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Support customizing behavior around sourceOrOutputDependencyTag

Previously, modules customized behavior around the handling of
sourceOrOutputDependencyTag by comparing them to android.SourceDepTag
and retrieving the module using something like this:
    ctx.GetDirectDepWithTag(m, android.SourceDepTag)

The problem with that is it does not allow an output tag to be
specified and does not handle fully qualified names properly.

This adds the following:
* IsSourceDepTag and IsSourceDepTagWithOutputTag to check whether a
  blueprint.DependencyTag is a sourceOrOutputDependencyTag. The latter
  also checks that it has the correct output tag.
* GetModuleFromPathDep(ctx, moduleName, outputTag) as a replacement for
  ctx.GetDirectDepWithTag(m, android.SourceDepTag).

Replaces usages of:
* t == SourceDepTag with IsSourceDepTagWithOutputTag(t, "")
* ctx.GetDirectDepWithTag(m, android.SourceDepTag) with
  GetModuleFromPathDep(ctx, m, "")

It also deprecates the following:
* android.SourcDepTag - as a follow up change needs to modify the
  sourceOrOutputDependencyTag will make this useless.
* ExpandSources, ExpandsSources - copies existing deprecated messages
  from the implementation to the interface so that they can be seen
  by users of that interface.

Bug: 193228441
Test: m nothing
Change-Id: I8c397232b8d7dc1f9702c04ad45ea7819d4631ae
Paul Duffin 2 anni fa
4 ha cambiato i file con 51 aggiunte e 5 eliminazioni
  1. 28 0
  2. 2 1
  3. 17 1
  4. 4 3

+ 28 - 0

@@ -344,8 +344,18 @@ type ModuleContext interface {
 	// Deprecated: use ModuleContext.Build instead.
 	ModuleBuild(pctx PackageContext, params ModuleBuildParams)
+	// Returns a list of paths expanded from globs and modules referenced using ":module" syntax.  The property must
+	// be tagged with `android:"path" to support automatic source module dependency resolution.
+	//
+	// Deprecated: use PathsForModuleSrc or PathsForModuleSrcExcludes instead.
 	ExpandSources(srcFiles, excludes []string) Paths
+	// Returns a single path expanded from globs and modules referenced using ":module" syntax.  The property must
+	// be tagged with `android:"path" to support automatic source module dependency resolution.
+	//
+	// Deprecated: use PathForModuleSrc instead.
 	ExpandSource(srcFile, prop string) Path
 	ExpandOptionalSource(srcFile *string, prop string) OptionalPath
 	// InstallExecutable creates a rule to copy srcPath to name in the installPath directory,
@@ -2832,8 +2842,26 @@ func sourceOrOutputDepTag(tag string) blueprint.DependencyTag {
 	return sourceOrOutputDependencyTag{tag: tag}
+// Deprecated, use IsSourceDepTagWithOutputTag(tag, "") instead.
 var SourceDepTag = sourceOrOutputDepTag("")
+// IsSourceDepTag returns true if the supplied blueprint.DependencyTag is one that was used to add
+// dependencies by either ExtractSourceDeps, ExtractSourcesDeps or automatically for properties
+// tagged with `android:"path"`.
+func IsSourceDepTag(depTag blueprint.DependencyTag) bool {
+	_, ok := depTag.(sourceOrOutputDependencyTag)
+	return ok
+// IsSourceDepTagWithOutputTag returns true if the supplied blueprint.DependencyTag is one that was
+// used to add dependencies by either ExtractSourceDeps, ExtractSourcesDeps or automatically for
+// properties tagged with `android:"path"` AND it was added using a module reference of
+// :moduleName{outputTag}.
+func IsSourceDepTagWithOutputTag(depTag blueprint.DependencyTag, outputTag string) bool {
+	t, ok := depTag.(sourceOrOutputDependencyTag)
+	return ok && t.tag == outputTag
 // Adds necessary dependencies to satisfy filegroup or generated sources modules listed in srcFiles
 // using ":module" syntax, if any.

+ 2 - 1

@@ -63,7 +63,8 @@ func (p *pathDepsMutatorTestModule) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx ModuleContex
 	if p.props.Foo != "" {
 		// Make sure there is only one dependency on a module listed in a property present in multiple property structs
-		if ctx.GetDirectDepWithTag(SrcIsModule(p.props.Foo), sourceOrOutputDepTag("")) == nil {
+		m := SrcIsModule(p.props.Foo)
+		if GetModuleFromPathDep(ctx, m, "") == nil {
 			ctx.ModuleErrorf("GetDirectDepWithTag failed")

+ 17 - 1

@@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ func (p OutputPaths) Strings() []string {
 // If the dependency is not found, a missingErrorDependency is returned.
 // If the module dependency is not a SourceFileProducer or OutputFileProducer, appropriate errors will be returned.
 func getPathsFromModuleDep(ctx ModuleWithDepsPathContext, path, moduleName, tag string) (Paths, error) {
-	module := ctx.GetDirectDepWithTag(moduleName, sourceOrOutputDepTag(tag))
+	module := GetModuleFromPathDep(ctx, moduleName, tag)
 	if module == nil {
 		return nil, missingDependencyError{[]string{moduleName}}
@@ -474,6 +474,22 @@ func getPathsFromModuleDep(ctx ModuleWithDepsPathContext, path, moduleName, tag
+// GetModuleFromPathDep will return the module that was added as a dependency automatically for
+// properties tagged with `android:"path"` or manually using ExtractSourceDeps or
+// ExtractSourcesDeps.
+// The moduleName and tag supplied to this should be the values returned from SrcIsModuleWithTag.
+// Or, if no tag is expected then the moduleName should be the value returned by  SrcIsModule and
+// the tag must be "".
+// If tag is "" then the returned module will be the dependency that was added for ":moduleName".
+// Otherwise, it is the dependency that was added for ":moduleName{tag}".
+// TODO(b/193228441) Make this handle fully qualified names, e.g. //namespace:moduleName.
+func GetModuleFromPathDep(ctx ModuleWithDepsPathContext, moduleName, tag string) blueprint.Module {
+	return ctx.GetDirectDepWithTag(moduleName, sourceOrOutputDepTag(tag))
 // PathsAndMissingDepsForModuleSrcExcludes returns a Paths{} containing the resolved references in
 // paths, minus those listed in excludes. Elements of paths and excludes are resolved as:
 // * filepath, relative to local module directory, resolves as a filepath relative to the local

+ 4 - 3

@@ -990,7 +990,9 @@ func (mod *Module) depsToPaths(ctx android.ModuleContext) PathDeps {
 			case procMacroDepTag:
 				directProcMacroDeps = append(directProcMacroDeps, rustDep)
 				mod.Properties.AndroidMkProcMacroLibs = append(mod.Properties.AndroidMkProcMacroLibs, makeLibName)
-			case android.SourceDepTag:
+			}
+			if android.IsSourceDepTagWithOutputTag(depTag, "") {
 				// Since these deps are added in path_properties.go via AddDependencies, we need to ensure the correct
 				// OS/Arch variant is used.
 				var helper string
@@ -1120,8 +1122,7 @@ func (mod *Module) depsToPaths(ctx android.ModuleContext) PathDeps {
 		if srcDep, ok := dep.(android.SourceFileProducer); ok {
-			switch depTag {
-			case android.SourceDepTag:
+			if android.IsSourceDepTagWithOutputTag(depTag, "") {
 				// These are usually genrules which don't have per-target variants.
 				directSrcDeps = append(directSrcDeps, srcDep)