.azure-pipelines.yml 19 KB

  1. variables:
  2. windows_vm: windows-2019
  3. ubuntu_vm: ubuntu-18.04
  4. macos_vm: macOS-10.15
  5. ci_runner_image: trini/u-boot-gitlab-ci-runner:focal-20220113-03Feb2022
  6. # Add '-u 0' options for Azure pipelines, otherwise we get "permission
  7. # denied" error when it tries to "useradd -m -u 1001 vsts_azpcontainer",
  8. # since our $(ci_runner_image) user is not root.
  9. container_option: -u 0
  10. work_dir: /u
  11. stages:
  12. - stage: testsuites
  13. jobs:
  14. - job: tools_only_windows
  15. displayName: 'Ensure host tools build for Windows'
  16. pool:
  17. vmImage: $(windows_vm)
  18. steps:
  19. - powershell: |
  20. (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("https://github.com/msys2/msys2-installer/releases/download/2021-06-04/msys2-base-x86_64-20210604.sfx.exe", "sfx.exe")
  21. displayName: 'Install MSYS2'
  22. - script: |
  23. sfx.exe -y -o%CD:~0,2%\
  24. %CD:~0,2%\msys64\usr\bin\bash -lc "pacman --noconfirm -Syyuu"
  25. displayName: 'Update MSYS2'
  26. - script: |
  27. %CD:~0,2%\msys64\usr\bin\bash -lc "pacman --noconfirm --needed -Sy make gcc bison flex diffutils openssl-devel"
  28. displayName: 'Install Toolchain'
  29. - script: |
  30. echo make tools-only_defconfig tools-only NO_SDL=1 > build-tools.sh
  31. %CD:~0,2%\msys64\usr\bin\bash -lc "bash build-tools.sh"
  32. displayName: 'Build Host Tools'
  33. env:
  34. # Tell MSYS2 we need a POSIX emulation layer
  36. # Tell MSYS2 not to ‘cd’ our startup directory to HOME
  38. - job: tools_only_macOS
  39. displayName: 'Ensure host tools build for macOS X'
  40. pool:
  41. vmImage: $(macos_vm)
  42. steps:
  43. - script: brew install make
  44. displayName: Brew install dependencies
  45. - script: |
  46. gmake tools-only_config tools-only NO_SDL=1 \
  47. HOSTCFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/include" \
  48. HOSTLDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/lib" \
  49. -j$(sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu)
  50. displayName: 'Perform tools-only build'
  51. - job: check_for_migrated_symbols_in_board_header
  52. displayName: 'Check for migrated symbols in board header'
  53. pool:
  54. vmImage: $(ubuntu_vm)
  55. container:
  56. image: $(ci_runner_image)
  57. options: $(container_option)
  58. steps:
  59. - script: |
  60. KSYMLST=`mktemp`
  61. KUSEDLST=`mktemp`
  62. cat `find . -name "Kconfig*"` | \
  63. sed -n -e 's/^\s*config *\([A-Za-z0-9_]*\).*$/CONFIG_\1/p' \
  64. -e 's/^\s*menuconfig *\([A-Za-z0-9_]*\).*$/CONFIG_\1/p' \
  65. | sort -u > $KSYMLST
  66. for CFG in `find include/configs -name "*.h"`; do
  67. grep '#define[[:blank:]]CONFIG_' $CFG | \
  68. sed -n 's/#define.\(CONFIG_[A-Za-z0-9_]*\).*/\1/p' | \
  69. sort -u > ${KUSEDLST} || true
  70. NUM=`comm -12 --total --output-delimiter=, ${KSYMLST} ${KUSEDLST} | \
  71. cut -d , -f 3`
  72. if [[ $NUM -ne 0 ]]; then
  73. echo "Unmigrated symbols found in $CFG"
  74. exit 1
  75. fi
  76. done
  77. - job: cppcheck
  78. displayName: 'Static code analysis with cppcheck'
  79. pool:
  80. vmImage: $(ubuntu_vm)
  81. container:
  82. image: $(ci_runner_image)
  83. options: $(container_option)
  84. steps:
  85. - script: cppcheck -j$(nproc) --force --quiet --inline-suppr .
