############################################################################## # # Copyright 2012 - 2020 Vivante Corporation, Santa Clara, California. # All Rights Reserved. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sub license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject # to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the # next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial # portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. # IN NO EVENT SHALL VIVANTE AND/OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY # CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, # TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE # SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # ############################################################################## ################################################################################ # Macros. AQROOT ?= $(shell pwd) AQARCH ?= $(AQROOT)/arch/XAQ2 AQVGARCH ?= $(AQROOT)/arch/GC350 export AQROOT AQARCH AQVGARCH ################################################################################ # Include common definitions. ifneq ($(BUILD_SYSTEM),YOCTO_BUILD) include ../.param endif include $(AQROOT)/makefile.linux.def ################################################################################ # Components of the project. # app HAL_TEST := $(HAL_TEST_DIR) HAL_UNIT_TEST := $(AQROOT)/test/hal/common/UnitTest GFX_TEST := $(GFX_TEST_DIR) VVLAUNCHER := $(VVLAUNCHER_DIR) OVX_TEST := $(AQROOT)/test/ovx ifneq ($(VIVANTE_NO_VG),1) TIGER := $(AQROOT)/test/vg11/tiger endif ifeq ($(USE_VDK),0) VDK_TEST := else VDK_TEST += $(VDK_TEST_DIR) endif CL11_TEST := $(CL11_TEST_DIR) CL11_UNIT := $(CL11_UNIT_DIR) ifeq ($(STATIC_LINK),1) APP_HAL_LIST := $(HAL_TEST) ifneq ($(VIVANTE_NO_VG),1) APP_OVG11_LIST := $(TIGER) endif APP_GFX_LIST := else APP_HAL_LIST := $(HAL_TEST) $(HAL_UNIT_TEST) APP_GFX_LIST := $(GFX_TEST) ifneq ($(VIVANTE_NO_VG),1) APP_OVG11_LIST := $(TIGER) endif endif ifeq ($(USE_OPENCL),1) APP_OCL11_LIST := $(CL11_TEST) else APP_OCL11_LIST := endif APP_VDK_LIST += $(VDK_TEST) $(TIGER) $(VVLAUNCHER) APP_OVX_LIST := $(OVX_TEST) APP_LIST := ifeq ($(VIVANTE_ENABLE_2D),1) APP_LIST += $(APP_HAL_LIST) ifneq ($(STATIC_LINK),1) APP_LIST += $(APP_GFX_LIST) endif endif ifeq ($(VIVANTE_ENABLE_3D),1) ifeq ($(USE_VDK),1) APP_LIST += $(APP_VDK_LIST) else ifneq ($(VIVANTE_NO_VG),1) APP_LIST += $(APP_OVG11_LIST) endif endif ifeq ($(USE_OPENCL),1) APP_LIST += $(APP_OCL11_LIST) endif ifeq ($(USE_OPENVX),1) APP_LIST += $(APP_OVX_LIST) endif ifeq ($(USE_OPENVX),1) APP_LIST += $(APP_OVX_LIST) endif endif ifeq ($(VIVANTE_ENABLE_VG),1) ifneq ($(VIVANTE_NO_VG), 1) APP_LIST += $(APP_OVG11_LIST) endif endif ################################################################################ # Define the macros used in the common makefile. SUBDIRS := $(APP_LIST) MAIN_MODULE := $(APP_LIST) OBJ_DIR := $(SDK_DIR) ################################################################################ # Targets .PHONY: all clean install $(SUBDIRS) all: $(MAIN_MODULE) clean: V_TARGET := clean install: V_TARGET := install clean: all @rm -rf $(SDK_DIR) install: all @mkdir -p $(SDK_DIR) @-cp -f $(AQROOT)/release/SW/ReadMe_Linux_SDK.txt $(SDK_DIR)/ReadMe.txt $(SUBDIRS): @test ! -d $@ || $(MAKE) -f makefile.linux -C $@ $(V_TARGET) gcdSTATIC_LINK=$(gcdSTATIC_LINK) @test ! -d $@ || $(MAKE) -f makefile.linux -C $@ $(V_TARGET) 2IN=1 gcdSTATIC_LINK=$(gcdSTATIC_LINK) .PHONY: $(GFX_TEST) $(GFX_TEST): ifeq (,$(DFB_DIR)) @echo "DFB_DIR variable was not exported; skipped gfx test building" endif ################################################################################ # Supported targets. ifeq ($(VIVANTE_ENABLE_2D),1) gfx_test: $(GFX_TEST) hal_test: $(HAL_TEST) hal_unit: $(HAL_UNIT_TEST) hal_test_all: $(HAL_TEST) $(HAL_UNIT_TEST) chipinfo: $(CHIPINFO) endif ifeq ($(USE_VDK), 0) tutorial: $(TUTORIAL) else vdktest: $(VDK_TEST) vv_launcher: $(VVLAUNCHER) endif ifeq ($(USE_OPENCL), 1) cl11_test: $(CL11_TEST) cl11_unit: $(CL11_UNIT) endif ifeq ($(USE_OPENVX), 1) ovx_test: $(OVX_TEST) endif ifneq ($(VIVANTE_NO_VG), 1) ovg11_tst: $(APP_OVG11_LIST) tiger: $(TIGER) endif