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Makefile: Add support for generating C array at compile time

Generating C array at compile time based on details provided by is a very useful feature which will help us compile
only a subset of drivers or modules.

We add a bash script ( which takes array details and
object/variable list from command-line to generate a C source
containing array of object/variable pointers. We also extend
top-level makefile to use whenever specified through

Signed-off-by: Anup Patel <>
Reviewed-by: Atish Patra <>
Anup Patel 2 years ago
2 changed files with 88 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 11 0
  2. 77 0

+ 11 - 0

@@ -404,6 +404,10 @@ compile_d2c = $(CMD_PREFIX)mkdir -p `dirname $(1)`; \
 	     $(if $($(2)-varprefix-$(3)),$(eval D2C_NAME_PREFIX := $($(2)-varprefix-$(3))),$(eval D2C_NAME_PREFIX := $(5))) \
 	     $(if $($(2)-padding-$(3)),$(eval D2C_PADDING_BYTES := $($(2)-padding-$(3))),$(eval D2C_PADDING_BYTES := 0)) \
 	     $(src_dir)/scripts/ -i $(6) -a $(D2C_ALIGN_BYTES) -p $(D2C_NAME_PREFIX) -t $(D2C_PADDING_BYTES) > $(1)
+compile_carray = $(CMD_PREFIX)mkdir -p `dirname $(1)`; \
+	     echo " CARRAY    $(subst $(build_dir)/,,$(1))"; \
+	     $(eval CARRAY_VAR_LIST := $(carray-$(subst .c,,$(shell basename $(1)))-y)) \
+	     $(src_dir)/scripts/ -i $(2) -l "$(CARRAY_VAR_LIST)" > $(1)
 compile_gen_dep = $(CMD_PREFIX)mkdir -p `dirname $(1)`; \
 	     echo " GEN-DEP   $(subst $(build_dir)/,,$(1))"; \
 	     echo "$(1:.dep=$(2)): $(3)" >> $(1)
@@ -451,6 +455,13 @@ $(build_dir)/%.dep: $(src_dir)/%.S
 $(build_dir)/%.o: $(src_dir)/%.S
 	$(call compile_as,$@,$<)
+$(build_dir)/%.dep: $(src_dir)/%.carray
+	$(call compile_gen_dep,$@,.c,$<)
+	$(call compile_gen_dep,$@,.o,$(@:.dep=.c))
+$(build_dir)/%.c: $(src_dir)/%.carray
+	$(call compile_carray,$@,$<)
 $(platform_build_dir)/%.bin: $(platform_build_dir)/%.elf
 	$(call compile_objcopy,$@,$<)

+ 77 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+function usage()
+	echo "Usage:"
+	echo " $0 [options]"
+	echo "Options:"
+	echo "     -h                   Display help or usage"
+	echo "     -i <input_config>    Input config file"
+	echo "     -l <variable_list>   List of variables in the array (Optional)"
+	exit 1;
+# Command line options
+while getopts "hi:l:" o; do
+	case "${o}" in
+	h)
+		usage
+		;;
+	i)
+		;;
+	l)
+		;;
+	*)
+		usage
+		;;
+	esac
+shift $((OPTIND-1))
+if [ -z "${CONFIG_FILE}" ]; then
+	echo "Must specify input config file"
+	usage
+if [ ! -f "${CONFIG_FILE}" ]; then
+	echo "The input config file should be a present"
+	usage
+TYPE_HEADER=`cat ${CONFIG_FILE} | awk '{ if ($1 == "HEADER:") { printf $2; exit 0; } }'`
+if [ -z "${TYPE_HEADER}" ]; then
+	echo "Must specify HEADER: in input config file"
+	usage
+TYPE_NAME=`cat ${CONFIG_FILE} | awk '{ if ($1 == "TYPE:") { printf $2; for (i=3; i<=NF; i++) printf " %s", $i; exit 0; } }'`
+if [ -z "${TYPE_NAME}" ]; then
+	echo "Must specify TYPE: in input config file"
+	usage
+ARRAY_NAME=`cat ${CONFIG_FILE} | awk '{ if ($1 == "NAME:") { printf $2; exit 0; } }'`
+if [ -z "${ARRAY_NAME}" ]; then
+	echo "Must specify NAME: in input config file"
+	usage
+printf "#include <%s>\n\n" "${TYPE_HEADER}"
+for VAR in ${VAR_LIST}; do
+	printf "extern %s %s;\n" "${TYPE_NAME}" "${VAR}"
+printf "\n"
+printf "%s *%s[] = {\n" "${TYPE_NAME}" "${ARRAY_NAME}"
+for VAR in ${VAR_LIST}; do
+	printf "\t&%s,\n" "${VAR}"
+printf "};\n\n"
+printf "unsigned long %s_size = sizeof(%s) / sizeof(%s *);\n" "${ARRAY_NAME}" "${ARRAY_NAME}" "${TYPE_NAME}"