/** @file Definitions for OBB FVs verification. Copyright (c) 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #ifndef __FV_REPORT_PEI_H__ #define __FV_REPORT_PEI_H__ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define HASH_INFO_PTR(PreHashedFvPpi) \ (HASH_INFO *)((UINT8 *)(PreHashedFvPpi) + sizeof (EDKII_PEI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_INFO_PREHASHED_FV_PPI)) #define HASH_VALUE_PTR(HashInfo) \ (VOID *)((UINT8 *)(HashInfo) + sizeof (HASH_INFO)) /** Computes the message digest of a input data buffer. This function performs message digest of a given data buffer, and places the digest value into the specified memory. If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE. @param[in] Data Pointer to the buffer containing the data to be hashed. @param[in] DataSize Size of Data buffer in bytes. @param[out] HashValue Pointer to a buffer that receives digest value. @retval TRUE The digest computation succeeded. @retval FALSE The digest computation failed. **/ typedef BOOLEAN (EFIAPI *HASH_ALL_METHOD)( IN CONST VOID *Data, IN UINTN DataSize, OUT UINT8 *HashValue ); /** Initializes user-supplied memory as hash context for subsequent use. @param[out] HashContext Pointer to hash context being initialized. @retval TRUE Hash context initialization succeeded. @retval FALSE Hash context initialization failed. @retval FALSE This interface is not supported. **/ typedef BOOLEAN (EFIAPI *HASH_INIT_METHOD)( OUT VOID *HashContext ); /** Digests the input data and updates hash context. @param[in, out] HashContext Pointer to the hash context. @param[in] Data Pointer to the buffer containing the data to be hashed. @param[in] DataSize Size of Data buffer in bytes. @retval TRUE Hash data digest succeeded. @retval FALSE Hash data digest failed. @retval FALSE This interface is not supported. **/ typedef BOOLEAN (EFIAPI *HASH_UPDATE_METHOD)( IN OUT VOID *HashContext, IN CONST VOID *Data, IN UINTN DataSize ); /** Completes computation of the hash digest value. @param[in, out] HashContext Pointer to the hash context. @param[out] HashValue Pointer to a buffer that receives the hash digest value. @retval TRUE Hash digest computation succeeded. @retval FALSE Hash digest computation failed. @retval FALSE This interface is not supported. **/ typedef BOOLEAN (EFIAPI *HASH_FINAL_METHOD)( IN OUT VOID *HashContext, OUT UINT8 *HashValue ); typedef struct { UINT16 HashAlgId; UINTN HashSize; HASH_INIT_METHOD HashInit; HASH_UPDATE_METHOD HashUpdate; HASH_FINAL_METHOD HashFinal; HASH_ALL_METHOD HashAll; } HASH_ALG_INFO; #endif //__FV_REPORT_PEI_H__