/* * Copyright 2011 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "include/effects/SkColorMatrix.h" #include "include/private/SkFloatingPoint.h" enum { kR_Scale = 0, kG_Scale = 6, kB_Scale = 12, kA_Scale = 18, kR_Trans = 4, kG_Trans = 9, kB_Trans = 14, kA_Trans = 19, }; static void set_concat(float result[20], const float outer[20], const float inner[20]) { float tmp[20]; float* target; if (outer == result || inner == result) { target = tmp; // will memcpy answer when we're done into result } else { target = result; } int index = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 20; j += 5) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { target[index++] = outer[j + 0] * inner[i + 0] + outer[j + 1] * inner[i + 5] + outer[j + 2] * inner[i + 10] + outer[j + 3] * inner[i + 15]; } target[index++] = outer[j + 0] * inner[4] + outer[j + 1] * inner[9] + outer[j + 2] * inner[14] + outer[j + 3] * inner[19] + outer[j + 4]; } if (target != result) { memcpy(result, target, 20 * sizeof(float)); } } void SkColorMatrix::setIdentity() { memset(fMat, 0, sizeof(fMat)); fMat[kR_Scale] = fMat[kG_Scale] = fMat[kB_Scale] = fMat[kA_Scale] = 1; } void SkColorMatrix::setScale(float rScale, float gScale, float bScale, float aScale) { memset(fMat, 0, sizeof(fMat)); fMat[kR_Scale] = rScale; fMat[kG_Scale] = gScale; fMat[kB_Scale] = bScale; fMat[kA_Scale] = aScale; } void SkColorMatrix::postTranslate(float dr, float dg, float db, float da) { fMat[kR_Trans] += dr; fMat[kG_Trans] += dg; fMat[kB_Trans] += db; fMat[kA_Trans] += da; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SkColorMatrix::setRotate(Axis axis, float degrees) { float r = sk_float_degrees_to_radians(degrees); this->setSinCos(axis, sk_float_sin(r), sk_float_cos(r)); } void SkColorMatrix::setSinCos(Axis axis, float sine, float cosine) { SkASSERT((unsigned)axis < 3); static const uint8_t gRotateIndex[] = { 6, 7, 11, 12, 0, 10, 2, 12, 0, 1, 5, 6, }; const uint8_t* index = gRotateIndex + axis * 4; this->setIdentity(); fMat[index[0]] = cosine; fMat[index[1]] = sine; fMat[index[2]] = -sine; fMat[index[3]] = cosine; } void SkColorMatrix::preRotate(Axis axis, float degrees) { SkColorMatrix tmp; tmp.setRotate(axis, degrees); this->preConcat(tmp); } void SkColorMatrix::postRotate(Axis axis, float degrees) { SkColorMatrix tmp; tmp.setRotate(axis, degrees); this->postConcat(tmp); } void SkColorMatrix::setConcat(const SkColorMatrix& matA, const SkColorMatrix& matB) { set_concat(fMat, matA.fMat, matB.fMat); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void setrow(float row[], float r, float g, float b) { row[0] = r; row[1] = g; row[2] = b; } static const float kHueR = 0.213f; static const float kHueG = 0.715f; static const float kHueB = 0.072f; void SkColorMatrix::setSaturation(float sat) { memset(fMat, 0, sizeof(fMat)); const float R = kHueR * (1 - sat); const float G = kHueG * (1 - sat); const float B = kHueB * (1 - sat); setrow(fMat + 0, R + sat, G, B); setrow(fMat + 5, R, G + sat, B); setrow(fMat + 10, R, G, B + sat); fMat[kA_Scale] = 1; } static const float kR2Y = 0.299f; static const float kG2Y = 0.587f; static const float kB2Y = 0.114f; static const float kR2U = -0.16874f; static const float kG2U = -0.33126f; static const float kB2U = 0.5f; static const float kR2V = 0.5f; static const float kG2V = -0.41869f; static const float kB2V = -0.08131f; void SkColorMatrix::setRGB2YUV() { memset(fMat, 0, sizeof(fMat)); setrow(fMat + 0, kR2Y, kG2Y, kB2Y); setrow(fMat + 5, kR2U, kG2U, kB2U); setrow(fMat + 10, kR2V, kG2V, kB2V); fMat[kA_Scale] = 1; } static const float kV2R = 1.402f; static const float kU2G = -0.34414f; static const float kV2G = -0.71414f; static const float kU2B = 1.772f; void SkColorMatrix::setYUV2RGB() { memset(fMat, 0, sizeof(fMat)); setrow(fMat + 0, 1, 0, kV2R); setrow(fMat + 5, 1, kU2G, kV2G); setrow(fMat + 10, 1, kU2B, 0); fMat[kA_Scale] = 1; }