Browse Source

Split the address bus in top, and add stub for EEPROM, RTC and GPIO modules.

Godzil 9 years ago
6 changed files with 561 additions and 63 deletions
  1. 93 0
  2. 93 0
  3. 92 0
  4. 128 2
  5. BIN
  6. 155 61

+ 93 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+--                    The WonderProject: WonderMadeleine                     --
+--                      (c) 2014  986-Studio / Godzil                        --
+--  <godzil_nospambot at 986 dash studio dot com> --
+--                                                                           --
+-- EEPROM.vhd : EPROM module implementation                                  --
+--                                                                           --
+-- What this project is about:                                               --
+--                                                                           --
+-- This is a VHDL implementation of the Bandai 2001 / 2003 chip found in all --
+-- official WonderSwan Cartridge. It will ultimately provide a fully         --
+-- functional clone of the Bandai chip.                                      --
+--                                                                           --
+-- Licensed under the the Creative Common BY-NC-ND :                         --
+-- You are free to:                                                          --
+--   Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format      --
+--                                                                           --
+--   The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the     --
+--   license terms.                                                          --
+--                                                                           --
+-- Under the following terms:                                                --
+--                                                                           --
+--   Attribution   — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to     --
+--                   the license, and indicate if changes were made. You     --
+--                   may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way  --
+--                   that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.    --
+--   NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes.   --
+--   NoDerivatives — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material,    --
+--                   you may not distribute the modified material.           --
+--                                                                           --
+--   No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or           --
+--                                technological measures that legally        --
+--                                restrict others from doing anything the    --
+--                                license permits.                           --
+--                                                                           --
+-- Notices:                                                                  --
+--                                                                           --
+--   You do not have to comply with the license for elements of the material --
+--   in the public domain or where your use is permitted by an applicable    --
+--   exception or limitation.                                                --
+--                                                                           --
+--   No warranties are given. The license may not give you all of the        --
+--   permissions necessary for your intended use. For example, other rights  --
+--   such as publicity, privacy, or moral rights may limit how you use the   --
+--   material.                                                               --
+--                                                                           --
+--                                                                           --
+-- What does that mean:                                                      --
+--   You can use this code to program your own CPLD                          --
+--   You can build your own cartridge that use this CPLD (and you can even   --
+--      sell them!)                                                          --
+--   But you can't program CPLD and sell them directly                       --
+--   You are welcome to propose patch for supporting another CPLD or correct --
+--      bugs                                                                 --
+--   You can't integrate this code with another CPLD of FPGA project         --
+--                                                                           --
+-- If you have any doubt, please contact me I will be happy to help you      --
+--                                                                           --
+-- What is currently working: (as of 13 november 2014)                       --
+-- [X] - ROM Banking                                                         --
+-- [X] - SRAM Banking                                                        --
+-- [X] - WonderSwan boot unlock                                              --
+-- [ ] - EEPROM                                                              --
+-- [ ] - RTC                                                                 --
+-- [ ] - GPIO                                                                --
+-- [ ] - All other unknown parts                                             --
+library IEEE;
+entity EepromRegs is
+    port(
+		sel:     in    std_logic;
+		nRD:     in    std_logic;
+		nWR:     in    std_logic;
+		regNum:  in    std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
+		data:    inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+		clock:   in    std_logic;
+		CS:      out   std_logic;
+		CLK:     out   std_logic;
+		DI:      in    std_logic;
+		DO:      out   std_logic
+	 );
+end EepromRegs;
