// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1 OR BSD-3-Clause //--=========================================================================-- // This file is a part of VPU Reference API project //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // This confidential and proprietary software may be used only // as authorized by a licensing agreement from Chips&Media Inc. // In the event of publication, the following notice is applicable: // // (C) COPYRIGHT 2006 - 2014 CHIPS&MEDIA INC. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED // // The entire notice above must be reproduced on all authorized // copies. // //--=========================================================================-- #include #include #include #include #include #include "vpuapifunc.h" #include "coda9/coda9_regdefine.h" #include "wave/common/common_vpuconfig.h" #include "wave/common/common_regdefine.h" #include "wave/wave4/wave4_regdefine.h" #include "wave/wave5/wave5_regdefine.h" #include "wave/coda7q/coda7q_regdefine.h" #include "vpuerror.h" #include "main_helper.h" #ifdef PLATFORM_LINUX #include #endif #define BIT_DUMMY_READ_GEN 0x06000000 #define BIT_READ_LATENCY 0x06000004 #define W4_SET_READ_DELAY 0x01000000 #define W4_SET_WRITE_DELAY 0x01000004 #define MAX_CODE_BUF_SIZE (512*1024) #ifdef PLATFORM_WIN32 #pragma warning(disable : 4996) //!<< disable waring C4996: The POSIX name for this item is deprecated. #endif char* EncPicTypeStringH264[] = { "IDR/I", "P", }; char* EncPicTypeStringMPEG4[] = { "I", "P", }; char* productNameList[] = { "CODA980", "CODA960", "CODA7503", "WAVE320", "WAVE410", "WAVE4102", "WAVE420", "WAVE412", "WAVE7Q", "WAVE420L", "WAVE510", "WAVE512", "WAVE515", "WAVE520", "Unknown", "Unknown", }; #if defined(PLATFORM_LINUX) || defined(PLATFORM_QNX) #include #include #endif Int32 LoadFirmware( Int32 productId, Uint8** retFirmware, Uint32* retSizeInWord, const char* path ) { Int32 nread; Uint32 totalRead, allocSize, readSize = 1024*1024; Uint8* firmware = NULL; osal_file_t fp; if ((fp=osal_fopen(path, "rb")) == NULL) { VLOG(ERR, "Failed to open %s\n", path); return -1; } totalRead = 0; if (PRODUCT_ID_W_SERIES(productId)) { firmware = (Uint8*)osal_malloc(readSize); allocSize = readSize; nread = 0; while (TRUE) { if (allocSize < (totalRead+readSize)) { allocSize += 2*nread; firmware = (Uint8*)realloc(firmware, allocSize); } nread = osal_fread((void*)&firmware[totalRead], 1, readSize, fp); totalRead += nread; if (nread < (Int32)readSize) break; } *retSizeInWord = (totalRead+1)/2; } else { Uint16* pusBitCode; pusBitCode = (Uint16 *)osal_malloc(MAX_CODE_BUF_SIZE); firmware = (Uint8*)pusBitCode; if (pusBitCode) { int code; while (!osal_feof(fp) || totalRead < (MAX_CODE_BUF_SIZE/2)) { code = -1; if (fscanf(fp, "%x", &code) <= 0) { /* matching failure or EOF */ break; } pusBitCode[totalRead++] = (Uint16)code; } } *retSizeInWord = totalRead; } osal_fclose(fp); *retFirmware = firmware; return 0; } void PrintVpuVersionInfo( Uint32 core_idx ) { Uint32 version; Uint32 revision; Uint32 productId; VPU_GetVersionInfo(core_idx, &version, &revision, &productId); VLOG(INFO, "VPU coreNum : [%d]\n", core_idx); VLOG(INFO, "Firmware : CustomerCode: %04x | version : %d.%d.%d rev.%d\n", (Uint32)(version>>16), (Uint32)((version>>(12))&0x0f), (Uint32)((version>>(8))&0x0f), (Uint32)((version)&0xff), revision); VLOG(INFO, "Hardware : %04x\n", productId); VLOG(INFO, "API : %d.%d.%d\n\n", API_VERSION_MAJOR, API_VERSION_MINOR, API_VERSION_PATCH); } BOOL OpenDisplayBufferFile(char *outputPath, VpuRect rcDisplay, TiledMapType mapType, FILE *fp[]) { char strFile[MAX_FILE_PATH]; int width; int height; width = rcDisplay.right - rcDisplay.left; height = rcDisplay.bottom - rcDisplay.top; if (mapType == LINEAR_FRAME_MAP) { if ((fp[0]=osal_fopen(outputPath, "wb")) == NULL) { VLOG(ERR, "%s:%d failed to open %s\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, outputPath); goto ERR_OPEN_DISP_BUFFER_FILE; } } else { width = VPU_ALIGN16(width); height = VPU_ALIGN16(height); sprintf(strFile, "%s_%dx%d_fbc_data_y.bin", outputPath, width, height); if ((fp[0]=osal_fopen(strFile, "wb")) == NULL) { VLOG(ERR, "%s:%d failed to open %s\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, strFile); goto ERR_OPEN_DISP_BUFFER_FILE; } sprintf(strFile, "%s_%dx%d_fbc_data_c.bin", outputPath, width, height); if ((fp[1]=osal_fopen(strFile, "wb")) == NULL) { VLOG(ERR, "%s:%d failed to open %s\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, strFile); goto ERR_OPEN_DISP_BUFFER_FILE; } sprintf(strFile, "%s_%dx%d_fbc_table_y.bin", outputPath, width, height); if ((fp[2]=osal_fopen(strFile, "wb")) == NULL) { VLOG(ERR, "%s:%d failed to open %s\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, strFile); goto ERR_OPEN_DISP_BUFFER_FILE; } sprintf(strFile, "%s_%dx%d_fbc_table_c.bin", outputPath, width, height); if ((fp[3]=osal_fopen(strFile, "wb")) == NULL) { VLOG(ERR, "%s:%d failed to open %s\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, strFile); goto ERR_OPEN_DISP_BUFFER_FILE; } } return TRUE; ERR_OPEN_DISP_BUFFER_FILE: CloseDisplayBufferFile(fp); return FALSE; } void CloseDisplayBufferFile(FILE *fp[]) { int i; for (i=0; i < OUTPUT_FP_NUMBER; i++) { if (fp[i] != NULL) { osal_fclose(fp[i]); fp[i] = NULL; } } } void SaveDisplayBufferToFile(DecHandle handle, FrameBuffer dispFrame, VpuRect rcDisplay, FILE *fp[]) { Uint32 width; Uint32 height; Uint32 bpp; DecGetFramebufInfo fbInfo; if (dispFrame.myIndex < 0) return; if (dispFrame.mapType != COMPRESSED_FRAME_MAP) { //VLOG(INFO, "---> DUMP LINEAR(WTL) FRAMEBUFFER #%d\n", dispFrame.myIndex); size_t sizeYuv; Uint8* pYuv; pYuv = GetYUVFromFrameBuffer(handle, &dispFrame, rcDisplay, &width, &height, &bpp, &sizeYuv); osal_fwrite(pYuv, 1, sizeYuv, fp[0]); osal_free(pYuv); } else { int lumaTblSize; int chromaTblSize; int lSize; int cSize; Uint32 addr; Uint32 