/* * Copyright (C) 2021 Alibaba Group Holding Limited * Author: LuChongzhi * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. */ #include #include #include #define LOG_LEVEL 2 #define LOG_PREFIX "camera_demo1" #include #include #include #ifdef PLATFORM_SIMULATOR #include "apputilities.h" #endif static void dump_camera_meta(csi_frame_s *frame); static int save_camera_img(csi_frame_s *frame); static int save_camera_stream(csi_frame_s *frame); #define TEST_DEVICE_NAME "/dev/video0" #define CSI_CAMERA_TRUE 1 #define CSI_CAMERA_FALSE 0 char *prog_name; void usage() { fprintf (stderr, "usage: %s [options]\n" "Options:\n" "\t-D dev target video device like /dev/video0\n" "\t-R resolution format is like 640x480\n" "\t-F format like NV12\n" "\t-C channel_index channel index defined in dts, index from 0\n" "\t-M output mode 0: save as image; 1: save as stream file\n" "\t-N number for frames 0: record forever; others: the recorded frame numbers" , prog_name ); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { bool running = false; csi_camera_info_s camera_info; int opt; char device[CSI_CAMERA_NAME_MAX_LEN]; /* target video device like /dev/video0 */ char *resolution; /* resolution information like 640x480 */ int hres, vres; /* resolution information like 640x480 */ char *resDelim = "xX"; char *format; /* format information like NV12 */ enum csi_pixel_fmt fenum; int channelIdx; /* channel information like 8 */ int outMode = 0; int fNum = 0; prog_name = argv[0]; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "D:R:F:C:M:hN:")) != EOF) { switch(opt) { case 'D': //device = optarg; strcpy(device, optarg); continue; case 'R': resolution = optarg; hres = atoi(strtok(resolution, resDelim)); vres = atoi(strtok(NULL, resDelim)); continue; case 'M': outMode = atoi(optarg); continue; case 'N': fNum = atoi(optarg); continue; case 'F': format = optarg; if(strstr(format, "NV12")){ fenum = CSI_PIX_FMT_NV12; } else if(strstr(format, "I420")){ fenum = CSI_PIX_FMT_I420; } else{ fenum = CSI_PIX_FMT_I420; } continue; case 'C': channelIdx = atoi(optarg); continue; case '?': case 'h': default: usage(); return 1; } } const csi_camera_channel_id_e CAMERA_CHANNEL_ID = CSI_CAMERA_CHANNEL_0 + channelIdx; const csi_camera_event_type_e CAMERA_CHANNEL_EVENT_TYPE = CSI_CAMERA_EVENT_TYPE_CHANNEL0 + channelIdx; if (fNum == 0) running == true; // 打印HAL接口版本号 csi_api_version_u version; csi_camera_get_version(&version); printf("Camera HAL version: %d.%d\n", version.major, version.minor); // 获取设备中,所有的Camera struct csi_camera_infos camera_infos; memset(&camera_infos, 0, sizeof(camera_infos)); csi_camera_query_list(&camera_infos); // 打印所有设备所支持的Camera for (int i = 0; i < camera_infos.count; i++) { camera_info = camera_infos.info[i]; printf("Camera[%d]: camera_name='%s', device_name='%s', bus_info='%s', capabilities=0x%08x\n", i, camera_info.camera_name, camera_info.device_name, camera_info.bus_info, camera_info.capabilities); printf("Camera[%d] caps are:\n", i); /* The caps are: Video capture, metadata capture */ for (int j = 1; j <= 0x08000000; j = j << 1) { switch (camera_info.capabilities & j) { case CSI_CAMERA_CAP_VIDEO_CAPTURE: printf("\t camera_infos.info[%d]:Video capture,\n", i); break; case CSI_CAMERA_CAP_META_CAPTURE: printf("\t camera_infos.info[%d] metadata capture,\n", i); break; default: if (camera_info.capabilities & j) { printf("\t camera_infos.info[%d] unknown capabilities(0x%08x)\n", i, camera_info.capabilities & j); } break; } } } // 打开Camera设备获取句柄,作为后续操对象 csi_cam_handle_t cam_handle; //csi_camera_open(&cam_handle, camera_info.device_name); strcpy(camera_info.device_name, device); //camera_info.device_name = device; csi_camera_open(&cam_handle, camera_info.device_name); //csi_camera_open(&cam_handle, device); // 获取Camera支持的工作模式 struct csi_camera_modes camera_modes; csi_camera_get_modes(cam_handle, &camera_modes); // 打印camera所支持的所有工作模式 printf("Camera:'%s' modes are:\n", device); printf("{\n"); for (int i = 0; i < camera_modes.count; i++) { printf("\t mode_id=%d: description:'%s'\n", camera_modes.modes[i].mode_id, camera_modes.modes[i].description); } printf("}\n"); // 设置camera的工作模式及其配置 csi_camera_mode_cfg_s camera_cfg; camera_cfg.mode_id = 1; camera_cfg.calibriation = NULL; // 采用系统默认配置 camera_cfg.lib3a = NULL; // 采用系统默认配置 csi_camera_set_mode(cam_handle, &camera_cfg); // 获取单个可控单元的属性 csi_camera_property_description_s description; /* id=0x0098090x, type=2 default=0 value=1 */ /* Other example: * id=0x0098090y, type=3 min=0 max=255 step=1 default=127 value=116 * id=0x0098090z, type=4 min=0 max=3 default=0 value=2 * 0: IDLE * 1: BUSY * 2: REACHED * 3: FAILED */ // 轮询获取所有可控制的单元 printf("all properties are:\n"); description.id = CSI_CAMERA_PID_HFLIP; while (!csi_camera_query_property(cam_handle, &description)) { switch (description.type) { case (CSI_CAMERA_PROPERTY_TYPE_INTEGER): printf("id=0x%08x type=%d default=%d value=%d\n", description.id, description.type, description.default_value.int_value, description.value.int_value); break; case (CSI_CAMERA_PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOLEAN): printf("id=0x%08x type=%d default=%d value=%d\n", description.id, description.type, description.default_value.bool_value, description.value.bool_value); break; case (CSI_CAMERA_PROPERTY_TYPE_ENUM): printf("id=0x%08x type=%d default=%d value=%d\n", description.id, description.type, description.default_value.enum_value, description.value.enum_value); break; case (CSI_CAMERA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING): printf("id=0x%08x type=%d default=%s value=%s\n", description.id, description.type, description.default_value.str_value, description.value.str_value); break; case (CSI_CAMERA_PROPERTY_TYPE_BITMASK): printf("id=0x%08x type=%d default=%x value=%x\n", description.id, description.type, description.default_value.bitmask_value, description.value.bitmask_value); break; default: LOG_E("error type!\n"); break; } description.id |= CSI_CAMERA_FLAG_NEXT_CTRL; } // 同时配置多个参数 csi_camera_properties_s properties; csi_camera_property_s property[3]; property[0].id = CSI_CAMERA_PID_HFLIP; property[0].type = CSI_CAMERA_PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOLEAN; property[0].value.bool_value = false; property[1].id = CSI_CAMERA_PID_VFLIP; property[1].type = CSI_CAMERA_PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOLEAN; property[1].value.bool_value = false; property[2].id = CSI_CAMERA_PID_ROTATE; property[2].type = CSI_CAMERA_PROPERTY_TYPE_INTEGER; property[2].value.int_value = 0; properties.count = 3; properties.property = property; if (csi_camera_set_property(cam_handle, &properties) < 0) { LOG_O("set_property fail!\n"); } LOG_O("set_property ok!