README.u-boot_on_efi 9.3 KB

  1. # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
  2. #
  3. # Copyright (C) 2015 Google, Inc
  4. U-Boot on EFI
  5. =============
  6. This document provides information about U-Boot running on top of EFI, either
  7. as an application or just as a means of getting U-Boot onto a new platform.
  8. =========== Table of Contents ===========
  9. Motivation
  10. Status
  11. Build Instructions
  12. Trying it out
  13. Inner workings
  14. EFI Application
  15. EFI Payload
  16. Tables
  17. Interrupts
  18. 32/64-bit
  19. Future work
  20. Where is the code?
  21. Motivation
  22. ----------
  23. Running U-Boot on EFI is useful in several situations:
  24. - You have EFI running on a board but U-Boot does not natively support it
  25. fully yet. You can boot into U-Boot from EFI and use that until U-Boot is
  26. fully ported
  27. - You need to use an EFI implementation (e.g. UEFI) because your vendor
  28. requires it in order to provide support
  29. - You plan to use coreboot to boot into U-Boot but coreboot support does
  30. not currently exist for your platform. In the meantime you can use U-Boot
  31. on EFI and then move to U-Boot on coreboot when ready
  32. - You use EFI but want to experiment with a simpler alternative like U-Boot
  33. Status
  34. ------
  35. Only x86 is supported at present. If you are using EFI on another architecture
  36. you may want to reconsider. However, much of the code is generic so could be
  37. ported.
  38. U-Boot supports running as an EFI application for 32-bit EFI only. This is
  39. not very useful since only a serial port is provided. You can look around at
  40. memory and type 'help' but that is about it.
  41. More usefully, U-Boot supports building itself as a payload for either 32-bit
  42. or 64-bit EFI. U-Boot is packaged up and loaded in its entirety by EFI. Once
  43. started, U-Boot changes to 32-bit mode (currently) and takes over the
  44. machine. You can use devices, boot a kernel, etc.
  45. Build Instructions
  46. ------------------
  47. First choose a board that has EFI support and obtain an EFI implementation
  48. for that board. It will be either 32-bit or 64-bit. Alternatively, you can
  49. opt for using QEMU [1] and the OVMF [2], as detailed below.
  50. To build U-Boot as an EFI application (32-bit EFI required), enable CONFIG_EFI
  51. and CONFIG_EFI_APP. The efi-x86 config (efi-x86_defconfig) is set up for this.
  52. Just build U-Boot as normal, e.g.
  53. make efi-x86_defconfig
  54. make
  55. To build U-Boot as an EFI payload (32-bit or 64-bit EFI can be used), adjust an
  56. existing config (like qemu-x86_defconfig) to enable CONFIG_EFI, CONFIG_EFI_STUB
  57. and either CONFIG_EFI_STUB_32BIT or CONFIG_EFI_STUB_64BIT. All of these are
  58. boolean Kconfig options. Then build U-Boot as normal, e.g.
  59. make qemu-x86_defconfig
  60. make
  61. You will end up with one of these files depending on what you build for:
  62. u-boot-app.efi - U-Boot EFI application
  63. u-boot-payload.efi - U-Boot EFI payload application
  64. Trying it out
  65. -------------
  66. QEMU is an emulator and it can emulate an x86 machine. Please make sure your
  67. QEMU version is 2.3.0 or above to test this. You can run the payload with
  68. something like this:
  69. mkdir /tmp/efi
  70. cp /path/to/u-boot*.efi /tmp/efi
  71. qemu-system-x86_64 -bios bios.bin -hda fat:/tmp/efi/
  72. Add -nographic if you want to use the terminal for output. Once it starts
  73. type 'fs0:u-boot-payload.efi' to run the payload or 'fs0:u-boot-app.efi' to
  74. run the application. 'bios.bin' is the EFI 'BIOS'. Check [2] to obtain a
  75. prebuilt EFI BIOS for QEMU or you can build one from source as well.
  76. To try it on real hardware, put u-boot-app.efi on a suitable boot medium,
  77. such as a USB stick. Then you can type something like this to start it:
  78. fs0:u-boot-payload.efi
  79. (or fs0:u-boot-app.efi for the application)
  80. This will start the payload, copy U-Boot into RAM and start U-Boot. Note
  81. that EFI does not support booting a 64-bit application from a 32-bit
  82. EFI (or vice versa). Also it will often fail to print an error message if
  83. you get this wrong.
  84. Inner workings
  85. ==============
  86. Here follow a few implementation notes for those who want to fiddle with
  87. this and perhaps contribute patches.
  88. The application and payload approaches sound similar but are in fact
  89. implemented completely differently.
  90. EFI Application
  91. ---------------
  92. For the application the whole of U-Boot is built as a shared library. The
  93. efi_main() function is in lib/efi/efi_app.c. It sets up some basic EFI
  94. functions with efi_init(), sets up U-Boot global_data, allocates memory for
  95. U-Boot's malloc(), etc. and enters the normal init sequence (board_init_f()
  96. and board_init_r()).