  86. - job: htmldocs
  87. displayName: 'Build HTML documentation'
  88. pool:
  89. vmImage: $(ubuntu_vm)
  90. container:
  91. image: $(ci_runner_image)
  92. options: $(container_option)
  93. steps:
  94. - script: |
  95. virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 /tmp/venvhtml
  96. . /tmp/venvhtml/bin/activate
  97. pip install -r doc/sphinx/requirements.txt
  98. make htmldocs
  99. - job: todo
  100. displayName: 'Search for TODO within source tree'
  101. pool:
  102. vmImage: $(ubuntu_vm)
  103. container:
  104. image: $(ci_runner_image)
  105. options: $(container_option)
  106. steps:
  107. - script: grep -r TODO .
  108. - script: grep -r FIXME .
  109. - script: grep -r HACK . | grep -v HACKKIT
  110. - job: sloccount
  111. displayName: 'Some statistics about the code base'
  112. pool:
  113. vmImage: $(ubuntu_vm)
  114. container:
  115. image: $(ci_runner_image)
  116. options: $(container_option)
  117. steps:
  118. - script: sloccount .
  119. - job: maintainers
  120. displayName: 'Ensure all configs have MAINTAINERS entries'
  121. pool:
  122. vmImage: $(ubuntu_vm)
  123. container:
  124. image: $(ci_runner_image)
  125. options: $(container_option)
  126. steps:
  127. - script: |
  128. if [ `./tools/genboardscfg.py -f 2>&1 | wc -l` -ne 0 ]; then exit 1; fi
  129. - job: tools_only
  130. displayName: 'Ensure host tools build'
  131. pool:
  132. vmImage: $(ubuntu_vm)
  133. container:
  134. image: $(ci_runner_image)
  135. options: $(container_option)
  136. steps:
  137. - script: |
  138. make tools-only_config tools-only -j$(nproc)
  139. - job: envtools
  140. displayName: 'Ensure env tools build'
  141. pool:
  142. vmImage: $(ubuntu_vm)
  143. container:
  144. image: $(ci_runner_image)
  145. options: $(container_option)
  146. steps:
  147. - script: |
  148. make tools-only_config envtools -j$(nproc)
  149. - job: utils
  150. displayName: 'Run binman, buildman, dtoc, Kconfig and patman testsuites'
  151. pool:
  152. vmImage: $(ubuntu_vm)
  153. steps:
  154. - script: |
  155. cat << EOF > build.sh
  156. set -ex
  157. cd ${WORK_DIR}
  158. EOF
  159. cat << "EOF" >> build.sh
  160. git config --global user.name "Azure Pipelines"
  161. git config --global user.email bmeng.cn@gmail.com
  162. export USER=azure
  163. virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 /tmp/venv
  164. . /tmp/venv/bin/activate
  165. pip install -r test/py/requirements.txt
  166. export UBOOT_TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR=/tmp/sandbox_spl
  167. export PYTHONPATH=${UBOOT_TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/scripts/dtc/pylibfdt
  168. export PATH=${UBOOT_TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/scripts/dtc:${PATH}
  169. ./tools/buildman/buildman -T0 -o ${UBOOT_TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR} -w --board sandbox_spl
  170. ./tools/binman/binman --toolpath ${UBOOT_TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/tools test
  171. ./tools/buildman/buildman -t
  172. ./tools/dtoc/dtoc -t
  173. ./tools/patman/patman test
  174. make O=${UBOOT_TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR} testconfig
  175. EOF
  176. cat build.sh
  177. # We cannot use "container" like other jobs above, as buildman
