#!/bin/bash -eu set -o pipefail HARDWIRED_MOCK_TOP= # Uncomment this to be able to view the source tree after a test is run # HARDWIRED_MOCK_TOP=/tmp/td REAL_TOP="$(readlink -f "$(dirname "$0")"/../../..)" if [[ ! -z "$HARDWIRED_MOCK_TOP" ]]; then MOCK_TOP="$HARDWIRED_MOCK_TOP" else MOCK_TOP=$(mktemp -t -d st.XXXXX) trap cleanup_mock_top EXIT fi WARMED_UP_MOCK_TOP=$(mktemp -t soong_integration_tests_warmup.XXXXXX.tar.gz) trap 'rm -f "$WARMED_UP_MOCK_TOP"' EXIT function warmup_mock_top { info "Warming up mock top ..." info "Mock top warmup archive: $WARMED_UP_MOCK_TOP" cleanup_mock_top mkdir -p "$MOCK_TOP" cd "$MOCK_TOP" create_mock_soong run_soong tar czf "$WARMED_UP_MOCK_TOP" * } function cleanup_mock_top { cd / rm -fr "$MOCK_TOP" } function info { echo -e "\e[92;1m[TEST HARNESS INFO]\e[0m" $* } function fail { echo -e "\e[91;1mFAILED:\e[0m" $* exit 1 } function copy_directory() { local dir="$1" local parent="$(dirname "$dir")" mkdir -p "$MOCK_TOP/$parent" cp -R "$REAL_TOP/$dir" "$MOCK_TOP/$parent" } function symlink_file() { local file="$1" mkdir -p "$MOCK_TOP/$(dirname "$file")" ln -s "$REAL_TOP/$file" "$MOCK_TOP/$file" } function symlink_directory() { local dir="$1" mkdir -p "$MOCK_TOP/$dir" # We need to symlink the contents of the directory individually instead of # using one symlink for the whole directory because finder.go doesn't follow # symlinks when looking for Android.bp files for i in $(ls "$REAL_TOP/$dir"); do local target="$MOCK_TOP/$dir/$i" local source="$REAL_TOP/$dir/$i" if [[ -e "$target" ]]; then if [[ ! -d "$source" || ! -d "$target" ]]; then fail "Trying to symlink $dir twice" fi else ln -s "$REAL_TOP/$dir/$i" "$MOCK_TOP/$dir/$i"; fi done } function create_mock_soong { copy_directory build/blueprint copy_directory build/soong symlink_directory prebuilts/go symlink_directory prebuilts/build-tools symlink_directory external/go-cmp symlink_directory external/golang-protobuf touch "$MOCK_TOP/Android.bp" } function setup() { cleanup_mock_top mkdir -p "$MOCK_TOP" echo echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- info "Running test case \e[96;1m${FUNCNAME[1]}\e[0m" cd "$MOCK_TOP" tar xzf "$WARMED_UP_MOCK_TOP" } function run_soong() { build/soong/soong_ui.bash --make-mode --skip-ninja --skip-config --soong-only --skip-soong-tests "$@" } function create_mock_bazel() { copy_directory build/bazel symlink_directory prebuilts/bazel symlink_directory prebuilts/jdk symlink_directory external/bazel-skylib symlink_file WORKSPACE symlink_file BUILD symlink_file tools/bazel } run_bazel() { tools/bazel "$@" } run_ninja() { build/soong/soong_ui.bash --make-mode --skip-config --soong-only --skip-soong-tests "$@" } info "Starting Soong integration test suite $(basename $0)" info "Mock top: $MOCK_TOP" export ALLOW_MISSING_DEPENDENCIES=true warmup_mock_top