README.mvbc_p 2.1 KB

  1. Matrix Vision mvBlueCOUGAR-P (mvBC-P)
  2. -------------------------------------
  3. 1. Board Description
  4. The mvBC-P is a 70x40x40mm multi board gigabit ethernet network camera
  5. with main focus on GigEVision protocol in combination with local image
  6. preprocessing.
  7. Power Supply is either VDC 48V or Pover over Ethernet (PoE).
  8. 2 System Components
  9. 2.1 CPU
  10. Freescale MPC5200B CPU running at 400MHz core and 133MHz XLB/IPB.
  11. 64MB SDRAM @ 133MHz.
  12. 8 MByte Nor Flash on local bus.
  13. 1 serial ports. Console running on ttyS0 @ 115200 8N1.
  14. 2.2 PCI
  15. PCI clock fixed at 66MHz. Arbitration inside FPGA.
  16. Intel GD82541ER network MAC/PHY and FPGA connected.
  17. 2.3 FPGA
  18. Altera Cyclone-II EP2C8 with PCI DMA engine.
  19. Connects to Matrix Vision specific CCD/CMOS sensor interface.
  20. Utilizes 64MB Nand Flash.
  21. 2.3.1 I/O @ FPGA
  22. 2 Outputs : photo coupler
  23. 2 Inputs : photo coupler
  24. 2.4 I2C
  25. LM75 @ 0x90 for temperature monitoring.
  26. EEPROM @ 0xA0 for vendor specifics.
  27. image sensor interface (slave adresses depend on sensor)
  28. 3 Flash layout.
  29. reset vector is 0x00000100, i.e. "LOWBOOT".
  30. FF800000 u-boot
  31. FF840000 u-boot script image
  32. FF850000 redundant u-boot script image
  33. FF860000 FPGA raw bit file
  34. FF8A0000 tbd.
  35. FF900000 root FS
  36. FFC00000 kernel
  37. FFFC0000 device tree blob
  38. FFFD0000 redundant device tree blob
  39. FFFE0000 environment
  40. FFFF0000 redundant environment
  41. mtd partitions are propagated to linux kernel via device tree blob.
  42. 4 Booting
  43. On startup the bootscript @ FF840000 is executed. This script can be
  44. exchanged easily. Default boot mode is "boot from flash", i.e. system
  45. works stand-alone.
  46. This behaviour depends on some environment variables :
  47. "netboot" : yes ->try dhcp/bootp and boot from network.
  48. A "dhcp_client_id" and "dhcp_vendor-class-identifier" can be used for
  49. DHCP server configuration, e.g. to provide different images to
  50. different devices.
  51. During netboot the system tries to get 3 image files:
  52. 1. Kernel - name + data is given during BOOTP.
  53. 2. Initrd - name is stored in "initrd_name"
  54. 3. device tree blob - name is stored in "dtb_name"
  55. Fallback files are the flash versions.