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Allows for new skin config.ini format(s)

The new code checks for a config.ini file in the Skin's folder. Then it checks for a "Font_Paths" section where it replaces the default fonts with the names of the new fonts listed in the Config. You will have to add the desired fonts to the truetype folder within the skin folder and update the config to match the fonts you have added. If you remove the existing fonts in that folder, the launcher will not load if there is a problem with the config file.

Note that the system-wide font name variables do not change, but their referenced file does.

The new Config file would look something like this:
    varela = Roboto-Black
    veramono = Roboto-Regular
    noto = Roboto-Bold
    notocjk = Roboto-Light

    High = #f0ffff
    Text = #ffffff
    ReadOnlyText = #ffffff
    Front = #614f7d
    URL = #f0ffff
    Line = #614f7d
    TitleBg = #111013
    Active = #ff70ba
    Disabled = #e6e6ff
    White = #111013
    Black = #614f7d
O4k 4 лет назад
1 измененных файлов с 32 добавлено и 22 удалено
  1. 32 22

+ 32 - 22

@@ -28,9 +28,21 @@ class SkinManager(object):
     def __init__(self):
+    def configExists(self):
+        if FileExists(config.SKIN+"/config.ini"):
+            self._Config = CaseConfigParser()
+            fname = config.SKIN+"/config.ini"        
+            try:
+                return self._Config.read(fname)
+            except Exception, e:
+                print("skin config.ini read error %s" % str(e))
+                return
+        else:
+            print("no skin config.ini file to read")
+            return
     def ConvertToRGB(self,hexstr):
         h = hexstr.lstrip('#')
         return tuple(int(h[i:i+2], 16) for i in (0, 2 ,4))
@@ -40,18 +52,28 @@ class SkinManager(object):
         if not SkinManager._Fonts:
-    def SetFonts(self):
+    def SetFonts(self):          
         if not pygame.font.get_init():
         skinpath = config.SKIN+"/truetype"
         fonts_path = {}
         fonts_path["varela"]   = "%s/VarelaRound-Regular.ttf" % skinpath
-        print(fonts_path["varela"])
         fonts_path["veramono"] = "%s/VeraMono.ttf" % skinpath
         fonts_path["noto"]     = "%s/NotoSansMono-Regular.ttf" % skinpath
         fonts_path["notocjk"]     = "%s/NotoSansCJK-Regular.ttf" % skinpath
+        if self.configExists():
+            if "Font_Paths" in self._Config.sections():
+                font_opts = self._Config.options("Font_Paths")
+                for i in fonts_path:
+                    if i in font_opts:
+                        try:
+                            fonts_path[i] = skinpath+"/"+self._Config.get("Font_Paths", i)+".ttf"
+                        except Exception, e:
+                            print("error in Font_Paths %s" % str(e))
+                            continue
         for i in range(10,29):
           self._Fonts["varela%d"%i] = pygame.font.Font(fonts_path["varela"],i)
@@ -84,29 +106,19 @@ class SkinManager(object):
         Colors["White"] = pygame.Color(255, 255, 255)
         Colors["Black"] = pygame.Color(0, 0, 0)
-        SkinManager._Colors = Colors
-        self._Config = CaseConfigParser()
-        fname = config.SKIN+"/config.ini"
-        try:
-            self._Config.read(fname)
-        except Exception, e:
-            print("read skin config.cfg error %s" % str(e))
-            return
-        else:
+        if self.configExists():
             if "Colors" in self._Config.sections():
                 colour_opts = self._Config.options("Colors")
-#                print(colour_opts)
-                for i in SkinManager._Colors:
+                for i in Colors:
                     if i in colour_opts:
-                            SkinManager._Colors[i] = self.ConvertToRGB(
+                            Colors[i] = self.ConvertToRGB(
                                 self._Config.get("Colors", i))
                         except Exception, e:
                             print("error in ConvertToRGB %s" % str(e))
+        SkinManager._Colors = Colors
     def GiveFont(self,name):
         return SkinManager._Fonts[name]
@@ -161,5 +173,3 @@ def InitMySkinManager():