ethtool-netlink.rst 67 KB

  1. =============================
  2. Netlink interface for ethtool
  3. =============================
  4. Basic information
  5. =================
  6. Netlink interface for ethtool uses generic netlink family ``ethtool``
  7. (userspace application should use macros ``ETHTOOL_GENL_NAME`` and
  8. ``ETHTOOL_GENL_VERSION`` defined in ``<linux/ethtool_netlink.h>`` uapi
  9. header). This family does not use a specific header, all information in
  10. requests and replies is passed using netlink attributes.
  11. The ethtool netlink interface uses extended ACK for error and warning
  12. reporting, userspace application developers are encouraged to make these
  13. messages available to user in a suitable way.
  14. Requests can be divided into three categories: "get" (retrieving information),
  15. "set" (setting parameters) and "action" (invoking an action).
  16. All "set" and "action" type requests require admin privileges
  17. (``CAP_NET_ADMIN`` in the namespace). Most "get" type requests are allowed for
  18. anyone but there are exceptions (where the response contains sensitive
  19. information). In some cases, the request as such is allowed for anyone but
  20. unprivileged users have attributes with sensitive information (e.g.
  21. wake-on-lan password) omitted.
  22. Conventions
  23. ===========
  24. Attributes which represent a boolean value usually use NLA_U8 type so that we
  25. can distinguish three states: "on", "off" and "not present" (meaning the
  26. information is not available in "get" requests or value is not to be changed
  27. in "set" requests). For these attributes, the "true" value should be passed as
  28. number 1 but any non-zero value should be understood as "true" by recipient.
  29. In the tables below, "bool" denotes NLA_U8 attributes interpreted in this way.
  30. In the message structure descriptions below, if an attribute name is suffixed
  31. with "+", parent nest can contain multiple attributes of the same type. This
  32. implements an array of entries.
  33. Request header
  34. ==============
  35. Each request or reply message contains a nested attribute with common header.
  36. Structure of this header is
  37. ============================== ====== =============================
  38. ``ETHTOOL_A_HEADER_DEV_INDEX`` u32 device ifindex
  39. ``ETHTOOL_A_HEADER_DEV_NAME`` string device name
  40. ``ETHTOOL_A_HEADER_FLAGS`` u32 flags common for all requests
  41. ============================== ====== =============================
  43. device message relates to. One of them is sufficient in requests, if both are
  44. used, they must identify the same device. Some requests, e.g. global string
  45. sets, do not require device identification. Most ``GET`` requests also allow
  46. dump requests without device identification to query the same information for
  47. all devices providing it (each device in a separate message).
  48. ``ETHTOOL_A_HEADER_FLAGS`` is a bitmap of request flags common for all request
  49. types. The interpretation of these flags is the same for all request types but
  50. the flags may not apply to requests. Recognized flags are:
  51. ================================= ===================================
  52. ``ETHTOOL_FLAG_COMPACT_BITSETS`` use compact format bitsets in reply
  53. ``ETHTOOL_FLAG_OMIT_REPLY`` omit optional reply (_SET and _ACT)
  54. ``ETHTOOL_FLAG_STATS`` include optional device statistics
  55. ================================= ===================================
  56. New request flags should follow the general idea that if the flag is not set,
  57. the behaviour is backward compatible, i.e. requests from old clients not aware
  58. of the flag should be interpreted the way the client expects. A client must
  59. not set flags it does not understand.
  60. Bit sets
  61. ========
  62. For short bitmaps of (reasonably) fixed length, standard ``NLA_BITFIELD32``
  63. type is used. For arbitrary length bitmaps, ethtool netlink uses a nested
  64. attribute with contents of one of two forms: compact (two binary bitmaps
  65. representing bit values and mask of affected bits) and bit-by-bit (list of
  66. bits identified by either index or name).
  67. Verbose (bit-by-bit) bitsets allow sending symbolic names for bits together
  68. with their values which saves a round trip (when the bitset is passed in a
  69. request) or at least a second request (when the bitset is in a reply). This is
  70. useful for one shot applications like traditional ethtool command. On the
  71. other hand, long running applications like ethtool monitor (displaying
  72. notifications) or network management daemons may prefer fetching the names
  73. only once and using compact form to save message size. Notifications from
  74. ethtool netlink interface always use compact form for bitsets.
  75. A bitset can represent either a value/mask pair (``ETHTOOL_A_BITSET_NOMASK``
  76. not set) or a single bitmap (``ETHTOOL_A_BITSET_NOMASK`` set). In requests
  77. modifying a bitmap, the former changes the bit set in mask to values set in
  78. value and preserves the rest; the latter sets the bits set in the bitmap and
  79. clears the rest.
  80. Compact form: nested (bitset) atrribute contents:
  81. ============================ ====== ============================
  82. ``ETHTOOL_A_BITSET_NOMASK`` flag no mask, only a list
  83. ``ETHTOOL_A_BITSET_SIZE`` u32 number of significant bits
  84. ``ETHTOOL_A_BITSET_VALUE`` binary bitmap of bit values
  85. ``ETHTOOL_A_BITSET_MASK`` binary bitmap of valid bits
  86. ============================ ====== ============================
  87. Value and mask must have length at least ``ETHTOOL_A_BITSET_SIZE`` bits
  88. rounded up to a multiple of 32 bits. They consist of 32-bit words in host byte
  89. order, words ordered from least significant to most significant (i.e. the same
  90. way as bitmaps are passed with ioctl interface).
  91. For compact form, ``ETHTOOL_A_BITSET_SIZE`` and ``ETHTOOL_A_BITSET_VALUE`` are
  92. mandatory. ``ETHTOOL_A_BITSET_MASK`` attribute is mandatory if
  93. ``ETHTOOL_A_BITSET_NOMASK`` is not set (bitset represents a value/mask pair);
  94. if ``ETHTOOL_A_BITSET_NOMASK`` is not set, ``ETHTOOL_A_BITSET_MASK`` is not
  95. allowed (bitset represents a single bitmap.
  96. Kernel bit set length may differ from userspace length if older application is
  97. used on newer kernel or vice versa. If userspace bitmap is longer, an error is
  98. issued only if the request actually tries to set values of some bits not
  99. recognized by kernel.
  100. Bit-by-bit form: nested (bitset) attribute contents:
  101. +------------------------------------+--------+-----------------------------+
  102. | ``ETHTOOL_A_BITSET_NOMASK`` | flag | no mask, only a list |
  103. +------------------------------------+--------+-----------------------------+
  104. | ``ETHTOOL_A_BITSET_SIZE`` | u32 | number of significant bits |
  105. +------------------------------------+--------+-----------------------------+
  106. | ``ETHTOOL_A_BITSET_BITS`` | nested | array of bits |
  107. +-+----------------------------------+--------+-----------------------------+
  108. | | ``ETHTOOL_A_BITSET_BITS_BIT+`` | nested | one bit |
  109. +-+-+--------------------------------+--------+-----------------------------+
  110. | | | ``ETHTOOL_A_BITSET_BIT_INDEX`` | u32 | bit index (0 for LSB) |
  111. +-+-+--------------------------------+--------+-----------------------------+
  112. | | | ``ETHTOOL_A_BITSET_BIT_NAME`` | string | bit name |
  113. +-+-+--------------------------------+--------+-----------------------------+
  114. | | | ``ETHTOOL_A_BITSET_BIT_VALUE`` | flag | present if bit is set |
  115. +-+-+--------------------------------+--------+-----------------------------+
  116. Bit size is optional for bit-by-bit form. ``ETHTOOL_A_BITSET_BITS`` nest can
  117. only contain ``ETHTOOL_A_BITSET_BITS_BIT`` attributes but there can be an
  118. arbitrary number of them. A bit may be identified by its index or by its
  119. name. When used in requests, listed bits are set to 0 or 1 according to
  120. ``ETHTOOL_A_BITSET_BIT_VALUE``, the rest is preserved. A request fails if
  121. index exceeds kernel bit length or if name is not recognized.