+architecture Behavioral of EepromRegs is
+end architecture;

+ 93 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+--                    The WonderProject: WonderMadeleine                     --
+--                      (c) 2014  986-Studio / Godzil                        --
+--  <godzil_nospambot at 986 dash studio dot com> --
+--                                                                           --
+-- GPIO.vhd : GPIO module implementation                                     --
+--                                                                           --
+-- What this project is about:                                               --
+--                                                                           --
+-- This is a VHDL implementation of the Bandai 2001 / 2003 chip found in all --
+-- official WonderSwan Cartridge. It will ultimately provide a fully         --
+-- functional clone of the Bandai chip.                                      --
+--                                                                           --
+-- Licensed under the the Creative Common BY-NC-ND :                         --
+-- You are free to:                                                          --
+--   Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format      --
+--                                                                           --
+--   The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the     --
+--   license terms.                                                          --
+--                                                                           --
+-- Under the following terms:                                                --
+--                                                                           --
+--   Attribution   — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to     --
+--                   the license, and indicate if changes were made. You     --
+--                   may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way  --
+--                   that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.    --
+--   NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes.   --
+--   NoDerivatives — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material,    --
+--                   you may not distribute the modified material.           --
+--                                                                           --
+--   No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or           --
+--                                technological measures that legally        --
+--                                restrict others from doing anything the    --
+--                                license permits.                           --
+--                                                                           --
+-- Notices:                                                                  --
+--                                                                           --
+--   You do not have to comply with the license for elements of the material --
+--   in the public domain or where your use is permitted by an applicable    --
+--   exception or limitation.                                                --
+--                                                                           --
+--   No warranties are given. The license may not give you all of the        --
+--   permissions necessary for your intended use. For example, other rights  --
+--   such as publicity, privacy, or moral rights may limit how you use the   --
+--   material.                                                               --
+--                                                                           --
+--                                                                           --
+-- What does that mean:                                                      --
+--   You can use this code to program your own CPLD                          --
+--   You can build your own cartridge that use this CPLD (and you can even   --
+--      sell them!)                                                          --
+--   But you can't program CPLD and sell them directly                       --
+--   You are welcome to propose patch for supporting another CPLD or correct --
+--      bugs                                                                 --
+--   You can't integrate this code with another CPLD of FPGA project         --
+--                                                                           --
+-- If you have any doubt, please contact me I will be happy to help you      --
+--                                                                           --
+-- What is currently working: (as of 13 november 2014)                       --
+-- [X] - ROM Banking                                                         --
+-- [X] - SRAM Banking                                                        --
+-- [X] - WonderSwan boot unlock                                              --
+-- [ ] - EEPROM                                                              --
+-- [ ] - RTC                                                                 --
+-- [ ] - GPIO                                                                --
+-- [ ] - All other unknown parts                                             --
+library IEEE;
+entity GpioRegs is
+    port(
+        sel:     in    std_logic;
+		  nRD:     in    std_logic;
+		  nWR:     in    std_logic;
+        regNum:  in    std_logic;
+        data:    inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+        clock:   in    std_logic;
+        -- GPIO PINs
+        GPIO:    inout   std_logic_vector(1 downto 0)
+     );
+end GpioRegs;
+architecture Behavioral of GpioRegs is
+    main: process(sel, regNum, data)
+    begin
+    end process;
+end architecture;

+ 92 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+--                    The WonderProject: WonderMadeleine                     --
