ping.c 2.7 KB

  1. // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
  2. /*
  3. * Copied from Linux Monitor (LiMon) - Networking.
  4. *
  5. * Copyright 1994 - 2000 Neil Russell.
  6. * (See License)
  7. * Copyright 2000 Roland Borde
  8. * Copyright 2000 Paolo Scaffardi
  9. * Copyright 2000-2002 Wolfgang Denk,
  10. */
  11. #include "ping.h"
  12. #include "arp.h"
  13. static ushort ping_seq_number;
  14. /* The ip address to ping */
  15. struct in_addr net_ping_ip;
  16. static void set_icmp_header(uchar *pkt, struct in_addr dest)
  17. {
  18. /*
  19. * Construct an IP and ICMP header.
  20. */
  21. struct icmp_hdr *icmp = (struct icmp_hdr *)(pkt + IP_HDR_SIZE);
  22. net_set_ip_header(pkt, dest, net_ip, IP_ICMP_HDR_SIZE, IPPROTO_ICMP);
  23. icmp->type = ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST;
  24. icmp->code = 0;
  25. icmp->checksum = 0;
  26. icmp-> = 0;
  27. icmp->un.echo.sequence = htons(ping_seq_number++);
  28. icmp->checksum = compute_ip_checksum(icmp, ICMP_HDR_SIZE);
  29. }
  30. static int ping_send(void)
  31. {
  32. uchar *pkt;
  33. int eth_hdr_size;
  34. /* XXX always send arp request */
  35. debug_cond(DEBUG_DEV_PKT, "sending ARP for %pI4\n", &net_ping_ip);
  36. net_arp_wait_packet_ip = net_ping_ip;
  37. eth_hdr_size = net_set_ether(net_tx_packet, net_null_ethaddr, PROT_IP);
  38. pkt = (uchar *)net_tx_packet + eth_hdr_size;
  39. set_icmp_header(pkt, net_ping_ip);
  40. /* size of the waiting packet */
  41. arp_wait_tx_packet_size = eth_hdr_size + IP_ICMP_HDR_SIZE;
  42. /* and do the ARP request */
  43. arp_wait_try = 1;
  44. arp_wait_timer_start = get_timer(0);
  45. arp_request();
  46. return 1; /* waiting */
  47. }
  48. static void ping_timeout_handler(void)
  49. {
  50. eth_halt();
  51. net_set_state(NETLOOP_FAIL); /* we did not get the reply */
  52. }
  53. void ping_start(void)
  54. {
  55. printf("Using %s device\n", eth_get_name());
  56. net_set_timeout_handler(10000UL, ping_timeout_handler);
  57. ping_send();
  58. }
  59. void ping_receive(struct ethernet_hdr *et, struct ip_udp_hdr *ip, int len)
  60. {
  61. struct icmp_hdr *icmph = (struct icmp_hdr *)&ip->udp_src;
  62. struct in_addr src_ip;
  63. int eth_hdr_size;
  64. uchar *tx_packet;
  65. switch (icmph->type) {
  66. case ICMP_ECHO_REPLY:
  67. src_ip = net_read_ip((void *)&ip->ip_src);
  68. if (src_ip.s_addr == net_ping_ip.s_addr)
  69. net_set_state(NETLOOP_SUCCESS);
  70. return;
  72. eth_hdr_size = net_update_ether(et, et->et_src, PROT_IP);
  73. debug_cond(DEBUG_DEV_PKT,
  74. "Got ICMP ECHO REQUEST, return %d bytes\n",
  75. eth_hdr_size + len);
  76. ip->ip_sum = 0;
  77. ip->ip_off = 0;
  78. net_copy_ip((void *)&ip->ip_dst, &ip->ip_src);
  79. net_copy_ip((void *)&ip->ip_src, &net_ip);
  80. ip->ip_sum = compute_ip_checksum(ip, IP_HDR_SIZE);
  81. icmph->type = ICMP_ECHO_REPLY;
  82. icmph->checksum = 0;
  83. icmph->checksum = compute_ip_checksum(icmph, len - IP_HDR_SIZE);
  84. tx_packet = net_get_async_tx_pkt_buf();
  85. memcpy(tx_packet, et, eth_hdr_size + len);
  86. net_send_packet(tx_packet, eth_hdr_size + len);
  87. return;
  88. /* default:
  89. return;*/
  90. }
  91. }