  122. When ``ETHTOOL_A_BITSET_NOMASK`` flag is present, bitset is interpreted as
  123. a simple bitmap. ``ETHTOOL_A_BITSET_BIT_VALUE`` attributes are not used in
  124. such case. Such bitset represents a bitmap with listed bits set and the rest
  125. zero.
  126. In requests, application can use either form. Form used by kernel in reply is
  127. determined by ``ETHTOOL_FLAG_COMPACT_BITSETS`` flag in flags field of request
  128. header. Semantics of value and mask depends on the attribute.
  129. List of message types
  130. =====================
  131. All constants identifying message types use ``ETHTOOL_CMD_`` prefix and suffix
  132. according to message purpose:
  133. ============== ======================================
  134. ``_GET`` userspace request to retrieve data
  135. ``_SET`` userspace request to set data
  136. ``_ACT`` userspace request to perform an action
  137. ``_GET_REPLY`` kernel reply to a ``GET`` request
  138. ``_SET_REPLY`` kernel reply to a ``SET`` request
  139. ``_ACT_REPLY`` kernel reply to an ``ACT`` request
  140. ``_NTF`` kernel notification
  141. ============== ======================================
  142. Userspace to kernel:
  143. ===================================== ================================
  144. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_STRSET_GET`` get string set
  145. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_LINKINFO_GET`` get link settings
  146. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_LINKINFO_SET`` set link settings
  147. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_LINKMODES_GET`` get link modes info
  148. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_LINKMODES_SET`` set link modes info
  149. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_LINKSTATE_GET`` get link state
  150. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_DEBUG_GET`` get debugging settings
  151. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_DEBUG_SET`` set debugging settings
  152. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_WOL_GET`` get wake-on-lan settings
  153. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_WOL_SET`` set wake-on-lan settings
  154. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_FEATURES_GET`` get device features
  155. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_FEATURES_SET`` set device features
  156. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_PRIVFLAGS_GET`` get private flags
  157. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_PRIVFLAGS_SET`` set private flags
  158. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_RINGS_GET`` get ring sizes
  159. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_RINGS_SET`` set ring sizes
  160. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_CHANNELS_GET`` get channel counts
  161. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_CHANNELS_SET`` set channel counts
  162. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_COALESCE_GET`` get coalescing parameters
  163. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_COALESCE_SET`` set coalescing parameters
  164. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_PAUSE_GET`` get pause parameters
  165. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_PAUSE_SET`` set pause parameters
  166. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_EEE_GET`` get EEE settings
  167. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_EEE_SET`` set EEE settings
  168. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_TSINFO_GET`` get timestamping info
  169. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_CABLE_TEST_ACT`` action start cable test
  170. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_CABLE_TEST_TDR_ACT`` action start raw TDR cable test
  171. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_TUNNEL_INFO_GET`` get tunnel offload info
  172. ===================================== ================================
  173. Kernel to userspace:
  174. ===================================== =================================
  175. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_STRSET_GET_REPLY`` string set contents
  176. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_LINKINFO_GET_REPLY`` link settings
  177. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_LINKINFO_NTF`` link settings notification
  178. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_LINKMODES_GET_REPLY`` link modes info
  179. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_LINKMODES_NTF`` link modes notification
  180. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_LINKSTATE_GET_REPLY`` link state info
  181. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_DEBUG_GET_REPLY`` debugging settings
  182. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_DEBUG_NTF`` debugging settings notification
  183. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_WOL_GET_REPLY`` wake-on-lan settings
  184. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_WOL_NTF`` wake-on-lan settings notification
  185. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_FEATURES_GET_REPLY`` device features
  187. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_FEATURES_NTF`` netdev features notification
  188. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_PRIVFLAGS_GET_REPLY`` private flags
  189. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_PRIVFLAGS_NTF`` private flags
  190. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_RINGS_GET_REPLY`` ring sizes
  191. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_RINGS_NTF`` ring sizes
  192. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_CHANNELS_GET_REPLY`` channel counts
  193. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_CHANNELS_NTF`` channel counts
  194. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_COALESCE_GET_REPLY`` coalescing parameters
  195. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_COALESCE_NTF`` coalescing parameters
  196. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_PAUSE_GET_REPLY`` pause parameters
  197. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_PAUSE_NTF`` pause parameters
  198. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_EEE_GET_REPLY`` EEE settings
  199. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_EEE_NTF`` EEE settings
  200. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_TSINFO_GET_REPLY`` timestamping info
  201. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_CABLE_TEST_NTF`` Cable test results
  202. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_CABLE_TEST_TDR_NTF`` Cable test TDR results
  203. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_TUNNEL_INFO_GET_REPLY`` tunnel offload info
  204. ===================================== =================================
  205. ``GET`` requests are sent by userspace applications to retrieve device
  206. information. They usually do not contain any message specific attributes.
  207. Kernel replies with corresponding "GET_REPLY" message. For most types, ``GET``
  208. request with ``NLM_F_DUMP`` and no device identification can be used to query
  209. the information for all devices supporting the request.
  210. If the data can be also modified, corresponding ``SET`` message with the same
  211. layout as corresponding ``GET_REPLY`` is used to request changes. Only
  212. attributes where a change is requested are included in such request (also, not
  213. all attributes may be changed). Replies to most ``SET`` request consist only
  214. of error code and extack; if kernel provides additional data, it is sent in
  215. the form of corresponding ``SET_REPLY`` message which can be suppressed by
  216. setting ``ETHTOOL_FLAG_OMIT_REPLY`` flag in request header.
  217. Data modification also triggers sending a ``NTF`` message with a notification.
  218. These usually bear only a subset of attributes which was affected by the
  219. change. The same notification is issued if the data is modified using other
  220. means (mostly ioctl ethtool interface). Unlike notifications from ethtool
  221. netlink code which are only sent if something actually changed, notifications
  222. triggered by ioctl interface may be sent even if the request did not actually
  223. change any data.
  224. ``ACT`` messages request kernel (driver) to perform a specific action. If some
  225. information is reported by kernel (which can be suppressed by setting
  226. ``ETHTOOL_FLAG_OMIT_REPLY`` flag in request header), the reply takes form of
  227. an ``ACT_REPLY`` message. Performing an action also triggers a notification
  228. (``NTF`` message).
  229. Later sections describe the format and semantics of these messages.
  231. ==========
  232. Requests contents of a string set as provided by ioctl commands
  233. ``ETHTOOL_GSSET_INFO`` and ``ETHTOOL_GSTRINGS.`` String sets are not user
  234. writeable so that the corresponding ``STRSET_SET`` message is only used in
  235. kernel replies. There are two types of string sets: global (independent of
  236. a device, e.g. device feature names) and device specific (e.g. device private
  237. flags).