+--                      (c) 2014  986-Studio / Godzil                        --
+--  <godzil_nospambot at 986 dash studio dot com> --
+--                                                                           --
+-- RTC.vhd : RTC module implementation                                       --
+--                                                                           --
+-- What this project is about:                                               --
+--                                                                           --
+-- This is a VHDL implementation of the Bandai 2001 / 2003 chip found in all --
+-- official WonderSwan Cartridge. It will ultimately provide a fully         --
+-- functional clone of the Bandai chip.                                      --
+--                                                                           --
+-- Licensed under the the Creative Common BY-NC-ND :                         --
+-- You are free to:                                                          --
+--   Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format      --
+--                                                                           --
+--   The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the     --
+--   license terms.                                                          --
+--                                                                           --
+-- Under the following terms:                                                --
+--                                                                           --
+--   Attribution   — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to     --
+--                   the license, and indicate if changes were made. You     --
+--                   may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way  --
+--                   that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.    --
+--   NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes.   --
+--   NoDerivatives — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material,    --
+--                   you may not distribute the modified material.           --
+--                                                                           --
+--   No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or           --
+--                                technological measures that legally        --
+--                                restrict others from doing anything the    --
+--                                license permits.                           --
+--                                                                           --
+-- Notices:                                                                  --
+--                                                                           --
+--   You do not have to comply with the license for elements of the material --
+--   in the public domain or where your use is permitted by an applicable    --
+--   exception or limitation.                                                --
+--                                                                           --
+--   No warranties are given. The license may not give you all of the        --
+--   permissions necessary for your intended use. For example, other rights  --
+--   such as publicity, privacy, or moral rights may limit how you use the   --
+--   material.                                                               --
+--                                                                           --
+--                                                                           --
+-- What does that mean:                                                      --
+--   You can use this code to program your own CPLD                          --
+--   You can build your own cartridge that use this CPLD (and you can even   --
+--      sell them!)                                                          --
+--   But you can't program CPLD and sell them directly                       --
+--   You are welcome to propose patch for supporting another CPLD or correct --
+--      bugs                                                                 --
+--   You can't integrate this code with another CPLD of FPGA project         --
+--                                                                           --
+-- If you have any doubt, please contact me I will be happy to help you      --
+--                                                                           --
+-- What is currently working: (as of 13 november 2014)                       --
+-- [X] - ROM Banking                                                         --
+-- [X] - SRAM Banking                                                        --
+-- [X] - WonderSwan boot unlock                                              --
+-- [ ] - EEPROM                                                              --
+-- [ ] - RTC                                                                 --
+-- [ ] - GPIO                                                                --
+-- [ ] - All other unknown parts                                             --
+library IEEE;
+entity RtcRegs is
+	 port(
+		sel:     in    std_logic;
+		nRD:     in    std_logic;
+		nWR:     in    std_logic;
+		regNum:  in    std_logic;
+		data:    inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+		clock:   in    std_logic;
+		-- RTC PINs
+		SDA:     inout std_logic;
+		CLK:     out   std_logic;
+		CS:      out   std_logic
+	 );
+end RtcRegs;
+architecture Behavioral of RtcRegs is
+end architecture;

+ 128 - 2

@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 set_global_assignment -name FAMILY "MAX II"
 set_global_assignment -name FAMILY "MAX II"
-set_global_assignment -name DEVICE AUTO
+set_global_assignment -name DEVICE EPM240T100C3
 set_global_assignment -name TOP_LEVEL_ENTITY WonderMadeleine
 set_global_assignment -name TOP_LEVEL_ENTITY WonderMadeleine
