Tcg2Smm.c 30 KB

  1. /** @file
  2. It updates TPM2 items in ACPI table and registers SMI2 callback
  3. functions for Tcg2 physical presence, ClearMemory, and sample
  4. for dTPM StartMethod.
  5. Caution: This module requires additional review when modified.
  6. This driver will have external input - variable and ACPINvs data in SMM mode.
  7. This external input must be validated carefully to avoid security issue.
  8. PhysicalPresenceCallback() and MemoryClearCallback() will receive untrusted input and do some check.
  9. Copyright (c) 2015 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
  10. SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
  11. **/
  12. #include "Tcg2Smm.h"
  13. #pragma pack(1)
  14. typedef struct {
  16. // Flags field is replaced in version 4 and above
  17. // BIT0~15: PlatformClass This field is only valid for version 4 and above
  18. // BIT16~31: Reserved
  19. UINT32 Flags;
  20. UINT64 AddressOfControlArea;
  21. UINT32 StartMethod;
  22. UINT8 PlatformSpecificParameters[12]; // size up to 12
  23. UINT32 Laml; // Optional
  24. UINT64 Lasa; // Optional
  26. #pragma pack()
  27. EFI_TPM2_ACPI_TABLE_V4 mTpm2AcpiTemplate = {
  28. {
  30. sizeof (mTpm2AcpiTemplate),
  32. //
  33. // Compiler initializes the remaining bytes to 0
  34. // These fields should be filled in in production
  35. //
  36. },
  37. 0, // BIT0~15: PlatformClass
  38. // BIT16~31: Reserved
  39. 0, // Control Area
  41. };
  43. TCG_NVS *mTcgNvs;
  44. /**
  45. Software SMI callback for TPM physical presence which is called from ACPI method.
  46. Caution: This function may receive untrusted input.
  47. Variable and ACPINvs are external input, so this function will validate
  48. its data structure to be valid value.
  49. @param[in] DispatchHandle The unique handle assigned to this handler by SmiHandlerRegister().
  50. @param[in] Context Points to an optional handler context which was specified when the
  51. handler was registered.
  52. @param[in, out] CommBuffer A pointer to a collection of data in memory that will
  53. be conveyed from a non-SMM environment into an SMM environment.
  54. @param[in, out] CommBufferSize The size of the CommBuffer.
  55. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The interrupt was handled successfully.
  56. **/
  58. EFIAPI
  59. PhysicalPresenceCallback (
  60. IN EFI_HANDLE DispatchHandle,
  61. IN CONST VOID *Context,
  62. IN OUT VOID *CommBuffer,
  63. IN OUT UINTN *CommBufferSize
  64. )
  65. {
  66. UINT32 MostRecentRequest;
  67. UINT32 Response;
  68. UINT32 OperationRequest;
  69. UINT32 RequestParameter;
  70. if (mTcgNvs->PhysicalPresence.Parameter == TCG_ACPI_FUNCTION_RETURN_REQUEST_RESPONSE_TO_OS) {
  71. mTcgNvs->PhysicalPresence.ReturnCode = Tcg2PhysicalPresenceLibReturnOperationResponseToOsFunction (
  72. &MostRecentRequest,
  73. &Response
  74. );
  75. mTcgNvs->PhysicalPresence.LastRequest = MostRecentRequest;
  76. mTcgNvs->PhysicalPresence.Response = Response;
  77. return EFI_SUCCESS;
  78. } else if ((mTcgNvs->PhysicalPresence.Parameter == TCG_ACPI_FUNCTION_SUBMIT_REQUEST_TO_BIOS)
  79. || (mTcgNvs->PhysicalPresence.Parameter == TCG_ACPI_FUNCTION_SUBMIT_REQUEST_TO_BIOS_2)) {
  80. OperationRequest = mTcgNvs->PhysicalPresence.Request;
  81. RequestParameter = mTcgNvs->PhysicalPresence.RequestParameter;
  82. mTcgNvs->PhysicalPresence.ReturnCode = Tcg2PhysicalPresenceLibSubmitRequestToPreOSFunctionEx (
  83. &OperationRequest,
  84. &RequestParameter
  85. );
  86. mTcgNvs->PhysicalPresence.Request = OperationRequest;
  87. mTcgNvs->PhysicalPresence.RequestParameter = RequestParameter;
  88. } else if (mTcgNvs->PhysicalPresence.Parameter == TCG_ACPI_FUNCTION_GET_USER_CONFIRMATION_STATUS_FOR_REQUEST) {
  89. mTcgNvs->PhysicalPresence.ReturnCode = Tcg2PhysicalPresenceLibGetUserConfirmationStatusFunction (mTcgNvs->PPRequestUserConfirm);
  90. }
  91. return EFI_SUCCESS;
  92. }
  93. /**
  94. Software SMI callback for MemoryClear which is called from ACPI method.
  95. Caution: This function may receive untrusted input.
  96. Variable and ACPINvs are external input, so this function will validate
  97. its data structure to be valid value.