  238. Request contents:
  239. +---------------------------------------+--------+------------------------+
  240. | ``ETHTOOL_A_STRSET_HEADER`` | nested | request header |
  241. +---------------------------------------+--------+------------------------+
  242. | ``ETHTOOL_A_STRSET_STRINGSETS`` | nested | string set to request |
  243. +-+-------------------------------------+--------+------------------------+
  244. | | ``ETHTOOL_A_STRINGSETS_STRINGSET+`` | nested | one string set |
  245. +-+-+-----------------------------------+--------+------------------------+
  246. | | | ``ETHTOOL_A_STRINGSET_ID`` | u32 | set id |
  247. +-+-+-----------------------------------+--------+------------------------+
  248. Kernel response contents:
  249. +---------------------------------------+--------+-----------------------+
  250. | ``ETHTOOL_A_STRSET_HEADER`` | nested | reply header |
  251. +---------------------------------------+--------+-----------------------+
  252. | ``ETHTOOL_A_STRSET_STRINGSETS`` | nested | array of string sets |
  253. +-+-------------------------------------+--------+-----------------------+
  254. | | ``ETHTOOL_A_STRINGSETS_STRINGSET+`` | nested | one string set |
  255. +-+-+-----------------------------------+--------+-----------------------+
  256. | | | ``ETHTOOL_A_STRINGSET_ID`` | u32 | set id |
  257. +-+-+-----------------------------------+--------+-----------------------+
  258. | | | ``ETHTOOL_A_STRINGSET_COUNT`` | u32 | number of strings |
  259. +-+-+-----------------------------------+--------+-----------------------+
  260. | | | ``ETHTOOL_A_STRINGSET_STRINGS`` | nested | array of strings |
  261. +-+-+-+---------------------------------+--------+-----------------------+
  262. | | | | ``ETHTOOL_A_STRINGS_STRING+`` | nested | one string |
  263. +-+-+-+-+-------------------------------+--------+-----------------------+
  264. | | | | | ``ETHTOOL_A_STRING_INDEX`` | u32 | string index |
  265. +-+-+-+-+-------------------------------+--------+-----------------------+
  266. | | | | | ``ETHTOOL_A_STRING_VALUE`` | string | string value |
  267. +-+-+-+-+-------------------------------+--------+-----------------------+
  268. | ``ETHTOOL_A_STRSET_COUNTS_ONLY`` | flag | return only counts |
  269. +---------------------------------------+--------+-----------------------+
  270. Device identification in request header is optional. Depending on its presence
  271. a and ``NLM_F_DUMP`` flag, there are three type of ``STRSET_GET`` requests:
  272. - no ``NLM_F_DUMP,`` no device: get "global" stringsets
  273. - no ``NLM_F_DUMP``, with device: get string sets related to the device
  274. - ``NLM_F_DUMP``, no device: get device related string sets for all devices
  275. If there is no ``ETHTOOL_A_STRSET_STRINGSETS`` array, all string sets of
  276. requested type are returned, otherwise only those specified in the request.
  277. Flag ``ETHTOOL_A_STRSET_COUNTS_ONLY`` tells kernel to only return string
  278. counts of the sets, not the actual strings.
  280. ============
  281. Requests link settings as provided by ``ETHTOOL_GLINKSETTINGS`` except for
  282. link modes and autonegotiation related information. The request does not use
  283. any attributes.
  284. Request contents:
  285. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  286. ``ETHTOOL_A_LINKINFO_HEADER`` nested request header
  287. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  288. Kernel response contents:
  289. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  290. ``ETHTOOL_A_LINKINFO_HEADER`` nested reply header
  291. ``ETHTOOL_A_LINKINFO_PORT`` u8 physical port
  292. ``ETHTOOL_A_LINKINFO_PHYADDR`` u8 phy MDIO address
  293. ``ETHTOOL_A_LINKINFO_TP_MDIX`` u8 MDI(-X) status
  294. ``ETHTOOL_A_LINKINFO_TP_MDIX_CTRL`` u8 MDI(-X) control
  295. ``ETHTOOL_A_LINKINFO_TRANSCEIVER`` u8 transceiver
  296. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  297. Attributes and their values have the same meaning as matching members of the
  298. corresponding ioctl structures.
  299. ``LINKINFO_GET`` allows dump requests (kernel returns reply message for all
  300. devices supporting the request).
  302. ============
  303. ``LINKINFO_SET`` request allows setting some of the attributes reported by
  304. ``LINKINFO_GET``.
  305. Request contents:
  306. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  307. ``ETHTOOL_A_LINKINFO_HEADER`` nested request header
  308. ``ETHTOOL_A_LINKINFO_PORT`` u8 physical port
  309. ``ETHTOOL_A_LINKINFO_PHYADDR`` u8 phy MDIO address
  310. ``ETHTOOL_A_LINKINFO_TP_MDIX_CTRL`` u8 MDI(-X) control
  311. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  312. MDI(-X) status and transceiver cannot be set, request with the corresponding
  313. attributes is rejected.
  315. =============
  316. Requests link modes (supported, advertised and peer advertised) and related
  317. information (autonegotiation status, link speed and duplex) as provided by
  318. ``ETHTOOL_GLINKSETTINGS``. The request does not use any attributes.
  319. Request contents:
  320. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  321. ``ETHTOOL_A_LINKMODES_HEADER`` nested request header
  322. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  323. Kernel response contents:
  324. ========================================== ====== ==========================
  325. ``ETHTOOL_A_LINKMODES_HEADER`` nested reply header
  326. ``ETHTOOL_A_LINKMODES_AUTONEG`` u8 autonegotiation status
  327. ``ETHTOOL_A_LINKMODES_OURS`` bitset advertised link modes
  328. ``ETHTOOL_A_LINKMODES_PEER`` bitset partner link modes
  329. ``ETHTOOL_A_LINKMODES_SPEED`` u32 link speed (Mb/s)
  330. ``ETHTOOL_A_LINKMODES_DUPLEX`` u8 duplex mode
  331. ``ETHTOOL_A_LINKMODES_MASTER_SLAVE_CFG`` u8 Master/slave port mode
  332. ``ETHTOOL_A_LINKMODES_MASTER_SLAVE_STATE`` u8 Master/slave port state
  333. ========================================== ====== ==========================
  334. For ``ETHTOOL_A_LINKMODES_OURS``, value represents advertised modes and mask
  335. represents supported modes. ``ETHTOOL_A_LINKMODES_PEER`` in the reply is a bit
  336. list.
  337. ``LINKMODES_GET`` allows dump requests (kernel returns reply messages for all
  338. devices supporting the request).
  340. =============
  341. Request contents:
  342. ========================================== ====== ==========================
  343. ``ETHTOOL_A_LINKMODES_HEADER`` nested request header
  344. ``ETHTOOL_A_LINKMODES_AUTONEG`` u8 autonegotiation status
  345. ``ETHTOOL_A_LINKMODES_OURS`` bitset advertised link modes
  346. ``ETHTOOL_A_LINKMODES_PEER`` bitset partner link modes
  347. ``ETHTOOL_A_LINKMODES_SPEED`` u32 link speed (Mb/s)
  348. ``ETHTOOL_A_LINKMODES_DUPLEX`` u8 duplex mode
  349. ``ETHTOOL_A_LINKMODES_MASTER_SLAVE_CFG`` u8 Master/slave port mode
  350. ========================================== ====== ==========================
  351. ``ETHTOOL_A_LINKMODES_OURS`` bit set allows setting advertised link modes. If
  352. autonegotiation is on (either set now or kept from before), advertised modes
  353. are not changed (no ``ETHTOOL_A_LINKMODES_OURS`` attribute) and at least one
  354. of speed and duplex is specified, kernel adjusts advertised modes to all
  355. supported modes matching speed, duplex or both (whatever is specified). This
  356. autoselection is done on ethtool side with ioctl interface, netlink interface
  357. is supposed to allow requesting changes without knowing what exactly kernel
  358. supports.
  360. =============
  361. Requests link state information. Link up/down flag (as provided by
  362. ``ETHTOOL_GLINK`` ioctl command) is provided. Optionally, extended state might
  363. be provided as well. In general, extended state describes reasons for why a port
  364. is down, or why it operates in some non-obvious mode. This request does not have
  365. any attributes.
  366. Request contents:
  367. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  368. ``ETHTOOL_A_LINKSTATE_HEADER`` nested request header
  369. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  370. Kernel response contents:
  371. ==================================== ====== ============================
  372. ``ETHTOOL_A_LINKSTATE_HEADER`` nested reply header
  373. ``ETHTOOL_A_LINKSTATE_LINK`` bool link state (up/down)
  374. ``ETHTOOL_A_LINKSTATE_SQI`` u32 Current Signal Quality Index
  375. ``ETHTOOL_A_LINKSTATE_SQI_MAX`` u32 Max support SQI value
  376. ``ETHTOOL_A_LINKSTATE_EXT_STATE`` u8 link extended state
  377. ``ETHTOOL_A_LINKSTATE_EXT_SUBSTATE`` u8 link extended substate
  378. ==================================== ====== ============================
  379. For most NIC drivers, the value of ``ETHTOOL_A_LINKSTATE_LINK`` returns
  380. carrier flag provided by ``netif_carrier_ok()`` but there are drivers which
  381. define their own handler.