 set_global_assignment -name ORIGINAL_QUARTUS_VERSION 13.0
 set_global_assignment -name ORIGINAL_QUARTUS_VERSION 13.0
 set_global_assignment -name PROJECT_CREATION_TIME_DATE "09:43:30  OCTOBER 28, 2014"
 set_global_assignment -name PROJECT_CREATION_TIME_DATE "09:43:30  OCTOBER 28, 2014"
@@ -46,4 +46,130 @@ set_global_assignment -name PROJECT_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY output_files
 set_global_assignment -name DEVICE_FILTER_PACKAGE TQFP
 set_global_assignment -name DEVICE_FILTER_PACKAGE TQFP
 set_global_assignment -name EDA_SIMULATION_TOOL "ModelSim-Altera (VHDL)"
 set_global_assignment -name EDA_SIMULATION_TOOL "ModelSim-Altera (VHDL)"
 set_global_assignment -name EDA_OUTPUT_DATA_FORMAT VHDL -section_id eda_simulation
 set_global_assignment -name EDA_OUTPUT_DATA_FORMAT VHDL -section_id eda_simulation
-set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE WonderMadeleine.vhd
+set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE WonderMadeleine.vhdset_global_assignment -name MIN_CORE_JUNCTION_TEMP 0
+set_global_assignment -name MIN_CORE_JUNCTION_TEMP 0
+set_global_assignment -name MAX_CORE_JUNCTION_TEMP 85
+set_global_assignment -name DEVICE_FILTER_PIN_COUNT 100
+set_global_assignment -name AUTO_RESTART_CONFIGURATION OFF
+set_global_assignment -name USE_CONFIGURATION_DEVICE ON
+set_global_assignment -name STRATIX_DEVICE_IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVTTL"
+set_location_assignment PIN_12 -to SYS_CLK
+set_location_assignment PIN_69 -to RTC_DATA
+set_location_assignment PIN_7 -to nMBC
+set_location_assignment PIN_6 -to nWR
+set_location_assignment PIN_5 -to nRD
+set_location_assignment PIN_4 -to nIO
+set_location_assignment PIN_3 -to nSEL
+set_location_assignment PIN_2 -to nRESET
+set_location_assignment PIN_8 -to nINT
+set_location_assignment PIN_90 -to D_BUS[0]
+set_location_assignment PIN_89 -to D_BUS[1]
+set_location_assignment PIN_88 -to D_BUS[2]
+set_location_assignment PIN_87 -to D_BUS[3]
+set_location_assignment PIN_86 -to D_BUS[4]
+set_location_assignment PIN_85 -to D_BUS[5]
+set_location_assignment PIN_84 -to D_BUS[6]
+set_location_assignment PIN_83 -to D_BUS[7]
+set_location_assignment PIN_82 -to nROM_CS
+set_location_assignment PIN_81 -to nSRAM_CS
+set_location_assignment PIN_78 -to EXT_A[0]
+set_location_assignment PIN_77 -to EXT_A[1]
+set_location_assignment PIN_76 -to EXT_A[2]
+set_location_assignment PIN_75 -to EXT_A[3]
+set_location_assignment PIN_74 -to EXT_A[4]
+set_location_assignment PIN_73 -to EXT_A[5]
+set_location_assignment PIN_72 -to EXT_A[6]
+set_location_assignment PIN_71 -to EXT_A[7]
+set_location_assignment PIN_70 -to RTC_CS
+set_location_assignment PIN_68 -to RTC_CLK
+set_location_assignment PIN_67 -to GPIO[0]
+set_location_assignment PIN_66 -to GPIO[1]
+set_location_assignment PIN_58 -to EEP_CK
+set_location_assignment PIN_57 -to EEP_CS
+set_location_assignment PIN_56 -to EEP_DI
+set_location_assignment PIN_55 -to EEP_DO
+set_location_assignment PIN_15 -to user_reserve_1
+set_instance_assignment -name RESERVE_PIN AS_INPUT_TRI_STATED -to user_reserve_1
+set_location_assignment PIN_16 -to user_reserve_2
+set_instance_assignment -name RESERVE_PIN AS_INPUT_TRI_STATED -to user_reserve_2
+set_location_assignment PIN_17 -to user_reserve_3
+set_instance_assignment -name RESERVE_PIN AS_INPUT_TRI_STATED -to user_reserve_3
+set_location_assignment PIN_18 -to user_reserve_4
+set_instance_assignment -name RESERVE_PIN AS_INPUT_TRI_STATED -to user_reserve_4
+set_location_assignment PIN_19 -to user_reserve_5
+set_instance_assignment -name RESERVE_PIN AS_INPUT_TRI_STATED -to user_reserve_5
+set_location_assignment PIN_20 -to user_reserve_6
+set_instance_assignment -name RESERVE_PIN AS_INPUT_TRI_STATED -to user_reserve_6
+set_location_assignment PIN_21 -to user_reserve_7
+set_instance_assignment -name RESERVE_PIN AS_INPUT_TRI_STATED -to user_reserve_7
+set_location_assignment PIN_26 -to user_reserve_8
+set_instance_assignment -name RESERVE_PIN AS_INPUT_TRI_STATED -to user_reserve_8
+set_location_assignment PIN_27 -to user_reserve_9
+set_instance_assignment -name RESERVE_PIN AS_INPUT_TRI_STATED -to user_reserve_9
+set_location_assignment PIN_29 -to user_reserve_10
+set_instance_assignment -name RESERVE_PIN AS_INPUT_TRI_STATED -to user_reserve_10
+set_location_assignment PIN_28 -to user_reserve_11
+set_instance_assignment -name RESERVE_PIN AS_INPUT_TRI_STATED -to user_reserve_11
+set_location_assignment PIN_30 -to user_reserve_12
+set_instance_assignment -name RESERVE_PIN AS_INPUT_TRI_STATED -to user_reserve_12
+set_location_assignment PIN_33 -to user_reserve_13
+set_instance_assignment -name RESERVE_PIN AS_INPUT_TRI_STATED -to user_reserve_13
+set_location_assignment PIN_34 -to user_reserve_14
+set_instance_assignment -name RESERVE_PIN AS_INPUT_TRI_STATED -to user_reserve_14
+set_location_assignment PIN_35 -to user_reserve_15
+set_instance_assignment -name RESERVE_PIN AS_INPUT_TRI_STATED -to user_reserve_15
+set_location_assignment PIN_36 -to user_reserve_16
+set_instance_assignment -name RESERVE_PIN AS_INPUT_TRI_STATED -to user_reserve_16
+set_location_assignment PIN_37 -to user_reserve_17
+set_instance_assignment -name RESERVE_PIN AS_INPUT_TRI_STATED -to user_reserve_17
+set_location_assignment PIN_38 -to user_reserve_18
+set_instance_assignment -name RESERVE_PIN AS_INPUT_TRI_STATED -to user_reserve_18
+set_location_assignment PIN_39 -to user_reserve_19
+set_instance_assignment -name RESERVE_PIN AS_INPUT_TRI_STATED -to user_reserve_19
+set_location_assignment PIN_40 -to user_reserve_20
+set_instance_assignment -name RESERVE_PIN AS_INPUT_TRI_STATED -to user_reserve_20
+set_location_assignment PIN_41 -to user_reserve_21
+set_instance_assignment -name RESERVE_PIN AS_INPUT_TRI_STATED -to user_reserve_21
+set_location_assignment PIN_42 -to user_reserve_22
+set_instance_assignment -name RESERVE_PIN AS_INPUT_TRI_STATED -to user_reserve_22
+set_location_assignment PIN_47 -to user_reserve_23
