ReadMe.txt 2.0 KB

  1. Files layout
  2. ============
  3. <SDK>/
  4. |
  5. \---samples
  6. |
  7. +---es20
  8. | |
  9. | \---vv_launcher
  10. | vv_launcher
  11. |
  12. +---gfx (DirectFB case)
  13. | blit
  14. | blit_blend_alpha_chanel
  15. | blit_blend_global_alpha
  16. | blit_colorkeyed
  17. | blit_convert
  18. | blit_rotate180
  19. | blit_rotate270
  20. | blit_rotate90
  21. | blit_xor
  22. | draw_line
  23. | draw_rectangle
  24. | draw_xor
  25. | fill_rectangle
  26. | smooth_scale
  27. | stretch_blit
  28. | stretch_blit_colorkeyed
  29. | stretch_blit_rotate180
  30. | stretch_blit_rotate270
  31. | stretch_blit_rotate90
  32. |
  33. +---hal
  34. | | tvui (2D case)
  35. | |
  36. | \---unit_test (2D case)
  37. |
  38. +---tiger
  39. | tiger
  40. |
  41. \---vdk
  42. | tutorial1
  43. | tutorial2
  44. | tutorial3
  45. | tutorial4
  46. | tutorial5
  47. | tutorial6
  48. | tutorial7
  49. | tutorial1_es20
  50. | tutorial2_es20
  51. | tutorial3_es20
  52. | tutorial4_es20
  53. | tiger
  54. |
  55. \---samples_es20
  56. vdksample10_es20
  57. vdksample1_es20
  58. vdksample2_es20
  59. vdksample3_es20
  60. vdksample4_es20
  61. vdksample5_es20
  62. vdksample6_es20
  63. vdksample7_es20
  64. vdksample8_es20
  65. vdksample9_es20
  66. Running applications on the target machine
  67. ==========================================
  68. 1. Copy the libraries to the target
  69. On the target machine:
  70. cp galcore.ko /
  71. cp /lib
  72. 2. Install the kernel driver
  73. insmod /galcore.ko registerMemBase=<REG_MEM_BASE> irqLine=<IRQ> contiguousSize=<CONTIGUOUS_MEM_SIZE>
  74. eg. On ARM EB development board:
  75. insmod /galcore.ko registerMemBase=0x80000000 irqLine=104 contiguousSize=0x400000
  76. 3. Run the application
  77. eg.
  78. cd $SDK_DIR/samples/vdk; ./tutorial1