  383. optional values. ethtool core can provide either both
  385. or only ``ETHTOOL_A_LINKSTATE_EXT_STATE``, or none of them.
  386. ``LINKSTATE_GET`` allows dump requests (kernel returns reply messages for all
  387. devices supporting the request).
  388. Link extended states:
  389. ================================================ ============================================
  390. ``ETHTOOL_LINK_EXT_STATE_AUTONEG`` States relating to the autonegotiation or
  391. issues therein
  392. ``ETHTOOL_LINK_EXT_STATE_LINK_TRAINING_FAILURE`` Failure during link training
  393. ``ETHTOOL_LINK_EXT_STATE_LINK_LOGICAL_MISMATCH`` Logical mismatch in physical coding sublayer
  394. or forward error correction sublayer
  395. ``ETHTOOL_LINK_EXT_STATE_BAD_SIGNAL_INTEGRITY`` Signal integrity issues
  396. ``ETHTOOL_LINK_EXT_STATE_NO_CABLE`` No cable connected
  397. ``ETHTOOL_LINK_EXT_STATE_CABLE_ISSUE`` Failure is related to cable,
  398. e.g., unsupported cable
  399. ``ETHTOOL_LINK_EXT_STATE_EEPROM_ISSUE`` Failure is related to EEPROM, e.g., failure
  400. during reading or parsing the data
  401. ``ETHTOOL_LINK_EXT_STATE_CALIBRATION_FAILURE`` Failure during calibration algorithm
  402. ``ETHTOOL_LINK_EXT_STATE_POWER_BUDGET_EXCEEDED`` The hardware is not able to provide the
  403. power required from cable or module
  404. ``ETHTOOL_LINK_EXT_STATE_OVERHEAT`` The module is overheated
  405. ================================================ ============================================
  406. Link extended substates:
  407. Autoneg substates:
  408. =============================================================== ================================
  410. ``ETHTOOL_LINK_EXT_SUBSTATE_AN_ACK_NOT_RECEIVED`` Ack not received from peer side
  413. mode or there is no agreement of
  414. speed
  416. in both sides are mismatched
  417. ``ETHTOOL_LINK_EXT_SUBSTATE_AN_NO_HCD`` No Highest Common Denominator
  418. =============================================================== ================================
  419. Link training substates:
  420. =========================================================================== ====================
  422. recognized, the
  423. lock failed
  425. occur before
  426. timeout
  428. send ready signal
  429. after training
  430. process
  432. ready yet
  433. =========================================================================== ====================
  434. Link logical mismatch substates:
  435. ================================================================ ===============================
  437. not locked in first phase -
  438. block lock
  439. ``ETHTOOL_LINK_EXT_SUBSTATE_LLM_PCS_DID_NOT_ACQUIRE_AM_LOCK`` Physical coding sublayer was
  440. not locked in second phase -
  441. alignment markers lock
  442. ``ETHTOOL_LINK_EXT_SUBSTATE_LLM_PCS_DID_NOT_GET_ALIGN_STATUS`` Physical coding sublayer did
  443. not get align status
  444. ``ETHTOOL_LINK_EXT_SUBSTATE_LLM_FC_FEC_IS_NOT_LOCKED`` FC forward error correction is
  445. not locked
  446. ``ETHTOOL_LINK_EXT_SUBSTATE_LLM_RS_FEC_IS_NOT_LOCKED`` RS forward error correction is
  447. not locked
  448. ================================================================ ===============================
  449. Bad signal integrity substates:
  450. ================================================================= =============================
  452. errors
  454. operate the cable at a rate
  455. that is not formally
  456. supported, which led to
  457. signal integrity issues
  458. ================================================================= =============================
  459. Cable issue substates:
  460. =================================================== ============================================
  463. =================================================== ============================================
  464. DEBUG_GET
  465. =========
  466. Requests debugging settings of a device. At the moment, only message mask is
  467. provided.
  468. Request contents:
  469. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  470. ``ETHTOOL_A_DEBUG_HEADER`` nested request header
  471. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  472. Kernel response contents:
  473. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  474. ``ETHTOOL_A_DEBUG_HEADER`` nested reply header
  475. ``ETHTOOL_A_DEBUG_MSGMASK`` bitset message mask
  476. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  477. The message mask (``ETHTOOL_A_DEBUG_MSGMASK``) is equal to message level as
  478. provided by ``ETHTOOL_GMSGLVL`` and set by ``ETHTOOL_SMSGLVL`` in ioctl
  479. interface. While it is called message level there for historical reasons, most
  480. drivers and almost all newer drivers use it as a mask of enabled message
  481. classes (represented by ``NETIF_MSG_*`` constants); therefore netlink
  482. interface follows its actual use in practice.
  483. ``DEBUG_GET`` allows dump requests (kernel returns reply messages for all
  484. devices supporting the request).
  485. DEBUG_SET
  486. =========
  487. Set or update debugging settings of a device. At the moment, only message mask
  488. is supported.
  489. Request contents:
  490. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  491. ``ETHTOOL_A_DEBUG_HEADER`` nested request header
  492. ``ETHTOOL_A_DEBUG_MSGMASK`` bitset message mask
  493. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  494. ``ETHTOOL_A_DEBUG_MSGMASK`` bit set allows setting or modifying mask of
  495. enabled debugging message types for the device.
  496. WOL_GET
  497. =======
  498. Query device wake-on-lan settings. Unlike most "GET" type requests,
  499. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_WOL_GET`` requires (netns) ``CAP_NET_ADMIN`` privileges as it
  500. (potentially) provides SecureOn(tm) password which is confidential.
  501. Request contents:
  502. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  503. ``ETHTOOL_A_WOL_HEADER`` nested request header
  504. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  505. Kernel response contents:
  506. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  507. ``ETHTOOL_A_WOL_HEADER`` nested reply header
  508. ``ETHTOOL_A_WOL_MODES`` bitset mask of enabled WoL modes
  509. ``ETHTOOL_A_WOL_SOPASS`` binary SecureOn(tm) password
  510. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  511. In reply, ``ETHTOOL_A_WOL_MODES`` mask consists of modes supported by the
  512. device, value of modes which are enabled. ``ETHTOOL_A_WOL_SOPASS`` is only
  513. included in reply if ``WAKE_MAGICSECURE`` mode is supported.
  514. WOL_SET
  515. =======
  516. Set or update wake-on-lan settings.
  517. Request contents:
  518. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  519. ``ETHTOOL_A_WOL_HEADER`` nested request header
  520. ``ETHTOOL_A_WOL_MODES`` bitset enabled WoL modes
  521. ``ETHTOOL_A_WOL_SOPASS`` binary SecureOn(tm) password
  522. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  523. ``ETHTOOL_A_WOL_SOPASS`` is only allowed for devices supporting
  524. ``WAKE_MAGICSECURE`` mode.
  526. ============
  527. Gets netdev features like ``ETHTOOL_GFEATURES`` ioctl request.
  528. Request contents:
  529. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  530. ``ETHTOOL_A_FEATURES_HEADER`` nested request header
  531. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  532. Kernel response contents:
  533. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  534. ``ETHTOOL_A_FEATURES_HEADER`` nested reply header
  535. ``ETHTOOL_A_FEATURES_HW`` bitset dev->hw_features
  536. ``ETHTOOL_A_FEATURES_WANTED`` bitset dev->wanted_features
  537. ``ETHTOOL_A_FEATURES_ACTIVE`` bitset dev->features
  539. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  540. Bitmaps in kernel response have the same meaning as bitmaps used in ioctl
  541. interference but attribute names are different (they are based on
  542. corresponding members of struct net_device). Legacy "flags" are not provided,
  543. if userspace needs them (most likely only ethtool for backward compatibility),
  544. it can calculate their values from related feature bits itself.
