소스 검색

Notification changed

cuu 5 년 전
3개의 변경된 파일103개의 추가작업 그리고 75개의 파일을 삭제
  1. 3 0
  2. 96 74
  3. 4 1

+ 3 - 0

@@ -9,3 +9,6 @@ sys.py/.lang

+ 96 - 74

@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import ConfigParser
-import socket
+import os
 import pygame
+import glob
 #import math
 import  commands
@@ -16,7 +15,7 @@ from UI.constants import Width,Height,ICON_TYPES
 from UI.page   import Page,PageSelector
 from UI.label  import Label
 from UI.fonts  import fonts
-from UI.util_funcs import midRect,FileExists
+from UI.util_funcs import midRect,FileExists,IsExecutable
 from UI.keys_def   import CurKeys
 from UI.scroller   import ListScroller
 from UI.icon_pool  import MyIconPool
@@ -26,8 +25,56 @@ from UI.lang_manager  import MyLangManager
 from UI.multilabel import MultiLabel
 from UI.info_page_list_item import InfoPageListItem
 from UI.info_page_selector  import InfoPageSelector
+from UI.skin_manager import MySkinManager
+class NotifyJobListItem(InfoPageListItem):
+    _CanvasHWND = None
+    def Init(self,text):
+        #self._Fonts["normal"] = fonts["veramono12"]
+        self._CanvasHWND = self._Parent._CanvasHWND
+        l = Label()
+        l._PosX = 10
+        l.SetCanvasHWND(self._Parent._CanvasHWND)
+        l.Init(text,self._Fonts["normal"])
+        self._Labels["Text"] = l    
+        done_icon = IconItem()
+        done_icon._ImgSurf = MyIconPool._Icons["done"]
+        done_icon._CanvasHWND = self._Parent._CanvasHWND
+        done_icon._Parent = self
+        self._Icons["done"] = done_icon
+    def Draw(self):
+        if self._ReadOnly == False:
+            self._Labels["Text"].SetColor(MySkinManager.GiveColor("ReadOnlyText"))
+        else:
+            self._Labels["Text"].SetColor(MySkinManager.GiveColor("Text"))
+        self._Labels["Text"]._PosX = self._Labels["Text"]._PosX + self._PosX
+        self._Labels["Text"]._PosY = self._PosY + (self._Height - self._Labels["Text"]._Height)/2
+        self._Labels["Text"].Draw()
+        self._Labels["Text"]._PosX = self._Labels["Text"]._PosX - self._PosX
+        if "Small" in self._Labels:
+            self._Labels["Small"]._PosX = self._Width - self._Labels["Small"]._Width-5
+            self._Labels["Small"]._PosY = self._PosY + (self._Height - self._Labels["Small"]._Height)/2
+            self._Labels["Small"].Draw()
+        if self._ReadOnly:
+            self._Icons["done"].NewCoord(self._Width - 25,5)
+            self._Icons["done"].Draw()
+        pygame.draw.line(self._Parent._CanvasHWND,MySkinManager.GiveColor('Line'),(self._PosX,self._PosY+self._Height-1),(self._PosX+self._Width,self._PosY+self._Height-1),1)    
 class NotificationPage(Page):
     _FootMsg =  ["Nav","","","Back","Toggle"]
     _MyList = []
@@ -44,55 +91,56 @@ class NotificationPage(Page):
     _Scroller = None
     _EasingDur = 30
-    _GSNOTIFY_CFG="gsnotify/gsnotify.cfg"
+    _GSNOTIFY_JOBS = "gsnotify/Jobs"
     _Config =None
+    _AllowedExts = [".sh",".lsp",".lua",".bin",".py",".js"]
     def __init__(self):
         self._Icons = {}
-    def ReadConfig(self,fname):
-        if FileExists(fname):
-            if self._Config == None:
-                self._Config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
-                self._Config.optionxform = str
-            self._Config.read(fname)
-        else:
-            print(fname, "not found")
     def GenList(self):
-        if self._Config == None:
-            return
-        self._AList = {}
         self._MyList = []
         ## map ini to self._AList
-        for i,v in enumerate(self._Config.items("Settings")):
-            self._AList[v[0]] = v[1]  ## {'BGCOLOR': '#eab934', 'Enabled': 'False',...}
+        files_path = glob.glob(self._GSNOTIFY_JOBS+"/*")
         start_x  = 10
         start_y  = 0
-        for i,v in enumerate( self._AList):
-            li = InfoPageListItem()
