toolsetup.bat 13 KB

  1. @REM @file
  2. @REM This stand-alone program is typically called by the edksetup.bat file,
  3. @REM however it may be executed directly from the BaseTools project folder
  4. @REM if the file is not executed within a WORKSPACE\BaseTools folder.
  5. @REM
  6. @REM Copyright (c) 2006 - 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
  7. @REM (C) Copyright 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP<BR>
  8. @REM
  9. @REM SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
  10. @REM
  11. @echo off
  12. pushd .
  13. set SCRIPT_ERROR=0
  14. @REM ##############################################################
  15. @REM # You should not have to modify anything below this line
  16. @REM #
  17. if /I "%1"=="-h" goto Usage
  18. if /I "%1"=="-help" goto Usage
  19. if /I "%1"=="--help" goto Usage
  20. if /I "%1"=="/h" goto Usage
  21. if /I "%1"=="/help" goto Usage
  22. if /I "%1"=="/?" goto Usage
  23. :loop
  24. if "%1"=="" goto setup_workspace
  25. if /I "%1"=="Reconfig" (
  26. shift
  28. goto loop
  29. )
  30. if /I "%1"=="Rebuild" (
  31. shift
  32. set REBUILD=TRUE
  33. goto loop
  34. )
  35. if /I "%1"=="ForceRebuild" (
  36. shift
  38. goto loop
  39. )
  40. if /I "%1"=="VS2019" (
  41. shift
  42. set VS2019=TRUE
  43. set VSTool=VS2019
  44. goto loop
  45. )
  46. if /I "%1"=="VS2017" (
  47. shift
  48. set VS2017=TRUE
  49. set VSTool=VS2017
  50. goto loop
  51. )
  52. if /I "%1"=="VS2015" (
  53. shift
  54. set VS2015=TRUE
  55. set VSTool=VS2015
  56. goto loop
  57. )
  58. if /I "%1"=="VS2013" (
  59. shift
  60. set VS2013=TRUE
  61. set VSTool=VS2013
  62. goto loop
  63. )
  64. if /I "%1"=="VS2012" (
  65. shift
  66. set VS2012=TRUE
  67. set VSTool=VS2012
  68. goto loop
  69. )
  70. if "%1"=="" goto setup_workspace
  71. if exist %1 (
  72. if not defined BASE_TOOLS_PATH (
  73. if exist %1\Source set BASE_TOOLS_PATH=%1
  74. shift
  75. goto loop
  76. )
  77. if not defined EDK_TOOLS_PATH (
  78. if exist %1\Bin\Win32 set EDK_TOOLS_PATH=%1
  79. shift
  80. goto loop
  81. )
  82. echo.
  83. echo !!! ERROR !!! Unknown argument, %1 !!!
  84. echo.
  85. goto end
  86. ) else (
  87. echo.
  88. echo !!! ERROR !!! Unknown argument, %1 !!!
  89. echo.
  90. goto end
  91. )
  92. goto loop
  93. @REM
  94. @REM Check the required system environment variables
  95. @REM
  96. :setup_workspace
  97. REM
  98. REM check the EDK_TOOLS_PATH
  99. REM
  100. if not defined EDK_TOOLS_PATH goto no_EDK_TOOLS_PATH
  101. if exist %EDK_TOOLS_PATH% goto set_PATH
  102. :no_EDK_TOOLS_PATH
  103. if not defined WORKSPACE (
  104. if defined BASE_TOOLS_PATH (
  106. goto set_PATH
  107. ) else (
  108. echo.
  109. echo !!! ERROR !!! Neither BASE_TOOLS_PATH nor EDK_TOOLS_PATH are set. !!!
  110. echo.
  111. goto end
  112. )
  113. ) else (
  114. if exist %WORKSPACE%\BaseTools\Bin (
  115. set EDK_TOOLS_PATH=%WORKSPACE%\BaseTools
  116. goto set_PATH
  117. ) else (
  118. echo.
  119. echo !!! ERROR !!! No tools path available. Please set EDK_TOOLS_PATH !!!
  120. echo.
  121. goto end
  122. )
  123. )
  124. :set_PATH
  125. if defined WORKSPACE_TOOLS_PATH goto check_PATH
  126. if not defined EDK_TOOLS_BIN (
  127. set EDK_TOOLS_BIN=%EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\Bin\Win32
  128. if not exist %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\Bin\Win32 (
  129. echo.
  130. echo !!! ERROR !!! Cannot find BaseTools Bin Win32!!!