  545. ETHA_FEATURES_HW uses mask consisting of all features recognized by kernel (to
  546. provide all names when using verbose bitmap format), the other three use no
  547. mask (simple bit lists).
  549. ============
  550. Request to set netdev features like ``ETHTOOL_SFEATURES`` ioctl request.
  551. Request contents:
  552. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  553. ``ETHTOOL_A_FEATURES_HEADER`` nested request header
  554. ``ETHTOOL_A_FEATURES_WANTED`` bitset requested features
  555. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  556. Kernel response contents:
  557. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  558. ``ETHTOOL_A_FEATURES_HEADER`` nested reply header
  559. ``ETHTOOL_A_FEATURES_WANTED`` bitset diff wanted vs. result
  560. ``ETHTOOL_A_FEATURES_ACTIVE`` bitset diff old vs. new active
  561. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  562. Request constains only one bitset which can be either value/mask pair (request
  563. to change specific feature bits and leave the rest) or only a value (request
  564. to set all features to specified set).
  565. As request is subject to netdev_change_features() sanity checks, optional
  566. kernel reply (can be suppressed by ``ETHTOOL_FLAG_OMIT_REPLY`` flag in request
  567. header) informs client about the actual result. ``ETHTOOL_A_FEATURES_WANTED``
  568. reports the difference between client request and actual result: mask consists
  569. of bits which differ between requested features and result (dev->features
  570. after the operation), value consists of values of these bits in the request
  571. (i.e. negated values from resulting features). ``ETHTOOL_A_FEATURES_ACTIVE``
  572. reports the difference between old and new dev->features: mask consists of
  573. bits which have changed, values are their values in new dev->features (after
  574. the operation).
  575. ``ETHTOOL_MSG_FEATURES_NTF`` notification is sent not only if device features
  576. are modified using ``ETHTOOL_MSG_FEATURES_SET`` request or on of ethtool ioctl
  577. request but also each time features are modified with netdev_update_features()
  578. or netdev_change_features().
  580. =============
  581. Gets private flags like ``ETHTOOL_GPFLAGS`` ioctl request.
  582. Request contents:
  583. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  584. ``ETHTOOL_A_PRIVFLAGS_HEADER`` nested request header
  585. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  586. Kernel response contents:
  587. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  588. ``ETHTOOL_A_PRIVFLAGS_HEADER`` nested reply header
  589. ``ETHTOOL_A_PRIVFLAGS_FLAGS`` bitset private flags
  590. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  591. ``ETHTOOL_A_PRIVFLAGS_FLAGS`` is a bitset with values of device private flags.
  592. These flags are defined by driver, their number and names (and also meaning)
  593. are device dependent. For compact bitset format, names can be retrieved as
  594. ``ETH_SS_PRIV_FLAGS`` string set. If verbose bitset format is requested,
  595. response uses all private flags supported by the device as mask so that client
  596. gets the full information without having to fetch the string set with names.
  598. =============
  599. Sets or modifies values of device private flags like ``ETHTOOL_SPFLAGS``
  600. ioctl request.
  601. Request contents:
  602. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  603. ``ETHTOOL_A_PRIVFLAGS_HEADER`` nested request header
  604. ``ETHTOOL_A_PRIVFLAGS_FLAGS`` bitset private flags
  605. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  606. ``ETHTOOL_A_PRIVFLAGS_FLAGS`` can either set the whole set of private flags or
  607. modify only values of some of them.
  608. RINGS_GET
  609. =========
  610. Gets ring sizes like ``ETHTOOL_GRINGPARAM`` ioctl request.
  611. Request contents:
  612. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  613. ``ETHTOOL_A_RINGS_HEADER`` nested request header
  614. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  615. Kernel response contents:
  616. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  617. ``ETHTOOL_A_RINGS_HEADER`` nested reply header
  618. ``ETHTOOL_A_RINGS_RX_MAX`` u32 max size of RX ring
  619. ``ETHTOOL_A_RINGS_RX_MINI_MAX`` u32 max size of RX mini ring
  620. ``ETHTOOL_A_RINGS_RX_JUMBO_MAX`` u32 max size of RX jumbo ring
  621. ``ETHTOOL_A_RINGS_TX_MAX`` u32 max size of TX ring
  622. ``ETHTOOL_A_RINGS_RX`` u32 size of RX ring
  623. ``ETHTOOL_A_RINGS_RX_MINI`` u32 size of RX mini ring
  624. ``ETHTOOL_A_RINGS_RX_JUMBO`` u32 size of RX jumbo ring
  625. ``ETHTOOL_A_RINGS_TX`` u32 size of TX ring
  626. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  627. RINGS_SET
  628. =========
  629. Sets ring sizes like ``ETHTOOL_SRINGPARAM`` ioctl request.
  630. Request contents:
  631. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  632. ``ETHTOOL_A_RINGS_HEADER`` nested reply header
  633. ``ETHTOOL_A_RINGS_RX`` u32 size of RX ring
  634. ``ETHTOOL_A_RINGS_RX_MINI`` u32 size of RX mini ring
  635. ``ETHTOOL_A_RINGS_RX_JUMBO`` u32 size of RX jumbo ring
  636. ``ETHTOOL_A_RINGS_TX`` u32 size of TX ring
  637. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  638. Kernel checks that requested ring sizes do not exceed limits reported by
  639. driver. Driver may impose additional constraints and may not suspport all
  640. attributes.
  642. ============
  643. Gets channel counts like ``ETHTOOL_GCHANNELS`` ioctl request.
  644. Request contents:
  645. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  646. ``ETHTOOL_A_CHANNELS_HEADER`` nested request header
  647. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  648. Kernel response contents:
  649. ===================================== ====== ==========================
  650. ``ETHTOOL_A_CHANNELS_HEADER`` nested reply header
  651. ``ETHTOOL_A_CHANNELS_RX_MAX`` u32 max receive channels
  652. ``ETHTOOL_A_CHANNELS_TX_MAX`` u32 max transmit channels
  653. ``ETHTOOL_A_CHANNELS_OTHER_MAX`` u32 max other channels
  654. ``ETHTOOL_A_CHANNELS_COMBINED_MAX`` u32 max combined channels
  655. ``ETHTOOL_A_CHANNELS_RX_COUNT`` u32 receive channel count
  656. ``ETHTOOL_A_CHANNELS_TX_COUNT`` u32 transmit channel count
  657. ``ETHTOOL_A_CHANNELS_OTHER_COUNT`` u32 other channel count
  658. ``ETHTOOL_A_CHANNELS_COMBINED_COUNT`` u32 combined channel count
  659. ===================================== ====== ==========================
  661. ============
  662. Sets channel counts like ``ETHTOOL_SCHANNELS`` ioctl request.
  663. Request contents:
  664. ===================================== ====== ==========================
  665. ``ETHTOOL_A_CHANNELS_HEADER`` nested request header
  666. ``ETHTOOL_A_CHANNELS_RX_COUNT`` u32 receive channel count
  667. ``ETHTOOL_A_CHANNELS_TX_COUNT`` u32 transmit channel count
  668. ``ETHTOOL_A_CHANNELS_OTHER_COUNT`` u32 other channel count
  669. ``ETHTOOL_A_CHANNELS_COMBINED_COUNT`` u32 combined channel count
  670. ===================================== ====== ==========================
  671. Kernel checks that requested channel counts do not exceed limits reported by
  672. driver. Driver may impose additional constraints and may not suspport all
  673. attributes.
