/* * Copyright (c) 2021 Alibaba Group. All rights reserved. * License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ /*! * \file * \brief This section defines DSP shared strcut for CPU&DSP&APP. * * General properties: * 1. Post porcess define data and strcut, visiable for APP * 2. user define data shared between DSP and host */ #ifndef _CSI_DSP_POST_DEFS_H #define _CSI_DSP_POST_DEFS_H #include #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #define CSI_DSP_MAX_BUFFER 8 typedef uint8_t dsp_id_t; typedef enum csi_dsp_img_fmt{ CSI_DSP_IMG_FMT_RAW8 =0, CSI_DSP_IMG_FMT_RAW10_UNALGIN, CSI_DSP_IMG_FMT_RAW10_ALGIN, CSI_DSP_IMG_FMT_RAW12_UNALGIN, CSI_DSP_IMG_FMT_RAW12_ALGIN, CSI_DSP_IMG_FMT_RAW16_UNALGIN, CSI_DSP_IMG_FMT_RAW16_ALGIN, CSI_DSP_IMG_FMT_NV12, CSI_DSP_IMG_FMT_NV21, CSI_DSP_IMG_FMT_I420, /* 420 3P Y/U/V */ CSI_DSP_IMG_FMT_YV12, /* 420 3P Y/V/U */ CSI_DSP_IMG_FMT_YUY2, /* 422 1P YUYV */ CSI_DSP_IMG_FMT_YVYU, /* 422 1P YVYU */ CSI_DSP_IMG_FMT_YV16, /* 422 3P Y/V/U */ CSI_DSP_IMG_FMT_Y, /* Y only */ CSI_DSP_IMG_FMT_420_CHROME, /* u or v only */ CSI_DSP_IMG_FMT_422_CHROME, /* u or v only */ CSI_DSP_IMG_FMT_420_UV_IL, /* uv interleave*/ CSI_DSP_IMG_FMT_422_UV_IL, /* uv interleave*/ CSI_DSP_IMG_FMT_INVALID, } csi_dsp_img_fmt_e; enum buffer_property{ CSI_DSP_BUFFER_IN, CSI_DSP_BUFFER_OUT, CSI_DSP_BUFFER_IN_OUT, }; struct csi_dsp_plane { int fd; uint32_t stride; /* if buffer type is image */ uint32_t size; uint64_t buf_phy; uint64_t buf_vir; }; typedef enum csi_dsp_buf_type { CSI_DSP_BUF_TYPE_DMA_BUF_IMPORT, // memory allocated via dma-buf from extern CSI_DSP_BUF_TYPE_DMA_BUF_EXPORT, // memory allocated via dma-buf from internal CSI_DSP_BUF_ALLOC_APP, // memory allocated via APP malloc CSI_DSP_BUF_ALLOC_DRV, // memory allocated via DSP Drvier CSI_DSP_BUF_ALLOC_FM, // memory will auto acquire by DSP FM } csi_dsp_buf_type_e; struct csi_dsp_buffer { dsp_id_t buf_id; enum buffer_property dir; csi_dsp_buf_type_e type; uint8_t format; uint8_t plane_count; uint32_t width; uint32_t height; struct csi_dsp_plane planes[3]; }; struct csi_dsp_algo_config_par{ int16_t algo_id; int task_id; uint64_t algo_ptr; uint64_t sett_ptr; uint32_t sett_length; uint64_t bufs_ptr; uint32_t buf_num; uint32_t algo_size; }; typedef enum csi_dsp_sw_req_status { CSI_DSP_SW_REQ_IDLE, CSI_DSP_SW_REQ_RUNNING, CSI_DSP_SW_REQ_FAIL, CSI_DSP_SW_REQ_DONE, } csi_dsp_sw_req_status_e; struct csi_sw_task_req{ uint16_t algo_id; uint16_t request_id; uint16_t buffer_num; csi_dsp_sw_req_status_e status; uint32_t sett_length; uint64_t sett_ptr; struct csi_dsp_buffer buffers[CSI_DSP_MAX_BUFFER]; void *task; void* priv; }; typedef enum csi_dsp_algo_lib_id{ CSI_DSP_ALGO_LIB_COPY, CSI_DSP_ALGO_LIB_0, CSI_DSP_ALGO_LIB_1, }csi_dsp_algo_lib_id_e; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif