/* * Copyright (C) ST-Ericsson SA 2010-2011 * Author: Sebastian Rasmussen * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the ST-Ericsson SA nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED * OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mmc.h" #define MASKTOBIT0(high) \ ((high >= 0) ? ((1ull << ((high) + 1ull)) - 1ull) : 0ull) #define MASK(high, low) (MASKTOBIT0(high) & ~MASKTOBIT0(low - 1)) #define BITS(value, high, low) (((value) & MASK((high), (low))) >> (low)) #define IDS_MAX 256 struct config { char *idsfile; char *dir; bool verbose; int interfaces; char **interface; char **mmc_ids; char **sd_ids; char *type; char *cid; char *csd; char *scr; char *ext_csd; }; enum REG_TYPE { CID = 0, CSD, SCR, EXT_CSD, }; struct ids_database { char *type; int id; char *manufacturer; }; struct ids_database database[] = { { .type = "sd", .id = 0x01, .manufacturer = "Panasonic", }, { .type = "sd", .id = 0x02, .manufacturer = "Toshiba/Kingston/Viking", }, { .type = "sd", .id = 0x03, .manufacturer = "SanDisk", }, { .type = "sd", .id = 0x08, .manufacturer = "Silicon Power", }, { .type = "sd", .id = 0x18, .manufacturer = "Infineon", }, { .type = "sd", .id = 0x1b, .manufacturer = "Transcend", }, { .type = "sd", .id = 0x1c, .manufacturer = "Transcend", }, { .type = "sd", .id = 0x1d, .manufacturer = "Corsair", }, { .type = "sd", .id = 0x1e, .manufacturer = "Transcend", }, { .type = "sd", .id = 0x1f, .manufacturer = "Kingston", }, { .type = "sd", .id = 0x28, .manufacturer = "Lexar", }, { .type = "sd", .id = 0x30, .manufacturer = "SanDisk", }, { .type = "sd", .id = 0x33, .manufacturer = "STMicroelectronics", }, { .type = "sd", .id = 0x41, .manufacturer = "Kingston", }, { .type = "sd", .id = 0x6f, .manufacturer = "STMicroelectronics", }, { .type = "sd", .id = 0x89, .manufacturer = "Unknown", }, { .type = "mmc", .id = 0x00, .manufacturer = "SanDisk", }, { .type = "mmc", .id = 0x02, .manufacturer = "Kingston/SanDisk", }, { .type = "mmc", .id = 0x03, .manufacturer = "Toshiba", }, { .type = "mmc", .id = 0x05, .manufacturer = "Unknown", }, { .type = "mmc", .id = 0x06, .manufacturer = "Unknown", }, { .type = "mmc", .id = 0x11, .manufacturer = "Toshiba", }, { .type = "mmc", .id = 0x13, .manufacturer = "Micron", }, { .type = "mmc", .id = 0x15, .manufacturer = "Samsung/SanDisk/LG", }, { .type = "mmc", .id = 0x37, .manufacturer = "KingMax", }, { .type = "mmc", .id = 0x44, .manufacturer = "SanDisk", }, { .type = "mmc", .id = 0x2c, .manufacturer = "Kingston", }, { .type = "mmc", .id = 0x70, .manufacturer = "Kingston", }, }; /* Command line parsing functions */ void usage(void) { printf("Usage: print mmc [-h] [-v] \n"); printf("\n"); printf("Options:\n"); printf("\t-h\tShow this help.\n"); printf("\t-v\tEnable verbose mode.\n"); } int parse_opts(int argc, char **argv, struct config *config) { int c; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "hv")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'h': usage(); return -1; case 'v': config->verbose = true; break; case '?': fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option '%c' encountered.\n\n", c); usage(); return -1; case ':': fprintf(stderr, "Argument for option '%c' missing.\n\n", c); usage(); return -1; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unimplemented option '%c' encountered.\n", c); break; } } if (optind >= argc) { fprintf(stderr, "Expected mmc directory arguments.\n\n"); usage(); return -1; } config->dir = strdup(argv[optind]); return 0; } int parse_ids(struct config *config) { unsigned int ids_cnt = sizeof(database) / sizeof(struct ids_database); unsigned int value; char **ids; char *type; int i; for (i = 0; i < ids_cnt; i++) { type = database[i].type; if (!strcmp(type, "mmc")) { ids = config->mmc_ids; } else if (!strcmp(type, "sd")) { ids = config->sd_ids; } else { fprintf(stderr, "MMC/SD id parse error, unknown type: '%s'.\n", type); return -1; } value = database[i].id; if (value >= IDS_MAX) { fprintf(stderr, "MMC/SD id parse error, id out of range.\n"); return -1; } if (ids[value]) { fprintf(stderr, "Duplicate entries: type='%s', id='0x%1x'.\n", type, value); return -1; } ids[value] = database[i].manufacturer; } return 0; } /* MMC/SD file parsing functions */ char *read_file(char *name) { char line[4096]; char *preparsed, *start = line; int len; FILE *f; f = fopen(name, "r"); if (!f) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open MMC/SD file '%s'.\n", name); return NULL; } preparsed = fgets(line, sizeof(line), f); if (!preparsed) { if (ferror(f)) fprintf(stderr, "Could not read MMC/SD file '%s'.\n", name); else fprintf(stderr, "Could not read data from MMC/SD file '%s'.\n", name); if (fclose(f)) fprintf(stderr, "Could not close MMC/SD file '%s'.\n", name); return NULL; } if (fclose(f)) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not close MMC/SD file '%s'.\n", name); return NULL; } line[sizeof(line) - 1] = '\0'; len = strlen(line); while (len > 0 && isspace(line[len - 1])) len--; while (len > 0 && isspace(*start)) { start++; len--; } memmove(line, start, len); line[len] = '\0'; return strdup(line); } /* Hexadecimal string parsing functions */ char *to_binstr(char *hexstr) { char *bindigits[] = { "0000", "0001", "0010", "0011", "0100", "0101", "0110", "0111", "1000", "1001", "1010", "1011", "1100", "1101", "1110", "1111", }; char *binstr, *tail; binstr = calloc(strlen(hexstr) * 4 + 1, sizeof(char)); if (!binstr) return NULL; tail = binstr; while (hexstr && *hexstr != '\0') { if (!isxdigit(*hexstr)) { free(binstr); return NULL; } if (isdigit(*hexstr)) strcat(tail, bindigits[*hexstr - '0']); else if (islower(*hexstr)) strcat(tail, bindigits[*hexstr - 'a' + 10]); else strcat(tail, bindigits[*hexstr - 'A' + 10]); hexstr++; tail += 4; } return binstr; } void bin_to_unsigned(unsigned int *u, char *binstr, int width) { *u = 0; assert(width <= 32); while (binstr && *binstr != '\0' && width > 0) { *u <<= 1; *u |= *binstr == '0' ? 