Bladeren bron

dubhe: Remove QSPI-NFS-Image option from the setup script.

Signed-off-by: weiheng.cheng <>
weiheng.cheng 1 jaar geleden
1 gewijzigde bestanden met toevoegingen van 27 en 27 verwijderingen
  1. 27 27

+ 27 - 27

@@ -138,20 +138,20 @@ echo -e "*******************************************************************${NC
 echo "";
 echo -e "${YELLOW}Description : ";
 echo "";
-echo "This build script consists of two types image.";
+echo "This build script can build one type of image.";
 echo "";
 echo "1) QSPI-Image";
 echo "   - Initramfs has been bundled into qspi-image.";
 echo "   - Generated output : "; 
-echo "     QSPI-Image.bin"; 
-echo "2) QSPI-NFS-Image";
-echo "   - NFS config has been enabled.";
-echo "   - Generated output : ";
-echo -e "     QSPI-NFS-Image.bin${NC}";
+echo -e "     QSPI-Image.bin${NC}"; 
+#echo "2) QSPI-NFS-Image";
+#echo "   - NFS config has been enabled.";
+#echo "   - Generated output : ";
+#echo -e "     QSPI-NFS-Image.bin${NC}";
 echo "";
 PS3="Select your action : "
-options=("Build qspi-image" "Build qspi-nfs-image" "Quit")
+options=("Build qspi-image" "Quit")
 select opt in "${options[@]}" 
@@ -169,27 +169,27 @@ do
                 runprog dubhe-image-initramfs;
             else echo -e "\U000274C ${RED}Build Failed${NC}"
-        "Build qspi-nfs-image")
+#        "Build qspi-nfs-image")
  #           cd ../build || { echo "Run before building images."; cd meta-starfive; break; };
-	    sed -n 10p ../meta-starfive/recipes-kernel/linux/files/nfs.patch;
-	    read -p "Kindly confirm boot argument such as nfs path and ip address before build (/meta-starfive/recipes-kernel/linux/files/nfs.patch). Proceed to build?[Y/n]:" RES;
-	    case $RES in
- 		[Yy])
-            		if ! grep -q "ENABLE_NFS" ./conf/local.conf; then
-                		echo 'ENABLE_NFS="1"' >> ./conf/local.conf;
-            		else sed -i 's/ENABLE_NFS="0"/ENABLE_NFS="1"/g'  ./conf/local.conf
-            		fi;
-            		cur_ter=$(tty);
-            		output_min=$(MACHINE=starfive-dubhe bitbake qspi-nfs-image | tee $cur_ter);
-            		if [[ $output_min != *"ERROR"* ]]; then
-                		echo -e "\U0002705 ${GREEN}Build Complete${NC}"
-            		else echo -e "\U000274C ${RED}Build Failed${NC}"
-            		fi;;
-		 [Nn])
-   			return;;
- 		 *)
-  			echo "Invalid option $RES , [Y/n] only.";
-			esac;;
+#	    sed -n 10p ../meta-starfive/recipes-kernel/linux/files/nfs.patch;
+#	    read -p "Kindly confirm boot argument such as nfs path and ip address before build (/meta-starfive/recipes-kernel/linux/files/nfs.patch). Proceed to build?[Y/n]:" RES;
+#	    case $RES in
+# 		[Yy])
+#            		if ! grep -q "ENABLE_NFS" ./conf/local.conf; then
+#                		echo 'ENABLE_NFS="1"' >> ./conf/local.conf;
+#            		else sed -i 's/ENABLE_NFS="0"/ENABLE_NFS="1"/g'  ./conf/local.conf
+#            		fi;
+#            		cur_ter=$(tty);
+#            		output_min=$(MACHINE=starfive-dubhe bitbake qspi-nfs-image | tee $cur_ter);
+#            		if [[ $output_min != *"ERROR"* ]]; then
+#                		echo -e "\U0002705 ${GREEN}Build Complete${NC}"
+#            		else echo -e "\U000274C ${RED}Build Failed${NC}"
+#            		fi;;
+#		 [Nn])
+#   			return;;
+# 		 *)
+#  			echo "Invalid option $RES , [Y/n] only.";
+#			esac;;