/* * Copyright (C) 2021 Alibaba Group Holding Limited * Author: LuChongzhi * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. */ #include #include #include #define LOG_LEVEL 3 #define LOG_PREFIX "vdec_demo1" #include #include #include #define TEST_MODULE_NAME "simulator_vdec0" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ret; csi_vdec_info_t vdec_info; csi_vdec_dev_t decoder; csi_vdec_chn_t channel; // 打印HAL接口版本号 csi_api_version_u version; csi_vdec_get_version(&version); printf("Video Decoder HAL version: %d.%d\n", version.major, version.minor); // 获取设备中,所有的Video Decoder struct csi_vdec_infos vdec_infos; csi_vdec_query_list(&vdec_infos); // 打印所有设备所支持的Video Decoder bool found_module = false; for (int i = 0; i < vdec_infos.count; i++) { csi_vdec_info_t *info; info = &(vdec_infos.info[i]); printf("decoder[%d]: module_name='%s', device_name='%s', capabilities=0x%lx\n", i, info->module_name, info->device_name, info->capabilities); if (strcmp(info->module_name, TEST_MODULE_NAME) == 0) { vdec_info = *info; found_module = true; } } if (!found_module) { LOG_E("Can't find module_name:'%s'\n", TEST_MODULE_NAME); exit(-1); } // 打开设备获取句柄,作为后续操对象 csi_vdec_open(&decoder, vdec_info.device_name); // 创建视频解码通道 csi_vdec_config_s dec_cfg; dec_cfg.input_mode = CSI_VDEC_INPUT_MODE_FRAME; dec_cfg.input_stream_buf_size = 1*1024*1024; dec_cfg.output_format = CSI_PIX_FMT_I420; dec_cfg.output_width = 1920; dec_cfg.output_height = 1080; dec_cfg.output_order = CSI_VDEC_OUTPUT_ORDER_DISP; dec_cfg.dec_vcodec_id = CSI_VCODEC_ID_H264; dec_cfg.output_img_type = CSI_VDEC_MODE_IPB; dec_cfg.dec_frame_buf_cnt = 8; csi_vdec_create_channel(&channel, decoder, &dec_cfg); // 配置内存分配器 if (1) { //csi_allocator_s *allocator = csi_allocator_get(CSI_ALLOCATOR_TYPE_DMA); //csi_vdec_set_memory_allocator(channel, allocator); } else { csi_frame_s *allocated_frames[8]; // TODO: allocate frames first csi_vdec_register_frames(channel, allocated_frames, 8); } // 配置解码通道模式 csi_vdec_mode_s vdec_mode; vdec_mode.fb_source = CSI_FB_SOURCE_DMABUF; vdec_mode.low_latency_mode = false; vdec_mode.mini_buf_mode = false; csi_vdec_set_mode(channel, &vdec_mode); // 获取和重新配置解码通道属性 csi_vdec_get_chn_config(channel, &dec_cfg); dec_cfg.dec_frame_buf_cnt = 16; csi_vdec_set_chn_config(channel, &dec_cfg); // 订阅事件 csi_vdec_event_handle_t event_handle; csi_vdec_create_event_handle(&event_handle, decoder); csi_vdec_event_subscription_t subscribe_dec, subscribe_chn; subscribe_dec.type = CSI_VDEC_EVENT_TYPE_DECODER; // 订阅Decoder事件 subscribe_dec.id = CSI_VDEC_EVENT_ID_ERROR; csi_vdec_subscribe_event(event_handle, &subscribe_dec); subscribe_chn.type = CSI_VDEC_EVENT_TYPE_CHANNEL; // 订阅Channel事件 subscribe_chn.id = CSI_VDEC_CHANNEL_EVENT_ID_FRAME_READY; csi_vdec_subscribe_event(event_handle, &subscribe_chn); // 传送视频码流 csi_vdec_start(channel); const int send_count = 25; const int stream_packet_len = 1024; csi_vdec_stream_s stream; stream.data = malloc(stream_packet_len); for (int i = 0; i < send_count; i++) { stream.length = stream_packet_len; stream.pts = 40 * i; stream.eos = (i < (send_count - 1)) ? false : true; if (i == 10) { // Just for testing csi_vdec_reset(channel); } csi_vdec_send_stream_buf(channel, &stream, 1000); } free(stream.data); stream.data = NULL; // 收取解码结果 csi_frame_s *frame; struct csi_vdec_event event; int get_count = 0; csi_vdec_chn_status_s status; while (get_count < send_count) { // timeout unit: ms, -1 means wait forever, or until error occurs csi_vdec_get_event(event_handle, &event, -1); switch (event.type) { case CSI_VDEC_EVENT_TYPE_DECODER: csi_vdec_query_status(channel, &status); // Dump Status break; case CSI_VDEC_EVENT_TYPE_CHANNEL: switch (event.id) { case CSI_VDEC_CHANNEL_EVENT_ID_FRAME_READY: csi_vdec_get_frame(channel, &frame, 1000); get_count++; // display frame // release frame: frame.release(); } break; default: break; } } // 关闭与回收资源 csi_vdec_stop(channel); csi_vdec_unsubscribe_event(event_handle, &subscribe_dec); csi_vdec_unsubscribe_event(event_handle, &subscribe_chn); csi_vdec_destory_channel(channel); csi_vdec_close(decoder); return 0; }