  675. ============
  676. Gets coalescing parameters like ``ETHTOOL_GCOALESCE`` ioctl request.
  677. Request contents:
  678. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  679. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_HEADER`` nested request header
  680. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  681. Kernel response contents:
  682. =========================================== ====== =======================
  683. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_HEADER`` nested reply header
  684. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_RX_USECS`` u32 delay (us), normal Rx
  685. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_RX_MAX_FRAMES`` u32 max packets, normal Rx
  686. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_RX_USECS_IRQ`` u32 delay (us), Rx in IRQ
  687. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_RX_MAX_FRAMES_IRQ`` u32 max packets, Rx in IRQ
  688. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_TX_USECS`` u32 delay (us), normal Tx
  689. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_TX_MAX_FRAMES`` u32 max packets, normal Tx
  690. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_TX_USECS_IRQ`` u32 delay (us), Tx in IRQ
  691. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_TX_MAX_FRAMES_IRQ`` u32 IRQ packets, Tx in IRQ
  692. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_STATS_BLOCK_USECS`` u32 delay of stats update
  693. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_USE_ADAPTIVE_RX`` bool adaptive Rx coalesce
  694. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_USE_ADAPTIVE_TX`` bool adaptive Tx coalesce
  695. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_PKT_RATE_LOW`` u32 threshold for low rate
  696. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_RX_USECS_LOW`` u32 delay (us), low Rx
  697. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_RX_MAX_FRAMES_LOW`` u32 max packets, low Rx
  698. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_TX_USECS_LOW`` u32 delay (us), low Tx
  699. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_TX_MAX_FRAMES_LOW`` u32 max packets, low Tx
  700. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_PKT_RATE_HIGH`` u32 threshold for high rate
  701. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_RX_USECS_HIGH`` u32 delay (us), high Rx
  702. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_RX_MAX_FRAMES_HIGH`` u32 max packets, high Rx
  703. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_TX_USECS_HIGH`` u32 delay (us), high Tx
  704. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_TX_MAX_FRAMES_HIGH`` u32 max packets, high Tx
  705. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_RATE_SAMPLE_INTERVAL`` u32 rate sampling interval
  706. =========================================== ====== =======================
  707. Attributes are only included in reply if their value is not zero or the
  708. corresponding bit in ``ethtool_ops::supported_coalesce_params`` is set (i.e.
  709. they are declared as supported by driver).
  711. ============
  712. Sets coalescing parameters like ``ETHTOOL_SCOALESCE`` ioctl request.
  713. Request contents:
  714. =========================================== ====== =======================
  715. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_HEADER`` nested request header
  716. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_RX_USECS`` u32 delay (us), normal Rx
  717. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_RX_MAX_FRAMES`` u32 max packets, normal Rx
  718. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_RX_USECS_IRQ`` u32 delay (us), Rx in IRQ
  719. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_RX_MAX_FRAMES_IRQ`` u32 max packets, Rx in IRQ
  720. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_TX_USECS`` u32 delay (us), normal Tx
  721. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_TX_MAX_FRAMES`` u32 max packets, normal Tx
  722. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_TX_USECS_IRQ`` u32 delay (us), Tx in IRQ
  723. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_TX_MAX_FRAMES_IRQ`` u32 IRQ packets, Tx in IRQ
  724. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_STATS_BLOCK_USECS`` u32 delay of stats update
  725. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_USE_ADAPTIVE_RX`` bool adaptive Rx coalesce
  726. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_USE_ADAPTIVE_TX`` bool adaptive Tx coalesce
  727. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_PKT_RATE_LOW`` u32 threshold for low rate
  728. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_RX_USECS_LOW`` u32 delay (us), low Rx
  729. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_RX_MAX_FRAMES_LOW`` u32 max packets, low Rx
  730. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_TX_USECS_LOW`` u32 delay (us), low Tx
  731. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_TX_MAX_FRAMES_LOW`` u32 max packets, low Tx
  732. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_PKT_RATE_HIGH`` u32 threshold for high rate
  733. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_RX_USECS_HIGH`` u32 delay (us), high Rx
  734. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_RX_MAX_FRAMES_HIGH`` u32 max packets, high Rx
  735. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_TX_USECS_HIGH`` u32 delay (us), high Tx
  736. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_TX_MAX_FRAMES_HIGH`` u32 max packets, high Tx
  737. ``ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_RATE_SAMPLE_INTERVAL`` u32 rate sampling interval
  738. =========================================== ====== =======================
  739. Request is rejected if it attributes declared as unsupported by driver (i.e.
  740. such that the corresponding bit in ``ethtool_ops::supported_coalesce_params``
  741. is not set), regardless of their values. Driver may impose additional
  742. constraints on coalescing parameters and their values.
  743. PAUSE_GET
  744. ============
  745. Gets channel counts like ``ETHTOOL_GPAUSE`` ioctl request.
  746. Request contents:
  747. ===================================== ====== ==========================
  748. ``ETHTOOL_A_PAUSE_HEADER`` nested request header
  749. ===================================== ====== ==========================
  750. Kernel response contents:
  751. ===================================== ====== ==========================
  752. ``ETHTOOL_A_PAUSE_HEADER`` nested request header
  753. ``ETHTOOL_A_PAUSE_AUTONEG`` bool pause autonegotiation
  754. ``ETHTOOL_A_PAUSE_RX`` bool receive pause frames
  755. ``ETHTOOL_A_PAUSE_TX`` bool transmit pause frames
  756. ``ETHTOOL_A_PAUSE_STATS`` nested pause statistics
  757. ===================================== ====== ==========================
  758. ``ETHTOOL_A_PAUSE_STATS`` are reported if ``ETHTOOL_FLAG_STATS`` was set
  760. It will be empty if driver did not report any statistics. Drivers fill in
  761. the statistics in the following structure:
  762. .. kernel-doc:: include/linux/ethtool.h
  763. :identifiers: ethtool_pause_stats
  764. Each member has a corresponding attribute defined.
  765. PAUSE_SET
  766. ============
  767. Sets pause parameters like ``ETHTOOL_GPAUSEPARAM`` ioctl request.
  768. Request contents:
  769. ===================================== ====== ==========================
  770. ``ETHTOOL_A_PAUSE_HEADER`` nested request header
  771. ``ETHTOOL_A_PAUSE_AUTONEG`` bool pause autonegotiation
  772. ``ETHTOOL_A_PAUSE_RX`` bool receive pause frames
  773. ``ETHTOOL_A_PAUSE_TX`` bool transmit pause frames
  774. ===================================== ====== ==========================
  775. EEE_GET
  776. =======
  777. Gets channel counts like ``ETHTOOL_GEEE`` ioctl request.
  778. Request contents:
  779. ===================================== ====== ==========================
  780. ``ETHTOOL_A_EEE_HEADER`` nested request header
  781. ===================================== ====== ==========================
  782. Kernel response contents:
  783. ===================================== ====== ==========================
  784. ``ETHTOOL_A_EEE_HEADER`` nested request header
  785. ``ETHTOOL_A_EEE_MODES_OURS`` bool supported/advertised modes
  786. ``ETHTOOL_A_EEE_MODES_PEER`` bool peer advertised link modes
  787. ``ETHTOOL_A_EEE_ACTIVE`` bool EEE is actively used
  788. ``ETHTOOL_A_EEE_ENABLED`` bool EEE is enabled
  789. ``ETHTOOL_A_EEE_TX_LPI_ENABLED`` bool Tx lpi enabled
  790. ``ETHTOOL_A_EEE_TX_LPI_TIMER`` u32 Tx lpi timeout (in us)
  791. ===================================== ====== ==========================
  792. In ``ETHTOOL_A_EEE_MODES_OURS``, mask consists of link modes for which EEE is
  793. enabled, value of link modes for which EEE is advertised. Link modes for which
  794. peer advertises EEE are listed in ``ETHTOOL_A_EEE_MODES_PEER`` (no mask). The
  795. netlink interface allows reporting EEE status for all link modes but only
  796. first 32 are provided by the ``ethtool_ops`` callback.
  797. EEE_SET
  798. =======
  799. Sets pause parameters like ``ETHTOOL_GEEEPARAM`` ioctl request.
  800. Request contents:
  801. ===================================== ====== ==========================
  802. ``ETHTOOL_A_EEE_HEADER`` nested request header
  803. ``ETHTOOL_A_EEE_MODES_OURS`` bool advertised modes
  804. ``ETHTOOL_A_EEE_ENABLED`` bool EEE is enabled
  805. ``ETHTOOL_A_EEE_TX_LPI_ENABLED`` bool Tx lpi enabled
  806. ``ETHTOOL_A_EEE_TX_LPI_TIMER`` u32 Tx lpi timeout (in us)
  807. ===================================== ====== ==========================
  808. ``ETHTOOL_A_EEE_MODES_OURS`` is used to either list link modes to advertise
  809. EEE for (if there is no mask) or specify changes to the list (if there is
  810. a mask). The netlink interface allows reporting EEE status for all link modes
  811. but only first 32 can be set at the moment as that is what the ``ethtool_ops``
  812. callback supports.
  814. ==========
  815. Gets timestamping information like ``ETHTOOL_GET_TS_INFO`` ioctl request.
  816. Request contents:
  817. ===================================== ====== ==========================
  818. ``ETHTOOL_A_TSINFO_HEADER`` nested request header
  819. ===================================== ====== ==========================
  820. Kernel response contents:
  821. ===================================== ====== ==========================
  822. ``ETHTOOL_A_TSINFO_HEADER`` nested request header
  824. ``ETHTOOL_A_TSINFO_TX_TYPES`` bitset supported Tx types
  825. ``ETHTOOL_A_TSINFO_RX_FILTERS`` bitset supported Rx filters
  826. ``ETHTOOL_A_TSINFO_PHC_INDEX`` u32 PTP hw clock index
  827. ===================================== ====== ==========================
  828. ``ETHTOOL_A_TSINFO_PHC_INDEX`` is absent if there is no associated PHC (there
  829. is no special value for this case). The bitset attributes are omitted if they
  830. would be empty (no bit set).
  832. ==========
  833. Start a cable test.
  834. Request contents:
  835. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  836. ``ETHTOOL_A_CABLE_TEST_HEADER`` nested request header
  837. ==================================== ====== ==========================
  838. Notification contents:
  839. An Ethernet cable typically contains 1, 2 or 4 pairs. The length of
  840. the pair can only be measured when there is a fault in the pair and
  841. hence a reflection. Information about the fault may not be available,
  842. depending on the specific hardware. Hence the contents of the notify
  843. message are mostly optional. The attributes can be repeated an
  844. arbitrary number of times, in an arbitrary order, for an arbitrary
  845. number of pairs.
  846. The example shows the notification sent when the test is completed for
  847. a T2 cable, i.e. two pairs. One pair is OK and hence has no length
  848. information. The second pair has a fault and does have length
  849. information.
  850. +---------------------------------------------+--------+---------------------+
  851. | ``ETHTOOL_A_CABLE_TEST_HEADER`` | nested | reply header |
  852. +---------------------------------------------+--------+---------------------+
  853. | ``ETHTOOL_A_CABLE_TEST_STATUS`` | u8 | completed |
  854. +---------------------------------------------+--------+---------------------+
  855. | ``ETHTOOL_A_CABLE_TEST_NTF_NEST`` | nested | all the results |
  856. +-+-------------------------------------------+--------+---------------------+
  857. | | ``ETHTOOL_A_CABLE_NEST_RESULT`` | nested | cable test result |
  858. +-+-+-----------------------------------------+--------+---------------------+
  859. | | | ``ETHTOOL_A_CABLE_RESULTS_PAIR`` | u8 | pair number |
  860. +-+-+-----------------------------------------+--------+---------------------+
  861. | | | ``ETHTOOL_A_CABLE_RESULTS_CODE`` | u8 | result code |
  862. +-+-+-----------------------------------------+--------+---------------------+
  863. | | ``ETHTOOL_A_CABLE_NEST_RESULT`` | nested | cable test results |
  864. +-+-+-----------------------------------------+--------+---------------------+
  865. | | | ``ETHTOOL_A_CABLE_RESULTS_PAIR`` | u8 | pair number |
  866. +-+-+-----------------------------------------+--------+---------------------+
  867. | | | ``ETHTOOL_A_CABLE_RESULTS_CODE`` | u8 | result code |
  868. +-+-+-----------------------------------------+--------+---------------------+
  869. | | ``ETHTOOL_A_CABLE_NEST_FAULT_LENGTH`` | nested | cable length |
  870. +-+-+-----------------------------------------+--------+---------------------+
  871. | | | ``ETHTOOL_A_CABLE_FAULT_LENGTH_PAIR`` | u8 | pair number |
  872. +-+-+-----------------------------------------+--------+---------------------+
  873. | | | ``ETHTOOL_A_CABLE_FAULT_LENGTH_CM`` | u32 | length in cm |
  874. +-+-+-----------------------------------------+--------+---------------------+
  876. ==============
  877. Start a cable test and report raw TDR data
  878. Request contents:
  879. +--------------------------------------------+--------+-----------------------+
  880. | ``ETHTOOL_A_CABLE_TEST_TDR_HEADER`` | nested | reply header |
  881. +--------------------------------------------+--------+-----------------------+
  882. | ``ETHTOOL_A_CABLE_TEST_TDR_CFG`` | nested | test configuration |
  883. +-+------------------------------------------+--------+-----------------------+
  884. | | ``ETHTOOL_A_CABLE_STEP_FIRST_DISTANCE`` | u32 | first data distance |
  885. +-+-+----------------------------------------+--------+-----------------------+
  886. | | ``ETHTOOL_A_CABLE_STEP_LAST_DISTANCE`` | u32 | last data distance |
  887. +-+-+----------------------------------------+--------+-----------------------+
  888. | | ``ETHTOOL_A_CABLE_STEP_STEP_DISTANCE`` | u32 | distance of each step |
  889. +-+-+----------------------------------------+--------+-----------------------+
  890. | | ``ETHTOOL_A_CABLE_TEST_TDR_CFG_PAIR`` | u8 | pair to test |
  891. +-+-+----------------------------------------+--------+-----------------------+
  892. The ETHTOOL_A_CABLE_TEST_TDR_CFG is optional, as well as all members
  893. of the nest. All distances are expressed in centimeters. The PHY takes
  894. the distances as a guide, and rounds to the nearest distance it
  895. actually supports. If a pair is passed, only that one pair will be
  896. tested. Otherwise all pairs are tested.
  897. Notification contents:
  898. Raw TDR data is gathered by sending a pulse down the cable and
  899. recording the amplitude of the reflected pulse for a given distance.
  900. It can take a number of seconds to collect TDR data, especial if the
  901. full 100 meters is probed at 1 meter intervals. When the test is
  902. started a notification will be sent containing just
  903. ETHTOOL_A_CABLE_TEST_TDR_STATUS with the value
  905. When the test has completed a second notification will be sent
  906. containing ETHTOOL_A_CABLE_TEST_TDR_STATUS with the value
  908. The message may optionally contain the amplitude of the pulse send
  909. down the cable. This is measured in mV. A reflection should not be
  910. bigger than transmitted pulse.
  911. Before the raw TDR data should be an ETHTOOL_A_CABLE_TDR_NEST_STEP
  912. nest containing information about the distance along the cable for the
  913. first reading, the last reading, and the step between each
  914. reading. Distances are measured in centimeters. These should be the
  915. exact values the PHY used. These may be different to what the user
  916. requested, if the native measurement resolution is greater than 1 cm.
  917. For each step along the cable, a ETHTOOL_A_CABLE_TDR_NEST_AMPLITUDE is
  918. used to report the amplitude of the reflection for a given pair.
  919. +---------------------------------------------+--------+----------------------+
  920. | ``ETHTOOL_A_CABLE_TEST_TDR_HEADER`` | nested | reply header |
  921. +---------------------------------------------+--------+----------------------+
  922. | ``ETHTOOL_A_CABLE_TEST_TDR_STATUS`` | u8 | completed |
  923. +---------------------------------------------+--------+----------------------+
  924. | ``ETHTOOL_A_CABLE_TEST_TDR_NTF_NEST`` | nested | all the results |
  925. +-+-------------------------------------------+--------+----------------------+
  926. | | ``ETHTOOL_A_CABLE_TDR_NEST_PULSE`` | nested | TX Pulse amplitude |
  927. +-+-+-----------------------------------------+--------+----------------------+
  928. | | | ``ETHTOOL_A_CABLE_PULSE_mV`` | s16 | Pulse amplitude |
  929. +-+-+-----------------------------------------+--------+----------------------+
  930. | | ``ETHTOOL_A_CABLE_NEST_STEP`` | nested | TDR step info |
  931. +-+-+-----------------------------------------+--------+----------------------+
  932. | | | ``ETHTOOL_A_CABLE_STEP_FIRST_DISTANCE`` | u32 | First data distance |
  933. +-+-+-----------------------------------------+--------+----------------------+
  934. | | | ``ETHTOOL_A_CABLE_STEP_LAST_DISTANCE`` | u32 | Last data distance |
  935. +-+-+-----------------------------------------+--------+----------------------+
  936. | | | ``ETHTOOL_A_CABLE_STEP_STEP_DISTANCE`` | u32 | distance of each step|
  937. +-+-+-----------------------------------------+--------+----------------------+
  938. | | ``ETHTOOL_A_CABLE_TDR_NEST_AMPLITUDE`` | nested | Reflection amplitude |
  939. +-+-+-----------------------------------------+--------+----------------------+
  940. | | | ``ETHTOOL_A_CABLE_RESULTS_PAIR`` | u8 | pair number |
  941. +-+-+-----------------------------------------+--------+----------------------+
  942. | | | ``ETHTOOL_A_CABLE_AMPLITUDE_mV`` | s16 | Reflection amplitude |
  943. +-+-+-----------------------------------------+--------+----------------------+
  944. | | ``ETHTOOL_A_CABLE_TDR_NEST_AMPLITUDE`` | nested | Reflection amplitude |
  945. +-+-+-----------------------------------------+--------+----------------------+
  946. | | | ``ETHTOOL_A_CABLE_RESULTS_PAIR`` | u8 | pair number |
  947. +-+-+-----------------------------------------+--------+----------------------+
  948. | | | ``ETHTOOL_A_CABLE_AMPLITUDE_mV`` | s16 | Reflection amplitude |
  949. +-+-+-----------------------------------------+--------+----------------------+
  950. | | ``ETHTOOL_A_CABLE_TDR_NEST_AMPLITUDE`` | nested | Reflection amplitude |
  951. +-+-+-----------------------------------------+--------+----------------------+
  952. | | | ``ETHTOOL_A_CABLE_RESULTS_PAIR`` | u8 | pair number |
  953. +-+-+-----------------------------------------+--------+----------------------+
  954. | | | ``ETHTOOL_A_CABLE_AMPLITUDE_mV`` | s16 | Reflection amplitude |
  955. +-+-+-----------------------------------------+--------+----------------------+
  957. ===========
  958. Gets information about the tunnel state NIC is aware of.
  959. Request contents:
  960. ===================================== ====== ==========================
  961. ``ETHTOOL_A_TUNNEL_INFO_HEADER`` nested request header
  962. ===================================== ====== ==========================
  963. Kernel response contents:
  964. +---------------------------------------------+--------+---------------------+
  965. | ``ETHTOOL_A_TUNNEL_INFO_HEADER`` | nested | reply header |
  966. +---------------------------------------------+--------+---------------------+
  967. | ``ETHTOOL_A_TUNNEL_INFO_UDP_PORTS`` | nested | all UDP port tables |
  968. +-+-------------------------------------------+--------+---------------------+
  969. | | ``ETHTOOL_A_TUNNEL_UDP_TABLE`` | nested | one UDP port table |
  970. +-+-+-----------------------------------------+--------+---------------------+
  971. | | | ``ETHTOOL_A_TUNNEL_UDP_TABLE_SIZE`` | u32 | max size of the |
  972. | | | | | table |
  973. +-+-+-----------------------------------------+--------+---------------------+
  974. | | | ``ETHTOOL_A_TUNNEL_UDP_TABLE_TYPES`` | bitset | tunnel types which |
  975. | | | | | table can hold |
  976. +-+-+-----------------------------------------+--------+---------------------+
  977. | | | ``ETHTOOL_A_TUNNEL_UDP_TABLE_ENTRY`` | nested | offloaded UDP port |
  978. +-+-+-+---------------------------------------+--------+---------------------+
  979. | | | | ``ETHTOOL_A_TUNNEL_UDP_ENTRY_PORT`` | be16 | UDP port |
  980. +-+-+-+---------------------------------------+--------+---------------------+
  981. | | | | ``ETHTOOL_A_TUNNEL_UDP_ENTRY_TYPE`` | u32 | tunnel type |
  982. +-+-+-+---------------------------------------+--------+---------------------+
  983. For UDP tunnel table empty ``ETHTOOL_A_TUNNEL_UDP_TABLE_TYPES`` indicates that
  984. the table contains static entries, hard-coded by the NIC.
  985. Request translation
  986. ===================
  987. The following table maps ioctl commands to netlink commands providing their
  988. functionality. Entries with "n/a" in right column are commands which do not
  989. have their netlink replacement yet. Entries which "n/a" in the left column
  990. are netlink only.
  991. =================================== =====================================
  992. ioctl command netlink command
  993. =================================== =====================================
  998. ``ETHTOOL_GDRVINFO`` n/a
  999. ``ETHTOOL_GREGS`` n/a
  1004. ``ETHTOOL_NWAY_RST`` n/a
  1006. ``ETHTOOL_GEEPROM`` n/a
  1007. ``ETHTOOL_SEEPROM`` n/a
  1020. ``ETHTOOL_TEST`` n/a
  1022. ``ETHTOOL_PHYS_ID`` n/a
  1023. ``ETHTOOL_GSTATS`` n/a
  1026. ``ETHTOOL_GPERMADDR`` rtnetlink ``RTM_GETLINK``
  1035. ``ETHTOOL_GRXFH`` n/a
  1036. ``ETHTOOL_SRXFH`` n/a
  1039. ``ETHTOOL_GRXRINGS`` n/a
  1041. ``ETHTOOL_GRXCLSRULE`` n/a
  1045. ``ETHTOOL_FLASHDEV`` n/a
  1046. ``ETHTOOL_RESET`` n/a
  1047. ``ETHTOOL_SRXNTUPLE`` n/a
  1048. ``ETHTOOL_GRXNTUPLE`` n/a
  1050. ``ETHTOOL_GRXFHINDIR`` n/a
  1051. ``ETHTOOL_SRXFHINDIR`` n/a
  1056. ``ETHTOOL_SET_DUMP`` n/a
  1057. ``ETHTOOL_GET_DUMP_FLAG`` n/a
  1058. ``ETHTOOL_GET_DUMP_DATA`` n/a
  1064. ``ETHTOOL_GRSSH`` n/a
  1065. ``ETHTOOL_SRSSH`` n/a
  1066. ``ETHTOOL_GTUNABLE`` n/a
  1067. ``ETHTOOL_STUNABLE`` n/a
  1068. ``ETHTOOL_GPHYSTATS`` n/a
  1069. ``ETHTOOL_PERQUEUE`` n/a
  1074. ``ETHTOOL_PHY_GTUNABLE`` n/a
  1075. ``ETHTOOL_PHY_STUNABLE`` n/a
  1076. ``ETHTOOL_GFECPARAM`` n/a
  1077. ``ETHTOOL_SFECPARAM`` n/a
  1081. =================================== =====================================