0 : 1; binstr++; width--; } } void bin_to_ascii(char *a, char *binstr, int width) { assert(width % 8 == 0); *a = '\0'; while (binstr && *binstr != '\0' && width > 0) { unsigned int u; char c[2] = { '\0', '\0' }; char *s = &c[0]; bin_to_unsigned(&u, binstr, 8); c[0] = u; strcat(a, s); binstr += 8; width -= 8; } } void parse_bin(char *hexstr, char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; char *origstr; char *binstr; unsigned long width = 0; binstr = to_binstr(hexstr); origstr = binstr; va_start(args, fmt); while (binstr && fmt && *fmt != '\0') { if (isdigit(*fmt)) { char *rest; errno = 0; width = strtoul(fmt, &rest, 10); if (width == ULONG_MAX && errno != 0) fprintf(stderr, "strtoul()"); fmt = rest; } else if (*fmt == 'u') { unsigned int *u = va_arg(args, unsigned int *); if (u) bin_to_unsigned(u, binstr, width); binstr += width; width = 0; fmt++; } else if (*fmt == 'r') { binstr += width; width = 0; fmt++; } else if (*fmt == 'a') { char *c = va_arg(args, char *); if (c) bin_to_ascii(c, binstr, width); binstr += width; width = 0; fmt++; } else { fmt++; } } va_end(args); free(origstr); } /* MMC/SD information parsing functions */ void print_sd_cid(struct config *config, char *cid) { static const char *months[] = { "jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun", "jul", "aug", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dec", "invalid0", "invalid1", "invalid2", "invalid3", }; unsigned int mid; char oid[3]; char pnm[6]; unsigned int prv_major; unsigned int prv_minor; unsigned int psn; unsigned int mdt_month; unsigned int mdt_year; unsigned int crc; parse_bin(cid, "8u16a40a4u4u32u4r8u4u7u1r", &mid, &oid[0], &pnm[0], &prv_major, &prv_minor, &psn, &mdt_year, &mdt_month, &crc); oid[2] = '\0'; pnm[5] = '\0'; if (config->verbose) { printf("======SD/CID======\n"); printf("\tMID: 0x%02x (", mid); if (config->sd_ids[mid]) printf("%s)\n", config->sd_ids[mid]); else printf("Unlisted)\n"); printf("\tOID: %s\n", oid); printf("\tPNM: %s\n", pnm); printf("\tPRV: 0x%01x%01x ", prv_major, prv_minor); printf("(%d.%d)\n", prv_major, prv_minor); printf("\tPSN: 0x%08x\n", psn); printf("\tMDT: 0x%02x%01x %d %s\n", mdt_year, mdt_month, 2000 + mdt_year, months[mdt_month]); printf("\tCRC: 0x%02x\n", crc); } else { if (config->sd_ids[mid]) printf("manufacturer: '%s' '%s'\n", config->sd_ids[mid], oid); else printf("manufacturer: 'Unlisted' '%s'\n", oid); printf("product: '%s' %d.%d\n", pnm, prv_major, prv_minor); printf("serial: 0x%08x\n", psn); printf("manfacturing date: %d %s\n", 2000 + mdt_year, months[mdt_month]); } } void print_mmc_cid(struct config *config, char *cid) { static const char *months[] = { "jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun", "jul", "aug", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dec", "invalid0", "invalid1", "invalid2", "invalid3", }; unsigned int mid; unsigned int cbx; unsigned int oid; char pnm[7]; unsigned int prv_major; unsigned int prv_minor; unsigned int psn; unsigned int mdt_month; unsigned int mdt_year; unsigned int crc; parse_bin(cid, "8u6r2u8u48a4u4u32u4u4u7u1r", &mid, &cbx, &oid, &pnm[0], &psn, &prv_major, &prv_minor, &mdt_year, &mdt_month, &crc); pnm[6] = '\0'; if (config->verbose) { printf("======MMC/CID======\n"); printf("\tMID: 0x%02x (", mid); if (config->mmc_ids[mid]) printf("%s)\n", config->mmc_ids[mid]); else printf("Unlisted)\n"); printf("\tCBX: 0x%01x (", cbx); switch (cbx) { case 0: printf("card)\n"); break; case 1: printf("BGA)\n"); break; case 2: printf("PoP)\n"); break; case 3: printf("reserved)\n"); break; } printf("\tOID: 0x%01x\n", oid); printf("\tPNM: %s\n", pnm); printf("\tPRV: 0x%01x%01x ", prv_major, prv_minor); printf("(%d.%d)\n", prv_major, prv_minor); printf("\tPSN: 0x%08x\n", psn); printf("\tMDT: 0x%01x%01x %d %s\n", mdt_month, mdt_year, 1997 + mdt_year, months[mdt_month]); printf("\tCRC: 0x%02x\n", crc); } else { if (config->mmc_ids[mid]) printf("manufacturer: '%s' '%c'\n", config->mmc_ids[mid], oid); else printf("manufacturer: 'Unlisted' '%c'\n", oid); printf("product: '%s' %d.%d\n", pnm, prv_major, prv_minor); printf("serial: 0x%08x\n", psn); printf("manfacturing date: %d %s\n", 1997 + mdt_year, months[mdt_month]); } } void print_sd_csd(struct config *config, char *csd) { unsigned int csd_structure; unsigned int taac_timevalue; unsigned int taac_timeunit; unsigned int nsac; unsigned int tran_speed_timevalue; unsigned int tran_speed_transferrateunit; unsigned int ccc; unsigned int read_bl_len; unsigned int read_bl_partial; unsigned int write_blk_misalign; unsigned int read_blk_misalign; unsigned int dsr_imp; unsigned int c_size; unsigned int vdd_r_curr_min; unsigned int vdd_r_curr_max; unsigned int vdd_w_curr_min; unsigned int vdd_w_curr_max; unsigned int c_size_mult; unsigned int erase_blk_en; unsigned int sector_size; unsigned int wp_grp_size; unsigned int wp_grp_enable; unsigned int r2w_factor; unsigned int write_bl_len; unsigned int write_bl_partial; unsigned int file_format_grp; unsigned int copy; unsigned int perm_write_protect; unsigned int tmp_write_protect; unsigned int file_format; unsigned int crc; unsigned int taac; unsigned int tran_speed; parse_bin(csd, "2u", &csd_structure); if (csd_structure == 