  98. @param[in] DispatchHandle The unique handle assigned to this handler by SmiHandlerRegister().
  99. @param[in] Context Points to an optional handler context which was specified when the
  100. handler was registered.
  101. @param[in, out] CommBuffer A pointer to a collection of data in memory that will
  102. be conveyed from a non-SMM environment into an SMM environment.
  103. @param[in, out] CommBufferSize The size of the CommBuffer.
  104. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The interrupt was handled successfully.
  105. **/
  107. EFIAPI
  108. MemoryClearCallback (
  109. IN EFI_HANDLE DispatchHandle,
  110. IN CONST VOID *Context,
  111. IN OUT VOID *CommBuffer,
  112. IN OUT UINTN *CommBufferSize
  113. )
  114. {
  115. EFI_STATUS Status;
  116. UINTN DataSize;
  117. UINT8 MorControl;
  118. mTcgNvs->MemoryClear.ReturnCode = MOR_REQUEST_SUCCESS;
  119. if (mTcgNvs->MemoryClear.Parameter == ACPI_FUNCTION_DSM_MEMORY_CLEAR_INTERFACE) {
  120. MorControl = (UINT8) mTcgNvs->MemoryClear.Request;
  121. } else if (mTcgNvs->MemoryClear.Parameter == ACPI_FUNCTION_PTS_CLEAR_MOR_BIT) {
  122. DataSize = sizeof (UINT8);
  123. Status = mSmmVariable->SmmGetVariable (
  125. &gEfiMemoryOverwriteControlDataGuid,
  126. NULL,
  127. &DataSize,
  128. &MorControl
  129. );
  130. if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
  131. mTcgNvs->MemoryClear.ReturnCode = MOR_REQUEST_GENERAL_FAILURE;
  132. DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "[TPM] Get MOR variable failure! Status = %r\n", Status));
  133. return EFI_SUCCESS;
  134. }
  135. if (MOR_CLEAR_MEMORY_VALUE (MorControl) == 0x0) {
  136. return EFI_SUCCESS;
  137. }
  138. MorControl &= ~MOR_CLEAR_MEMORY_BIT_MASK;
  139. } else {
  140. mTcgNvs->MemoryClear.ReturnCode = MOR_REQUEST_GENERAL_FAILURE;
  141. DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "[TPM] MOR Parameter error! Parameter = %x\n", mTcgNvs->MemoryClear.Parameter));
  142. return EFI_SUCCESS;
  143. }
  144. DataSize = sizeof (UINT8);
  145. Status = mSmmVariable->SmmSetVariable (
  147. &gEfiMemoryOverwriteControlDataGuid,
  149. DataSize,
  150. &MorControl
  151. );
  152. if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
  153. mTcgNvs->MemoryClear.ReturnCode = MOR_REQUEST_GENERAL_FAILURE;
  154. DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "[TPM] Set MOR variable failure! Status = %r\n", Status));
  155. }
  156. return EFI_SUCCESS;
  157. }
  158. /**
  159. Find the operation region in TCG ACPI table by given Name and Size,
  160. and initialize it if the region is found.
  161. @param[in, out] Table The TPM item in ACPI table.
  162. @param[in] Name The name string to find in TPM table.
  163. @param[in] Size The size of the region to find.
  164. @return The allocated address for the found region.
  165. **/
  166. VOID *
  167. AssignOpRegion (
  169. UINT32 Name,
  170. UINT16 Size
  171. )
  172. {
  173. EFI_STATUS Status;
  174. AML_OP_REGION_32_8 *OpRegion;
  175. EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS MemoryAddress;
  176. MemoryAddress = SIZE_4GB - 1;
  177. //
  178. // Patch some pointers for the ASL code before loading the SSDT.
  179. //
  180. for (OpRegion = (AML_OP_REGION_32_8 *) (Table + 1);
  181. OpRegion <= (AML_OP_REGION_32_8 *) ((UINT8 *) Table + Table->Length);
  182. OpRegion = (AML_OP_REGION_32_8 *) ((UINT8 *) OpRegion + 1)) {
  183. if ((OpRegion->OpRegionOp == AML_EXT_REGION_OP) &&
  184. (OpRegion->NameString == Name) &&
  185. (OpRegion->DWordPrefix == AML_DWORD_PREFIX) &&
  186. (OpRegion->BytePrefix == AML_BYTE_PREFIX)) {
  187. Status = gBS->AllocatePages(AllocateMaxAddress, EfiACPIMemoryNVS, EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (Size), &MemoryAddress);
  188. ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
  189. ZeroMem ((VOID *)(UINTN)MemoryAddress, Size);
  190. OpRegion->RegionOffset = (UINT32) (UINTN) MemoryAddress;
  191. OpRegion->RegionLen = (UINT8) Size;
  192. break;
  193. }
  194. }
  195. return (VOID *) (UINTN) MemoryAddress;
  196. }
  197. /**
  198. Patch version string of Physical Presence interface supported by platform. The initial string tag in TPM
  199. ACPI table is "$PV".
  200. @param[in, out] Table The TPM item in ACPI table.
  201. @param[in] PPVer Version string of Physical Presence interface supported by platform.
  202. @return The allocated address for the found region.
  203. **/
  205. UpdatePPVersion (
  207. CHAR8 *PPVer
  208. )
  209. {
  210. EFI_STATUS Status;
  211. UINT8 *DataPtr;
  212. //
  213. // Patch some pointers for the ASL code before loading the SSDT.
  214. //
  215. for (DataPtr = (UINT8 *)(Table + 1);
  216. DataPtr <= (UINT8 *) ((UINT8 *) Table + Table->Length - PHYSICAL_PRESENCE_VERSION_SIZE);
  217. DataPtr += 1) {
  218. if (AsciiStrCmp((CHAR8 *)DataPtr, PHYSICAL_PRESENCE_VERSION_TAG) == 0) {
  219. Status = AsciiStrCpyS((CHAR8 *)DataPtr, PHYSICAL_PRESENCE_VERSION_SIZE, PPVer);
  220. DEBUG((EFI_D_INFO, "TPM2 Physical Presence Interface Version update status 0x%x\n", Status));
  221. return Status;
  222. }
  223. }
  224. return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
  225. }
  226. /**
  227. Patch interrupt resources returned by TPM _PRS. ResourceTemplate to patch is determined by input
  228. interrupt buffer size. BufferSize, PkgLength and interrupt descriptor in ByteList need to be patched
  229. @param[in, out] Table The TPM item in ACPI table.
  230. @param[in] IrqBuffer Input new IRQ buffer.
  231. @param[in] IrqBuffserSize Input new IRQ buffer size.
  232. @param[out] IsShortFormPkgLength If _PRS returns Short length Package(ACPI spec 20.2.4).
  233. @return patch status.
  234. **/
  236. UpdatePossibleResource (
  238. IN UINT32 *IrqBuffer,
  239. IN UINT32 IrqBuffserSize,
  240. OUT BOOLEAN *IsShortFormPkgLength
  241. )
  242. {
  243. UINT8 *DataPtr;
  244. UINT8 *DataEndPtr;
  245. UINT32 NewPkgLength;
  246. UINT32 OrignalPkgLength;
  247. NewPkgLength = 0;
  248. OrignalPkgLength = 0;
  249. DataEndPtr = NULL;
  250. //
  251. // Follow ACPI spec
  252. // 6.4.3 Extend Interrupt Descriptor.
  253. // 19.3.3 ASL Resource Template
  254. // 20 AML specification
  255. // to patch TPM ACPI object _PRS returned ResourceTemplate() containing 2 resource descriptors and an auto appended End Tag
  256. //
  257. // AML data is organized by following rule.
  258. // Code need to patch BufferSize and PkgLength and interrupt descriptor in ByteList
  259. //
  260. // ============= Buffer ====================
  261. // DefBuffer := BufferOp PkgLength BufferSize ByteList
  262. // BufferOp := 0x11
  263. //
  264. // ==============PkgLength==================
  265. // PkgLength := PkgLeadByte |
  266. // <PkgLeadByte ByteData> |
  267. // <PkgLeadByte ByteData ByteData> |
  268. // <PkgLeadByte ByteData ByteData ByteData>
  269. //
  270. // PkgLeadByte := <bit 7-6: ByteData count that follows (0-3)>
  271. // <bit 5-4: Only used if PkgLength <= 63 >
  272. // <bit 3-0: Least significant package length nybble>
  273. //
  274. //==============BufferSize==================
  275. // BufferSize := Integer
  276. // Integer := ByteConst|WordConst|DwordConst....
  277. //
  278. // ByteConst := BytePrefix ByteData
  279. //
  280. //==============ByteList===================
  281. // ByteList := ByteData ByteList
  282. //
  283. //=========================================
  284. //
  285. // 1. Check TPM_PRS_RESS with PkgLength <=63 can hold the input interrupt number buffer for patching
  286. //
  287. for (DataPtr = (UINT8 *)(Table + 1);
  288. DataPtr < (UINT8 *) ((UINT8 *) Table + Table->Length - (TPM_PRS_RES_NAME_SIZE + TPM_POS_RES_TEMPLATE_MIN_SIZE));
  289. DataPtr += 1) {
  290. if (CompareMem(DataPtr, TPM_PRS_RESS, TPM_PRS_RES_NAME_SIZE) == 0) {
  291. //
  292. // Jump over object name & BufferOp
  293. //
  294. DataPtr += TPM_PRS_RES_NAME_SIZE + 1;
  295. if ((*DataPtr & (BIT7|BIT6)) == 0) {
  296. OrignalPkgLength = (UINT32)*DataPtr;
  297. DataEndPtr = DataPtr + OrignalPkgLength;
  298. //
  299. // Jump over PkgLength = PkgLeadByte only
  300. //
  301. NewPkgLength++;
  302. //
  303. // Jump over BufferSize
  304. //
  305. if (*(DataPtr + 1) == AML_BYTE_PREFIX) {
  306. NewPkgLength += 2;
  307. } else if (*(DataPtr + 1) == AML_WORD_PREFIX) {
  308. NewPkgLength += 3;
  309. } else if (*(DataPtr + 1) == AML_DWORD_PREFIX) {
  310. NewPkgLength += 5;
  311. } else {
  313. return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
  314. }
  315. } else {
  317. return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
  318. }
  319. //
  320. // Include Memory32Fixed Descriptor (12 Bytes) + Interrupt Descriptor header(5 Bytes) + End Tag(2 Bytes)
  321. //
  322. NewPkgLength += 19 + IrqBuffserSize;
  323. if (NewPkgLength > 63) {
  324. break;
  325. }
  326. if (NewPkgLength > OrignalPkgLength) {
  329. }
  330. //
  331. // 1.1 Patch PkgLength
  332. //
  333. *DataPtr = (UINT8)NewPkgLength;
  334. //
  335. // 1.2 Patch BufferSize = sizeof(Memory32Fixed Descriptor + Interrupt Descriptor + End Tag).
  336. // It is Little endian. So only patch lowest byte of BufferSize due to current interrupt number limit.
  337. //
  338. *(DataPtr + 2) = (UINT8)(IrqBuffserSize + 19);
  339. //
  340. // Notify _PRS to report short formed ResourceTemplate
  341. //
  342. *IsShortFormPkgLength = TRUE;
  343. break;
  344. }
  345. }
  346. //
  347. // 2. Use TPM_PRS_RESL with PkgLength > 63 to hold longer input interrupt number buffer for patching
  348. //
  349. if (NewPkgLength > 63) {
  350. NewPkgLength = 0;
  351. OrignalPkgLength = 0;
  352. for (DataPtr = (UINT8 *)(Table + 1);
  353. DataPtr < (UINT8 *) ((UINT8 *) Table + Table->Length - (TPM_PRS_RES_NAME_SIZE + TPM_POS_RES_TEMPLATE_MIN_SIZE));
  354. DataPtr += 1) {
  355. if (CompareMem(DataPtr, TPM_PRS_RESL, TPM_PRS_RES_NAME_SIZE) == 0) {
  356. //
  357. // Jump over object name & BufferOp
  358. //
  359. DataPtr += TPM_PRS_RES_NAME_SIZE + 1;
  360. if ((*DataPtr & (BIT7|BIT6)) != 0) {
  361. OrignalPkgLength = (UINT32)(*(DataPtr + 1) << 4) + (*DataPtr & 0x0F);
  362. DataEndPtr = DataPtr + OrignalPkgLength;
  363. //
  364. // Jump over PkgLength = PkgLeadByte + ByteData length
  365. //
  366. NewPkgLength += 1 + ((*DataPtr & (BIT7|BIT6)) >> 6);
  367. //
  368. // Jump over BufferSize
  369. //
  370. if (*(DataPtr + NewPkgLength) == AML_BYTE_PREFIX) {
  371. NewPkgLength += 2;
  372. } else if (*(DataPtr + NewPkgLength) == AML_WORD_PREFIX) {
  373. NewPkgLength += 3;
  374. } else if (*(DataPtr + NewPkgLength) == AML_DWORD_PREFIX) {
  375. NewPkgLength += 5;
  376. } else {
  378. return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
  379. }
  380. } else {
  382. return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
  383. }
  384. //
  385. // Include Memory32Fixed Descriptor (12 Bytes) + Interrupt Descriptor header(5 Bytes) + End Tag(2 Bytes)
  386. //
  387. NewPkgLength += 19 + IrqBuffserSize;
  388. if (NewPkgLength > OrignalPkgLength) {
  391. }
  392. //
  393. // 2.1 Patch PkgLength. Only patch PkgLeadByte and first ByteData
  394. //
  395. *DataPtr = (UINT8)((*DataPtr) & 0xF0) | (NewPkgLength & 0x0F);
  396. *(DataPtr + 1) = (UINT8)((NewPkgLength & 0xFF0) >> 4);
  397. //
  398. // 2.2 Patch BufferSize = sizeof(Memory32Fixed Descriptor + Interrupt Descriptor + End Tag).
  399. // It is Little endian. Only patch lowest byte of BufferSize due to current interrupt number limit.
  400. //
  401. *(DataPtr + 2 + ((*DataPtr & (BIT7|BIT6)) >> 6)) = (UINT8)(IrqBuffserSize + 19);
  402. //
  403. // Notify _PRS to report long formed ResourceTemplate
  404. //
  405. *IsShortFormPkgLength = FALSE;
  406. break;
  407. }
  408. }
  409. }
  410. if (DataPtr >= (UINT8 *) ((UINT8 *) Table + Table->Length - (TPM_PRS_RES_NAME_SIZE + TPM_POS_RES_TEMPLATE_MIN_SIZE))) {
  411. return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
  412. }
  413. //
  414. // 3. Move DataPtr to Interrupt descriptor header and patch interrupt descriptor.
  415. // 5 bytes for interrupt descriptor header, 2 bytes for End Tag
  416. //
  417. DataPtr += NewPkgLength - (5 + IrqBuffserSize + 2);
  418. //
  419. // 3.1 Patch Length bit[7:0] of Interrupt descriptor patch interrupt descriptor
  420. //
  421. *(DataPtr + 1) = (UINT8)(2 + IrqBuffserSize);
  422. //
  423. // 3.2 Patch Interrupt Table Length
  424. //
  425. *(DataPtr + 4) = (UINT8)(IrqBuffserSize / sizeof(UINT32));
  426. //
  427. // 3.3 Copy patched InterruptNumBuffer
  428. //
  429. CopyMem(DataPtr + 5, IrqBuffer, IrqBuffserSize);
  430. //
  431. // 4. Jump over Interrupt descriptor and Patch END Tag, set Checksum field to 0
  432. //
  433. DataPtr += 5 + IrqBuffserSize;
  435. *(DataPtr + 1) = 0;
  436. //
  437. // 5. Jump over new ResourceTemplate. Stuff rest bytes to NOOP
  438. //
  439. DataPtr += 2;
  440. if (DataPtr < DataEndPtr) {
  441. SetMem(DataPtr, (UINTN)DataEndPtr - (UINTN)DataPtr, AML_NOOP_OP);
  442. }
  443. return EFI_SUCCESS;
  444. }
  445. /**
  446. Patch TPM2 device HID string. The initial string tag in TPM2 ACPI table is "NNN0000".
  447. @param[in, out] Table The TPM2 SSDT ACPI table.
  448. @return HID Update status.
  449. **/
  451. UpdateHID (
  453. )
  454. {
  455. EFI_STATUS Status;
  456. UINT8 *DataPtr;
  458. UINT32 ManufacturerID;
  459. UINT32 FirmwareVersion1;
  460. UINT32 FirmwareVersion2;
  461. BOOLEAN PnpHID;
  462. PnpHID = TRUE;
  463. //
  464. // Initialize HID with Default PNP string
  465. //
  466. ZeroMem(Hid, TPM_HID_ACPI_SIZE);
  467. //
  468. // Get Manufacturer ID
  469. //
  470. Status = Tpm2GetCapabilityManufactureID(&ManufacturerID);
  471. if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
  472. DEBUG((EFI_D_INFO, "TPM_PT_MANUFACTURER 0x%08x\n", ManufacturerID));
  473. //
  474. // ManufacturerID defined in TCG Vendor ID Registry
  475. // may tailed with 0x00 or 0x20
  476. //
  477. if ((ManufacturerID >> 24) == 0x00 || ((ManufacturerID >> 24) == 0x20)) {
  478. //
  479. // HID containing PNP ID "NNN####"
  480. // NNN is uppercase letter for Vendor ID specified by manufacturer
  481. //
  482. CopyMem(Hid, &ManufacturerID, 3);
  483. } else {
  484. //
  485. // HID containing ACP ID "NNNN####"
  486. // NNNN is uppercase letter for Vendor ID specified by manufacturer
  487. //
  488. CopyMem(Hid, &ManufacturerID, 4);
  489. PnpHID = FALSE;
  490. }
  491. } else {
  492. DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Get TPM_PT_MANUFACTURER failed %x!\n", Status));
  494. return Status;
  495. }
  496. Status = Tpm2GetCapabilityFirmwareVersion(&FirmwareVersion1, &FirmwareVersion2);
