zbs",   ISA_SPEC_CLASS_DRAFT, 0, 94},
++  {"zbt",   ISA_SPEC_CLASS_DRAFT, 0, 94},
++  {"zvamo",   ISA_SPEC_CLASS_NONE, 1, 0},
++  {"zvlsseg", ISA_SPEC_CLASS_NONE, 1, 0},
+   /* Terminate the list.  */
+   {NULL, 0, 0, 0}

+ 24 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+From de7fa1850d5ae66372033951a59750fab96e4465 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: "max.ma" <max.ma@starfivetech.com>
+Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2021 01:06:59 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH 04/11] set v ext version to 1.0 draft
+ gas/config/tc-riscv.c | 1 +
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
+diff --git a/gas/config/tc-riscv.c b/gas/config/tc-riscv.c
+index 2fb613467e..cb8d8ef79e 100644
+--- a/gas/config/tc-riscv.c
++++ b/gas/config/tc-riscv.c
+@@ -155,6 +155,7 @@ static const struct riscv_ext_version ext_version_table[] =
+   {"zvamo",   ISA_SPEC_CLASS_NONE, 1, 0},
+   {"zvlsseg", ISA_SPEC_CLASS_NONE, 1, 0},
++  {"v", ISA_SPEC_CLASS_DRAFT, 1, 0},
+   /* Terminate the list.  */
+   {NULL, 0, 0, 0}
+ };

+ 27 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+From 798531e05015ae09ddf9a71d6e6abff7df4f89c5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: "max.ma" <max.ma@starfivetech.com>
+Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2021 01:23:18 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH 05/11] fix incorrect RCLASS_MAX
+ gas/config/tc-riscv.c | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/gas/config/tc-riscv.c b/gas/config/tc-riscv.c
+index cb8d8ef79e..3f6f7848b9 100644
+--- a/gas/config/tc-riscv.c
++++ b/gas/config/tc-riscv.c
+@@ -829,9 +829,9 @@ enum reg_class
+ {
+ };

+ 321 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+From 6065dbfb8d027463e65a5706f94a33995991db3e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: "yilun.xie" <yilun.xie@starfivetech.com>
+Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2021 16:10:47 +0800
+Subject: [PATCH 06/11] Merge B instruction from 0p94 to 1.0
+ bfd/elfxx-riscv.c      |   4 +-
+ gas/config/tc-riscv.c  |  44 ++---------
+ include/opcode/riscv.h |  11 ---
+ opcodes/riscv-opc.c    | 170 +----------------------------------------
+ 4 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 218 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/bfd/elfxx-riscv.c b/bfd/elfxx-riscv.c
+index 9999ec418a..24c045c46e 100644
+--- a/bfd/elfxx-riscv.c
++++ b/bfd/elfxx-riscv.c
+@@ -1077,8 +1077,8 @@ static struct riscv_implicit_subset riscv_implicit_subsets[] =
+ static const char * const riscv_std_z_ext_strtab[] =
+ {
+-  "zba", "zbb", "zbc", "zicsr", "zifencei", "zihintpause",
+-  "zbe", "zbf", "zbm", "zbp", "zbr", "zbs", "zbt", "zvamo", "zvlsseg",NULL
++  "zicsr", "zifencei", "zihintpause", "zvamo", "zvlsseg",
++  "zba", "zbb", "zbc",  "zbs", NULL
+ };
+ static const char * const riscv_std_s_ext_strtab[] =
+diff --git a/gas/config/tc-riscv.c b/gas/config/tc-riscv.c
+index 3f6f7848b9..4aaba3c403 100644
+--- a/gas/config/tc-riscv.c
++++ b/gas/config/tc-riscv.c
+@@ -140,17 +140,11 @@ static const struct riscv_ext_version ext_version_table[] =
+   {"zihintpause", ISA_SPEC_CLASS_DRAFT, 1, 0},
+-  {"b",     ISA_SPEC_CLASS_DRAFT, 0, 94},
+-  {"zbb",   ISA_SPEC_CLASS_DRAFT, 0, 94},
+-  {"zba",   ISA_SPEC_CLASS_DRAFT, 0, 94},
+-  {"zbc",   ISA_SPEC_CLASS_DRAFT, 0, 94},
+-  {"zbe",   ISA_SPEC_CLASS_DRAFT, 0, 94},
+-  {"zbf",   ISA_SPEC_CLASS_DRAFT, 0, 94},
+-  {"zbm",   ISA_SPEC_CLASS_DRAFT, 0, 94},
+-  {"zbp",   ISA_SPEC_CLASS_DRAFT, 0, 94},
+-  {"zbr",   ISA_SPEC_CLASS_DRAFT, 0, 94},
+-  {"zbs",   ISA_SPEC_CLASS_DRAFT, 0, 94},
+-  {"zbt",   ISA_SPEC_CLASS_DRAFT, 0, 94},
++  {"b",     ISA_SPEC_CLASS_DRAFT, 1, 0},
++  {"zbb",   ISA_SPEC_CLASS_DRAFT, 1, 0},
++  {"zba",   ISA_SPEC_CLASS_DRAFT, 1, 0},
++  {"zbc",   ISA_SPEC_CLASS_DRAFT, 1, 0},
++  {"zbs",   ISA_SPEC_CLASS_DRAFT, 1, 0},
+   {"zvamo",   ISA_SPEC_CLASS_NONE, 1, 0},
+   {"zvlsseg", ISA_SPEC_CLASS_NONE, 1, 0},
+@@ -346,40 +340,16 @@ riscv_multi_subset_supports (enum riscv_insn_class insn_class)
+       return riscv_subset_supports ("zifencei");
+       return riscv_subset_supports ("zihintpause");
+     case INSN_CLASS_ZBB:
+       return riscv_subset_supports ("zbb");
+     case INSN_CLASS_ZBA:
+       return riscv_subset_supports ("zba");
+     case INSN_CLASS_ZBC:
+       return riscv_subset_supports ("zbc");
+-    case INSN_CLASS_ZBE:
+-      return riscv_subset_supports ("zbe");
+-    case INSN_CLASS_ZBF:
+-      return riscv_subset_supports ("zbf");
+-    case INSN_CLASS_ZBM:
+-      return riscv_subset_supports ("zbm");
+-    case INSN_CLASS_ZBP:
+-      return riscv_subset_supports ("zbp");
+-    case INSN_CLASS_ZBR:
+-      return riscv_subset_supports ("zbr");
+     case INSN_CLASS_ZBS:
+       return riscv_subset_supports ("zbs");
+-    case INSN_CLASS_ZBT:
+-      return riscv_subset_supports ("zbt");
+-      return (riscv_subset_supports ("zbb") || riscv_subset_supports ("zbp"));
+-      return (riscv_subset_supports ("zbs") || riscv_subset_supports ("zbe"));
+-      return (riscv_subset_supports ("zbp") || riscv_subset_supports ("zbm"));
+-      return (riscv_subset_supports ("zbp") || riscv_subset_supports ("zbe") || riscv_subset_supports ("zbf"));
+-      return (riscv_subset_supports ("zbp") || riscv_subset_supports ("zbe") || riscv_subset_supports ("zbf") || riscv_subset_supports ("zbm"));
+     case INSN_CLASS_V: 
+       return riscv_subset_supports ("v");
+     case INSN_CLASS_V_AND_F:
+diff --git a/include/opcode/riscv.h b/include/opcode/riscv.h
+index a785cb1490..92b7ed18f9 100644
+--- a/include/opcode/riscv.h
++++ b/include/opcode/riscv.h
+@@ -388,18 +388,7 @@ enum riscv_insn_class
+diff --git a/opcodes/riscv-opc.c b/opcodes/riscv-opc.c
+index 745c7a990b..98e7fa33f0 100644
+--- a/opcodes/riscv-opc.c
++++ b/opcodes/riscv-opc.c
+@@ -1257,7 +1257,7 @@ const struct riscv_opcode riscv_opcodes[] =
+ /* ZBS instructions */
+ {"bclr",       0, INSN_CLASS_ZBS,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_BCLR, MASK_BCLR, match_opcode, 0 },
+ {"bclri",      0, INSN_CLASS_ZBS,  "d,s,>",    MATCH_BCLRI, MASK_BCLRI, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"bext",       0, INSN_CLASS_ZBS_OR_ZBE,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_BEXT, MASK_BEXT, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"bext",       0, INSN_CLASS_ZBS,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_BEXT, MASK_BEXT, match_opcode, 0 },
+ {"bexti",      0, INSN_CLASS_ZBS,  "d,s,>",    MATCH_BEXTI, MASK_BEXTI, match_opcode, 0 },
+ {"binv",       0, INSN_CLASS_ZBS,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_BINV, MASK_BINV, match_opcode, 0 },
+ {"binvi",      0, INSN_CLASS_ZBS,  "d,s,>",    MATCH_BINVI, MASK_BINVI, match_opcode, 0 },
+@@ -1265,155 +1265,10 @@ const struct riscv_opcode riscv_opcodes[] =
+ {"bseti",      0, INSN_CLASS_ZBS,  "d,s,>",    MATCH_BSETI, MASK_BSETI, match_opcode, 0 },
+ /* B instructions excluded from spec1.0 */
+-{"rev",       32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV_32, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"rev",       64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV_64, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"rev.p",     32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV_P_32, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"rev.p",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV_P_64, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"rev.n",     32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV_N_32, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"rev.n",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV_N_64, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"rev.b",     32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV_B_32, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"rev.b",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV_B_64, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"rev.h",     32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV_H_32, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"rev.h",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV_H_64, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"rev.w",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV_W_64, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"rev2",      32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV2_32, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"rev2",      64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV2_64, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"rev2.n",    32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV2_N_32, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"rev2.n",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV2_N_64, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"rev2.b",    32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV2_B_32, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"rev2.b",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV2_B_64, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"rev2.h",    32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV2_H_32, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"rev2.h",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV2_H_64, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"rev2.w",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV2_W_64, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"rev4",      32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV4_32, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"rev4",      64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV4_64, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"rev4.b",    32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV4_B_32, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"rev4.b",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV4_B_64, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"rev4.h",    32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV4_H_32, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"rev4.h",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV4_H_64, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"rev4.w",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV4_W_64, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"rev8.h",    32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV8_H_32, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"rev8.h",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV8_H_64, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"rev8.w",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV8_W_64, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"rev16",     32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV16_32, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"rev16",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV16_64, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"rev16.w",   64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV16_W_64, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"rev32",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GREVI|MATCH_SHAMT_REV32_64, MASK_GREVI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"zip",       32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP_32, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"zip",       64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP_64, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"zip.n",     32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP_N_32, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"zip.n",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP_N_64, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"zip.b",     32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP_B_32, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"zip.b",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP_B_64, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"zip.h",     32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP_H_32, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"zip.h",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP_H_64, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"zip.w",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP_W_64, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"zip2",      32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP2_32, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"zip2",      64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP2_64, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"zip2.b",    32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP2_B_32, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"zip2.b",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP2_B_64, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"zip2.h",    32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP2_H_32, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"zip2.h",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP2_H_64, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"zip2.w",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP2_W_64, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"zip4",      32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP4_32, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"zip4",      64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP4_64, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"zip4.h",    32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP4_H_32, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"zip4.h",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP4_H_64, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"zip4.w",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP4_W_64, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"zip8",      32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP8_32, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"zip8",      64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP8_64, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"zip8.w",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP8_W_64, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"zip16",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_SHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_ZIP16_64, MASK_SHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"unzip",     32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP_32, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"unzip",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP_64, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"unzip.n",   32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP_N_32, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"unzip.n",   64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP_N_64, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"unzip.b",   32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP_B_32, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"unzip.b",   64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP_B_64, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"unzip.h",   32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP_H_32, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"unzip.h",   64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP_H_64, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"unzip.w",   64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP_W_64, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"unzip2",    32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP2_32, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"unzip2",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP2_64, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"unzip2.b",  32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP2_B_32, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"unzip2.b",  64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP2_B_64, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"unzip2.h",  32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP2_H_32, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"unzip2.h",  64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP2_H_64, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"unzip2.w",  64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP2_W_64, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"unzip4",    32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP4_32, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"unzip4",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP4_64, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"unzip4.h",  32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP4_H_32, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"unzip4.h",  64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP4_H_64, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"unzip4.w",  64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP4_W_64, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"unzip8",    32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP8_32, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"unzip8",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP8_64, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"unzip8.w",  