  178. # seems to hang forever with pre-configured "container" environment
  179. docker run -v $PWD:$(work_dir) $(ci_runner_image) /bin/bash $(work_dir)/build.sh
  180. - job: nokia_rx51_test
  181. displayName: 'Run tests for Nokia RX-51 (aka N900)'
  182. pool:
  183. vmImage: $(ubuntu_vm)
  184. container:
  185. image: $(ci_runner_image)
  186. options: $(container_option)
  187. steps:
  188. - script: |
  189. export PATH=/opt/gcc-11.1.0-nolibc/arm-linux-gnueabi/bin:$PATH
  190. test/nokia_rx51_test.sh
  191. - stage: test_py
  192. jobs:
  193. - job: test_py
  194. displayName: 'test.py'
  195. pool:
  196. vmImage: $(ubuntu_vm)
  197. strategy:
  198. matrix:
  199. sandbox:
  200. TEST_PY_BD: "sandbox"
  201. sandbox_clang:
  202. TEST_PY_BD: "sandbox"
  203. OVERRIDE: "-O clang-13"
  204. sandbox_spl:
  205. TEST_PY_BD: "sandbox_spl"
  206. TEST_PY_TEST_SPEC: "test_ofplatdata or test_handoff or test_spl"
  207. sandbox_noinst:
  208. TEST_PY_BD: "sandbox_noinst"
  209. TEST_PY_TEST_SPEC: "test_ofplatdata or test_handoff or test_spl"
  210. sandbox_flattree:
  211. TEST_PY_BD: "sandbox_flattree"
  212. coreboot:
  213. TEST_PY_BD: "coreboot"
  214. TEST_PY_ID: "--id qemu"
  215. TEST_PY_TEST_SPEC: "not sleep"
  216. evb_ast2500:
  217. TEST_PY_BD: "evb-ast2500"
  218. TEST_PY_ID: "--id qemu"
  219. vexpress_ca9x4:
  220. TEST_PY_BD: "vexpress_ca9x4"
  221. TEST_PY_ID: "--id qemu"
  222. integratorcp_cm926ejs:
  223. TEST_PY_BD: "integratorcp_cm926ejs"
  224. TEST_PY_ID: "--id qemu"
  225. TEST_PY_TEST_SPEC: "not sleep"
  226. qemu_arm:
  227. TEST_PY_BD: "qemu_arm"
  228. TEST_PY_TEST_SPEC: "not sleep"
  229. qemu_arm64:
  230. TEST_PY_BD: "qemu_arm64"
  231. TEST_PY_TEST_SPEC: "not sleep"
  232. qemu_malta:
  233. TEST_PY_BD: "malta"
  234. TEST_PY_ID: "--id qemu"
  235. TEST_PY_TEST_SPEC: "not sleep and not efi"
  236. qemu_maltael:
  237. TEST_PY_BD: "maltael"
  238. TEST_PY_ID: "--id qemu"
  239. TEST_PY_TEST_SPEC: "not sleep and not efi"
  240. qemu_malta64:
  241. TEST_PY_BD: "malta64"
  242. TEST_PY_ID: "--id qemu"
  243. TEST_PY_TEST_SPEC: "not sleep and not efi"
  244. qemu_malta64el:
  245. TEST_PY_BD: "malta64el"
  246. TEST_PY_ID: "--id qemu"
  247. TEST_PY_TEST_SPEC: "not sleep and not efi"
  248. qemu_ppce500:
  249. TEST_PY_BD: "qemu-ppce500"
  250. TEST_PY_TEST_SPEC: "not sleep"
  251. qemu_riscv32:
  252. TEST_PY_BD: "qemu-riscv32"
  253. TEST_PY_TEST_SPEC: "not sleep"
  254. qemu_riscv64:
  255. TEST_PY_BD: "qemu-riscv64"
  256. TEST_PY_TEST_SPEC: "not sleep"
  257. qemu_riscv32_spl:
  258. TEST_PY_BD: "qemu-riscv32_spl"
  259. TEST_PY_TEST_SPEC: "not sleep"
  260. qemu_riscv64_spl:
  261. TEST_PY_BD: "qemu-riscv64_spl"
  262. TEST_PY_TEST_SPEC: "not sleep"
  263. qemu_x86:
  264. TEST_PY_BD: "qemu-x86"
  265. TEST_PY_TEST_SPEC: "not sleep"
  266. qemu_x86_64:
  267. TEST_PY_BD: "qemu-x86_64"
  268. TEST_PY_TEST_SPEC: "not sleep"
  269. r2dplus_i82557c:
  270. TEST_PY_BD: "r2dplus"
  271. TEST_PY_ID: "--id i82557c_qemu"
  272. r2dplus_pcnet:
  273. TEST_PY_BD: "r2dplus"
  274. TEST_PY_ID: "--id pcnet_qemu"
  275. r2dplus_rtl8139:
  276. TEST_PY_BD: "r2dplus"
  277. TEST_PY_ID: "--id rtl8139_qemu"
  278. r2dplus_tulip:
  279. TEST_PY_BD: "r2dplus"
  280. TEST_PY_ID: "--id tulip_qemu"
  281. sifive_unleashed_sdcard:
  282. TEST_PY_BD: "sifive_unleashed"
  283. TEST_PY_ID: "--id sdcard_qemu"
