// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1 OR BSD-3-Clause /* * Copyright (c) 2019, Chips&Media * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "vpuapifunc.h" #include "coda9/coda9_regdefine.h" #include "wave/wave5_regdefine.h" #include "vpuerror.h" #include "main_helper.h" #include "misc/debug.h" #if defined(PLATFORM_NON_OS) || defined (PLATFORM_LINUX) #include #endif #if defined(PLATFORM_LINUX) || defined(PLATFORM_QNX) || defined(PLATFORM_NON_OS) #include #include #endif #define BIT_DUMMY_READ_GEN 0x06000000 #define BIT_READ_LATENCY 0x06000004 #define W5_SET_READ_DELAY 0x01000000 #define W5_SET_WRITE_DELAY 0x01000004 #define MAX_CODE_BUF_SIZE (512*1024) #ifdef PLATFORM_WIN32 #pragma warning(disable : 4996) //!<< disable waring C4996: The POSIX name for this item is deprecated. #endif char* EncPicTypeStringH264[] = { "IDR/I", "P", }; char* EncPicTypeStringMPEG4[] = { "I", "P", }; static osal_mutex_t s_loadBalancerLock; static Uint32 s_nextInstance; static BOOL s_enableLoadBalance; static Uint32 s_instances[MAX_NUM_INSTANCE]; enum { LB_STATE_NONE, LB_STATE_RUNNING }; void LoadBalancerInit(void) { s_loadBalancerLock = osal_mutex_create(); s_nextInstance = 0; s_enableLoadBalance = TRUE; osal_memset((void*)s_instances, 0x00, sizeof(s_instances)); } void LoadBalancerRelease(void) { if (TRUE == s_enableLoadBalance) { osal_mutex_destroy(s_loadBalancerLock); } } void LoadBalancerAddInstance(Uint32 instanceIndex) { if (TRUE == s_enableLoadBalance) { osal_mutex_lock(s_loadBalancerLock); s_instances[instanceIndex] = LB_STATE_RUNNING; osal_mutex_unlock(s_loadBalancerLock); } } void LoadBalancerRemoveInstance(Uint32 instanceIndex) { if (TRUE == s_enableLoadBalance) { osal_mutex_lock(s_loadBalancerLock); s_instances[instanceIndex] = LB_STATE_NONE; if (s_nextInstance == instanceIndex) { Uint32 i = instanceIndex; Uint32 count=0; while (MAX_NUM_INSTANCE > count) { i = (i+1) % MAX_NUM_INSTANCE; if (LB_STATE_RUNNING == s_instances[i]) { s_nextInstance = i; break; } count++; } } osal_mutex_unlock(s_loadBalancerLock); } } BOOL LoadBalancerGetMyTurn(Uint32 myInstance) { BOOL myTurn = TRUE; if (TRUE == s_enableLoadBalance) { osal_mutex_lock(s_loadBalancerLock); myTurn = (BOOL)(myInstance == s_nextInstance); osal_mutex_unlock(s_loadBalancerLock); } return myTurn; } void LoadBalancerSetNextTurn(void) { if (TRUE == s_enableLoadBalance) { osal_mutex_lock(s_loadBalancerLock); do { s_nextInstance++; s_nextInstance %= MAX_NUM_INSTANCE; } while (LB_STATE_NONE == s_instances[s_nextInstance]); osal_mutex_unlock(s_loadBalancerLock); } } void SetDefaultDecTestConfig(TestDecConfig* testConfig) { osal_memset(testConfig, 0, sizeof(TestDecConfig)); testConfig->bitstreamMode = BS_MODE_INTERRUPT; testConfig->feedingMode = FEEDING_METHOD_FIXED_SIZE; testConfig->streamEndian = VPU_STREAM_ENDIAN; testConfig->frameEndian = VPU_FRAME_ENDIAN; testConfig->cbcrInterleave = FALSE; testConfig->nv21 = FALSE; testConfig->bitFormat = STD_HEVC; testConfig->renderType = RENDER_DEVICE_NULL; testConfig->mapType = COMPRESSED_FRAME_MAP; testConfig->enableWTL = TRUE; testConfig->wtlMode = FF_FRAME; testConfig->wtlFormat = FORMAT_420; //!<< 8 bit YUV testConfig->wave.bwOptimization = FALSE; //!<< TRUE: non-ref pictures are not stored at reference picture buffer //!<< for saving bandwidth. testConfig->wave.av1Format = 0; testConfig->fps = 30; } void Coda9SetDefaultDecTestConfig(TestDecConfig* testConfig) { osal_memset(testConfig, 0, sizeof(TestDecConfig)); testConfig->bitstreamMode = BS_MODE_INTERRUPT; testConfig->feedingMode = FEEDING_METHOD_FIXED_SIZE; testConfig->streamEndian = VPU_STREAM_ENDIAN; testConfig->frameEndian = VPU_FRAME_ENDIAN; testConfig->cbcrInterleave = FALSE; testConfig->nv21 = FALSE; testConfig->bitFormat = STD_AVC; testConfig->renderType = RENDER_DEVICE_NULL; testConfig->mapType = LINEAR_FRAME_MAP; testConfig->wtlMode = FF_NONE; testConfig->enableWTL = FALSE; testConfig->wtlFormat = FORMAT_420; //!<< 8 bit YUV testConfig->fps = 30; testConfig->coda9.frameCacheBypass = 0; testConfig->coda9.frameCacheBurst = 0; testConfig->coda9.frameCacheMerge = 3; testConfig->coda9.frameCacheWayShape = 15; testConfig->coda9.rotate = 0; testConfig->coda9.mirror = 0; testConfig->coda9.enableTiled2Linear = FALSE; testConfig->coda9.tiled2LinearMode = FF_NONE; testConfig->coda9.enableDering = FALSE; testConfig->coda9.enableBWB = VPU_ENABLE_BWB; } Uint32 randomSeed; static BOOL initializedRandom; Uint32 GetRandom( Uint32 start, Uint32 end ) { Uint32 range = end-start+1; if (randomSeed == 0) { randomSeed = (Uint32)time(NULL); VLOG(INFO, "======= RANDOM SEED: %08x ======\n", randomSeed); } if (initializedRandom == FALSE) { srand(randomSeed); initializedRandom = TRUE; } if (range == 0) { VLOG(ERR, "%s:%d RANGE IS 0\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return 0; } else { return ((rand()%range) + start); } } Int32 LoadFirmware( Int32 productId, Uint8** retFirmware, Uint32* retSizeInWord, const char* path ) { Int32 nread; Uint32 totalRead, allocSize, readSize = 1024*1024; Uint8* firmware = NULL; osal_file_t fp; if ((fp=osal_fopen(path, "rb")) == NULL) { VLOG(ERR, "Failed to open %s\n", path); return -1; } totalRead = 0; if (PRODUCT_ID_W_SERIES(productId)) { firmware = (Uint8*)osal_malloc(readSize); allocSize = readSize; nread = 0; while (TRUE) { if (allocSize < (totalRead+readSize)) { allocSize += 2*nread; firmware = (Uint8*)realloc(firmware, allocSize); } nread = osal_fread((void*)&firmware[totalRead], 1, readSize, fp);//lint !e613 totalRead += nread; if (nread < (Int32)readSize) break; } *retSizeInWord = (totalRead+1)/2; } else { Uint16* pusBitCode; pusBitCode = (Uint16 *)osal_malloc(MAX_CODE_BUF_SIZE); firmware = (Uint8*)pusBitCode; if (pusBitCode) { int code; while (!osal_feof(fp) || totalRead < (MAX_CODE_BUF_SIZE/2)) { code = -1; if (fscanf(fp, "%x", &code) <= 0) { /* matching failure or EOF */ break; } pusBitCode[totalRead++] = (Uint16)code; } } *retSizeInWord = totalRead; } osal_fclose(fp); *retFirmware = firmware; return 0; } void PrintVpuVersionInfo( Uint32 core_idx ) { Uint32 version; Uint32 revision; Uint32 productId; VPU_GetVersionInfo(core_idx, &version, &revision, &productId); VLOG(INFO, "VPU coreNum : [%d]\n", core_idx); VLOG(INFO, "Firmware : CustomerCode: %04x | version : %d.%d.%d rev.%d\n", (Uint32)(version>>16), (Uint32)((version>>(12))&0x0f), (Uint32)((version>>(8))&0x0f), (Uint32)((version)&0xff), revision); VLOG(INFO, "Hardware : %04x\n", productId); VLOG(INFO, "API : %d.%d.%d\n\n", API_VERSION_MAJOR, API_VERSION_MINOR, API_VERSION_PATCH); } BOOL OpenDisplayBufferFile(CodStd codec, char *outputPath, VpuRect rcDisplay, TiledMapType mapType, FILE *fp[]) { char strFile[MAX_FILE_PATH]; int width; int height; width = rcDisplay.right - rcDisplay.left; height = rcDisplay.bottom - rcDisplay.top; if (mapType == LINEAR_FRAME_MAP) { if ((fp[0]=osal_fopen(outputPath, "wb")) == NULL) { VLOG(ERR, "%s:%d failed to open %s\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, outputPath); goto ERR_OPEN_DISP_BUFFER_FILE; } } else { width = (codec == STD_HEVC || codec == STD_AVS2) ? VPU_ALIGN16(width) : VPU_ALIGN64(width); height = (codec == STD_HEVC || codec == STD_AVS2) ? VPU_ALIGN16(height) : VPU_ALIGN64(height); sprintf(strFile, "%s_%dx%d_fbc_data_y.bin", outputPath, width, height); if ((fp[0]=osal_fopen(strFile, "wb")) == NULL) { VLOG(ERR, "%s:%d failed to open %s\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, strFile); goto ERR_OPEN_DISP_BUFFER_FILE; } sprintf(strFile, "%s_%dx%d_fbc_data_c.bin", outputPath, width, height); if ((fp[1]=osal_fopen(strFile, "wb")) == NULL) { VLOG(ERR, "%s:%d failed to open %s\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, strFile); goto ERR_OPEN_DISP_BUFFER_FILE; } sprintf(strFile, "%s_%dx%d_fbc_table_y.bin", outputPath, width, height); if ((fp[2]=osal_fopen(strFile, "wb")) == NULL) { VLOG(ERR, "%s:%d failed to open %s\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, strFile); goto ERR_OPEN_DISP_BUFFER_FILE; } sprintf(strFile, "%s_%dx%d_fbc_table_c.bin", outputPath, width, height); if ((fp[3]=osal_fopen(strFile, "wb")) == NULL) { VLOG(ERR, "%s:%d failed to open %s\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, strFile); goto ERR_OPEN_DISP_BUFFER_FILE; } } return TRUE; ERR_OPEN_DISP_BUFFER_FILE: CloseDisplayBufferFile(fp); return FALSE; } void CloseDisplayBufferFile(FILE *fp[]) { int i; for (i=0; i < OUTPUT_FP_NUMBER; i++) { if (fp[i] != NULL) { osal_fclose(fp[i]); fp[i] = NULL; } } } RetCode VPU_GetFBCOffsetTableSize(CodStd codStd, int width, int height, int* ysize, int* csize) { if (ysize == NULL || csize == NULL) return RETCODE_INVALID_PARAM; *ysize = ProductCalculateAuxBufferSize(AUX_BUF_TYPE_FBC_Y_OFFSET, codStd, width, height); *csize = ProductCalculateAuxBufferSize(AUX_BUF_TYPE_FBC_C_OFFSET, codStd, width, height); return RETCODE_SUCCESS; } RetCode VPU_GetPVRICRealSize(CodStd codStd, TiledMapType mapType, FrameBufferFormat format, int width, int height, int* ysize, int* csize) { Uint32 total_tile_num, hdr_size, data_size; if (ysize == NULL || csize == NULL) return RETCODE_INVALID_PARAM; switch (format) { case FORMAT_420: total_tile_num = (VPU_ALIGN64(width) >> 6) *(VPU_ALIGN4(height) >> 2);//width break; default: /* 10bit */ total_tile_num = (width+47)/48 * (VPU_ALIGN4(height) >> 2); break; } hdr_size = VPU_ALIGN256(total_tile_num); if( mapType == PVRIC_COMPRESSED_FRAME_LOSSLESS_MAP ) { data_size = (total_tile_num*256); // byte } else { data_size = (total_tile_num*128); // byte } *ysize = (hdr_size + data_size); VLOG(ERR, "VPU_GetPVRICRealSize luma h=%d(%x), d=%d(%x)\n", hdr_size, hdr_size, data_size, data_size); switch (format) { case FORMAT_420: total_tile_num = (VPU_ALIGN64(width) >> 6) *(VPU_ALIGN4(height/2) >> 2); break; default: /* 10bit */ total_tile_num = (width+47)/48 * (VPU_ALIGN4(height/2) >> 2); break; } hdr_size = VPU_ALIGN256(total_tile_num); if( mapType == PVRIC_COMPRESSED_FRAME_LOSSLESS_MAP ) { data_size = (total_tile_num*256); // byte } else { data_size = (total_tile_num*128); // byte } *csize = (hdr_size + data_size); VLOG(ERR, "VPU_GetPVRICRealSize chroma h=%d(%x), d=%d(%x)\n", hdr_size, hdr_size, data_size, data_size); return RETCODE_SUCCESS; } void SaveDisplayBufferToFile(DecHandle handle, CodStd codStd, FrameBuffer dispFrame, VpuRect rcDisplay, FILE *fp[]) { Uint32 width; Uint32 height; Uint32 bpp; DecGetFramebufInfo fbInfo; CodecInst * pCodecInst; pCodecInst = handle; if (dispFrame.myIndex < 0) return; if (dispFrame.mapType != COMPRESSED_FRAME_MAP) { size_t sizeYuv; Uint8* pYuv; pYuv = GetYUVFromFrameBuffer(handle, &dispFrame, rcDisplay, &width, &height, &bpp, &sizeYuv); osal_fwrite(pYuv, 1, sizeYuv, fp[0]); osal_free(pYuv); } else { Uint32 lumaTblSize; Uint32 chromaTblSize; Uint32 lSize; Uint32 cSize; Uint32 addr; Uint32 endian; Uint8* buf; Uint32 coreIdx = VPU_HANDLE_CORE_INDEX(handle); Uint32 productId = VPU_HANDLE_PRODUCT_ID(handle); Uint32 cFrameStride; VPU_DecGiveCommand(handle, DEC_GET_FRAMEBUF_INFO, (void*)&fbInfo); width = rcDisplay.right - rcDisplay.left; width = (codStd == STD_HEVC || codStd == STD_AVS2) ? VPU_ALIGN16(width) : VPU_ALIGN64(width); height = rcDisplay.bottom - rcDisplay.top; height = (codStd == STD_HEVC || codStd == STD_AVS2) ? VPU_ALIGN16(height) : VPU_ALIGN64(height); cFrameStride = CalcStride(width, height, dispFrame.format, dispFrame.cbcrInterleave, dispFrame.mapType, (codStd == STD_VP9)); lSize = CalcLumaSize(pCodecInst, productId, cFrameStride, height, dispFrame.format, dispFrame.cbcrInterleave, dispFrame.mapType, NULL); cSize = CalcChromaSize(pCodecInst, productId, cFrameStride, height, dispFrame.format, dispFrame.cbcrInterleave, dispFrame.mapType, NULL) * 2; // Invert the endian because the pixel order register doesn't affect the FBC data. endian = (~(Uint32)dispFrame.endian & 0xf) | 0x10; /* Dump Y compressed data */ if ((buf=(Uint8*)osal_malloc(lSize)) != NULL) { vdi_read_memory(coreIdx, dispFrame.bufY, buf, lSize, endian); osal_fwrite((void *)buf, sizeof(Uint8), lSize, fp[0]); osal_fflush(fp[0]); osal_free(buf); } else { VLOG(ERR, "%s:%d Failed to save the luma compressed data!!\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } /* Dump C compressed data */ if ((buf=(Uint8*)osal_malloc(cSize)) != NULL) { vdi_read_memory(coreIdx, dispFrame.bufCb, buf, cSize, endian); osal_fwrite((void *)buf, sizeof(Uint8), cSize, fp[1]); osal_fflush(fp[1]); osal_free(buf); } else { VLOG(ERR, "%s:%d Failed to save the chroma compressed data!!\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } /* Dump Y Offset table */ VPU_GetFBCOffsetTableSize(codStd, (int)width, (int)height, (int*)&lumaTblSize, (int*)&chromaTblSize); addr = fbInfo.vbFbcYTbl[dispFrame.myIndex].phys_addr; if ((buf=(Uint8*)osal_malloc(lumaTblSize)) != NULL) { vdi_read_memory(coreIdx, addr, buf, lumaTblSize, endian); osal_fwrite((void *)buf, sizeof(Uint8), lumaTblSize, fp[2]); osal_fflush(fp[2]); osal_free(buf); } else { VLOG(ERR, "%s:%d Failed to save the offset table of luma!\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } /* Dump C Offset table */ addr = fbInfo.vbFbcCTbl[dispFrame.myIndex].phys_addr; if ((buf=(Uint8*)osal_malloc(chromaTblSize)) != NULL) { vdi_read_memory(coreIdx, addr, buf, chromaTblSize, endian); osal_fwrite((void *)buf, sizeof(Uint8), chromaTblSize, fp[3]); osal_fflush(fp[3]); osal_free(buf); } else { VLOG(ERR, "%s:%d Failed to save the offset table of chroma!\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } } } void PrintDecSeqWarningMessages( Uint32 productId, DecInitialInfo* seqInfo ) { if (PRODUCT_ID_W_SERIES(productId)) { if (seqInfo->seqInitErrReason&0x00000001) VLOG(WARN, "sps_max_sub_layer_minus1 shall be 0 to 6\n"); if (seqInfo->seqInitErrReason&0x00000002) VLOG(WARN, "general_reserved_zero_44bits shall be 0.\n"); if (seqInfo->seqInitErrReason&0x00000004) VLOG(WARN, "reserved_zero_2bits shall be 0\n"); if (seqInfo->seqInitErrReason&0x00000008) VLOG(WARN, "sub_layer_reserved_zero_44bits shall be 0"); if (seqInfo->seqInitErrReason&0x00000010) VLOG(WARN, "general_level_idc shall have one of level of Table A.1\n"); if (seqInfo->seqInitErrReason&0x00000020) VLOG(WARN, "sps_max_dec_pic_buffering[i] <= MaxDpbSize\n"); if (seqInfo->seqInitErrReason&0x00000040) VLOG(WARN, "trailing bits shall be 1000... pattern,\n"); if (seqInfo->seqInitErrReason&0x00100000) VLOG(WARN, "Not supported or undefined profile: %d\n", seqInfo->profile); if (seqInfo->seqInitErrReason&0x00200000) VLOG(WARN, "Spec over level(%d)\n", seqInfo->level); } } void DisplayDecodedInformationForHevc( DecHandle handle, Uint32 frameNo, BOOL performance, DecOutputInfo* decodedInfo ) { Int32 logLevel; QueueStatusInfo queueStatus; VPU_DecGiveCommand(handle, DEC_GET_QUEUE_STATUS, &queueStatus); if (decodedInfo == NULL) { if ( performance == TRUE ) { VLOG(INFO, " | FRAME | HOST | SEEK_S SEEK_E SEEK | PARSE_S PARSE_E PARSE | DEC_S DEC_E DEC |\n"); VLOG(INFO, "I NO T POC NAL DECO DISP DISPFLAG RD_PTR WR_PTR FRM_START FRM_END FRM_SIZE WxH SEQ TEMP | CYCLE | TICK | TICK TICK CYCLE | TICK TICK CYCLE | TICK TICK CYCLE | RQ IQ VCore\n"); VLOG(INFO, "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } else { VLOG(INFO, "I NO T POC NAL DECO DISP DISPFLAG RD_PTR WR_PTR FRM_START FRM_END FRM_SIZE WxH SEQ TEMP CYCLE ( Seek, Parse, Dec) RQ IQ VCore\n"); VLOG(INFO, "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } } else { logLevel = (decodedInfo->decodingSuccess&0x01) == 0 ? WARN : INFO; // Print informations if ( performance == TRUE ) { VLOG(logLevel, "%02d %5d %d %4d(%4d) %3d %2d(%2d) %2d(%2d) %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %8d %4dx%-4d %4d %4d %8d %8d (%6d,%6d,%8d) (%6d,%6d,%8d) (%6d,%6d,%8d) %d %d %d\n", handle->instIndex, frameNo, decodedInfo->picType, decodedInfo->decodedPOC, decodedInfo->displayPOC, decodedInfo->nalType, decodedInfo->indexFrameDecoded, decodedInfo->indexFrameDecodedForTiled, decodedInfo->indexFrameDisplay, decodedInfo->indexFrameDisplayForTiled, decodedInfo->frameDisplayFlag,decodedInfo->rdPtr, decodedInfo->wrPtr, decodedInfo->bytePosFrameStart, decodedInfo->bytePosFrameEnd, (decodedInfo->bytePosFrameEnd - decodedInfo->bytePosFrameStart), decodedInfo->dispPicWidth, decodedInfo->dispPicHeight, decodedInfo->sequenceNo, decodedInfo->temporalId, decodedInfo->frameCycle, decodedInfo->decHostCmdTick, decodedInfo->decSeekStartTick, decodedInfo->decSeekEndTick, decodedInfo->seekCycle, decodedInfo->decParseStartTick, decodedInfo->decParseEndTick, decodedInfo->parseCycle, decodedInfo->decDecodeStartTick, decodedInfo->decDecodeEndTick, decodedInfo->DecodedCycle, queueStatus.reportQueueCount, queueStatus.instanceQueueCount, 0 ); } else { VLOG(logLevel, "%02d %5d %d %4d(%4d) %3d %2d(%2d) %2d(%2d) %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %8d %4dx%-4d %4d %4d %8d(%8d,%8d,%8d) %d %d %d\n", handle->instIndex, frameNo, decodedInfo->picType, decodedInfo->decodedPOC, decodedInfo->displayPOC, decodedInfo->nalType, decodedInfo->indexFrameDecoded, decodedInfo->indexFrameDecodedForTiled, decodedInfo->indexFrameDisplay, decodedInfo->indexFrameDisplayForTiled, decodedInfo->frameDisplayFlag,decodedInfo->rdPtr, decodedInfo->wrPtr, decodedInfo->bytePosFrameStart, decodedInfo->bytePosFrameEnd, (decodedInfo->bytePosFrameEnd - decodedInfo->bytePosFrameStart), decodedInfo->dispPicWidth, decodedInfo->dispPicHeight, decodedInfo->sequenceNo, decodedInfo->temporalId, decodedInfo->frameCycle, decodedInfo->seekCycle, decodedInfo->parseCycle, decodedInfo->DecodedCycle, queueStatus.reportQueueCount, queueStatus.instanceQueueCount, 0 ); } if (logLevel == ERR) { VLOG(ERR, "\t>>ERROR REASON: 0x%08x(0x%08x)\n", decodedInfo->errorReason, decodedInfo->errorReasonExt); } if (decodedInfo->numOfErrMBs) { VLOG(WARN, "\t>> ErrorBlock: %d\n", decodedInfo->numOfErrMBs); } } } void DisplayDecodedInformationForAVS2( DecHandle handle, Uint32 frameNo, BOOL performance, DecOutputInfo* decodedInfo ) { Int32 logLevel; QueueStatusInfo queueStatus; VPU_DecGiveCommand(handle, DEC_GET_QUEUE_STATUS, &queueStatus); if (decodedInfo == NULL) { if ( performance == TRUE ) { VLOG(INFO, " | FRAME | HOST | SEEK_S SEEK_E SEEK | PARSE_S PARSE_E PARSE | DEC_S DEC_E DEC |\n"); VLOG(INFO, "I NO T POC NAL DECO DISP DISPFLAG RD_PTR WR_PTR FRM_START FRM_END FRM_SIZE WxH SEQ TEMP | CYCLE | TICK | TICK TICK CYCLE | TICK TICK CYCLE | TICK TICK CYCLE | RQ IQ\n"); } else { VLOG(INFO, "I NO T POC NAL DECO DISP DISPFLAG RD_PTR WR_PTR FRM_START FRM_END FRM_SIZE WxH SEQ TEMP CYCLE (Seek, Parse, Dec) RQ IQ\n"); } VLOG(INFO, "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } else { logLevel = (decodedInfo->decodingSuccess&0x01) == 0 ? ERR : TRACE; // Print informations if (performance == TRUE) { VLOG(logLevel, "%02d %5d %d %4d(%4d) %3d %2d(%2d) %2d(%2d) %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %8d %4dx%-4d %4d %4d %8d %8d (%6d,%6d,%8d) (%6d,%6d,%8d) (%6d,%6d,%8d) %d %d\n", handle->instIndex, frameNo, decodedInfo->picType, decodedInfo->avs2Info.decodedPOI, decodedInfo->avs2Info.displayPOI, decodedInfo->nalType, decodedInfo->indexFrameDecoded, decodedInfo->indexFrameDecodedForTiled, decodedInfo->indexFrameDisplay, decodedInfo->indexFrameDisplayForTiled, decodedInfo->frameDisplayFlag,decodedInfo->rdPtr, decodedInfo->wrPtr, decodedInfo->bytePosFrameStart, decodedInfo->bytePosFrameEnd, (decodedInfo->bytePosFrameEnd - decodedInfo->bytePosFrameStart), decodedInfo->dispPicWidth, decodedInfo->dispPicHeight, decodedInfo->sequenceNo, decodedInfo->temporalId, decodedInfo->frameCycle, decodedInfo->decHostCmdTick, decodedInfo->decSeekStartTick, decodedInfo->decSeekEndTick, decodedInfo->seekCycle, decodedInfo->decParseStartTick, decodedInfo->decParseEndTick, decodedInfo->parseCycle, decodedInfo->decDecodeStartTick, decodedInfo->decDecodeEndTick, decodedInfo->DecodedCycle, queueStatus.reportQueueCount, queueStatus.instanceQueueCount); } else { VLOG(logLevel, "%02d %5d %d %4d(%4d) %3d %2d(%2d) %2d(%2d) %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %8d %4dx%-4d %4d %4d %8d(%8d,%8d,%8d) %d %d\n", handle->instIndex, frameNo, decodedInfo->picType, decodedInfo->avs2Info.decodedPOI, decodedInfo->avs2Info.displayPOI, decodedInfo->nalType, decodedInfo->indexFrameDecoded, decodedInfo->indexFrameDecodedForTiled, decodedInfo->indexFrameDisplay, decodedInfo->indexFrameDisplayForTiled, decodedInfo->frameDisplayFlag,decodedInfo->rdPtr, decodedInfo->wrPtr, decodedInfo->bytePosFrameStart, decodedInfo->bytePosFrameEnd, (decodedInfo->bytePosFrameEnd - decodedInfo->bytePosFrameStart), decodedInfo->dispPicWidth, decodedInfo->dispPicHeight, decodedInfo->sequenceNo, decodedInfo->temporalId, decodedInfo->frameCycle, decodedInfo->seekCycle, decodedInfo->parseCycle, decodedInfo->DecodedCycle, queueStatus.reportQueueCount, queueStatus.instanceQueueCount); } if (logLevel == ERR) { VLOG(ERR, "\t>>ERROR REASON: 0x%08x(0x%08x)\n", decodedInfo->errorReason, decodedInfo->errorReasonExt); } if (decodedInfo->numOfErrMBs) { VLOG(WARN, "\t>> ErrorBlock: %d\n", decodedInfo->numOfErrMBs); } } } void DisplayDecodedInformationForVP9( DecHandle handle, Uint32 frameNo, BOOL performance, DecOutputInfo* decodedInfo) { Int32 logLevel; QueueStatusInfo queueStatus; VPU_DecGiveCommand(handle, DEC_GET_QUEUE_STATUS, &queueStatus); if (decodedInfo == NULL) { // Print header if ( performance == TRUE ) { VLOG(INFO, " | FRAME | HOST | SEEK_S SEEK_E SEEK | PARSE_S PARSE_E PARSE | DEC_S DEC_E DEC |\n"); VLOG(INFO, "I NO T DECO DISP DISPFLAG RD_PTR WR_PTR FRM_START FRM_END FRM_SIZE WxH SEQ | CYCLE | TICK | TICK TICK CYCLE | TICK TICK CYCLE | TICK TICK CYCLE | RQ IQ\n"); } else { VLOG(INFO, "I NO T DECO DISP DISPFLAG RD_PTR WR_PTR FRM_START FRM_END FRM_SIZE WxH SEQ CYCLE (Seek, Parse, Dec) RQ IQ\n"); } VLOG(INFO, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } else { logLevel = (decodedInfo->decodingSuccess&0x01) == 0 ? ERR : TRACE; // Print informations if (performance == TRUE) { VLOG(logLevel, "%02d %5d %d %2d(%2d) %2d(%2d) %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %8d %4dx%-4d %4d %8d %8d (%6d,%6d,%8d) (%6d,%6d,%8d) (%6d,%6d,%8d) %d %d\n", handle->instIndex, frameNo, decodedInfo->picType, decodedInfo->indexFrameDecoded, decodedInfo->indexFrameDecodedForTiled, decodedInfo->indexFrameDisplay, decodedInfo->indexFrameDisplayForTiled, decodedInfo->frameDisplayFlag,decodedInfo->rdPtr, decodedInfo->wrPtr, decodedInfo->bytePosFrameStart, decodedInfo->bytePosFrameEnd, (decodedInfo->bytePosFrameEnd - decodedInfo->bytePosFrameStart), decodedInfo->dispPicWidth, decodedInfo->dispPicHeight, decodedInfo->sequenceNo, decodedInfo->frameCycle, decodedInfo->decHostCmdTick, decodedInfo->decSeekStartTick, decodedInfo->decSeekEndTick, decodedInfo->seekCycle, decodedInfo->decParseStartTick, decodedInfo->decParseEndTick, decodedInfo->parseCycle, decodedInfo->decDecodeStartTick, decodedInfo->decDecodeEndTick, decodedInfo->DecodedCycle, queueStatus.reportQueueCount, queueStatus.instanceQueueCount); } else { VLOG(logLevel, "%02d %5d %d %2d(%2d) %2d(%2d) %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %8d %4dx%-4d %4d %8d (%8d,%8d,%8d) %d %d\n", handle->instIndex, frameNo, decodedInfo->picType, decodedInfo->indexFrameDecoded, decodedInfo->indexFrameDecodedForTiled, decodedInfo->indexFrameDisplay, decodedInfo->indexFrameDisplayForTiled, decodedInfo->frameDisplayFlag,decodedInfo->rdPtr, decodedInfo->wrPtr, decodedInfo->bytePosFrameStart, decodedInfo->bytePosFrameEnd, (decodedInfo->bytePosFrameEnd - decodedInfo->bytePosFrameStart), decodedInfo->dispPicWidth, decodedInfo->dispPicHeight, decodedInfo->sequenceNo, decodedInfo->frameCycle, decodedInfo->seekCycle, decodedInfo->parseCycle, decodedInfo->DecodedCycle, queueStatus.reportQueueCount, queueStatus.instanceQueueCount); } if (logLevel == ERR) { VLOG(ERR, "\t>>ERROR REASON: 0x%08x(0x%08x)\n", decodedInfo->errorReason, decodedInfo->errorReasonExt); } if (decodedInfo->numOfErrMBs) { VLOG(WARN, "\t>> ErrorBlock: %d\n", decodedInfo->numOfErrMBs); } } } void DisplayDecodedInformationForAVC( DecHandle handle, Uint32 frameNo, BOOL performance, DecOutputInfo* decodedInfo) { Int32 logLevel; QueueStatusInfo queueStatus; VPU_DecGiveCommand(handle, DEC_GET_QUEUE_STATUS, &queueStatus); if (decodedInfo == NULL) { // Print header if ( performance == TRUE ) { VLOG(INFO, " | FRAME | HOST | SEEK_S SEEK_E SEEK | PARSE_S PARSE_E PARSE | DEC_S DEC_E DEC |\n"); VLOG(INFO, "I NO T POC NAL DECO DISP DISPFLAG RD_PTR WR_PTR FRM_START FRM_END FRM_SIZE WxH SEQ TEMP | CYCLE | TICK | TICK TICK CYCLE | TICK TICK CYCLE | TICK TICK CYCLE | RQ IQ VCore\n"); } else { VLOG(INFO, "I NO T POC NAL DECO DISP DISPFLAG RD_PTR WR_PTR FRM_START FRM_END FRM_SIZE WxH SEQ TEMP CYCLE ( Seek, Parse, Dec) RQ IQ VCore\n"); } VLOG(INFO, "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } else { logLevel = (decodedInfo->decodingSuccess&0x01) == 0 ? ERR : INFO; // Print informations if (performance == TRUE) { VLOG(logLevel, "%02d %5d %d %4d(%4d) %3d %2d(%2d) %2d(%2d) %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %8d %4dx%-4d %4d %4d %8d %8d (%6d,%6d,%8d) (%6d,%6d,%8d) (%6d,%6d,%8d) %d %d %d\n", handle->instIndex, frameNo, decodedInfo->picType, decodedInfo->decodedPOC, decodedInfo->displayPOC, decodedInfo->nalType, decodedInfo->indexFrameDecoded, decodedInfo->indexFrameDecodedForTiled, decodedInfo->indexFrameDisplay, decodedInfo->indexFrameDisplayForTiled, decodedInfo->frameDisplayFlag,decodedInfo->rdPtr, decodedInfo->wrPtr, decodedInfo->bytePosFrameStart, decodedInfo->bytePosFrameEnd, (decodedInfo->bytePosFrameEnd - decodedInfo->bytePosFrameStart), decodedInfo->dispPicWidth, decodedInfo->dispPicHeight, decodedInfo->sequenceNo, decodedInfo->temporalId, decodedInfo->frameCycle, decodedInfo->decHostCmdTick, decodedInfo->decSeekStartTick, decodedInfo->decSeekEndTick, decodedInfo->seekCycle, decodedInfo->decParseStartTick, decodedInfo->decParseEndTick, decodedInfo->parseCycle, decodedInfo->decDecodeStartTick, decodedInfo->decDecodeEndTick, decodedInfo->DecodedCycle, queueStatus.reportQueueCount, queueStatus.instanceQueueCount, 0 ); } else { VLOG(logLevel, "%02d %5d %d %4d(%4d) %3d %2d(%2d) %2d(%2d) %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %8d %4dx%-4d %4d %4d %8d(%8d,%8d,%8d) %d %d\n", handle->instIndex, frameNo, decodedInfo->picType, decodedInfo->decodedPOC, decodedInfo->displayPOC, decodedInfo->nalType, decodedInfo->indexFrameDecoded, decodedInfo->indexFrameDecodedForTiled, decodedInfo->indexFrameDisplay, decodedInfo->indexFrameDisplayForTiled, decodedInfo->frameDisplayFlag,decodedInfo->rdPtr, decodedInfo->wrPtr, decodedInfo->bytePosFrameStart, decodedInfo->bytePosFrameEnd, (decodedInfo->bytePosFrameEnd - decodedInfo->bytePosFrameStart), decodedInfo->dispPicWidth, decodedInfo->dispPicHeight, decodedInfo->sequenceNo, decodedInfo->temporalId, decodedInfo->frameCycle, decodedInfo->seekCycle, decodedInfo->parseCycle, decodedInfo->DecodedCycle, queueStatus.reportQueueCount, queueStatus.instanceQueueCount, 0 ); } if (logLevel == ERR) { VLOG(ERR, "\t>>ERROR REASON: 0x%08x(0x%08x)\n", decodedInfo->errorReason, decodedInfo->errorReasonExt); } if (decodedInfo->numOfErrMBs) { VLOG(WARN, "\t>> ErrorBlock: %d\n", decodedInfo->numOfErrMBs); } } } void DisplayDecodedInformationForAV1( DecHandle handle, Uint32 frameNo, BOOL performance, DecOutputInfo* decodedInfo) { Int32 logLevel; QueueStatusInfo queueStatus; VPU_DecGiveCommand(handle, DEC_GET_QUEUE_STATUS, &queueStatus); if (decodedInfo == NULL) { // Print header if ( performance == TRUE ) { VLOG(INFO, " | FRAME | HOST | SEEK_S SEEK_E SEEK | PARSE_S PARSE_E PARSE | DEC_S DEC_E DEC |\n"); VLOG(INFO, "I NO T DECO DISP DISPFLAG RD_PTR WR_PTR FRM_START FRM_END FRM_SIZE WxH SEQ | CYCLE | TICK | TICK TICK CYCLE | TICK TICK CYCLE | TICK TICK CYCLE | RQ IQ\n"); } else { VLOG(INFO, "I NO T DECO DISP DISPFLAG RD_PTR WR_PTR FRM_START FRM_END FRM_SIZE WxH SEQ CYCLE (Seek, Parse, Dec) RQ IQ\n"); } VLOG(INFO, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } else { logLevel = (decodedInfo->decodingSuccess&0x01) == 0 ? ERR : TRACE; // Print informations if (performance == TRUE) { VLOG(logLevel, "%02d %5d %d %2d(%2d) %2d(%2d) %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %8d %4dx%-4d %4d %8d %8d (%6d,%6d,%8d) (%6d,%6d,%8d) (%6d,%6d,%8d) %d %d\n", handle->instIndex, frameNo, decodedInfo->picType, decodedInfo->indexFrameDecoded, decodedInfo->indexFrameDecodedForTiled, decodedInfo->indexFrameDisplay, decodedInfo->indexFrameDisplayForTiled, decodedInfo->frameDisplayFlag,decodedInfo->rdPtr, decodedInfo->wrPtr, decodedInfo->bytePosFrameStart, decodedInfo->bytePosFrameEnd, (decodedInfo->bytePosFrameEnd - decodedInfo->bytePosFrameStart), decodedInfo->dispPicWidth, decodedInfo->dispPicHeight, decodedInfo->sequenceNo, decodedInfo->frameCycle, decodedInfo->decHostCmdTick, decodedInfo->decSeekStartTick, decodedInfo->decSeekEndTick, decodedInfo->seekCycle, decodedInfo->decParseStartTick, decodedInfo->decParseEndTick, decodedInfo->parseCycle, decodedInfo->decDecodeStartTick, decodedInfo->decDecodeEndTick, decodedInfo->DecodedCycle, queueStatus.reportQueueCount, queueStatus.instanceQueueCount); } else { VLOG(logLevel, "%02d %5d %d %2d(%2d) %2d(%2d) %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %8d %4dx%-4d %4d %8d (%8d,%8d,%8d) %d %d\n", handle->instIndex, frameNo, decodedInfo->picType, decodedInfo->indexFrameDecoded, decodedInfo->indexFrameDecodedForTiled, decodedInfo->indexFrameDisplay, decodedInfo->indexFrameDisplayForTiled, decodedInfo->frameDisplayFlag,decodedInfo->rdPtr, decodedInfo->wrPtr, decodedInfo->bytePosFrameStart, decodedInfo->bytePosFrameEnd, (decodedInfo->bytePosFrameEnd - decodedInfo->bytePosFrameStart), decodedInfo->dispPicWidth, decodedInfo->dispPicHeight, decodedInfo->sequenceNo, decodedInfo->frameCycle, decodedInfo->seekCycle, decodedInfo->parseCycle, decodedInfo->DecodedCycle, queueStatus.reportQueueCount, queueStatus.instanceQueueCount); } if (logLevel == ERR) { VLOG(ERR, "\t>>ERROR REASON: 0x%08x(0x%08x)\n", decodedInfo->errorReason, decodedInfo->errorReasonExt); } if (decodedInfo->numOfErrMBs) { VLOG(WARN, "\t>> ErrorBlock: %d\n", decodedInfo->numOfErrMBs); } } } void DisplayDecodedInformationCommon( DecHandle handle, Uint32 frameNo, DecOutputInfo* decodedInfo) { Int32 logLevel; if (decodedInfo == NULL) { // Print header VLOG(TRACE, "I NO T DECO DISP DISPFLAG RD_PTR WR_PTR FRM_START FRM_END FRM_SIZE WxH \n"); VLOG(TRACE, "---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } else { VpuRect rc = decodedInfo->rcDisplay; Uint32 width = rc.right - rc.left; Uint32 height = rc.bottom - rc.top; logLevel = (decodedInfo->decodingSuccess&0x01) == 0 ? WARN : INFO; // Print informations VLOG(logLevel, "%02d %5d %d %2d(%2d) %2d(%2d) %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %8d %dx%d\n", handle->instIndex, frameNo, decodedInfo->picType, decodedInfo->indexFrameDecoded, decodedInfo->indexFrameDecodedForTiled, decodedInfo->indexFrameDisplay, decodedInfo->indexFrameDisplayForTiled, decodedInfo->frameDisplayFlag,decodedInfo->rdPtr, decodedInfo->wrPtr, decodedInfo->bytePosFrameStart, decodedInfo->bytePosFrameEnd, (decodedInfo->bytePosFrameEnd - decodedInfo->bytePosFrameStart), width, height); if (logLevel == ERR) { VLOG(ERR, "\t>>ERROR REASON: 0x%08x(0x%08x)\n", decodedInfo->errorReason, decodedInfo->errorReasonExt); } if (decodedInfo->numOfErrMBs) { VLOG(WARN, "\t>> ErrorBlock: %d\n", decodedInfo->numOfErrMBs); } } } /** * \brief Print out decoded information such like RD_PTR, WR_PTR, PIC_TYPE, .. * \param decodedInfo If this parameter is not NULL then print out decoded informations * otherwise print out header. */ void DisplayDecodedInformation( DecHandle handle, CodStd codec, Uint32 frameNo, DecOutputInfo* decodedInfo, ... ) { int performance = FALSE; va_list ap; va_start(ap, decodedInfo); performance = va_arg(ap, Uint32); va_end(ap); switch (codec) { case STD_HEVC: DisplayDecodedInformationForHevc(handle, frameNo, performance, decodedInfo); break; case STD_VP9: DisplayDecodedInformationForVP9(handle, frameNo, performance, decodedInfo); break; case STD_AVS2: DisplayDecodedInformationForAVS2(handle, frameNo, performance, decodedInfo); break; case STD_AVC: DisplayDecodedInformationForAVC(handle, frameNo, performance, decodedInfo); break; case STD_AV1: DisplayDecodedInformationForAV1(handle, frameNo, performance, decodedInfo); break; default: DisplayDecodedInformationCommon(handle, frameNo, decodedInfo); break; } return; } void SetDefaultEncTestConfig(TestEncConfig* testConfig) { osal_memset(testConfig, 0, sizeof(TestEncConfig)); testConfig->stdMode = STD_HEVC; testConfig->frame_endian = VPU_FRAME_ENDIAN; testConfig->stream_endian = VPU_STREAM_ENDIAN; testConfig->source_endian = VPU_SOURCE_ENDIAN; testConfig->mapType = COMPRESSED_FRAME_MAP; testConfig->lineBufIntEn = TRUE; #ifdef SUPPORT_SOURCE_RELEASE_INTERRUPT testConfig->srcReleaseIntEnable = FALSE; #endif testConfig->ringBufferEnable = FALSE; testConfig->ringBufferWrapEnable = FALSE; } void Coda9SetDefaultEncTestConfig(TestEncConfig* encConfig) { osal_memset(encConfig, 