.travis.yml 2.4 KB

  1. # Build Configuration for Travis
  2. dist: xenial
  3. language: cpp
  4. env:
  5. global:
  6. - CPPFLAGS=""
  7. - CONFIGURE_OPTS="--with-freetype --with-glib --with-gobject --with-cairo --with-icu --with-graphite2"
  10. - secure: "k6l/18dpsoPAf0E5RQWCr+rgjbHns0H3k0WzSYovCoVg0B7RVlV8x8OjyEOBzEvXI4aaHRdH6MHCPDFnX4fa7ysImlT6LxxIG8YhDdLkJWyS0hHbcJiGxko9AhAGzOZcDl8fZi13d697wagMqqXpjN5v2T/AQm8t4X9z2otJosY="
  11. matrix:
  12. include:
  13. - os: linux
  14. compiler: gcc
  15. script:
  16. # Remove the following three lines when Travis updates its distro
  17. - export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$HOME/.local/lib/pkgconfig"
  18. - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$HOME/.local/lib"
  19. - bash .ci/build-freetype.sh
  20. - ./autogen.sh
  21. - ./configure $CONFIGURE_OPTS --enable-gtk-doc --enable-code-coverage
  22. - make
  23. - make check || .ci/fail.sh
  24. - rm -rf freetype-2.9
  25. after_success:
  26. - bash .ci/run-coveralls.sh # coveralls.io code coverage
  27. - bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash) # codecov.io code coverage
  28. - bash .ci/deploy-docs.sh
  29. - bash .ci/trigger-coverity.sh
  30. - os: linux
  31. compiler: clang
  32. script:
  33. # Remove the following three lines when Travis updates its distro
  34. - export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$HOME/.local/lib/pkgconfig"
  35. - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$HOME/.local/lib"
  36. - bash .ci/build-freetype.sh
  37. - ./autogen.sh
  38. - ./configure $CONFIGURE_OPTS
  39. - make
  40. - make check || .ci/fail.sh
  41. notifications:
  42. irc: "irc.freenode.org#harfbuzz"
  43. email: harfbuzz-bots-chatter@googlegroups.com
  44. cache:
  45. directories:
  46. - /home/travis/.local
  47. addons:
  48. apt:
  49. packages:
  50. - pkg-config # for autogen.sh
  51. - ragel
  52. - lcov
  53. - gtk-doc-tools
  54. - libfreetype6-dev # for font function
  55. - libglib2.0-dev # for font functions / tests / utils
  56. - libcairo2-dev # for utils
  57. - libicu-dev # for extra unicode functions
  58. - libgraphite2-dev # for extra shapers
  59. #- libgirepository1.0-dev # for gobject-introspection
  60. coverity_scan:
  61. project:
  62. name: behdad/harfbuzz
  63. version: 1.0
  64. description: HarfBuzz OpenType text shaping engine
  65. notification_email: harfbuzz-bots-chatter@googlegroups.com
  66. build_command_prepend: ./autogen.sh --with-freetype --with-glib --with-gobject --with-cairo --with-icu --with-graphite2
  67. build_command: make
  68. branch_pattern: coverity_scan