  131. echo Please check the directory %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\Bin\Win32
  132. echo Or configure EDK_TOOLS_BIN env to point Win32 directory.
  133. echo.
  134. )
  135. )
  136. set PATH=%EDK_TOOLS_BIN%;%PATH%
  138. goto PATH_ok
  139. :check_PATH
  141. if not defined EDK_TOOLS_BIN (
  142. set EDK_TOOLS_BIN=%EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\Bin\Win32
  143. if not exist %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\Bin\Win32 (
  144. echo.
  145. echo !!! ERROR !!! Cannot find BaseTools Bin Win32!!!
  146. echo Please check the directory %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\Bin\Win32
  147. echo Or configure EDK_TOOLS_BIN env to point Win32 directory.
  148. echo.
  149. )
  150. )
  151. set PATH=%EDK_TOOLS_BIN%;%PATH%
  153. echo Resetting the PATH variable to include the EDK_TOOLS_PATH for this session.
  154. :PATH_ok
  155. REM
  156. REM copy *.template to %CONF_PATH%
  157. REM
  158. if not defined WORKSPACE (
  159. if defined RECONFIG (
  160. echo.
  161. echo !!! WARNING !!! WORKSPACE environment variable was not set, cannot Reconfig !!!
  162. echo.
  163. )
  164. goto skip_reconfig
  165. )
  166. IF NOT exist "%EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\set_vsprefix_envs.bat" (
  167. @echo.
  168. @echo !!! ERROR !!! The set_vsprefix_envs.bat was not found !!!
  169. @echo.
  170. goto end
  171. )
  172. if defined VS2019 (
  173. call %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\set_vsprefix_envs.bat VS2019
  174. ) else if defined VS2017 (
  175. call %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\set_vsprefix_envs.bat VS2017
  176. ) else if defined VS2015 (
  177. call %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\set_vsprefix_envs.bat VS2015
  178. call %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\get_vsvars.bat VS2015
  179. ) else if defined VS2013 (
  180. call %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\set_vsprefix_envs.bat VS2013
  181. call %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\get_vsvars.bat VS2013
  182. ) else if defined VS2012 (
  183. call %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\set_vsprefix_envs.bat VS2012
  184. call %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\get_vsvars.bat VS2012
  185. ) else (
  186. call %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\set_vsprefix_envs.bat
  187. call %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\get_vsvars.bat
  188. )
  189. if %SCRIPT_ERROR% NEQ 0 (
  190. @echo.
  191. @echo !!! ERROR !!! %VSTool% is not installed !!!
  192. @echo.
  193. goto end
  194. )
  195. if not defined CONF_PATH (
  196. set CONF_PATH=%WORKSPACE%\Conf
  197. )
  198. if NOT exist %CONF_PATH% (
  199. if defined PACKAGES_PATH (
  200. for %%i IN (%PACKAGES_PATH%) DO (
  201. if exist %%~fi\Conf (
  202. set CONF_PATH=%%i\Conf
  203. goto CopyConf
  204. )
  205. )
  206. )
  207. )
  208. :CopyConf
  209. if NOT exist %CONF_PATH% (
  210. mkdir %CONF_PATH%
  211. ) else (
  212. if defined RECONFIG (
  213. echo.
  214. echo Over-writing the files in the CONF_PATH directory
  215. echo using the default template files
  216. echo.
  217. )
  218. )
  219. if NOT exist %CONF_PATH%\target.txt (
  220. echo copying ... target.template to %CONF_PATH%\target.txt
  221. if NOT exist %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\Conf\target.template (
  222. echo Error: target.template is missing at folder %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\Conf\
  223. )
  224. copy %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\Conf\target.template %CONF_PATH%\target.txt > nul
  225. ) else (
  226. if defined RECONFIG echo over-write ... target.template to %CONF_PATH%\target.txt
  227. if defined RECONFIG copy /Y %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\Conf\target.template %CONF_PATH%\target.txt > nul
  228. )
  229. if NOT exist %CONF_PATH%\tools_def.txt (
  230. echo copying ... tools_def.template to %CONF_PATH%\tools_def.txt
  231. if NOT exist %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\Conf\tools_def.template (
  232. echo Error: tools_def.template is missing at folder %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\Conf\
  233. )
  234. copy %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\Conf\tools_def.template %CONF_PATH%\tools_def.txt > nul
  235. ) else (
  236. if defined RECONFIG echo over-write ... tools_def.template to %CONF_PATH%\tools_def.txt
  237. if defined RECONFIG copy /Y %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\Conf\tools_def.template %CONF_PATH%\tools_def.txt > nul
  238. )
  239. if NOT exist %CONF_PATH%\build_rule.txt (
  240. echo copying ... build_rule.template to %CONF_PATH%\build_rule.txt
  241. if NOT exist %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\Conf\build_rule.template (
  242. echo Error: build_rule.template is missing at folder %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\Conf\
  243. )
  244. copy %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\Conf\build_rule.template %CONF_PATH%\build_rule.txt > nul
  245. ) else (
  246. if defined RECONFIG echo over-write ... build_rule.template to %CONF_PATH%\build_rule.txt
  247. if defined RECONFIG copy /Y %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\Conf\build_rule.template %CONF_PATH%\build_rule.txt > nul
  248. )
  249. echo PATH = %PATH%
  250. echo.
