readme.txt 867 B

  1. FriendlyARM NANOPC-T4
  2. =====================
  3. Build:
  4. $ make nanopc_t4_defconfig
  5. $ make
  6. Files created in output directory
  7. =================================
  8. output/images
  9. ├── bl31.elf
  10. ├── boot.vfat
  11. ├── extlinux
  12. ├── idbloader.img
  13. ├── Image
  14. ├── rk3399-nanopc-t4.dtb
  15. ├── rootfs.ext2
  16. ├── rootfs.ext4 -> rootfs.ext2
  17. ├── rootfs.tar
  18. ├── sdcard.img
  19. ├── u-boot.bin
  20. └── u-boot.itb
  21. Creating bootable SD card:
  22. ==========================
  23. Simply invoke (as root)
  24. sudo dd if=output/images/sdcard.img of=/dev/sdX && sync
  25. Where X is your SD card device
  26. Serial console
  27. --------------
  28. Baudrate for this board is 1500000
  29. Login:
  30. ------
  31. Apply power and press the PWR button for 3 sec. Enter 'root' as login user, and the prompt is ready.