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test ee655750f9 Linux_SDK_V1.0.3 1 年間 前
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Makefile ee655750f9 Linux_SDK_V1.0.3 1 年間 前
README.md ee655750f9 Linux_SDK_V1.0.3 1 年間 前


Process Linker Repository

This git module contains a linker library which can be used to connect two process for data sharing and passing file descriptor.

  • src: c source code of process linker library.
  • inc: public header files of process linker library. User should include these files to use process linker.
  • test: sample applications. Two sample applications, server and client, are implimented for test and reference purpose.

How to build

Just run make and binaries will be generated in output folder.

How to use

  • libplink.so: shared library of process link. See API doc for more details of usage.
  • plinkserver: sample server application ```shell usage: ./plinkserver [options]

Available options:

-l      plink file name (default: /tmp/plink.test)
-i      input YUV file name (mandatory)
-f      input color format (default: 3)
            2 - I420
            3 - NV12
            4 - P010
            14 - Bayer Raw 10bit
            15 - Bayer Raw 12bit
-w      video width (mandatory)
-h      video height (mandatory)
-s      video buffer stride in bytes (default: video width)
-n      number of frames to send (default: 10)
- **plinkclient**: sample client application
./plinkclient [frames] [plink server name] [dump file name]
  • plinkstitcher: sample implementation of stitching filter, which can stitch up to 4 source videos (NV12 or RAW) into one as NV12 output

    usage: ./plinkstitcher [options]
    Stitch multiple pictures to one. Maximum # of pictures to be stitched is 4
    Available options:
    -i<n>   plink file name of input port #n (default: /tmp/plink.stitch.in<n>). n is 0 based.
    -o      plink file name of output port (default: /tmp/plink.stitch.out)
    -l      layout (default: 0)
                0 - vertical
                1 - horizontal
                2 - matrix
    -f      output color format (default: 3)
                3 - NV12
    -w      output video width (default: 800)
    -h      output video height (default: 1280)
    -s      output video buffer stride (default: video width)
    --help  print this message

Please note the sample applications have dependency on video-memory module for memory allocating and dma-buf operations.