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Andes AE350 AX45MP Platform

AE350 is an AXI/AHB-based platform with level-one memories, interrupt controller, debug module, AXI and AHB Bus Matrix Controller, AXI-to-AHB Bridge and a collection of fundamental AHB/APB bus IP components pre-integrated together as a system design.

The ae350-ax45mp machine configuration helps developers build a disk image based on mainline Linux kernel 5.18 with MMC, DMA, Ethernet and RTC drivers support, hosted on Andestech Github.

How to build

$ SHELL=/bin/bash kas-container build ./meta-riscv/ae350-ax45mp.yml

The kas-container script can be obtained from kas repository.

Build results

  • core-image-minimal-ae350-ax45mp.wic.gz
  • fitImage
  • ae350_ax45mp.dtb
  • boot.scr.uimg
  • uEnv.txt
  • u-boot-spl.bin
  • u-boot.itb

Flashing SD card

gunzip -c core-image-minimal-ae350-ax45mp.wic.gz | sudo dd of=/dev/sdX bs=4M iflag=fullblock oflag=direct conv=fsync status=progress && sync

(Optional.) Flashing U-boot SPL

If you need to update the SPL, the first partition holds XIP mode SPL (u-boot-spl.bin) that can be burned on flash by using the sf command shown below in U-boot prompt or SPI_Burn tool.

RISC-V # fatload mmc 0:1 0x600000 u-boot-spl.bin
RISC-V # sf probe 0:0 50000000 0
RISC-V # sf erase 0x0 0x10000
RISC-V # sf write 0x600000 0x0 0x10000

Connect to the UART console and reset the board, it should boot from MMC and loads fw_dynamic.bin and u-boot.bin from u-boot.itb located at first partition.