-            li._Parent = self
-            li._PosX   = start_x
-            li._PosY   = start_y + i*InfoPageListItem._Height
-            li._Width  = Width-10
-            li._Fonts["normal"] = self._ListFontObj
-            li._Fonts["small"] = fonts["varela12"]
+        for i,v in enumerate( files_path):
+            filename, file_extension = os.path.splitext(v)
+            alias_file = filename + ".alias"
-            li.Init( v )
-            li._Flag = v
-            li.SetSmallText( self._AList[v] )
-            if v != "Enabled":
-                li._ReadOnly=True
+            if file_extension in self._AllowedExts:
+                li = NotifyJobListItem()
+                li._Parent = self
+                li._PosX   = start_x
+                li._PosY   = start_y + i*InfoPageListItem._Height
+                li._Width  = Width-10
+                li._Fonts["normal"] = self._ListFontObj
+                li._Fonts["small"] = fonts["varela12"]
+                if IsExecutable(v):
+                    li._ReadOnly = True
-            self._MyList.append(li)
+                if os.path.isfile(alias_file):
+                    fp = open(alias_file, "r")
+                    alias = fp.read()
+                    alias = alias.strip()
+                    label_text = alias.decode("utf8")
+                    li.Init( label_text )
+                    fp.close()
+                else:
+                    li.Init( os.path.basename(v) )
+                li._Flag = v
+                ##li.SetSmallText( v )
+                self._MyList.append(li)
     def Init(self):
         if self._Screen != None:
@@ -110,8 +158,6 @@ class NotificationPage(Page):
         self._Ps = ps
         self._PsIndex = 0
-        self.ReadConfig(self._GSNOTIFY_CFG)
         self._Scroller = ListScroller()
         self._Scroller._Parent = self
         self._Scroller._PosX = 2
@@ -146,37 +192,14 @@ class NotificationPage(Page):
         cur_li = self._MyList[self._PsIndex]
-        print("Click ",cur_li._Flag)
-    def SendMsgToUnixSocket(self,msg):
-        if FileExists(self._GSNOTIFY_SOCKET) == False:
-            print(self._GSNOTIFY_SOCKET," not existed")
-            return
-        try:
-	    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX)
-	    s.settimeout(1) # 1 second timeout
-	    s.connect(self._GSNOTIFY_SOCKET)
-	    s.send(msg)
-            data = s.recv(1024)
-            print("received: {}".format(data))
-	    s.close()
-        except Exception as err:
-            print(err) ## print error ,but ignore it 
+        #print("Click ",cur_li._Flag)
+        if IsExecutable(cur_li._Flag):
+            os.system("chmod -x "+cur_li._Flag)
+        else:
+            os.system("chmod +x "+cur_li._Flag)
-    def ToggleEnable(self):
-        print("ToggleEnable")
-        if self._Config == None:
-            return
-        e = self._Config.get("Settings","Enabled")
+        self.GenList()
-        if e == "False":
-            self.SendMsgToUnixSocket("Enable")
-        else:
-            self.SendMsgToUnixSocket("Disable")
     def OnLoadCb(self):
         self._Scrolled = 0
@@ -196,13 +219,14 @@ class NotificationPage(Page):
         if event.key == CurKeys["B"]:
-            self.ToggleEnable()
-            pygame.time.delay(1000)
-            self.ReadConfig(self._GSNOTIFY_CFG)
-            self.GenList()
+            pygame.time.delay(638)
+            self.Click()
@@ -218,9 +242,7 @@ class NotificationPage(Page):
     def Draw(self):

+ 4 - 1

@@ -55,7 +55,10 @@ def IsPythonPackage(self,dirname):
         if i.endswith("__init__.py"):
             return True
     return False
+def IsExecutable(fpath):
+    return os.path.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK)
 def MakeExecutable(path):
     mode = os.stat(path).st_mode
     mode |= (mode & 0o444) >> 2    # copy R bits to X