\n"); // 查询输出channel csi_camera_channel_cfg_s chn_cfg; chn_cfg.chn_id = CAMERA_CHANNEL_ID; csi_camera_channel_query(cam_handle, &chn_cfg); if (chn_cfg.status != CSI_CAMERA_CHANNEL_CLOSED) { printf("Can't open CSI_CAMERA_CHANNEL_0\n"); exit(-1); } // 打开输出channel chn_cfg.chn_id = channelIdx; chn_cfg.frm_cnt = 4; chn_cfg.img_fmt.width = hres; chn_cfg.img_fmt.height = vres; chn_cfg.img_fmt.pix_fmt = fenum; chn_cfg.img_type = CSI_IMG_TYPE_DMA_BUF; chn_cfg.meta_fields = CSI_CAMERA_META_DEFAULT_FIELDS; chn_cfg.capture_type = CSI_CAMERA_CHANNEL_CAPTURE_VIDEO | CSI_CAMERA_CHANNEL_CAPTURE_META; csi_camera_channel_open(cam_handle, &chn_cfg); // 订阅Event csi_cam_event_handle_t event_handle; csi_camera_create_event(&event_handle, cam_handle); csi_camera_event_subscription_s subscribe; subscribe.type = CSI_CAMERA_EVENT_TYPE_CAMERA; // 订阅Camera的ERROR事件 subscribe.id = CSI_CAMERA_EVENT_WARNING | CSI_CAMERA_EVENT_ERROR; csi_camera_subscribe_event(event_handle, &subscribe); subscribe.type = CAMERA_CHANNEL_EVENT_TYPE; // 订阅Channel0的FRAME_READY事件 subscribe.id = CSI_CAMERA_CHANNEL_EVENT_FRAME_READY | CSI_CAMERA_CHANNEL_EVENT_OVERFLOW; csi_camera_subscribe_event(event_handle, &subscribe); // 开始从channel中取出准备好的frame csi_camera_channel_start(cam_handle, CAMERA_CHANNEL_ID); // 处理订阅的Event csi_frame_s frame; struct csi_camera_event event; while (running || fNum >= 0 ) { int timeout = -1; // unit: ms, -1 means wait forever, or until error occurs csi_camera_get_event(event_handle, &event, timeout); if(event.type == CSI_CAMERA_EVENT_TYPE_CAMERA){ switch (event.id) { case CSI_CAMERA_EVENT_ERROR: // do sth. LOG_D("get CAMERA EVENT CSI_CAMERA_EVENT_ERROR!\n"); break; default: break; } } if(event.type == CAMERA_CHANNEL_EVENT_TYPE){ switch (event.id) { case CSI_CAMERA_CHANNEL_EVENT_FRAME_READY: { int read_frame_count = csi_camera_get_frame_count(cam_handle, CAMERA_CHANNEL_ID); for (int i = 0; i < read_frame_count; i++) { csi_camera_get_frame(cam_handle, CAMERA_CHANNEL_ID, &frame, timeout); fNum--; #ifdef PLATFORM_SIMULATOR show_frame_image(frame.img.usr_addr[0], frame.img.height, frame.img.width); #endif if (outMode == 0) save_camera_img(&frame); else save_camera_stream(&frame); csi_frame_release(&frame); } break; } default: break; } } } csi_camera_channel_stop(cam_handle, CAMERA_CHANNEL_ID); usleep (1000000); // 取消订阅某一个event, 也可以直接调用csi_camera_destory_event,结束所有的订阅 subscribe.type = CAMERA_CHANNEL_EVENT_TYPE; subscribe.id = CSI_CAMERA_CHANNEL_EVENT_FRAME_READY; csi_camera_unsubscribe_event(event_handle, &subscribe); csi_camera_destory_event(event_handle); csi_camera_channel_close(cam_handle, CAMERA_CHANNEL_ID); csi_camera_close(cam_handle); } static void dump_camera_meta(csi_frame_s *frame) { int i; //printf("%s\n", __func__); if (frame->meta.type != CSI_META_TYPE_CAMERA) return; csi_camera_meta_s *meta_data = (csi_camera_meta_s *)frame->meta.data; int meta_count = meta_data->count; csi_camrea_meta_unit_s meta_unit; for (i = 0; i < meta_count; i++) { csi_camera_frame_get_meta_unit( &meta_unit, meta_data, CSI_CAMERA_META_ID_FRAME_ID); //printf("meta_id=%d, meta_type=%d, meta_value=%d", // meta_unit.id, meta_unit.type, meta_unit.int_value); } } static int save_camera_img(csi_frame_s *frame) { static int fcount = 0; char fname[20]; FILE *fp; fcount = fcount%4; sprintf(fname, "%s%d%s", "hal_image", fcount, ".yuv"); fcount++; if((fp = fopen(fname, "wb")) == NULL){ printf("Error: Can't open file\n"); return -1; } fwrite(frame->img.usr_addr[0], sizeof(char), frame->img.size, fp); fclose(fp); return 0; } static int save_camera_stream(csi_frame_s *frame) { FILE *fp; char *fname = "hal_stream.yuv"; if((fp = fopen(fname, "ab+")) == NULL){ printf("Error: Can't open file\n"); return -1; } fwrite(frame->img.usr_addr[0], sizeof(char), frame->img.size, fp); fclose(fp); return 0; }