0) { parse_bin(csd, "2u6r1r4u3u8u1r4u3u12u4u1u1u1u1u2r12u3u3u3u3u3u" "1u7u7u1u2r3u4u1u5r1u1u1u1u2u2r7u1r", NULL, &taac_timevalue, &taac_timeunit, &nsac, &tran_speed_timevalue, &tran_speed_transferrateunit, &ccc, &read_bl_len, &read_bl_partial, &write_blk_misalign, &read_blk_misalign, &dsr_imp, &c_size, &vdd_r_curr_min, &vdd_r_curr_max, &vdd_w_curr_min, &vdd_w_curr_max, &c_size_mult, &erase_blk_en, §or_size, &wp_grp_size, &wp_grp_enable, &r2w_factor, &write_bl_len, &write_bl_partial, &file_format_grp, ©, &perm_write_protect, &tmp_write_protect, &file_format, &crc); } else if (csd_structure == 1) { parse_bin(csd, "2u6r1r4u3u8u1r4u3u12u4u1u1u1u1u6r22u1r1u7u7u1u" "2r3u4u1u5r1u1u1u1u2u2r7u1r", NULL, &taac_timevalue, &taac_timeunit, &nsac, &tran_speed_timevalue, &tran_speed_transferrateunit, &ccc, &read_bl_len, &read_bl_partial, &write_blk_misalign, &read_blk_misalign, &dsr_imp, &c_size, &erase_blk_en, §or_size, &wp_grp_size, &wp_grp_enable, &r2w_factor, &write_bl_len, &write_bl_partial, &file_format_grp, ©, &perm_write_protect, &tmp_write_protect, &file_format, &crc); vdd_r_curr_min = 0; c_size_mult = 0; } else { printf("Unknown CSD structure: 0x%1x\n", csd_structure); return; } taac = taac_timevalue << 3 | taac_timeunit; tran_speed = tran_speed_timevalue << 3 | tran_speed_transferrateunit; if (config->verbose) { float value; unsigned long long blocks = 0; int block_size = 0; unsigned long long memory_capacity; printf("======SD/CSD======\n"); printf("\tCSD_STRUCTURE: %d\n", csd_structure); printf("\tTAAC: 0x%02x (", taac); switch (taac_timevalue) { case 0x0: value = 0.0f; break; case 0x1: value = 1.0f; break; case 0x2: value = 1.2f; break; case 0x3: value = 1.3f; break; case 0x4: value = 1.5f; break; case 0x5: value = 2.0f; break; case 0x6: value = 2.5f; break; case 0x7: value = 3.0f; break; case 0x8: value = 3.5f; break; case 0x9: value = 4.0f; break; case 0xa: value = 4.5f; break; case 0xb: value = 5.0f; break; case 0xc: value = 5.5f; break; case 0xd: value = 6.0f; break; case 0xe: value = 7.0f; break; case 0xf: value = 8.0f; break; default: value = 0.0f; break; } switch (taac_timeunit) { case 0x0: printf("%.2fns)\n", value * 1.0f); break; case 0x1: printf("%.2fns)\n", value * 10.0f); break; case 0x2: printf("%.2fns)\n", value * 100.0f); break; case 0x3: printf("%.2fus)\n", value * 1.0f); break; case 0x4: printf("%.2fus)\n", value * 10.0f); break; case 0x5: printf("%.2fus)\n", value * 100.0f); break; case 0x6: printf("%.2fms)\n", value * 1.0f); break; case 0x7: printf("%.2fms)\n", value * 10.0f); break; } if (csd_structure == 1 && taac != 0x0e) printf("Warn: Invalid TAAC (should be 0x0e)\n"); printf("\tNSAC: %d clocks\n", nsac); if (csd_structure == 1 && nsac != 0x00) printf("Warn: Invalid NSAC (should be 0x00)\n"); printf("\tTRAN_SPEED: 0x%02x (", tran_speed); switch (tran_speed_timevalue) { case 0x0: value = 0.0f; break; case 0x1: value = 1.0f; break; case 0x2: value = 1.2f; break; case 0x3: value = 1.3f; break; case 0x4: value = 1.5f; break; case 0x5: value = 2.0f; break; case 0x6: value = 2.5f; break; case 0x7: value = 3.0f; break; case 0x8: value = 3.5f; break; case 0x9: value = 4.0f; break; case 0xa: value = 4.5f; break; case 0xb: value = 5.0f; break; case 0xc: value = 5.5f; break; case 0xd: value = 6.0f; break; case 0xe: value = 7.0f; break; case 0xf: value = 8.0f; break; default: value = 0.0f; break; } switch (tran_speed_transferrateunit) { case 0x0: printf("%.2fkbit/s)\n", value * 100.0f); break; case 0x1: printf("%.2fMbit/s)\n", value * 1.0f); break; case 0x2: printf("%.2fMbit/s)\n", value * 10.0f); break; case 0x3: printf("%.2fMbit/s)\n", value * 100.0f); break; default: printf("reserved)\n"); break; } if (csd_structure == 0 && (tran_speed != 0x32 && tran_speed != 0x5a)) printf("Warn: Invalid TRAN_SPEED " "(should be 0x32 or 0x5a)\n"); if (csd_structure == 1 && tran_speed != 0x32 && tran_speed != 0x5a && tran_speed != 0x0b && tran_speed != 0x2b) printf("Warn: Invalid TRAN_SPEED " "(should be 0x32, 0x5a, 0x0b or 0x2b\n"); printf("\tCCC: 0x%03x (class: ", ccc); if (ccc & 0x800) printf("11, "); if (ccc & 0x400) printf("10, "); if (ccc & 0x200) printf("9, "); if (ccc & 0x100) printf("8, "); if (ccc & 0x080) printf("7, "); if (ccc & 0x040) printf("6, "); if (ccc & 0x020) printf("5, "); if (ccc & 0x010) printf("4, "); if (ccc & 0x008) printf("3, "); if (ccc & 0x004) printf("2, "); if (ccc & 0x002) printf("1, "); if (ccc & 0x001) printf("0, "); printf(" )\n"); if (csd_structure == 0 && (ccc != 0x5b5 && ccc != 0x7b5 && ccc != 0x5f5)) printf("Warn: Invalid CCC (should be 0x5b5, " "0x7b5 or 0x5f5)\n"); else if (csd_structure == 1 && ccc != 0x5b5 && ccc != 0x7b5) printf("Warn: Invalid CCC (should be 0x5b5 or 0x7b5)\n"); printf("\tREAD_BL_LEN: 0x%01x (", read_bl_len); switch (read_bl_len) { case 0x9: printf("512 bytes)\n"); break; case 0xa: printf("1024 bytes)\n"); break; case 0xb: printf("2048 bytes)\n"); break; default: printf("reserved bytes)\n"); break; } if (csd_structure == 1 && read_bl_len != 0x9) printf("Warn: Invalid READ_BL_LEN (should be 0x9)\n"); printf("\tREAD_BL_PARTIAL: 0x%01x\n", read_bl_partial); if (csd_structure == 0 && read_bl_partial != 0x01) printf("Warn: Invalid READ_BL_PARTIAL (should be 0x01)\n"); else if (csd_structure == 1 && read_bl_partial != 0x00) printf("Warn: Invalid READ_BL_PARTIAL (should be 0x00)\n"); printf("\tWRITE_BLK_MISALIGN: 0x%01x\n", write_blk_misalign); if (csd_structure == 1 && write_blk_misalign != 0x00) printf("Warn: Invalid WRITE_BLK_MISALIGN (should be 0x00)\n"); printf("\tREAD_BLK_MISALIGN: 0x%01x\n", read_blk_misalign); if (csd_structure == 1 && read_blk_misalign != 0x00) printf("Warn: Invalid READ_BLK_MISALIGN (should be 0x00)\n"); printf("\tDSR_IMP: 0x%01x\n", dsr_imp); if (csd_structure == 0) { int mult; int blocknr; int block_len; printf("\tC_SIZE: 0x%03x\n", c_size); printf("\tVDD_R_CURR_MIN: 0x%01x (", vdd_r_curr_min); switch (vdd_r_curr_min) { case 0x0: printf("0.5mA)\n"); break; case 0x1: printf("1mA)\n"); break; case 0x2: printf("5mA)\n"); break; case 0x3: printf("10mA)\n"); break; case 0x4: printf("25mA)\n"); break; case 0x5: printf("35mA)\n"); break; case 0x6: printf("60mA)\n"); break; case 0x7: printf("100mA)\n"); break; } printf("\tVDD_R_CURR_MAX: 0x%01x (", vdd_r_curr_max); switch (vdd_r_curr_max) { case 0x0: printf("1mA)\n"); break; case 0x1: printf("5mA)\n"); break; case 0x2: printf("10mA)\n"); break; case 0x3: printf("25mA)\n"); break; case 0x4: printf("35mA)\n"); break; case 0x5: printf("45mA)\n"); break; case 0x6: printf("80mA)\n"); break; case 0x7: printf("200mA)\n"); break; } printf("\tVDD_W_CURR_MIN: 0x%01x (", vdd_w_curr_min); switch (vdd_w_curr_min) { case 0x0: printf("0.5mA)\n"); break; case 0x1: printf("1mA)\n"); break; case 0x2: printf("5mA)\n"); break; case 0x3: printf("10mA)\n"); break; case 0x4: printf("25mA)\n"); break; case 0x5: printf("35mA)\n"); break; case 0x6: printf("60mA)\n"); break; case 0x7: printf("100mA)\n"); break; } printf("\tVDD_W_CURR_MAX: 0x%01x (", vdd_w_curr_max); switch (vdd_w_curr_max) { case 0x0: printf("1mA)\n"); break; case 0x1: printf("5mA)\n"); break; case 0x2: printf("10mA)\n"); break; case 0x3: printf("25mA)\n"); break; case 0x4: printf("35mA)\n"); break; case 0x5: printf("45mA)\n"); break; case 0x6: printf("80mA)\n"); break; case 0x7: printf("200mA)\n"); break; } printf("\tC_SIZE_MULT: 0x%01x\n", c_size_mult); mult = 1 << (c_size_mult + 2); blocknr = (c_size + 1) * mult; block_len = 1 << read_bl_len; blocks = blocknr; block_size = block_len; } else if (csd_structure == 1) { printf("\tC_SIZE: 0x%06x\n", c_size); printf("\tERASE_BLK_EN: 0x%01x\n", erase_blk_en); if (erase_blk_en != 0x01) printf("Warn: Invalid ERASE_BLK_EN (should be 0x01)\n"); printf("\tSECTOR_SIZE: 0x%02x (Erasable sector: %d blocks)\n", sector_size, sector_size + 1); if (sector_size != 0x7f) printf("Warn: Invalid SECTOR_SIZE (should be 0x7f)\n"); printf("\tWP_GRP_SIZE: 0x%02x (Write protect group: %d blocks)\n", wp_grp_size, wp_grp_size + 1); if (wp_grp_size != 0x00) printf("Warn: Invalid WP_GRP_SIZE (should be 0x00)\n"); printf("\tWP_GRP_ENABLE: 0x%01x\n", wp_grp_enable); if (wp_grp_enable != 0x00) printf("Warn: Invalid WP_GRP_ENABLE (should be 0x00)\n"); printf("\tR2W_FACTOR: 0x%01x (Write %d times read)\n", r2w_factor, r2w_factor); if (r2w_factor != 0x02) printf("Warn: Invalid R2W_FACTOR (should be 0x02)\n"); printf("\tWRITE_BL_LEN: 0x%01x (", write_bl_len); switch (write_bl_len) { case 9: printf("512 bytes)\n"); break; case 10: printf("1024 bytes)\n"); break; case 11: printf("2048 bytes)\n"); break; default: printf("reserved)\n"); break; } if (write_bl_len != 0x09) printf("Warn: Invalid WRITE_BL_LEN (should be 0x09)\n"); printf("\tWRITE_BL_PARTIAL: 0x%01x\n", write_bl_partial); if (write_bl_partial != 0x00) printf("Warn: Invalid WRITE_BL_PARTIAL (should be 0x00)\n"); printf("\tFILE_FORMAT_GRP: 0x%01x\n", file_format_grp); if (file_format_grp != 0x00) printf("Warn: Invalid FILE_FORMAT_GRP (should be 0x00)\n"); printf("\tCOPY: 0x%01x\n", copy); printf("\tPERM_WRITE_PROTECT: 0x%01x\n", perm_write_protect); printf("\tTMP_WRITE_PROTECT: 0x%01x\n", tmp_write_protect); printf("\tFILE_FORMAT: 0x%01x (", file_format); if (file_format_grp == 1) { printf("reserved)\n"); } else { switch (file_format) { case 0: printf("partition table)\n"); break; case 1: printf("no partition table)\n"); break; case 2: printf("Universal File Format)\n"); break; case 3: printf("Others/unknown)\n"); break; } } if (file_format != 0x00) printf("Warn: Invalid FILE_FORMAT (should be 0x00)\n"); printf("\tCRC: 0x%01x\n", crc); memory_capacity = (c_size + 1) * 512ull * 1024ull; block_size = 512; blocks = memory_capacity / block_size; } memory_capacity = blocks * block_size; printf("\tCAPACITY: "); if (memory_capacity / (1024ull * 1024ull * 1024ull) > 0) printf("%.2fGbyte", memory_capacity / (1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0)); else if (memory_capacity / (1024ull * 1024ull) > 0) printf("%.2fMbyte", memory_capacity / (1024.0 * 1024.0)); else if (memory_capacity / (1024ull) > 0) printf("%.2fKbyte", memory_capacity / (1024.0)); else printf("%.2fbyte", memory_capacity * 1.0); printf(" (%lld bytes, %lld sectors, %d bytes each)\n", memory_capacity, blocks, block_size); } else { unsigned long long blocks = 0; int block_size = 0; unsigned long long memory_capacity; printf("card classes: "); if (ccc & 0x800) printf("11 extension, "); if (ccc & 0x400) printf("10 switch, "); if (ccc & 0x200) printf("9 I/O mode, "); if (ccc & 0x100) printf("8 application specific, "); if (ccc & 0x080) printf("7 lock card, "); if (ccc & 0x040) printf("6 write protection, "); if (ccc & 0x020) printf("5 erase, "); if (ccc & 0x010) printf("4 block write, "); if (ccc & 0x008) printf("3 reserved, "); if (ccc & 0x004) printf("2 block read, "); if (ccc & 0x002) printf("1 reserved, "); if (ccc & 0x001) printf("0 basic, "); printf("\b\b\n"); if (csd_structure == 0) { int mult; int blocknr; int block_len; mult = 1 << (c_size_mult + 2); blocknr = (c_size + 1) * mult; block_len = 1 << read_bl_len; blocks = blocknr; block_size = block_len; } else if (csd_structure == 1) { memory_capacity = (c_size + 1) * 512ull * 1024ull; block_size = 512; blocks = memory_capacity / block_size; } memory_capacity = blocks * block_size; printf("capacity: "); if (memory_capacity / (1024ull * 1024ull * 1024ull) > 0) printf("%.2fGbyte", memory_capacity / (1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0)); else if (memory_capacity / (1024ull * 1024ull) > 0) printf("%.2fMbyte", memory_capacity / (1024.0 * 1024.0)); else if (memory_capacity / (1024ull) > 0) printf("%.2fKbyte", memory_capacity / (1024.0)); else printf("%.2fbyte", memory_capacity * 1.0); printf(" (%lld bytes, %lld sectors, %d bytes each)\n", memory_capacity, blocks, block_size); } } void print_mmc_csd(struct config *config, char *csd) { unsigned int csd_structure; unsigned int spec_vers; unsigned int taac_timevalue; unsigned int taac_timeunit; unsigned int nsac; unsigned int tran_speed_timevalue; unsigned int tran_speed_transferrateunit; unsigned int ccc; unsigned int read_bl_len; unsigned int read_bl_partial; unsigned int write_blk_misalign; unsigned int read_blk_misalign; unsigned int dsr_imp; unsigned int c_size; unsigned int vdd_r_curr_min; unsigned int vdd_r_curr_max; unsigned int vdd_w_curr_min; unsigned int vdd_w_curr_max; unsigned int c_size_mult; unsigned int erase_grp_size; unsigned int erase_grp_mult; unsigned int wp_grp_size; unsigned int wp_grp_enable; unsigned int default_ecc; unsigned int r2w_factor; unsigned int write_bl_len; unsigned int write_bl_partial; unsigned int content_prot_app; unsigned int file_format_grp; unsigned int copy; unsigned int perm_write_protect; unsigned int tmp_write_protect; unsigned int file_format; unsigned int ecc; unsigned int crc; unsigned int taac; unsigned int tran_speed; parse_bin(csd, "2u4u2r1r4u3u8u1r4u3u12u4u1u1u1u1u2r12u3u3u3u3u3u" "5u5u5u1u2u3u4u1u4r1u1u1u1u1u2u2u7u1r", &csd_structure, &spec_vers, &taac_timevalue, &taac_timeunit, &nsac, &tran_speed_timevalue, &tran_speed_transferrateunit, &ccc, &read_bl_len, &read_bl_partial, &write_blk_misalign, &read_blk_misalign, &dsr_imp, &c_size, &vdd_r_curr_min, &vdd_r_curr_max, &vdd_w_curr_min, &vdd_w_curr_max, &c_size_mult, &erase_grp_size, &erase_grp_mult, &wp_grp_size, &wp_grp_enable, &default_ecc, &r2w_factor, &write_bl_len, &write_bl_partial, &content_prot_app, &file_format_grp, ©, &perm_write_protect, &tmp_write_protect, &file_format, &ecc, &crc); taac = taac_timevalue << 3 | taac_timeunit; tran_speed = tran_speed_timevalue << 3 | tran_speed_transferrateunit; if (config->verbose) { float value; int mult; int blocknr; int block_len; unsigned long long blocks = 0; int block_size = 0; unsigned long long memory_capacity; printf("======MMC/CSD======\n"); printf("\tCSD_STRUCTURE: 0x%01x (", csd_structure); switch (csd_structure) { case 0x0: printf("v1.0)\n"); break; case 0x1: printf("v1.1)\n"); break; case 0x2: printf("v1.2)\n"); break; case 0x3: printf("version in ext_csd)\n"); break; } printf("\tSPEC_VERS: 0x%01x (", spec_vers); switch (spec_vers) { case 0x0: printf("v1.0-v1.2)\n"); break; case 0x1: printf("v1.4)\n"); break; case 0x2: printf("v2.0-v2.2)\n"); break; case 0x3: printf("v3.1-v3.31)\n"); break; case 0x4: printf("v4.0-v4.3)\n"); break; default: printf("reserved)\n"); break; } printf("\tTAAC: 0x%02x (", taac); switch (taac_timevalue) { case 0x0: value = 0.0f; break; case 0x1: value = 1.0f; break; case 0x2: value = 1.2f; break; case 0x3: value = 1.3f; break; case 0x4: value = 1.5f; break; case 0x5: value = 2.0f; break; case 0x6: value = 2.5f; break; case 0x7: value = 3.0f; break; case 0x8: value = 3.5f; break; case 0x9: value = 4.0f; break; case 0xa: value = 4.5f; break; case 0xb: value = 5.0f; break; case 0xc: value = 5.5f; break; case 0xd: value = 6.0f; break; case 0xe: value = 7.0f; break; case 0xf: value = 8.0f; break; default: value = 0.0f; break; } switch (taac_timeunit) { case 0x0: printf("%.2fns)\n", value * 1.0f); break; case 0x1: printf("%.2fns)\n", value * 10.0f); break; case 0x2: printf("%.2fns)\n", value * 100.0f); break; case 0x3: printf("%.2fus)\n", value * 1.0f); break; case 0x4: printf("%.2fus)\n", value * 10.0f); break; case 0x5: printf("%.2fus)\n", value * 100.0f); break; case 0x6: printf("%.2fms)\n", value * 1.0f); break; case 0x7: printf("%.2fms)\n", value * 10.0f); break; } printf("\tNSAC: %d clocks\n", nsac); printf("\tTRAN_SPEED: 0x%02x (", tran_speed); switch (tran_speed_timevalue) { case 0x0: value = 0.0f; break; case 0x1: value = 1.0f; break; case 0x2: value = 1.2f; break; case 0x3: value = 1.3f; break; case 0x4: value = 1.5f; break; case 0x5: value = 2.0f; break; case 0x6: value = 2.6f; break; case 0x7: value = 3.0f; break; case 0x8: value = 3.5f; break; case 0x9: value = 4.0f; break; case 0xa: value = 4.5f; break; case 0xb: value = 5.2f; break; case 0xc: value = 5.5f; break; case 0xd: value = 6.0f; break; case 0xe: value = 7.0f; break; case 0xf: value = 8.0f; break; default: value = 0.0f; break; } switch (tran_speed_transferrateunit) { case 0x0: printf("%.2fKHz/s)\n", value * 100.0f); break; case 0x1: printf("%.2fMHz/s)\n", value * 1.0f); break; case 0x2: printf("%.2fMHz/s)\n", value * 10.0f); break; case 0x3: printf("%.2fMHz/s)\n", value * 100.0f); break; default: printf("reserved)\n"); break; } printf("\tCCC: 0x%03x (class: ", ccc); if (ccc & 0x800) printf("11, "); if (ccc & 0x400) printf("10, "); if (ccc & 0x200) printf("9, "); if (ccc & 0x100) printf("8, "); if (ccc & 0x080) printf("7, "); if (ccc & 0x040) printf("6, "); if (ccc & 0x020) printf("5, "); if (ccc & 0x010) printf("4, "); if (ccc & 0x008) printf("3, "); if (ccc & 0x004) printf("2, "); if (ccc & 0x002) printf("1, "); if (ccc & 0x001) printf("0, "); printf(" )\n"); printf("\tREAD_BL_LEN: 0x%01x (", read_bl_len); switch (read_bl_len) { case 0x0: printf("1 byte)\n"); break; case 0x1: printf("2 byte)\n"); break; case 0x2: printf("4 byte)\n"); break; case 0x3: printf("8 byte)\n"); break; case 0x4: printf("16 byte)\n"); break; case 0x5: printf("32 byte)\n"); break; case 0x6: printf("64 byte)\n"); break; case 0x7: printf("128 byte)\n"); break; case 0x8: printf("256 byte)\n"); break; case 0x9: printf("512 bytes)\n"); break; case 0xa: printf("1024 bytes)\n"); break; case 0xb: printf("2048 bytes)\n"); break; case 0xc: printf("4096 bytes)\n"); break; case 0xd: printf("8192 bytes)\n"); break; case 0xe: printf("16K bytes)\n"); break; default: printf("reserved bytes)\n"); break; } printf("\tREAD_BL_PARTIAL: 0x%01x (", read_bl_partial); switch (read_bl_partial) { case 0x0: printf("only 512 byte and READ_BL_LEN block size)\n"); break; case 0x1: printf("less than READ_BL_LEN block size can be used)\n"); break; } printf("\tWRITE_BLK_MISALIGN: 0x%01x (", write_blk_misalign); switch (write_blk_misalign) { case 0x0: printf("writes across block boundaries are invalid)\n"); break; case 0x1: printf("writes across block boundaries are allowed)\n"); break; } printf("\tREAD_BLK_MISALIGN: 0x%01x (", read_blk_misalign); switch (read_blk_misalign) { case 0x0: printf("reads across block boundaries are invalid)\n"); break; case 0x1: printf("reads across block boundaries are allowed)\n"); break; } printf("\tDSR_IMP: 0x%01x (", dsr_imp); switch (dsr_imp) { case 0x0: printf("configurable driver stage not available)\n"); break; case 0x1: printf("configurable driver state available)\n"); break; } printf("\tC_SIZE: 0x%03x\n", c_size); printf("\tVDD_R_CURR_MIN: 0x%01x (", vdd_r_curr_min); switch (vdd_r_curr_min) { case 0x0: printf("0.5mA)\n"); break; case 0x1: printf("1mA)\n"); break; case 0x2: printf("5mA)\n"); break; case 0x3: printf("10mA)\n"); break; case 0x4: printf("25mA)\n"); break; case 0x5: printf("35mA)\n"); break; case 0x6: printf("60mA)\n"); break; case 0x7: printf("100mA)\n"); break; } printf("\tVDD_R_CURR_MAX: 0x%01x (", vdd_r_curr_max); switch (vdd_r_curr_max) { case 0x0: printf("1mA)\n"); break; case 0x1: printf("5mA)\n"); break; case 0x2: printf("10mA)\n"); break; case 0x3: printf("25mA)\n"); break; case 0x4: printf("35mA)\n"); break; case 0x5: printf("45mA)\n"); break; case 0x6: printf("80mA)\n"); break; case 0x7: printf("200mA)\n"); break; } printf("\tVDD_W_CURR_MIN: 0x%01x (", vdd_w_curr_min); switch (vdd_w_curr_min) { case 0x0: printf("0.5mA)\n"); break; case 0x1: printf("1mA)\n"); break; case 0x2: printf("5mA)\n"); break; case 0x3: printf("10mA)\n"); break; case 0x4: printf("25mA)\n"); break; case 0x5: printf("35mA)\n"); break; case 0x6: printf("60mA)\n"); break; case 0x7: printf("100mA)\n"); break; } printf("\tVDD_W_CURR_MAX: 0x%01x (", vdd_w_curr_max); switch (vdd_w_curr_max) { case 0x0: printf("1mA)\n"); break; case 0x1: printf("5mA)\n"); break; case 0x2: printf("10mA)\n"); break; case 0x3: printf("25mA)\n"); break; case 0x4: printf("35mA)\n"); break; case 0x5: printf("45mA)\n"); break; case 0x6: printf("80mA)\n"); break; case 0x7: printf("200mA)\n"); break; } printf("\tC_SIZE_MULT: 0x%01x\n", c_size_mult); printf("\tERASE_GRP_SIZE: 0x%02x\n", erase_grp_size); printf("\tERASE_GRP_MULT: 0x%02x (%d write blocks/erase group)\n", erase_grp_mult, (erase_grp_size + 1) * (erase_grp_mult + 1)); printf("\tWP_GRP_SIZE: 0x%02x (%d blocks/write protect group)\n", wp_grp_size, wp_grp_size + 1); printf("\tWP_GRP_ENABLE: 0x%01x\n", wp_grp_enable); printf("\tDEFAULT_ECC: 0x%01x (", default_ecc); switch (default_ecc) { case 0: printf("none)\n"); break; case 1: printf("BCH)\n"); break; default: printf("reserved)\n"); break; } printf("\tR2W_FACTOR: 0x%01x (Write %d times read)\n", r2w_factor, r2w_factor); printf("\tWRITE_BL_LEN: 0x%01x (", write_bl_len); switch (write_bl_len) { case 0x0: printf("1 byte)\n"); break; case 0x1: printf("2 byte)\n"); break; case 0x2: printf("4 byte)\n"); break; case 0x3: printf("8 byte)\n"); break; case 0x4: printf("16 byte)\n"); break; case 0x5: printf("32 byte)\n"); break; case 0x6: printf("64 byte)\n"); break; case 0x7: printf("128 byte)\n"); break; case 0x8: printf("256 byte)\n"); break; case 0x9: printf("512 bytes)\n"); break; case 0xa: printf("1024 bytes)\n"); break; case 0xb: printf("2048 bytes)\n"); break; case 0xc: printf("4096 bytes)\n"); break; case 0xd: printf("8192 bytes)\n"); break; case 0xe: printf("16K bytes)\n"); break; default: printf("reserved bytes)\n"); break; } printf("\tWRITE_BL_PARTIAL: 0x%01x (", write_bl_partial); switch (write_bl_partial) { case 0x0: printf("only 512 byte and WRITE_BL_LEN block size)\n"); break; case 0x1: printf("less than WRITE_BL_LEN block size can be used)\n"); break; } printf("\tCONTENT_PROT_APP: 0x%01x\n", content_prot_app); printf("\tFILE_FORMAT_GRP: 0x%01x\n", file_format_grp); if (file_format_grp != 0) printf("Warn: Invalid FILE_FORMAT_GRP\n"); printf("\tCOPY: 0x%01x\n", copy); printf("\tPERM_WRITE_PROTECT: 0x%01x\n", perm_write_protect); printf("\tTMP_WRITE_PROTECT: 0x%01x\n", tmp_write_protect); printf("\tFILE_FORMAT: 0x%01x (", file_format); if (file_format != 0) printf("Warn: Invalid FILE_FORMAT\n"); if (file_format_grp == 1) { printf("reserved)\n"); } else { switch (file_format) { case 0: printf("partition table)\n"); break; case 1: printf("no partition table)\n"); break; case 2: printf("Universal File Format)\n"); break; case 3: printf("Others/unknown)\n"); break; } } printf("\tECC: 0x%01x (", ecc); switch (ecc) { case 0: printf("none)\n"); break; case 1: printf("BCH(542,512))\n"); break; default: printf("reserved)\n"); break; } printf("\tCRC: 0x%01x\n", crc); mult = 1 << (c_size_mult + 2); blocknr = (c_size + 1) * mult; block_len = 1 << read_bl_len; blocks = blocknr; block_size = block_len; memory_capacity = blocks * block_size; printf("\tCAPACITY: "); if (memory_capacity / (1024ull * 1024ull * 1024ull) > 0) printf("%.2fGbyte", memory_capacity / (1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0)); else if (memory_capacity / (1024ull * 1024ull) > 0) printf("%.2fMbyte", memory_capacity / (1024.0 * 1024.0)); else if (memory_capacity / (1024ull) > 0) printf("%.2fKbyte", memory_capacity / (1024.0)); else printf("%.2fbyte", memory_capacity * 1.0); printf(" (%lld bytes, %lld sectors, %d bytes each)\n", memory_capacity, blocks, block_size); } else { int mult; int blocknr; int block_len; unsigned long long blocks = 0; int block_size = 0; unsigned long long memory_capacity; printf("version: "); switch (spec_vers) { case 0x0: printf("MMC v1.0-v1.2\n"); break; case 0x1: printf("MMC v1.4\n"); break; case 0x2: printf("MMC v2.0-v2.2\n"); break; case 0x3: printf("MMC v3.1-v3.31\n"); break; case 0x4: printf("MMC v4.0-v4.3\n"); break; default: printf("reserved\n"); break; } printf("card classes: "); if (ccc & 0x800) printf("11, "); if (ccc & 0x400) printf("10, "); if (ccc & 0x200) printf("9, "); if (ccc & 0x100) printf("8, "); if (ccc & 0x080) printf("7, "); if (ccc & 0x040) printf("6, "); if (ccc & 0x020) printf("5, "); if (ccc & 0x010) printf("4, "); if (ccc & 0x008) printf("3, "); if (ccc & 0x004) printf("2, "); if (ccc & 0x002) printf("1, "); if (ccc & 0x001) printf("0, "); printf("\b\b\n"); mult = 1 << (c_size_mult + 2); blocknr = (c_size + 1) * mult; block_len = 1 << read_bl_len; blocks = blocknr; block_size = block_len; memory_capacity = blocks * block_size; printf("capacity: "); if (memory_capacity / (1024ull * 1024ull * 1024ull) > 0) printf("%.2fGbyte", memory_capacity / (1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0)); else if (memory_capacity / (1024ull * 1024ull) > 0) printf("%.2fMbyte", memory_capacity / (1024.0 * 1024.0)); else if (memory_capacity / (1024ull) > 0) printf("%.2fKbyte", memory_capacity / (1024.0)); else printf("%.2fbyte", memory_capacity * 1.0); printf(" (%lld bytes, %lld sectors, %d bytes each)\n", memory_capacity, blocks, block_size); } } char *speed_class_speed(unsigned char id, bool ddr) { if (ddr) { switch (id) { case 0x00: return "<4.8MB/s"; case 0x08: return " 4.8MB/s"; case 0x0a: return " 6.0MB/s"; case 0x0f: return " 9.0MB/s"; case 0x14: return "12.0MB/s"; case 0x1e: return "18.0MB/s"; case 0x28: return "24.0MB/s"; case 0x32: return "30.0MB/s"; case 0x3c: return "36.0MB/s"; case 0x46: return "42.0MB/s"; case 0x50: return "48.0MB/s"; case 0x64: return "60.0MB/s"; case 0x78: return "72.0MB/s"; case 0x8c: return "84.0MB/s"; case 0xa0: return "96.0MB/s"; default: return "??.?MB/s"; } } else { switch (id) { case 0x00: return "<2.4MB/s"; case 0x08: return " 2.4MB/s"; case 0x0a: return " 3.0MB/s"; case 0x0f: return " 4.5MB/s"; case 0x14: return " 6.0MB/s"; case 0x1e: return " 9.0MB/s"; case 0x28: return "12.0MB/s"; case 0x32: return "15.0MB/s"; case 0x3c: return "18.0MB/s"; case 0x46: return "21.0MB/s"; case 0x50: return "24.0MB/s"; case 0x64: return "30.0MB/s"; case 0x78: return "36.0MB/s"; case 0x8c: return "42.0MB/s"; case 0xa0: return "48.0MB/s"; default: return "??.?MB/s"; } } } char speed_class_name(unsigned char id) { switch (id) { case 0x00: return '?'; case 0x08: return 'A'; case 0x0a: return 'B'; case 0x0f: return 'C'; case 0x14: return 'D'; case 0x1e: return 'E'; case 0x28: return 'F'; case 0x32: return 'G'; case 0x3c: return 'H'; case 0x46: return 'J'; case 0x50: return 'K'; case 0x64: return 'M'; case 0x78: return 'O'; case 0x8c: return 'R'; case 0xa0: return 'T'; default: return '?'; } } char *power_class_consumption(unsigned int id, bool volt360) { if (volt360) { switch (id) { case 0x0: return "100-200mA"; case 0x1: return "120-220mA"; case 0x2: return "150-250mA"; case 0x3: return "180-280mA"; case 0x4: return "200-300mA"; case 0x5: return "220-320mA"; case 0x6: return "250-350mA"; case 0x7: return "300-400mA"; case 0x8: return "350-450mA"; case 0x9: return "400-500mA"; case 0xa: return "450-550mA"; default: return "reserved"; } } else { switch (id) { case 0x0: return "65-130mA"; case 0x1: return "70-140mA"; case 0x2: return "80-160mA"; case 0x3: return "90-180mA"; case 0x4: return "100-200mA"; case 0x5: return "120-220mA"; case 0x6: return "140-240mA"; case 0x7: return "160-260mA"; case 0x8: return "180-280mA"; case 0x9: return "200-300mA"; case 0xa: return "250-350mA"; default: return "reserved"; } } } char *sleep_consumption(unsigned int id) { switch (id) { case 0x00: return "not defined"; case 0x01: return "2uA"; case 0x02: return "4uA"; case 0x03: return "8uA"; case 0x04: return "16uA"; case 0x05: return "32uA"; case 0x06: return "64uA"; case 0x07: return "128uA"; case 0x08: return "0.256mA"; case 0x09: return "0.512mA"; case 0x0a: return "1.024mA"; case 0x0b: return "2.048mA"; case 0x0c: return "4.096mA"; case 0x0d: return "8.192mA"; default: return "reserved"; } } void print_sd_scr(struct config *config, char *scr) { unsigned int scr_structure; unsigned int sd_spec; unsigned int data_stat_after_erase; unsigned int sd_security; unsigned int sd_bus_widths; unsigned int sd_spec3; unsigned int ex_security; unsigned int cmd_support; parse_bin(scr, "4u4u1u3u4u1u4u9r2u32r", &scr_structure, &sd_spec, &data_stat_after_erase, &sd_security, &sd_bus_widths, &sd_spec3, &ex_security, &cmd_support); if (config->verbose) { printf("======SD/SCR======\n"); printf("\tSCR_STRUCTURE: 