OpenPiton FPGA SoC Platform ======================== OpenPiton is the world's first open source, general purpose, multithreaded manycore processor. It is a tiled manycore framework scalable from one to 1/2 billion cores. Currently, OpenPiton supports the 64bit Ariane RISC-V processor from ETH Zurich. To this end, Ariane has been equipped with a different L1 cache subsystem that follows a write-through protocol and that has support for cache invalidations and atomics. To build platform specific library and firmwares, provide the *PLATFORM=fpga/openpiton* parameter to the top level `make` command. Platform Options ---------------- The *OpenPiton* platform does not have any platform-specific options. Building Ariane FPGA Platform ----------------------------- **Linux Kernel Payload** ``` make PLATFORM=fpga/openpiton FW_PAYLOAD_PATH=/arch/riscv/boot/Image ``` Booting Ariane FPGA Platform ---------------------------- **Linux Kernel Payload** As Linux kernel image is embedded in the OpenSBI firmware binary, Ariane will directly boot into Linux directly after powered on.