# meta-csky CSKY Architecture Layer for OpenEmbedded/Yocto [![license](https://img.shields.io/github/license/mashape/apistatus.svg)](https://github.com/csky/meta-csky/blob/kraj/master/COPYRIGHT) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/csky/meta-csky.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/csky/meta-csky) ## Description This is the general hardware-specific BSP overlay for the CSKY based devices. More information can be found at: (Official Site) The core BSP part of meta-csky should work with different OpenEmbedded/Yocto distributions and layer stacks, such as: * Distro-less (only with OE-Core). * Yoe Distro. * Yocto/Poky. ## Dependencies This layer depends on: * URI: git://github.com/openembedded/openembedded-core * branch: master * revision: HEAD * URI: git://github.com/openembedded/bitbake * branch: master * revision: HEAD ## Quick Start **Note: You only need this if you do not have an existing Yocto Project build environment.** Make sure to [install the `repo` command by Google](https://source.android.com/setup/downloading#installing-repo) first. ### Create workspace ```text mkdir csky-yocto && cd csky-yocto repo init -u git://github.com/csky/meta-csky -b master -m tools/manifests/csky-yocto.xml repo sync repo start work --all ``` ### Update existing workspace In order to bring all the layers up to date with upstream ```text cd csky-yocto repo sync repo rebase ``` ### Setup Build Environment ```text . ./meta-csky/setup.sh ``` ## Available Machines The three different machines you can build for are: * qemucsky: The 32-bit CSKY machine * freedom-u540: The SiFive HiFive Unleashed board ## Build Images A console-only image for the 64-bit QEMU machine ```text MACHINE=qemucsky bitbake core-image-full-cmdline ``` To build an image to run on the HiFive Unleashed using Wayland run the following ```text MACHINE=freedom-u540 bitbake core-image-weston ``` To build a full GUI equipped image running Plasma Mobile see the in-tree documentation [here](https://github.com/csky/meta-csky/blob/master/docs/Plasma-Mobile-on-Unleashed.md). ## Running in QEMU Run the 32-bit machine in QEMU using the following command: ```text MACHINE=qemucsky runqemu nographic ``` ## Running on hardware ### Setting up a TFTP server If you would like to boot the images from a TFTP server (optional) you should set your TFTP server address in your local.conf with the following line. Change `````` to the IP address of your TFTP server and copy the uImage to the server. ```text TFTP_SERVER_IP = "" ``` ### Running with the Microsemi Expansion board To use the Microsemi expansion board with your HiFive Unleased add the following line to your local.conf. This tells the Unleashed to use a device tree with the PCIe device described: ### Sparse Image Creation The output of the build can also be written to an SD card using bmaptool, the steps to do this are below: ```text $ MACHINE=freedom-u540 wic create freedom-u540-opensbi -e core-image-minimal $ bmaptool create ./freedom-u540-opensbi-201812181337-mmcblk.direct > image.bmap $ sudo bmaptool copy --bmap image.bmap ./freedom-u540-opensbi-201812181337-mmcblk.direct /dev/sdX ``` ### dding wic.gz The output of a ```freedom-u540``` build will be a ```.wic.gz``` file. You can write this file to an sd card using: ```text $ zcat -.wic.gz | sudo dd of=/dev/sdX bs=4M iflag=fullblock oflag=direct conv=fsync status=progress ``` ## Maintainer(s) * Khem Raj ``