  497. if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
  498. DEBUG((EFI_D_INFO, "TPM_PT_FIRMWARE_VERSION_1 0x%x\n", FirmwareVersion1));
  499. DEBUG((EFI_D_INFO, "TPM_PT_FIRMWARE_VERSION_2 0x%x\n", FirmwareVersion2));
  500. //
  501. // #### is Firmware Version 1
  502. //
  503. if (PnpHID) {
  504. AsciiSPrint(Hid + 3, TPM_HID_PNP_SIZE - 3, "%02d%02d", ((FirmwareVersion1 & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16), (FirmwareVersion1 & 0x0000FFFF));
  505. } else {
  506. AsciiSPrint(Hid + 4, TPM_HID_ACPI_SIZE - 4, "%02d%02d", ((FirmwareVersion1 & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16), (FirmwareVersion1 & 0x0000FFFF));
  507. }
  508. } else {
  509. DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Get TPM_PT_FIRMWARE_VERSION_X failed %x!\n", Status));
  511. return Status;
  512. }
  513. //
  514. // Patch HID in ASL code before loading the SSDT.
  515. //
  516. for (DataPtr = (UINT8 *)(Table + 1);
  517. DataPtr <= (UINT8 *) ((UINT8 *) Table + Table->Length - TPM_HID_PNP_SIZE);
  518. DataPtr += 1) {
  519. if (AsciiStrCmp((CHAR8 *)DataPtr, TPM_HID_TAG) == 0) {
  520. if (PnpHID) {
  521. CopyMem(DataPtr, Hid, TPM_HID_PNP_SIZE);
  522. //
  523. // if HID is PNP ID, patch the last byte in HID TAG to Noop
  524. //
  525. *(DataPtr + TPM_HID_PNP_SIZE) = AML_NOOP_OP;
  526. } else {
  527. CopyMem(DataPtr, Hid, TPM_HID_ACPI_SIZE);
  528. }
  529. DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, "TPM2 ACPI _HID is patched to %a\n", DataPtr));
  530. return Status;
  531. }
  532. }
  533. DEBUG((EFI_D_ERROR, "TPM2 ACPI HID TAG for patch not found!\n"));
  534. return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
  535. }
  536. /**
  537. Initialize and publish TPM items in ACPI table.
  538. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The TCG ACPI table is published successfully.
  539. @retval Others The TCG ACPI table is not published.
  540. **/
  542. PublishAcpiTable (
  543. VOID
  544. )
  545. {
  546. EFI_STATUS Status;
  548. UINTN TableKey;
  550. UINTN TableSize;
  551. UINT32 *PossibleIrqNumBuf;
  552. UINT32 PossibleIrqNumBufSize;
  553. BOOLEAN IsShortFormPkgLength;
  554. IsShortFormPkgLength = FALSE;
  555. Status = GetSectionFromFv (
  556. &gEfiCallerIdGuid,
  558. 0,
  559. (VOID **) &Table,
  560. &TableSize
  561. );
  562. ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
  563. //
  564. // Update Table version before measuring it to PCR
  565. //
  566. Status = UpdatePPVersion(Table, (CHAR8 *)PcdGetPtr(PcdTcgPhysicalPresenceInterfaceVer));
  567. ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
  568. DEBUG ((
  569. DEBUG_INFO,
  570. "Current physical presence interface version - %a\n",
  571. (CHAR8 *) PcdGetPtr(PcdTcgPhysicalPresenceInterfaceVer)
  572. ));
  573. //
  574. // Update TPM2 HID before measuring it to PCR
  575. //
  576. Status = UpdateHID(Table);
  577. if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
  578. return Status;
  579. }
  580. if (PcdGet32(PcdTpm2CurrentIrqNum) != 0) {
  581. //
  582. // Patch _PRS interrupt resource only when TPM interrupt is supported
  583. //
  584. PossibleIrqNumBuf = (UINT32 *)PcdGetPtr(PcdTpm2PossibleIrqNumBuf);