+set_instance_assignment -name RESERVE_PIN AS_INPUT_TRI_STATED -to user_reserve_23
+set_location_assignment PIN_48 -to user_reserve_24
+set_instance_assignment -name RESERVE_PIN AS_INPUT_TRI_STATED -to user_reserve_24
+set_location_assignment PIN_49 -to user_reserve_25
+set_instance_assignment -name RESERVE_PIN AS_INPUT_TRI_STATED -to user_reserve_25
+set_location_assignment PIN_50 -to user_reserve_26
+set_instance_assignment -name RESERVE_PIN AS_INPUT_TRI_STATED -to user_reserve_26
+set_location_assignment PIN_51 -to user_reserve_27
+set_instance_assignment -name RESERVE_PIN AS_INPUT_TRI_STATED -to user_reserve_27
+set_location_assignment PIN_52 -to user_reserve_28
+set_instance_assignment -name RESERVE_PIN AS_INPUT_TRI_STATED -to user_reserve_28
+set_location_assignment PIN_53 -to user_reserve_29
+set_instance_assignment -name RESERVE_PIN AS_INPUT_TRI_STATED -to user_reserve_29
+set_location_assignment PIN_54 -to user_reserve_30
+set_instance_assignment -name RESERVE_PIN AS_INPUT_TRI_STATED -to user_reserve_30
+set_location_assignment PIN_62 -to user_reserve_31
+set_instance_assignment -name RESERVE_PIN AS_INPUT_TRI_STATED -to user_reserve_31
+set_location_assignment PIN_64 -to user_reserve_32
+set_instance_assignment -name RESERVE_PIN AS_INPUT_TRI_STATED -to user_reserve_32
+set_location_assignment PIN_14 -to user_reserve_33
+set_instance_assignment -name RESERVE_PIN AS_INPUT_TRI_STATED -to user_reserve_33
+set_location_assignment PIN_43 -to user_reserve_34
+set_instance_assignment -name RESERVE_PIN AS_INPUT_TRI_STATED -to user_reserve_34
+set_location_assignment PIN_44 -to user_reserve_35
+set_instance_assignment -name RESERVE_PIN AS_INPUT_TRI_STATED -to user_reserve_35
+set_location_assignment PIN_1 -to user_reserve_36
+set_instance_assignment -name RESERVE_PIN AS_INPUT_TRI_STATED -to user_reserve_36
+set_location_assignment PIN_61 -to user_reserve_37
+set_instance_assignment -name RESERVE_PIN AS_INPUT_TRI_STATED -to user_reserve_37
+set_location_assignment PIN_100 -to A_BUS_H[16]
+set_location_assignment PIN_99 -to A_BUS_H[17]
+set_location_assignment PIN_98 -to A_BUS_H[18]
+set_location_assignment PIN_97 -to A_BUS_H[19]
+set_location_assignment PIN_96 -to A_BUS_L[3]
+set_location_assignment PIN_95 -to A_BUS_L[2]
+set_location_assignment PIN_92 -to A_BUS_L[1]
+set_location_assignment PIN_91 -to A_BUS_L[0]
+set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE EEPROM.vhd
+set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE RTC.vhd
+set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE GPIO.vhd


+ 155 - 61

@@ -3,7 +3,9 @@
 --                      (c) 2014  986-Studio / Godzil                        --
 --                      (c) 2014  986-Studio / Godzil                        --
 --  <godzil_nospambot at 986 dash studio dot com> --
 --  <godzil_nospambot at 986 dash studio dot com> --
 --                                                                           --
 --                                                                           --
--- What this file is about:                                                  --
+-- WonderMadeleine.vhd : TOP implementation                                  --
+--                                                                           --
+-- What this project is about:                                               --
 --                                                                           --
 --                                                                           --
 -- This is a VHDL implementation of the Bandai 2001 / 2003 chip found in all --
 -- This is a VHDL implementation of the Bandai 2001 / 2003 chip found in all --
 -- official WonderSwan Cartridge. It will ultimately provide a fully         --
 -- official WonderSwan Cartridge. It will ultimately provide a fully         --
@@ -72,8 +74,9 @@ use IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.ALL;
 entity WonderMadeleine is
 entity WonderMadeleine is
-        D_BUS:   inout std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);      -- 16 bit Data bus
-        A_BUS:   in    std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);      -- 20 bit Address bus
+        D_BUS:   inout std_logic_vector( 7 downto  0);      -- 16 bit Data bus
+        A_BUS_H: in    std_logic_vector(19 downto 16);      -- High part of 20 bit Address bus
+        A_BUS_L: in    std_logic_vector( 3 downto  0);      -- Low part of 20 bit Address bus
         nRD:     in    std_logic;                          -- /RD Signal
         nRD:     in    std_logic;                          -- /RD Signal
         nWR:     in    std_logic;                          -- /WR Signal
         nWR:     in    std_logic;                          -- /WR Signal
@@ -88,36 +91,92 @@ entity WonderMadeleine is
         nSEL:    in    std_logic;                          -- /SEL cart sel.
         nSEL:    in    std_logic;                          -- /SEL cart sel.
         EXT_A:   out   std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);      -- 8 bit A bus extension from IO page
         EXT_A:   out   std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);      -- 8 bit A bus extension from IO page
-        nSRAM_CS:out   std_logic;                                    -- SRAM ChipSelect
-        nROM_CS: out   std_logic;                                    -- ROM ChipSelect
-		  EEP_CS:  out   std_logic;
-		  EEP_SI:  in    std_logic;
-		  EEP_MO:  out   std_logic;
-		  EEP_CK:  out   std_logic;
-		  RTC_CLD: out   std_logic;
-		  RTC_DATA:inout std_logic;
+        nSRAM_CS:out   std_logic;                          -- SRAM ChipSelect
+        nROM_CS: out   std_logic;                          -- ROM ChipSelect
+        EEP_CS:  out   std_logic;
+        EEP_DI:  in    std_logic;
+        EEP_DO:  out   std_logic;
+        EEP_CK:  out   std_logic;
+        RTC_CLK: out   std_logic;
+        RTC_CS:  out   std_logic;
+        RTC_DATA:inout std_logic;
