720 B

  1. SUMMARY = "Control process attributes through prctl"
  2. DESCRIPTION = "The linux prctl function allows you to control specific characteristics of a \
  3. process' behaviour. Usage of the function is fairly messy though, due to \
  4. limitations in C and linux. This module provides a nice non-messy python(ic) \
  5. interface."
  6. SECTION = "devel/python"
  7. LICENSE = "GPLv3"
  8. LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=23ff9f50449d4bd0e513df16e4d9755f"
  9. S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
  10. B = "${S}"
  11. SRCREV = "57cd0a7cad76e8f8792eea22ee5b5d17bae0a90f"
  12. PV = "1.7+git${SRCPV}"
  13. SRC_URI = "git://;branch=master \
  14. file://0001-support-cross-complication.patch \
  15. "
  16. inherit setuptools3 python3native
  17. DEPENDS += "libcap"