epdf_svn.bb 1.2 KB

  1. SUMMARY = "Epdf is the glue between EFL and libpoppler"
  2. DEPENDS = "poppler evas ecore"
  3. PV = "0.1.0+svnr${SRCPV}"
  5. inherit efl
  6. LICENSE = "GPLv2 & LGPLv3"
  7. LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=751419260aa954499f7abaabaa882bbe \
  8. file://COPYING.LESSER;md5=6a6a8e020838b23406c81b19c1d46df6 \
  9. "
  10. SRC_URI = " \
  11. ${E_SVN}/trunk/PROTO;module=${SRCNAME};protocol=http;scmdata=keep \
  12. file://0001-remove-antialias-functions-poppler-has-dropped-them-.patch \
  13. file://0002-epdf_poppler_postscript.cpp-fix-build-for-poppler-AP.patch \
  14. "
  15. S = "${WORKDIR}/${SRCNAME}"
  16. EXTRA_OECONF = "\
  17. --enable-poppler \
  18. --disable-mupdf \
  19. "
  20. # Some upgrade path tweaking, as in evas
  22. PNBLACKLIST[epdf] ?= "Depends on blacklisted ecore - the recipe will be removed on 2017-09-01 unless the issue is fixed"
  23. PNBLACKLIST[epdf] ?= "Depends on blacklisted evas - the recipe will be removed on 2017-09-01 unless the issue is fixed"
  24. PNBLACKLIST[epdf] ?= "Runtime depends on blacklisted epdf-dev - the recipe will be removed on 2017-09-01 unless the issue is fixed"
  25. PNBLACKLIST[epdf] ?= "Runtime depends on blacklisted epdf - the recipe will be removed on 2017-09-01 unless the issue is fixed"