         GPIO:    inout std_logic_vector(1 downto 0)
         GPIO:    inout std_logic_vector(1 downto 0)
 end WonderMadeleine;
 end WonderMadeleine;
 architecture Behavioral of WonderMadeleine is
 architecture Behavioral of WonderMadeleine is
+    component GpioRegs is
+        port(
+            sel:     in    std_logic;
+				nRD:     in    std_logic;
+				nWR:     in    std_logic;
+            regNum:  in    std_logic;
+            data:    inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+            clock:   in    std_logic;
+            -- GPIO PINs
+            GPIO:    inout   std_logic_vector(1 downto 0)
+        );
+    end component;
+    component EepromRegs
+        port(
+            sel:     in    std_logic;
+				nRD:     in    std_logic;
+				nWR:     in    std_logic;
+            regNum:  in    std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
+            data:    inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+            clock:   in    std_logic;
+            -- EEPROM PINs
+            CS:      out   std_logic;
+            CLK:     out   std_logic;
+            DI:      in    std_logic;
+            DO:      out   std_logic
+        );
+    end component;
+    component RtcRegs
+        port(
+            sel:     in    std_logic;
+				nRD:     in    std_logic;
+				nWR:     in    std_logic;
+            regNum:  in    std_logic;
+            data:    inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+            clock:   in    std_logic;
+            -- RTC PINs
+            SDA:     inout std_logic;
+            CLK:     out   std_logic;
+            CS:      out    std_logic
+        );
+    end component;
     signal rMBC:        std_logic;
     signal rMBC:        std_logic;
     signal readD:       std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
     signal readD:       std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
     signal writeD:      std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
     signal writeD:      std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-	 signal nRWTop:      std_logic;
+    signal nRWTop:      std_logic;
     signal regC0:       std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
     signal regC0:       std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
     signal regC1:       std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
     signal regC1:       std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
     signal regC2:       std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
     signal regC2:       std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
     signal regC3:       std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
     signal regC3:       std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+    signal eepromRegSel:   std_logic;
+    signal rtcRegSel:      std_logic;
+    signal gpioRegSel:     std_logic;
+    signal ioRegNum:       std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+    -- Instantiates all needed components
+    gpioInst:   GpioRegs   port map(gpioRegSel,   nRd, nWR, ioRegNum(0), D_BUS, SYS_CLK, GPIO);
+    eepromInst: EepromRegs port map(eepromRegSel, nRd, nWR, ioRegNum(2 downto 0), D_BUS, SYS_CLK, EEP_CS, EEP_CK, EEP_DI, EEP_DO);
+    rtcInst:    RtcRegs    port map(rtcRegSel,    nRd, nWR, ioRegNum(0), D_BUS, SYS_CLK, RTC_DATA, RTC_CLK, RTC_CS);
     nINT <= 'Z';
     nINT <= 'Z';
     nMBC <= rMBC;
     nMBC <= rMBC;
-	 nRWTop <= nRD and nWR;
+    nRWTop <= nRD and nWR;
     d_latches: process (nSEL, nIO, nRD, nWR, D_BUS, writeD, readD)
     d_latches: process (nSEL, nIO, nRD, nWR, D_BUS, writeD, readD)
         if (nSEL='0' and nIO = '0' and nRD = '0' and nWR = '1') then
         if (nSEL='0' and nIO = '0' and nRD = '0' and nWR = '1') then
@@ -126,76 +185,109 @@ begin
                 D_BUS <= "ZZZZZZZZ";
                 D_BUS <= "ZZZZZZZZ";
             end if;
             end if;
-	         readD <= D_BUS;
-	  	  elsif (nSEL='0' and nIO = '0' and nRD = '1' and nWR = '0') then
+            readD <= D_BUS;
+        elsif (nSEL='0' and nIO = '0' and nRD = '1' and nWR = '0') then
             D_BUS <= "ZZZZZZZZ";
             D_BUS <= "ZZZZZZZZ";
             readD <= D_BUS;
             readD <= D_BUS;
             D_BUS <= "ZZZZZZZZ";
             D_BUS <= "ZZZZZZZZ";
-				readD <= "11111111";
+            readD <= "11111111";
         end if;
         end if;
     end process;
     end process;
-    main: process(nSEL, nIO, nRD, nWR, nRWTop, A_BUS, nRESET, readD, regC0, regC1, regC2, regC3)
-    variable regNum:     std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-	 variable validRange: std_logic;
+    main: process(nSEL, nIO, nRD, nWR, nRWTop, A_BUS_H, A_BUS_L, nRESET, readD, regC0, regC1, regC2, regC3)
+    variable validRange: std_logic;
-        regNum(7 downto 6) := "00";
-        regNum(5 downto 4) := A_BUS(17 downto 16);
-        regNum(3 downto 0) := A_BUS( 3 downto  0);
+        ioRegNum(7 downto 4) <= A_BUS_H(19 downto 16);
+        ioRegNum(3 downto 0) <= A_BUS_L( 3 downto  0);
         if (nRESET = '0') then
         if (nRESET = '0') then
-            nSRAM_CS <= '1';
-            nROM_CS  <= '1';
-            regC0 <= X"FF";
-            regC1 <= X"FF";
-            regC2 <= X"FF";
-            regC3 <= X"FF";
-        elsif (nSEL = '0' and validRange = '1') then
+            nSRAM_CS     <= '1';
+            nROM_CS      <= '1';
+            regC0        <= X"FF";
+            regC1        <= X"FF";
+            regC2        <= X"FF";
+            regC3        <= X"FF";
+            eepromRegSel <= '0';
+            rtcRegSel    <= '0';
+            gpioRegSel   <= '0';
+			elsif (nSEL = '0' and validRange = '1') then
             if(nIO = '0') then
             if(nIO = '0') then
                 nSRAM_CS <= '1'; nROM_CS <= '1';
                 nSRAM_CS <= '1'; nROM_CS <= '1';
                 if (falling_edge(nRWTop) and nRD = '0' and nWR = '1') then