64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP8_W_64, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"unzip16",   64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_UNSHFLI|MATCH_SHAMT_UNZIP16_64, MASK_UNSHFLI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"orc",       32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC_32, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"orc",       64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC_64, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"orc.p",     32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC_P_32, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"orc.p",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC_P_64, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"orc.n",     32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC_N_32, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"orc.n",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC_N_64, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"orc.h",     32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC_H_32, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"orc.h",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC_H_64, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"orc.w",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC_W_64, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"orc2",      32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC2_32, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"orc2",      64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC2_64, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"orc2.n",    32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC2_N_32, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"orc2.n",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC2_N_64, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"orc2.b",    32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC2_B_32, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"orc2.b",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC2_B_64, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"orc2.h",    32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC2_H_32, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"orc2.h",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC2_H_64, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"orc2.w",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC2_W_64, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"orc4",      32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC4_32, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"orc4",      64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC4_64, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"orc4.b",    32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC4_B_32, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"orc4.b",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC4_B_64, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"orc4.h",    32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC4_H_32, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"orc4.h",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC4_H_64, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"orc4.w",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC4_W_64, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"orc8",      32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC8_32, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"orc8",      64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC8_64, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"orc8.h",    32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC8_H_32, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"orc8.h",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC8_H_64, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"orc8.w",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC8_W_64, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"orc16",     32, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC16_32, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"orc16",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC16_64, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"orc16.w",   64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC16_W_64, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"orc32",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s",      MATCH_GORCI|MATCH_SHAMT_ORC32_64, MASK_GORCI|MASK_SHAMT, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"pack",       0, INSN_CLASS_ZBP_OR_ZBE_OR_ZBF_OR_ZBM,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_PACK, MASK_PACK, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"packu",      0, INSN_CLASS_ZBP_OR_ZBM,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_PACKU, MASK_PACKU, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"packh",      0, INSN_CLASS_ZBP_OR_ZBE_OR_ZBF,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_PACKH, MASK_PACKH, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"packw",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP_OR_ZBE_OR_ZBF,  "d,s,<",    MATCH_PACKW, MASK_PACKW, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"packuw",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s,<",    MATCH_PACKUW, MASK_PACKUW, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"grev",       0, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_GREV, MASK_GREV, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"grevi",      0, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s,>",    MATCH_GREVI, MASK_GREVI, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"grevw",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s,<",    MATCH_GREVW, MASK_GREVW, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"greviw",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s,<",    MATCH_GREVIW, MASK_GREVIW, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"gorc",       0, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_GORC, MASK_GORC, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"gorci",      0, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s,>",    MATCH_GORCI, MASK_GORCI, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"gorcw",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s,<",    MATCH_GORCW, MASK_GORCW, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"gorciw",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s,<",    MATCH_GORCIW, MASK_GORCIW, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"shfl",       0, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_SHFL, MASK_SHFL, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"shfli",      0, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s,>",    MATCH_SHFLI, MASK_SHFLI, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"shflw",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s,<",    MATCH_SHFLW, MASK_SHFLW, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"unshfl",     0, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_UNSHFL, MASK_UNSHFL, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"unshfli",    0, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s,>",    MATCH_UNSHFLI, MASK_UNSHFLI, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"unshflw",   64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s,<",    MATCH_UNSHFLW, MASK_UNSHFLW, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"xperm.n",    0, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_XPERM_N, MASK_XPERM_N, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"xperm.b",    0, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_XPERM_B, MASK_XPERM_B, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"xperm.h",    0, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_XPERM_H, MASK_XPERM_H, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"xperm.w",   64, INSN_CLASS_ZBP,  "d,s,<",    MATCH_XPERM_W, MASK_XPERM_W, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"bcompress",0, INSN_CLASS_ZBE,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_BCOMPRESS, MASK_BCOMPRESS, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"bdecompress",0, INSN_CLASS_ZBE,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_BDECOMPRESS, MASK_BDECOMPRESS, match_opcode, 0 },
+ {"bsetw",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBS,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_BSETW, MASK_BSETW, match_opcode, 0 },
+ {"bclrw",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBS,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_BCLRW, MASK_BCLRW, match_opcode, 0 },
+ {"binvw",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBS,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_BINVW, MASK_BINVW, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"bextw",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBS_OR_ZBE,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_BEXTW, MASK_BEXTW, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"bcompressw",64, INSN_CLASS_ZBE,  "d,s,<",    MATCH_BCOMPRESSW, MASK_BCOMPRESSW, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"bdecompressw",64, INSN_CLASS_ZBE,  "d,s,<",    MATCH_BDECOMPRESSW, MASK_BDECOMPRESSW, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"bextw",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBS,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_BEXTW, MASK_BEXTW, match_opcode, 0 },
+ {"bsetiw",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBS,  "d,s,<",    MATCH_BSETIW, MASK_BSETIW, match_opcode, 0 },
+ {"bclriw",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBS,  "d,s,<",    MATCH_BCLRIW, MASK_BCLRIW, match_opcode, 0 },
+ {"binviw",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBS,  "d,s,<",    MATCH_BINVIW, MASK_BINVIW, match_opcode, 0 },
+@@ -1425,27 +1280,6 @@ const struct riscv_opcode riscv_opcodes[] =
+ {"srow",      64, INSN_CLASS_ZBS,  "d,s,<",    MATCH_SROW, MASK_SROW, match_opcode, 0 },
+ {"sloiw",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBS,  "d,s,<",    MATCH_SLOIW, MASK_SLOIW, match_opcode, 0 },
+ {"sroiw",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBS,  "d,s,<",    MATCH_SROIW, MASK_SROIW, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"bfp",        0, INSN_CLASS_ZBF,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_BFP, MASK_BFP, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"bfpw",      64, INSN_CLASS_ZBF,  "d,s,<",    MATCH_BFPW, MASK_BFPW, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"bmator",    64, INSN_CLASS_ZBM,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_BMATOR, MASK_BMATOR, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"bmatxor",   64, INSN_CLASS_ZBM,  "d,s,t",    MATCH_BMATXOR, MASK_BMATXOR, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"bmatflip",  64, INSN_CLASS_ZBM,  "d,s",      MATCH_BMATFLIP, MASK_BMATFLIP, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"crc32.b",    0, INSN_CLASS_ZBR,  "d,s",      MATCH_CRC32_B, MASK_CRC32_B, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"crc32.h",    0, INSN_CLASS_ZBR,  "d,s",      MATCH_CRC32_H, MASK_CRC32_H, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"crc32.w",    0, INSN_CLASS_ZBR,  "d,s",      MATCH_CRC32_W, MASK_CRC32_W, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"crc32c.b",   0, INSN_CLASS_ZBR,  "d,s",      MATCH_CRC32C_B, MASK_CRC32C_B, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"crc32c.h",   0, INSN_CLASS_ZBR,  "d,s",      MATCH_CRC32C_H, MASK_CRC32C_H, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"crc32c.w",   0, INSN_CLASS_ZBR,  "d,s",      MATCH_CRC32C_W, MASK_CRC32C_W, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"crc32.d",   64, INSN_CLASS_ZBR,  "d,s",      MATCH_CRC32_D, MASK_CRC32_D, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"crc32c.d",  64, INSN_CLASS_ZBR,  "d,s",      MATCH_CRC32C_D, MASK_CRC32C_D, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"cmix",       0, INSN_CLASS_ZBT,  "d,s,t,r",  MATCH_CMIX, MASK_CMIX, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"cmov",       0, INSN_CLASS_ZBT,  "d,s,t,r",  MATCH_CMOV, MASK_CMOV, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"fsl",        0, INSN_CLASS_ZBT,  "d,s,t,r",  MATCH_FSL, MASK_FSL, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"fsr",        0, INSN_CLASS_ZBT,  "d,s,t,r",  MATCH_FSR, MASK_FSR, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"fsri",       0, INSN_CLASS_ZBT,  "d,s,>,r",  MATCH_FSRI, MASK_FSRI, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"fslw",      64, INSN_CLASS_ZBT,  "d,s,<,r",  MATCH_FSLW, MASK_FSLW, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"fsrw",      64, INSN_CLASS_ZBT,  "d,s,<,r",  MATCH_FSRW, MASK_FSRW, match_opcode, 0 },
+-{"fsriw",     64, INSN_CLASS_ZBT,  "d,s,<,r",  MATCH_FSRIW, MASK_FSRIW, match_opcode, 0 },
+ /* RVV */
+ {"vsetvl",     0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "d,s,t",  MATCH_VSETVL, MASK_VSETVL, match_opcode, 0},

+ 62 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+From 8e97f38276f8c6cec1c8a345ee61a9b3cecde8be Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: "max.ma" <max.ma@starfivetech.com>
+Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2021 23:14:48 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH 07/11] merge 'Add four new instruction of custom CSRs'
+ include/opcode/riscv-opc.h | 15 +++++++++++++++
+ opcodes/riscv-opc.c        |  5 +++++
+ 2 files changed, 20 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/include/opcode/riscv-opc.h b/include/opcode/riscv-opc.h
+index a62eada16a..566ab6e706 100644
+--- a/include/opcode/riscv-opc.h
++++ b/include/opcode/riscv-opc.h
+@@ -267,6 +267,15 @@
+ #define MASK_SFENCE_VMA  0xfe007fff
+ #define MATCH_WFI 0x10500073
+ #define MASK_WFI  0xffffffff
++/* Custom CSRs instruction */
++#define MATCH_CFLUSH_D_L1    0xfc000073
++#define MASK_CFLUSH_D_L1     0xfff07fff
++#define MATCH_CDISCARD_D_L1  0xfc200073
++#define MASK_CDISCARD_D_L1   0xfff07fff
++#define MATCH_CFLUSH_D_L2    0xfc400073
++#define MASK_CFLUSH_D_L2     0xfff07fff
++#define MATCH_CDISCARD_D_L2  0xfc600073
++#define MASK_CDISCARD_D_L2   0xfff07fff
+ #define MATCH_CSRRW 0x1073
+ #define MASK_CSRRW  0x707f
+ #define MATCH_CSRRS 0x2073
+@@ -3023,6 +3032,12 @@ DECLARE_INSN(dret, MATCH_DRET, MASK_DRET)
++/* Custom CSRs instruction */
++/* end */
+diff --git a/opcodes/riscv-opc.c b/opcodes/riscv-opc.c
+index 98e7fa33f0..ea0fa1209c 100644
+--- a/opcodes/riscv-opc.c
++++ b/opcodes/riscv-opc.c
+@@ -1179,6 +1179,11 @@ const struct riscv_opcode riscv_opcodes[] =
+ {"c.fsw",     32, INSN_CLASS_F_AND_C, "CD,Ck(Cs)", MATCH_C_FSW, MASK_C_FSW, match_opcode, INSN_DREF|INSN_4_BYTE },
+ /* Supervisor instructions.  */
++// Custom CSRs instructions
++{"cflush.d.l1",   0, INSN_CLASS_ZICSR,   "s", 	MATCH_CFLUSH_D_L1, MASK_CFLUSH_D_L1, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"cdiscard.d.l1", 0, INSN_CLASS_ZICSR,   "s",   MATCH_CDISCARD_D_L1, MASK_CDISCARD_D_L1, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"cflush.d.l2",   0, INSN_CLASS_ZICSR,   "s",   MATCH_CFLUSH_D_L2, MASK_CFLUSH_D_L2, match_opcode, 0 },
++{"cdiscard.d.l2", 0, INSN_CLASS_ZICSR,   "s",   MATCH_CDISCARD_D_L2, MASK_CDISCARD_D_L2, match_opcode, 0 },
+ {"csrr",       0, INSN_CLASS_ZICSR,"d,E",      MATCH_CSRRS, MASK_CSRRS|MASK_RS1, match_opcode, INSN_ALIAS },
+ {"csrwi",      0, INSN_CLASS_ZICSR,"E,Z",      MATCH_CSRRWI, MASK_CSRRWI|MASK_RD, match_opcode, INSN_ALIAS },
+ {"csrsi",      0, INSN_CLASS_ZICSR,"E,Z",      MATCH_CSRRSI, MASK_CSRRSI|MASK_RD, match_opcode, INSN_ALIAS },

+ 153 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+From 27272da7ecdf798fbb11d3b6205661a3be55d71f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: "max.ma" <max.ma@starfivetech.com>
+Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2021 23:50:06 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH 08/11] add cache prefetch instruction
+ gas/config/tc-riscv.c      | 42 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ include/opcode/riscv-opc.h |  1 +
+ include/opcode/riscv.h     |  9 ++++++++
+ opcodes/riscv-dis.c        |  8 ++++++++
+ opcodes/riscv-opc.c        |  1 +
+ 5 files changed, 61 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/gas/config/tc-riscv.c b/gas/config/tc-riscv.c
+index 4aaba3c403..3df6b6c0f6 100644
+--- a/gas/config/tc-riscv.c
++++ b/gas/config/tc-riscv.c
+@@ -1116,6 +1116,8 @@ validate_riscv_insn (const struct riscv_opcode *opc, int length)
+       case ')': break;
+       case '<': USE_BITS (OP_MASK_SHAMTW, OP_SH_SHAMTW); break;
+       case '>': USE_BITS (OP_MASK_SHAMT, OP_SH_SHAMT); break;
++      case '#': used_bits |= ENCODE_PREF_TIMM (-1U); break;
++      case '+': used_bits |= ENCODE_PREF_SIMM (-1U); break;        
+       case 'A': break; /* Macro operand, must be symbol.  */
+       case 'B': break; /* Macro operand, must be symbol or constant.  */
+       case 'I': break; /* Macro operand, must be constant.  */
+@@ -1542,6 +1544,27 @@ check_absolute_expr (struct riscv_cl_insn *ip, expressionS *ex,
+   normalize_constant_expr (ex);
+ }
++/* The pref type should be one of the following:
++    0000 - scalar prefetch L1, fetch data as if for a normal scalar load, 
++           and imply load into all lower cache destination levels.