fbc_endian; unsigned char *buf; int coreIdx = VPU_HANDLE_CORE_INDEX(handle); //VLOG(INFO, "---> DUMP COMPRESSED FRAMEBUFFER #%d\n", dispFrame.myIndex); VPU_DecGiveCommand(handle, DEC_GET_FRAMEBUF_INFO, (void*)&fbInfo); width = rcDisplay.right - rcDisplay.left; height = rcDisplay.bottom - rcDisplay.top; width = VPU_ALIGN16(width); height = VPU_ALIGN16(height); switch (dispFrame.format) { case FORMAT_420_P10_16BIT_LSB: case FORMAT_420_P10_16BIT_MSB: bpp = 2; break; case FORMAT_420_P10_32BIT_LSB: case FORMAT_420_P10_32BIT_MSB: bpp = 1; break; default: bpp = 1; break; } fbc_endian = vdi_convert_endian(coreIdx, dispFrame.endian); lSize = width * height * bpp; cSize = width * height * bpp / 2; /* Dump Y compressed data */ buf = osal_malloc(lSize); if (buf) { vdi_read_memory(coreIdx, dispFrame.bufY, buf, lSize, fbc_endian); osal_fwrite((void *)buf, sizeof(Uint8), lSize, fp[0]); osal_fflush(fp[0]); osal_free(buf); } /* Dump C compressed data */ buf = osal_malloc(cSize); if (buf) { vdi_read_memory(coreIdx, dispFrame.bufCb, buf, cSize, fbc_endian); osal_fwrite((void *)buf, sizeof(Uint8), cSize, fp[1]); osal_fflush(fp[1]); osal_free(buf); } /* Dump Y Offset table */ VPU_GetFBCOffsetTableSize(STD_HEVC, (int)width, (int)height, (int*)&lumaTblSize, (int*)&chromaTblSize); addr = fbInfo.vbFbcYTbl[dispFrame.myIndex].phys_addr; buf = osal_malloc(lumaTblSize); if (buf) { vdi_read_memory(coreIdx, addr, buf, lumaTblSize, fbc_endian); osal_fwrite((void *)buf, sizeof(Uint8), lumaTblSize, fp[2]); osal_fflush(fp[2]); osal_free(buf); } /* Dump C Offset table */ addr = fbInfo.vbFbcCTbl[dispFrame.myIndex].phys_addr; buf = osal_malloc(chromaTblSize); if (buf) { vdi_read_memory(coreIdx, addr, buf, chromaTblSize, fbc_endian); osal_fwrite((void *)buf, sizeof(Uint8), chromaTblSize, fp[3]); osal_fflush(fp[3]); osal_free(buf); } } } void FreePreviousFramebuffer( Uint32 coreIdx, DecGetFramebufInfo* fb ) { int i; if (fb->vbFrame.size > 0) { vdi_free_dma_memory(coreIdx, &fb->vbFrame); osal_memset((void*)&fb->vbFrame, 0x00, sizeof(vpu_buffer_t)); } if (fb->vbWTL.size > 0) { vdi_free_dma_memory(coreIdx, &fb->vbWTL); osal_memset((void*)&fb->vbWTL, 0x00, sizeof(vpu_buffer_t)); } for ( i=0 ; ivbFbcYTbl[i].size > 0) { vdi_free_dma_memory(coreIdx, &fb->vbFbcYTbl[i]); osal_memset((void*)&fb->vbFbcYTbl, 0x00, sizeof(vpu_buffer_t)); } if (fb->vbFbcCTbl[i].size > 0) { vdi_free_dma_memory(coreIdx, &fb->vbFbcCTbl[i]); osal_memset((void*)&fb->vbFbcCTbl, 0x00, sizeof(vpu_buffer_t)); } } } void PrintDecSeqWarningMessages( Uint32 productId, DecInitialInfo* seqInfo ) { if (PRODUCT_ID_W_SERIES(productId)) { if (seqInfo->seqInitErrReason&0x00000001) VLOG(WARN, "sps_max_sub_layer_minus1 shall be 0 to 6\n"); if (seqInfo->seqInitErrReason&0x00000002) VLOG(WARN, "general_reserved_zero_44bits shall be 0.\n"); if (seqInfo->seqInitErrReason&0x00000004) VLOG(WARN, "reserved_zero_2bits shall be 0\n"); if (seqInfo->seqInitErrReason&0x00000008) VLOG(WARN, "sub_layer_reserved_zero_44bits shall be 0"); if (seqInfo->seqInitErrReason&0x00000010) VLOG(WARN, "general_level_idc shall have one of level of Table A.1\n"); if (seqInfo->seqInitErrReason&0x00000020) VLOG(WARN, "sps_max_dec_pic_buffering[i] <= MaxDpbSize\n"); if (seqInfo->seqInitErrReason&0x00000040) VLOG(WARN, "trailing bits shall be 1000... pattern,\n"); if (seqInfo->seqInitErrReason&0x00100000) VLOG(WARN, "Not supported or undefined profile: %d\n", seqInfo->profile); if (seqInfo->seqInitErrReason&0x00200000) VLOG(WARN, "Spec over level(%d)\n", seqInfo->level); } } void DisplayDecodedInformationForHevc( DecHandle handle, Uint32 frameNo, DecOutputInfo* decodedInfo ) { Int32 logLevel; if (decodedInfo == NULL) { if (handle->productId == PRODUCT_ID_510 || handle->productId == PRODUCT_ID_512) { VLOG(TRACE, "I NO T POC NAL DECO DISP PRESCAN DISPFLAG RD_PTR WR_PTR FRM_START FRM_END WxH SEQ TEMP CYCLE (Seek, Parse, Dec)\n"); } else { VLOG(TRACE, "I NO T POC NAL DECO DISP PRESCAN DISPFLAG RD_PTR WR_PTR FRM_START FRM_END WxH SEQ TEMP CYCLE \n"); } VLOG(TRACE, "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } else { logLevel = (decodedInfo->decodingSuccess&0x01) == 0 ? ERR : TRACE; if (handle->productId == PRODUCT_ID_4102) { logLevel = (decodedInfo->indexFramePrescan == -2) ? TRACE : logLevel; } // Print informations if (handle->productId == PRODUCT_ID_510 || handle->productId == PRODUCT_ID_512) { VLOG(logLevel, "%02d %5d %d %4d(%4d) %3d %2d(%2d) %2d(%2d) %7d %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %4dx%-4d %4d %4d %d(%d,%d,%d)\n", handle->instIndex, frameNo, decodedInfo->picType, decodedInfo->h265Info.decodedPOC, decodedInfo->h265Info.displayPOC, decodedInfo->nalType, decodedInfo->indexFrameDecoded, decodedInfo->indexFrameDecodedForTiled, decodedInfo->indexFrameDisplay, decodedInfo->indexFrameDisplayForTiled, decodedInfo->indexFramePrescan, decodedInfo->frameDisplayFlag,decodedInfo->rdPtr, decodedInfo->wrPtr, decodedInfo->bytePosFrameStart, decodedInfo->bytePosFrameEnd, decodedInfo->dispPicWidth, decodedInfo->dispPicHeight, decodedInfo->sequenceNo, decodedInfo->h265Info.temporalId, decodedInfo->frameCycle, decodedInfo->seekCycle, decodedInfo->parseCycle, decodedInfo->decodeCycle); } else { VLOG(logLevel, "%02d %5d %d %4d(%4d) %3d %2d(%2d) %2d(%2d) %7d %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %4dx%-4d %4d %4d %d\n", handle->instIndex, frameNo, decodedInfo->picType, decodedInfo->h265Info.decodedPOC, decodedInfo->h265Info.displayPOC, decodedInfo->nalType, decodedInfo->indexFrameDecoded, decodedInfo->indexFrameDecodedForTiled, decodedInfo->indexFrameDisplay, decodedInfo->indexFrameDisplayForTiled, decodedInfo->indexFramePrescan, decodedInfo->frameDisplayFlag,decodedInfo->rdPtr, decodedInfo->wrPtr, decodedInfo->bytePosFrameStart, decodedInfo->bytePosFrameEnd, decodedInfo->dispPicWidth, decodedInfo->dispPicHeight, decodedInfo->sequenceNo, decodedInfo->h265Info.temporalId, decodedInfo->frameCycle); } if (logLevel == ERR) { VLOG(ERR, "\t>>ERROR REASON: 0x%08x(0x%08x)\n", decodedInfo->errorReason, decodedInfo->errorReasonExt); } if (decodedInfo->numOfErrMBs) { VLOG(WARN, "\t>> ErrorBlock: %d\n", decodedInfo->numOfErrMBs); } } } void DisplayDecodedInformationForVP9(DecHandle handle, Uint32 frameNo, DecOutputInfo* decodedInfo) { Int32 logLevel; if (decodedInfo == NULL) { // Print header VLOG(TRACE, "I NO T DECO DISP PRESCAN DISPFLAG RD_PTR WR_PTR FRM_START FRM_END WxH SEQ CYCLE\n"); VLOG(TRACE, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } else { logLevel = (decodedInfo->decodingSuccess&0x01) == 0 ? ERR : TRACE; // Print informations VLOG(logLevel, "%02d %5d %d %2d(%2d) %2d(%2d) %7d %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %4dx%-4d %4d %d\n", handle->instIndex, frameNo, decodedInfo->picType, decodedInfo->indexFrameDecoded, decodedInfo->indexFrameDecodedForTiled, decodedInfo->indexFrameDisplay, decodedInfo->indexFrameDisplayForTiled, decodedInfo->indexFramePrescan, decodedInfo->frameDisplayFlag,decodedInfo->rdPtr, decodedInfo->wrPtr, decodedInfo->bytePosFrameStart, decodedInfo->bytePosFrameEnd, decodedInfo->dispPicWidth, decodedInfo->dispPicHeight, decodedInfo->sequenceNo, decodedInfo->frameCycle ); if (logLevel == ERR) { VLOG(ERR, "\t>>ERROR REASON: 0x%08x(0x%08x)\n", decodedInfo->errorReason, decodedInfo->errorReasonExt); } if (decodedInfo->numOfErrMBs) { VLOG(WARN, "\t>> ErrorBlock: %d\n", decodedInfo->numOfErrMBs); } } } void DisplayDecodedInformationCommon(DecHandle handle, CodStd codec, Uint32 frameNo, DecOutputInfo* decodedInfo) { Int32 logLevel; if (decodedInfo == NULL) { // Print header VLOG(TRACE, "I NO T TID DEC_POC DECO DISP DISPFLAG RD_PTR WR_PTR FRM_START FRM_END WxH\n"); VLOG(TRACE, "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } else { VpuRect rc = decodedInfo->rcDisplay; Uint32 width = rc.right - rc.left; Uint32 height = rc.bottom - rc.top; char strTemporalId[16]; char strPoc[16]; logLevel = (decodedInfo->decodingSuccess&0x01) == 0 ? ERR : TRACE; // Print informations VLOG(logLevel, "%02d %5d %d %s %s %2d(%2d) %2d(%2d) %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %dx%d\n", handle->instIndex, frameNo, decodedInfo->picType, strTemporalId, strPoc, decodedInfo->indexFrameDecoded, decodedInfo->indexFrameDecodedForTiled, decodedInfo->indexFrameDisplay, decodedInfo->indexFrameDisplayForTiled, decodedInfo->frameDisplayFlag,decodedInfo->rdPtr, decodedInfo->wrPtr, decodedInfo->bytePosFrameStart, decodedInfo->bytePosFrameEnd, width, height); if (logLevel == ERR) { VLOG(ERR, "\t>>ERROR REASON: 0x%08x(0x%08x)\n", decodedInfo->errorReason, decodedInfo->errorReasonExt); } if (decodedInfo->numOfErrMBs) { VLOG(WARN, "\t>> ErrorBlock: %d\n", decodedInfo->numOfErrMBs); } } } /** * \brief Print out decoded information such like RD_PTR, WR_PTR, PIC_TYPE, .. * \param decodedInfo If this parameter is not NULL then print out decoded informations * otherwise print out header. */ void DisplayDecodedInformation(DecHandle handle, CodStd codec, Uint32 frameNo, DecOutputInfo* decodedInfo) { switch (codec) { case STD_HEVC: DisplayDecodedInformationForHevc(handle, frameNo, decodedInfo); break; case STD_VP9: DisplayDecodedInformationForVP9(handle, frameNo, decodedInfo); break; default: DisplayDecodedInformationCommon(handle, codec, frameNo, decodedInfo); break; } return; } static void Wave4DisplayEncodedInformation( EncHandle handle, CodStd codec, Uint32 frameNo, EncOutputInfo* encodedInfo, Int32 srcEndFlag, Int32 srcFrameIdx ) { if (encodedInfo == NULL) { VLOG(INFO, "------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); VLOG(INFO, "I NO T RECON RD_PTR WR_PTR BYTES SRCIDX USEDSRCIDX Cycle \n"); VLOG(INFO, "------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } else { VLOG(INFO, "%02d %5d %5d %5d %08x %08x %8x %2d %2d %8d\n", handle->instIndex, encodedInfo->encPicCnt, encodedInfo->picType, encodedInfo->reconFrameIndex, encodedInfo->rdPtr, encodedInfo->wrPtr, encodedInfo->bitstreamSize, (srcEndFlag == 1 ? -1 : srcFrameIdx), encodedInfo->encSrcIdx, encodedInfo->frameCycle); } } static void Wave5DisplayEncodedInformation( EncHandle handle, CodStd codec, Uint32 frameNo, EncOutputInfo* encodedInfo, Int32 srcEndFlag, Int32 srcFrameIdx ) { if (encodedInfo == NULL) { VLOG(INFO, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); VLOG(INFO, " | Cycle\n"); VLOG(INFO, "I NO T RECON RD_PTR WR_PTR BYTES SRCIDX USEDSRCIDX | FRAME PREPARING PROCESSING ENCODING\n"); VLOG(INFO, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } else { VLOG(INFO, "%02d %5d %5d %5d %08x %08x %8x %2d %2d %8d %8d %8d %8d\n", handle->instIndex, encodedInfo->encPicCnt, encodedInfo->picType, encodedInfo->reconFrameIndex, encodedInfo->rdPtr, encodedInfo->wrPtr, encodedInfo->bitstreamSize, (srcEndFlag == 1 ? -1 : srcFrameIdx), encodedInfo->encSrcIdx, encodedInfo->frameCycle, encodedInfo->encPrepareCycle, encodedInfo->encProcessingCycle, encodedInfo->encEncodingCycle); } } static void Coda9DisplayEncodedInformation( DecHandle handle, CodStd codec, Uint32 frameNo, EncOutputInfo* encodedInfo ) { if (encodedInfo == NULL) { // Print header VLOG(INFO, "I NO T RECON RD_PTR WR_PTR \n"); VLOG(INFO, "-------------------------------------\n"); } else { char** picTypeArray = (codec==STD_AVC ? EncPicTypeStringH264 : EncPicTypeStringMPEG4); char* strPicType; if (encodedInfo->picType > 2) strPicType = "?"; else strPicType = picTypeArray[encodedInfo->picType]; // Print informations VLOG(INFO, "%02d %5d %5s %5d %08x %08x\n", handle->instIndex, frameNo, strPicType, encodedInfo->reconFrameIndex, encodedInfo->rdPtr, encodedInfo->wrPtr); } } /*lint -esym(438, ap) */ void DisplayEncodedInformation( EncHandle handle, CodStd codec, Uint32 frameNo, EncOutputInfo* encodedInfo, ... ) { int srcEndFlag; int srcFrameIdx; va_list ap; switch (codec) { case STD_HEVC: va_start(ap, encodedInfo); srcEndFlag = va_arg(ap, Uint32); srcFrameIdx = va_arg(ap, Uint32); va_end(ap); if(handle->productId == PRODUCT_ID_520 ) Wave5DisplayEncodedInformation(handle, codec, frameNo, encodedInfo, srcEndFlag , srcFrameIdx); else Wave4DisplayEncodedInformation(handle, codec, frameNo, encodedInfo, srcEndFlag , srcFrameIdx); break; default: Coda9DisplayEncodedInformation(handle, codec, frameNo, encodedInfo); break; } return; } /*lint +esym(438, ap) */ void ChangePathStyle( char *str ) { } void ReleaseVideoMemory( Uint32 coreIndex, vpu_buffer_t* memoryArr, Uint32 count ) { Uint32 index; for (index=0; indexwtlFormat; DecInitialInfo seqInfo; FrameBufferAllocInfo fbAllocInfo; RetCode ret; vpu_buffer_t* pvb; size_t framebufStride; size_t framebufHeight; Uint32 productId; DRAMConfig* pDramCfg = NULL; DRAMConfig dramCfg = {0}; coreIndex = VPU_HANDLE_CORE_INDEX(decHandle); productId = VPU_HANDLE_PRODUCT_ID(decHandle); VPU_DecGiveCommand(decHandle, DEC_GET_SEQ_INFO, (void*)&seqInfo); if (productId == PRODUCT_ID_960) { pDramCfg = &dramCfg; ret = VPU_DecGiveCommand(decHandle, GET_DRAM_CONFIG, pDramCfg); } totalFbCount = tiledFbCount + linearFbCount; if (productId == PRODUCT_ID_4102 || productId == PRODUCT_ID_420 || productId == PRODUCT_ID_412 || productId == PRODUCT_ID_420L || productId == PRODUCT_ID_510 || productId == PRODUCT_ID_512 || productId == PRODUCT_ID_515) { format = (seqInfo.lumaBitdepth > 8 || seqInfo.chromaBitdepth > 8) ? FORMAT_420_P10_16BIT_LSB : FORMAT_420; } else if (productId == PRODUCT_ID_7Q) { if (decHandle->codecMode == HEVC_DEC) format = (seqInfo.lumaBitdepth > 8 || seqInfo.chromaBitdepth > 8) ? FORMAT_420_P10_16BIT_LSB : FORMAT_420; else format = FORMAT_420; } if (decHandle->codecMode == C7_VP9_DEC) { framebufStride = CalcStride(VPU_ALIGN64(seqInfo.picWidth), seqInfo.picHeight, format, config->cbcrInterleave, config->mapType, TRUE); framebufHeight = VPU_ALIGN64(seqInfo.picHeight); framebufSize = VPU_GetFrameBufSize(decHandle->coreIdx, framebufStride, framebufHeight, config->mapType, format, config->cbcrInterleave, NULL); *retStride = framebufStride; } else if (productId == PRODUCT_ID_7Q && decHandle->codecMode != C7_HEVC_DEC) { framebufStride = CalcStride(seqInfo.picWidth, seqInfo.picHeight, format, config->cbcrInterleave, config->mapType, FALSE); framebufHeight = seqInfo.interlace ? VPU_ALIGN32(seqInfo.picHeight) : VPU_ALIGN16(seqInfo.picHeight); framebufSize = VPU_GetFrameBufSize(decHandle->coreIdx, framebufStride, framebufHeight, config->mapType, format, config->cbcrInterleave, NULL); *retStride = framebufStride; } else if (decHandle->codecMode == C7_AVS2_DEC) { framebufStride = CalcStride(seqInfo.picWidth, seqInfo.picHeight, format, config->cbcrInterleave, config->mapType, FALSE); framebufHeight = VPU_ALIGN8(seqInfo.picHeight); framebufSize = VPU_GetFrameBufSize(decHandle->coreIdx, framebufStride, framebufHeight, config->mapType, format, config->cbcrInterleave, pDramCfg); *retStride = framebufStride; } else { *retStride = VPU_ALIGN32(seqInfo.picWidth); framebufStride = CalcStride(seqInfo.picWidth, seqInfo.picHeight, format, config->cbcrInterleave, config->mapType, FALSE); framebufHeight = seqInfo.picHeight; framebufSize = VPU_GetFrameBufSize(decHandle->coreIdx, framebufStride, seqInfo.picHeight, config->mapType, format, config->cbcrInterleave, pDramCfg); } osal_memset((void*)&fbAllocInfo, 0x00, sizeof(fbAllocInfo)); osal_memset((void*)retFbArray, 0x00, sizeof(FrameBuffer)*totalFbCount); fbAllocInfo.format = format; fbAllocInfo.cbcrInterleave = config->cbcrInterleave; fbAllocInfo.mapType = config->mapType; fbAllocInfo.stride = framebufStride; fbAllocInfo.height = framebufHeight; fbAllocInfo.size = framebufSize; fbAllocInfo.lumaBitDepth = seqInfo.lumaBitdepth; fbAllocInfo.chromaBitDepth = seqInfo.chromaBitdepth; fbAllocInfo.num = tiledFbCount; fbAllocInfo.endian = config->frameEndian; fbAllocInfo.type = FB_TYPE_CODEC; osal_memset((void*)retFbAddrs, 0x00, sizeof(vpu_buffer_t)*totalFbCount); for (index=0; indexsize = framebufSize; if (vdi_allocate_dma_memory(coreIndex, pvb) < 0) { VLOG(ERR, "%s:%d fail to allocate frame buffer\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); ReleaseVideoMemory(coreIndex, retFbAddrs, totalFbCount); return FALSE; } retFbArray[index].bufY = pvb->phys_addr; retFbArray[index].bufCb = (PhysicalAddress)-1; retFbArray[index].bufCr = (PhysicalAddress)-1; retFbArray[index].updateFbInfo = TRUE; retFbArray[index].size = framebufSize; } if (tiledFbCount != 0) { if ((ret=VPU_DecAllocateFrameBuffer(decHandle, fbAllocInfo, retFbArray)) != RETCODE_SUCCESS) { VLOG(ERR, "%s:%d failed to VPU_DecAllocateFrameBuffer(), ret(%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret); ReleaseVideoMemory(coreIndex, retFbAddrs, totalFbCount); return FALSE; } } if (config->enableWTL == TRUE || linearFbCount != 0) { size_t linearStride; size_t picWidth; size_t picHeight; size_t fbHeight; Uint32 mapType = LINEAR_FRAME_MAP; FrameBufferFormat outFormat = config->wtlFormat; picWidth = seqInfo.picWidth; picHeight = seqInfo.picHeight; fbHeight = picHeight; if (decHandle->codecMode == C7_VP9_DEC) { fbHeight = VPU_ALIGN64(picHeight); } else if (decHandle->codecMode == C7_AVS2_DEC) { fbHeight = VPU_ALIGN8(picHeight); } else if (productId == PRODUCT_ID_7Q && decHandle->codecMode != C7_HEVC_DEC) { fbHeight = seqInfo.interlace ? VPU_ALIGN32(picHeight) : VPU_ALIGN16(picHeight); } else if (productId == PRODUCT_ID_960 || productId == PRODUCT_ID_980) { fbHeight = VPU_ALIGN32(picHeight); } if (decHandle->codecMode == C7_VP9_DEC) { linearStride = CalcStride(VPU_ALIGN64(picWidth), picHeight, outFormat, config->cbcrInterleave, (TiledMapType)mapType, TRUE); } else { linearStride = CalcStride(picWidth, picHeight, outFormat, config->cbcrInterleave, (TiledMapType)mapType, FALSE); } framebufSize = VPU_GetFrameBufSize(coreIndex, linearStride, fbHeight, (TiledMapType)mapType, outFormat, config->cbcrInterleave, pDramCfg); for (index=tiledFbCount; indexsize = framebufSize; if (vdi_allocate_dma_memory(coreIndex, pvb) < 0) { VLOG(ERR, "%s:%d fail to allocate frame buffer\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); ReleaseVideoMemory(coreIndex, retFbAddrs, totalFbCount); return FALSE; } retFbArray[index].bufY = pvb->phys_addr; retFbArray[index].bufCb = -1; retFbArray[index].bufCr = -1; retFbArray[index].updateFbInfo = TRUE; retFbArray[index].size = framebufSize; } fbAllocInfo.nv21 = config->nv21; fbAllocInfo.format = outFormat; fbAllocInfo.num = linearFbCount; fbAllocInfo.mapType = (TiledMapType)mapType; fbAllocInfo.stride = linearStride; fbAllocInfo.height = fbHeight; ret = VPU_DecAllocateFrameBuffer(decHandle, fbAllocInfo, &retFbArray[tiledFbCount]); if (ret != RETCODE_SUCCESS) { VLOG(ERR, "%s:%d failed to VPU_DecAllocateFrameBuffer() ret:%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret); ReleaseVideoMemory(coreIndex, retFbAddrs, totalFbCount); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__MSDOS__) #define DOS_FILESYSTEM #define IS_DIR_SEPARATOR(__c) ((__c == '/') || (__c == '\\')) #else /* UNIX style */ #define IS_DIR_SEPARATOR(__c) (__c == '/') #endif char* GetDirname( const char* path ) { int length; int i; char* upper_dir; if (path == NULL) return NULL; length = strlen(path); for (i=length-1; i>=0; i--) { if (IS_DIR_SEPARATOR(path[i])) break; } if (i<0) { upper_dir = strdup("."); } else { upper_dir = strdup(path); upper_dir[i] = 0; } return upper_dir; } char* GetBasename( const char* pathname ) { const char* base = NULL; const char* p = pathname; if (p == NULL) { return NULL; } #if defined(DOS_FILESYSTEM) if (isalpha((int)p[0]) && p[1] == ':') { p += 2; } #endif for (base=p; *p; p++) { if (IS_DIR_SEPARATOR(*p)) { base = p+1; } } return (char*)base; } char* GetFileExtension( const char* filename ) { Uint32 len; Uint32 i; len = strlen(filename); for (i=len-1; i>=0; i--) { if (filename[i] == '.') { return (char*)&filename[i+1]; } } return NULL; } void byte_swap(unsigned char* data, int len) { Uint8 temp; Int32 i; for (i=0; i=0; roi_id--) { Uint32 x, y; VpuRect *roi = region + roi_id; for (y=roi->top; y<=roi->bottom; y++) { for (x=roi->left; x<=roi->right; x++) { roiCtuMap[y*mapWidth + x] = *(roiLevel + roi_id); } } } } void GenRegionToQpMap( VpuRect *region, /**< The size of the ROI region for H.265 (start X/Y in CTU, end X/Y int CTU) */ int *roiLevel, int num, int initQp, Uint32 mapWidth, Uint32 mapHeight, Uint8 *roiCtuMap) { Int32 roi_id, blk_addr; Uint32 roi_map_size = mapWidth * mapHeight; //init roi map for (blk_addr=0; blk_addr<(Int32)roi_map_size; blk_addr++) roiCtuMap[blk_addr] = initQp; //set roi map. roi_entry[i] has higher priority than roi_entry[i+1] for (roi_id=(Int32)num-1; roi_id>=0; roi_id--) { Uint32 x, y; VpuRect *roi = region + roi_id; for (y=roi->top; y<=roi->bottom; y++) { for (x=roi->left; x<=roi->right; x++) { roiCtuMap[y*mapWidth + x] = *(roiLevel + roi_id); } } } } Int32 writeVuiRbsp(int coreIdx, TestEncConfig *encConfig, EncOpenParam *encOP, vpu_buffer_t *vbVuiRbsp) { if (encOP->encodeVuiRbsp == TRUE) { vbVuiRbsp->size = VUI_HRD_RBSP_BUF_SIZE; if (vdi_allocate_dma_memory(coreIdx, vbVuiRbsp) < 0) { VLOG(ERR, "fail to allocate VUI rbsp buffer\n" ); return FALSE; } encOP->vuiRbspDataAddr = vbVuiRbsp->phys_addr; if (encConfig) { Uint8 *pVuiRbspBuf; Int32 rbspSizeInByte = (encOP->vuiRbspDataSize+7)>>3; ChangePathStyle(encConfig->vui_rbsp_file_name); if ((encConfig->vui_rbsp_fp = osal_fopen(encConfig->vui_rbsp_file_name, "r")) == NULL) { VLOG(ERR, "fail to open Prefix SEI NAL Data file, %s\n", encConfig->vui_rbsp_file_name); return FALSE; } if (rbspSizeInByte > (Uint32)VUI_HRD_RBSP_BUF_SIZE) VLOG(ERR, "VUI Rbsp size is bigger than buffer size\n"); pVuiRbspBuf = (Uint8*)osal_malloc(VUI_HRD_RBSP_BUF_SIZE); osal_memset(pVuiRbspBuf, 0, VUI_HRD_RBSP_BUF_SIZE); osal_fread(pVuiRbspBuf, 1, rbspSizeInByte, encConfig->vui_rbsp_fp); vdi_write_memory(coreIdx, encOP->vuiRbspDataAddr, pVuiRbspBuf, rbspSizeInByte, encOP->streamEndian); osal_free(pVuiRbspBuf); } } return TRUE; } Int32 writeHrdRbsp(int coreIdx, TestEncConfig *encConfig, EncOpenParam *encOP, vpu_buffer_t *vbHrdRbsp) { if (encOP->encodeHrdRbspInVPS || encOP->encodeHrdRbspInVUI) { vbHrdRbsp->size = VUI_HRD_RBSP_BUF_SIZE; if (vdi_allocate_dma_memory(coreIdx, vbHrdRbsp) < 0) { VLOG(ERR, "fail to allocate HRD rbsp buffer\n" ); return FALSE; } encOP->hrdRbspDataAddr = vbHrdRbsp->phys_addr; if (encConfig) { Uint8 *pHrdRbspBuf; Int32 rbspSizeInByte = (encOP->hrdRbspDataSize+7)>>3; ChangePathStyle(encConfig->hrd_rbsp_file_name); if ((encConfig->hrd_rbsp_fp = osal_fopen(encConfig->hrd_rbsp_file_name, "r")) == NULL) { VLOG(ERR, "fail to open Prefix SEI NAL Data file, %s\n", encConfig->hrd_rbsp_file_name); return FALSE; } if (rbspSizeInByte > (Uint32)VUI_HRD_RBSP_BUF_SIZE) VLOG(ERR, "HRD Rbsp size is bigger than buffer size\n"); pHrdRbspBuf = (Uint8*)osal_malloc(VUI_HRD_RBSP_BUF_SIZE); osal_memset(pHrdRbspBuf, 0, VUI_HRD_RBSP_BUF_SIZE); osal_fread(pHrdRbspBuf, 1, rbspSizeInByte, encConfig->hrd_rbsp_fp); vdi_write_memory(coreIdx, encOP->hrdRbspDataAddr, pHrdRbspBuf, rbspSizeInByte, encOP->streamEndian); osal_free(pHrdRbspBuf); } } return TRUE; } #ifdef TEST_ENCODE_CUSTOM_HEADER Int32 writeCustomHeader(int coreIdx, EncOpenParam *encOP, vpu_buffer_t *vbCustomHeader, hrd_t *hrd) { Uint32 rbspBitSize; Uint8 *pRbspBuf; Uint32 rbspByteSize; vui_t vui; encOP->encodeVuiRbsp = 1; vbCustomHeader->size = VUI_HRD_RBSP_BUF_SIZE; if (vdi_allocate_dma_memory(coreIdx, vbCustomHeader) < 0) { VLOG(ERR, "fail to allocate VUI rbsp buffer\n" ); return FALSE; } encOP->vuiRbspDataAddr = vbCustomHeader->phys_addr; pRbspBuf = (Uint8 *)osal_malloc(VUI_HRD_RBSP_BUF_SIZE); if (pRbspBuf) { osal_memset(pRbspBuf, 0, VUI_HRD_RBSP_BUF_SIZE); vui.vui_parameters_presesent_flag = 1; vui.vui_timing_info_present_flag = 1; vui.vui_num_units_in_tick = 1000; vui.vui_time_scale = (encOP->frameRateInfo)*1000.0; vui.vui_hrd_parameters_present_flag = 1; vui.def_disp_win_left_offset = 1; vui.def_disp_win_right_offset = 1; vui.def_disp_win_top_offset = 1; vui.def_disp_win_bottom_offset = 1; // HRD param : refer xInitHrdParameters in HM { int useSubCpbParams =0; int bitRate = encOP->bitRate; int isRandomAccess; int cpbSize = bitRate; // Adjusting value to be equal to TargetBitrate int bitRateScale; int cpbSizeScale; int i, j, numSubLayersM1; Uint32 bitrateValue, cpbSizeValue; Uint32 duCpbSizeValue; Uint32 duBitRateValue = 0; if (bitRate >0) { hrd->nal_hrd_parameters_present_flag = 1; hrd->vcl_hrd_parameters_present_flag = 1; } else { hrd->nal_hrd_parameters_present_flag = 0; hrd->vcl_hrd_parameters_present_flag = 0; } if (encOP->EncStdParam.hevcParam.independSliceMode != 0) useSubCpbParams = 1; if (encOP->EncStdParam.hevcParam.intraPeriod > 0) isRandomAccess = 1; else isRandomAccess = 0; hrd->sub_pic_hrd_params_present_flag = useSubCpbParams; if (useSubCpbParams) { hrd->tick_divisor_minus2 = 100-2; hrd->du_cpb_removal_delay_increment_length_minus1 = 7; // 8-bit precision ( plus 1 for last DU in AU ) hrd->sub_pic_cpb_params_in_pic_timing_sei_flag = 1; hrd->dpb_output_delay_du_length_minus1 = 5+7; // With sub-clock tick factor of 100, at least 7 bits to have the same value as AU dpb delay } else hrd->sub_pic_cpb_params_in_pic_timing_sei_flag = 0; // calculate scale value of bitrate and initial delay bitRateScale = calcScale(bitRate); if ( bitRateScale <= 6 ) hrd->bit_rate_scale = 0; else hrd->bit_rate_scale = bitRateScale -6; cpbSizeScale = calcScale(cpbSize); if ( cpbSizeScale <= 4 ) hrd->cpb_size_scale = 0; else hrd->cpb_size_scale = cpbSizeScale -4; hrd->cpb_size_du_scale = 6; // in units of 2^( 4 + 6 ) = 1,024 bit hrd->initial_cpb_removal_delay_length_minus1 = 15; // assuming 0.5 sec, log2( 90,000 * 0.5 ) = 16-bit if (isRandomAccess > 0) { hrd->au_cpb_removal_delay_length_minus1 = 5; hrd->dpb_output_delay_length_minus1 = 5; } else { hrd->au_cpb_removal_delay_length_minus1 = 9; hrd->dpb_output_delay_length_minus1 = 9; } numSubLayersM1 = 0; if (encOP->EncStdParam.hevcParam.gopPresetIdx == 0) { // custom GOP for(i=0; iEncStdParam.hevcParam.gopParam.customGopSize; i++) { if (numSubLayersM1 < encOP->EncStdParam.hevcParam.gopParam.picParam[i].temporalId) numSubLayersM1 = encOP->EncStdParam.hevcParam.gopParam.picParam[i].temporalId; } } hrd->vps_max_sub_layers_minus1 = numSubLayersM1; // sub_layer_hrd_parameters // BitRate[ i ] = ( bit_rate_value_minus1[ i ] + 1 ) * 2^( 6 + bit_rate_scale ) bitrateValue = bitRate / (1 << (6 + hrd->bit_rate_scale) ); // bitRate is in bits, so it needs to be scaled down // CpbSize[ i ] = ( cpb_size_value_minus1[ i ] + 1 ) * 2^( 4 + cpb_size_scale ) cpbSizeValue = cpbSize / (1 << (4 + hrd->cpb_size_scale) ); // using bitRate results in 1 second CPB size // DU CPB size could be smaller (i.e. bitrateValue / number of DUs), but we don't know // in how many DUs the slice segment settings will result duCpbSizeValue = bitrateValue; duBitRateValue = cpbSizeValue; for(i=0; ivps_max_sub_layers_minus1; i++) { hrd->fixed_pic_rate_general_flag[i] = 1; hrd->fixed_pic_rate_within_cvs_flag[i] = 1; // fixed_pic_rate_general_flag[ i ] is equal to 1, the value of fixed_pic_rate_within_cvs_flag[ i ] is inferred to be equal to 1 hrd->elemental_duration_in_tc_minus1[i] = 0; hrd->low_delay_hrd_flag[i] = 0; hrd->cpb_cnt_minus1[i] = 0; if (hrd->nal_hrd_parameters_present_flag) { for (j=0; hrd->cpb_cnt_minus1[i]; j++) { hrd->bit_rate_value_minus1[j][i] = bitrateValue-1; hrd->cpb_size_value_minus1[j][i] = cpbSize -1; hrd->cpb_size_du_value_minus1[j][i] = duCpbSizeValue -1; hrd->bit_rate_du_value_minus1[j][i] = duBitRateValue -1; hrd->cbr_flag[j][i] = 0; } } if (hrd->vcl_hrd_parameters_present_flag) { for (j=0; hrd->cpb_cnt_minus1[i]; j++) { hrd->bit_rate_value_minus1[j][i] = bitrateValue-1; hrd->cpb_size_value_minus1[j][i] = cpbSize -1; hrd->cpb_size_du_value_minus1[j][i] = duCpbSizeValue -1; hrd->bit_rate_du_value_minus1[j][i] = duBitRateValue -1; hrd->cbr_flag[j][i] = 0; } } } } EncodeVUI(hrd, &vui, pRbspBuf, VUI_HRD_RBSP_BUF_SIZE, &rbspByteSize, &rbspBitSize, encOP->frameRateInfo); encOP->vuiRbspDataSize = rbspBitSize; vdi_write_memory(coreIdx, encOP->vuiRbspDataAddr, pRbspBuf, rbspByteSize, encOP->streamEndian); osal_free(pRbspBuf); } return TRUE; } Int32 allocateSeiNalDataBuf(int coreIdx, vpu_buffer_t *vbSeiNal, int srcFbNum) { Int32 i; for (i = 0; i < srcFbNum; i++) { // the number of roi buffer should be the same as source buffer num. vbSeiNal[i].size = SEI_NAL_DATA_BUF_SIZE; if (vdi_allocate_dma_memory(coreIdx, &vbSeiNal[i]) < 0) { VLOG(ERR, "fail to allocate SeiNalData buffer\n"); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } Int32 writeSeiNalData(EncHandle handle, int streamEndian, PhysicalAddress prefixSeiNalAddr, hrd_t *hrd) { sei_buffering_period_t buffering_period_sei; Uint8 *pSeiBuf; sei_active_parameter_t active_parameter_sei; Int32 seiByteSize = 0; HevcSEIDataEnc seiDataEnc; sei_pic_timing_t pic_timing_sei; pSeiBuf = (Uint8 *)osal_malloc(SEI_NAL_DATA_BUF_SIZE); if (pSeiBuf) { osal_memset(pSeiBuf, 0x00, SEI_NAL_DATA_BUF_SIZE); osal_memset(&seiDataEnc, 0x00, sizeof(seiDataEnc)); seiDataEnc.prefixSeiNalEnable = 1; seiDataEnc.prefixSeiDataEncOrder = 0; seiDataEnc.prefixSeiNalAddr = prefixSeiNalAddr; active_parameter_sei.active_video_parameter_set_id = 0; // vps_video_parameter_set_id of the VPS. wave420 is 0 active_parameter_sei.self_contained_cvs_flag = 0; active_parameter_sei.no_parameter_set_update_flag = 0; active_parameter_sei.num_sps_ids_minus1 = 0; active_parameter_sei.active_seq_parameter_set_id[0] = 0;// sps_seq_parameter_set_id of the SPS. wave420 is 0 // put sei_pic_timing pic_timing_sei.pic_struct = 