0, sizeof(TestEncConfig)); encConfig->stdMode = STD_AVC; encConfig->frame_endian = VPU_FRAME_ENDIAN; encConfig->stream_endian = VPU_STREAM_ENDIAN; encConfig->source_endian = VPU_SOURCE_ENDIAN; encConfig->mapType = LINEAR_FRAME_MAP; encConfig->ringBufferEnable = FALSE; encConfig->yuv_mode = SOURCE_YUV; } static void Wave5DisplayEncodedInformation( EncHandle handle, CodStd codec, Uint32 frameNo, EncOutputInfo* encodedInfo, Int32 srcEndFlag, Int32 srcFrameIdx, Int32 performance ) { QueueStatusInfo queueStatus; VPU_EncGiveCommand(handle, ENC_GET_QUEUE_STATUS, &queueStatus); if (encodedInfo == NULL) { if (performance == TRUE ) { VLOG(INFO, "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); VLOG(INFO, " USEDSRC | FRAME | HOST | PREP_S PREP_E PREP | PROCE_S PROCE_E PROCE | ENC_S ENC_E ENC |\n"); VLOG(INFO, "I NO T RECON RD_PTR WR_PTR BYTES SRCIDX IDX IDC Vcore | CYCLE | TICK | TICK TICK CYCLE | TICK TICK CYCLE | TICK TICK CYCLE | RQ IQ\n"); VLOG(INFO, "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } else { VLOG(INFO, "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); VLOG(INFO, " USEDSRC | CYCLE\n"); VLOG(INFO, "I NO T RECON RD_PTR WR_PTR BYTES SRCIDX IDX IDC Vcore | FRAME PREPARING PROCESSING ENCODING | RQ IQ\n"); VLOG(INFO, "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } } else { if (performance == TRUE) { VLOG(INFO, "%02d %5d %5d %5d %08x %08x %8x %2d %2d %08x %2d %8u %8u (%8u,%8u,%8u) (%8u,%8u,%8u) (%8u,%8u,%8u) %d %d\n", handle->instIndex, encodedInfo->encPicCnt, encodedInfo->picType, encodedInfo->reconFrameIndex, encodedInfo->rdPtr, encodedInfo->wrPtr, encodedInfo->bitstreamSize, (srcEndFlag == 1 ? -1 : srcFrameIdx), encodedInfo->encSrcIdx, encodedInfo->releaseSrcFlag, 0, encodedInfo->frameCycle, encodedInfo->encHostCmdTick, encodedInfo->encPrepareStartTick, encodedInfo->encPrepareEndTick, encodedInfo->prepareCycle, encodedInfo->encProcessingStartTick, encodedInfo->encProcessingEndTick, encodedInfo->processing, encodedInfo->encEncodeStartTick, encodedInfo->encEncodeEndTick, encodedInfo->EncodedCycle, queueStatus.reportQueueCount, queueStatus.instanceQueueCount); } else { VLOG(INFO, "%02d %5d %5d %5d %08x %08x %8x %2d %2d %04x %d %8d %8d %8d %8d %d %d\n", handle->instIndex, encodedInfo->encPicCnt, encodedInfo->picType, encodedInfo->reconFrameIndex, encodedInfo->rdPtr, encodedInfo->wrPtr, encodedInfo->bitstreamSize, (srcEndFlag == 1 ? -1 : srcFrameIdx), encodedInfo->encSrcIdx, encodedInfo->releaseSrcFlag, 0, encodedInfo->frameCycle, encodedInfo->prepareCycle, encodedInfo->processing, encodedInfo->EncodedCycle, queueStatus.reportQueueCount, queueStatus.instanceQueueCount); } } } static void Coda9DisplayEncodedInformation( DecHandle handle, CodStd codec, Uint32 frameNo, EncOutputInfo* encodedInfo ) { if (encodedInfo == NULL) { // Print header VLOG(INFO, "I NO T RECON RD_PTR WR_PTR \n"); VLOG(INFO, "-------------------------------------\n"); } else { char** picTypeArray = (codec==STD_AVC ? EncPicTypeStringH264 : EncPicTypeStringMPEG4); char* strPicType; if (encodedInfo->picType > 2) strPicType = "?"; else strPicType = picTypeArray[encodedInfo->picType]; // Print informations VLOG(INFO, "%02d %5d %5s %5d %08x %08x\n", handle->instIndex, frameNo, strPicType, encodedInfo->reconFrameIndex, encodedInfo->rdPtr, encodedInfo->wrPtr); } } /*lint -esym(438, ap) */ void DisplayEncodedInformation( EncHandle handle, CodStd codec, Uint32 frameNo, EncOutputInfo* encodedInfo, ... ) { int srcEndFlag; int srcFrameIdx; int performance = FALSE; va_list ap; switch (codec) { case STD_HEVC: va_start(ap, encodedInfo); srcEndFlag = va_arg(ap, Uint32); srcFrameIdx = va_arg(ap, Uint32); performance = va_arg(ap, Uint32); va_end(ap); Wave5DisplayEncodedInformation(handle, codec, frameNo, encodedInfo, srcEndFlag , srcFrameIdx, performance); break; case STD_AVC: if(handle->productId == PRODUCT_ID_521) { va_start(ap, encodedInfo); srcEndFlag = va_arg(ap, Uint32); srcFrameIdx = va_arg(ap, Uint32); performance = va_arg(ap, Uint32); va_end(ap); Wave5DisplayEncodedInformation(handle, codec, frameNo, encodedInfo, srcEndFlag , srcFrameIdx, performance); } else Coda9DisplayEncodedInformation(handle, codec, frameNo, encodedInfo); break; default: Coda9DisplayEncodedInformation(handle, codec, frameNo, encodedInfo); break; } return; } /*lint +esym(438, ap) */ void replace_character(char* str, char c, char r) { int i=0; int len; len = strlen(str); for(i=0; icoreIdx; Uint32 idx; for (idx=0; idxinstIndex); } } BOOL AllocateLinerBuffer( DecHandle decHandle, vpu_buffer_t *pvb, Uint32 size ) { Uint32 coreIndex = VPU_HANDLE_CORE_INDEX(decHandle); if (vdi_allocate_dma_memory(coreIndex, pvb, DEC_FB_LINEAR, decHandle->instIndex) < 0) { VLOG(ERR, "%s:%d fail to allocate frame buffer\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } FrameBufferAllocInfo frameBufferAllocInfo; void *AllocateDecFrameBuffer2(DecHandle decHandle, TestDecConfig* config, Uint32 size, FrameBuffer* retFbArray, vpu_buffer_t* retFbAddrs) { RetCode ret; vpu_buffer_t *vb = retFbAddrs; Uint32 coreIndex = VPU_HANDLE_CORE_INDEX(decHandle); vb->size = size; frameBufferAllocInfo.num = 1; vdi_allocate_dma_memory(coreIndex, vb, DEC_FB_LINEAR, decHandle->instIndex); VLOG(INFO, "base = %lx virt_addr = %lx phys_addr = %lx\r\n", vb->base, vb->virt_addr, vb->phys_addr); retFbArray->bufY = vb->phys_addr; retFbArray->bufCb = (PhysicalAddress)-1; retFbArray->bufCr = (PhysicalAddress)-1; retFbArray->updateFbInfo = TRUE; retFbArray->size = size; // width = 0 not effect right now retFbArray->width = 0; ret = VPU_DecAllocateFrameBuffer(decHandle, frameBufferAllocInfo, retFbArray); if (ret != RETCODE_SUCCESS) { VLOG(ERR, "%s:%d failed to VPU_DecAllocateFrameBuffer() ret:%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret); ReleaseVideoMemory(decHandle, vb, 1); return NULL; } return (void *)vb->virt_addr; } Uint64 RemapVaddr(DecHandle decHandle, Uint64 virtAddress, Uint32 size) { Uint32 coreIndex = VPU_HANDLE_CORE_INDEX(decHandle); return (Uint64)vdi_remap_vaddr(coreIndex, virtAddress, size); } BOOL AttachDecDMABuffer(DecHandle decHandle, TestDecConfig* config, Uint64 virtAddress, Uint32 size, FrameBuffer* retFbArray, vpu_buffer_t* retFbAddrs) { RetCode ret; Uint32 coreIndex = VPU_HANDLE_CORE_INDEX(decHandle); vpu_buffer_t *vb = retFbAddrs; vb->virt_addr = virtAddress; vb->size = size; frameBufferAllocInfo.num = 1; vdi_virt_to_phys(coreIndex, vb); vdi_attach_dma_memory(coreIndex, vb); VLOG(INFO, "base addr = %lx virt addr= %lx phys addr = %x\r\n", vb->base, vb->virt_addr, vb->phys_addr); retFbArray->bufY = vb->phys_addr; retFbArray->bufCb = (PhysicalAddress)-1; retFbArray->bufCr = (PhysicalAddress)-1; retFbArray->updateFbInfo = TRUE; retFbArray->size = size; // width = 0 not effect right now retFbArray->width = 0; ret = VPU_DecAllocateFrameBuffer(decHandle, frameBufferAllocInfo, retFbArray); if (ret != RETCODE_SUCCESS) { VLOG(ERR, "%s:%d failed to VPU_DecAllocateFrameBuffer() ret:%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret); ReleaseVideoMemory(decHandle, vb, 1); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL AllocateDecFrameBuffer( DecHandle decHandle, TestDecConfig* config, Uint32 nonLinearFbCnt, Uint32 linearFbCount, FrameBuffer* retFbArray, vpu_buffer_t* retFbAddrs, Uint32* retStride ) { Uint32 framebufSize; Uint32 totalFbCount, linearFbStartIdx = 0; Uint32 coreIndex; Uint32 idx; FrameBufferFormat format = config->wtlFormat; DecInitialInfo seqInfo; FrameBufferAllocInfo fbAllocInfo; RetCode ret; vpu_buffer_t* pvb; size_t framebufStride; size_t framebufHeight; Uint32 productId; DRAMConfig* pDramCfg = NULL; DRAMConfig dramCfg = {0}; DecInfo* pDecInfo = &decHandle->CodecInfo->decInfo; coreIndex = VPU_HANDLE_CORE_INDEX(decHandle); productId = VPU_HANDLE_PRODUCT_ID(decHandle); VPU_DecGiveCommand(decHandle, DEC_GET_SEQ_INFO, (void*)&seqInfo); if (pDecInfo->productCode == WAVE521C_DUAL_CODE) { if ( seqInfo.lumaBitdepth == 8 && seqInfo.chromaBitdepth == 8) { config->mapType = COMPRESSED_FRAME_MAP_DUAL_CORE_8BIT; } else { config->mapType = COMPRESSED_FRAME_MAP_DUAL_CORE_10BIT; } } totalFbCount = nonLinearFbCnt + linearFbCount; if (PRODUCT_ID_W_SERIES(productId)) { linearFbStartIdx = nonLinearFbCnt; } else { //CODA series if (0 == nonLinearFbCnt) { nonLinearFbCnt = linearFbCount; linearFbCount = 0; } else { linearFbStartIdx = nonLinearFbCnt; } } if (PRODUCT_ID_W_SERIES(productId)) { format = (seqInfo.lumaBitdepth > 8 || seqInfo.chromaBitdepth > 8) ? FORMAT_420_P10_16BIT_LSB : FORMAT_420; } else { //CODA series pDramCfg = &dramCfg; ret = VPU_DecGiveCommand(decHandle, GET_DRAM_CONFIG, pDramCfg); if (RETCODE_SUCCESS != ret) { VLOG(ERR, "%s:%d VPU_DecGiveCommand[GET_DRAM_CONFIG] failed Error code is 0x%x \n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret ); return FALSE; } } #ifdef USE_FEEDING_METHOD_BUFFER *retStride = seqInfo.picWidth; framebufStride = CalcStride(seqInfo.picWidth, seqInfo.picHeight, format, config->cbcrInterleave, config->mapType, FALSE); framebufHeight = seqInfo.picHeight; framebufSize = VPU_GetFrameBufSize(decHandle, decHandle->coreIdx, framebufStride, framebufHeight, config->mapType, format, config->cbcrInterleave, pDramCfg); #else if (config->bitFormat == STD_VP9) { framebufStride = CalcStride(VPU_ALIGN64(seqInfo.picWidth), seqInfo.picHeight, format, config->cbcrInterleave, config->mapType, TRUE); framebufHeight = VPU_ALIGN64(seqInfo.picHeight); framebufSize = VPU_GetFrameBufSize(decHandle, decHandle->coreIdx, framebufStride, framebufHeight, config->mapType, format, config->cbcrInterleave, NULL); *retStride = framebufStride; } else if (config->bitFormat == STD_AVS2) { framebufStride = CalcStride(seqInfo.picWidth, seqInfo.picHeight, format, config->cbcrInterleave, config->mapType, FALSE); framebufHeight = VPU_ALIGN8(seqInfo.picHeight); framebufSize = VPU_GetFrameBufSize(decHandle, decHandle->coreIdx, framebufStride, framebufHeight, config->mapType, format, config->cbcrInterleave, pDramCfg); *retStride = framebufStride; } else if (config->bitFormat == STD_AV1){ framebufStride = CalcStride(VPU_ALIGN64(seqInfo.picWidth), seqInfo.picHeight, format, config->cbcrInterleave, config->mapType, TRUE); framebufHeight = VPU_ALIGN64(seqInfo.picHeight); framebufSize = VPU_GetFrameBufSize(decHandle, decHandle->coreIdx, framebufStride, framebufHeight, config->mapType, format, config->cbcrInterleave, NULL); *retStride = framebufStride; } else { *retStride = VPU_ALIGN32(seqInfo.picWidth); framebufStride = CalcStride(seqInfo.picWidth, seqInfo.picHeight, format, config->cbcrInterleave, config->mapType, FALSE); framebufHeight = VPU_ALIGN32(seqInfo.picHeight); framebufSize = VPU_GetFrameBufSize(decHandle, decHandle->coreIdx, framebufStride, framebufHeight, config->mapType, format, config->cbcrInterleave, pDramCfg); } #endif osal_memset((void*)&fbAllocInfo, 0x00, sizeof(fbAllocInfo)); osal_memset((void*)retFbArray, 0x00, sizeof(FrameBuffer)*totalFbCount); fbAllocInfo.format = format; fbAllocInfo.cbcrInterleave = config->cbcrInterleave; fbAllocInfo.mapType = config->mapType; fbAllocInfo.stride = framebufStride; fbAllocInfo.height = framebufHeight; fbAllocInfo.size = framebufSize; fbAllocInfo.lumaBitDepth = seqInfo.lumaBitdepth; fbAllocInfo.chromaBitDepth = seqInfo.chromaBitdepth; fbAllocInfo.num = nonLinearFbCnt; fbAllocInfo.endian = PRODUCT_ID_NOT_W_SERIES(productId) ? config->frameEndian : VDI_128BIT_LITTLE_ENDIAN ; // FBC endian is not fixed. fbAllocInfo.type = FB_TYPE_CODEC; osal_memset((void*)retFbAddrs, 0x00, sizeof(vpu_buffer_t)*totalFbCount); APIDPRINT("ALLOC MEM - FBC data\n"); for (idx=0; idxsize = framebufSize; if (vdi_allocate_dma_memory(coreIndex, pvb, DEC_FBC, decHandle->instIndex) < 0) { VLOG(ERR, "%s:%d fail to allocate frame buffer\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); ReleaseVideoMemory(decHandle, retFbAddrs, totalFbCount); return FALSE; } retFbArray[idx].bufY = pvb->phys_addr; retFbArray[idx].bufCb = (PhysicalAddress)-1; retFbArray[idx].bufCr = (PhysicalAddress)-1; retFbArray[idx].updateFbInfo = TRUE; retFbArray[idx].size = framebufSize; retFbArray[idx].width = seqInfo.picWidth; } if (nonLinearFbCnt != 0) { if ((ret=VPU_DecAllocateFrameBuffer(decHandle, fbAllocInfo, retFbArray)) != RETCODE_SUCCESS) { VLOG(ERR, "%s:%d failed to VPU_DecAllocateFrameBuffer(), ret(%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret); ReleaseVideoMemory(decHandle, retFbAddrs, totalFbCount); return FALSE; } } if (config->enableWTL == TRUE || linearFbCount != 0) { size_t linearStride; size_t picWidth; size_t picHeight; size_t fbHeight; TiledMapType mapType = LINEAR_FRAME_MAP; FrameBufferFormat outFormat = config->wtlFormat; picWidth = seqInfo.picWidth; picHeight = seqInfo.picHeight; fbHeight = picHeight; if (PRODUCT_ID_960 == productId || PRODUCT_ID_980 == productId) { //wtl frame buffer mapType = (FF_FRAME == config->wtlMode) ? LINEAR_FRAME_MAP : LINEAR_FIELD_MAP; } if (config->bitFormat == STD_VP9) { fbHeight = VPU_ALIGN64(picHeight); } else if (config->bitFormat == STD_AVS2) { fbHeight = VPU_ALIGN8(picHeight); } else if (productId == PRODUCT_ID_960 || productId == PRODUCT_ID_980) { fbHeight = VPU_ALIGN32(picHeight); } else if (config->bitFormat == STD_AV1) { fbHeight = VPU_ALIGN8(picHeight); } if (config->scaleDownWidth > 0 || config->scaleDownHeight > 0) { ScalerInfo sclInfo; VPU_DecGiveCommand(decHandle, DEC_GET_SCALER_INFO, (void*)&sclInfo); if (sclInfo.enScaler == TRUE) { picWidth = sclInfo.scaleWidth; picHeight = sclInfo.scaleHeight; if (config->bitFormat == STD_VP9) { fbHeight = VPU_ALIGN64(picHeight); } else { fbHeight = VPU_CEIL(picHeight, 2); } } } if (config->bitFormat == STD_VP9) { linearStride = CalcStride(VPU_ALIGN64(picWidth), picHeight, outFormat, config->cbcrInterleave, (TiledMapType)mapType, TRUE); } else if (config->bitFormat == STD_AV1) { linearStride = CalcStride(VPU_ALIGN16(picWidth), picHeight, outFormat, config->cbcrInterleave, (TiledMapType)mapType, TRUE); } else { linearStride = CalcStride(picWidth, picHeight, outFormat, config->cbcrInterleave, (TiledMapType)mapType, FALSE); } framebufSize = VPU_GetFrameBufSize(decHandle, coreIndex, linearStride, fbHeight, (TiledMapType)mapType, outFormat, config->cbcrInterleave, pDramCfg); fbAllocInfo.nv21 = config->nv21; fbAllocInfo.format = outFormat; fbAllocInfo.num = linearFbCount; fbAllocInfo.mapType = (TiledMapType)mapType; fbAllocInfo.stride = linearStride; fbAllocInfo.height = fbHeight; #ifdef USE_FEEDING_METHOD_BUFFER memcpy(&frameBufferAllocInfo, &fbAllocInfo, sizeof(frameBufferAllocInfo)); #endif for (idx=linearFbStartIdx; idxsize = framebufSize; if (vdi_allocate_dma_memory(coreIndex, pvb, DEC_FB_LINEAR, decHandle->instIndex) < 0) { VLOG(ERR, "%s:%d fail to allocate frame buffer\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); ReleaseVideoMemory(decHandle, retFbAddrs, totalFbCount); return FALSE; } retFbArray[idx].bufY = pvb->phys_addr; retFbArray[idx].bufCb = (PhysicalAddress)-1; retFbArray[idx].bufCr = (PhysicalAddress)-1; retFbArray[idx].updateFbInfo = TRUE; retFbArray[idx].size = framebufSize; retFbArray[idx].width = picWidth; } ret = VPU_DecAllocateFrameBuffer(decHandle, fbAllocInfo, &retFbArray[linearFbStartIdx]); if (ret != RETCODE_SUCCESS) { VLOG(ERR, "%s:%d failed to VPU_DecAllocateFrameBuffer() ret:%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret); ReleaseVideoMemory(decHandle, retFbAddrs, totalFbCount); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } BOOL AllocFBMemory(Uint32 coreIdx, vpu_buffer_t *pFbMem, FrameBuffer* pFb,Uint32 memSize, Uint32 memNum, Int32 memTypes, Int32 instIndex) { Uint32 i =0; for (i = 0; i < memNum; i++) { pFbMem[i].size = memSize; if (vdi_allocate_dma_memory(coreIdx, &pFbMem[i], memTypes, instIndex) < 0) { VLOG(ERR, "fail to allocate src buffer\n"); return FALSE; } pFb[i].bufY = pFbMem[i].phys_addr; pFb[i].bufCb = (PhysicalAddress) - 1; pFb[i].bufCr = (PhysicalAddress) - 1; pFb[i].size = memSize; pFb[i].updateFbInfo = TRUE; } return TRUE; } BOOL Coda9AllocateDecPPUFrameBuffer( BOOL* pEnablePPU, DecHandle decHandle, TestDecConfig* config, FrameBuffer* retFbArray, vpu_buffer_t* retFbAddrs, Queue* ppuQ ) { Uint32 stridePpu = 0; Uint32 sizePPUFb = 0; Uint32 rotate = config->coda9.rotate; Uint32 rotateWidth = 0; Uint32 rotateHeight = 0; Uint32 coreIndex = 0; const Uint32 ppuFbCount = 2; // #define PPU_FB_COUNT 2 Int32 idx = 0; DecInitialInfo seqInfo; BOOL enablePPU = FALSE; vpu_buffer_t* pvb = NULL; FrameBufferAllocInfo fbAllocInfo; DRAMConfig* pDramCfg = NULL; DRAMConfig dramCfg = {0}; osal_memset((void*)&fbAllocInfo, 0x00, sizeof(fbAllocInfo)); osal_memset((void*)retFbArray, 0x00, sizeof(FrameBuffer)*ppuFbCount); enablePPU = (BOOL)(config->coda9.rotate > 0 || config->coda9.mirror > 0 || config->coda9.enableTiled2Linear == TRUE || config->coda9.enableDering == TRUE); if(pEnablePPU) { *pEnablePPU = enablePPU; } if(!enablePPU) { VLOG(INFO, "<%s> No need PPU Buffers.\n", __FUNCTION__); return TRUE; } else { VLOG(INFO, "<%s> PPU Buffer : %d\n", __FUNCTION__, ppuFbCount); } pDramCfg = &dramCfg; VPU_DecGiveCommand(decHandle, GET_DRAM_CONFIG, pDramCfg); coreIndex = VPU_HANDLE_CORE_INDEX(decHandle); VPU_DecGiveCommand(decHandle, DEC_GET_SEQ_INFO, (void*)&seqInfo); rotateWidth = seqInfo.picWidth; rotateHeight = seqInfo.picHeight; if (rotate == 90 || rotate == 270) { rotateWidth = seqInfo.picHeight; rotateHeight = seqInfo.picWidth; } rotateWidth = VPU_ALIGN32(rotateWidth); rotateHeight = VPU_ALIGN32(rotateHeight); stridePpu = CalcStride(rotateWidth, rotateHeight, FORMAT_420, config->cbcrInterleave, LINEAR_FRAME_MAP, FALSE); sizePPUFb = VPU_GetFrameBufSize(decHandle, coreIndex, stridePpu, rotateHeight, LINEAR_FRAME_MAP, FORMAT_420, config->cbcrInterleave, pDramCfg); for (idx=0; idxsize = sizePPUFb; if (vdi_allocate_dma_memory(coreIndex, pvb, DEC_ETC, decHandle->instIndex) < 0) { VLOG(ERR, "%s:%d fail to allocate frame buffer\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return FALSE; } retFbArray[idx].bufY = pvb->phys_addr; retFbArray[idx].bufCb = (PhysicalAddress)-1; retFbArray[idx].bufCr = (PhysicalAddress)-1; retFbArray[idx].updateFbInfo = TRUE; retFbArray[idx].size = sizePPUFb; } fbAllocInfo.mapType = LINEAR_FRAME_MAP; fbAllocInfo.cbcrInterleave = config->cbcrInterleave; fbAllocInfo.format = FORMAT_420; fbAllocInfo.stride = stridePpu; fbAllocInfo.height = rotateHeight; fbAllocInfo.endian = config->frameEndian; fbAllocInfo.lumaBitDepth = 8; fbAllocInfo.chromaBitDepth = 8; fbAllocInfo.num = ppuFbCount; fbAllocInfo.type = FB_TYPE_PPU; fbAllocInfo.size = sizePPUFb; if (RETCODE_SUCCESS != VPU_DecAllocateFrameBuffer(decHandle, fbAllocInfo, retFbArray)) { VLOG(ERR, "%s:%d failed to VPU_DecAllocateFrameBuffer() ret:%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return FALSE; } // Note: Please keep the below call sequence. VPU_DecGiveCommand(decHandle, SET_ROTATION_ANGLE, (void*)&(config->coda9.rotate)); VPU_DecGiveCommand(decHandle, SET_MIRROR_DIRECTION, (void*)&(config->coda9.mirror)); VPU_DecGiveCommand(decHandle, SET_ROTATOR_STRIDE, (void*)&stridePpu); for (idx=0; idxbitstreamFormat = config->bitFormat; param->coreIdx = config->coreIdx; param->bitstreamMode = config->bitstreamMode; param->wtlEnable = config->enableWTL; param->wtlMode = config->wtlMode; param->cbcrInterleave = config->cbcrInterleave; param->nv21 = config->nv21; param->streamEndian = config->streamEndian; param->frameEndian = config->frameEndian; if (PRODUCT_ID_W_SERIES(config->productId)) { //WAVE param->bwOptimization = config->wave.bwOptimization; param->av1Format = config->wave.av1Format; } else { //CODA param->avcExtension = config->coda9.enableMvc; param->bwbEnable = config->coda9.enableBWB; param->mp4Class = config->coda9.mp4class; param->tiled2LinearEnable = config->coda9.enableTiled2Linear; param->tiled2LinearMode = config->coda9.tiled2LinearMode; param->mp4DeblkEnable = config->coda9.enableDeblock; } } return ret; } #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__MSDOS__) #define DOS_FILESYSTEM #define IS_DIR_SEPARATOR(__c) ((__c == '/') || (__c == '\\')) #else /* UNIX style */ #define IS_DIR_SEPARATOR(__c) (__c == '/') #endif char* GetDirname( const char* path ) { int length; int i; char* upper_dir; if (path == NULL) return NULL; length = strlen(path); for (i=length-1; i>=0; i--) { if (IS_DIR_SEPARATOR(path[i])) break; } if (i<0) { upper_dir = strdup("."); } else { upper_dir = strdup(path); upper_dir[i] = 0; } return upper_dir; } char* GetBasename( const char* pathname ) { const char* base = NULL; const char* p = pathname; if (p == NULL) { return NULL; } #if defined(DOS_FILESYSTEM) if (isalpha((int)p[0]) && p[1] == ':') { p += 2; } #endif for (base=p; *p; p++) {//lint !e443 if (IS_DIR_SEPARATOR(*p)) { base = p+1; } } return (char*)base; } char* GetFileExtension( const char* filename ) { Int32 len; Int32 i; len = strlen(filename); for (i=len-1; i>=0; i--) { if (filename[i] == '.') { return (char*)&filename[i+1]; } } return NULL; } void byte_swap(unsigned char* data, int len) { Uint8 temp; Int32 i; for (i=0; ibitstreamFormat = config->stdMode; if (strlen(config->cfgFileName) != 0) { if (GetEncOpenParam(param, config, encCfg) == FALSE) { VLOG(ERR, "[ERROR] Failed to parse CFG file(GetEncOpenParam)\n"); return FALSE; } } else { if (GetEncOpenParamDefault(param, config) == FALSE) { VLOG(ERR, "[ERROR] Failed to parse CFG file(GetEncOpenParamDefault)\n"); return FALSE; } } if (0 == param->streamBufCount) param->streamBufCount = ENC_STREAM_BUF_COUNT; if (0 == param->streamBufSize) param->streamBufSize = ENC_STREAM_BUF_SIZE; if (strlen(config->cfgFileName) != 0) { if (param->srcBitDepth == 8) { config->srcFormat = FORMAT_420; } else if (param->srcBitDepth == 10) { if (config->srcFormat == FORMAT_420) { config->srcFormat = FORMAT_420_P10_16BIT_MSB; //set srcFormat in ParseArgumentAndSetTestConfig function return FALSE; } } } if (config->optYuvPath[0] != 0) strcpy(config->yuvFileName, config->optYuvPath); #ifdef SUPPORT_LOOK_AHEAD_RC if ( config->larcPass == LOOK_AHEAD_RC_PASS1) { if (config->optYuvPath_larc_pass1[0] != 0) strcpy(config->yuvFileName, config->optYuvPath_larc_pass1); } #endif if (config->packedFormat >= PACKED_YUYV) { int p10bits = 0; FrameBufferFormat packedFormat; if (config->srcFormat == FORMAT_420_P10_16BIT_MSB || config->srcFormat == FORMAT_420_P10_16BIT_LSB ) p10bits = 16; if (config->srcFormat == FORMAT_420_P10_32BIT_MSB || config->srcFormat == FORMAT_420_P10_32BIT_LSB ) p10bits = 32; packedFormat = GetPackedFormat(param->srcBitDepth, config->packedFormat, p10bits, 1); if (packedFormat == -1) { VLOG(ERR, "[ERROR] Failed to GetPackedFormat\n"); return FALSE; } param->srcFormat = packedFormat; param->nv21 = 0; param->cbcrInterleave = 0; } else { param->srcFormat = config->srcFormat; param->nv21 = config->nv21; } param->packedFormat = config->packedFormat; param->cbcrInterleave = config->cbcrInterleave; param->frameEndian = config->frame_endian; param->streamEndian = config->stream_endian; param->sourceEndian = config->source_endian; param->lineBufIntEn = config->lineBufIntEn; param->coreIdx = config->coreIdx; param->cbcrOrder = CBCR_ORDER_NORMAL; param->lowLatencyMode = (config->lowLatencyMode&0x3); // 2bits lowlatency mode setting. bit[1]: low latency interrupt enable, bit[0]: fast bitstream-packing enable. param->EncStdParam.waveParam.useLongTerm = (config->useAsLongtermPeriod > 0 && config->refLongtermPeriod > 0) ? 