++    0001 - scalar prefetch L2, fetch data and place the cache-line into L2,
++           and imply load into all lower cache destination levels.
++    0010 - scalar prefetch L3, fetch data and place the cache-line into L3,
++           and imply load into all lower cache destination levels.
++    0011 - scalar prefetch L4, fetch data and place the cache-line into L4,
++           and imply load into all lower cache destination levels
++           (if the L5 is in the cache heirarchy).
++    1000 - vector prefetch L1, fetch data as if for a normal scalar load
++           but place the cache-line into vector buffer (vector L1) ,
++           and imply load into all lower cache destination levels.
++static bfd_boolean check_pref_type(unsigned long type)
++  if (type != 0 && type != 1 && type != 3 && type != 8)
++    as_bad (_("Improper pref type (%lu)"), type);
+ static symbolS *
+ make_internal_label (void)
+ {
+@@ -2655,6 +2678,25 @@ riscv_ip (char *str, struct riscv_cl_insn *ip, expressionS *imm_expr,
+ 	      s = expr_end;
+ 	      continue;
++      case '#':
++        my_getExpression (imm_expr, s);
++        check_pref_type((unsigned long)imm_expr->X_add_number);
++        INSERT_OPERAND (PREF_TYPE, *ip, imm_expr->X_add_number);
++        imm_expr->X_op = O_absent;
++        s = expr_end;
++        continue;      
++      case '+':
++	      my_getExpression (imm_expr, s);
++	      check_absolute_expr (ip, imm_expr, FALSE);
++	      if ((unsigned long) imm_expr->X_add_number > 0xff)
++		as_bad (_("Improper pref offset value (%lu)"),
++			(unsigned long) imm_expr->X_add_number);
++	      INSERT_OPERAND (PREF_OFFSET, *ip, imm_expr->X_add_number);
++	      imm_expr->X_op = O_absent;
++	      s = expr_end;
++	      continue;
+ 	    case 'E': /* Control register.  */
+ 	      insn_with_csr = true;
+ 	      explicit_priv_attr = true;
+diff --git a/include/opcode/riscv-opc.h b/include/opcode/riscv-opc.h
+index 566ab6e706..917000844b 100644
+--- a/include/opcode/riscv-opc.h
++++ b/include/opcode/riscv-opc.h
+@@ -276,6 +276,7 @@
+ #define MASK_CFLUSH_D_L2     0xfff07fff
+ #define MATCH_CDISCARD_D_L2  0xfc600073
+ #define MASK_CDISCARD_D_L2   0xfff07fff
++#define MASK_PREF   0x7fff
+ #define MATCH_CSRRW 0x1073
+ #define MASK_CSRRW  0x707f
+ #define MATCH_CSRRS 0x2073
+diff --git a/include/opcode/riscv.h b/include/opcode/riscv.h
+index 92b7ed18f9..52f653c288 100644
+--- a/include/opcode/riscv.h
++++ b/include/opcode/riscv.h
+@@ -178,6 +178,11 @@ static const char * const riscv_vma[2] =
+   (RV_X(x, 0, 10) << 20)
+ #define ENCODE_RVV_VC_IMM(x) \
+   (RV_X(x, 0, 11) << 20)
++#define ENCODE_PREF_TIMM(x) \
++  (RV_X(x, 0, 4) << 20)
++#define ENCODE_PREF_SIMM(x) \
++  (RV_X(x, 0, 8) << 24)
+@@ -277,6 +282,10 @@ static const char * const riscv_vma[2] =
+ #define OP_SH_FUNCT7		25
+ #define OP_MASK_FUNCT2		0x3
+ #define OP_SH_FUNCT2		25
++#define OP_MASK_PREF_TYPE      0x0f
++#define OP_SH_PREF_TYPE        20
++#define OP_MASK_PREF_OFFSET    0xff
++#define OP_SH_PREF_OFFSET      24
+ /* RVC fields.  */
+diff --git a/opcodes/riscv-dis.c b/opcodes/riscv-dis.c
+index a36756cb4c..cd88483ed8 100644
+--- a/opcodes/riscv-dis.c
++++ b/opcodes/riscv-dis.c
+@@ -356,6 +356,14 @@ print_insn_args (const char *d, insn_t l, bfd_vma pc, disassemble_info *info)
+ 	  print (info->stream, "0x%x", (int)EXTRACT_OPERAND (SHAMTW, l));
+ 	  break;
++	case '#':
++	  print (info->stream, "0x%x", (int)EXTRACT_OPERAND (PREF_TYPE, l));
++	  break;
++	case '+':
++	  print (info->stream, "0x%x", (int)EXTRACT_OPERAND (PREF_OFFSET, l));
++	  break;
+ 	case 'S':
+ 	case 'U':
+ 	  print (info->stream, "%s", riscv_fpr_names[rs1]);
+diff --git a/opcodes/riscv-opc.c b/opcodes/riscv-opc.c
+index ea0fa1209c..ed7bee8416 100644
+--- a/opcodes/riscv-opc.c
++++ b/opcodes/riscv-opc.c
+@@ -759,6 +759,7 @@ const struct riscv_opcode riscv_opcodes[] =
+ {"snez",        0, INSN_CLASS_I, "d,t",       MATCH_SLTU, MASK_SLTU|MASK_RS1, match_opcode, INSN_ALIAS },
+ {"sltz",        0, INSN_CLASS_I, "d,s",       MATCH_SLT, MASK_SLT|MASK_RS2, match_opcode, INSN_ALIAS },
+ {"sgtz",        0, INSN_CLASS_I, "d,t",       MATCH_SLT, MASK_SLT|MASK_RS1, match_opcode, INSN_ALIAS },
++{"pref",        0, INSN_CLASS_I, "#,+(s)",    MATCH_SLTI, MASK_PREF, match_opcode, INSN_ALIAS },
+ {"slti",        0, INSN_CLASS_I, "d,s,j",     MATCH_SLTI, MASK_SLTI, match_opcode, 0 },
+ {"slt",         0, INSN_CLASS_I, "d,s,t",     MATCH_SLT, MASK_SLT, match_opcode, 0 },
+ {"slt",         0, INSN_CLASS_I, "d,s,j",     MATCH_SLTI, MASK_SLTI, match_opcode, INSN_ALIAS },

+ 98 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+From 7c0db4d8b6b1b0f370260fb31100890315eeb47f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: "yilun.xie" <yilun.xie@starfivetech.com>
+Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2021 15:16:23 +0800
+Subject: [PATCH 09/11] Delete redundant b0.94 instructions
+ .cvsignore                 |  0
+ .gitattributes             |  0
+ include/opcode/riscv-opc.h | 43 --------------------------------------
+ 3 files changed, 43 deletions(-)
+ mode change 100644 => 100755 .cvsignore
+ mode change 100644 => 100755 .gitattributes
+diff --git a/.cvsignore b/.cvsignore
+old mode 100644
+new mode 100755
+diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes
+old mode 100644
+new mode 100755
+diff --git a/include/opcode/riscv-opc.h b/include/opcode/riscv-opc.h
+index a62eada16a..242d3ef0ea 100644
+--- a/include/opcode/riscv-opc.h
++++ b/include/opcode/riscv-opc.h
+@@ -3139,34 +3139,14 @@ DECLARE_INSN(slli_uw, MATCH_SLLI_UW, MASK_SLLI_UW)
+@@ -3176,7 +3156,6 @@ DECLARE_INSN(bsetw, MATCH_BSETW, MASK_BSETW)
+@@ -3189,28 +3168,6 @@ DECLARE_INSN(slow, MATCH_SLOW, MASK_SLOW)

+ 3220 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3220 @@
+From 502d34caa25874a19ff61a3a9f0f8aa4344fc3ab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: "eric.tang" <eric.tang@starfivetech.com>
+Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2021 16:43:40 +0800
+Subject: [PATCH 10/11] change vle1.v vse1.v to vlm.v vsm.v according rvv-1.0
+ spec & delete unnecessary test cases
+Signed-off-by: eric.tang <eric.tang@starfivetech.com>
+ .../gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-unsupport.d   |    3 -
+ .../gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-unsupport.l   | 1454 --------------
+ .../gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-unsupport.s   | 1663 -----------------
+ gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns.d        |    8 +-
+ gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns.s        |    8 +-
+ opcodes/riscv-opc.c                           |    6 +-
+ 6 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 3131 deletions(-)
+ delete mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-unsupport.d
+ delete mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-unsupport.l
+ delete mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-unsupport.s
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-unsupport.d b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-unsupport.d
+deleted file mode 100644
+index cca6928e7d..0000000000
+--- a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-unsupport.d
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
+-#as: -march=rv32iv0p10 
+-#source: vector-insns-fail-unsupport.s
+-#error_output: vector-insns-fail-unsupport.l
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-unsupport.l b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-unsupport.l
+deleted file mode 100644
+index 2b726b0268..0000000000
+--- a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-unsupport.l
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,1454 +0,0 @@
+-.*: Assembler messages:
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsetivli a0,0xb,0'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsetivli a0,0xb,0x3ff'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsetivli a0,0xb,e16,m2'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsetivli a0,0xb,e256,m8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsetivli a0,0xb,e512,m8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsetivli a0,0xb,e1024,m8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsetivli a0,0xb,e1024,m1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsetivli a0,0xb,e1024,mf2'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsetivli a0,0xb,e512,mf4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsetivli a0,0xb,e256,mf8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsetivli a0,0xb,e256,m2,ta'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsetivli a0,0xb,e256,m2,ma'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsetivli a0,0xb,e256,m2,tu'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsetivli a0,0xb,e256,m2,mu'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsetivli a0,0xb,e256,m2,ta,ma'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsetivli a0,0xb,e256,m2,tu,ma'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsetivli a0,0xb,e256,m2,ta,mu'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsetivli a0,0xb,e256,m2,tu,mu'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vle1.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vle1.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vse1.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vse1.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vle8ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vle8ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vle8ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vle16ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vle16ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vle16ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vle32ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vle32ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vle32ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vle64ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vle64ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vle64ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e8.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e8.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e8.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg2e8.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg2e8.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg2e8.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e8.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e8.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e8.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg3e8.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg3e8.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg3e8.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e8.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e8.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e8.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg4e8.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg4e8.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg4e8.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e8.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e8.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e8.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg5e8.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg5e8.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg5e8.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e8.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e8.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e8.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg6e8.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg6e8.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg6e8.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e8.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e8.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e8.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg7e8.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg7e8.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg7e8.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e8.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e8.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e8.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg8e8.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg8e8.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg8e8.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e16.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e16.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e16.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg2e16.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg2e16.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg2e16.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e16.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e16.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e16.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg3e16.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg3e16.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg3e16.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e16.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e16.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e16.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg4e16.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg4e16.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg4e16.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e16.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e16.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e16.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg5e16.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg5e16.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg5e16.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e16.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e16.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e16.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg6e16.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg6e16.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg6e16.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e16.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e16.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e16.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg7e16.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg7e16.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg7e16.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e16.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e16.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e16.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg8e16.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg8e16.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg8e16.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e32.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e32.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e32.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg2e32.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg2e32.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg2e32.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e32.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e32.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e32.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg3e32.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg3e32.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg3e32.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e32.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e32.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e32.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg4e32.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg4e32.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg4e32.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e32.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e32.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e32.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg5e32.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg5e32.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg5e32.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e32.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e32.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e32.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg6e32.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg6e32.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg6e32.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e32.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e32.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e32.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg7e32.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg7e32.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg7e32.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e32.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e32.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e32.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg8e32.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg8e32.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg8e32.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e64.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e64.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e64.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg2e64.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg2e64.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg2e64.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e64.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e64.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e64.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg3e64.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg3e64.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg3e64.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e64.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e64.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e64.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg4e64.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg4e64.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg4e64.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e64.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e64.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e64.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg5e64.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg5e64.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg5e64.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e64.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e64.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e64.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg6e64.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg6e64.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg6e64.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e64.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e64.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e64.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg7e64.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg7e64.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg7e64.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e64.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e64.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e64.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg8e64.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg8e64.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsseg8e64.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg2e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg2e8.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg2e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg2e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg2e8.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg2e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg3e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg3e8.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg3e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg3e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg3e8.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg3e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg4e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg4e8.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg4e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg4e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg4e8.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg4e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg5e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg5e8.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg5e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg5e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg5e8.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg5e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg6e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg6e8.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg6e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg6e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg6e8.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg6e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg7e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg7e8.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg7e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg7e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg7e8.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg7e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg8e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg8e8.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg8e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg8e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg8e8.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg8e8.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg2e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg2e16.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg2e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg2e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg2e16.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg2e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg3e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg3e16.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg3e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg3e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg3e16.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg3e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg4e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg4e16.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg4e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg4e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg4e16.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg4e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg5e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg5e16.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg5e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg5e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg5e16.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg5e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg6e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg6e16.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg6e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg6e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg6e16.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg6e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg7e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg7e16.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg7e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg7e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg7e16.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg7e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg8e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg8e16.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg8e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg8e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg8e16.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg8e16.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg2e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg2e32.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg2e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg2e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg2e32.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg2e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg3e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg3e32.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg3e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg3e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg3e32.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg3e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg4e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg4e32.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg4e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg4e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg4e32.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg4e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg5e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg5e32.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg5e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg5e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg5e32.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg5e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg6e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg6e32.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg6e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg6e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg6e32.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg6e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg7e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg7e32.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg7e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg7e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg7e32.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg7e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg8e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg8e32.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg8e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg8e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg8e32.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg8e32.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg2e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg2e64.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg2e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg2e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg2e64.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg2e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg3e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg3e64.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg3e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg3e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg3e64.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg3e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg4e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg4e64.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg4e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg4e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg4e64.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg4e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg5e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg5e64.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg5e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg5e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg5e64.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg5e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg6e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg6e64.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg6e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg6e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg6e64.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg6e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg7e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg7e64.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg7e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg7e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg7e64.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg7e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg8e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg8e64.