                 if (falling_edge(nRWTop) and nRD = '0' and nWR = '1') then
-                    case regNum is
-                        when X"00"  => writeD <= regC0;
-                        when X"01"  => writeD <= regC1;
-                        when X"02"  => writeD <= regC2;
-                        when X"03"  => writeD <= regC3;
-                        when others => writeD <= X"FF";
+                    case ioRegNum is
+                        when X"C0"  => writeD <= regC0; eepromRegSel <= '0'; rtcRegSel <= '0'; gpioRegSel <= '0';
+                        when X"C1"  => writeD <= regC1; eepromRegSel <= '0'; rtcRegSel <= '0'; gpioRegSel <= '0';
+                        when X"C2"  => writeD <= regC2; eepromRegSel <= '0'; rtcRegSel <= '0'; gpioRegSel <= '0';
+                        when X"C3"  => writeD <= regC3; eepromRegSel <= '0'; rtcRegSel <= '0'; gpioRegSel <= '0';
+								when X"C4"  => eepromRegSel <= '1'; rtcRegSel <= '0'; gpioRegSel <= '0';
+								when X"C5"  => eepromRegSel <= '1'; rtcRegSel <= '0'; gpioRegSel <= '0';
+								when X"C6"  => eepromRegSel <= '1'; rtcRegSel <= '0'; gpioRegSel <= '0';
+								when X"C7"  => eepromRegSel <= '1'; rtcRegSel <= '0'; gpioRegSel <= '0';
+								when X"C8"  => eepromRegSel <= '1'; rtcRegSel <= '0'; gpioRegSel <= '0';
+								when X"CA"  => eepromRegSel <= '0'; rtcRegSel <= '1'; gpioRegSel <= '0';
+								when X"CB"  => eepromRegSel <= '0'; rtcRegSel <= '1'; gpioRegSel <= '0';
+                        when X"CC"  => eepromRegSel <= '0'; rtcRegSel <= '0'; gpioRegSel <= '1';
+								when X"CD"  => eepromRegSel <= '0'; rtcRegSel <= '0'; gpioRegSel <= '1';
+                        when others => writeD <= X"FF"; eepromRegSel <= '0'; rtcRegSel <= '0'; gpioRegSel <= '0';
                     end case;
                     end case;
                 elsif (falling_edge(nRWTop) and nRD = '1' and nWR = '0') then
                 elsif (falling_edge(nRWTop) and nRD = '1' and nWR = '0') then
-                    case regNum is
-                        when X"00"  => regC0 <= readD;
-                        when X"01"  => regC1 <= readD;
-                        when X"02"  => regC2 <= readD;
-                        when X"03"  => regC3 <= readD;
+                    case ioRegNum is
+                        when X"C0"  => regC0 <= readD; eepromRegSel <= '0'; rtcRegSel <= '0'; gpioRegSel <= '0';
+                        when X"C1"  => regC1 <= readD; eepromRegSel <= '0'; rtcRegSel <= '0'; gpioRegSel <= '0';
+                        when X"C2"  => regC2 <= readD; eepromRegSel <= '0'; rtcRegSel <= '0'; gpioRegSel <= '0';
+                        when X"C3"  => regC3 <= readD; eepromRegSel <= '0'; rtcRegSel <= '0'; gpioRegSel <= '0';
+								when X"C4"  => eepromRegSel <= '1'; rtcRegSel <= '0'; gpioRegSel <= '0';
+								when X"C5"  => eepromRegSel <= '1'; rtcRegSel <= '0'; gpioRegSel <= '0';
+								when X"C6"  => eepromRegSel <= '1'; rtcRegSel <= '0'; gpioRegSel <= '0';
+								when X"C7"  => eepromRegSel <= '1'; rtcRegSel <= '0'; gpioRegSel <= '0';
+								when X"C8"  => eepromRegSel <= '1'; rtcRegSel <= '0'; gpioRegSel <= '0';
+								when X"CA"  => eepromRegSel <= '0'; rtcRegSel <= '1'; gpioRegSel <= '0';
+								when X"CB"  => eepromRegSel <= '0'; rtcRegSel <= '1'; gpioRegSel <= '0';
+                        when X"CC"  => eepromRegSel <= '0'; rtcRegSel <= '0'; gpioRegSel <= '1';
+								when X"CD"  => eepromRegSel <= '0'; rtcRegSel <= '0'; gpioRegSel <= '1';
                         when others => null;
                         when others => null;
                     end case;
                     end case;
                 end if;
                 end if;
             elsif (nRD = '0' or nWR = '0') then
             elsif (nRD = '0' or nWR = '0') then
                 -- Not IO
                 -- Not IO
-                case A_BUS(19 downto 16) is
+                case A_BUS_H is
                     when X"0"   => nSRAM_CS <= '1'; nROM_CS <= '1';
                     when X"0"   => nSRAM_CS <= '1'; nROM_CS <= '1';
                     when X"1"   => nSRAM_CS <= '0'; nROM_CS <= '1';
                     when X"1"   => nSRAM_CS <= '0'; nROM_CS <= '1';
                     when others => nSRAM_CS <= '1'; nROM_CS <= '0';
                     when others => nSRAM_CS <= '1'; nROM_CS <= '0';
                 end case;
                 end case;
+                -- Be sure the reg are not sel during non IO
+                eepromRegSel <= '0';
+                rtcRegSel    <= '0';
+                gpioRegSel   <= '0';
+                -- Be sure the reg are not sel during non IO
+                eepromRegSel <= '0';
+                rtcRegSel    <= '0';
+                gpioRegSel   <= '0';
+                -- Not accessing SRAM or ROM mapping
                 nSRAM_CS <= '1'; nROM_CS <= '1';
                 nSRAM_CS <= '1'; nROM_CS <= '1';
             end if;
             end if;
-        else -- Not Sel
+        else -- Cart is not sel
             nSRAM_CS <= '1'; nROM_CS <= '1';
             nSRAM_CS <= '1'; nROM_CS <= '1';
+            -- Be sure the reg are not sel during non IO
+            eepromRegSel <= '0';
+            rtcRegSel    <= '0';
+            gpioRegSel   <= '0';
         end if;
         end if;
-        case A_BUS(19 downto 16) is
+        case A_BUS_H(19 downto 16) is
             when X"0"   => validRange := '0'; EXT_A <= X"00";
             when X"0"   => validRange := '0'; EXT_A <= X"00";
-            when X"1"   => validRange := '1'; EXT_A <= regC1; --mbcReg(1); --C1;
-            when X"2"   => validRange := '1'; EXT_A <= regC2; --mbcReg(2); --C2;
-            when X"3"   => validRange := '1'; EXT_A <= regC3; --mbcReg(3); --C3;
-            when others => validRange := '1'; EXT_A(7 downto 4) <= regC0(3 downto 0); --mbcReg(0)(3 downto 0); --C0
-                           EXT_A(3 downto 0) <= A_BUS(19 downto 16);
+            when X"1"   => validRange := '1'; EXT_A <= regC1;
