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BeagleV is a low-cost RISC-V 64-bit based platform. The beta revision of the board uses the Starfive JH7100 SoC.

How to build

$ SHELL=/bin/bash kas-container build ./meta-riscv/beaglev.yml

The kas-container script can be obtained from kas repository.

Build results

  • core-image-minimal-beaglev-starlight-jh7100.wic.gz
  • core-image-minimal-beaglev-starlight-jh7100.wic.bmap
  • fw_payload.bin
  • fw_payload.elf
  • extlinux.conf
  • Image
  • starfive_vic7100_beagle_v.dtb
  • u-boot.bin

Flashing Linux

Flash core-image-minimal-beaglev-starlight-jh7100.wic.gz onto uSD card:

$ sudo bmaptool copy --bmap core-image-minimal-beaglev-starlight-jh7100.wic.bmap core-image-minimal-beaglev-starlight-jh7100.wic.gz /dev/sdx

Flashing U-Boot

Generally you shouldn’t need to change u-boot or OpenSBI, but if you do need to you can update it with the Xmodem protocol. Below are steps to do this with Linux and screen.

First prepare the image with

$ perl -e 'print pack("l", (stat @ARGV[0])[7])' fw_payload.bin > fw_payload.bin.out
$ cat fw_payload.bin >> fw_payload.bin.out

and install the lrzsz package.

Then connect to the UART console

screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200

Press the RST button on the board and then press a key to interrupt the boot process. You should then see

*************** FLASH PROGRAMMING *****************

After that press 0 to update the bootloader. Then press Ctrl + A then :. In screen run:

exec !! sx fw_payload.bin.out

You can now watch the bootloader update. After it is complete you can reboot the board and watch it boot.

More details can be found here.
