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T-HEAD C9xx Series Processors

The C9xx series processors are high-performance RISC-V architecture multi-core processors with AI vector acceleration engine.

For more details, refer T-HEAD.CN

To build the platform-specific library and firmware images, provide the PLATFORM=generic parameter to the top level make command.

Platform Options

The T-HEAD C9xx does not have any platform-specific compile options because it uses generic platform.

CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-linux-gnu- PLATFORM=generic /usr/bin/make

The T-HEAD C9xx DTB provided to OpenSBI generic firmwares will usually have «riscv,clint0», «riscv,plic0», «thead,reset-sample» compatible strings.

DTS Example1: (Single core, eg: Allwinner D1 - c906)

	cpus {
		#address-cells = <1>;
		#size-cells = <0>;
		timebase-frequency = <3000000>;
		cpu@0 {
			device_type = "cpu";
			reg = <0>;
			status = "okay";
			compatible = "riscv";
			riscv,isa = "rv64imafdcv";
			mmu-type = "riscv,sv39";
			cpu0_intc: interrupt-controller {
				#interrupt-cells = <1>;
				compatible = "riscv,cpu-intc";

	soc {
		#address-cells = <2>;
		#size-cells = <2>;
		compatible = "simple-bus";

		clint0: clint@14000000 {
			compatible = "allwinner,sun20i-d1-clint";
			interrupts-extended = <
				&cpu0_intc  3 &cpu0_intc  7
			reg = <0x0 0x14000000 0x0 0x04000000>;

		intc: interrupt-controller@10000000 {
			#interrupt-cells = <1>;
			compatible = "allwinner,sun20i-d1-plic",
			interrupts-extended = <
				&cpu0_intc  0xffffffff &cpu0_intc  9
			reg = <0x0 0x10000000 0x0 0x04000000>;
			reg-names = "control";
			riscv,max-priority = <7>;
			riscv,ndev = <200>;

DTS Example2: (Multi cores with soc reset-regs)

	cpus {
		#address-cells = <1>;
		#size-cells = <0>;
		timebase-frequency = <3000000>;
		cpu@0 {
			device_type = "cpu";
			reg = <0>;
			status = "okay";
			compatible = "riscv";
			riscv,isa = "rv64imafdc";
			mmu-type = "riscv,sv39";
			cpu0_intc: interrupt-controller {
				#interrupt-cells = <1>;
				compatible = "riscv,cpu-intc";
		cpu@1 {
			device_type = "cpu";
			reg = <1>;
			status = "fail";
			compatible = "riscv";
			riscv,isa = "rv64imafdc";
			mmu-type = "riscv,sv39";
			cpu1_intc: interrupt-controller {
				#interrupt-cells = <1>;
				compatible = "riscv,cpu-intc";
		cpu@2 {
			device_type = "cpu";
			reg = <2>;
			status = "fail";
			compatible = "riscv";
			riscv,isa = "rv64imafdc";
			mmu-type = "riscv,sv39";
			cpu2_intc: interrupt-controller {
				#interrupt-cells = <1>;
				compatible = "riscv,cpu-intc";
		cpu@3 {
			device_type = "cpu";
			reg = <3>;
			status = "fail";
			compatible = "riscv";
			riscv,isa = "rv64imafdc";
			mmu-type = "riscv,sv39";
			cpu3_intc: interrupt-controller {
				#interrupt-cells = <1>;
				compatible = "riscv,cpu-intc";

	soc {
		#address-cells = <2>;
		#size-cells = <2>;
		compatible = "simple-bus";

		reset: reset-sample {
			compatible = "thead,reset-sample";
			entry-reg = <0xff 0xff019050>;
			entry-cnt = <4>;
			control-reg = <0xff 0xff015004>;
			control-val = <0x1c>;
			csr-copy = <0x7f3 0x7c0 0x7c1 0x7c2 0x7c3 0x7c5 0x7cc>;

		clint0: clint@ffdc000000 {
			compatible = "riscv,clint0";
			interrupts-extended = <
				&cpu0_intc  3 &cpu0_intc  7
				&cpu1_intc  3 &cpu1_intc  7
				&cpu2_intc  3 &cpu2_intc  7
				&cpu3_intc  3 &cpu3_intc  7
				&cpu4_intc  3 &cpu4_intc  7
			reg = <0xff 0xdc000000 0x0 0x04000000>;

		intc: interrupt-controller@ffd8000000 {
			#interrupt-cells = <1>;
			compatible = "thead,c900-plic";
			interrupts-extended = <
				&cpu0_intc  0xffffffff &cpu0_intc  9
				&cpu1_intc  0xffffffff &cpu1_intc  9
				&cpu2_intc  0xffffffff &cpu2_intc  9
				&cpu3_intc  0xffffffff &cpu3_intc  9
			reg = <0xff 0xd8000000 0x0 0x04000000>;
			reg-names = "control";
			riscv,max-priority = <7>;
			riscv,ndev = <80>;

DTS Example2: (Multi cores with old reset csrs)

	reset: reset-sample {
		compatible = "thead,reset-sample";
		csr-copy = <0x7c0 0x7c1 0x7c2 0x7c3 0x7c5 0x7cc
			    0x3b0 0x3b1 0x3b2 0x3b3
			    0x3b4 0x3b5 0x3b6 0x3b7