[Main] Title=Documenting Unknown Functions [Top] The TIGCC Library still contains a lot of unknown functions. They are defined in unknown.h. For some of them, prototypes are already available; some are even partially documented. Others are completely unknown.

If you have information about one of these functions (also from TI's documentation, but you may not simply copy the information there for copyright reasons), please take the time to document it. The way to do this is very simple, and you will be doing everyone using this library a big favor.

At first, you need the GCC4TI source code, available from the GCC4TI Website. Set up the documentation system according to the Readme and HelpSystem.ini files, and check whether you can update at least the header files by running UpdateInclude.exe.

To document a file, or to change the file's prototype, you simply need to edit the appropriate .hsf file in the unknown.h subfolder of the help system. If you have enough documentation to move it to another header file, simply move the .hsf file to the appropriate folder, and update all links from and to the file. (For links from other files to this one, you will probably want to use a string replacement program to make the conversion automatically.) Then run UpdateInclude.exe on both the new folder and on unknown.h (if it used to be in unknown.h). Now you will be able to view your documentation in a web browser, and test the function with its new prototype.

When you are finished, please simply send the resulting .hsf file to the GCC4TI mailing list. We prefer compressed files because mail systems sometimes mess up attached text files, but it doesn't really matter a lot.