  251. if defined WORKSPACE (
  253. )
  254. if defined PACKAGES_PATH (
  256. )
  258. if defined BASE_TOOLS_PATH (
  260. )
  261. if defined EDK_TOOLS_BIN (
  263. )
  264. echo CONF_PATH = %CONF_PATH%
  265. echo.
  266. :skip_reconfig
  267. @REM
  268. @REM Test if we are going to have to do a build
  269. @REM
  270. if defined FORCE_REBUILD goto check_build_environment
  271. if defined REBUILD goto check_build_environment
  272. if not exist "%EDK_TOOLS_PATH%" goto check_build_environment
  273. if not exist "%EDK_TOOLS_BIN%" goto check_build_environment
  274. IF NOT EXIST "%EDK_TOOLS_BIN%\EfiRom.exe" goto check_c_tools
  275. IF NOT EXIST "%EDK_TOOLS_BIN%\GenFfs.exe" goto check_c_tools
  276. IF NOT EXIST "%EDK_TOOLS_BIN%\GenFv.exe" goto check_c_tools
  277. IF NOT EXIST "%EDK_TOOLS_BIN%\GenFw.exe" goto check_c_tools
  278. IF NOT EXIST "%EDK_TOOLS_BIN%\GenSec.exe" goto check_c_tools
  279. IF NOT EXIST "%EDK_TOOLS_BIN%\Split.exe" goto check_c_tools
  280. IF NOT EXIST "%EDK_TOOLS_BIN%\TianoCompress.exe" goto check_c_tools
  281. IF NOT EXIST "%EDK_TOOLS_BIN%\VfrCompile.exe" goto check_c_tools
  282. IF NOT EXIST "%EDK_TOOLS_BIN%\VolInfo.exe" goto check_c_tools
  283. goto check_build_environment
  284. :check_c_tools
  285. echo.
  286. echo !!! ERROR !!! Binary C tools are missing. They are required to be built from BaseTools Source.
  287. echo.
  288. :check_build_environment
  290. if not defined BASE_TOOLS_PATH (
  291. if not exist "Source\C\Makefile" (
  292. if not exist "%EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\Source\C\Makefile" goto no_source_files
  294. ) else (
  295. set BASE_TOOLS_PATH=%CD%
  296. )
  297. )
  298. :defined_python
  299. if defined PYTHON_COMMAND if not defined PYTHON3_ENABLE (
  300. goto check_python_available
  301. )
  302. if defined PYTHON3_ENABLE (
  303. if "%PYTHON3_ENABLE%" EQU "TRUE" (
  304. set PYTHON_COMMAND=py -3
  305. goto check_python_available
  306. ) else (
  307. goto check_python2
  308. )
  309. )
  310. if not defined PYTHON_COMMAND if not defined PYTHON3_ENABLE (
  311. set PYTHON_COMMAND=py -3
  312. py -3 %BASE_TOOLS_PATH%\Tests\ >PythonCheck.txt 2>&1
  313. setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
  314. set /p PythonCheck=<"PythonCheck.txt"
  315. del PythonCheck.txt
  316. if "!PythonCheck!" NEQ "TRUE" (
  317. if not defined PYTHON_HOME if not defined PYTHONHOME (
  318. endlocal
  319. set PYTHON_COMMAND=
  320. echo.
  321. echo !!! ERROR !!! Binary python tools are missing.
  323. echo Environment variable is not set successfully.
  324. echo They is required to build or execute the python tools.
  325. echo.