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlsseg8e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg8e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg8e64.v v4,0\(a0\),a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssseg8e64.v v4,\(a0\),a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg2ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg2ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg2ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg2ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg2ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg2ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg3ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg3ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg3ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg3ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg3ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg3ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg4ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg4ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg4ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg4ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg4ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg4ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg5ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg5ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg5ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg5ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg5ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg5ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg6ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg6ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg6ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg6ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg6ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg6ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg7ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg7ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg7ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg7ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg7ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg7ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg8ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg8ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg8ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg8ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg8ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg8ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg2ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg2ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg2ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg2ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg2ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg2ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg3ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg3ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg3ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg3ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg3ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg3ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg4ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg4ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg4ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg4ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg4ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg4ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg5ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg5ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg5ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg5ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg5ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg5ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg6ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg6ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg6ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg6ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg6ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg6ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg7ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg7ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg7ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg7ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg7ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg7ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg8ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg8ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg8ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg8ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg8ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg8ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg2ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg2ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg2ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg2ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg2ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg2ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg3ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg3ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg3ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg3ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg3ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg3ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg4ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg4ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg4ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg4ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg4ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg4ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg5ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg5ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg5ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg5ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg5ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg5ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg6ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg6ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg6ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg6ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg6ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg6ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg7ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg7ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg7ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg7ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg7ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg7ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg8ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg8ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg8ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg8ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg8ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg8ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg2ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg2ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg2ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg2ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg2ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg2ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg3ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg3ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg3ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg3ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg3ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg3ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg4ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg4ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg4ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg4ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg4ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg4ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg5ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg5ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg5ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg5ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg5ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg5ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg6ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg6ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg6ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg6ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg6ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg6ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg7ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg7ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg7ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg7ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg7ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg7ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg8ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg8ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vloxseg8ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg8ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg8ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsoxseg8ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg2ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg2ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg2ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg2ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg2ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg2ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg3ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg3ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg3ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg3ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg3ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg3ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg4ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg4ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg4ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg4ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg4ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg4ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg5ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg5ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg5ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg5ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg5ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg5ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg6ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg6ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg6ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg6ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg6ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg6ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg7ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg7ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg7ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg7ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg7ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg7ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg8ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg8ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg8ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg8ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg8ei8.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg8ei8.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg2ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg2ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg2ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg2ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg2ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg2ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg3ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg3ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg3ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg3ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg3ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg3ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg4ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg4ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg4ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg4ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg4ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg4ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg5ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg5ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg5ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg5ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg5ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg5ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg6ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg6ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg6ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg6ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg6ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg6ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg7ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg7ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg7ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg7ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg7ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg7ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg8ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg8ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg8ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg8ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg8ei16.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg8ei16.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg2ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg2ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg2ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg2ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg2ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg2ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg3ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg3ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg3ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg3ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg3ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg3ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg4ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg4ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg4ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg4ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg4ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg4ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg5ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg5ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg5ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg5ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg5ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg5ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg6ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg6ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg6ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg6ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg6ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg6ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg7ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg7ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg7ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg7ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg7ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg7ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg8ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg8ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg8ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg8ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg8ei32.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg8ei32.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg2ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg2ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg2ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg2ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg2ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg2ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg3ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg3ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg3ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg3ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg3ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg3ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg4ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg4ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg4ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg4ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg4ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg4ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg5ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg5ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg5ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg5ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg5ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg5ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg6ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg6ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg6ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg6ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg6ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg6ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg7ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg7ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg7ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg7ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg7ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg7ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg8ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg8ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vluxseg8ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg8ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg8ei64.v v4,0\(a0\),v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsuxseg8ei64.v v4,\(a0\),v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e8ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e8ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e8ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e8ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e8ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e8ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e8ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e8ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e8ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e8ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e8ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e8ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e8ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e8ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e8ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e8ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e8ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e8ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e8ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e8ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e8ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e16ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e16ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e16ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e16ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e16ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e16ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e16ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e16ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e16ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e16ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e16ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e16ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e16ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e16ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e16ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e16ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e16ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e16ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e16ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e16ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e16ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e32ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e32ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e32ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e32ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e32ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e32ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e32ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e32ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e32ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e32ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e32ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e32ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e32ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e32ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e32ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e32ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e32ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e32ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e32ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e32ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e32ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e64ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e64ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg2e64ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e64ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e64ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg3e64ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e64ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e64ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg4e64ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e64ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e64ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg5e64ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e64ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e64ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg6e64ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e64ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e64ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg7e64ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e64ff.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e64ff.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vlseg8e64ff.v v4,\(a0\),v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl2r.v v2,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl2r.v v2,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl2re8.v v2,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl2re8.v v2,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl2re16.v v2,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl2re16.v v2,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl2re32.v v2,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl2re32.v v2,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl2re64.v v2,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl2re64.v v2,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl4r.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl4r.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl4re8.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl4re8.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl4re16.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl4re16.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl4re32.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl4re32.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl4re64.v v4,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl4re64.v v4,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl8r.v v8,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl8r.v v8,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl8re8.v v8,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl8re8.v v8,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl8re16.v v8,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl8re16.v v8,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl8re32.v v8,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl8re32.v v8,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl8re64.v v8,\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vl8re64.v v8,0\(a0\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vs2r.v v2,\(a1\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vs2r.v v2,0\(a1\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vs4r.v v4,\(a1\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vs4r.v v4,0\(a1\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vs8r.v v8,\(a1\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vs8r.v v8,0\(a1\)'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei8.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei8.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei8.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei8.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei8.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei8.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei8.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei8.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei8.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei8.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei8.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei8.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei8.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei8.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei8.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei8.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei8.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei8.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei8.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei8.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei8.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei8.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei8.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei8.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei8.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei8.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei8.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei8.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei8.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei8.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei8.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei8.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei8.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei8.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei8.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei8.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei8.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei8.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei8.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei8.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei8.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei8.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei8.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei8.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei8.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei8.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei8.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei8.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei8.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei8.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei8.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei8.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei8.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei8.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei8.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei8.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei8.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei8.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei8.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei8.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei8.