1 : 0; if (PRODUCT_ID_W_SERIES(config->productId)) { #ifdef SUPPORT_SOURCE_RELEASE_INTERRUPT param->srcReleaseIntEnable = config->srcReleaseIntEnable; #endif param->ringBufferEnable = config->ringBufferEnable; param->ringBufferWrapEnable = config->ringBufferWrapEnable; if (config->ringBufferEnable == TRUE) { param->streamBufCount = 1; param->lineBufIntEn = FALSE; } } if(PRODUCT_ID_NOT_W_SERIES(config->productId)) { param->bwbEnable = VPU_ENABLE_BWB; param->linear2TiledEnable = config->coda9.enableLinear2Tiled; param->linear2TiledMode = config->coda9.linear2TiledMode; param->ringBufferEnable = config->ringBufferEnable; if (TRUE == config->ringBufferEnable) { param->streamBufCount = 1; } #ifdef SUPPORT_NEW_SCHEDULER param->ringBufferWrapEnable = config->ringBufferWrapEnable; #endif } return TRUE; } void GenRegionToMap( VpuRect *region, /**< The size of the ROI region for H.265 (start X/Y in CTU, end X/Y int CTU) */ int *roiQp, int num, Uint32 mapWidth, Uint32 mapHeight, Uint8 *roiCtuMap) { Int32 roi_id, blk_addr; Uint32 roi_map_size = mapWidth * mapHeight; //init roi map for (blk_addr=0; blk_addr<(Int32)roi_map_size; blk_addr++) roiCtuMap[blk_addr] = 0; //set roi map. roi_entry[i] has higher priority than roi_entry[i+1] for (roi_id=(Int32)num-1; roi_id>=0; roi_id--) { Uint32 x, y; VpuRect *roi = region + roi_id; for (y=roi->top; y<=roi->bottom; y++) { for (x=roi->left; x<=roi->right; x++) { roiCtuMap[y*mapWidth + x] = *(roiQp + roi_id); } } } } void GenRegionToQpMap( VpuRect *region, /**< The size of the ROI region for H.265 (start X/Y in CTU, end X/Y int CTU) */ int *roiQp, int num, int initQp, Uint32 mapWidth, Uint32 mapHeight, Uint8 *roiCtuMap) { Int32 roi_id, blk_addr; Uint32 roi_map_size = mapWidth * mapHeight; //init roi map for (blk_addr=0; blk_addr<(Int32)roi_map_size; blk_addr++) roiCtuMap[blk_addr] = initQp; //set roi map. roi_entry[i] has higher priority than roi_entry[i+1] for (roi_id=(Int32)num-1; roi_id>=0; roi_id--) { Uint32 x, y; VpuRect *roi = region + roi_id; for (y=roi->top; y<=roi->bottom; y++) { for (x=roi->left; x<=roi->right; x++) { roiCtuMap[y*mapWidth + x] = *(roiQp + roi_id); } } } } int openRoiMapFile(TestEncConfig *encConfig) { if (encConfig->roi_enable) { if (encConfig) { ChangePathStyle(encConfig->roi_file_name); if ((encConfig->roi_file = osal_fopen(encConfig->roi_file_name, "r")) == NULL) { VLOG(ERR, "fail to open ROI file, %s\n", encConfig->roi_file_name); return FALSE; } } } return TRUE; } int allocateRoiMapBuf(EncHandle handle, TestEncConfig encConfig, vpu_buffer_t *vbRoi, int srcFbNum, int ctuNum) { int i; Int32 coreIdx = handle->coreIdx; if (encConfig.roi_enable) { //number of roi buffer should be the same as source buffer num. for (i = 0; i < srcFbNum ; i++) { vbRoi[i].size = ctuNum; if (vdi_allocate_dma_memory(coreIdx, &vbRoi[i], ENC_ETC, handle->instIndex) < 0) { VLOG(ERR, "fail to allocate ROI buffer\n" ); return FALSE; } } } return TRUE; } // Define tokens for parsing scaling list file const char* MatrixType[SCALING_LIST_SIZE_NUM][SL_NUM_MATRIX] = { {"INTRA4X4_LUMA", "INTRA4X4_CHROMAU", "INTRA4X4_CHROMAV", "INTER4X4_LUMA", "INTER4X4_CHROMAU", "INTER4X4_CHROMAV"}, {"INTRA8X8_LUMA", "INTRA8X8_CHROMAU", "INTRA8X8_CHROMAV", "INTER8X8_LUMA", "INTER8X8_CHROMAU", "INTER8X8_CHROMAV"}, {"INTRA16X16_LUMA", "INTRA16X16_CHROMAU", "INTRA16X16_CHROMAV", "INTER16X16_LUMA", "INTER16X16_CHROMAU", "INTER16X16_CHROMAV"}, {"INTRA32X32_LUMA", "INTRA32X32_CHROMAU_FROM16x16_CHROMAU", "INTRA32X32_CHROMAV_FROM16x16_CHROMAV","INTER32X32_LUMA", "INTER32X32_CHROMAU_FROM16x16_CHROMAU", "INTER32X32_CHROMAV_FROM16x16_CHROMAV"} }; const char* MatrixType_DC[SCALING_LIST_SIZE_NUM - 2][SL_NUM_MATRIX] = { {"INTRA16X16_LUMA_DC", "INTRA16X16_CHROMAU_DC", "INTRA16X16_CHROMAV_DC", "INTER16X16_LUMA_DC", "INTER16X16_CHROMAU_DC", "INTER16X16_CHROMAV_DC"}, {"INTRA32X32_LUMA_DC", "INTRA32X32_CHROMAU_DC_FROM16x16_CHROMAU", "INTRA32X32_CHROMAV_DC_FROM16x16_CHROMAV", "INTER32X32_LUMA_DC","INTER32X32_CHROMAU_DC_FROM16x16_CHROMAU","INTER32X32_CHROMAV_DC_FROM16x16_CHROMAV"}, }; static Uint8* get_sl_addr(UserScalingList* sl, Uint32 size_id, Uint32 mat_id) { Uint8* addr = NULL; switch(size_id) { case SCALING_LIST_4x4: addr = sl->s4[mat_id]; break; case SCALING_LIST_8x8: addr = sl->s8[mat_id]; break; case SCALING_LIST_16x16: addr = sl->s16[mat_id]; break; case SCALING_LIST_32x32: addr = sl->s32[mat_id]; break; } return addr; } int parse_user_scaling_list(UserScalingList* sl, FILE* fp_sl, CodStd stdMode) { #define LINE_SIZE (1024) const Uint32 scaling_list_size[SCALING_LIST_SIZE_NUM] = {16, 64, 64, 64}; char line[LINE_SIZE]; Uint32 i; Uint32 size_id, mat_id, data, num_coef = 0; Uint8* src = NULL; Uint8* ref = NULL; char* ret; const char* type_str; if ( fp_sl == NULL) return 0; for(size_id = 0; size_id < SCALING_LIST_SIZE_NUM; size_id++) {// for 4, 8, 16, 32 num_coef = scaling_list_size[size_id];//lint !e644 if (stdMode == STD_AVC && size_id > SCALING_LIST_8x8) break; for(mat_id = 0; mat_id < SL_NUM_MATRIX; mat_id++) { // for intra_y, intra_cb, intra_cr, inter_y, inter_cb, inter_cr src = get_sl_addr(sl, size_id, mat_id); if(size_id == SCALING_LIST_32x32 && (mat_id % 3)) { // derive scaling list of chroma32x32 from that of chrom16x16 ref = get_sl_addr(sl, size_id - 1, mat_id); for(i = 0; i < num_coef; i++) src[i] = ref[i]; } else { fseek(fp_sl,0,0); type_str = MatrixType[size_id][mat_id]; do { ret = fgets(line, LINE_SIZE, fp_sl); if((ret == NULL) || (strstr(line, type_str) == NULL && feof(fp_sl))) { VLOG(ERR,"Error: can't read a scaling list matrix(%s)\n", type_str); return 0; } } while (strstr(line, type_str) == NULL); // get all coeff for(i = 0; i < num_coef; i++) { if(fscanf(fp_sl, "%d,", &data) != 1) { VLOG(ERR,"Error: can't read a scaling list matrix(%s)\n", type_str); return 0; } if (stdMode == STD_AVC && data < 4) { VLOG(ERR,"Error: invald value in scaling list matrix(%s %d)\n", type_str, data); return 0; } src[i] = data; } // get DC coeff for 16, 32 if(size_id > SCALING_LIST_8x8) { fseek(fp_sl,0,0); type_str = MatrixType_DC[size_id - 2][mat_id]; do { ret = fgets(line, LINE_SIZE, fp_sl); if((ret == NULL) || (strstr(line, type_str) == NULL && feof(fp_sl))) { VLOG(ERR,"Error: can't read a scaling list matrix(%s)\n", type_str); return 0; } } while (strstr(line, type_str) == NULL); if(fscanf(fp_sl, "%d,", &data) != 1) { VLOG(ERR,"Error: can't read a scaling list matrix(%s)\n", type_str); return 0; } if (stdMode == STD_AVC && data < 4) { VLOG(ERR,"Error: invald value in scaling list matrix(%s %d)\n", type_str, data); return 0; } if(size_id == SCALING_LIST_16x16) sl->s16dc[mat_id] = data; else // SCALING_LIST_32x32 sl->s32dc[mat_id/3] = data; } } } // for matrix id } // for size id return 1; } int parse_custom_lambda(Uint32 buf[NUM_CUSTOM_LAMBDA], FILE* fp) { int i, j = 0; char lineStr[256] = {0, }; for(i = 0; i < 52; i++) { if( NULL == fgets(lineStr, 256, fp) ) { VLOG(ERR,"Error: can't read custom_lambda\n"); return 0; } else { sscanf(lineStr, "%d\n", &buf[j++]); } } for(i = 0; i < 52; i++) { if( NULL == fgets(lineStr, 256, fp) ) { VLOG(ERR,"Error: can't read custom_lambda\n"); return 0; } else sscanf(lineStr, "%d\n", &buf[j++]); } return 1; } #if defined(PLATFORM_NON_OS) || defined (PLATFORM_LINUX) struct option* ConvertOptions( struct OptionExt* cnmOpt, Uint32 nItems ) { struct option* opt; Uint32 i; opt = (struct option*)osal_malloc(sizeof(struct option) * nItems); if (opt == NULL) { return NULL; } for (i=0; idisplay_primaries_x[i], i, mastering->display_primaries_y[i]); } VLOG(INFO, " WHITE_POINT_X: %10d WHITE_POINT_Y: %10d\n", mastering->white_point_x, mastering->white_point_y); VLOG(INFO, " MIN_LUMINANCE: %10d MAX_LUMINANCE: %10d\n", mastering->min_display_mastering_luminance, mastering->max_display_mastering_luminance); } if(idx == H265_USERDATA_FLAG_VUI) { h265_vui_param_t* vui; vui = (h265_vui_param_t*)(pBase + pEntry[H265_USERDATA_FLAG_VUI].offset); VLOG(INFO, " VUI SAR(%d, %d)\n", vui->sar_width, vui->sar_height); VLOG(INFO, " VIDEO FORMAT(%d)\n", vui->video_format); VLOG(INFO, " COLOUR PRIMARIES(%d)\n", vui->colour_primaries); VLOG(INFO, "log2_max_mv_length_horizontal: %d\n", vui->log2_max_mv_length_horizontal); VLOG(INFO, "log2_max_mv_length_vertical : %d\n", vui->log2_max_mv_length_vertical); VLOG(INFO, "video_full_range_flag : %d\n", vui->video_full_range_flag); VLOG(INFO, "transfer_characteristics : %d\n", vui->transfer_characteristics); VLOG(INFO, "matrix_coeffs : %d\n", vui->matrix_coefficients); } if (idx == H265_USERDATA_FLAG_CHROMA_RESAMPLING_FILTER_HINT) { h265_chroma_resampling_filter_hint_t* c_resampleing_filter_hint; Uint32 i,j; c_resampleing_filter_hint = (h265_chroma_resampling_filter_hint_t*)(pBase + pEntry[H265_USERDATA_FLAG_CHROMA_RESAMPLING_FILTER_HINT].offset); VLOG(INFO, " CHROMA_RESAMPLING_FILTER_HINT\n"); VLOG(INFO, " VER_CHROMA_FILTER_IDC: %10d HOR_CHROMA_FILTER_IDC: %10d\n", c_resampleing_filter_hint->ver_chroma_filter_idc, c_resampleing_filter_hint->hor_chroma_filter_idc); VLOG(INFO, " VER_FILTERING_FIELD_PROCESSING_FLAG: %d \n", c_resampleing_filter_hint->ver_filtering_field_processing_flag); if (c_resampleing_filter_hint->ver_chroma_filter_idc == 1 || c_resampleing_filter_hint->hor_chroma_filter_idc == 1) { VLOG(INFO, " TARGET_FORMAT_IDC: %d \n", c_resampleing_filter_hint->target_format_idc); if (c_resampleing_filter_hint->ver_chroma_filter_idc == 1) { VLOG(INFO, " NUM_VERTICAL_FILTERS: %d \n", c_resampleing_filter_hint->num_vertical_filters); for (i=0; inum_vertical_filters; i++) { VLOG(INFO, " VER_TAP_LENGTH_M1[%d]: %d \n", i, c_resampleing_filter_hint->ver_tap_length_minus1[i]); for (j=0; jver_tap_length_minus1[i]; j++) { VLOG(INFO, " VER_FILTER_COEFF[%d][%d]: %d \n", i, j, c_resampleing_filter_hint->ver_filter_coeff[i][j]); } } } if (c_resampleing_filter_hint->hor_chroma_filter_idc == 1) { VLOG(INFO, " NUM_HORIZONTAL_FILTERS: %d \n", c_resampleing_filter_hint->num_horizontal_filters); for (i=0; inum_horizontal_filters; i++) { VLOG(INFO, " HOR_TAP_LENGTH_M1[%d]: %d \n", i, c_resampleing_filter_hint->hor_tap_length_minus1[i]); for (j=0; jhor_tap_length_minus1[i]; j++) { VLOG(INFO, " HOR_FILTER_COEFF[%d][%d]: %d \n", i, j, c_resampleing_filter_hint->hor_filter_coeff[i][j]); } } } } } if (idx == H265_USERDATA_FLAG_KNEE_FUNCTION_INFO) { h265_knee_function_info_t* knee_function; knee_function = (h265_knee_function_info_t*)(pBase + pEntry[H265_USERDATA_FLAG_KNEE_FUNCTION_INFO].offset); VLOG(INFO, " FLAG_KNEE_FUNCTION_INFO\n"); VLOG(INFO, " KNEE_FUNCTION_ID: %10d\n", knee_function->knee_function_id); VLOG(INFO, " KNEE_FUNCTION_CANCEL_FLAG: %d\n", knee_function->knee_function_cancel_flag); if (!knee_function->knee_function_cancel_flag) { int i; VLOG(INFO, " KNEE_FUNCTION_PERSISTENCE_FLAG: %10d\n", knee_function->knee_function_persistence_flag); VLOG(INFO, " INPUT_D_RANGE: %d\n", knee_function->input_d_range); VLOG(INFO, " INPUT_DISP_LUMINANCE: %d\n", knee_function->input_disp_luminance); VLOG(INFO, " OUTPUT_D_RANGE: %d\n", knee_function->output_d_range); VLOG(INFO, " OUTPUT_DISP_LUMINANCE: %d\n", knee_function->output_disp_luminance); VLOG(INFO, " NUM_KNEE_POINTS_M1: %d\n", knee_function->num_knee_points_minus1); for (i=0; inum_knee_points_minus1; i++) { VLOG(INFO, " INPUT_KNEE_POINT: %10d OUTPUT_KNEE_POINT: %10d\n", knee_function->input_knee_point[i], knee_function->output_knee_point[i]); } } } if (idx == H265_USERDATA_FLAG_ITU_T_T35_PRE) { char* itu_t_t35 = (char*)(pBase + pEntry[H265_USERDATA_FLAG_ITU_T_T35_PRE].offset); Uint32 i; VLOG(INFO, "ITU_T_T35_PRE = %d bytes, offset = %d\n",pEntry[H265_USERDATA_FLAG_ITU_T_T35_PRE].size, pEntry[H265_USERDATA_FLAG_ITU_T_T35_PRE].offset); for(i=0; isize; //pEntry[H265_USERDATA_FLAG_ITU_T_T35_PRE_2].offset = pEntry_prev->offset; } if (idx == H265_USERDATA_FLAG_COLOUR_REMAPPING_INFO) { int c, i; h265_colour_remapping_info_t* colour_remapping; colour_remapping = (h265_colour_remapping_info_t*)(pBase + pEntry[H265_USERDATA_FLAG_COLOUR_REMAPPING_INFO].offset); VLOG(INFO, " COLOUR_REMAPPING_INFO\n"); VLOG(INFO, " COLOUR_REMAP_ID: %10d\n", colour_remapping->colour_remap_id); VLOG(INFO, " COLOUR_REMAP_CANCEL_FLAG: %d\n", colour_remapping->colour_remap_cancel_flag); if (!colour_remapping->colour_remap_cancel_flag) { VLOG(INFO, " COLOUR_REMAP_PERSISTENCE_FLAG: %d\n", colour_remapping->colour_remap_persistence_flag); VLOG(INFO, " COLOUR_REMAP_VIDEO_SIGNAL_INFO_PRESENT_FLAG: %d\n", colour_remapping->colour_remap_video_signal_info_present_flag); if (colour_remapping->colour_remap_video_signal_info_present_flag) { VLOG(INFO, " COLOUR_REMAP_FULL_RANGE_FLAG: %d\n", colour_remapping->colour_remap_full_range_flag); VLOG(INFO, " COLOUR_REMAP_PRIMARIES: %d\n", colour_remapping->colour_remap_primaries); VLOG(INFO, " COLOUR_REMAP_TRANSFER_FUNCTION: %d\n", colour_remapping->colour_remap_transfer_function); VLOG(INFO, " COLOUR_REMAP_MATRIX_COEFFICIENTS: %d\n", colour_remapping->colour_remap_matrix_coefficients); } VLOG(INFO, " COLOUR_REMAP_INPUT_BIT_DEPTH: %d\n", colour_remapping->colour_remap_input_bit_depth); VLOG(INFO, " COLOUR_REMAP_BIT_DEPTH: %d\n", colour_remapping->colour_remap_bit_depth); for( c = 0; c < H265_MAX_LUT_NUM_VAL; c++ ) { VLOG(INFO, " PRE_LUT_NUM_VAL_MINUS1[%d]: %d\n", c, colour_remapping->pre_lut_num_val_minus1[c]); if(colour_remapping->pre_lut_num_val_minus1[c] > 0) { for( i = 0; i <= colour_remapping->pre_lut_num_val_minus1[c]; i++ ) { VLOG(INFO, " PRE_LUT_CODED_VALUE[%d][%d]: %d\n", c, i, colour_remapping->pre_lut_coded_value[c][i]); VLOG(INFO, " PRE_LUT_TARGET_VALUE[%d][%d]: %d\n", c, i, colour_remapping->pre_lut_target_value[c][i]); } } } VLOG(INFO, " COLOUR_REMAP_MATRIX_PRESENT_FLAG: %d\n", colour_remapping->colour_remap_matrix_present_flag); if(colour_remapping->colour_remap_matrix_present_flag) { VLOG(INFO, " LOG2_MATRIX_DENOM: %d\n", colour_remapping->log2_matrix_denom); for( c = 0; c < H265_MAX_COLOUR_REMAP_COEFFS; c++ ) for( i = 0; i < H265_MAX_COLOUR_REMAP_COEFFS; i++ ) VLOG(INFO, " LOG2_MATRIX_DENOM[%d][%d]: %d\n", c, i, colour_remapping->colour_remap_coeffs[c][i]); } for( c = 0; c < H265_MAX_LUT_NUM_VAL; c++ ) { VLOG(INFO, " POST_LUT_NUM_VAL_MINUS1[%d]: %d\n", c, colour_remapping->post_lut_num_val_minus1[c]); if(colour_remapping->post_lut_num_val_minus1[c] > 0) { for( i = 0; i <= colour_remapping->post_lut_num_val_minus1[c]; i++) { VLOG(INFO, " POST_LUT_CODED_VALUE[%d][%d]: %d\n", c, i, colour_remapping->post_lut_coded_value[c][i]); VLOG(INFO, " POST_LUT_TARGET_VALUE[%d][%d]: %d\n", c, i, colour_remapping->post_lut_target_value[c][i]); } } } } } if (idx == H265_USERDATA_FLAG_TONE_MAPPING_INFO) { h265_tone_mapping_info_t* tone_mapping; tone_mapping = (h265_tone_mapping_info_t*)(pBase + pEntry[H265_USERDATA_FLAG_TONE_MAPPING_INFO].offset); VLOG(INFO, " FLAG_TONE_MAPPING_INFO\n"); VLOG(INFO, " TONE_MAP_ID: %10d\n", tone_mapping->tone_map_id); VLOG(INFO, " TONE_MAP_CANCEL_FLAG: %d\n", tone_mapping->tone_map_cancel_flag); if (!tone_mapping->tone_map_cancel_flag) { int i; VLOG(INFO, " TONE_MAP_PERSISTENCE_FLAG: %10d\n", tone_mapping->tone_map_persistence_flag); VLOG(INFO, " CODED_DATA_BIT_DEPTH : %d\n", tone_mapping->coded_data_bit_depth); VLOG(INFO, " TARGET_BIT_DEPTH : %d\n", tone_mapping->target_bit_depth); VLOG(INFO, " TONE_MAP_MODEL_ID : %d\n", tone_mapping->tone_map_model_id); VLOG(INFO, " MIN_VALUE : %d\n", tone_mapping->min_value); VLOG(INFO, " MAX_VALUE : %d\n", tone_mapping->max_value); VLOG(INFO, " SIGMOID_MIDPOINT : %d\n", tone_mapping->sigmoid_midpoint); VLOG(INFO, " SIGMOID_MIDPOINT : %d\n", tone_mapping->sigmoid_width); for (i=0; i<(1<target_bit_depth); i++) { VLOG(INFO, " START_OF_CODED_INTERVAL[%d] : %d\n", i, tone_mapping->start_of_coded_interval[i]); // [1 << target_bit_depth] // 10bits } VLOG(INFO, " NUM_PIVOTS : %d\n", tone_mapping->num_pivots); // [(1 << coded_data_bit_depth)?1][(1 << target_bit_depth)-1] // 10bits for (i=0; inum_pivots; i++) { VLOG(INFO, " CODED_PIVOT_VALUE[%d] : %d, TARGET_PIVOT_VALUE[%d] : %d\n", i, tone_mapping->coded_pivot_value[i] , i, tone_mapping->target_pivot_value[i]); } VLOG(INFO, " CAMERA_ISO_SPEED_IDC : %d\n", tone_mapping->camera_iso_speed_idc); VLOG(INFO, " CAMERA_ISO_SPEED_VALUE : %d\n", tone_mapping->camera_iso_speed_value); VLOG(INFO, " EXPOSURE_INDEX_IDC : %d\n", tone_mapping->exposure_index_idc); VLOG(INFO, " EXPOSURE_INDEX_VALUE : %d\n", tone_mapping->exposure_index_value); VLOG(INFO, " EXPOSURE_INDEX_COMPESATION_VALUE_SIGN_FLAG : %d\n", tone_mapping->exposure_compensation_value_sign_flag); VLOG(INFO, " EXPOSURE_INDEX_COMPESATION_VALUE_NUMERATOR : %d\n", tone_mapping->exposure_compensation_value_numerator); VLOG(INFO, " EXPOSURE_INDEX_COMPESATION_VALUE_DENOM_IDC : %d\n", tone_mapping->exposure_compensation_value_denom_idc); VLOG(INFO, " REF_SCREEN_LUMINANCE_WHITE : %d\n", tone_mapping->ref_screen_luminance_white); VLOG(INFO, " EXTENDED_RANGE_WHITE_LEVEL : %d\n", tone_mapping->extended_range_white_level); VLOG(INFO, " NOMINAL_BLACK_LEVEL_CODE_VALUE : %d\n", tone_mapping->nominal_black_level_code_value); VLOG(INFO, " NOMINAL_WHITE_LEVEL_CODE_VALUE : %d\n", tone_mapping->nominal_white_level_code_value); VLOG(INFO, " EXTENDED_WHITE_LEVEL_CODE_VALUE : %d\n", tone_mapping->extended_white_level_code_value); } VLOG(INFO, "\n"); } if (idx == H265_USERDATA_FLAG_CONTENT_LIGHT_LEVEL_INFO) { h265_content_light_level_info_t* content_light_level; content_light_level = (h265_content_light_level_info_t*)(pBase + pEntry[H265_USERDATA_FLAG_CONTENT_LIGHT_LEVEL_INFO].offset); VLOG(INFO, " CONTNET_LIGHT_INFO\n"); VLOG(INFO, " MAX_CONTENT_LIGHT_LEVEL : %d\n", content_light_level->max_content_light_level); VLOG(INFO, " MAX_PIC_AVERAGE_LIGHT_LEVEL : %d\n", content_light_level->max_pic_average_light_level); VLOG(INFO, "\n"); } if (idx == H265_USERDATA_FLAG_FILM_GRAIN_CHARACTERISTICS_INFO) { h265_film_grain_characteristics_t* film_grain_characteristics; int i,j,c; film_grain_characteristics = (h265_film_grain_characteristics_t*)(pBase + pEntry[H265_USERDATA_FLAG_FILM_GRAIN_CHARACTERISTICS_INFO].offset); VLOG(INFO, " FILM_GRAIN_CHARACTERISTICS_INFO\n"); VLOG(INFO, " FILM_GRAIN_CHARACTERISTICS_CANCEL_FLAG: %d\n", film_grain_characteristics->film_grain_characteristics_cancel_flag); if (!film_grain_characteristics->film_grain_characteristics_cancel_flag) { VLOG(INFO, " FILM_GRAIN_MODEL_ID: %10d\n", film_grain_characteristics->film_grain_model_id); VLOG(INFO, " SEPARATE_COLOUR_DESCRIPTION_PRESENT_FLAG: %d\n", film_grain_characteristics->separate_colour_description_present_flag); if (film_grain_characteristics->separate_colour_description_present_flag) { VLOG(INFO, " FILM_GRAIN_BIT_DEPTH_LUMA_MINUS8: %d\n", film_grain_characteristics->film_grain_bit_depth_luma_minus8); VLOG(INFO, " FILM_GRAIN_BIT_DEPTH_CHROMA_MINUS8: %d\n", film_grain_characteristics->film_grain_bit_depth_chroma_minus8); VLOG(INFO, " FILM_GRAIN_FULL_RANGE_FLAG: %d\n", film_grain_characteristics->film_grain_full_range_flag); VLOG(INFO, " FILM_GRAIN_COLOUR_PRIMARIES: %d\n", film_grain_characteristics->film_grain_colour_primaries); VLOG(INFO, " FILM_GRAIN_TRANSFER_CHARACTERISTICS: %d\n", film_grain_characteristics->film_grain_transfer_characteristics); VLOG(INFO, " FILM_GRAIN_MATRIX_COEFF: %d\n", film_grain_characteristics->film_grain_matrix_coeffs); } } VLOG(INFO, " BLENDING_MODE_ID: %d\n", film_grain_characteristics->blending_mode_id); VLOG(INFO, " LOG2_SCALE_FACTOR: %d\n", film_grain_characteristics->log2_scale_factor); for(c=0; c < H265_MAX_NUM_FILM_GRAIN_COMPONENT; c++ ) { VLOG(INFO, " COMP_MODEL_PRESENT_FLAG[%d]: %d\n", c, film_grain_characteristics->comp_model_present_flag[c]); } for(c=0; c < H265_MAX_NUM_FILM_GRAIN_COMPONENT; c++ ) { if(film_grain_characteristics->comp_model_present_flag[c]) { VLOG(INFO, " NUM_INTENSITY_INTERVALS_MINUS1[%d]: %d\n", c, film_grain_characteristics->num_intensity_intervals_minus1[c]); VLOG(INFO, " NUM_MODEL_VALUES_MINUS1[%d]: %d\n", c, film_grain_characteristics->num_model_values_minus1[c]); for(i=0; i <= film_grain_characteristics->num_intensity_intervals_minus1[c]; i++) { VLOG(INFO, " INTENSITY_INTERVAL_LOWER_BOUND[%d][%d]: %d\n", c, i, film_grain_characteristics->intensity_interval_lower_bound[c][i]); VLOG(INFO, " INTENSITY_INTERVAL_UPPER_BOUND[%d][%d]: %d\n", c, i, film_grain_characteristics->intensity_interval_upper_bound[c][i]); for(j=0; j <= film_grain_characteristics->num_model_values_minus1[c]; j++) { VLOG(INFO, " COMP_MODEL_VALUE[%d][%d][%d]: %d\n", c, i, j, film_grain_characteristics->comp_model_value[c][i][j]); } } } } VLOG(INFO, " FILM_GRAIN_CHARACTERISTICS_PERSISTENCE_FLAG: %d\n", film_grain_characteristics->film_grain_characteristics_persistence_flag); VLOG(INFO, "\n"); } } } VLOG(INFO, "===========================================\n"); } void SetMapData(int coreIdx, TestEncConfig encConfig, EncOpenParam encOP, EncParam *encParam, int srcFrameWidth, int srcFrameHeight, unsigned long addrCustomMap) { int productId = VPU_GetProductId(coreIdx); if (productId == PRODUCT_ID_521 && encOP.bitstreamFormat == STD_AVC) { Uint8 roiMapBuf[MAX_MB_NUM] = {0,}; Uint8 modeMapBuf[MAX_MB_NUM] = {0,}; AvcEncCustomMap customMapBuf[MAX_MB_NUM]; // custom map 1 MB data = 8bits int MbWidth = VPU_ALIGN16(encOP.picWidth) >> 4; int MbHeight = VPU_ALIGN16(encOP.picHeight) >> 4; int h, w, mbAddr; osal_memset(&customMapBuf[0], 0x00, MAX_MB_NUM); if (encParam->customMapOpt.customRoiMapEnable == 1) { int sumQp = 0; int bufSize = MbWidth*MbHeight; if (osal_fread(&roiMapBuf[0], 1, bufSize, encConfig.roi_file) != bufSize) { osal_fseek(encConfig.roi_file, 0, SEEK_SET); osal_fread(&roiMapBuf[0], 1, bufSize, encConfig.roi_file); } for (h = 0; h < MbHeight; h++) { for (w = 0; w < MbWidth; w++) { mbAddr = w + h*MbWidth; customMapBuf[mbAddr].field.mb_qp = MAX(MIN(roiMapBuf[mbAddr]&0x3f, 51), 0); sumQp += customMapBuf[mbAddr].field.mb_qp; } } encParam->customMapOpt.roiAvgQp = (sumQp + (bufSize>>1)) / bufSize; // round off. } if (encParam->customMapOpt.customModeMapEnable == 1) { int bufSize = MbWidth*MbHeight; if (osal_fread(&modeMapBuf[0], 1, bufSize, encConfig.mode_map_file) != bufSize) { osal_fseek(encConfig.mode_map_file, 0, SEEK_SET); osal_fread(&modeMapBuf[0], 1, bufSize, encConfig.mode_map_file); } for (h = 0; h < MbHeight; h++) { for (w = 0; w < MbWidth; w++) { mbAddr = w + h*MbWidth; customMapBuf[mbAddr].field.mb_force_mode = modeMapBuf[mbAddr] & 0x3; } } } encParam->customMapOpt.addrCustomMap = addrCustomMap; vdi_write_memory(coreIdx, encParam->customMapOpt.addrCustomMap, (unsigned char*)customMapBuf, MAX_MB_NUM, VDI_LITTLE_ENDIAN); } else { // for HEVC custom map. Uint8 roiMapBuf[MAX_SUB_CTU_NUM] = {0,}; Uint8 lambdaMapBuf[MAX_SUB_CTU_NUM] = {0,}; Uint8 modeMapBuf[MAX_CTU_NUM] = {0,}; EncCustomMap customMapBuf[MAX_CTU_NUM]; // custom map 1 CTU data = 64bits int ctuMapWidthCnt = VPU_ALIGN64(encOP.picWidth) >> 6; int ctuMapHeightCnt = VPU_ALIGN64(encOP.picHeight) >> 6; int ctuMapStride = VPU_ALIGN64(encOP.picWidth) >> 6; int subCtuMapStride = VPU_ALIGN64(encOP.picWidth) >> 5; int i, sumQp = 0;; int h, w, ctuPos, initQp; Uint8* src; VpuRect region[MAX_ROI_NUMBER]; /**< The size of the ROI region for H.265 (start X/Y in CTU, end X/Y int CTU) */ int roiQp[MAX_ROI_NUMBER]; /**< An importance level for the given ROI region for H.265. The higher an ROI level is, the more important the region is with a lower QP. */ osal_memset(&customMapBuf[0], 0x00, MAX_CTU_NUM * 8); if (encParam->customMapOpt.customRoiMapEnable == 1) { int bufSize = (VPU_ALIGN64(encOP.picWidth) >> 5) * (VPU_ALIGN64(encOP.picHeight) >> 5); if (productId == PRODUCT_ID_521) { if (osal_fread(&roiMapBuf[0], 1, bufSize, encConfig.roi_file) != bufSize) { osal_fseek(encConfig.roi_file, 0, SEEK_SET); osal_fread(&roiMapBuf[0], 1, bufSize, encConfig.roi_file); } } else { int roiNum = 0; // sample code to convert ROI coordinate to ROI map. osal_memset(®ion[0], 0, sizeof(VpuRect)*MAX_ROI_NUMBER); osal_memset(&roiQp[0], 0, sizeof(int)*MAX_ROI_NUMBER); if (encConfig.roi_file_name[0]) { char lineStr[256] = {0,}; int val; fgets(lineStr, 256, encConfig.roi_file); sscanf(lineStr, "%x\n", &val); if (val != 0xFFFF) VLOG(ERR, "can't find the picture delimiter \n"); fgets(lineStr, 256, encConfig.roi_file); sscanf(lineStr, "%d\n", &val); // picture index fgets(lineStr, 256, encConfig.roi_file); sscanf(lineStr, "%d\n", &roiNum); // number of roi regions for (i = 0; i < roiNum; i++) { fgets(lineStr, 256, encConfig.roi_file); if (parseRoiCtuModeParam(lineStr, ®ion[i], &roiQp[i], srcFrameWidth, srcFrameHeight) == 0) { VLOG(ERR, "CFG file error : %s value is not available. \n", encConfig.roi_file_name); } } } encParam->customMapOpt.customRoiMapEnable = (roiNum != 0) ? encParam->customMapOpt.customRoiMapEnable : 0; if (encParam->customMapOpt.customRoiMapEnable) { initQp = encConfig.roi_avg_qp; GenRegionToQpMap(®ion[0], &roiQp[0], roiNum, initQp, subCtuMapStride, VPU_ALIGN64(encOP.picHeight) >> 5, &roiMapBuf[0]); } } for (h = 0; h < ctuMapHeightCnt; h++) { src = &roiMapBuf[subCtuMapStride * h * 2]; for (w = 0; w < ctuMapWidthCnt; w++, src += 2) { ctuPos = (h * ctuMapStride + w); // store in the order of sub-ctu. customMapBuf[ctuPos].field.sub_ctu_qp_0 = MAX(MIN(*src, 51), 0); customMapBuf[ctuPos].field.sub_ctu_qp_1 = MAX(MIN(*(src + 1), 51), 0); customMapBuf[ctuPos].field.sub_ctu_qp_2 = MAX(MIN(*(src + subCtuMapStride), 51), 0); customMapBuf[ctuPos].field.sub_ctu_qp_3 = MAX(MIN(*(src + subCtuMapStride + 1), 51), 0); sumQp += (customMapBuf[ctuPos].field.sub_ctu_qp_0 + customMapBuf[ctuPos].field.sub_ctu_qp_1 + customMapBuf[ctuPos].field.sub_ctu_qp_2 + customMapBuf[ctuPos].field.sub_ctu_qp_3); } } if (productId == PRODUCT_ID_521) encParam->customMapOpt.roiAvgQp = (sumQp + (bufSize>>1)) / bufSize; // round off. } if (encParam->customMapOpt.customLambdaMapEnable == 1) { int bufSize = (VPU_ALIGN64(encOP.picWidth) >> 5) * (VPU_ALIGN64(encOP.picHeight) >> 5); if (osal_fread(&lambdaMapBuf[0], 1, bufSize, encConfig.lambda_map_file) != bufSize) { osal_fseek(encConfig.lambda_map_file, 0, SEEK_SET); osal_fread(&lambdaMapBuf[0], 1, bufSize, encConfig.lambda_map_file); } for (h = 0; h < ctuMapHeightCnt; h++) { src = &lambdaMapBuf[subCtuMapStride * 2 * h]; for (w = 0; w < ctuMapWidthCnt; w++, src += 2) { ctuPos = (h * ctuMapStride + w); // store in the order of sub-ctu. customMapBuf[ctuPos].field.lambda_sad_0 = *src; customMapBuf[ctuPos].field.lambda_sad_1 = *(src + 1); customMapBuf[ctuPos].field.lambda_sad_2 = *(src + subCtuMapStride); customMapBuf[ctuPos].field.lambda_sad_3 = *(src + subCtuMapStride + 1); } } } if ((encParam->customMapOpt.customModeMapEnable == 1) || (encParam->customMapOpt.customCoefDropEnable == 1)) { int bufSize = (VPU_ALIGN64(encOP.picWidth) >> 6) * (VPU_ALIGN64(encOP.picHeight) >> 6); if (osal_fread(&modeMapBuf[0], 1, bufSize, encConfig.mode_map_file) != bufSize) { osal_fseek(encConfig.mode_map_file, 0, SEEK_SET); osal_fread(&modeMapBuf[0], 1, bufSize, encConfig.mode_map_file); } for (h = 0; h < ctuMapHeightCnt; h++) { src = &modeMapBuf[ctuMapStride * h]; for (w = 0; w < ctuMapWidthCnt; w++, src++) { ctuPos = (h * ctuMapStride + w); customMapBuf[ctuPos].field.ctu_force_mode = (*src) & 0x3; customMapBuf[ctuPos].field.ctu_coeff_drop = ((*src) >> 2) & 0x1; } } } encParam->customMapOpt.addrCustomMap = addrCustomMap; vdi_write_memory(coreIdx, encParam->customMapOpt.addrCustomMap, (unsigned char*)customMapBuf, MAX_CTU_NUM * 8, VDI_LITTLE_ENDIAN); } } RetCode SetChangeParam(EncHandle handle, TestEncConfig encConfig, EncOpenParam encOP, Int32 changedCount) { int i; RetCode ret; ENC_CFG ParaChagCfg; EncChangeParam changeParam; osal_memset(&ParaChagCfg, 0x00, sizeof(ENC_CFG)); osal_memset(&changeParam, 0x00, sizeof(EncChangeParam)); parseWaveChangeParamCfgFile(&ParaChagCfg, encConfig.changeParam[changedCount].cfgName); changeParam.enable_option = encConfig.changeParam[changedCount].enableOption; if (changeParam.enable_option & ENC_SET_CHANGE_PARAM_PPS) { changeParam.constIntraPredFlag = ParaChagCfg.waveCfg.constIntraPredFlag; changeParam.lfCrossSliceBoundaryEnable = ParaChagCfg.waveCfg.lfCrossSliceBoundaryEnable; changeParam.weightPredEnable = ParaChagCfg.waveCfg.weightPredEnable; changeParam.disableDeblk = ParaChagCfg.waveCfg.disableDeblk; changeParam.betaOffsetDiv2 = ParaChagCfg.waveCfg.betaOffsetDiv2; changeParam.tcOffsetDiv2 = ParaChagCfg.waveCfg.tcOffsetDiv2; changeParam.chromaCbQpOffset = ParaChagCfg.waveCfg.chromaCbQpOffset; changeParam.chromaCrQpOffset = ParaChagCfg.waveCfg.chromaCrQpOffset; if (encConfig.stdMode == STD_AVC) { changeParam.transform8x8Enable = ParaChagCfg.waveCfg.transform8x8; changeParam.entropyCodingMode = ParaChagCfg.waveCfg.entropyCodingMode; } } if (changeParam.enable_option & ENC_SET_CHANGE_PARAM_INDEPEND_SLICE) { changeParam.independSliceMode = ParaChagCfg.waveCfg.independSliceMode; changeParam.independSliceModeArg = ParaChagCfg.waveCfg.independSliceModeArg; if (encConfig.stdMode == STD_AVC) { changeParam.avcSliceMode = ParaChagCfg.waveCfg.avcSliceMode; changeParam.avcSliceArg = ParaChagCfg.waveCfg.avcSliceArg; } } if (changeParam.enable_option & ENC_SET_CHANGE_PARAM_DEPEND_SLICE) { changeParam.dependSliceMode = ParaChagCfg.waveCfg.dependSliceMode; changeParam.dependSliceModeArg = ParaChagCfg.waveCfg.dependSliceModeArg; } if (changeParam.enable_option & ENC_SET_CHANGE_PARAM_RDO) { changeParam.coefClearDisable = ParaChagCfg.waveCfg.coefClearDisable; changeParam.intraNxNEnable = ParaChagCfg.waveCfg.intraNxNEnable; changeParam.maxNumMerge = ParaChagCfg.waveCfg.maxNumMerge; changeParam.customLambdaEnable = ParaChagCfg.waveCfg.customLambdaEnable; changeParam.customMDEnable = ParaChagCfg.waveCfg.customMDEnable; if (encConfig.stdMode == STD_AVC) { changeParam.rdoSkip = ParaChagCfg.waveCfg.rdoSkip; changeParam.lambdaScalingEnable = ParaChagCfg.waveCfg.lambdaScalingEnable; } } if (changeParam.enable_option & ENC_SET_CHANGE_PARAM_RC_TARGET_RATE) { changeParam.bitRate = ParaChagCfg.RcBitRate; } if (changeParam.enable_option & ENC_SET_CHANGE_PARAM_RC) { changeParam.hvsQPEnable = ParaChagCfg.waveCfg.hvsQPEnable; changeParam.hvsQpScale = ParaChagCfg.waveCfg.hvsQpScale; changeParam.vbvBufferSize = ParaChagCfg.VbvBufferSize; } if (changeParam.enable_option & ENC_SET_CHANGE_PARAM_RC_MIN_MAX_QP) { changeParam.minQpI = ParaChagCfg.waveCfg.minQp; changeParam.maxQpI = ParaChagCfg.waveCfg.maxQp; changeParam.hvsMaxDeltaQp = ParaChagCfg.waveCfg.maxDeltaQp; } if (changeParam.enable_option & ENC_SET_CHANGE_PARAM_RC_INTER_MIN_MAX_QP) { changeParam.minQpP = ParaChagCfg.waveCfg.minQp; changeParam.minQpB = ParaChagCfg.waveCfg.minQp; changeParam.maxQpP = ParaChagCfg.waveCfg.maxQp; changeParam.maxQpB = ParaChagCfg.waveCfg.maxQp; } if (changeParam.enable_option & ENC_SET_CHANGE_PARAM_RC_BIT_RATIO_LAYER) { for (i=0 ; i NULL point exception\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return FALSE; } coreIdx = VPU_HANDLE_CORE_INDEX(handle); if (0 == streamBufStartAddr || 0 == streamBufEndAddr) { VLOG(ERR, "<%s:%d> Wrong Address, start or end Addr\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return FALSE; } else if (0 == rdAddr || 0 == wrAddr) { VLOG(ERR, "<%s:%d> Wrong Address, read or write Addr\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return FALSE; } if (TRUE == ringbufferEnabled) { if ((rdAddr + streamSize) > streamBufEndAddr) { //wrap around on ringbuffer room = streamBufEndAddr - rdAddr; vdi_read_memory(coreIdx, rdAddr, pBuffer, room, endian); vdi_read_memory(coreIdx, streamBufStartAddr, pBuffer + room, (streamSize-room), endian); } else { vdi_read_memory(coreIdx, rdAddr, pBuffer, streamSize, endian); } } else { //Line buffer vdi_read_memory(coreIdx, rdAddr, pBuffer, streamSize, endian); } return TRUE; }