+            when X"2"   => validRange := '1'; EXT_A <= regC2;
+            when X"3"   => validRange := '1'; EXT_A <= regC3;
+            when others => validRange := '1'; EXT_A(7 downto 4) <= regC0(3 downto 0);
+                           EXT_A(3 downto 0) <= A_BUS_H;
         end case;
         end case;
     end process;
     end process;
-    mbc_lock: process (SYS_CLK, nRESET, A_BUS)
+    mbc_lock: process (SYS_CLK, nRESET, A_BUS_H, A_BUS_L)
         type STATE_TYPE is (sWait, sWaitForA5, sA1, SA2, SA3, sA4,
         type STATE_TYPE is (sWait, sWaitForA5, sA1, SA2, SA3, sA4,
                             sB1, sB2, sB3, sB4, sB5, sB6, sC, sD,
                             sB1, sB2, sB3, sB4, sB5, sB6, sC, sD,
                             sE, sF1, sF2, sF3, sG, sH, sI, sJ1, sJ2,
                             sE, sF1, sF2, sF3, sG, sH, sI, sJ1, sJ2,
@@ -205,8 +297,8 @@ begin
         if (nRESET = '0') then
         if (nRESET = '0') then
             state := sWaitForA5;
             state := sWaitForA5;
         elsif (rising_edge(SYS_CLK) and state = sWaitForA5
         elsif (rising_edge(SYS_CLK) and state = sWaitForA5
-                                    and A_BUS(19 downto 16) = X"A"
-                                    and A_BUS( 5 downto  0) = X"5" ) then
+                                    and A_BUS_H = X"A"
+                                    and A_BUS_L = X"5" ) then
             state := sA1;
             state := sA1;
         elsif (rising_edge(SYS_CLK)) then
         elsif (rising_edge(SYS_CLK)) then
             case state is
             case state is
@@ -243,7 +335,8 @@ end architecture;
 -- Test script...
 -- Test script...
 -- restart
 -- restart
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/SYS_CLK 1 0, 0 {50 ps} -r 100
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/SYS_CLK 1 0, 0 {50 ps} -r 100
--- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/A_BUS 11000000000000000011 0
+-- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/A_BUS_H 1100 0
+-- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/A_BUS_L 0011 0
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/D_BUS 10101010 0 -cancel 200
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/D_BUS 10101010 0 -cancel 200
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/regC0 01011011 0
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/regC0 01011011 0
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/regC1 10111101 0
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/regC1 10111101 0
@@ -269,7 +362,8 @@ end architecture;
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/nIO 1 330
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/nIO 1 330
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/nSEL 1 350
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/nSEL 1 350
--- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/A_BUS 00110000000000000000 400
+-- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/A_BUS_H 0011 400
+-- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/A_BUS_L 0000 400
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/nRD 0 410
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/nRD 0 410
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/nRD 1 420
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/nRD 1 420
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/nSEL 0 430
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/nSEL 0 430
@@ -277,7 +371,7 @@ end architecture;
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/nRD 1 450
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/nRD 1 450
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/nSEL 1 460
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/nSEL 1 460
--- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/A_BUS 10100000000000000000 500
+-- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/A_BUS_H 1010 500
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/nWR 0 510
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/nWR 0 510
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/nWR 1 520
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/nWR 1 520
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/nSEL 0 530
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/nSEL 0 530
@@ -285,7 +379,7 @@ end architecture;
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/nWR 1 550
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/nWR 1 550
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/nSEL 1 560
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/nSEL 1 560
--- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/A_BUS 00000000000000000000 600
+-- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/A_BUS_H 0000 600
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/nWR 0 610
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/nWR 0 610
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/nWR 1 620
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/nWR 1 620
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/nSEL 0 630
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/nSEL 0 630
@@ -293,7 +387,7 @@ end architecture;
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/nWR 1 650
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/nWR 1 650
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/nSEL 1 660
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/nSEL 1 660
--- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/A_BUS 00010000000000000000 700
+-- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/A_BUS_H 0001 700
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/nRD 0 710
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/nRD 0 710
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/nRD 1 720
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/nRD 1 720
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/nSEL 0 730
 -- force -freeze sim:/wondermadeleine/nSEL 0 730