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei8.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei8.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei8.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei8.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei8.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei8.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei8.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei8.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei8.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei8.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei8.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei16.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei16.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei16.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei16.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei16.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei16.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei16.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei16.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei16.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei16.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei16.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei16.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei16.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei16.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei16.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei16.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei16.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei16.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei16.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei16.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei16.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei16.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei16.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei16.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei16.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei16.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei16.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei16.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei16.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei16.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei16.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei16.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei16.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei16.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei16.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei16.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei16.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei16.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei16.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei16.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei16.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei16.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei16.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei16.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei16.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei16.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei16.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei16.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei16.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei16.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei16.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei16.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei16.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei16.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei16.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei16.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei16.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei16.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei16.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei16.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei16.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei16.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei16.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei16.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei16.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei16.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei16.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei16.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei16.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei16.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei16.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei16.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei32.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei32.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei32.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei32.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei32.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei32.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei32.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei32.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei32.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei32.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei32.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei32.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei32.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei32.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei32.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei32.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei32.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei32.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei32.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei32.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei32.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei32.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei32.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei32.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei32.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei32.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei32.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei32.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei32.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei32.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei32.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei32.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei32.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei32.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei32.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei32.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei32.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei32.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei32.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei32.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei32.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei32.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei32.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei32.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei32.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei32.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei32.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei32.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei32.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei32.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei32.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei32.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei32.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei32.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei32.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei32.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei32.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei32.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei32.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei32.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei32.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei32.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei32.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei32.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei32.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei32.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei32.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei32.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei32.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei32.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei32.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei32.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei64.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei64.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei64.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei64.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei64.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei64.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei64.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei64.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei64.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei64.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei64.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei64.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei64.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei64.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei64.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei64.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei64.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei64.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei64.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei64.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei64.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei64.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei64.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei64.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei64.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei64.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei64.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei64.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei64.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei64.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei64.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei64.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei64.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei64.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei64.v v4,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei64.v x0,\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei64.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei64.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei64.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoaddei64.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei64.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei64.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei64.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoswapei64.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei64.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei64.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei64.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoxorei64.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei64.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei64.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei64.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoandei64.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei64.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei64.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei64.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamoorei64.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei64.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei64.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei64.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominei64.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei64.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei64.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei64.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxei64.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei64.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei64.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei64.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamominuei64.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei64.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei64.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei64.v v4,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vamomaxuei64.v x0,0\(a1\),v8,v4,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwcvt.x.x.v v4,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwcvtu.x.x.v v4,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwcvt.x.x.v v4,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwcvtu.x.x.v v4,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwaddu.vv v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwaddu.vx v4,v8,a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwaddu.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwaddu.vx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwsubu.vv v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwsubu.vx v4,v8,a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwsubu.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwsubu.vx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwadd.vv v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwadd.vx v4,v8,a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwadd.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwadd.vx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwsub.vv v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwsub.vx v4,v8,a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwsub.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwsub.vx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwaddu.wv v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwaddu.wx v4,v8,a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwaddu.wv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwaddu.wx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwsubu.wv v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwsubu.wx v4,v8,a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwsubu.wv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwsubu.wx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwadd.wv v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwadd.wx v4,v8,a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwadd.wv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwadd.wx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwsub.wv v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwsub.wx v4,v8,a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwsub.wv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwsub.wx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsll.vv v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsll.vx v4,v8,a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsll.vi v4,v8,1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsll.vi v4,v8,31'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsll.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsll.vx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsll.vi v4,v8,1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsll.vi v4,v8,31,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsrl.vv v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsrl.vx v4,v8,a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsrl.vi v4,v8,1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsrl.vi v4,v8,31'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsrl.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsrl.vx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsrl.vi v4,v8,1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsrl.vi v4,v8,31,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsra.vv v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsra.vx v4,v8,a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsra.vi v4,v8,1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsra.vi v4,v8,31'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsra.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsra.vx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsra.vi v4,v8,1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsra.vi v4,v8,31,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vncvt.x.x.w v4,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vncvt.x.x.w v4,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnsrl.wv v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnsrl.wx v4,v8,a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnsrl.wi v4,v8,1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnsrl.wi v4,v8,31'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnsrl.wv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnsrl.wx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnsrl.wi v4,v8,1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnsrl.wi v4,v8,31,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnsra.wv v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnsra.wx v4,v8,a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnsra.wi v4,v8,1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnsra.wi v4,v8,31'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnsra.wv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnsra.wx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnsra.wi v4,v8,1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnsra.wi v4,v8,31,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmul.vv v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmul.vx v4,v8,a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmul.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmul.vx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmulu.vv v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmulu.vx v4,v8,a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmulu.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmulu.vx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmulsu.vv v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmulsu.vx v4,v8,a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmulsu.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmulsu.vx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmaccu.vv v4,v12,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmaccu.vx v4,a1,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmaccu.vv v4,v12,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmaccu.vx v4,a1,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmacc.vv v4,v12,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmacc.vx v4,a1,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmacc.vv v4,v12,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmacc.vx v4,a1,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmaccsu.vv v4,v12,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmaccsu.vx v4,a1,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmaccsu.vv v4,v12,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmaccsu.vx v4,a1,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmaccus.vx v4,a1,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwmaccus.vx v4,a1,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsaddu.vv v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsaddu.vx v4,v8,a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsaddu.vi v4,v8,15'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsaddu.vi v4,v8,-16'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsaddu.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsaddu.vx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsaddu.vi v4,v8,15,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsaddu.vi v4,v8,-16,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsadd.vv v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsadd.vx v4,v8,a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsadd.vi v4,v8,15'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsadd.vi v4,v8,-16'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsadd.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsadd.vx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsadd.vi v4,v8,15,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsadd.vi v4,v8,-16,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssubu.vv v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssubu.vx v4,v8,a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssubu.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssubu.vx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssub.vv v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssub.vx v4,v8,a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssub.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssub.vx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vaaddu.vv v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vaaddu.vx v4,v8,a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vaaddu.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vaaddu.vx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vaadd.vv v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vaadd.vx v4,v8,a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vaadd.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vaadd.vx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vasubu.vv v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vasubu.vx v4,v8,a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vasubu.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vasubu.vx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vasub.vv v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vasub.vx v4,v8,a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vasub.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vasub.vx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsmul.vv v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsmul.vx v4,v8,a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsmul.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vsmul.vx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssrl.vv v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssrl.vx v4,v8,a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssrl.vi v4,v8,1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssrl.vi v4,v8,31'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssrl.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssrl.vx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssrl.vi v4,v8,1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssrl.vi v4,v8,31,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssra.vv v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssra.vx v4,v8,a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssra.vi v4,v8,1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssra.vi v4,v8,31'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssra.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssra.vx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssra.vi v4,v8,1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vssra.vi v4,v8,31,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnclipu.wv v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnclipu.wx v4,v8,a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnclipu.wi v4,v8,1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnclipu.wi v4,v8,31'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnclipu.wv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnclipu.wx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnclipu.wi v4,v8,1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnclipu.wi v4,v8,31,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnclip.wv v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnclip.wx v4,v8,a1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnclip.wi v4,v8,1'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnclip.wi v4,v8,31'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnclip.wv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnclip.wx v4,v8,a1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnclip.wi v4,v8,1,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vnclip.wi v4,v8,31,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwadd.vv v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwadd.vf v4,v8,fa2'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwadd.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwadd.vf v4,v8,fa2,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwsub.vv v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwsub.vf v4,v8,fa2'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwsub.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwsub.vf v4,v8,fa2,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwadd.wv v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwadd.wf v4,v8,fa2'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwadd.wv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwadd.wf v4,v8,fa2,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwsub.wv v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwsub.wf v4,v8,fa2'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwsub.wv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwsub.wf v4,v8,fa2,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwmul.vv v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwmul.vf v4,v8,fa2'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwmul.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwmul.vf v4,v8,fa2,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwmacc.vv v4,v12,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwmacc.vf v4,fa2,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwnmacc.vv v4,v12,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwnmacc.vf v4,fa2,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwmsac.vv v4,v12,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwmsac.vf v4,fa2,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwnmsac.vv v4,v12,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwnmsac.vf v4,fa2,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwmacc.vv v4,v12,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwmacc.vf v4,fa2,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwnmacc.vv v4,v12,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwnmacc.vf v4,fa2,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwmsac.vv v4,v12,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwmsac.vf v4,fa2,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwnmsac.vv v4,v12,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwnmsac.vf v4,fa2,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfsqrt.v v4,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfsqrt.v v4,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfrsqrte7.v v4,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfrsqrte7.v v4,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfrsqrt7.v v4,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfrsqrt7.v v4,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfrece7.v v4,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfrece7.v v4,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfrec7.v v4,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfrec7.v v4,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfclass.v v4,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfclass.v v4,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfcvt.xu.f.v v4,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfcvt.x.f.v v4,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfcvt.rtz.xu.f.v v4,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfcvt.rtz.x.f.v v4,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfcvt.f.xu.v v4,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfcvt.f.x.v v4,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfcvt.xu.f.v v4,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfcvt.x.f.v v4,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfcvt.rtz.xu.f.v v4,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfcvt.rtz.x.f.v v4,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfcvt.f.xu.v v4,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfcvt.f.x.v v4,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwcvt.xu.f.v v4,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwcvt.x.f.v v4,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwcvt.rtz.xu.f.v v4,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwcvt.rtz.x.f.v v4,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwcvt.f.xu.v v4,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwcvt.f.x.v v4,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwcvt.f.f.v v4,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwcvt.xu.f.v v4,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwcvt.x.f.v v4,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwcvt.rtz.xu.f.v v4,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwcvt.rtz.x.f.v v4,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwcvt.f.xu.v v4,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwcvt.f.x.v v4,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwcvt.f.f.v v4,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfncvt.xu.f.w v4,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfncvt.x.f.w v4,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfncvt.rtz.xu.f.w v4,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfncvt.rtz.x.f.w v4,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfncvt.f.xu.w v4,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfncvt.f.x.w v4,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfncvt.f.f.w v4,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfncvt.rod.f.f.w v4,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfncvt.xu.f.w v4,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfncvt.x.f.w v4,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfncvt.rtz.xu.f.w v4,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfncvt.rtz.x.f.w v4,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfncvt.f.xu.w v4,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfncvt.f.x.w v4,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfncvt.f.f.w v4,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfncvt.rod.f.f.w v4,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vredsum.vs v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vredmaxu.vs v4,v8,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vredmax.vs v4,v8,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vredminu.vs v4,v8,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vredmin.vs v4,v8,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vredand.vs v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vredor.vs v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vredxor.vs v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vredsum.vs v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vredmaxu.vs v4,v8,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vredmax.vs v4,v8,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vredminu.vs v4,v8,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vredmin.vs v4,v8,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vredand.vs v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vredor.vs v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vredxor.vs v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwredsumu.vs v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwredsum.vs v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwredsumu.vs v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vwredsum.vs v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfredosum.vs v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfredsum.vs v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfredmax.vs v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfredmin.vs v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfredosum.vs v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfredsum.vs v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfredmax.vs v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfredmin.vs v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwredosum.vs v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwredsum.vs v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwredosum.vs v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vfwredsum.vs v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vmsbf.m v4,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vmsif.m v4,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vmsof.m v4,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `viota.m v4,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vmsbf.m v4,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vmsif.m v4,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vmsof.m v4,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `viota.m v4,v8,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vrgatherei16.vv v4,v8,v12'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vrgatherei16.vv v4,v8,v12,v0.t'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vmv2r.v v2,v4'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vmv4r.v v4,v8'
+-.*: Error: unrecognized opcode `vmv8r.v v0,v8'
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-unsupport.s b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-unsupport.s
+deleted file mode 100644
+index 0112d0bce7..0000000000
+--- a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns-fail-unsupport.s
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,1663 +0,0 @@
+-	vsetivli a0, 0xb, 0
+-	vsetivli a0, 0xb, 0x3ff
+-	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e16, m2
+-	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e256, m8
+-	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e512, m8
+-	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e1024, m8
+-	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e1024, m1
+-	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e1024, mf2
+-	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e512, mf4
+-	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e256, mf8
+-	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e256, m2, ta
+-	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e256, m2, ma
+-	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e256, m2, tu
+-	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e256, m2, mu
+-	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e256, m2, ta, ma
+-	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e256, m2, tu, ma
+-	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e256, m2, ta, mu
+-	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e256, m2, tu, mu
+-	vle1.v v4, (a0)
+-	vle1.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vse1.v v4, (a0)
+-	vse1.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vluxei8.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vluxei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vluxei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsuxei8.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsuxei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsuxei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vluxei16.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vluxei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vluxei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsuxei16.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsuxei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsuxei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vluxei32.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vluxei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vluxei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsuxei32.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsuxei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsuxei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vluxei64.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vluxei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vluxei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsuxei64.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsuxei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsuxei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vle8ff.v v4, (a0)
+-	vle8ff.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vle8ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vle16ff.v v4, (a0)
+-	vle16ff.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vle16ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vle32ff.v v4, (a0)
+-	vle32ff.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vle32ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vle64ff.v v4, (a0)
+-	vle64ff.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vle64ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg2e8.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg2e8.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg2e8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vsseg2e8.v v4, (a0)
+-	vsseg2e8.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vsseg2e8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg3e8.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg3e8.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg3e8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vsseg3e8.v v4, (a0)
+-	vsseg3e8.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vsseg3e8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg4e8.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg4e8.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg4e8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vsseg4e8.v v4, (a0)
+-	vsseg4e8.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vsseg4e8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg5e8.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg5e8.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg5e8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vsseg5e8.v v4, (a0)
+-	vsseg5e8.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vsseg5e8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg6e8.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg6e8.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg6e8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vsseg6e8.v v4, (a0)
+-	vsseg6e8.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vsseg6e8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg7e8.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg7e8.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg7e8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vsseg7e8.v v4, (a0)
+-	vsseg7e8.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vsseg7e8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg8e8.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg8e8.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg8e8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vsseg8e8.v v4, (a0)
+-	vsseg8e8.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vsseg8e8.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg2e16.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg2e16.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg2e16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vsseg2e16.v v4, (a0)
+-	vsseg2e16.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vsseg2e16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg3e16.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg3e16.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg3e16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vsseg3e16.v v4, (a0)
+-	vsseg3e16.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vsseg3e16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg4e16.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg4e16.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg4e16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vsseg4e16.v v4, (a0)
+-	vsseg4e16.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vsseg4e16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg5e16.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg5e16.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg5e16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vsseg5e16.v v4, (a0)
+-	vsseg5e16.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vsseg5e16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg6e16.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg6e16.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg6e16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vsseg6e16.v v4, (a0)
+-	vsseg6e16.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vsseg6e16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg7e16.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg7e16.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg7e16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vsseg7e16.v v4, (a0)
+-	vsseg7e16.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vsseg7e16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg8e16.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg8e16.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg8e16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vsseg8e16.v v4, (a0)
+-	vsseg8e16.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vsseg8e16.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg2e32.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg2e32.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg2e32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vsseg2e32.v v4, (a0)
+-	vsseg2e32.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vsseg2e32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg3e32.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg3e32.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg3e32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vsseg3e32.v v4, (a0)
+-	vsseg3e32.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vsseg3e32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg4e32.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg4e32.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg4e32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vsseg4e32.v v4, (a0)
+-	vsseg4e32.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vsseg4e32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg5e32.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg5e32.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg5e32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vsseg5e32.v v4, (a0)
+-	vsseg5e32.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vsseg5e32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg6e32.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg6e32.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg6e32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vsseg6e32.v v4, (a0)
+-	vsseg6e32.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vsseg6e32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg7e32.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg7e32.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg7e32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vsseg7e32.v v4, (a0)
+-	vsseg7e32.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vsseg7e32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg8e32.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg8e32.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg8e32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vsseg8e32.v v4, (a0)
+-	vsseg8e32.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vsseg8e32.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg2e64.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg2e64.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg2e64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vsseg2e64.v v4, (a0)
+-	vsseg2e64.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vsseg2e64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg3e64.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg3e64.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg3e64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vsseg3e64.v v4, (a0)
+-	vsseg3e64.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vsseg3e64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg4e64.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg4e64.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg4e64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vsseg4e64.v v4, (a0)
+-	vsseg4e64.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vsseg4e64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg5e64.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg5e64.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg5e64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vsseg5e64.v v4, (a0)
+-	vsseg5e64.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vsseg5e64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg6e64.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg6e64.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg6e64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vsseg6e64.v v4, (a0)
+-	vsseg6e64.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vsseg6e64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg7e64.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg7e64.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg7e64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vsseg7e64.v v4, (a0)
+-	vsseg7e64.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vsseg7e64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg8e64.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg8e64.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg8e64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vsseg8e64.v v4, (a0)
+-	vsseg8e64.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vsseg8e64.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlsseg2e8.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vlsseg2e8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vlsseg2e8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vssseg2e8.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vssseg2e8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vssseg2e8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vlsseg3e8.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vlsseg3e8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vlsseg3e8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vssseg3e8.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vssseg3e8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vssseg3e8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vlsseg4e8.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vlsseg4e8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vlsseg4e8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vssseg4e8.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vssseg4e8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vssseg4e8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vlsseg5e8.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vlsseg5e8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vlsseg5e8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vssseg5e8.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vssseg5e8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vssseg5e8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vlsseg6e8.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vlsseg6e8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vlsseg6e8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vssseg6e8.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vssseg6e8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vssseg6e8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vlsseg7e8.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vlsseg7e8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vlsseg7e8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vssseg7e8.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vssseg7e8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vssseg7e8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vlsseg8e8.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vlsseg8e8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vlsseg8e8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vssseg8e8.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vssseg8e8.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vssseg8e8.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vlsseg2e16.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vlsseg2e16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vlsseg2e16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vssseg2e16.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vssseg2e16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vssseg2e16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vlsseg3e16.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vlsseg3e16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vlsseg3e16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vssseg3e16.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vssseg3e16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vssseg3e16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vlsseg4e16.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vlsseg4e16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vlsseg4e16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vssseg4e16.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vssseg4e16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vssseg4e16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vlsseg5e16.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vlsseg5e16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vlsseg5e16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vssseg5e16.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vssseg5e16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vssseg5e16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vlsseg6e16.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vlsseg6e16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vlsseg6e16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vssseg6e16.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vssseg6e16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vssseg6e16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vlsseg7e16.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vlsseg7e16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vlsseg7e16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vssseg7e16.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vssseg7e16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vssseg7e16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vlsseg8e16.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vlsseg8e16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vlsseg8e16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vssseg8e16.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vssseg8e16.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vssseg8e16.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vlsseg2e32.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vlsseg2e32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vlsseg2e32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vssseg2e32.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vssseg2e32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vssseg2e32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vlsseg3e32.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vlsseg3e32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vlsseg3e32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vssseg3e32.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vssseg3e32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vssseg3e32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vlsseg4e32.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vlsseg4e32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vlsseg4e32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vssseg4e32.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vssseg4e32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vssseg4e32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vlsseg5e32.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vlsseg5e32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vlsseg5e32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vssseg5e32.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vssseg5e32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vssseg5e32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vlsseg6e32.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vlsseg6e32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vlsseg6e32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vssseg6e32.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vssseg6e32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vssseg6e32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vlsseg7e32.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vlsseg7e32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vlsseg7e32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vssseg7e32.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vssseg7e32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vssseg7e32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vlsseg8e32.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vlsseg8e32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vlsseg8e32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vssseg8e32.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vssseg8e32.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vssseg8e32.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vlsseg2e64.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vlsseg2e64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vlsseg2e64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vssseg2e64.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vssseg2e64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vssseg2e64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vlsseg3e64.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vlsseg3e64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vlsseg3e64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vssseg3e64.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vssseg3e64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vssseg3e64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vlsseg4e64.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vlsseg4e64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vlsseg4e64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vssseg4e64.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vssseg4e64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vssseg4e64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vlsseg5e64.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vlsseg5e64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vlsseg5e64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vssseg5e64.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vssseg5e64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vssseg5e64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vlsseg6e64.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vlsseg6e64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vlsseg6e64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vssseg6e64.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vssseg6e64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vssseg6e64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vlsseg7e64.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vlsseg7e64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vlsseg7e64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vssseg7e64.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vssseg7e64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vssseg7e64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vlsseg8e64.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vlsseg8e64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vlsseg8e64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vssseg8e64.v v4, (a0), a1
+-	vssseg8e64.v v4, 0(a0), a1
+-	vssseg8e64.v v4, (a0), a1, v0.t
