/* * Copyright (C) 2021 Alibaba Group Holding Limited * Author: LuChongzhi * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. */ #include #include #include "param.h" char param[10][10][MENU_ITEM_MAX_LEN+1]; static void GetSubStr(char *des, char *src, char ch, int n) { int i, len; char *p1, *p, tmp[300]; strcpy(tmp, src); *des = 0; p1 = tmp; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { p = (char *)strchr(p1, ch); if (p != NULL) { *p++ = 0; p1 = p; } } p = (char *)strchr(p1, ch); if (p != NULL) { *p = 0; strcpy(des, p1); } } int get_param(char *name) { FILE *fp; char ss[201], xm[3], gs[3]; int i, j; sprintf(ss, "%s.conf", name); if ((fp = fopen(ss, "r")) == NULL) return (-1); for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) memset(param[j][i], 0, 13); while (1) { memset(ss, 0, 201); fgets(ss, 200, fp); if (feof(fp)) break; if (ss[0] == '#') continue; GetSubStr(xm, ss, '|', 0); GetSubStr(gs, ss, '|', 1); j = atoi(xm); for (i = 1; i <= atoi(gs); i++) { sprintf(param[j][0], "%s", gs); GetSubStr(param[j][i], ss, '|', i + 1); } } fclose(fp); return (0); }