0; pic_timing_sei.source_scan_type = 1; pic_timing_sei.duplicate_flag = 0; buffering_period_sei.nal_initial_cpb_removal_delay[0] = 2229; buffering_period_sei.nal_initial_cpb_removal_offset[0] = 0; seiByteSize = EncodePrefixSEI(&active_parameter_sei, &pic_timing_sei, &buffering_period_sei, hrd, pSeiBuf, SEI_NAL_DATA_BUF_SIZE); seiDataEnc.prefixSeiDataSize = seiByteSize; vdi_write_memory(handle->coreIdx, seiDataEnc.prefixSeiNalAddr, pSeiBuf, seiDataEnc.prefixSeiDataSize, streamEndian); free(pSeiBuf); } VPU_EncGiveCommand(handle, ENC_SET_SEI_NAL_DATA, &seiDataEnc); return TRUE; } #endif int setRoiMap(int coreIdx, TestEncConfig *encConfig, EncOpenParam encOP, PhysicalAddress addrRoiMap, Uint8 *roiMapBuf, int srcFrameWidth, int srcFrameHeight, EncParam *encParam, int maxCtuNum) { int i; if (encConfig->roi_enable && encParam->srcEndFlag != 1) { int roiNum=0; // sample code to convert ROI coordinate to ROI map. osal_memset(&encConfig->region[0], 0, sizeof(VpuRect)*MAX_ROI_NUMBER); osal_memset(&encConfig->roiLevel[0], 0, sizeof(int)*MAX_ROI_NUMBER); if (encConfig) { char lineStr[256] = {0, }; int val; fgets(lineStr, 256, encConfig->roi_file); sscanf(lineStr, "%x\n", &val); if (val != 0xFFFF) VLOG(ERR, "can't find the picture delimiter \n"); fgets(lineStr, 256, encConfig->roi_file); sscanf(lineStr, "%d\n", &val); // picture index fgets(lineStr, 256, encConfig->roi_file); sscanf(lineStr, "%d\n", &roiNum); // number of roi regions for (i = 0; i < roiNum; i++) { fgets(lineStr, 256, encConfig->roi_file); if (parseRoiCtuModeParam(lineStr, &encConfig->region[i], &encConfig->roiLevel[i], srcFrameWidth, srcFrameHeight) == 0 ) { VLOG(ERR, "CFG file error : %s value is not available. \n", encConfig->roi_file_name); } } } encParam->ctuOptParam.addrRoiCtuMap = addrRoiMap; encParam->ctuOptParam.mapEndian = VDI_LITTLE_ENDIAN; encParam->ctuOptParam.mapStride = ((encOP.picWidth+63)&~63)>>6; encParam->ctuOptParam.roiEnable = (roiNum != 0) ? encConfig->roi_enable : 0; encParam->ctuOptParam.roiDeltaQp = encConfig->roi_delta_qp; if (encParam->ctuOptParam.roiEnable) { GenRegionToMap(&encConfig->region[0], &encConfig->roiLevel[0], roiNum, encParam->ctuOptParam.mapStride , ((encOP.picHeight+63)&~63)>>6, &roiMapBuf[0]); vdi_write_memory(coreIdx, encParam->ctuOptParam.addrRoiCtuMap, roiMapBuf, maxCtuNum, encParam->ctuOptParam.mapEndian); } } return TRUE; } int checkParamRestriction(Uint32 productId, TestEncConfig *encConfig) { if ( (encConfig->compare_type & (1<bitstreamFileName[0] == 0) { encConfig->compare_type &= ~(1<compare_type & (1<ref_stream_path[0] == 0) { encConfig->compare_type &= ~(1<rotAngle != 0) { VLOG(ERR, "WAVE420L Not support rotation option\n"); return FALSE; } if (encConfig->mirDir != 0) { VLOG(ERR, "WAVE420L Not support mirror option\n"); return FALSE; } if (encConfig->srcFormat3p4b == TRUE) { VLOG(ERR, "WAVE420L Not support 3 pixel 4byte format option\n"); return FALSE; } if (encConfig->ringBufferEnable == TRUE) { encConfig->ringBufferEnable = FALSE; VLOG(ERR, "WAVE420L doesn't support ring-buffer.\n"); } } return TRUE; } int openRoiMapFile(TestEncConfig *encConfig) { if (encConfig->roi_enable) { if (encConfig) { ChangePathStyle(encConfig->roi_file_name); if ((encConfig->roi_file = osal_fopen(encConfig->roi_file_name, "r")) == NULL) { VLOG(ERR, "fail to open ROI file, %s\n", encConfig->roi_file_name); return FALSE; } } } return TRUE; } int allocateRoiMapBuf(int coreIdx, TestEncConfig encConfig, vpu_buffer_t *vbRoi, int srcFbNum, int ctuNum) { int i; if (encConfig.roi_enable) { //number of roi buffer should be the same as source buffer num. for (i = 0; i < srcFbNum ; i++) { vbRoi[i].size = ctuNum; if (vdi_allocate_dma_memory(coreIdx, &vbRoi[i]) < 0) { VLOG(ERR, "fail to allocate ROI buffer\n" ); return FALSE; } } } return TRUE; } int setCtuQpMap(int coreIdx, TestEncConfig *encConfig, EncOpenParam encOP, PhysicalAddress addrCtuQpMap, Uint8 *ctuQpMapBuf, int srcFrameWidth, int srcFrameHeight, EncParam *encParam, int maxCtuNum) { int i; if (encConfig->ctu_qp_enable && encParam->srcEndFlag != 1) { int ctuQpNum=0; // sample code to convert CTU coordinate to CTU MODE map. osal_memset(&encConfig->region[0], 0, sizeof(VpuRect)*MAX_ROI_NUMBER); osal_memset(&encConfig->ctuQp[0], 0, sizeof(int)*MAX_ROI_NUMBER); if (encConfig) { char lineStr[256] = {0, }; int val; fgets(lineStr, 256, encConfig->ctuqp_file); sscanf(lineStr, "%x\n", &val); if (val != 0xFFFF) VLOG(ERR, "can't find the picture delimiter \n"); fgets(lineStr, 256, encConfig->ctuqp_file); sscanf(lineStr, "%d\n", &val); // picture index fgets(lineStr, 256, encConfig->ctuqp_file); sscanf(lineStr, "%d\n", &ctuQpNum); // number of roi regions for (i = 0; i < ctuQpNum; i++) { fgets(lineStr, 256, encConfig->ctuqp_file); if (parseRoiCtuModeParam(lineStr, &encConfig->region[i], &encConfig->ctuQp[i], srcFrameWidth, srcFrameHeight) == 0 ) { VLOG(ERR, "CFG file error : %s value is not available. \n", encConfig->ctuqp_file_name); } } } encParam->ctuOptParam.addrCtuQpMap = addrCtuQpMap; encParam->ctuOptParam.mapEndian = VDI_LITTLE_ENDIAN; encParam->ctuOptParam.mapStride = ((encOP.picWidth+63)&~63)>>6; encParam->ctuOptParam.ctuQpEnable = encConfig->ctu_qp_enable; if (encParam->ctuOptParam.ctuQpEnable) { GenRegionToQpMap(&encConfig->region[0], &encConfig->ctuQp[0], ctuQpNum, encOP.EncStdParam.hevcParam.intraQP, encParam->ctuOptParam.mapStride , ((encOP.picHeight+63)&~63)>>6, &ctuQpMapBuf[0]); vdi_write_memory(coreIdx, encParam->ctuOptParam.addrCtuQpMap, ctuQpMapBuf, maxCtuNum, encParam->ctuOptParam.mapEndian); } } return TRUE; } int openCtuQpMapFile(TestEncConfig *encConfig) { if (encConfig->ctu_qp_enable) { if (encConfig->ctuqp_file_name[0]) { ChangePathStyle(encConfig->ctuqp_file_name); if ((encConfig->ctuqp_file = osal_fopen(encConfig->ctuqp_file_name, "r")) == NULL) { VLOG(ERR, "fail to open CTU QP file, %s\n", encConfig->ctuqp_file_name); return