  284. sifive_unleashed_spi-nor:
  285. TEST_PY_BD: "sifive_unleashed"
  286. TEST_PY_ID: "--id spi-nor_qemu"
  287. xilinx_zynq_virt:
  288. TEST_PY_BD: "xilinx_zynq_virt"
  289. TEST_PY_ID: "--id qemu"
  290. TEST_PY_TEST_SPEC: "not sleep"
  291. xilinx_versal_virt:
  292. TEST_PY_BD: "xilinx_versal_virt"
  293. TEST_PY_ID: "--id qemu"
  294. TEST_PY_TEST_SPEC: "not sleep"
  295. xtfpga:
  296. TEST_PY_BD: "xtfpga"
  297. TEST_PY_ID: "--id qemu"
  298. TEST_PY_TEST_SPEC: "not sleep"
  299. steps:
  300. - script: |
  301. cat << EOF > test.sh
  302. set -ex
  303. # make environment variables available as tests are running inside a container
  304. export WORK_DIR="${WORK_DIR}"
  305. export TEST_PY_BD="${TEST_PY_BD}"
  306. export TEST_PY_ID="${TEST_PY_ID}"
  308. export OVERRIDE="${OVERRIDE}"
  309. EOF
  310. cat << "EOF" >> test.sh
  311. # the below corresponds to .gitlab-ci.yml "before_script"
  312. cd ${WORK_DIR}
  313. git clone --depth=1 https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot-test-hooks /tmp/uboot-test-hooks
  314. ln -s travis-ci /tmp/uboot-test-hooks/bin/`hostname`
  315. ln -s travis-ci /tmp/uboot-test-hooks/py/`hostname`
  316. grub-mkimage --prefix=\"\" -o ~/grub_x86.efi -O i386-efi normal echo lsefimmap lsefi lsefisystab efinet tftp minicmd
  317. grub-mkimage --prefix=\"\" -o ~/grub_x64.efi -O x86_64-efi normal echo lsefimmap lsefi lsefisystab efinet tftp minicmd
  318. if [[ "${TEST_PY_BD}" == "qemu-riscv32_spl" ]]; then
  319. wget -O - https://github.com/riscv/opensbi/releases/download/v0.9/opensbi-0.9-rv-bin.tar.xz | tar -C /tmp -xJ;
  320. export OPENSBI=/tmp/opensbi-0.9-rv-bin/share/opensbi/ilp32/generic/firmware/fw_dynamic.bin;
  321. fi
  322. if [[ "${TEST_PY_BD}" == "qemu-riscv64_spl" ]] || [[ "${TEST_PY_BD}" == "sifive_unleashed" ]]; then
  323. wget -O - https://github.com/riscv/opensbi/releases/download/v0.9/opensbi-0.9-rv-bin.tar.xz | tar -C /tmp -xJ;
  324. export OPENSBI=/tmp/opensbi-0.9-rv-bin/share/opensbi/lp64/generic/firmware/fw_dynamic.bin;
  325. fi
  326. # the below corresponds to .gitlab-ci.yml "script"
  327. cd ${WORK_DIR}
  328. export UBOOT_TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR=/tmp/${TEST_PY_BD};
  329. tools/buildman/buildman -o ${UBOOT_TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR} -w -E -W -e --board ${TEST_PY_BD} ${OVERRIDE}
  330. cp ~/grub_x86.efi ${UBOOT_TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/
  331. cp ~/grub_x64.efi ${UBOOT_TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/
  332. cp /opt/grub/grubriscv64.efi ${UBOOT_TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/grub_riscv64.efi
  333. cp /opt/grub/grubaa64.efi ${UBOOT_TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/grub_arm64.efi
  334. cp /opt/grub/grubarm.efi ${UBOOT_TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/grub_arm.efi
  335. # create sdcard / spi-nor images for sifive unleashed using genimage
  336. if [[ "${TEST_PY_BD}" == "sifive_unleashed" ]]; then
  337. mkdir -p root;
  338. cp ${UBOOT_TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/spl/u-boot-spl.bin .;
  339. cp ${UBOOT_TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/u-boot.itb .;
  340. rm -rf tmp;
  341. genimage --inputpath . --config board/sifive/unleashed/genimage_sdcard.cfg;
