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Remove a self-dependency of bp2build

bp2build (i.e. generate $OUT/soong/bp2build/**/BUILD.bazel files
Having them as a dependency would thus make bp2build_workspace_marker stale upon incremental builds (because we don't re-touch the marker file if it already exists)

See Also:

Bug: b/253450880
Test: NINJA_ARGS='-d explain' m --bazel-mode adbd
      repeat and see if bp2build is rerun
prior to this CL, one would see the input /usr/local/google/home/usta/aosp/out/soong/bp2build/build/make/tools/BUILD.bazel trigger bp2build over and over again

Change-Id: I904cd333a5d6ef506fc4019eda7623ef96a1daa3
Usta Shrestha 1 år sedan
1 ändrade filer med 3 tillägg och 11 borttagningar
  1. 3 11

+ 3 - 11

@@ -278,17 +278,9 @@ func plantSymlinkForestRecursive(cfg android.Config, topdir string, forestDir st
 			// Neither is a directory. Merge them.
 			srcBuildFile := shared.JoinPath(topdir, srcChild)
 			generatedBuildFile := shared.JoinPath(topdir, buildFilesChild)
-			// Add the src and generated build files as dependencies so that bp2build
-			// is rerun when they change. Currently, this is only really necessary
-			// for srcBuildFile, because if we regenerate the generated build files
-			// we will always rerun the symlink forest generation as well. If that
-			// is later split up into separate, fully dependency-tracing steps, then
-			// we'll need srcBuildFile as well. Adding srcBuildFile here today
-			// technically makes it a dependency of bp2build_workspace_marker, which
-			// also implicitly outputs that file, but since bp2build_workspace_marker
-			// will always have a newer timestamp than the generatedBuildFile it
-			// shouldn't be a problem.
-			*acc = append(*acc, srcBuildFile, generatedBuildFile)
+			// The Android.bp file that codegen used to produce `buildFilesChild` is
+			// already a dependency, we can ignore `buildFilesChild`.
+			*acc = append(*acc, srcChild)
 			err = mergeBuildFiles(shared.JoinPath(topdir, forestChild), srcBuildFile, generatedBuildFile, cfg.IsEnvTrue("BP2BUILD_VERBOSE"))
 			if err != nil {
 				fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error merging %s and %s: %s",