/* * Copyright 2015 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #ifndef SkJpegDecoderMgr_DEFINED #define SkJpegDecoderMgr_DEFINED #include "include/codec/SkCodec.h" #include "src/codec/SkCodecPriv.h" #include #include "src/codec/SkJpegUtility.h" extern "C" { #include "jpeglib.h" } class JpegDecoderMgr : SkNoncopyable { public: /* * Print a useful error message and return false */ bool returnFalse(const char caller[]); /* * Print a useful error message and return a decode failure */ SkCodec::Result returnFailure(const char caller[], SkCodec::Result result); /* * Create the decode manager * Does not take ownership of stream */ JpegDecoderMgr(SkStream* stream); /* * Initialize decompress struct * Initialize the source manager */ void init(); /* * Returns true if it successfully sets outColor to the encoded color, * and false otherwise. */ bool getEncodedColor(SkEncodedInfo::Color* outColor); /* * Free memory used by the decode manager */ ~JpegDecoderMgr(); /* * Get the skjpeg_error_mgr in order to set an error return jmp_buf */ skjpeg_error_mgr* errorMgr() { return &fErrorMgr; } /* * Get function for the decompress info struct */ jpeg_decompress_struct* dinfo() { return &fDInfo; } private: jpeg_decompress_struct fDInfo; skjpeg_source_mgr fSrcMgr; skjpeg_error_mgr fErrorMgr; jpeg_progress_mgr fProgressMgr; bool fInit; }; #endif