  326. goto end
  327. ) else (
  328. goto check_python2
  329. )
  330. ) else (
  331. goto check_freezer_path
  332. )
  333. )
  334. :check_python2
  335. endlocal
  336. if defined PYTHON_HOME (
  337. if EXIST "%PYTHON_HOME%" (
  338. set PYTHON_COMMAND=%PYTHON_HOME%\python.exe
  339. goto check_python_available
  340. )
  341. )
  342. if defined PYTHONHOME (
  343. if EXIST "%PYTHONHOME%" (
  345. set PYTHON_COMMAND=%PYTHON_HOME%\python.exe
  346. goto check_python_available
  347. )
  348. )
  349. echo.
  350. echo !!! ERROR !!! PYTHON_HOME is not defined or The value of this variable does not exist
  351. echo.
  352. goto end
  353. :check_python_available
  354. %PYTHON_COMMAND% %BASE_TOOLS_PATH%\Tests\ >PythonCheck.txt 2>&1
  355. setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
  356. set /p PythonCheck=<"PythonCheck.txt"
  357. del PythonCheck.txt
  358. if "!PythonCheck!" NEQ "TRUE" (
  359. echo.
  360. echo ! ERROR ! "%PYTHON_COMMAND%" is not installed or added to environment variables
  361. echo.
  362. goto end
  363. ) else (
  364. goto check_freezer_path
  365. )
  366. :check_freezer_path
  367. endlocal
  368. if defined BASETOOLS_PYTHON_SOURCE goto print_python_info
  369. set "PATH=%BASE_TOOLS_PATH%\BinWrappers\WindowsLike;%PATH%"
  372. :print_python_info
  373. echo PATH = %PATH%
  374. if defined PYTHON3_ENABLE if "%PYTHON3_ENABLE%" EQU "TRUE" (
  376. echo PYTHON3 = %PYTHON_COMMAND%
  377. ) else (
  378. echo PYTHON3_ENABLE = FALSE
  380. )
  382. echo.
  383. :VisualStudioAvailable
  384. if not defined FORCE_REBUILD (
  385. if not defined REBUILD (
  386. goto end
  387. )
  388. )
  389. if not defined VCINSTALLDIR (
  390. @echo.
  391. @echo !!! ERROR !!!! Cannot find Visual Studio, required to build C tools !!!
  392. @echo.
  393. goto end
  394. )
  395. if not defined FORCE_REBUILD goto IncrementalBuild
  396. :CleanAndBuild
  397. pushd .
  398. cd %BASE_TOOLS_PATH%
  399. call nmake cleanall
  400. del /f /q %BASE_TOOLS_PATH%\Bin\Win32\*.*
  401. popd
  402. @REM Let CleanAndBuild fall through to IncrementalBuild
  403. :IncrementalBuild
  404. pushd .
  405. cd %BASE_TOOLS_PATH%
  406. call nmake c
  407. popd
  408. goto end
  409. :no_source_files
  410. echo.
  411. echo !!! ERROR !!! Cannot build BaseTools applications - no source directory located !!!
  412. echo.
  413. goto end
  414. :Usage
  415. @echo.
  416. echo Usage: "%0 [-h | -help | --help | /h | /help | /?] [ Rebuild | ForceRebuild ] [Reconfig] [base_tools_path [edk_tools_path]] [VS2019] [VS2017] [VS2015] [VS2013] [VS2012]"
  417. @echo.
  418. @echo base_tools_path BaseTools project path, BASE_TOOLS_PATH will be set to this path.
  419. @echo edk_tools_path EDK_TOOLS_PATH will be set to this path.
  420. @echo Rebuild If sources are available perform an Incremental build, only
  421. @echo build those updated tools.
  422. @echo ForceRebuild If sources are available, rebuild all tools regardless of
  423. @echo whether they have been updated or not.
  424. @echo Reconfig Reinstall target.txt, tools_def.txt and build_rule.txt.
  425. @echo VS2012 Set the env for VS2012 build.
  426. @echo VS2013 Set the env for VS2013 build.
  427. @echo VS2015 Set the env for VS2015 build.
  428. @echo VS2017 Set the env for VS2017 build.
  429. @echo VS2019 Set the env for VS2019 build.
  430. @echo.
  431. :end
  432. set REBUILD=
  433. set FORCE_REBUILD=
  434. set RECONFIG=
  435. set VS2019=
  436. set VS2017=
  437. set VS2015=
  438. set VS2013=
  439. set VS2012=
  440. set VSTool=
  441. popd