+-	vloxseg2ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vloxseg2ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vloxseg2ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsoxseg2ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg2ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg2ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vloxseg3ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vloxseg3ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vloxseg3ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsoxseg3ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg3ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg3ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vloxseg4ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vloxseg4ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vloxseg4ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsoxseg4ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg4ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg4ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vloxseg5ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vloxseg5ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vloxseg5ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsoxseg5ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg5ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg5ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vloxseg6ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vloxseg6ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vloxseg6ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsoxseg6ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg6ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg6ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vloxseg7ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vloxseg7ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vloxseg7ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsoxseg7ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg7ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg7ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vloxseg8ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vloxseg8ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vloxseg8ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsoxseg8ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg8ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg8ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vloxseg2ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vloxseg2ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vloxseg2ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsoxseg2ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg2ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg2ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vloxseg3ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vloxseg3ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vloxseg3ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsoxseg3ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg3ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg3ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vloxseg4ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vloxseg4ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vloxseg4ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsoxseg4ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg4ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg4ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vloxseg5ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vloxseg5ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vloxseg5ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsoxseg5ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg5ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg5ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vloxseg6ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vloxseg6ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vloxseg6ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsoxseg6ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg6ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg6ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vloxseg7ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vloxseg7ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vloxseg7ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsoxseg7ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg7ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg7ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vloxseg8ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vloxseg8ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vloxseg8ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsoxseg8ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg8ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg8ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vloxseg2ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vloxseg2ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vloxseg2ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsoxseg2ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg2ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg2ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vloxseg3ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vloxseg3ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vloxseg3ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsoxseg3ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg3ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg3ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vloxseg4ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vloxseg4ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vloxseg4ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsoxseg4ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg4ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg4ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vloxseg5ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vloxseg5ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vloxseg5ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsoxseg5ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg5ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg5ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vloxseg6ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vloxseg6ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vloxseg6ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsoxseg6ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg6ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg6ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vloxseg7ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vloxseg7ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vloxseg7ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsoxseg7ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg7ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg7ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vloxseg8ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vloxseg8ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vloxseg8ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsoxseg8ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg8ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg8ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vloxseg2ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vloxseg2ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vloxseg2ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsoxseg2ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg2ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg2ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vloxseg3ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vloxseg3ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vloxseg3ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsoxseg3ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg3ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg3ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vloxseg4ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vloxseg4ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vloxseg4ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsoxseg4ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg4ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg4ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vloxseg5ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vloxseg5ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vloxseg5ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsoxseg5ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg5ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg5ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vloxseg6ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vloxseg6ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vloxseg6ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsoxseg6ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg6ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg6ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vloxseg7ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vloxseg7ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vloxseg7ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsoxseg7ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg7ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg7ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vloxseg8ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vloxseg8ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vloxseg8ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsoxseg8ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg8ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsoxseg8ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vluxseg2ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vluxseg2ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vluxseg2ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsuxseg2ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg2ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg2ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vluxseg3ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vluxseg3ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vluxseg3ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsuxseg3ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg3ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg3ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vluxseg4ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vluxseg4ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vluxseg4ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsuxseg4ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg4ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg4ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vluxseg5ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vluxseg5ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vluxseg5ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsuxseg5ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg5ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg5ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vluxseg6ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vluxseg6ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vluxseg6ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsuxseg6ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg6ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg6ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vluxseg7ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vluxseg7ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vluxseg7ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsuxseg7ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg7ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg7ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vluxseg8ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vluxseg8ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vluxseg8ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsuxseg8ei8.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg8ei8.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg8ei8.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vluxseg2ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vluxseg2ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vluxseg2ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsuxseg2ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg2ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg2ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vluxseg3ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vluxseg3ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vluxseg3ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsuxseg3ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg3ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg3ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vluxseg4ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vluxseg4ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vluxseg4ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsuxseg4ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg4ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg4ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vluxseg5ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vluxseg5ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vluxseg5ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsuxseg5ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg5ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg5ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vluxseg6ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vluxseg6ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vluxseg6ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsuxseg6ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg6ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg6ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vluxseg7ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vluxseg7ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vluxseg7ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsuxseg7ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg7ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg7ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vluxseg8ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vluxseg8ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vluxseg8ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsuxseg8ei16.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg8ei16.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg8ei16.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vluxseg2ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vluxseg2ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vluxseg2ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsuxseg2ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg2ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg2ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vluxseg3ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vluxseg3ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vluxseg3ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsuxseg3ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg3ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg3ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vluxseg4ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vluxseg4ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vluxseg4ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsuxseg4ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg4ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg4ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vluxseg5ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vluxseg5ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vluxseg5ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsuxseg5ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg5ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg5ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vluxseg6ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vluxseg6ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vluxseg6ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsuxseg6ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg6ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg6ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vluxseg7ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vluxseg7ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vluxseg7ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsuxseg7ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg7ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg7ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vluxseg8ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vluxseg8ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vluxseg8ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsuxseg8ei32.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg8ei32.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg8ei32.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vluxseg2ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vluxseg2ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vluxseg2ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsuxseg2ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg2ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg2ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vluxseg3ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vluxseg3ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vluxseg3ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsuxseg3ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg3ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg3ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vluxseg4ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vluxseg4ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vluxseg4ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsuxseg4ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg4ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg4ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vluxseg5ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vluxseg5ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vluxseg5ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsuxseg5ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg5ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg5ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vluxseg6ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vluxseg6ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vluxseg6ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsuxseg6ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg6ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg6ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vluxseg7ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vluxseg7ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vluxseg7ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsuxseg7ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg7ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg7ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vluxseg8ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vluxseg8ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vluxseg8ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vsuxseg8ei64.v v4, (a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg8ei64.v v4, 0(a0), v12
+-	vsuxseg8ei64.v v4, (a0), v12, v0.t
+-	vlseg2e8ff.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg2e8ff.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg2e8ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg3e8ff.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg3e8ff.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg3e8ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg4e8ff.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg4e8ff.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg4e8ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg5e8ff.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg5e8ff.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg5e8ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg6e8ff.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg6e8ff.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg6e8ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg7e8ff.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg7e8ff.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg7e8ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg8e8ff.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg8e8ff.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg8e8ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg2e16ff.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg2e16ff.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg2e16ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg3e16ff.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg3e16ff.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg3e16ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg4e16ff.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg4e16ff.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg4e16ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg5e16ff.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg5e16ff.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg5e16ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg6e16ff.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg6e16ff.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg6e16ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg7e16ff.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg7e16ff.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg7e16ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg8e16ff.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg8e16ff.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg8e16ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg2e32ff.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg2e32ff.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg2e32ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg3e32ff.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg3e32ff.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg3e32ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg4e32ff.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg4e32ff.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg4e32ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg5e32ff.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg5e32ff.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg5e32ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg6e32ff.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg6e32ff.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg6e32ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg7e32ff.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg7e32ff.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg7e32ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg8e32ff.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg8e32ff.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg8e32ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg2e64ff.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg2e64ff.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg2e64ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg3e64ff.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg3e64ff.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg3e64ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg4e64ff.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg4e64ff.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg4e64ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg5e64ff.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg5e64ff.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg5e64ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg6e64ff.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg6e64ff.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg6e64ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg7e64ff.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg7e64ff.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg7e64ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vlseg8e64ff.v v4, (a0)
+-	vlseg8e64ff.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vlseg8e64ff.v v4, (a0), v0.t
+-	vl2r.v v2, (a0)
+-	vl2r.v v2, 0(a0)
+-	vl2re8.v v2, (a0)
+-	vl2re8.v v2, 0(a0)
+-	vl2re16.v v2, (a0)
+-	vl2re16.v v2, 0(a0)
+-	vl2re32.v v2, (a0)
+-	vl2re32.v v2, 0(a0)
+-	vl2re64.v v2, (a0)
+-	vl2re64.v v2, 0(a0)
+-	vl4r.v v4, (a0)
+-	vl4r.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vl4re8.v v4, (a0)
+-	vl4re8.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vl4re16.v v4, (a0)
+-	vl4re16.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vl4re32.v v4, (a0)
+-	vl4re32.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vl4re64.v v4, (a0)
+-	vl4re64.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vl8r.v v8, (a0)
+-	vl8r.v v8, 0(a0)
+-	vl8re8.v v8, (a0)
+-	vl8re8.v v8, 0(a0)
+-	vl8re16.v v8, (a0)
+-	vl8re16.v v8, 0(a0)
+-	vl8re32.v v8, (a0)
+-	vl8re32.v v8, 0(a0)
+-	vl8re64.v v8, (a0)
+-	vl8re64.v v8, 0(a0)
+-	vs2r.v v2, (a1)
+-	vs2r.v v2, 0(a1)
+-	vs4r.v v4, (a1)
+-	vs4r.v v4, 0(a1)
+-	vs8r.v v8, (a1)
+-	vs8r.v v8, 0(a1)
+-	vamoaddei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoaddei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoaddei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoaddei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoswapei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoswapei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoswapei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoswapei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoxorei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoxorei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoxorei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoxorei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoandei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoandei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoandei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoandei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoorei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoorei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoorei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoorei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamominei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamominei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamominei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamominei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamomaxei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamomaxei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamomaxei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamomaxei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamominuei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamominuei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamominuei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamominuei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamomaxuei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamomaxuei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamomaxuei8.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamomaxuei8.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoaddei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoaddei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoaddei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoaddei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoswapei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoswapei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoswapei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoswapei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoxorei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoxorei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoxorei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoxorei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoandei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoandei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoandei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoandei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoorei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoorei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoorei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoorei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamominei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamominei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamominei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamominei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamomaxei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamomaxei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamomaxei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamomaxei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamominuei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamominuei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamominuei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamominuei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamomaxuei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamomaxuei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamomaxuei8.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamomaxuei8.