Ei kuvausta

Rebecca Chang Swee Fun 9ea07c40ed update ffmpeg patchset 1 vuosi sitten
archive 09788fdf84 initialize git lfs for sysroot tarball 2 vuotta sitten
nwjs-nw64 1f2bbb2b6a rebase patch to latest upstream 2 vuotta sitten
third_party 9ea07c40ed update ffmpeg patchset 1 vuosi sitten
.gitattributes 09788fdf84 initialize git lfs for sysroot tarball 2 vuotta sitten
0001-linux-sysroot-script-to-create-riscv-sysroot-from-De.patch 7aa8e9da6e rebase patchset to latest HEAD 2 vuotta sitten
0002-sandbox-add-riscv-arch-definition-and-define-syscall.patch d686c05e56 resolve sandbox syscall issue 2 vuotta sitten
0004-skia-add-riscv64.patch 7aa8e9da6e rebase patchset to latest HEAD 2 vuotta sitten
0005-base-allocator-partition_allocator-add-riscv64-suppo.patch 7aa8e9da6e rebase patchset to latest HEAD 2 vuotta sitten
0006-base-process-add-riscv64-arch-definition.patch 7aa8e9da6e rebase patchset to latest HEAD 2 vuotta sitten
0007-remoting-fix-missing-cstring-header.patch 7aa8e9da6e rebase patchset to latest HEAD 2 vuotta sitten
0008-remoting-codec-fix-missing-cmath-header.patch 7aa8e9da6e rebase patchset to latest HEAD 2 vuotta sitten
0009-components-update_client-add-riscv64-arch-definition.patch 7aa8e9da6e rebase patchset to latest HEAD 2 vuotta sitten
0010-build-config-compiler-use_gold-linker-option.patch 7aa8e9da6e rebase patchset to latest HEAD 2 vuotta sitten
0011-build-config-compiler-remove-flags-not-available-in-.patch 7aa8e9da6e rebase patchset to latest HEAD 2 vuotta sitten
0012-build-config-add-atomic-build-flag.patch 7aa8e9da6e rebase patchset to latest HEAD 2 vuotta sitten
0013-build-config-compiler-do-not-use-linker-relaxation.patch 1f2bbb2b6a rebase patch to latest upstream 2 vuotta sitten
0014-chrome-common-remove-unrar-code.patch 7aa8e9da6e rebase patchset to latest HEAD 2 vuotta sitten
0015-third_party-libaom-add-riscv-target.patch 7aa8e9da6e rebase patchset to latest HEAD 2 vuotta sitten
0016-third_party-libvpx-add-riscv-target.patch 7aa8e9da6e rebase patchset to latest HEAD 2 vuotta sitten
0017-third_party-crashpad-add-support-for-riscv.patch 7aa8e9da6e rebase patchset to latest HEAD 2 vuotta sitten
0018-third_party-lzma_sdk-add-riscv-arch-definition.patch 7aa8e9da6e rebase patchset to latest HEAD 2 vuotta sitten
0019-build-linux-sysroot-create-a-sysroot-for-riscv.patch 7aa8e9da6e rebase patchset to latest HEAD 2 vuotta sitten
0020-build-config-linux-workaround-for-files-not-found-wi.patch df28f60180 rework the workaround for files not found within sysroot path 2 vuotta sitten
0021-v8-settings.patch 7aa8e9da6e rebase patchset to latest HEAD 2 vuotta sitten
0022-chrome-installer-add-riscv64-as-one-of-the-target-ar.patch fe9a8f56e6 add new patch to support riscv64 in chrome/installer 2 vuotta sitten
0023-ui-gl-enable-swiftshader-for-riscv64.patch abb1deb8bb add patch to enable swiftshader from ui/gl/features.gni 2 vuotta sitten
README.md 71536691a9 rebase patchset to tag 104.0.5070.0 2 vuotta sitten


