// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package python import ( "fmt" "os" "path/filepath" "testing" "android/soong/android" "android/soong/cc" ) type pyModule struct { name string actualVersion string pyRunfiles []string srcsZip string depsSrcsZips []string } var ( buildNamePrefix = "soong_python_test" // We allow maching almost anything before the actual variant so that the os/arch variant // is matched. moduleVariantErrTemplate = `%s: module %q variant "[a-zA-Z0-9_]*%s": ` pkgPathErrTemplate = moduleVariantErrTemplate + "pkg_path: %q must be a relative path contained in par file." badIdentifierErrTemplate = moduleVariantErrTemplate + "srcs: the path %q contains invalid subpath %q." dupRunfileErrTemplate = moduleVariantErrTemplate + "found two files to be placed at the same location within zip %q." + " First file: in module %s at path %q." + " Second file: in module %s at path %q." noSrcFileErr = moduleVariantErrTemplate + "doesn't have any source files!" badSrcFileExtErr = moduleVariantErrTemplate + "srcs: found non (.py|.proto) file: %q!" badDataFileExtErr = moduleVariantErrTemplate + "data: found (.py|.proto) file: %q!" bpFile = "Android.bp" data = []struct { desc string mockFiles android.MockFS errors []string expectedBinaries []pyModule }{ { desc: "module without any src files", mockFiles: map[string][]byte{ filepath.Join("dir", bpFile): []byte( `python_library_host { name: "lib1", }`, ), }, errors: []string{ fmt.Sprintf(noSrcFileErr, "dir/Android.bp:1:1", "lib1", "PY3"), }, }, { desc: "module with bad src file ext", mockFiles: map[string][]byte{ filepath.Join("dir", bpFile): []byte( `python_library_host { name: "lib1", srcs: [ "file1.exe", ], }`, ), "dir/file1.exe": nil, }, errors: []string{ fmt.Sprintf(badSrcFileExtErr, "dir/Android.bp:3:11", "lib1", "PY3", "dir/file1.exe"), }, }, { desc: "module with bad data file ext", mockFiles: map[string][]byte{ filepath.Join("dir", bpFile): []byte( `python_library_host { name: "lib1", srcs: [ "file1.py", ], data: [ "file2.py", ], }`, ), "dir/file1.py": nil, "dir/file2.py": nil, }, errors: []string{ fmt.Sprintf(badDataFileExtErr, "dir/Android.bp:6:11", "lib1", "PY3", "dir/file2.py"), }, }, { desc: "module with bad pkg_path format", mockFiles: map[string][]byte{ filepath.Join("dir", bpFile): []byte( `python_library_host { name: "lib1", pkg_path: "a/c/../../", srcs: [ "file1.py", ], } python_library_host { name: "lib2", pkg_path: "a/c/../../../", srcs: [ "file1.py", ], } python_library_host { name: "lib3", pkg_path: "/a/c/../../", srcs: [ "file1.py", ], }`, ), "dir/file1.py": nil, }, errors: []string{ fmt.Sprintf(pkgPathErrTemplate, "dir/Android.bp:11:15", "lib2", "PY3", "a/c/../../../"), fmt.Sprintf(pkgPathErrTemplate, "dir/Android.bp:19:15", "lib3", "PY3", "/a/c/../../"), }, }, { desc: "module with bad runfile src path format", mockFiles: map[string][]byte{ filepath.Join("dir", bpFile): []byte( `python_library_host { name: "lib1", pkg_path: "a/b/c/", srcs: [ ".file1.py", "123/file1.py", "-e/f/file1.py", ], }`, ), "dir/.file1.py": nil, "dir/123/file1.py": nil, "dir/-e/f/file1.py": nil, }, errors: []string{ fmt.Sprintf(badIdentifierErrTemplate, "dir/Android.bp:4:11", "lib1", "PY3", "a/b/c/-e/f/file1.py", "-e"), fmt.Sprintf(badIdentifierErrTemplate, "dir/Android.bp:4:11", "lib1", "PY3", "a/b/c/.file1.py", ".file1"), fmt.Sprintf(badIdentifierErrTemplate, "dir/Android.bp:4:11", "lib1", "PY3", "a/b/c/123/file1.py", "123"), }, }, { desc: "module with duplicate runfile path", mockFiles: map[string][]byte{ filepath.Join("dir", bpFile): []byte( `python_library_host { name: "lib1", pkg_path: "a/b/", srcs: [ "c/file1.py", ], } python_library_host { name: "lib2", pkg_path: "a/b/c/", srcs: [ "file1.py", ], libs: [ "lib1", ], } python_binary_host { name: "bin", pkg_path: "e/", srcs: [ "bin.py", ], libs: [ "lib2", ], } `, ), "dir/c/file1.py": nil, "dir/file1.py": nil, "dir/bin.py": nil, }, errors: []string{ fmt.Sprintf(dupRunfileErrTemplate, "dir/Android.bp:20:6", "bin", "PY3", "a/b/c/file1.py", "bin", "dir/file1.py", "lib1", "dir/c/file1.py"), }, }, { desc: "module for testing dependencies", mockFiles: map[string][]byte{ filepath.Join("dir", bpFile): []byte( `python_defaults { name: "default_lib", srcs: [ "default.py", ], version: { py2: { enabled: true, srcs: [ "default_py2.py", ], }, py3: { enabled: false, srcs: [ "default_py3.py", ], }, }, } python_library_host { name: "lib5", pkg_path: "a/b/", srcs: [ "file1.py", ], version: { py2: { enabled: true, }, py3: { enabled: true, }, }, } python_library_host { name: "lib6", pkg_path: "c/d/", srcs: [ "file2.py", ], libs: [ "lib5", ], } python_binary_host { name: "bin", defaults: ["default_lib"], pkg_path: "e/", srcs: [ "bin.py", ], libs: [ "lib5", ], version: { py3: { enabled: true, srcs: [ "file4.py", ], libs: [ "lib6", ], }, }, }`, ), filepath.Join("dir", "default.py"): nil, filepath.Join("dir", "default_py2.py"): nil, filepath.Join("dir", "default_py3.py"): nil, filepath.Join("dir", "file1.py"): nil, filepath.Join("dir", "file2.py"): nil, filepath.Join("dir", "bin.py"): nil, filepath.Join("dir", "file4.py"): nil, }, expectedBinaries: []pyModule{ { name: "bin", actualVersion: "PY3", pyRunfiles: []string{ "e/default.py", "e/bin.py", "e/default_py3.py", "e/file4.py", }, srcsZip: "out/soong/.intermediates/dir/bin/PY3/bin.py.srcszip", }, }, }, } ) func TestPythonModule(t *testing.T) { for _, d := range data { if d.desc != "module with duplicate runfile path" { continue } d.mockFiles[filepath.Join("common", bpFile)] = []byte(` python_library { name: "py3-stdlib", host_supported: true, } cc_binary { name: "py3-launcher", host_supported: true, } `) t.Run(d.desc, func(t *testing.T) { result := android.GroupFixturePreparers( android.PrepareForTestWithDefaults, android.PrepareForTestWithArchMutator, android.PrepareForTestWithAllowMissingDependencies, cc.PrepareForTestWithCcDefaultModules, PrepareForTestWithPythonBuildComponents, d.mockFiles.AddToFixture(), ).ExtendWithErrorHandler(android.FixtureExpectsAllErrorsToMatchAPattern(d.errors)). RunTest(t) if len(result.Errs) > 0 { return } for _, e := range d.expectedBinaries { t.Run(e.name, func(t *testing.T) { expectModule(t, result.TestContext, e.name, e.actualVersion, e.srcsZip, e.pyRunfiles) }) } }) } } func expectModule(t *testing.T, ctx *android.TestContext, name, variant, expectedSrcsZip string, expectedPyRunfiles []string) { module := ctx.ModuleForTests(name, variant) base, baseOk := module.Module().(*PythonLibraryModule) if !baseOk { t.Fatalf("%s is not Python module!", name) } actualPyRunfiles := []string{} for _, path := range base.srcsPathMappings { actualPyRunfiles = append(actualPyRunfiles, path.dest) } android.AssertDeepEquals(t, "pyRunfiles", expectedPyRunfiles, actualPyRunfiles) android.AssertPathRelativeToTopEquals(t, "srcsZip", expectedSrcsZip, base.srcsZip) } func TestMain(m *testing.M) { os.Exit(m.Run()) }