getting.txt 1.2 KB

  1. // -*- mode:doc; -*-
  2. // vim: set syntax=asciidoc:
  3. [[getting-buildroot]]
  4. == Getting Buildroot
  5. Buildroot releases are made every 3 months, in February, May, August and
  6. November. Release numbers are in the format YYYY.MM, so for example
  7. 2013.02, 2014.08.
  8. Release tarballs are available at[].
  9. For your convenience, a[Vagrantfile] is
  10. available in `support/misc/Vagrantfile` in the Buildroot source tree
  11. to quickly set up a virtual machine with the needed dependencies to
  12. get started.
  13. If you want to setup an isolated buildroot environment on Linux or Mac
  14. Os X, paste this line onto your terminal:
  15. --------------------
  16. curl -O; vagrant up
  17. --------------------
  18. If you are on Windows, paste this into your powershell:
  19. --------------------
  20. (new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile(
  21. "","Vagrantfile");
  22. vagrant up
  23. --------------------
  24. If you want to follow development, you can use the daily snapshots or
  25. make a clone of the Git repository. Refer to the
  26.[Download page] of the Buildroot website
  27. for more details.