Chromium Development / Porting for RISC-V

Build host

Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS

llvm / clang

  1. Build a cross-compile toolchain for llvm and clang.

    $ sudo apt-get -y install binutils build-essential libtool \
    texinfo gzip zip unzip patchutils curl git make cmake \
    ninja-build automake bison flex gperf grep sed gawk \
    python bc zlib1g-dev libexpat1-dev libmpc-dev \
    libglib2.0-dev libfdt-dev libpixman-1-dev 
    $ mkdir ~/riscv
    $ cd ~/riscv
    $ mkdir _install
    $ export PATH=`pwd`/_install/bin:$PATH
    $ hash -r
    # gcc, binutils, newlib, qemu
    $ git clone --recursive https://github.com/riscv/riscv-gnu-toolchain
    $ pushd riscv-gnu-toolchain
    $ ./configure --prefix=`pwd`/../_install --enable-multilib
    $ make -j`nproc` linux
    $ make -j`nproc` build-qemu
    $ popd
    # llvm
    $ git clone https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project.git riscv-llvm
    $ pushd riscv-llvm
    $ ln -s ../../clang llvm/tools || true
    $ mkdir _build
    $ cd _build
    $ cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Release" \
    -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="../../_install" \
    -DDEFAULT_SYSROOT="../../_install/riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu" \
    -DLLVM_DEFAULT_TARGET_TRIPLE="riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu" \
    $ cmake --build . --target install
    $ popd


  1. Follow the Chromium official build instruction for Linux host to get the source code. https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/refs/heads/main/docs/linux/build_instructions.md

  2. Install additional build dependencies (by using the script available within the source code.)

  3. Edit the .gclient file in //chromium top level. This is to disable gclient from syncing NaCL code base.

    solutions = [
    "name": "src",
    "url": "https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src.git",
    "managed": False,
    "custom_deps": {},
    "custom_vars": { "checkout_nacl": False },
  4. Checkout to 104.0.5070.0 tag where the patchset are based on.

    $ cd ~/chromium/src
    $ git checkout 104.0.5070.0
  5. Run the Chromium-specific hooks, this will download additional toolchain / binaries that we might need for the build later.

    $ cd ~/chromium/src
    $ gclient runhooks
  6. Set up the build configurations in args.gn

    $ mkdir -p out/riscv64
    $ vim out/riscv64/args.gn
    is_component_build = true
    # Disable broken features
    enable_dav1d_decoder = false
    # For clang
    is_clang = true
    clang_base_path=getenv("HOME") + "/riscv/_install"
  7. Apply the patches from this repository.

    $ cd ~/chromium/src
    $ git am <patch>
  8. Apply the patches in the untracked folder. This is due to third_party components are not tracked under the same git history.

NOTE: There is no script to help in this yet. So we have to run patch command manually in the respective folders.

TODO: Add a script to help user to patch these patches for third_party components.

$ cd third_party/<component>
$ patch -p1 < ~/riscv64-chromium-patch/third_party/XXX.patch
  1. Setup ffmpeg.

    $ cd third_party/ffmpeg
    $ ./chromium/scripts/build_ffmpeg.py linux riscv64
    $ ./chromium/scripts/generate_gn.py
    $ ./chromium/scripts/copy_config.sh
  2. Run the build and start resolving build issues.

    $ autoninja -C out/riscv64 chrome


  1. Generate dependency tree from GN.

    $ gn desc out/risc64 chrome --tree
  2. Launch chromium browser on headless server.

    # Print screenshot and save as PDF
    $ chrome --headless --disable-gpu --print-to-pdf https://www.google.com
    # Capture screenshot
    $ chrome --headless --disable-gpu --screenshot https://www.google.com

Note: Running with –screenshot will produce a file named screenshot.png in the current working directory.


  1. PPC Porting Guide: https://wiki.raptorcs.com/wiki/Porting/Chromium
  2. SUSE Chromium Port: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/network:chromium/chromium?expand=1
  3. Fedora rawhide Chromium Port: https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/chromium/tree/rawhide
  4. Github User: https://github.com/felixonmars/archriscv-packages/tree/master/chromium