ifplugd_0.28.bb 980 B

  1. DESCRIPTION = "ifplugd is a Linux daemon which will automatically configure your ethernet device \
  2. when a cable is plugged in and automatically unconfigure it if the cable is pulled."
  3. HOMEPAGE = "http://0pointer.de/lennart/projects/ifplugd/"
  4. LICENSE = "GPLv2"
  5. LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=94d55d512a9ba36caa9b7df079bae19f"
  6. DEPENDS = "libdaemon"
  7. SRC_URI = "http://0pointer.de/lennart/projects/ifplugd/ifplugd-${PV}.tar.gz \
  8. file://0001-src-interface.h-Make-declarations-as-extern.patch \
  9. "
  10. SRC_URI_append_libc-musl = " file://Fix-build-with-musl.patch"
  11. SRC_URI[md5sum] = "df6f4bab52f46ffd6eb1f5912d4ccee3"
  12. SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "474754ac4ab32d738cbf2a4a3e87ee0a2c71b9048a38bdcd7df1e4f9fd6541f0"
  13. inherit autotools update-rc.d pkgconfig
  14. EXTRA_OECONF = "--disable-lynx --with-initdir=${sysconfdir}/init.d"
  15. INITSCRIPT_NAME = "ifplugd"
  16. INITSCRIPT_PARAMS = "defaults"
  17. CONFFILES_${PN} = "${sysconfdir}/ifplugd/ifplugd.conf"
  18. RDEPENDS_${PN} += "bash"