  97. Since U-Boot limits its memory access to the allocated regions very little
  98. special code is needed. The CONFIG_EFI_APP option controls a few things
  99. that need to change so 'git grep CONFIG_EFI_APP' may be instructive.
  100. The CONFIG_EFI option controls more general EFI adjustments.
  101. The only available driver is the serial driver. This calls back into EFI
  102. 'boot services' to send and receive characters. Although it is implemented
  103. as a serial driver the console device is not necessarilly serial. If you
  104. boot EFI with video output then the 'serial' device will operate on your
  105. target devices's display instead and the device's USB keyboard will also
  106. work if connected. If you have both serial and video output, then both
  107. consoles will be active. Even though U-Boot does the same thing normally,
  108. These are features of EFI, not U-Boot.
  109. Very little code is involved in implementing the EFI application feature.
  110. U-Boot is highly portable. Most of the difficulty is in modifying the
  111. Makefile settings to pass the right build flags. In particular there is very
  112. little x86-specific code involved - you can find most of it in
  113. arch/x86/cpu. Porting to ARM (which can also use EFI if you are brave
  114. enough) should be straightforward.
  115. Use the 'reset' command to get back to EFI.
  116. EFI Payload
  117. -----------
  118. The payload approach is a different kettle of fish. It works by building
  119. U-Boot exactly as normal for your target board, then adding the entire
  120. image (including device tree) into a small EFI stub application responsible
  121. for booting it. The stub application is built as a normal EFI application
  122. except that it has a lot of data attached to it.
  123. The stub application is implemented in lib/efi/efi_stub.c. The efi_main()
  124. function is called by EFI. It is responsible for copying U-Boot from its
  125. original location into memory, disabling EFI boot services and starting
  126. U-Boot. U-Boot then starts as normal, relocates, starts all drivers, etc.
  127. The stub application is architecture-dependent. At present it has some
  128. x86-specific code and a comment at the top of efi_stub.c describes this.
  129. While the stub application does allocate some memory from EFI this is not
  130. used by U-Boot (the payload). In fact when U-Boot starts it has all of the
  131. memory available to it and can operate as it pleases (but see the next
  132. section).
  133. Tables
  134. ------
  135. The payload can pass information to U-Boot in the form of EFI tables. At
  136. present this feature is used to pass the EFI memory map, an inordinately
  137. large list of memory regions. You can use the 'efi mem all' command to
  138. display this list. U-Boot uses the list to work out where to relocate
  139. itself.
  140. Although U-Boot can use any memory it likes, EFI marks some memory as used
  141. by 'run-time services', code that hangs around while U-Boot is running and
  142. is even present when Linux is running. This is common on x86 and provides
  143. a way for Linux to call back into the firmware to control things like CPU
  144. fan speed. U-Boot uses only 'conventional' memory, in EFI terminology. It
  145. will relocate itself to the top of the largest block of memory it can find
  146. below 4GB.
  147. Interrupts
  148. ----------
  149. U-Boot drivers typically don't use interrupts. Since EFI enables interrupts
  150. it is possible that an interrupt will fire that U-Boot cannot handle. This
  151. seems to cause problems. For this reason the U-Boot payload runs with
  152. interrupts disabled at present.
  153. 32/64-bit
  154. ---------
  155. While the EFI application can in principle be built as either 32- or 64-bit,
  156. only 32-bit is currently supported. This means that the application can only
  157. be used with 32-bit EFI.
  158. The payload stub can be build as either 32- or 64-bits. Only a small amount
  159. of code is built this way (see the extra- line in lib/efi/Makefile).
  160. Everything else is built as a normal U-Boot, so is always 32-bit on x86 at
  161. present.
  162. Future work
  163. -----------
  164. This work could be extended in a number of ways:
  165. - Add a generic x86 EFI payload configuration. At present you need to modify
  166. an existing one, but mostly the low-level x86 code is disabled when booting
  167. on EFI anyway, so a generic 'EFI' board could be created with a suitable set
  168. of drivers enabled.
  169. - Add ARM support
  170. - Add 64-bit application support
  171. - Figure out how to solve the interrupt problem
  172. - Add more drivers to the application side (e.g. video, block devices, USB,
  173. environment access). This would mostly be an academic exercise as a strong
  174. use case is not readily apparent, but it might be fun.
  175. - Avoid turning off boot services in the stub. Instead allow U-Boot to make
  176. use of boot services in case it wants to. It is unclear what it might want
  177. though.
  178. Where is the code?
  179. ------------------
  180. lib/efi
  181. payload stub, application, support code. Mostly arch-neutral
  182. arch/x86/lib/efi
  183. helper functions for the fake DRAM init, etc. These can be used by
  184. any board that runs as a payload.
  185. arch/x86/cpu/efi
  186. x86 support code for running as an EFI application
  187. board/efi/efi-x86/efi.c
  188. x86 board code for running as an EFI application
  189. common/cmd_efi.c
  190. the 'efi' command
  191. --
  192. Ben Stoltz, Simon Glass
  193. Google, Inc
  194. July 2015
  195. [1]
  196. [2]