experiments_specifics.proto 2.8 KB

  1. // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
  2. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
  3. // found in the LICENSE file.
  4. // This was a sync protocol datatype extension for experimental feature flags,
  5. // also exposed via a separate ExperimentStatus API. As of M75, the datatype
  6. // isn't used anymore, and as of M81 the ExperimentStatus API isn't used anymore
  7. // either (see crbug.com/939819 and crbug.com/1009361). The proto definition
  8. // needs to stay around for now so that the server can continue supporting these
  9. // old clients .
  10. syntax = "proto2";
  11. option java_multiple_files = true;
  12. option java_package = "org.chromium.components.sync.protocol";
  13. option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
  14. package sync_pb;
  15. // A flag to enable support for keystore encryption.
  16. message KeystoreEncryptionFlags {
  17. optional bool enabled = 1;
  18. }
  19. // Whether history delete directives are enabled.
  20. message HistoryDeleteDirectives {
  21. optional bool enabled = 1;
  22. }
  23. // Whether this client should cull (delete) expired autofill
  24. // entries when autofill sync is enabled.
  25. message AutofillCullingFlags {
  26. optional bool enabled = 1;
  27. }
  28. // Whether the favicon sync datatypes are enabled, and what parameters
  29. // they should operate under.
  30. message FaviconSyncFlags {
  31. optional bool enabled = 1;
  32. optional int32 favicon_sync_limit = 2 [default = 200];
  33. }
  34. // Flags for enabling the experimental no-precommit GU feature.
  35. message PreCommitUpdateAvoidanceFlags {
  36. optional bool enabled = 1;
  37. }
  38. // Flags for enabling the GCM feature.
  39. message GcmChannelFlags {
  40. optional bool enabled = 1;
  41. }
  42. // Flags for enabling the experimental enhanced bookmarks feature.
  43. message EnhancedBookmarksFlags {
  44. optional bool enabled = 1;
  45. optional string extension_id = 2;
  46. }
  47. // Flags for enabling GCM channel for invalidations.
  48. message GcmInvalidationsFlags {
  49. optional bool enabled = 1;
  50. }
  51. // Flags for enabling wallet data syncing.
  52. message WalletSyncFlags {
  53. optional bool enabled = 1;
  54. }
  55. // Contains one flag or set of related flags. Each node of the experiments type
  56. // will have a unique_client_tag identifying which flags it contains. By
  57. // convention, the tag name should match the sub-message name.
  58. message ExperimentsSpecifics {
  59. optional KeystoreEncryptionFlags keystore_encryption = 1;
  60. optional HistoryDeleteDirectives history_delete_directives = 2;
  61. optional AutofillCullingFlags autofill_culling = 3;
  62. optional FaviconSyncFlags favicon_sync = 4;
  63. optional PreCommitUpdateAvoidanceFlags pre_commit_update_avoidance = 5;
  64. optional GcmChannelFlags gcm_channel = 6;
  65. // No longer used as of M43.
  66. optional EnhancedBookmarksFlags obsolete_enhanced_bookmarks = 7;
  67. // No longer used as of M72.
  68. optional GcmInvalidationsFlags gcm_invalidations = 8;
  69. // No longer used as of M51.
  70. optional WalletSyncFlags obsolete_wallet_sync = 9;
  71. }