0x%01x (", scr_structure); switch (scr_structure) { case 0: printf("SCR v1.0)\n"); break; default: printf("reserved)\n"); break; } printf("\tSD_SPEC: 0x%01x (", sd_spec); switch (sd_spec) { case 0: printf("SD v1.0/1.01)\n"); break; case 1: printf("SD v1.10)\n"); break; case 2: printf("SD v2.00/v3.0x)\n"); break; case 3: printf("SD v4.00)\n"); break; default: printf("reserved)\n"); break; } printf("\tDATA_STAT_AFTER_ERASE: 0x%01x\n", data_stat_after_erase); printf("\tSD_SECURITY: 0x%01x (", sd_security); switch (sd_security) { case 0: printf("no security)\n"); break; case 1: printf("not used)\n"); break; case 2: printf("SDSC card/security v1.01)\n"); break; case 3: printf("SDHC card/security v2.00)\n"); break; case 4: printf("SDXC card/security v3.xx)\n"); break; default: printf("reserved)\n"); break; } printf("\tSD_BUS_WIDTHS: 0x%01x (", sd_bus_widths); if (BITS(sd_bus_widths, 2, 2)) printf("4bit, "); if (BITS(sd_bus_widths, 0, 0)) printf("1bit, "); printf(" bus)\n"); printf("\tSD_SPEC3: 0x%01x (", sd_spec3); if (sd_spec >= 2) { switch (sd_spec3) { case 0: printf("SD v2.00)\n"); break; case 1: printf("SD v3.0x)\n"); break; } } else { printf("SD 1.xx)\n"); } printf("\tEX_SECURITY: 0x%01x\n", ex_security); printf("\tCMD_SUPPORT: 0x%01x (", cmd_support); if (BITS(cmd_support, 1, 1)) printf("CMD23 "); if (BITS(cmd_support, 0, 0)) printf("CMD20 "); printf(" )\n"); } else { printf("version: "); switch (sd_spec) { case 0: printf("SD 1.0/1.01\n"); break; case 1: printf("SD 1.10\n"); break; case 2: switch (sd_spec3) { case 0: printf("SD 2.00\n"); break; case 1: printf("SD 3.0x\n"); break; default: printf("unknown\n"); break; } break; case 3: printf("SD 4.00\n"); break; default: printf("unknown\n"); break; } printf("bus widths: "); if (BITS(sd_bus_widths, 2, 2)) printf("4bit, "); if (BITS(sd_bus_widths, 0, 0)) printf("1bit, "); printf("\b\b\n"); } } /* MMC/SD interface processing functions */ void print_info(struct config *config, char *type, char *cid, char *csd, char *scr, char *ext_csd) { printf("type: '%s'\n", type); if (!strcmp(type, "SD") && cid) print_sd_cid(config, cid); else if (!strcmp(type, "MMC") && cid) print_mmc_cid(config, cid); if (!strcmp(type, "SD") && scr) print_sd_scr(config, scr); if (!strcmp(type, "MMC") && csd) print_mmc_csd(config, csd); else if (!strcmp(type, "SD") && csd) print_sd_csd(config, csd); } int process_dir(struct config *config, enum REG_TYPE reg) { char *type = NULL, *cid = NULL, *csd = NULL, *scr = NULL, *ext_csd = NULL; int ret = 0; if (chdir(config->dir) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "MMC/SD information directory '%s' does not exist.\n", config->dir); return -1; } type = read_file("type"); if (!type) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not read card interface type in directory '%s'.\n", config->dir); return -1; } if (strcmp(type, "MMC") && strcmp(type, "SD")) { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown type: '%s'\n", type); ret = -1; goto err; } switch (reg) { case CID: cid = read_file("cid"); if (!cid) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not read card identity in directory '%s'.\n", config->dir); ret = -1; goto err; } break; case CSD: csd = read_file("csd"); if (!csd) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not read card specific data in " "directory '%s'.\n", config->dir); ret = -1; goto err; } break; case SCR: if (!strcmp(type, "SD")) { scr = read_file("scr"); if (!scr) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not read SD card " "configuration in directory '%s'.\n", config->dir); ret = -1; goto err; } } break; case EXT_CSD: if (!strcmp(type, "MMC")) { ext_csd = read_file("ext_csd"); if (!ext_csd) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not read extra specific " "data in directory '%s'.\n", config->dir); ret = -1; goto err; } } break; default: goto err; } print_info(config, type, cid, csd, scr, ext_csd); err: free(ext_csd); free(scr); free(csd); free(cid); free(type); return ret; } int lsmmc_main(struct config *config, int argc, char **argv) { int ret; memset(config, 0, sizeof(*config)); config->mmc_ids = calloc(IDS_MAX, sizeof(char *)); config->sd_ids = calloc(IDS_MAX, sizeof(char *)); if (!config->mmc_ids || !config->sd_ids) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not allocate memory for lsmmc.\n"); return -1; } ret = parse_opts(argc, argv, config); if (ret) return ret; return parse_ids(config); } void lsmmc_free(struct config *config) { free(config->mmc_ids); free(config->sd_ids); free(config->dir); } int do_read_csd(int argc, char **argv) { struct config config; int ret; if (argc != 2 && argc != 3) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: Print CSD data from .\n"); exit(1); } ret = lsmmc_main(&config, argc, argv); if (ret) goto out; if (config.dir) ret = process_dir(&config, CSD); out: lsmmc_free(&config); return ret; } int do_read_cid(int argc, char **argv) { struct config config; int ret; if (argc != 2 && argc != 3) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: Print CID data from .\n"); exit(1); } ret = lsmmc_main(&config, argc, argv); if (ret) goto out; if (config.dir) ret = process_dir(&config, CID); out: lsmmc_free(&config); return ret; } int do_read_scr(int argc, char **argv) { struct config config; int ret; if (argc != 2 && argc != 3) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: Print SCR data from .\n"); exit(1); } ret = lsmmc_main(&config, argc, argv); if (ret) goto out; if (config.dir) ret = process_dir(&config, SCR); out: lsmmc_free(&config); return ret; }