allowed_list.go 2.1 KB

  1. package config
  2. var (
  3. // When adding a new path below, add a rustfmt.toml file at the root of
  4. // the repository and enable the rustfmt repo hook. See aosp/1458238
  5. // for an example.
  6. // TODO(b/160223496): enable rustfmt globally.
  7. RustAllowedPaths = []string{
  8. "device/google/cuttlefish",
  9. "external/adhd",
  10. "external/boringssl",
  11. "external/crosvm",
  12. "external/libchromeos-rs",
  13. "external/minijail",
  14. "external/open-dice",
  15. "external/rust",
  16. "external/selinux/libselinux",
  17. "external/uwb",
  18. "external/vm_tools/p9",
  19. "frameworks/native/libs/binder/rust",
  20. "frameworks/proto_logging/stats",
  21. "hardware/interfaces/security",
  22. "hardware/interfaces/uwb",
  23. "packages/modules/Bluetooth",
  24. "packages/modules/DnsResolver",
  25. "packages/modules/Uwb",
  26. "packages/modules/Virtualization",
  27. "platform_testing/tests/codecoverage/native/rust",
  28. "prebuilts/rust",
  29. "system/core/debuggerd/rust",
  30. "system/core/libstats/pull_rust",
  31. "system/core/trusty/libtrusty-rs",
  32. "system/core/trusty/keymint",
  33. "system/extras/profcollectd",
  34. "system/extras/simpleperf",
  35. "system/hardware/interfaces/keystore2",
  36. "system/keymint",
  37. "system/librustutils",
  38. "system/logging/liblog",
  39. "system/logging/rust",
  40. "system/nfc",
  41. "system/security",
  42. "system/tools/aidl",
  43. "tools/security/fuzzing/example_rust_fuzzer",
  44. "tools/security/fuzzing/orphans",
  45. "tools/security/remote_provisioning/cert_validator",
  46. "tools/vendor",
  47. "vendor/",
  48. }
  49. DownstreamRustAllowedPaths = []string{
  50. // Add downstream allowed Rust paths here.
  51. }
  52. RustModuleTypes = []string{
  53. // Don't add rust_bindgen or rust_protobuf as these are code generation modules
  54. // and can be expected to be in paths without Rust code.
  55. "rust_benchmark",
  56. "rust_benchmark_host",
  57. "rust_binary",
  58. "rust_binary_host",
  59. "rust_library",
  60. "rust_library_dylib",
  61. "rust_library_rlib",
  62. "rust_ffi",
  63. "rust_ffi_shared",
  64. "rust_ffi_static",
  65. "rust_fuzz",
  66. "rust_library_host",
  67. "rust_library_host_dylib",
  68. "rust_library_host_rlib",
  69. "rust_ffi_host",
  70. "rust_ffi_host_shared",
  71. "rust_ffi_host_static",
  72. "rust_proc_macro",
  73. "rust_test",
  74. "rust_test_host",
  75. }
  76. )