FALSE; } } } return TRUE; } int allocateCtuQpMapBuf(int coreIdx, TestEncConfig encConfig, vpu_buffer_t *vbCtuQp, int srcFbNum, int ctuNum) { int i; if (encConfig.ctu_qp_enable) { // the number of CTU mode buffer should be the same as source buffer num. for (i = 0; i < srcFbNum; i++) { vbCtuQp[i].size = ctuNum; if (vdi_allocate_dma_memory(coreIdx, &vbCtuQp[i]) < 0) { VLOG(ERR, "fail to allocate CTU QP buffer\n" ); return FALSE; } } } return TRUE; } // Define tokens for parsing scaling list file const char* MatrixType[SCALING_LIST_SIZE_NUM][SL_NUM_MATRIX] = { {"INTRA4X4_LUMA", "INTRA4X4_CHROMAU", "INTRA4X4_CHROMAV", "INTER4X4_LUMA", "INTER4X4_CHROMAU", "INTER4X4_CHROMAV"}, {"INTRA8X8_LUMA", "INTRA8X8_CHROMAU", "INTRA8X8_CHROMAV", "INTER8X8_LUMA", "INTER8X8_CHROMAU", "INTER8X8_CHROMAV"}, {"INTRA16X16_LUMA", "INTRA16X16_CHROMAU", "INTRA16X16_CHROMAV", "INTER16X16_LUMA", "INTER16X16_CHROMAU", "INTER16X16_CHROMAV"}, {"INTRA32X32_LUMA", "INTRA32X32_CHROMAU_FROM16x16_CHROMAU", "INTRA32X32_CHROMAV_FROM16x16_CHROMAV","INTER32X32_LUMA", "INTER32X32_CHROMAU_FROM16x16_CHROMAU", "INTER32X32_CHROMAV_FROM16x16_CHROMAV"} }; const char* MatrixType_DC[SCALING_LIST_SIZE_NUM - 2][SL_NUM_MATRIX] = { {"INTRA16X16_LUMA_DC", "INTRA16X16_CHROMAU_DC", "INTRA16X16_CHROMAV_DC", "INTER16X16_LUMA_DC", "INTER16X16_CHROMAU_DC", "INTER16X16_CHROMAV_DC"}, {"INTRA32X32_LUMA_DC", "INTRA32X32_CHROMAU_DC_FROM16x16_CHROMAU", "INTRA32X32_CHROMAV_DC_FROM16x16_CHROMAV", "INTER32X32_LUMA_DC","INTER32X32_CHROMAU_DC_FROM16x16_CHROMAU","INTER32X32_CHROMAV_DC_FROM16x16_CHROMAV"}, }; static Uint8* get_sl_addr(UserScalingList* sl, Uint32 size_id, Uint32 mat_id) { Uint8* addr = NULL; switch(size_id) { case SCALING_LIST_4x4: addr = sl->s4[mat_id]; break; case SCALING_LIST_8x8: addr = sl->s8[mat_id]; break; case SCALING_LIST_16x16: addr = sl->s16[mat_id]; break; case SCALING_LIST_32x32: addr = sl->s32[mat_id]; break; } return addr; } int parse_user_scaling_list(UserScalingList* sl, FILE* fp_sl) { #define LINE_SIZE (1024) const Uint32 scaling_list_size[SCALING_LIST_SIZE_NUM] = {16, 64, 64, 64}; char line[LINE_SIZE]; Uint32 i; Uint32 size_id, mat_id, data, num_coef = 0; Uint8* src = NULL; Uint8* ref = NULL; char* ret; const char* type_str; for(size_id = 0; size_id < SCALING_LIST_SIZE_NUM; size_id++) // for 4, 8, 16, 32 { num_coef = scaling_list_size[size_id]; for(mat_id = 0; mat_id < SL_NUM_MATRIX; mat_id++) // for intra_y, intra_cb, intra_cr, inter_y, inter_cb, inter_cr { src = get_sl_addr(sl, size_id, mat_id); if(size_id == SCALING_LIST_32x32 && (mat_id % 3)) // derive scaling list of chroma32x32 from that of chrom16x16 { ref = get_sl_addr(sl, size_id - 1, mat_id); for(i = 0; i < num_coef; i++) src[i] = ref[i]; } else { fseek(fp_sl,0,0); type_str = MatrixType[size_id][mat_id]; do { ret = fgets(line, LINE_SIZE, fp_sl); if((ret == NULL) || (strstr(line, type_str) == NULL && feof(fp_sl))) { printf("Error: can't read a scaling list matrix(%s)\n", type_str); return 0; } } while (strstr(line, type_str) == NULL); // get all coeff for(i = 0; i < num_coef; i++) { if(fscanf(fp_sl, "%d,", &data) != 1) { printf("Error: can't read a scaling list matrix(%s)\n", type_str); return 0; } src[i] = data; } // get DC coeff for 16, 32 if(size_id > SCALING_LIST_8x8) { fseek(fp_sl,0,0); type_str = MatrixType_DC[size_id - 2][mat_id]; do { ret = fgets(line, LINE_SIZE, fp_sl); if((ret == NULL) || (strstr(line, type_str) == NULL && feof(fp_sl))) { printf("Error: can't read a scaling list matrix(%s)\n", type_str); return 0; } } while (strstr(line, type_str) == NULL); if(fscanf(fp_sl, "%d,", &data) != 1) { printf("Error: can't read a scaling list matrix(%s)\n", type_str); return 0; } // overwrite DC value src[0] = data; } } } // for matrix id } // for size id return 1; } int parse_custom_lambda(Uint32 buf[NUM_CUSTOM_LAMBDA], FILE* fp) { int i, j = 0; char lineStr[256] = {0, }; for(i = 0; i < 52; i++) { if( NULL == fgets(lineStr, 256, fp) ) { printf("Error: can't read custom_lambda\n"); return 0; } else { sscanf(lineStr, "%d\n", &buf[j++]); } } for(i = 0; i < 52; i++) { if( NULL == fgets(lineStr, 256, fp) ) { printf("Error: can't read custom_lambda\n"); return 0; } else sscanf(lineStr, "%d\n", &buf[j++]); } return 1; } #ifdef PLATFORM_LINUX struct option* ConvertOptions( struct OptionExt* cnmOpt, Uint32 nItems ) { struct option* opt; Uint32 i; opt = (struct option*)osal_malloc(sizeof(struct option) * nItems); if (opt == NULL) { return NULL; } for (i=0; itestEnvOptions); return success; } void TestMachineCleanUp( TestMachine* machine ) { Uint32 i; Listener* o; for (i=0; inumObservers; i++) { o = &machine->observers[i]; o->destruct(o); } ReleaseDebugEnv(); osal_close_keyboard(); } void TestMachineAddListener( TestMachine* machine, Listener observer, void* handle ) { Uint32 i = machine->numObservers; if (i == MAX_OBSERVERS) { return; } observer.construct(&observer, handle); osal_memcpy(&machine->observers[i], (void*)&observer, sizeof(Listener)); machine->numObservers++; } BOOL TestMachineSetData( TestMachine* machine, void* data ) { Listener* o = NULL; Uint32 i; BOOL success = TRUE; for (i=0; inumObservers; i++) { o = &machine->observers[i]; if (o->update(o, data) == FALSE) { success = FALSE; } } return success; } int file_exist( char* path ) { #ifdef _MSC_VER DWORD attributes; char temp[4096]; LPCTSTR lp_path = (LPCTSTR)temp; if (path == NULL) { return False; } strcpy(temp, path); replace_character(temp, '/', '\\'); attributes = GetFileAttributes(lp_path); return (attributes != (DWORD)-1); #else return !access(path, F_OK); #endif } BOOL MkDir( char* path ) { #ifdef _MSC_VER char cmd[4096]; #endif if (file_exist(path)) return TRUE; #ifdef _MSC_VER sprintf(cmd, "mkdir %s", path); replace_character(cmd, '/', '\\'); if (system(cmd)) { return FALSE; } return True; #else return mkdir_recursive(path, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO); #endif }