  342. cp images/sdcard.img ${UBOOT_TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/;
  343. rm -rf tmp;
  344. genimage --inputpath . --config board/sifive/unleashed/genimage_spi-nor.cfg;
  345. cp images/spi-nor.img ${UBOOT_TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/;
  346. fi
  347. if [[ "${TEST_PY_BD}" == "coreboot" ]]; then
  348. wget -O - "https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1x6nrtWIyIRPLS2cQBwYTnT2TbOI8UjmM&export=download" |xz -dc >${UBOOT_TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/coreboot.rom;
  349. wget -O - "https://drive.google.com/uc?id=149Cz-5SZXHNKpi9xg6R_5XITWohu348y&export=download" >cbfstool;
  350. chmod a+x cbfstool;
  351. ./cbfstool ${UBOOT_TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/coreboot.rom add-flat-binary -f ${UBOOT_TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/u-boot.bin -n fallback/payload -c LZMA -l 0x1110000 -e 0x1110000;
  352. fi
  353. virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 /tmp/venv
  354. . /tmp/venv/bin/activate
  355. pip install -r test/py/requirements.txt
  356. export PATH=/opt/qemu/bin:/tmp/uboot-test-hooks/bin:${PATH};
  357. export PYTHONPATH=/tmp/uboot-test-hooks/py/travis-ci;
  358. # "${var:+"-k $var"}" expands to "" if $var is empty, "-k $var" if not
  359. ./test/py/test.py -ra --bd ${TEST_PY_BD} ${TEST_PY_ID} ${TEST_PY_TEST_SPEC:+"-k ${TEST_PY_TEST_SPEC}"} --build-dir "$UBOOT_TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR";
  360. # the below corresponds to .gitlab-ci.yml "after_script"
  361. rm -rf /tmp/uboot-test-hooks /tmp/venv
  362. EOF
  363. cat test.sh
  364. # make current directory writeable to uboot user inside the container
  365. # as sandbox testing need create files like spi flash images, etc.
  366. # (TODO: clean up this in the future)
  367. chmod 777 .
  368. # Filesystem tests need extra docker args to run
  369. set --
  370. if [[ "${TEST_PY_BD}" == "sandbox" ]]; then
  371. # mount -o loop needs the loop devices
  372. if modprobe loop; then
  373. for d in $(find /dev -maxdepth 1 -name 'loop*'); do
  374. set -- "$@" --device $d:$d
  375. done
  376. fi
  377. # Needed for mount syscall (for guestmount as well)
  378. set -- "$@" --cap-add SYS_ADMIN
  379. # Default apparmor profile denies mounts
  380. set -- "$@" --security-opt apparmor=unconfined
  381. fi
  382. # Some tests using libguestfs-tools need the fuse device to run
  383. docker run "$@" --device /dev/fuse:/dev/fuse -v $PWD:$(work_dir) $(ci_runner_image) /bin/bash $(work_dir)/test.sh
  384. - stage: world_build
  385. jobs:
  386. - job: build_the_world
  387. displayName: 'Build the World'
  388. pool:
  389. vmImage: $(ubuntu_vm)
  390. strategy:
  391. # Use almost the same target division in .travis.yml, only merged
  392. # 4 small build jobs (arc/microblaze/nds32/xtensa) into one.
  393. matrix:
  394. arc_microblaze_nds32_xtensa:
  395. BUILDMAN: "arc microblaze nds32 xtensa"
  396. arm11_arm7_arm920t_arm946es:
  397. BUILDMAN: "arm11 arm7 arm920t arm946es"
  398. arm926ejs:
  399. BUILDMAN: "arm926ejs -x freescale,siemens,at91,kirkwood,omap"
  400. at91_non_armv7:
  401. BUILDMAN: "at91 -x armv7"
  402. at91_non_arm926ejs:
  403. BUILDMAN: "at91 -x arm926ejs"
  404. boundary_engicam_toradex:
  405. BUILDMAN: "boundary engicam toradex"
  406. arm_bcm:
  407. BUILDMAN: "bcm -x mips"
  408. nxp_arm32:
  409. BUILDMAN: "freescale -x powerpc,m68k,aarch64,ls101,ls102,ls104,ls108,ls20,lx216"
  410. nxp_ls101x:
  411. BUILDMAN: "freescale&ls101"
  412. nxp_ls102x:
  413. BUILDMAN: "freescale&ls102"
  414. nxp_ls104x:
  415. BUILDMAN: "freescale&ls104"
  416. nxp_ls108x:
  417. BUILDMAN: "freescale&ls108"
  418. nxp_ls20xx:
  419. BUILDMAN: "freescale&ls20"
  420. nxp_lx216x:
  421. BUILDMAN: "freescale&lx216"
  422. imx6:
  423. BUILDMAN: "mx6 -x boundary,engicam,freescale,technexion,toradex"
  424. imx:
  425. BUILDMAN: "mx -x mx6,freescale,technexion,toradex"
  426. imx8:
  427. BUILDMAN: "imx8"
  428. keystone2_keystone3:
  429. BUILDMAN: "k2 k3"
  430. samsung_socfpga:
  431. BUILDMAN: "samsung socfpga"
  432. sun4i:
  433. BUILDMAN: "sun4i"
  434. sun5i:
  435. BUILDMAN: "sun5i"
  436. sun6i:
  437. BUILDMAN: "sun6i"
  438. sun7i:
  439. BUILDMAN: "sun7i"
  440. sun8i_32bit:
  441. BUILDMAN: "sun8i&armv7"
  442. sun8i_64bit:
  443. BUILDMAN: "sun8i&aarch64"
  444. sun9i:
  445. BUILDMAN: "sun9i"
  446. sun50i:
  447. BUILDMAN: "sun50i"
  448. arm_catch_all:
  449. BUILDMAN: "arm -x arm11,arm7,arm9,aarch64,at91,bcm,freescale,kirkwood,mvebu,renesas,siemens,tegra,uniphier,mx,samsung,sunxi,am33xx,omap,rk,toradex,socfpga,k2,k3,zynq"
  450. sandbox_x86:
  451. BUILDMAN: "sandbox x86"
  452. technexion:
  453. BUILDMAN: "technexion"
  454. kirkwood:
  455. BUILDMAN: "kirkwood"
  456. mvebu:
  457. BUILDMAN: "mvebu"
  458. m68k:
  459. BUILDMAN: "m68k"
  460. mips:
  461. BUILDMAN: "mips"
  462. non_fsl_ppc:
  463. BUILDMAN: "powerpc -x freescale"
  464. mpc85xx_freescale:
  465. BUILDMAN: "mpc85xx&freescale -x t208xrdb -x t102* -x p1_p2_rdb_pc -x p1010rdb -x corenet_ds -x bsc91*"
  466. t208xrdb_corenet_ds:
  467. BUILDMAN: "t208xrdb corenet_ds"
  468. fsl_ppc:
  469. BUILDMAN: "mpc83xx&freescale"
  470. t102x:
  471. BUILDMAN: "t102*"
  472. p1_p2_rdb_pc:
  473. BUILDMAN: "p1_p2_rdb_pc"
  474. p1010rdb_bsc91:
  475. BUILDMAN: "p1010rdb bsc91"
  476. siemens:
  477. BUILDMAN: "siemens"
  478. tegra:
  479. BUILDMAN: "tegra -x toradex"
  480. am33xx_no_siemens:
  481. BUILDMAN: "am33xx -x siemens"
  482. omap:
  483. BUILDMAN: "omap"
  484. uniphier:
  485. BUILDMAN: "uniphier"
  486. aarch64_catch_all:
  487. BUILDMAN: "aarch64 -x bcm,imx8,k3,tegra,ls1,ls2,lx216,mvebu,uniphier,renesas,sunxi,samsung,socfpga,rk,versal,zynq"
  488. rockchip:
  489. BUILDMAN: "rk"
  490. renesas:
  491. BUILDMAN: "renesas"
  492. zynq:
  493. BUILDMAN: "zynq&armv7"
  494. zynqmp_versal:
  495. BUILDMAN: "versal|zynqmp&aarch64"
  496. riscv:
  497. BUILDMAN: "riscv"
  498. steps:
  499. - script: |
  500. cat << EOF > build.sh
  501. set -ex
  502. cd ${WORK_DIR}
  503. # make environment variables available as tests are running inside a container
  504. export BUILDMAN="${BUILDMAN}"
  505. EOF
  506. cat << "EOF" >> build.sh
  507. if [[ "${BUILDMAN}" != "" ]]; then
  508. ret=0;
  509. tools/buildman/buildman -o /tmp -P -E -W ${BUILDMAN} ${OVERRIDE} || ret=$?;
  510. if [[ $ret -ne 0 ]]; then
  511. tools/buildman/buildman -o /tmp -seP ${BUILDMAN};
  512. exit $ret;
  513. fi;
  514. fi
  515. EOF
  516. cat build.sh
  517. docker run -v $PWD:$(work_dir) $(ci_runner_image) /bin/bash $(work_dir)/build.sh