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wic: 'wic cp' to copy from image

currently 'wic cp' only works for copy file from local storage to
wic image.

enhance 'wic cp' to copy file/directory from wic image to local storage.

include selftest and 'wic help' updates.


Signed-off-by: Chee Yang Lee <chee.yang.lee@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <richard.purdie@linuxfoundation.org>
Chee Yang Lee hace 4 años
Se han modificado 4 ficheros con 76 adiciones y 21 borrados
  1. 17 0
  2. 27 8
  3. 19 10
  4. 13 3

+ 17 - 0

@@ -866,6 +866,13 @@ class Wic2(WicTestCase):
             self.assertEqual(8, len(result.output.split('\n')))
             self.assertTrue(os.path.basename(testdir) in result.output)
+            # copy the file from the partition and check if it success
+            dest = '%s-cp' % testfile.name
+            runCmd("wic cp %s:1/%s %s -n %s" % (images[0],
+                    os.path.basename(testfile.name), dest, sysroot))
+            self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(dest))
     def test_wic_rm(self):
         """Test removing files and directories from the the wic image."""
         runCmd("wic create mkefidisk "
@@ -1005,6 +1012,16 @@ class Wic2(WicTestCase):
             newdirs = set(line.split()[-1] for line in result.output.split('\n') if line)
             self.assertEqual(newdirs.difference(dirs), set([os.path.basename(testfile.name)]))
+            # check if the file to copy is in the partition
+            result = runCmd("wic ls %s:2/etc/ -n %s" % (images[0], sysroot))
+            self.assertTrue('fstab' in [line.split()[-1] for line in result.output.split('\n') if line])
+            # copy file from the partition, replace the temporary file content with it and
+            # check for the file size to validate the copy
+            runCmd("wic cp %s:2/etc/fstab %s -n %s" % (images[0], testfile.name, sysroot))
+            self.assertTrue(os.stat(testfile.name).st_size > 0)
     def test_wic_rm_ext(self):
         """Test removing files from the ext partition."""
         runCmd("wic create mkefidisk "

+ 27 - 8

@@ -323,16 +323,31 @@ class Disk:
-    def copy(self, src, pnum, path):
+    def copy(self, src, dest):
         """Copy partition image into wic image."""
+        pnum =  dest.part if isinstance(src, str) else src.part
         if self.partitions[pnum].fstype.startswith('ext'):
-            cmd = "printf 'cd {}\nwrite {} {}\n' | {} -w {}".\
-                      format(path, src, os.path.basename(src),
+            if isinstance(src, str):
+                cmd = "printf 'cd {}\nwrite {} {}\n' | {} -w {}".\
+                      format(os.path.dirname(dest.path), src, os.path.basename(src),
                              self.debugfs, self._get_part_image(pnum))
+            else: # copy from wic
+                # run both dump and rdump to support both files and directory
+                cmd = "printf 'cd {}\ndump /{} {}\nrdump /{} {}\n' | {} {}".\
+                      format(os.path.dirname(src.path), src.path,
+                             dest, src.path, dest, self.debugfs,
+                             self._get_part_image(pnum))
         else: # fat
-            cmd = "{} -i {} -snop {} ::{}".format(self.mcopy,
+            if isinstance(src, str):
+                cmd = "{} -i {} -snop {} ::{}".format(self.mcopy,
+                                                  self._get_part_image(pnum),
+                                                  src, dest.path)
+            else:
+                cmd = "{} -i {} -snop ::{} {}".format(self.mcopy,
-                                                  src, path)
+                                                  src.path, dest)
         exec_cmd(cmd, as_shell=True)
@@ -551,11 +566,15 @@ def wic_ls(args, native_sysroot):
 def wic_cp(args, native_sysroot):
-    Copy local file or directory to the vfat partition of
+    Copy file or directory to/from the vfat/ext partition of
     partitioned image.
-    disk = Disk(args.dest.image, native_sysroot)
-    disk.copy(args.src, args.dest.part, args.dest.path)
+    if isinstance(args.dest, str):
+        disk = Disk(args.src.image, native_sysroot)
+    else:
+        disk = Disk(args.dest.image, native_sysroot)
+    disk.copy(args.src, args.dest)
 def wic_rm(args, native_sysroot):

+ 19 - 10

@@ -341,12 +341,15 @@ DESCRIPTION
 wic_cp_usage = """
- Copy files and directories to the vfat or ext* partition
+ Copy files and directories to/from the vfat or ext* partition
- usage: wic cp <src> <image>:<partition>[<path>] [--native-sysroot <path>]
+ usage: wic cp <src> <dest> [--native-sysroot <path>]
- This command  copies local files or directories to the vfat or ext* partitions
-of partitioned  image.
+ source/destination image in format <image>:<partition>[<path>]
+ This command copies files or directories either
+  - from local to vfat or ext* partitions of partitioned image
+  - from vfat or ext* partitions of partitioned image to local
  See 'wic help cp' for more detailed instructions.
@@ -355,16 +358,18 @@ of partitioned  image.
 wic_cp_help = """
-    wic cp - copy files and directories to the vfat or ext* partitions
+    wic cp - copy files and directories to/from the vfat or ext* partitions
-    wic cp <src> <image>:<partition>
-    wic cp <src> <image>:<partition><path>
-    wic cp <src> <image>:<partition><path> --native-sysroot <path>
+    wic cp <src> <dest>:<partition>
+    wic cp <src>:<partition> <dest>
+    wic cp <src> <dest-image>:<partition><path>
+    wic cp <src> <dest-image>:<partition><path> --native-sysroot <path>
-    This command copies files and directories to the vfat or ext* partition of
-    the partitioned image.
+    This command copies files or directories either
+      - from local to vfat or ext* partitions of partitioned image
+      - from vfat or ext* partitions of partitioned image to local
     The first form of it copies file or directory to the root directory of
     the partition:
@@ -397,6 +402,10 @@ DESCRIPTION
                4 files                   0 bytes
                                 15 675 392 bytes free
+    The third form of the command copies file or directory from the specified directory
+    on the partition to local:
+       $ wic cp tmp/deploy/images/qemux86-64/core-image-minimal-qemux86-64.wic:1/vmlinuz test
     The -n option is used to specify the path to the native sysroot
     containing the tools(parted and mtools) to use.

+ 13 - 3

@@ -392,9 +392,9 @@ def imgpathtype(arg):
 def wic_init_parser_cp(subparser):
-                        help="source spec")
-    subparser.add_argument("dest", type=imgpathtype,
-                        help="image spec: <image>:<vfat partition>[<path>]")
+                        help="image spec: <image>:<vfat partition>[<path>] or <file>")
+    subparser.add_argument("dest",
+                        help="image spec: <image>:<vfat partition>[<path>] or <file>")
     subparser.add_argument("-n", "--native-sysroot",
                         help="path to the native sysroot containing the tools")
@@ -522,6 +522,16 @@ def main(argv):
                 hlpt[0](hlpt[1], hlpt[2])
             return 0
+    # validate wic cp src and dest parameter to identify which one of it is
+    # image and cast it into imgtype
+    if args.command == "cp":
+        if ":" in args.dest:
+            args.dest = imgtype(args.dest)
+        elif ":" in args.src:
+            args.src = imgtype(args.src)
+        else:
+            raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("no image or partition number specified.")
     return hlp.invoke_subcommand(args, parser, hlp.wic_help_usage, subcommands)