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoaddei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoaddei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoaddei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoaddei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoswapei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoswapei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoswapei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoswapei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoxorei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoxorei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoxorei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoxorei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoandei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoandei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoandei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoandei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoorei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoorei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoorei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoorei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamominei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamominei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamominei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamominei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamomaxei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamomaxei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamomaxei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamomaxei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamominuei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamominuei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamominuei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamominuei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamomaxuei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamomaxuei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamomaxuei16.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamomaxuei16.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoaddei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoaddei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoaddei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoaddei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoswapei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoswapei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoswapei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoswapei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoxorei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoxorei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoxorei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoxorei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoandei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoandei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoandei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoandei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoorei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoorei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoorei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoorei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamominei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamominei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamominei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamominei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamomaxei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamomaxei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamomaxei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamomaxei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamominuei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamominuei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamominuei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamominuei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamomaxuei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamomaxuei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamomaxuei16.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamomaxuei16.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoaddei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoaddei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoaddei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoaddei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoswapei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoswapei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoswapei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoswapei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoxorei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoxorei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoxorei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoxorei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoandei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoandei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoandei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoandei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoorei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoorei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoorei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoorei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamominei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamominei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamominei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamominei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamomaxei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamomaxei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamomaxei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamomaxei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamominuei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamominuei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamominuei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamominuei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamomaxuei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamomaxuei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamomaxuei32.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamomaxuei32.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoaddei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoaddei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoaddei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoaddei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoswapei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoswapei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoswapei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoswapei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoxorei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoxorei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoxorei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoxorei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoandei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoandei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoandei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoandei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoorei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoorei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoorei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoorei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamominei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamominei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamominei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamominei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamomaxei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamomaxei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamomaxei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamomaxei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamominuei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamominuei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamominuei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamominuei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamomaxuei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamomaxuei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamomaxuei32.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamomaxuei32.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoaddei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoaddei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoaddei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoaddei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoswapei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoswapei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoswapei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoswapei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoxorei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoxorei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoxorei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoxorei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoandei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoandei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoandei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoandei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoorei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoorei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoorei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoorei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamominei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamominei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamominei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamominei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamomaxei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamomaxei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamomaxei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamomaxei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamominuei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamominuei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamominuei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamominuei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamomaxuei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamomaxuei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4
+-	vamomaxuei64.v v4, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamomaxuei64.v x0, (a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoaddei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoaddei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoaddei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoaddei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoswapei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoswapei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoswapei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoswapei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoxorei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoxorei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoxorei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoxorei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoandei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoandei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoandei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoandei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoorei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoorei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamoorei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamoorei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamominei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamominei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamominei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamominei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamomaxei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamomaxei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamomaxei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamomaxei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamominuei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamominuei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamominuei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamominuei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamomaxuei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamomaxuei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4
+-	vamomaxuei64.v v4, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	vamomaxuei64.v x0, 0(a1), v8, v4, v0.t
+-	# Aliases
+-	vwcvt.x.x.v v4, v8
+-	vwcvtu.x.x.v v4, v8
+-	vwcvt.x.x.v v4, v8, v0.t
+-	vwcvtu.x.x.v v4, v8, v0.t
+-	vwaddu.vv v4, v8, v12
+-	vwaddu.vx v4, v8, a1
+-	vwaddu.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vwaddu.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
+-	vwsubu.vv v4, v8, v12
+-	vwsubu.vx v4, v8, a1
+-	vwsubu.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vwsubu.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
+-	vwadd.vv v4, v8, v12
+-	vwadd.vx v4, v8, a1
+-	vwadd.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vwadd.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
+-	vwsub.vv v4, v8, v12
+-	vwsub.vx v4, v8, a1
+-	vwsub.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vwsub.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
+-	vwaddu.wv v4, v8, v12
+-	vwaddu.wx v4, v8, a1
+-	vwaddu.wv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vwaddu.wx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
+-	vwsubu.wv v4, v8, v12
+-	vwsubu.wx v4, v8, a1
+-	vwsubu.wv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vwsubu.wx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
+-	vwadd.wv v4, v8, v12
+-	vwadd.wx v4, v8, a1
+-	vwadd.wv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vwadd.wx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
+-	vwsub.wv v4, v8, v12
+-	vwsub.wx v4, v8, a1
+-	vwsub.wv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vwsub.wx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
+-	vsll.vv v4, v8, v12
+-	vsll.vx v4, v8, a1
+-	vsll.vi v4, v8, 1
+-	vsll.vi v4, v8, 31
+-	vsll.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vsll.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
+-	vsll.vi v4, v8, 1, v0.t
+-	vsll.vi v4, v8, 31, v0.t
+-	vsrl.vv v4, v8, v12
+-	vsrl.vx v4, v8, a1
+-	vsrl.vi v4, v8, 1
+-	vsrl.vi v4, v8, 31
+-	vsrl.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vsrl.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
+-	vsrl.vi v4, v8, 1, v0.t
+-	vsrl.vi v4, v8, 31, v0.t
+-	vsra.vv v4, v8, v12
+-	vsra.vx v4, v8, a1
+-	vsra.vi v4, v8, 1
+-	vsra.vi v4, v8, 31
+-	vsra.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vsra.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
+-	vsra.vi v4, v8, 1, v0.t
+-	vsra.vi v4, v8, 31, v0.t
+-	# Aliases
+-	vncvt.x.x.w v4, v8
+-	vncvt.x.x.w v4, v8, v0.t
+-	vnsrl.wv v4, v8, v12
+-	vnsrl.wx v4, v8, a1
+-	vnsrl.wi v4, v8, 1
+-	vnsrl.wi v4, v8, 31
+-	vnsrl.wv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vnsrl.wx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
+-	vnsrl.wi v4, v8, 1, v0.t
+-	vnsrl.wi v4, v8, 31, v0.t
+-	vnsra.wv v4, v8, v12
+-	vnsra.wx v4, v8, a1
+-	vnsra.wi v4, v8, 1
+-	vnsra.wi v4, v8, 31
+-	vnsra.wv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vnsra.wx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
+-	vnsra.wi v4, v8, 1, v0.t
+-	vnsra.wi v4, v8, 31, v0.t
+-	vwmul.vv v4, v8, v12
+-	vwmul.vx v4, v8, a1
+-	vwmul.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vwmul.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
+-	vwmulu.vv v4, v8, v12
+-	vwmulu.vx v4, v8, a1
+-	vwmulu.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vwmulu.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
+-	vwmulsu.vv v4, v8, v12
+-	vwmulsu.vx v4, v8, a1
+-	vwmulsu.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vwmulsu.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
+-	vwmaccu.vv v4, v12, v8
+-	vwmaccu.vx v4, a1, v8
+-	vwmaccu.vv v4, v12, v8, v0.t
+-	vwmaccu.vx v4, a1, v8, v0.t
+-	vwmacc.vv v4, v12, v8
+-	vwmacc.vx v4, a1, v8
+-	vwmacc.vv v4, v12, v8, v0.t
+-	vwmacc.vx v4, a1, v8, v0.t
+-	vwmaccsu.vv v4, v12, v8
+-	vwmaccsu.vx v4, a1, v8
+-	vwmaccsu.vv v4, v12, v8, v0.t
+-	vwmaccsu.vx v4, a1, v8, v0.t
+-	vwmaccus.vx v4, a1, v8
+-	vwmaccus.vx v4, a1, v8, v0.t
+-	vsaddu.vv v4, v8, v12
+-	vsaddu.vx v4, v8, a1
+-	vsaddu.vi v4, v8, 15
+-	vsaddu.vi v4, v8, -16
+-	vsaddu.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vsaddu.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
+-	vsaddu.vi v4, v8, 15, v0.t
+-	vsaddu.vi v4, v8, -16, v0.t
+-	vsadd.vv v4, v8, v12
+-	vsadd.vx v4, v8, a1
+-	vsadd.vi v4, v8, 15
+-	vsadd.vi v4, v8, -16
+-	vsadd.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vsadd.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
+-	vsadd.vi v4, v8, 15, v0.t
+-	vsadd.vi v4, v8, -16, v0.t
+-	vssubu.vv v4, v8, v12
+-	vssubu.vx v4, v8, a1
+-	vssubu.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vssubu.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
+-	vssub.vv v4, v8, v12
+-	vssub.vx v4, v8, a1
+-	vssub.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vssub.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
+-	vaaddu.vv v4, v8, v12
+-	vaaddu.vx v4, v8, a1
+-	vaaddu.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vaaddu.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
+-	vaadd.vv v4, v8, v12
+-	vaadd.vx v4, v8, a1
+-	vaadd.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vaadd.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
+-	vasubu.vv v4, v8, v12
+-	vasubu.vx v4, v8, a1
+-	vasubu.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vasubu.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
+-	vasub.vv v4, v8, v12
+-	vasub.vx v4, v8, a1
+-	vasub.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vasub.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
+-	vsmul.vv v4, v8, v12
+-	vsmul.vx v4, v8, a1
+-	vsmul.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vsmul.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
+-	vssrl.vv v4, v8, v12
+-	vssrl.vx v4, v8, a1
+-	vssrl.vi v4, v8, 1
+-	vssrl.vi v4, v8, 31
+-	vssrl.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vssrl.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
+-	vssrl.vi v4, v8, 1, v0.t
+-	vssrl.vi v4, v8, 31, v0.t
+-	vssra.vv v4, v8, v12
+-	vssra.vx v4, v8, a1
+-	vssra.vi v4, v8, 1
+-	vssra.vi v4, v8, 31
+-	vssra.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vssra.vx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
+-	vssra.vi v4, v8, 1, v0.t
+-	vssra.vi v4, v8, 31, v0.t
+-	vnclipu.wv v4, v8, v12
+-	vnclipu.wx v4, v8, a1
+-	vnclipu.wi v4, v8, 1
+-	vnclipu.wi v4, v8, 31
+-	vnclipu.wv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vnclipu.wx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
+-	vnclipu.wi v4, v8, 1, v0.t
+-	vnclipu.wi v4, v8, 31, v0.t
+-	vnclip.wv v4, v8, v12
+-	vnclip.wx v4, v8, a1
+-	vnclip.wi v4, v8, 1
+-	vnclip.wi v4, v8, 31
+-	vnclip.wv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vnclip.wx v4, v8, a1, v0.t
+-	vnclip.wi v4, v8, 1, v0.t
+-	vnclip.wi v4, v8, 31, v0.t
+-	vfwadd.vv v4, v8, v12
+-	vfwadd.vf v4, v8, fa2
+-	vfwadd.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vfwadd.vf v4, v8, fa2, v0.t
+-	vfwsub.vv v4, v8, v12
+-	vfwsub.vf v4, v8, fa2
+-	vfwsub.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vfwsub.vf v4, v8, fa2, v0.t
+-	vfwadd.wv v4, v8, v12
+-	vfwadd.wf v4, v8, fa2
+-	vfwadd.wv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vfwadd.wf v4, v8, fa2, v0.t
+-	vfwsub.wv v4, v8, v12
+-	vfwsub.wf v4, v8, fa2
+-	vfwsub.wv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vfwsub.wf v4, v8, fa2, v0.t
+-	vfwmul.vv v4, v8, v12
+-	vfwmul.vf v4, v8, fa2
+-	vfwmul.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vfwmul.vf v4, v8, fa2, v0.t
+-	vfwmacc.vv v4, v12, v8
+-	vfwmacc.vf v4, fa2, v8
+-	vfwnmacc.vv v4, v12, v8
+-	vfwnmacc.vf v4, fa2, v8
+-	vfwmsac.vv v4, v12, v8
+-	vfwmsac.vf v4, fa2, v8
+-	vfwnmsac.vv v4, v12, v8
+-	vfwnmsac.vf v4, fa2, v8
+-	vfwmacc.vv v4, v12, v8, v0.t
+-	vfwmacc.vf v4, fa2, v8, v0.t
+-	vfwnmacc.vv v4, v12, v8, v0.t
+-	vfwnmacc.vf v4, fa2, v8, v0.t
+-	vfwmsac.vv v4, v12, v8, v0.t
+-	vfwmsac.vf v4, fa2, v8, v0.t
+-	vfwnmsac.vv v4, v12, v8, v0.t
+-	vfwnmsac.vf v4, fa2, v8, v0.t
+-	vfsqrt.v v4, v8
+-	vfsqrt.v v4, v8, v0.t
+-	vfrsqrte7.v v4, v8
+-	vfrsqrte7.v v4, v8, v0.t
+-	vfrsqrt7.v v4, v8
+-	vfrsqrt7.v v4, v8, v0.t
+-	vfrece7.v v4, v8
+-	vfrece7.v v4, v8, v0.t
+-	vfrec7.v v4, v8
+-	vfrec7.v v4, v8, v0.t
+-	vfclass.v v4, v8
+-	vfclass.v v4, v8, v0.t
+-	vfcvt.xu.f.v v4, v8
+-	vfcvt.x.f.v v4, v8
+-	vfcvt.rtz.xu.f.v v4, v8
+-	vfcvt.rtz.x.f.v v4, v8
+-	vfcvt.f.xu.v v4, v8
+-	vfcvt.f.x.v v4, v8
+-	vfcvt.xu.f.v v4, v8, v0.t
+-	vfcvt.x.f.v v4, v8, v0.t
+-	vfcvt.rtz.xu.f.v v4, v8, v0.t
+-	vfcvt.rtz.x.f.v v4, v8, v0.t
+-	vfcvt.f.xu.v v4, v8, v0.t
+-	vfcvt.f.x.v v4, v8, v0.t
+-	vfwcvt.xu.f.v v4, v8
+-	vfwcvt.x.f.v v4, v8
+-	vfwcvt.rtz.xu.f.v v4, v8
+-	vfwcvt.rtz.x.f.v v4, v8
+-	vfwcvt.f.xu.v v4, v8
+-	vfwcvt.f.x.v v4, v8
+-	vfwcvt.f.f.v v4, v8
+-	vfwcvt.xu.f.v v4, v8, v0.t
+-	vfwcvt.x.f.v v4, v8, v0.t
+-	vfwcvt.rtz.xu.f.v v4, v8, v0.t
+-	vfwcvt.rtz.x.f.v v4, v8, v0.t
+-	vfwcvt.f.xu.v v4, v8, v0.t
+-	vfwcvt.f.x.v v4, v8, v0.t
+-	vfwcvt.f.f.v v4, v8, v0.t
+-	vfncvt.xu.f.w v4, v8
+-	vfncvt.x.f.w v4, v8
+-	vfncvt.rtz.xu.f.w v4, v8
+-	vfncvt.rtz.x.f.w v4, v8
+-	vfncvt.f.xu.w v4, v8
+-	vfncvt.f.x.w v4, v8
+-	vfncvt.f.f.w v4, v8
+-	vfncvt.rod.f.f.w v4, v8
+-	vfncvt.xu.f.w v4, v8, v0.t
+-	vfncvt.x.f.w v4, v8, v0.t
+-	vfncvt.rtz.xu.f.w v4, v8, v0.t
+-	vfncvt.rtz.x.f.w v4, v8, v0.t
+-	vfncvt.f.xu.w v4, v8, v0.t
+-	vfncvt.f.x.w v4, v8, v0.t
+-	vfncvt.f.f.w v4, v8, v0.t
+-	vfncvt.rod.f.f.w v4, v8, v0.t
+-	vredsum.vs v4, v8, v12
+-	vredmaxu.vs v4, v8, v8
+-	vredmax.vs v4, v8, v8
+-	vredminu.vs v4, v8, v8
+-	vredmin.vs v4, v8, v8
+-	vredand.vs v4, v8, v12
+-	vredor.vs v4, v8, v12
+-	vredxor.vs v4, v8, v12
+-	vredsum.vs v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vredmaxu.vs v4, v8, v8, v0.t
+-	vredmax.vs v4, v8, v8, v0.t
+-	vredminu.vs v4, v8, v8, v0.t
+-	vredmin.vs v4, v8, v8, v0.t
+-	vredand.vs v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vredor.vs v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vredxor.vs v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vwredsumu.vs v4, v8, v12
+-	vwredsum.vs v4, v8, v12
+-	vwredsumu.vs v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vwredsum.vs v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vfredosum.vs v4, v8, v12
+-	vfredsum.vs v4, v8, v12
+-	vfredmax.vs v4, v8, v12
+-	vfredmin.vs v4, v8, v12
+-	vfredosum.vs v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vfredsum.vs v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vfredmax.vs v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vfredmin.vs v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vfwredosum.vs v4, v8, v12
+-	vfwredsum.vs v4, v8, v12
+-	vfwredosum.vs v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vfwredsum.vs v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vmsbf.m v4, v8
+-	vmsif.m v4, v8
+-	vmsof.m v4, v8
+-	viota.m v4, v8
+-	vmsbf.m v4, v8, v0.t
+-	vmsif.m v4, v8, v0.t
+-	vmsof.m v4, v8, v0.t
+-	viota.m v4, v8, v0.t
+-	vrgatherei16.vv v4, v8, v12
+-	vrgatherei16.vv v4, v8, v12, v0.t
+-	vmv2r.v v2, v4
+-	vmv4r.v v4, v8
+-	vmv8r.v v0, v8
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns.d b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns.d
+index 0556a22a7b..f09d139b83 100644
+--- a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns.d
++++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns.d
+@@ -44,10 +44,10 @@ Disassembly of section .text:
+ [ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+ca95f557[ 	]+vsetivli[ 	]+a0,11,e256,m2,tu,ma
+ [ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c695f557[ 	]+vsetivli[ 	]+a0,11,e256,m2,ta,mu
+ [ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+c295f557[ 	]+vsetivli[ 	]+a0,11,e256,m2,tu,mu
+-[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02b50207[ 	]+vle1.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
+-[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02b50207[ 	]+vle1.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
+-[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02b50227[ 	]+vse1.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
+-[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02b50227[ 	]+vse1.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02b50207[ 	]+vlm.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02b50207[ 	]+vlm.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02b50227[ 	]+vsm.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
++[ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02b50227[ 	]+vsm.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
+ [ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02050207[ 	]+vle8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
+ [ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+02050207[ 	]+vle8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\)
+ [ 	]+[0-9a-f]+:[ 	]+00050207[ 	]+vle8.v[ 	]+v4,\(a0\),v0.t
+diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns.s b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns.s
+index 380e0441c9..a0d7ebd177 100644
+--- a/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns.s
++++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/riscv/vector-insns.s
+@@ -36,10 +36,10 @@
+ 	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e256, m2, ta, mu
+ 	vsetivli a0, 0xb, e256, m2, tu, mu
+-	vle1.v v4, (a0)
+-	vle1.v v4, 0(a0)
+-	vse1.v v4, (a0)
+-	vse1.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vlm.v v4, (a0)
++	vlm.v v4, 0(a0)
++	vsm.v v4, (a0)
++	vsm.v v4, 0(a0)
+ 	vle8.v v4, (a0)
+ 	vle8.v v4, 0(a0)
+diff --git a/opcodes/riscv-opc.c b/opcodes/riscv-opc.c
+index ed7bee8416..a1d7667b13 100644
+--- a/opcodes/riscv-opc.c
++++ b/opcodes/riscv-opc.c
+@@ -1292,8 +1292,8 @@ const struct riscv_opcode riscv_opcodes[] =
+ {"vsetvli",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "d,s,Vc", MATCH_VSETVLI, MASK_VSETVLI, match_opcode, 0},
+ {"vsetivli",   0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "d,Z,Vb", MATCH_VSETIVLI, MASK_VSETIVLI, match_opcode, 0},
+-{"vle1.v",     0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)", MATCH_VLE1V, MASK_VLE1V, match_opcode, INSN_DREF },
+-{"vse1.v",     0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)", MATCH_VSE1V, MASK_VSE1V, match_opcode, INSN_DREF },
++{"vlm.v",     0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)", MATCH_VLE1V, MASK_VLE1V, match_opcode, INSN_DREF },
++{"vsm.v",     0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)", MATCH_VSE1V, MASK_VSE1V, match_opcode, INSN_DREF },
+ {"vle8.v",     0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLE8V, MASK_VLE8V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
+ {"vle16.v",    0, INSN_CLASS_V,  "Vd,0(s)Vm", MATCH_VLE16V, MASK_VLE16V, match_vd_neq_vm, INSN_DREF },
+@@ -2220,4 +2220,4 @@ const struct riscv_opcode riscv_insn_types[] =
+ /* Terminate the list.  */
+ {0, 0, INSN_CLASS_NONE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
+\ No newline at end of file

+ 25 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+From 04d14996c5141373a8bd4402c2dd3625e0ce2bfd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: "max.ma" <max.ma@starfivetech.com>
+Date: Tue, 2 Nov 2021 20:23:54 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH 11/11] enable l2 cache prefetch
+ gas/config/tc-riscv.c | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/gas/config/tc-riscv.c b/gas/config/tc-riscv.c
+index 3df6b6c0f6..d473743019 100644
+--- a/gas/config/tc-riscv.c
++++ b/gas/config/tc-riscv.c
+@@ -1561,7 +1561,7 @@ check_absolute_expr (struct riscv_cl_insn *ip, expressionS *ex,
+ static bfd_boolean check_pref_type(unsigned long type)
+ {
+-  if (type != 0 && type != 1 && type != 3 && type != 8)
++  if (type != 0 && type != 1 && type != 2 && type != 3 && type != 8)
+     as_bad (_("Improper pref type (%lu)"), type);
+ }

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend := "${THISDIR}/binutils:"
+SRCREV = "116a737f438d03a1bd6aa706b6ea0b4022f3b7e2"
+BINUTILS_GIT_URI = "git://sourceware.org/git/binutils-gdb.git;branch=${SRCBRANCH};protocol=git"
+SRC_URI += "\
+     file://0001-merge-from-dubhe-pr-06-30-to-support-b0.94.patch \
+     file://0002-merge-from-dubhe-pr-06-30-to-support-vector1.0.patch \
+     file://0003-fix-unrecoginized-b-ext-issue.patch \
+     file://0004-set-v-ext-version-to-1.0-draft.patch \
+     file://0005-fix-incorrect-RCLASS_MAX.patch \
+     file://0006-Merge-B-instruction-from-0p94-to-1.0.patch \
+     file://0007-merge-Add-four-new-instruction-of-custom-CSRs.patch \
+     file://0008-add-cache-prefetch-instruction.patch \
+     file://0009-Delete-redundant-b0.94-instructions.patch \
+     file://0010-change-vle1.v-vse1.v-to-vlm.v-vsm.v-according-rvv-1..patch \
+     file://0011-enable-l2-cache-prefetch.patch \