Makefile 806 B

  1. # Generated by Xplorer, do not modify.
  2. # This Makefile builds _single_build Release_Core1_PI
  3. %:: RCS/%,v
  4. %:: RCS/%
  5. %:: s.%
  6. %:: SCCS/s.%
  8. .SUFFIXES: .a .o .c .cc .C .cpp .s .S .h
  9. # There should not be an 'sh.exe' in path
  10. export SHELL = cmd
  11. # There should never be any unknown unix-like tools on the path
  12. # In particular there should not be an 'sh.exe' in the system32 directory
  13. export PATH = C:\usr\xtensa\XtDevTools\install\tools\RI-2020.4-win32\XtensaTools\bin\;C:\usr\xtensa\XtDevTools\install\tools\RI-2020.4-win32\XtensaTools\lib\iss\;C:\WINDOWS\system32
  14. all:
  15. cmd /c "cd /D ""D:\\workspace\\Code\\csi_dsp_firmware\\bin\\q7_check\\Release_Core1_PI"" && $(MAKE) all "
  16. clean:
  17. cmd /c "cd /D ""D:\\workspace\\Code\\csi_dsp_firmware\\bin\\q7_check\\Release_Core1_PI"" && $(MAKE) clean "