import os.path import re import shlex import subprocess import oe.path import bb def run(d, cmd, *args): topdir = d.getVar('TOPDIR') toolchain_path = d.getVar('EXTERNAL_TOOLCHAIN') if toolchain_path: target_prefix = d.getVar('EXTERNAL_TARGET_SYS') + '-' if not cmd.startswith(target_prefix): cmd = target_prefix + cmd toolchain_bin = d.getVar('EXTERNAL_TOOLCHAIN_BIN') path = os.path.join(toolchain_bin, cmd) args = shlex.split(path) + list(args) bb.debug(1, '{})'.format(repr(args))) try: output, _ =, cwd=topdir) except bb.process.CmdError as exc: bb.debug(1, ' {} failed: {}'.format(subprocess.list2cmdline(args), exc)) else: return output return 'UNKNOWN' def parse_mirrors(mirrors_string): mirrors, invalid = [], [] for entry in mirrors_string.replace('\\n', '\n').split('\n'): entry = entry.strip() if not entry: continue try: pathname, subst = entry.strip().split('|', 1) except ValueError: invalid.append(entry) mirrors.append(('^' + re.escape(pathname), subst)) return mirrors, invalid def get_file_search_metadata(d): '''Given the metadata, return the mirrors and sysroots to operate against.''' premirrors, invalid = parse_mirrors(d.getVar('FILES_PREMIRRORS')) for invalid_entry in invalid: bb.warn('Invalid FILES_MIRRORS entry: {0}'.format(invalid_entry)) mirrors, invalid = parse_mirrors(d.getVar('FILES_MIRRORS')) for invalid_entry in invalid: bb.warn('Invalid FILES_MIRRORS entry: {0}'.format(invalid_entry)) source_paths = [os.path.realpath(p) for p in d.getVar('EXTERNAL_INSTALL_SOURCE_PATHS').split()] return source_paths, mirrors, premirrors def gather_pkg_files(d): '''Given the metadata, return all the files we want to copy to ${D} for this recipe.''' import itertools files = [] for pkg in d.getVar('PACKAGES').split(): files = itertools.chain(files, (d.getVar('EXTERNAL_FILES_{}'.format(pkg)) or d.getVar('FILES_{}'.format(pkg)) or '').split()) files = itertools.chain(files, d.getVar('EXTERNAL_EXTRA_FILES').split()) return files def copy_from_sysroots(pathnames, sysroots, mirrors, premirrors, installdest): '''Copy the specified files from the specified sysroots, also checking the specified mirror patterns as alternate paths, to the specified destination.''' expanded_pathnames = expand_paths(pathnames, mirrors, premirrors) searched_paths = search_sysroots(expanded_pathnames, sysroots) for path, files in searched_paths: if not files: bb.debug(1, 'oe.external: failed to find `{}`'.format(path)) else: destdir = oe.path.join(installdest, os.path.dirname(path)) bb.utils.mkdirhier(destdir) subprocess.check_call(['cp', '-PR', '--preserve=mode,timestamps', '--no-preserve=ownership'] + list(files) + [destdir + '/']) bb.note('Copied `{}` to `{}/`'.format(', '.join(files), destdir)) def expand_paths(pathnames, mirrors, premirrors): '''Apply search/replace to paths to get alternate search paths. Returns a generator with tuples of (pathname, expanded_paths).''' import re for pathname in pathnames: expanded_paths = [] for search, replace in premirrors: try: new_pathname = re.sub(search, replace, pathname, count=1) except re.error as exc: bb.warn("Invalid pattern for `%s`" % search) continue if new_pathname != pathname: expanded_paths.append(new_pathname) expanded_paths.append(pathname) for search, replace in mirrors: try: new_pathname = re.sub(search, replace, pathname, count=1) except re.error as exc: bb.warn("Invalid pattern for `%s`" % search) continue if new_pathname != pathname: expanded_paths.append(new_pathname) yield pathname, expanded_paths def search_sysroots(path_entries, sysroots): '''Search the supplied sysroots for the supplied paths, checking supplied alternate paths. Expects entries in the format (pathname, all_paths). Returns a generator with tuples of (pathname, found_paths).''' import glob import itertools for path, pathnames in path_entries: for sysroot, pathname in ((s, p) for s in sysroots for p in pathnames): check_path = sysroot + os.sep + pathname found_paths = glob.glob(check_path) if found_paths: yield path, found_paths break else: yield path, None def find_sysroot_files(paths, d): sysroots, mirrors, premirrors = get_file_search_metadata(d) expanded = expand_paths(paths, mirrors, premirrors) search_results = list(search_sysroots(expanded, sysroots)) return [v for k, v in search_results]