AcpiViewConfig.h 3.6 KB

  1. /** @file
  2. Header file for 'acpiview' configuration.
  3. Copyright (c) 2016 - 2020, ARM Limited. All rights reserved.<BR>
  4. SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
  5. **/
  6. #ifndef ACPI_VIEW_CONFIG_H_
  7. #define ACPI_VIEW_CONFIG_H_
  8. /**
  9. This function returns the colour highlighting status.
  10. @retval TRUE Colour highlighting is enabled.
  11. **/
  13. EFIAPI
  14. GetColourHighlighting (
  15. VOID
  16. );
  17. /**
  18. This function sets the colour highlighting status.
  19. @param [in] Highlight The highlight status.
  20. **/
  21. VOID
  22. EFIAPI
  23. SetColourHighlighting (
  24. BOOLEAN Highlight
  25. );
  26. /**
  27. This function returns the consistency checking status.
  28. @retval TRUE Consistency checking is enabled.
  29. **/
  31. EFIAPI
  32. GetConsistencyChecking (
  33. VOID
  34. );
  35. /**
  36. This function sets the consistency checking status.
  37. @param [in] ConsistencyChecking The consistency checking status.
  38. **/
  39. VOID
  40. EFIAPI
  41. SetConsistencyChecking (
  42. BOOLEAN ConsistencyChecking
  43. );
  44. /**
  45. This function returns the ACPI table requirements validation flag.
  46. @retval TRUE Check for mandatory table presence should be performed.
  47. **/
  49. EFIAPI
  50. GetMandatoryTableValidate (
  51. VOID
  52. );
  53. /**
  54. This function sets the ACPI table requirements validation flag.
  55. @param [in] Validate Enable/Disable ACPI table requirements validation.
  56. **/
  57. VOID
  58. EFIAPI
  59. SetMandatoryTableValidate (
  60. BOOLEAN Validate
  61. );
  62. /**
  63. This function returns the identifier of specification to validate ACPI table
  64. requirements against.
  65. @return ID of specification listing mandatory tables.
  66. **/
  67. UINTN
  68. EFIAPI
  69. GetMandatoryTableSpec (
  70. VOID
  71. );
  72. /**
  73. This function sets the identifier of specification to validate ACPI table
  74. requirements against.
  75. @param [in] Spec ID of specification listing mandatory tables.
  76. **/
  77. VOID
  78. EFIAPI
  79. SetMandatoryTableSpec (
  80. UINTN Spec
  81. );
  82. /**
  83. The EREPORT_OPTION enum describes ACPI table Reporting options.
  84. **/
  85. typedef enum {
  86. ReportAll, ///< Report All tables.
  87. ReportSelected, ///< Report Selected table.
  88. ReportTableList, ///< Report List of tables.
  89. ReportDumpBinFile, ///< Dump selected table to a file.
  90. ReportMax,
  92. /**
  93. This function returns the report options.
  94. @return The current report option.
  95. **/
  97. EFIAPI
  98. GetReportOption (
  99. VOID
  100. );
  101. /**
  102. This function sets the report options.
  103. @param [in] ReportType The report option to set.
  104. **/
  105. VOID
  106. EFIAPI
  107. SetReportOption (
  108. EREPORT_OPTION ReportType
  109. );
  110. /**
  111. A structure holding the user selection detailing which
  112. ACPI table is to be examined by the AcpiView code.
  113. **/
  114. typedef struct {
  115. UINT32 Type; ///< 32bit signature of the selected ACPI table.
  116. CONST CHAR16 *Name; ///< User friendly name of the selected ACPI table.
  117. BOOLEAN Found; ///< The selected table has been found in the system.
  119. /**
  120. This function returns the selected ACPI table.
  121. @param [out] SelectedAcpiTable Pointer that will contain the returned struct.
  122. **/
  123. VOID
  124. EFIAPI
  125. GetSelectedAcpiTable (
  126. OUT SELECTED_ACPI_TABLE **SelectedAcpiTable
  127. );
  128. /**
  129. This function selects an ACPI table in current context.
  130. The string name of the table is converted into UINT32
  131. table signature.
  132. @param [in] TableName The name of the ACPI table to select.
  133. **/
  134. VOID
  135. EFIAPI
  136. SelectAcpiTable (
  137. CONST CHAR16 *TableName
  138. );
  139. /**
  140. Reset the AcpiView user configuration to defaults.
  141. **/
  142. VOID
  143. EFIAPI
  144. AcpiConfigSetDefaults (
  145. VOID
  146. );
  147. #endif // ACPI_VIEW_CONFIG_H_