  585. PossibleIrqNumBufSize = (UINT32)PcdGetSize(PcdTpm2PossibleIrqNumBuf);
  586. if (PossibleIrqNumBufSize <= MAX_PRS_INT_BUF_SIZE && (PossibleIrqNumBufSize % sizeof(UINT32)) == 0) {
  587. Status = UpdatePossibleResource(Table, PossibleIrqNumBuf, PossibleIrqNumBufSize, &IsShortFormPkgLength);
  588. DEBUG ((
  589. DEBUG_INFO,
  590. "UpdatePossibleResource status - %x. TPM2 service may not ready in OS.\n",
  591. Status
  592. ));
  593. } else {
  594. DEBUG ((
  595. DEBUG_INFO,
  596. "PcdTpm2PossibleIrqNumBuf size %x is not correct. TPM2 service may not ready in OS.\n",
  597. PossibleIrqNumBufSize
  598. ));
  599. }
  600. }
  601. //
  602. // Measure to PCR[0] with event EV_POST_CODE ACPI DATA
  603. //
  604. TpmMeasureAndLogData(
  605. 0,
  606. EV_POST_CODE,
  609. Table,
  610. TableSize
  611. );
  612. ASSERT (Table->OemTableId == SIGNATURE_64 ('T', 'p', 'm', '2', 'T', 'a', 'b', 'l'));
  613. CopyMem (Table->OemId, PcdGetPtr (PcdAcpiDefaultOemId), sizeof (Table->OemId) );
  614. mTcgNvs = AssignOpRegion (Table, SIGNATURE_32 ('T', 'N', 'V', 'S'), (UINT16) sizeof (TCG_NVS));
  615. ASSERT (mTcgNvs != NULL);
  616. mTcgNvs->TpmIrqNum = PcdGet32(PcdTpm2CurrentIrqNum);
  617. mTcgNvs->IsShortFormPkgLength = IsShortFormPkgLength;
  618. //
  619. // Publish the TPM ACPI table. Table is re-checksummed.
  620. //
  621. Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (&gEfiAcpiTableProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **) &AcpiTable);
  622. ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
  623. TableKey = 0;
  624. Status = AcpiTable->InstallAcpiTable (
  625. AcpiTable,
  626. Table,
  627. TableSize,
  628. &TableKey
  629. );
  630. ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
  631. return Status;
  632. }
  633. /**
  634. Publish TPM2 ACPI table
  635. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The TPM2 ACPI table is published successfully.
  636. @retval Others The TPM2 ACPI table is not published.
  637. **/
  639. PublishTpm2 (
  640. VOID
  641. )
  642. {
  643. EFI_STATUS Status;
  645. UINTN TableKey;
  646. UINT64 OemTableId;
  647. EFI_TPM2_ACPI_CONTROL_AREA *ControlArea;
  648. TPM2_PTP_INTERFACE_TYPE InterfaceType;
  649. mTpm2AcpiTemplate.Header.Revision = PcdGet8(PcdTpm2AcpiTableRev);
  650. DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, "Tpm2 ACPI table revision is %d\n", mTpm2AcpiTemplate.Header.Revision));
  651. //
  652. // PlatformClass is only valid for version 4 and above
  653. // BIT0~15: PlatformClass
  654. // BIT16~31: Reserved
  655. //
  656. if (mTpm2AcpiTemplate.Header.Revision >= EFI_TPM2_ACPI_TABLE_REVISION_4) {
  657. mTpm2AcpiTemplate.Flags = (mTpm2AcpiTemplate.Flags & 0xFFFF0000) | PcdGet8(PcdTpmPlatformClass);
  658. DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, "Tpm2 ACPI table PlatformClass is %d\n", (mTpm2AcpiTemplate.Flags & 0x0000FFFF)));
  659. }
  660. mTpm2AcpiTemplate.Laml = PcdGet32(PcdTpm2AcpiTableLaml);
  661. mTpm2AcpiTemplate.Lasa = PcdGet64(PcdTpm2AcpiTableLasa);
  662. if ((mTpm2AcpiTemplate.Header.Revision < EFI_TPM2_ACPI_TABLE_REVISION_4) ||
  663. (mTpm2AcpiTemplate.Laml == 0) || (mTpm2AcpiTemplate.Lasa == 0)) {
  664. //
  665. // If version is smaller than 4 or Laml/Lasa is not valid, rollback to original Length.
  666. //
  667. mTpm2AcpiTemplate.Header.Length = sizeof(EFI_TPM2_ACPI_TABLE);
  668. }
  669. //
  670. // Measure to PCR[0] with event EV_POST_CODE ACPI DATA
  671. //
  672. TpmMeasureAndLogData(
  673. 0,
  674. EV_POST_CODE,
  677. &mTpm2AcpiTemplate,
  678. mTpm2AcpiTemplate.Header.Length
  679. );
  680. InterfaceType = PcdGet8(PcdActiveTpmInterfaceType);
  681. switch (InterfaceType) {
  682. case Tpm2PtpInterfaceCrb:
  684. mTpm2AcpiTemplate.AddressOfControlArea = PcdGet64 (PcdTpmBaseAddress) + 0x40;
  685. ControlArea = (EFI_TPM2_ACPI_CONTROL_AREA *)(UINTN)mTpm2AcpiTemplate.AddressOfControlArea;
  686. ControlArea->CommandSize = 0xF80;
  687. ControlArea->ResponseSize = 0xF80;
  688. ControlArea->Command = PcdGet64 (PcdTpmBaseAddress) + 0x80;
  689. ControlArea->Response = PcdGet64 (PcdTpmBaseAddress) + 0x80;
  690. break;
  691. case Tpm2PtpInterfaceFifo:
  692. case Tpm2PtpInterfaceTis:
  693. break;
  694. default:
  695. DEBUG((EFI_D_ERROR, "TPM2 InterfaceType get error! %d\n", InterfaceType));
  696. break;
  697. }
  698. CopyMem (mTpm2AcpiTemplate.Header.OemId, PcdGetPtr (PcdAcpiDefaultOemId), sizeof (mTpm2AcpiTemplate.Header.OemId));
  699. OemTableId = PcdGet64 (PcdAcpiDefaultOemTableId);
  700. CopyMem (&mTpm2AcpiTemplate.Header.OemTableId, &OemTableId, sizeof (UINT64));
  701. mTpm2AcpiTemplate.Header.OemRevision = PcdGet32 (PcdAcpiDefaultOemRevision);
  702. mTpm2AcpiTemplate.Header.CreatorId = PcdGet32 (PcdAcpiDefaultCreatorId);
  703. mTpm2AcpiTemplate.Header.CreatorRevision = PcdGet32 (PcdAcpiDefaultCreatorRevision);
  704. //
  705. // Construct ACPI table
  706. //
  707. Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (&gEfiAcpiTableProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **) &AcpiTable);
  708. ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
  709. Status = AcpiTable->InstallAcpiTable (
  710. AcpiTable,
  711. &mTpm2AcpiTemplate,
  712. mTpm2AcpiTemplate.Header.Length,
  713. &TableKey
  714. );
  715. ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
  716. return Status;
  717. }
  718. /**
  719. The driver's entry point.
  720. It install callbacks for TPM physical presence and MemoryClear, and locate
  721. SMM variable to be used in the callback function.
  722. @param[in] ImageHandle The firmware allocated handle for the EFI image.
  723. @param[in] SystemTable A pointer to the EFI System Table.
  724. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The entry point is executed successfully.
  725. @retval Others Some error occurs when executing this entry point.
  726. **/
  728. EFIAPI
  729. InitializeTcgSmm (
  730. IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle,
  731. IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable
  732. )
  733. {
  734. EFI_STATUS Status;
  737. EFI_HANDLE SwHandle;
  738. if (!CompareGuid (PcdGetPtr(PcdTpmInstanceGuid), &gEfiTpmDeviceInstanceTpm20DtpmGuid)){
  739. DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "No TPM2 DTPM instance required!\n"));
  740. return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
  741. }
  742. Status = PublishAcpiTable ();
  743. ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
  744. //
  745. // Get the Sw dispatch protocol and register SMI callback functions.
  746. //
  747. Status = gSmst->SmmLocateProtocol (&gEfiSmmSwDispatch2ProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID**)&SwDispatch);
  748. ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
  749. SwContext.SwSmiInputValue = (UINTN) -1;
  750. Status = SwDispatch->Register (SwDispatch, PhysicalPresenceCallback, &SwContext, &SwHandle);
  751. ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
  752. if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
  753. return Status;
  754. }
  755. mTcgNvs->PhysicalPresence.SoftwareSmi = (UINT8) SwContext.SwSmiInputValue;
  756. SwContext.SwSmiInputValue = (UINTN) -1;
  757. Status = SwDispatch->Register (SwDispatch, MemoryClearCallback, &SwContext, &SwHandle);
  758. ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
  759. if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
  760. return Status;
  761. }
  762. mTcgNvs->MemoryClear.SoftwareSmi = (UINT8) SwContext.SwSmiInputValue;
  763. //
  764. // Locate SmmVariableProtocol.
  765. //
  766. Status = gSmst->SmmLocateProtocol (&gEfiSmmVariableProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID**)&mSmmVariable);
  767. ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
  768. //
  769. // Set TPM2 ACPI table
  770. //
  771. Status = PublishTpm2 ();
  772. ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
  773. return EFI_SUCCESS;
  774. }